Hematology and Clinical Microscopy Glossary - College of American ...

Hematology and Clinical Microscopy Glossary - College of American ...

Hematology and Clinical Microscopy Glossary - College of American ...


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Microorganisms<br />

Intracellular <strong>and</strong> extracellular organisms such as<br />

bacteria <strong>and</strong> yeast may be found in body fluids,<br />

particularly during the acute stage <strong>of</strong> an infection.<br />

The organisms are uniform in structure <strong>and</strong> staining<br />

characteristics. Bacteria must be differentiated from<br />

nonspecific phagocytic debris commonly found in<br />

neutrophils <strong>and</strong> macrophages <strong>and</strong> from precipitated<br />

stain. This can be easily done with a gram stain. A<br />

wide variety <strong>of</strong> parasites may be found in body fluids.<br />

The organisms usually have characteristic features that<br />

allow identification.<br />

Bacteria, Extracellular<br />

A wide variety <strong>of</strong> bacteria can be seen in body fluids,<br />

including bacilli, cocci, <strong>and</strong> filamentous bacteria. All<br />

are best seen under oil immersion magnification,<br />

<strong>and</strong> may be seen in an intracellular or extracellular<br />

location. However, when they are intracellular, the<br />

more specific identification <strong>of</strong> “neutrophil/macrophage<br />

with phagocytosed bacteria” should be used.<br />

Bacilli are rod-shaped bacteria, while cocci are<br />

spherical. Filamentous bacteria are bacilli that grow<br />

in a branching, filamentous pattern, reminiscent <strong>of</strong> a<br />

tree. They can be mistaken for fungal hyphae, but are<br />

typically smaller <strong>and</strong> narrower.<br />

Most bacteria have a basophilic hue on Wright-<br />

Giemsa stain. A Gram stain can be useful in<br />

separating these microorganisms into Gram-positive<br />

(blue/purple) <strong>and</strong> Gram-negative (pink) groups. An<br />

acid-fast stain is also useful in identifying certain<br />

filamentous bacteria. The most likely error in<br />

interpretation is to misidentify stain precipitate as<br />

microorganisms. This error can be avoided by<br />

remembering that bacteria tend to be relatively<br />

uniform in size <strong>and</strong> shape, while stain precipitate is<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten irregular in shape <strong>and</strong> individual grains vary<br />

considerably in size.<br />

Ehrlichia/Anaplasma<br />

Only recently recognized as an arthropod-borne<br />

infectious agent in humans, members <strong>of</strong> the genus<br />

Anaplasma (previously Ehrlichia) are small,<br />

Gram-negative obligate intracellular organisms<br />

currently classified as rickettsiae. On Wright-stained<br />

preparations, Anaplasma species appear as round,<br />

dark purple-stained dots or clusters <strong>of</strong> dots (morulae)<br />

in the cytoplasm <strong>of</strong> either PMNs (A. phagocytophilia)<br />

or monocytes <strong>and</strong> macrophages (A. chafeensis). The<br />

morulae are microcolonies <strong>of</strong> elementary bodies.<br />

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) <strong>and</strong> Body Fluid Cell Identification<br />

Parasites<br />

A wide variety <strong>of</strong> parasites may be found in body<br />

fluids. The organisms usually have characteristic<br />

features that allow identification. Both unicellular<br />

(eg, amoeba, Giardia) <strong>and</strong> multicellular (eg,<br />

tapeworm, roundworms) can be encountered.<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>iciency testing identification <strong>of</strong> a parasite should<br />

be performed in accordance with defined laboratory<br />

policy for patient samples.<br />

Yeast/Fungi, Extracellular<br />

Yeast <strong>and</strong> fungi may assume a variety <strong>of</strong> forms. They<br />

are regular in contour <strong>and</strong> usually basophilic on<br />

Wright-Giemsa stain. They may be within or outside <strong>of</strong><br />

cells <strong>and</strong> can have a clear capsule surrounding them.<br />

If located intracellularly, the more specific identification<br />

<strong>of</strong> “neutrophil/macrophage with phagocytosed<br />

fungi” should be used. The most commonly<br />

encountered yeast is C<strong>and</strong>ida albicans. It is ovoid,<br />

5 to 7 μm, <strong>and</strong> has a thick wall. The spores may form<br />

pseudohyphae that branch <strong>and</strong> may have terminal<br />

budding forms. These pseudohyphae may be up to<br />

50 μm in length. These microorganisms can be<br />

accentuated, as can most fungal organisms, by<br />

GMS (Gomori methenamine silver) staining. The<br />

pseudohyphae may be encountered in<br />

immunocompromised patients with severe infection.<br />

In the cerebrospinal fluid, Cryptococcus is the most<br />

commonly encountered fungus. This microorganism<br />

is a round to oval yeast-like fungus ranging from 3.5<br />

to 8 μm or more in diameter, usually with a thick<br />

mucopolysaccharide capsule. Budding forms display<br />

a narrow neck. These microorganisms are <strong>of</strong>ten lightly<br />

basophilic on Wright-Giemsa stain, <strong>and</strong> the capsule is<br />

accentuated by staining with mucicarmine.<br />

Miscellaneous Findings<br />

Fat Droplets<br />

Fat droplets are found free in the fluid as translucent<br />

or nearly translucent spheres <strong>of</strong> varying size. They are<br />

quite refractile <strong>and</strong> are anucleate. Fat droplets may<br />

be endogenous or exogenous in origin. In CSF fat<br />

droplets suggest injected dyes or fat emboli. They are<br />

seen in body cavities in pancreatitis <strong>and</strong> dyslipidemia.<br />

In synovial fluid they suggest an articular fracture.<br />

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