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<strong>WORLD</strong> <strong>TRADE</strong><br />

<strong>ORGANIZATION</strong><br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

19 April 2010<br />

(10-1988)<br />

Committee on Market Access Original: English/<br />

French<br />



Communication from Canada<br />

The following communication, dated 14 April 2010, is being circulated at the request of the<br />

Delegation of Canada.<br />

_______________<br />

1. As an example of its continued commitment to liberalize trade and open markets, the<br />

Government of Canada wishes to update World Trade Organization Members of recent actions it has<br />

unilaterally taken to eliminate Most-Favoured-Nation (MFN) applied rates of customs duty on all<br />

manufacturing inputs and machinery and equipment.<br />

2. In its 2009 federal budget, the Government of Canada eliminated the MFN applied rate of<br />

customs duty on a range of imported machinery and equipment items. As of January 28, 2009, 214<br />

tariff lines, with a simple average MFN rate of 5.2 percent and accounting for over C$2 billion in<br />

annual dutiable imports, saw their MFN applied rates of customs duty reduced to zero. 1<br />

3. In its 2010 federal budget, tabled in Parliament on March 4, 2010, the Government of Canada<br />

announced a second set of tariff liberalization measures that eliminates the MFN applied rates of<br />

customs duty on an additional 1,541 tariff items. The majority of these items, with a simple average<br />

MFN rate of 7.2 percent, became duty-free effective as of March 5, 2010, with the remainder<br />

scheduled to be gradually eliminated, starting on March 5, 2010, by no later than January 1, 2015. 2<br />

As a result of this latest action, Canada will have eliminated its remaining MFN applied rates of<br />

customs duty on manufacturing inputs and machinery and equipment and liberalized an additional C$<br />

5 billion in annual dutiable imports. 3<br />

4. Taken together, and when compared to the situation pre-Budget 2009, these actions will result<br />

in the liberalization of approximately 43 percent of MFN applied dutiable tariff items and close to 15<br />

percent of dutiable imports.<br />

1 See Annex 1. Also available at http://www.budget.gc.ca/2009/plan/bpc3e-eng.html#4 and<br />

http://www.cbsa.gc.ca/trade-commerce/tariff-tarif/2009/tn38-eng.html<br />

2 See Annex 2. Also available at http://www.budget.gc.ca/2010/plan/chap3c-eng.html#a42 and<br />

http://www.cbsa.gc.ca/trade-commerce/tariff-tarif/2010/tn49-eng.html<br />

3 While in effect since March 5, 2010, these measures are still subject to ratification by Parliament.<br />

Bill C-9, tabled in Parliament on March 29, 2010, includes the necessary legislative amendments to Canada’s<br />

Customs Tariff. These changes will be incorporated in due course in Canada’s IDB submission.

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Page 2<br />

5. While these measures are primarily aimed at enhancing the competitiveness and productivity<br />

of Canadian manufacturers, they also constitute concrete actions to open global markets and keep<br />

them open.<br />


Annex I<br />

Canadian Federal Budget Measures - 2009<br />

Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff Elimination on Machinery and Equipment<br />

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

8406.81.10 Steam turbines and other vapour Other turbines: Of an output For use in the manufacture of generator sets 6% January 28, 2009<br />

turbines.<br />

exceeding 40 MW<br />

8406.81.90 Steam turbines and other vapour Other turbines: Of an output Other 9.5% January 28, 2009<br />

turbines.<br />

exceeding 40 MW<br />

8406.82.19 Steam turbines and other vapour Other turbines: Of an output not For use in the manufacture of generator 6% January 28, 2009<br />

turbines.<br />

exceeding 40 MW<br />

sets: Other<br />

8406.82.90 Steam turbines and other vapour Other turbines: Of an output not Other 9.5% January 28, 2009<br />

turbines.<br />

exceeding 40 MW<br />

8406.90.32 Steam turbines and other vapour Parts Other parts of the goods of tariff item No. 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

turbines.<br />

8406.81.10, 8406.81.90, 8406.82.11,<br />

8406.90.34 Steam turbines and other vapour Parts<br />

8406.82.19 or 8406.82.90: Other rotors, not<br />

further advanced than cleaned or machined<br />

for removal of fins, gates, sprues or risers,<br />

or to permit location in finishing machinery<br />

Other parts of the goods of tariff item No. 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

turbines.<br />

8406.81.10, 8406.81.90, 8406.82.11,<br />

8406.90.37 Steam turbines and other vapour Parts<br />

8406.82.19 or 8406.82.90: Other rotors,<br />

finished for final assembly<br />

Other parts of the goods of tariff item No. 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

turbines.<br />

8406.81.10, 8406.81.90, 8406.82.11,<br />

8406.90.39 Steam turbines and other vapour Parts<br />

8406.82.19 or 8406.82.90: Other blades,<br />

rotating or stationary<br />

Other parts of the goods of tariff item No. 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

turbines.<br />

8406.81.10, 8406.81.90, 8406.82.11,<br />

8413.50.90 Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted Other reciprocating<br />

8406.82.19 or 8406.82.90: Other<br />

positive Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

with a measuring device; liquid displacement pumps<br />

elevators.<br />

8413.60.90 Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted Other rotary positive displacement Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

with a measuring device; liquid pumps<br />

elevators.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8413.70.90 Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted<br />

with a measuring device; liquid<br />

elevators.<br />

8413.81.90 Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted Other pumps; liquid elevators:<br />

with a measuring device; liquid Pumps<br />

elevators.<br />

8413.91.10 Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted<br />

with a measuring device; liquid<br />

elevators.<br />

8413.91.20 Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted<br />

with a measuring device; liquid<br />

elevators.<br />

8414.10.91 Air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas<br />

compressors and fans; ventilating or<br />

recycling hoods incorporating a fan,<br />

whether or not fitted with filters.<br />

8416.10.10 Furnace burners for liquid fuel, for<br />

pulverized solid fuel or for gas;<br />

mechanical stokers, including their<br />

mechanical grates, mechanical ash<br />

dischargers and similar appliances.<br />

8417.10.91 Industrial or laboratory furnaces and<br />

ovens, including incinerators, nonelectric.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other centrifugal pumps Submersible pumps 6% January 28, 2009<br />

Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

Parts: Of pumps Sucker rods, pony rods or polished rods<br />

designed for oilfield related pumps, and<br />

parts thereof<br />

Parts: Of pumps Top and bottom journal tilting pads;<br />

Volute castings;<br />

Other, of the goods of tariff item No.<br />

8413.11.10, 8413.19.10, 8413.50.90,<br />

8413.60.90, 8413.70.90 or 8413.81.90<br />

Vacuum pumps Other: Centrifugal;<br />

Dry;<br />

Vane, lobe or liquid ring type other than<br />

lobe air injection cooled type;<br />

With vacuum ratings of more than 0.5 mm<br />

of mercury but not exceeding 750 mm of<br />

mercury<br />

Furnace burners for liquid fuel For furnaces for heating buildings;<br />

For domestic type furnaces;<br />

For industrial process furnaces<br />

Furnaces and ovens for the<br />

roasting, melting or other heattreatment<br />

of ores, pyrites or of<br />

metals<br />

Other: Annealers for ferrous products;<br />

Atmosphere controlled;<br />

Billet and log, preheat, aluminum;<br />

Continuous fluidized bed, for ferrous wire;<br />

Crucible;<br />

Forge;<br />

Metal melting;<br />

Metal heat treating;<br />

Metal recovery from dross;<br />

Molten metal launder systems (heated and<br />

unheated);<br />

Slab reheat;<br />

Solution heat treat<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8417.20.00 Industrial or laboratory furnaces and Bakery ovens, including biscuit<br />

ovens, including incinerators, non- ovens<br />

electric.<br />

8417.80.10 Industrial or laboratory furnaces and<br />

ovens, including incinerators, nonelectric.<br />

8417.90.20 Industrial or laboratory furnaces and<br />

ovens, including incinerators, non-<br />

electric.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Bakery ovens, including biscuit ovens 7% January 28, 2009<br />

Other Ageing, for metals;<br />

Brazing;<br />

Burn off, preheating or debonding;<br />

Cement, lime or glass kilns;<br />

Cyclone preheaters;<br />

Dry hearth;<br />

Gas or oil fired kilns;<br />

Glass processing;<br />

Homogenizing;<br />

Ladle preheaters;<br />

Pulse fired combustion systems;<br />

Roller hearth kilns;<br />

Rotary;<br />

Rotary salt/tilting;<br />

Scrap preheating systems;<br />

Steam and secondary heated kilns;<br />

Stress relieving;<br />

Walking beam;<br />

Waste incinerators including pathological<br />

and crematorial type<br />

Parts Other parts of the goods of tariff item No.<br />

8417.10.91, 8417.20.00 or 8417.80.10<br />

8418.61.91 Refrigerators, freezers and other Other refrigerating or freezing Other: Batch or blast type chillers;<br />

refrigerating or freezing equipment, equipment; heat pumps: Heat Beverage dispensers, all types;<br />

electric or other; heat pumps other than pumps other than air conditioning Blood bank or laboratory refrigerators;<br />

air conditioning machines of heading machines of heading 84.15 Dry type fluid coolers, of a capacity not<br />

84.15.<br />

exceeding 1,514 litres per minute ethylene<br />

glycol;<br />

Flash freeze chillers for poultry;<br />

Giblet chillers;<br />

Heat recovery units;<br />

Ice making equipment, commercial or<br />

industrial, of a capacity exceeding 1,134 kg<br />

per day;<br />

Liquid/air chiller units and systems,<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Page 5

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

reciprocating and screw compressor type,<br />

for commercial and industrial applications;<br />

Product or beverage coolers;<br />

Refrigerated vapor trap assemblies for<br />

vacuum systems;<br />

Refrigeration condensing units of a power<br />

exceeding 510 W;<br />

Truck type, of a heat capacity not exceeding<br />

23,211 kJ<br />

8418.69.10 Refrigerators, freezers and other Other refrigerating or freezing Batch freezers;<br />

refrigerating or freezing equipment, equipment; heat pumps: Other Ice making equipment, excluding flake ice<br />

electric or other; heat pumps other than<br />

generators, commercial or industrial, of a<br />

air conditioning machines of heading<br />

capacity exceeding 1,134 kg per day;<br />

84.15.<br />

Ice rink systems;<br />

Instant quick freeze systems for food<br />

products;<br />

Self-contained plate freezers for seafood, of<br />

a capacity not exceeding 12,000 kg per 24<br />

hours;<br />

8419.31.10 Machinery, plant or laboratory<br />

equipment, whether or not electrically<br />

heated (excluding furnaces, ovens and<br />

other equipment of heading 85.14), for<br />

the treatment of materials by a process<br />

involving a change of temperature such<br />

as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling,<br />

rectifying, sterilizing, pasteurizing,<br />

steaming, drying, evaporating,<br />

vaporizing, condensing or cooling,<br />

other than machinery or plant of a kind<br />

used for domestic purposes;<br />

instantaneous or storage water heaters,<br />

Tunnel or spiral freezers<br />

Dryers: For agricultural products Dehydration machines for fruits and<br />

vegetables;<br />

Potato dryers<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

non-electric.<br />

8419.32.10 Machinery, plant or laboratory Dryers: For wood, paper pulp, For paper pulp, paper or paperboard 6% January 28, 2009<br />

equipment, whether or not electrically paper or paperboard<br />

heated (excluding furnaces, ovens and<br />

other equipment of heading 85.14), for<br />

the treatment of materials by a process<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

involving a change of temperature such<br />

as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling,<br />

rectifying, sterilizing, pasteurizing,<br />

steaming, drying, evaporating,<br />

vaporizing, condensing or cooling,<br />

other than machinery or plant of a kind<br />

used for domestic purposes;<br />

instantaneous or storage water heaters,<br />

non-electric.<br />

8419.39.91 Machinery, plant or laboratory<br />

equipment, whether or not electrically<br />

heated (excluding furnaces, ovens and<br />

other equipment of heading 85.14), for<br />

the treatment of materials by a process<br />

involving a change of temperature such<br />

as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling,<br />

rectifying, sterilizing, pasteurizing,<br />

steaming, drying, evaporating,<br />

vaporizing, condensing or cooling,<br />

other than machinery or plant of a kind<br />

used for domestic purposes;<br />

instantaneous or storage water heaters,<br />

non-electric.<br />

Dryers: Other Other: Air heaters;<br />

Burners, gas or electric;<br />

Compressed dry air systems, custom built,<br />

of a capacity not exceeding 24.8 MPa, for<br />

public utilities, and other specialized uses<br />

such as breathing air for industry, fire<br />

departments or civil defence;<br />

Dessicant dryers;<br />

Floor and carpet dryers;<br />

Industrial dryers (for drying materials);<br />

Laboratory glassware dryers;<br />

Natural gas ethanol dehydrators to be<br />

employed in the oil or gas industry;<br />

Paint baking spray booths;<br />

Super dryers for processing hygroscopic<br />

resins without pre-drying, with maximum<br />

capacity not exceeding 70 kg;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

Vibrating fluid bed dryers/coolers<br />

8419.40.10 Machinery, plant or laboratory Distilling or rectifying plant Liquid or gas recovery systems 6% January 28, 2009<br />

equipment, whether or not electrically<br />

heated (excluding furnaces, ovens and<br />

other equipment of heading 85.14), for<br />

the treatment of materials by a process<br />

involving a change of temperature such<br />

as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling,<br />

rectifying, sterilizing, pasteurizing,<br />

steaming, drying, evaporating,<br />

vaporizing, condensing or cooling,<br />

other than machinery or plant of a kind<br />

used for domestic purposes;<br />

instantaneous or storage water heaters,<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

non-electric.<br />

8419.81.90 Machinery, plant or laboratory<br />

equipment, whether or not electrically<br />

heated (excluding furnaces, ovens and<br />

other equipment of heading 85.14), for<br />

the treatment of materials by a process<br />

involving a change of temperature such<br />

as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling,<br />

rectifying, sterilizing, pasteurizing,<br />

steaming, drying, evaporating,<br />

vaporizing, condensing or cooling,<br />

other than machinery or plant of a kind<br />

used for domestic purposes;<br />

instantaneous or storage water heaters,<br />

non-electric.<br />

8419.89.21 Machinery, plant or laboratory<br />

equipment, whether or not electrically<br />

heated (excluding furnaces, ovens and<br />

other equipment of heading 85.14), for<br />

the treatment of materials by a process<br />

involving a change of temperature such<br />

as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling,<br />

rectifying, sterilizing, pasteurizing,<br />

steaming, drying, evaporating,<br />

vaporizing, condensing or cooling,<br />

other than machinery or plant of a kind<br />

used for domestic purposes;<br />

instantaneous or storage water heaters,<br />

non-electric.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other machinery, plant and Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

equipment: For making hot drinks<br />

or for cooking or heating food<br />

Other machinery, plant and<br />

equipment: Other<br />

Other mechanically operated: Autoclaves<br />

other than for cooking or heating food;<br />

Batch mixers with a change in temperature;<br />

Black liquor evaporators (pulp and paper);<br />

Chemical process reactors, excluding<br />

hydrotreating reactors with heavy walled<br />

vessels of a thickness exceeding 216 mm<br />

and excluding forged hydroprocessing<br />

reactors with heavy walled vessels of a<br />

thickness exceeding 102 mm;<br />

Chip pre-steaming bins and dischargers;<br />

Chip digesters for heating chips and<br />

maintaining a high temperature;<br />

Cooling drums (rotary sand and casting)<br />

and sand cooler/blenders;<br />

Cooling towers;<br />

Degreasing systems for aluminum radiators,<br />

vapour wash, immersion wash, second<br />

immersion wash, immersion rinse, vapour<br />

drying;<br />

Environmental chambers having<br />

temperature range capabilities from 175°C<br />

to -75°C with humidity control;<br />

Environmental chambers with capacities<br />

under 170 dm³ in any temperature or<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

humidity range;<br />

Environmental chambers with capacities<br />

from 170 dm³ to 990 dm³, having<br />

temperature range capabilities from 60°C to<br />

-75°C without humidity control;<br />

Fermenter systems with working capacities<br />

not exceeding 5 litres or of 20 litres or<br />

more;<br />

Food processing retorts (crate type only);<br />

Hot asphalt storage and surge tanks;<br />

Hot oil coil heaters for the oil and gas<br />

industry;<br />

Incubators with capacities from 510 dm³ to<br />

680 dm³ and temperature capability to<br />

50°C;<br />

Laboratory digesters;<br />

Pasteurizers;<br />

Plant growth chambers and rooms and<br />

tissue culture chambers and rooms, with<br />

various capacities not exceeding 18.6 m²,<br />

having temperature, humidity or light<br />

control;<br />

Portable melting equipment for bitumen or<br />

rubberized compounds;<br />

Spin coolers for canned foods;<br />

Vaporizer-mixers for vaporizing liquid<br />

propane gas (lpg);<br />

Vats and brine tanks for cheese production;<br />

Warming cabinets for hospital blankets,<br />

towels and solutions;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

8419.89.90 Machinery, plant or laboratory Other machinery, plant<br />

Water-jacketed melting and mixing kettles<br />

and Other 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

equipment, whether or not electrically equipment: Other<br />

heated (excluding furnaces, ovens and<br />

other equipment of heading 85.14), for<br />

the treatment of materials by a process<br />

involving a change of temperature such<br />

as heating, cooking, roasting, distilling,<br />

rectifying, sterilizing, pasteurizing,<br />

steaming, drying, evaporating,<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

vaporizing, condensing or cooling,<br />

other than machinery or plant of a kind<br />

used for domestic purposes;<br />

instantaneous or storage water heaters,<br />

non-electric.<br />

8420.10.10 Calendering or other rolling machines, Calendering or other rolling The following, excluding soft calendering<br />

other than for metals or glass, and machines<br />

machines or calender laminators for printed<br />

cylinders therefor.<br />

circuit board production or four-roll<br />

inverted plastic calenders:<br />

Embossing machines, calender type,<br />

paper/paperboard;<br />

Rolls for textile finishing mill machinery,<br />

including washer, dryer, winding and<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

8421.21.90 Centrifuges, including<br />

finishing sections<br />

centrifugal Filtering or purifying machinery Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids: For<br />

and apparatus, for liquids or gases. filtering or purifying water<br />

8421.22.10 Centrifuges, including centrifugal Filtering or purifying machinery To be employed in the manufacture of beer, 6% January 28, 2009<br />

dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids: For excluding lauter tun agitators;<br />

and apparatus, for liquids or gases. filtering or purifying beverages Membrane presses for wine-making<br />

other than water<br />

8421.29.90 Centrifuges, including centrifugal Filtering or purifying machinery Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids: Other<br />

and apparatus, for liquids or gases.<br />

8421.39.90 Centrifuges, including centrifugal Filtering or purifying machinery Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

dryers; filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for gases: Other<br />

and apparatus, for liquids or gases.<br />

8422.19.00 Dish washing machines; machinery for Dish washing machines: Other<br />

cleaning or drying bottles or other<br />

Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

containers; machinery for filling,<br />

closing, sealing, or labelling bottles,<br />

cans, boxes, bags or other containers;<br />

machinery for capsuling bottles, jars,<br />

tubes and similar containers; other<br />

packing or wrapping machinery<br />

(including heat-shrink wrapping<br />

machinery); machinery for aerating<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

beverages.<br />

8422.20.91 Dish washing machines; machinery for<br />

cleaning or drying bottles or other<br />

containers; machinery for filling,<br />

closing, sealing, or labelling bottles,<br />

cans, boxes, bags or other containers;<br />

machinery for capsuling bottles, jars,<br />

tubes and similar containers; other<br />

packing or wrapping machinery<br />

(including heat-shrink wrapping<br />

machinery); machinery for aerating<br />

beverages.<br />

8422.30.91 Dish washing machines; machinery for<br />

cleaning or drying bottles or other<br />

containers; machinery for filling,<br />

closing, sealing, or labelling bottles,<br />

cans, boxes, bags or other containers;<br />

machinery for capsuling bottles, jars,<br />

tubes and similar containers; other<br />

packing or wrapping machinery<br />

(including heat-shrink wrapping<br />

machinery); machinery for aerating<br />

beverages.<br />

8422.40.91 Dish washing machines; machinery for<br />

cleaning or drying bottles or other<br />

containers; machinery for filling,<br />

closing, sealing, or labelling bottles,<br />

cans, boxes, bags or other containers;<br />

machinery for capsuling bottles, jars,<br />

tubes and similar containers; other<br />

packing or wrapping machinery<br />

(including heat-shrink wrapping<br />

machinery); machinery for aerating<br />

beverages.<br />

Machinery for cleaning or drying<br />

bottles or other containers<br />

Machinery for filling, closing,<br />

sealing, or labelling bottles, cans,<br />

boxes, bags or other containers;<br />

machinery for capsuling bottles,<br />

jars, tubes and similar containers;<br />

machinery for aerating beverages<br />

Other packing or wrapping<br />

machinery (including heat-shrink<br />

wrapping machinery)<br />

Other: Cleaning systems for beer kegs or<br />

bottles, cans, drums, barrels or similar<br />

containers;<br />

Surgical cart or container washing and<br />

rinsing systems for hospitals and<br />

laboratories;<br />

Conveyorized tunnel washers;<br />

Tray, case, pan or rack washers<br />

Other: Automatic bagging systems,<br />

excluding carousel type placer, filler and<br />

densifier for powder products;<br />

Capping machines;<br />

Closing machines;<br />

Cotton wool inserting machines;<br />

Filling machines, excluding rotary vacuum<br />

type;<br />

For labelling, with a capacity not exceeding<br />

1,200 containers per minute;<br />

Tablet cleaners<br />

Other: Aseptic packaging machines for<br />

filling and sealing institutional portion size<br />

packages;<br />

Automatic wrap-around cartoners;<br />

Bagger systems, with fill speeds not<br />

exceeding 150 bags per minute, excluding<br />

vertical form/fill/seal machines;<br />

Corrugated case decasers for vertical top<br />

load cases;<br />

For erecting, packing, closing, gluing,<br />

taping or sealing cartons (cases), with a<br />

capacity not exceeding 500 cases per<br />

minute;<br />

For horizontal baling;<br />

For horizontal shrink or sleeve wrapping<br />

packages not exceeding 60 per minute;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8423.20.00 Weighing machinery (excluding<br />

balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or<br />

better), including weight operated<br />

counting or checking machines;<br />

weighing machine weights of all kinds.<br />

8423.30.00 Weighing machinery (excluding<br />

balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or<br />

better), including weight operated<br />

counting or checking machines;<br />

weighing machine weights of all kinds.<br />

Scales for continuous weighing of<br />

goods on conveyors<br />

Constant weight scales and scales<br />

for discharging a predetermined<br />

weight of material into a bag or<br />

container, including hopper scales<br />

For packing bags of milk, dairy creamers<br />

and mini-pouches;<br />

For shrinking tamper-evident bands around<br />

necks and caps on bottles, jars or similar<br />

containers, with a capacity not exceeding<br />

150 containers per minute;<br />

For stretch, shrink or spiral wrapping<br />

products on pallets;<br />

For thermoforming, packaging or rotary<br />

heat sealing, for skin or blister applications,<br />

of a capacity not exceeding 25 cycles per<br />

minute;<br />

For vacuum packaging (vertical load);<br />

For wrapping paper rolls;<br />

Hay bale wrappers;<br />

Heat seal or heat set machines or presses,<br />

electro-, pneumatically or manually<br />

operated;<br />

Kraft or sheet pulp bale wrapping<br />

machines;<br />

Packaging systems for unit portion cream,<br />

butter, condiments or margarine including<br />

packaging materials and fill/seal equipment;<br />

Shrink tunnels or ovens;<br />

Top load corrugated case soft pack place<br />

packers<br />

Scales for continuous weighing of goods on<br />

conveyors<br />

Constant weight scales and scales for<br />

discharging a predetermined weight of<br />

material into a bag or container, including<br />

hopper scales<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 12

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8423.81.00 Weighing machinery (excluding<br />

balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or<br />

better), including weight operated<br />

counting or checking machines;<br />

weighing machine weights of all kinds.<br />

Other weighing machinery: Having a maximum weighing capacity not<br />

Having a maximum weighing exceeding 30 kg<br />

capacity not exceeding 30 kg<br />

8423.82.00 Weighing machinery (excluding Other weighing machinery: Having a maximum weighing capacity<br />

balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or Having a maximum weighing exceeding 30 kg but not exceeding 5,000 kg<br />

better), including weight operated capacity exceeding 30 kg but not<br />

counting or checking machines; exceeding 5,000 kg<br />

weighing machine weights of all kinds.<br />

8423.89.00 Weighing machinery (excluding<br />

balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or<br />

better), including weight operated<br />

counting or checking machines;<br />

weighing machine weights of all kinds.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Other weighing machinery: Other Other 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8423.90.00 Weighing machinery (excluding Weighing machine weights of all Weighing machine weights of all kinds;<br />

balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or kinds; parts of weighing parts of weighing machinery<br />

better), including weight operated machinery<br />

counting or checking machines;<br />

weighing machine weights of all kinds.<br />

8424.20.10 Mechanical appliances (whether or not<br />

hand-operated) for projecting,<br />

dispersing or spraying liquids or<br />

powders; fire extinguishers, whether or<br />

not charged; spray guns and similar<br />

appliances; steam or sand blasting<br />

machines and similar jet projecting<br />

Spray guns and similar appliances The following, excluding trigger sprayers,<br />

shut-off guns for high pressure cleaning<br />

applications and high pressure car wash<br />

systems:<br />

Spray guns for pressure washers, excluding<br />

aircraft washers;<br />

Textured spray or aggregate guns for plaster<br />

6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

machines.<br />

or cement<br />

8424.30.90 Mechanical appliances (whether or not Steam or sand blasting machines Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

hand-operated) for projecting, and similar jet projecting machines<br />

dispersing or spraying liquids or<br />

powders; fire extinguishers, whether or<br />

not charged; spray guns and similar<br />

appliances; steam or sand blasting<br />

machines and similar jet projecting<br />

machines.<br />

8424.89.90 Mechanical appliances (whether or not Other appliances: Other Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

hand-operated) for projecting,<br />

dispersing or spraying liquids or<br />

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Page 13

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

powders; fire extinguishers, whether or<br />

not charged; spray guns and similar<br />

appliances; steam or sand blasting<br />

machines and similar jet projecting<br />

machines.<br />

8424.90.10 Mechanical appliances (whether or not<br />

hand-operated) for projecting,<br />

dispersing or spraying liquids or<br />

powders; fire extinguishers, whether or<br />

not charged; spray guns and similar<br />

appliances; steam or sand blasting<br />

machines and similar jet projecting<br />

machines.<br />

8427.10.91 Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks<br />

fitted with lifting or handling<br />

equipment.<br />

8427.20.11 Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks<br />

fitted with lifting or handling<br />

equipment.<br />

8427.20.91 Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks<br />

fitted with lifting or handling<br />

equipment.<br />

8427.90.10 Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks<br />

fitted with lifting or handling<br />

equipment.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Parts Of the goods of tariff item No. 8424.10.00 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Self-propelled trucks powered by<br />

an electric motor<br />

Other: Rider-type or walk-behind pallet<br />

trucks and stacker pallet trucks;<br />

The following stand-on or walk-behind<br />

fork-lift trucks:<br />

Order pickers;<br />

Reach type and turret trucks;<br />

Straddle stackers<br />

Other self-propelled trucks Rider-type, counterbalanced fork-lift trucks:<br />

Rough terrain type<br />

Other self-propelled trucks Other: The following, excluding aircraft<br />

container pallet loaders, telescopic boom<br />

type container handlers and other container<br />

handlers with a lift height exceeding 9.5 m:<br />

Container handlers, of a lift capacity<br />

exceeding 9,000 kg;<br />

Ladle transfer cars;<br />

Manlift platforms with a working height not<br />

exceeding 27 m<br />

Other trucks Industrial hand trucks with a lift height not<br />

exceeding 1 m<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 14

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8438.10.10 Machinery, not specified or included<br />

elsewhere in this Chapter, for the<br />

industrial preparation or manufacture of<br />

food or drink, other than machinery for<br />

the extraction or preparation of animal<br />

or fixed vegetable fats or oils.<br />

Bakery machinery and machinery<br />

for the manufacture of macaroni,<br />

spaghetti or similar products<br />

Automatic combination bun<br />

dividers/rounders;<br />

Automatic make-up systems for bread or<br />

rolls;<br />

Bagel forming mandrels;<br />

Bagel making machines;<br />

Dough dividers, automatic programmable<br />

type;<br />

Dough moulders (other than rotary or for<br />

French bread of a length exceeding 71 cm);<br />

Food grinder-fitzmill comminuting<br />

machines;<br />

Horizontal dough mixers with capacities not<br />

exceeding 661.4 kg of flour;<br />

Muffin and cake depositing machines;<br />

Sheeter/moulders;<br />

Spiral mixers, without removable bowls, of<br />

a capacity not exceeding 372 kg<br />

8438.50.91 Machinery, not specified or included Machinery for the preparation of Other: Bone separators;<br />

elsewhere in this Chapter, for the meat or poultry<br />

Cutlet pounding machines;<br />

industrial preparation or manufacture of<br />

Desinewing or deboning machines,<br />

food or drink, other than machinery for<br />

excluding anatomical portioning processors<br />

the extraction or preparation of animal<br />

for chicken breasts and legs and automated<br />

or fixed vegetable fats or oils.<br />

deboners for fresh pork ham;<br />

Gravity bleed rail equipment consisting of<br />

trolley conveyors, hooks, blood pails and<br />

receiving tanks, pail washers and plasma<br />

pumps;<br />

Hide strippers, capable of stripping cattle<br />

carcasses not exceeding 85 per hour;<br />

Hog dehairing machines, capable of<br />

dehairing hog carcasses not exceeding 30<br />

per hour;<br />

Hog singers, head and body polishers or<br />

scalding machines;<br />

Massagers;<br />

Millers, crushers and mashers;<br />

Mixers;<br />

Neck trimmers;<br />

Pickle injectors with more than 26 needles;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8438.80.91 Machinery, not specified or included<br />

elsewhere in this Chapter, for the<br />

industrial preparation or manufacture of<br />

food or drink, other than machinery for<br />

the extraction or preparation of animal<br />

or fixed vegetable fats or oils.<br />

8438.90.20 Machinery, not specified or included<br />

elsewhere in this Chapter, for the<br />

industrial preparation or manufacture of<br />

food or drink, other than machinery for<br />

the extraction or preparation of animal<br />

or fixed vegetable fats or oils.<br />

8439.10.10 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous<br />

cellulosic material or for making or<br />

finishing paper or paperboard.<br />

Poultry hock cutting machines;<br />

Sausage meat grinders;<br />

Slaughtering machines including knock<br />

boxes;<br />

Tenderizers for boneless meat using knives<br />

with penetration of 13 mm or more<br />

Other machinery Other: Aseptic juice systems;<br />

Countertop ice cream or yogurt flavour<br />

blenders for restaurant use;<br />

Crab butchering tables;<br />

Crab, mussel or scallop processing systems;<br />

Fish bone and meat separator presses;<br />

Fish boning, sorting and grading machines;<br />

Fish glazers;<br />

Fish graders, excluding belt type;<br />

Fish gutting machines, with capacities over<br />

450 fish per hour - length of fish 30.5 cm or<br />

more;<br />

Food or beverage mixers;<br />

Food particle size reducers (reduction mills<br />

or grinders);<br />

Mixing tanks for soft drinks;<br />

Restaurant type coffee grinders, with filter<br />

holder and timer, and other coffee grinders<br />

not exceeding 1.1 kW;<br />

Squid cooking, peeling and washing<br />

equipment<br />

Parts Dies and rolls for feed pellet mills;<br />

Of the goods of tariff item No. 8438.10.10,<br />

8438.20.10, 8438.40.10, 8438.50.91,<br />

8438.60.10 or 8438.80.91<br />

Machinery for making pulp of<br />

fibrous cellulosic material<br />

Agitators for blending and homogenizing<br />

pulp fibre/liquid suspensions in high density<br />

storage towers;<br />

Beaters, stock pulp mill;<br />

Black liquor recovery equipment, pulp mill;<br />

Circulators for mixing of water and pulp in<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Page 16

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8439.20.90 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous Machinery for making paper or<br />

cellulosic material or for making or paperboard<br />

finishing paper or paperboard.<br />

8439.30.10 Machinery for making pulp of fibrous<br />

cellulosic material or for making or<br />

finishing paper or paperboard.<br />

Machinery for finishing paper or<br />

paperboard<br />

bleach towers;<br />

Concentrators, pulp mill;<br />

Foam breakers;<br />

Paper shredders with capacities not<br />

exceeding 12,000 kg per day;<br />

Pulp classifiers;<br />

Pulp deckers;<br />

Pulp deflakers:<br />

Pulpers, pulp mill, not including pulp<br />

rotors;<br />

Pulp fiberizers;<br />

Pulping refiners, pressurized and nonpressurized,<br />

thermo mechanical pulp;<br />

Pulp screens;<br />

Pulp stock cleaners;<br />

Pulp stock dewatering presses rated at less<br />

than 120 tonnes per day capacity;<br />

Pulp washers, single stage metal drum type;<br />

Refiners, with disks of a diameter of 914.4<br />

mm or more but not exceeding 1,778 mm;<br />

Rotating screens;<br />

Secondary fibre processing machinery;<br />

Semi-chemical pulp plants;<br />

Showers, pulp and paper mill machinery;<br />

Slashers;<br />

Steam mixers for pulp and paper industry;<br />

Wet lap pulp and paper machines;<br />

Wood chip classifier screens;<br />

Wood chip de-waterers;<br />

Wood chip impregnators, pre-steamers;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Wood chip washers<br />

Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

The following, excluding machinery for<br />

finishing (coating) photographic paper,<br />

coating machines for paper or paperboard,<br />

automatic rewinders for the production of<br />

bathroom tissue and paper towel rolls, and<br />

production machinery for corrugated<br />

5% January 28, 2009<br />

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Page 17

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

paperboard:<br />

Rewinders;<br />

Size presses<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

8440.10.10 Book-binding machinery, including Machinery Office type hot-glue binding machines 5% January 28, 2009<br />

book-sewing machines.<br />

8441.10.10 Other machinery for making up paper Cutting machines For use with the goods of heading 84.39, 6% January 28, 2009<br />

pulp, paper or paperboard, including<br />

excluding the following:<br />

cutting machines of all kinds.<br />

Cutter layboys;<br />

Cutting machines for photographic paper;<br />

Integrated core cutting and core handling<br />

systems;<br />

Matboard cutting systems;<br />

Production winders;<br />

Rewinder, embosser, backstand, sealer<br />

units;<br />

Sheeters;<br />

Slitter-rewinders;<br />

Wet cross cutters with automatic layboys<br />

for cutting dewatered mat<br />

8442.50.10 Machinery, apparatus and equipment Plates, cylinders and other printing Printing type, chases, coins and slugs 4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

(other than the machine-tools of components; plates, cylinders and<br />

headings 84.56 to 84.65) for preparing lithographic stones, prepared for<br />

or making plates, cylinders or other printing purposes (for example,<br />

printing components; plates cylinders planed, grained or polished)<br />

and other printing components; plates,<br />

cylinders and lithographic stones,<br />

prepared for printing purposes (for<br />

example, planed, grained or polished).<br />

8442.50.90 Machinery, apparatus and equipment Plates, cylinders and other printing Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

(other than the machine-tools of components; plates, cylinders and<br />

headings 84.56 to 84.65) for preparing lithographic stones, prepared for<br />

or making plates, cylinders or other printing purposes (for example,<br />

printing components; plates cylinders planed, grained or polished)<br />

and other printing components; plates,<br />

cylinders and lithographic stones,<br />

prepared for printing purposes (for<br />

example, planed, grained or polished).<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 18

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8443.11.20 Printing machinery used for printing by<br />

means of plates, cylinders and other<br />

printing components of heading 84.42;<br />

other printers, copying machines and<br />

facsimile machines, whether or not<br />

combined; parts and accessories<br />

thereof.<br />

8443.12.00 Printing machinery used for printing by<br />

means of plates, cylinders and other<br />

printing components of heading 84.42;<br />

other printers, copying machines and<br />

facsimile machines, whether or not<br />

combined; parts and accessories<br />

thereof.<br />

8443.14.20 Printing machinery used for printing by<br />

means of plates, cylinders and other<br />

printing components of heading 84.42;<br />

other printers, copying machines and<br />

facsimile machines, whether or not<br />

combined; parts and accessories<br />

thereof.<br />

8443.15.20 Printing machinery used for printing by<br />

means of plates, cylinders and other<br />

printing components of heading 84.42;<br />

other printers, copying machines and<br />

facsimile machines, whether or not<br />

combined; parts and accessories<br />

thereof.<br />

8443.16.20 Printing machinery used for printing by<br />

means of plates, cylinders and other<br />

printing components of heading 84.42;<br />

other printers, copying machines and<br />

facsimile machines, whether or not<br />

combined; parts and accessories<br />

thereof.<br />

Printing machinery used for With an image or printing area less than<br />

printing by means of plates, 2,413 cm²<br />

cylinders and other printing<br />

components of heading 84.42:<br />

Offset printing machinery, reel-fed<br />

Printing machinery used for<br />

printing by means of plates,<br />

cylinders and other printing<br />

components of heading 84.42:<br />

Offset printing machinery, sheetfed,<br />

office type (using sheets with<br />

one side not exceeding 22 cm and<br />

the other side not exceeding 36 cm<br />

in the unfolded state)<br />

Printing machinery used for<br />

printing by means of plates,<br />

cylinders and other printing<br />

components of heading 84.42:<br />

Letterpress printing machinery,<br />

reel fed, excluding flexographic<br />

printing<br />

Printing machinery used for<br />

printing by means of plates,<br />

cylinders and other printing<br />

components of heading 84.42:<br />

Letterpress printing machinery,<br />

other than reel fed, excluding<br />

flexographic printing<br />

Printing machinery used for<br />

printing by means of plates,<br />

cylinders and other printing<br />

components of heading 84.42:<br />

Flexographic printing machinery<br />

Offset printing machinery, sheet-fed, office<br />

type (using sheets with one side not<br />

exceeding 22 cm and the other side not<br />

exceeding 36 cm in the unfolded state)<br />

With an image or printing area less than<br />

2,413 cm²<br />

With an image or printing area less than<br />

2,413 cm²<br />

With an image or printing area less than<br />

2,413 cm²<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

4% January 28, 2009<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

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Page 19

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8443.19.20 Printing machinery used for printing by<br />

means of plates, cylinders and other<br />

printing components of heading 84.42;<br />

other printers, copying machines and<br />

facsimile machines, whether or not<br />

combined; parts and accessories<br />

thereof.<br />

Printing machinery used for With an image or printing area less than<br />

printing by means of plates, 2,413 cm²<br />

cylinders and other printing<br />

components of heading 84.42:<br />

Other<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8443.32.10 Printing machinery used for printing by Other printers, copying machines Ink-jet printing machines<br />

means of plates, cylinders and other and facsimile machines, whether<br />

printing components of heading 84.42; or not combined: Other, capable of<br />

other printers, copying machines and connecting to an automatic data<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

facsimile machines, whether or not processing machine or to a<br />

combined; parts and accessories network<br />

thereof.<br />

8443.39.10 Printing machinery used for printing by Other printers, copying machines Ink-jet printing machines<br />

means of plates, cylinders and other and facsimile machines, whether<br />

printing components of heading 84.42; or not combined: Other<br />

other printers, copying machines and<br />

facsimile machines, whether or not<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

combined; parts and accessories<br />

thereof.<br />

8443.91.10 Printing machinery used for printing by<br />

means of plates, cylinders and other<br />

printing components of heading 84.42;<br />

other printers, copying machines and<br />

facsimile machines, whether or not<br />

combined; parts and accessories<br />

thereof.<br />

Parts and accessories: Parts and<br />

accessories of printing machinery<br />

used for printing by means of<br />

plates, cylinders and other printing<br />

components of heading 84.42<br />

The following, other than for use by<br />

printers, lithographers, bookbinders, paper<br />

or foil converters, manufacturers of<br />

stereotypes, electrotypes or printing plates<br />

or rolls, or manufacturers of articles made<br />

from paper, paperboard, plastics or foil:<br />

Auto-feeders (sheet sizes 15.2 cm x 22.9 cm<br />

to 61 cm x 66 cm);<br />

Collators;<br />

Flexographic web converting systems;<br />

Folders;<br />

Joggers (sheet sizes 71.1 cm x 61 cm to<br />

101.6 cm x 73.7 cm);<br />

Perforators (sheet sizes 7.6 cm x 7.6 cm to<br />

66 cm x 76.2 cm);<br />

Sheeters for sheet widths of 39.4 cm or<br />

more but not exceeding 101.6 cm;<br />

Trimmers<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8443.99.10 Printing machinery used for printing by<br />

means of plates, cylinders and other<br />

printing components of heading 84.42;<br />

other printers, copying machines and<br />

facsimile machines, whether or not<br />

combined; parts and accessories<br />

thereof.<br />

8452.21.10 Sewing machines, other than booksewing<br />

machines of heading 84.40;<br />

furniture, bases and covers specially<br />

designed for sewing machines; sewing<br />

machine needles.<br />

8453.10.91 Machinery for preparing, tanning or<br />

working hides, skins or leather or for<br />

making or repairing footwear or other<br />

articles of hides, skins or leather, other<br />

than sewing machines.<br />

8454.20.20 Converters, ladles, ingot moulds and<br />

casting machines, of a kind used in<br />

metallurgy or in metal foundries.<br />

8454.20.30 Converters, ladles, ingot moulds and<br />

casting machines, of a kind used in<br />

metallurgy or in metal foundries.<br />

8454.30.10 Converters, ladles, ingot moulds and<br />

casting machines, of a kind used in<br />

Parts and accessories: Other The following, other than for use by<br />

printers, lithographers, bookbinders, paper<br />

or foil converters, manufacturers of<br />

stereotypes, electrotypes or printing plates<br />

or rolls, or manufacturers of articles made<br />

from paper, paperboard, plastics or foil:<br />

Auto-feeders (sheet sizes 15.2 cm x 22.9 cm<br />

to 61 cm x 66 cm);<br />

Collators;<br />

Folders;<br />

Joggers (sheet sizes 71.1 cm x 61 cm to<br />

101.6 cm x 73.7 cm);<br />

Perforators (sheet sizes 7.6 cm x 7.6 cm to<br />

66 cm x 76.2 cm);<br />

Sheeters for sheet widths of 39.4 cm or<br />

more but not exceeding 101.6 cm;<br />

Other sewing machines:<br />

Automatic units<br />

Machinery for preparing, tanning<br />

or working hides, skins or leather<br />

Trimmers<br />

Single needle (head) quilting machines,<br />

other than those for the textile industry<br />

Other: For cutting strips;<br />

For tumble drying hides;<br />

For turning pelts<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

Ingot moulds and ladles Other ingot moulds 3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Ingot moulds and ladles Ladles 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Casting machines Vacuum or centrifugal casting machines to<br />

be employed in the jewellery industry<br />

3% January 28, 2009<br />

metallurgy or in metal foundries.<br />

8456.10.90 Machine-tools for working any material Operated by laser or other light or Other<br />

by removal of material, by laser or photon beam processes<br />

other light or photon beam, ultrasonic,<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

electro-discharge, electro-chemical,<br />

electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma<br />

arc processes.<br />

8456.20.90 Machine-tools for working any material<br />

by removal of material, by laser or<br />

other light or photon beam, ultrasonic,<br />

electro-discharge, electro-chemical,<br />

electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma<br />

arc processes.<br />

8456.90.90 Machine-tools for working any material<br />

by removal of material, by laser or<br />

other light or photon beam, ultrasonic,<br />

electro-discharge, electro-chemical,<br />

electron beam, ionic-beam or plasma<br />

arc processes.<br />

8462.99.19 Machine-tools (including presses) for<br />

working metal by forging, hammering<br />

or die-stamping; machine-tools<br />

(including presses) for working metal<br />

by bending, folding, straightening,<br />

flattening, shearing, punching or<br />

notching; presses for working metal or<br />

metal carbides, not specified above.<br />

8462.99.99 Machine-tools (including presses) for<br />

working metal by forging, hammering<br />

or die-stamping; machine-tools<br />

(including presses) for working metal<br />

by bending, folding, straightening,<br />

flattening, shearing, punching or<br />

notching; presses for working metal or<br />

metal carbides, not specified above.<br />

8464.20.10 Machine-tools for working stone,<br />

ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or<br />

like mineral materials or for cold<br />

working glass.<br />

8464.90.10 Machine-tools for working stone,<br />

ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement or<br />

like mineral materials or for cold<br />

working glass.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Operated by ultrasonic processes Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

Other Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

Other: Other Numerically controlled: Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

Other: Other Other: Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

Grinding or polishing machines Glass contact lens polishing machines;<br />

Hand-operated edgers for glass spectacle<br />

lens finishing<br />

Other Moulding machines for disc brake pads;<br />

Splitting machines for concrete blocks<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Page 22

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8465.91.10 Machine-tools (including machines for<br />

nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise<br />

assembling) for working wood, cork,<br />

bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or<br />

similar hard materials.<br />

Other: Sawing machines The following, excluding bench top 203<br />

mm or 304 mm two wheel wood cutting<br />

band saws, bench top 254 mm three wheel<br />

wood cutting band saws, bench top wood<br />

cutting circular saws weighing up to 73 kg,<br />

with or without tables, double arbor gang<br />

saws (edgers), trimming/sizing machines,<br />

automatic panel saws, combination<br />

machines for sawing, chipping and edging<br />

logs to produce lumber in a single pass and<br />

optimizing cut-off saw systems complete<br />

with scanners:<br />

Band resaws, with a wheel diameter<br />

exceeding 1,000 mm;<br />

Band saws for sawmills;<br />

Chipping head rigs;<br />

Circular resaws;<br />

Circular woodworking saws (tilting arbor<br />

saws) without integrated sliding tables;<br />

Cut-off saws (chop saws), undercut saws<br />

and defect saws, saw blade capacity not<br />

exceeding 50.8 cm, with motor of a power<br />

not exceeding 7.5 kW;<br />

Cylinder stave saws;<br />

Drop saw trimmer conveyors;<br />

Edgers;<br />

Multiple trim saws;<br />

Plastic cut-off saws, capacity 203 mm<br />

diameter or 235 mm x 356 mm in height or<br />

width;<br />

Portable band saws "trailer type";<br />

Portable sawmills "trailer type";<br />

Power woodworking jig saws, throat 485<br />

mm or more but not exceeding 610 mm;<br />

Saw mill sawing and sorting systems;<br />

Scragg mills;<br />

Shake band saws;<br />

Wood I-beam manufacturing saws such as<br />

flange grooving, web edge grooving, web<br />

end grooving and I-beam precision end<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Page 23

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

trimming saws;<br />

Woodworking band saws, throat 380 mm or<br />

more but not exceeding 540 mm;<br />

Woodworking cut-off saw/buckers;<br />

Woodworking panel saws, horizontal, fixed<br />

table, without built-in scoring unit with<br />

table length not exceeding 5,920 mm, 405<br />

mm diameter saw blade, and 7.5 kW saw<br />

motor;<br />

Woodworking radial arm saws<br />

8465.92.10 Machine-tools (including machines for Other: Planing, milling or End matching machines for manufacturing<br />

nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise moulding (by cutting) machines tongue and groove lumber;<br />

assembling) for working wood, cork,<br />

Groovers including v-groovers;<br />

bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or<br />

P.v.c. (polyvinyl chloride) profile corner<br />

similar hard materials.<br />

cleaner (deburring) machines to remove<br />

weld bead on p.v.c./vinyl plastic window<br />

frames, manual, n.c. or c.n.c. operation;<br />

Sign making or lettering systems capable of<br />

cutting plastic or wood sheets of a size not<br />

exceeding 1.5 m x 3 m;<br />

Ski making machines (wood skis);<br />

Wood dowel making machines, with dowel<br />

head capacity not exceeding 32 mm or with<br />

electric motor of a power not exceeding 746<br />

W;<br />

Wood jointers or planer-jointers with<br />

cutting widths exceeding 155 mm,<br />

excluding portable benchtop types;<br />

Wood planing machines, four sided, to be<br />

employed in sawmills;<br />

Wood planing machines (excluding<br />

portable type machines), single surface, of a<br />

width of 250 mm or more but not exceeding<br />

600 mm<br />

8465.93.10 Machine-tools (including machines for Other: Grinding, sanding or The following, excluding wood profile<br />

nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise polishing machines<br />

grinders, floor sanders and grinding or<br />

assembling) for working wood, cork,<br />

polishing machines for optical equipment:<br />

bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or<br />

Brake shoe grinding machines;<br />

similar hard materials.<br />

Combination disc/belt sanders for wood,<br />

with 305 mm to 405 mm disc and 150 mm<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Page 24

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

wide belt;<br />

Combination drum-brush and belt sanders<br />

for wood, with belt of a width not<br />

exceeding 150 mm;<br />

Combination polisher and belt sanders for<br />

wood, with belt of a width not exceeding<br />

150 mm;<br />

Drum sanders for wood, of a width not<br />

exceeding 225 mm;<br />

Grinders, woodworking;<br />

Plastic contact lens polishing machines;<br />

Stroke belt sanders for wood, of a length<br />

not exceeding 3,048 mm, with manual table<br />

lift;<br />

Wood belt sanders of a width not exceeding<br />

150 mm, including non-oscillating edge<br />

sanders of platen length not exceeding<br />

1,525 mm;<br />

Wood disc sanders, 405 mm diameter only;<br />

Wood sanding machines, combination<br />

horizontal/vertical, belt width not exceeding<br />

150 mm and length not exceeding 1,525<br />

mm;<br />

Wood spindle sanders, single head, 100 mm<br />

adjustment<br />

8465.94.10 Machine-tools (including machines for Other: Bending or assembling Dowelling machines, drill, glue and insert,<br />

nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise machines<br />

with trim optional, manual feed, not<br />

assembling) for working wood, cork,<br />

numerically controlled;<br />

bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or<br />

Finger jointers for wood, all sizes,<br />

similar hard materials.<br />

automatic and manual;<br />

Folders and gluers for grooved products;<br />

Gluing machines, plywood making;<br />

Laminated veneer lumber systems;<br />

Panel laminating machines;<br />

Plastic (p.v.c.) window or door frame<br />

corner joining or cutting and assembly<br />

machines;<br />

Presses for manufacturing plywood or<br />

veneer, other than hot presses;<br />

T-nut furniture fastening machines;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Page 25

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

Truss presses, 650 kg or more but not<br />

exceeding 136 tonnes;<br />

Wood clamping machines (clamp carriers),<br />

rotary, automatic;<br />

Wood clamping machines (clamp carriers),<br />

rotary, manual, of a width of 182.9 mm or<br />

more but not exceeding 502.9 mm, 6<br />

sections to 80 sections;<br />

Wood clamping machines, other than<br />

rotary, not exceeding 1,220 mm x 3,050<br />

mm;<br />

Wood gluing machines (other than for<br />

veneer), clamp type;<br />

Wood jointing machines not exceeding 405<br />

8465.95.10 Machine-tools (including machines for Other: Drilling or morticing The following, excluding automatic multi-<br />

nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise machines<br />

spindle boring machines with rotating heads<br />

assembling) for working wood, cork,<br />

and numerical control point-to-point boring<br />

bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or<br />

machines:<br />

similar hard materials.<br />

Baffle boring and drilling machines;<br />

Drilling devices for plastic corrugated<br />

tubing, pipe or tile;<br />

Multi-spindle wood boring machines;<br />

Wood boring machines, single spindle<br />

units, bench or pedestal, with swing of 380<br />

mm or more but not exceeding 460 mm;<br />

Wood drilling machines with a throat<br />

capacity of 177 mm or more but not<br />

exceeding 204 mm, excluding feed through<br />

style;<br />

Wood morticing machines, hollow chisel<br />

type, of a capacity not exceeding 25.4 mm<br />

(chisel size), excluding multi-spindle,<br />

programmable, automatic or semi-<br />

mm<br />

automatic<br />

8465.96.10 Machine-tools (including machines for Other: Splitting, slicing or paring Chippers, woodworking;<br />

nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise machines<br />

Horizontal feed hammer wood shearers;<br />

assembling) for working wood, cork,<br />

Log splitters;<br />

bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or<br />

Wood shingle machines<br />

similar hard materials.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 26

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8465.99.10 Machine-tools (including machines for<br />

nailing, stapling, glueing or otherwise<br />

assembling) for working wood, cork,<br />

bone, hard rubber, hard plastics or<br />

similar hard materials.<br />

Other: Other The following, excluding bench top<br />

portable wood turning lathes having a<br />

maximum turning capacity diameter over<br />

the bed not exceeding 306 mm:<br />

Crozing or champhering machines;<br />

Debarkers;<br />

Debarker/chipper systems;<br />

Delimbers;<br />

Delimbing attachments;<br />

End squeezes;<br />

Fly-knife cutters or rotary knife cutters for<br />

plastics, adjustable in increments of 2.5<br />

mm, start-stop cycle not exceeding 400 cuts<br />

per minute or continuous cycle not<br />

exceeding 4,000 cuts per minute;<br />

Grinders for scrap rubber/reclaimers;<br />

Hog fuel making machines;<br />

Lay-up lines, pre-presses, presses for wood;<br />

Log chippers;<br />

Log decks;<br />

Log flakers, waferizers or ring flakers,<br />

exlcuding ring flakers using flakes/chips or<br />

sawdust as raw material;<br />

Log turners or positioners;<br />

Patching machines for plywood or veneer;<br />

Planer infeed tables;<br />

Roller die cutting/trimming machines for<br />

plastics;<br />

Roller haul-offs for vinyl extrusions;<br />

Round-up lathes, which round logs prior to<br />

being transferred to veneer lines;<br />

Shredders for reprocessing scrap plastic<br />

material;<br />

Slotting devices for plastic corrugated<br />

tubing, pipe or tile;<br />

Squeeze-off tools for plastic pipe;<br />

Stationary wood post and pole peelers<br />

capable of maximum length capacity not<br />

exceeding 23 m;<br />

Waferizers (flakers) for wafer board<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 27

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8468.10.00 Machinery and apparatus for soldering,<br />

brazing or welding, whether or not<br />

capable of cutting, other than those of<br />

heading 85.15; gas-operated surface<br />

tempering machines and appliances.<br />

8468.20.00 Machinery and apparatus for soldering,<br />

brazing or welding, whether or not<br />

capable of cutting, other than those of<br />

heading 85.15; gas-operated surface<br />

tempering machines and appliances.<br />

industry;<br />

Waste veneer chippers;<br />

Waste wood chippers, excluding chippers<br />

using flakes/chips or sawdust as raw<br />

material;<br />

Wheel type stave jointers;<br />

Wood chipping edgers or canters;<br />

Wood clipping chipping machines;<br />

Wood or log stranders;<br />

Wood scrap grinders;<br />

Wood shaping machines, single spindle, not<br />

exceeding 125 mm spindle travel (stroke) or<br />

with electric motor of a power not<br />

exceeding 5.6 kW;<br />

Wood turning lathes, non-automatic;<br />

Wood waste shredders and pulverizers,<br />

excluding high speed hammer mills<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Hand-held blow pipes Hand-held blow pipes 6% January 28, 2009<br />

Other gas-operated machinery and<br />

apparatus<br />

Other gas-operated machinery and<br />

apparatus<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8472.10.00 Other office machines (for example, Duplicating machines Duplicating machines 4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

hectograph or stencil duplicating<br />

machines, addressing machines,<br />

automatic banknote dispensers, coinsorting<br />

machines, coin-counting or<br />

wrapping machines, pencil-sharpening<br />

machines,<br />

machines).<br />

perforating or stapling<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 28

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8472.90.10 Other office machines (for example,<br />

hectograph or stencil duplicating<br />

machines, addressing machines,<br />

automatic banknote dispensers, coinsorting<br />

machines, coin-counting or<br />

wrapping machines, pencil-sharpening<br />

machines, perforating or stapling<br />

machines).<br />

Other Machines for wire stitching or stapling;<br />

Telegraph perforating machines<br />

8479.20.10 Machines and mechanical appliances Machinery for the extraction or Hydrogen generators;<br />

having individual functions, not preparation of animal or fixed Oil refiners<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this vegetable fats or oils<br />

Chapter.<br />

8479.30.10 Machines and mechanical appliances<br />

having individual functions, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

Presses for the manufacture of<br />

particle board or fibre building<br />

board of wood or other ligneous<br />

materials and other machinery for<br />

Log debarkers;<br />

Presses, excluding membrane type and<br />

presses for forming bales of pulp<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

treating wood or cork<br />

8479.40.10 Machines and mechanical appliances Rope or cable-making machines Cablers or twinners 6% January 28, 2009<br />

having individual functions, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

8479.50.91 Machines and mechanical appliances Industrial robots, not elsewhere Other: Articulated arm with pay load 6% January 28, 2009<br />

having individual functions, not specified or included<br />

capacity not exceeding 3 kg;<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Linear, four or five axis with payload<br />

Chapter.<br />

capacity not exceeding 50 kg;<br />

Gantry type, with payload capacity not<br />

exceeding 10 kg;<br />

Robotic systems, excluding robotics for<br />

educational or promotional purposes<br />

8479.81.10 Machines and mechanical appliances Other machines and mechanical Coil winders;<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

having individual functions, not appliances: For treating metal, For pickling, cable sheathing or coating,<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this including electric wire coil- excluding bulk coating;<br />

Chapter.<br />

winders<br />

Steel roll rubber covering machines<br />

8479.82.10 Machines and mechanical appliances Other machines and mechanical The following, excluding semi-automatic 5% January 28, 2009<br />

having individual functions, not appliances: Mixing, kneading, starch preparation systems and multi-shelf<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this crushing, grinding, screening, paint blending machines:<br />

Chapter.<br />

sifting, homogenizing, emulsifying Barminutors, comminutors and macerators,<br />

or stirring machines<br />

excluding macerators to grind industrial<br />

waste to a particle size of 5 mm x 12 mm x<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 29

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

25 mm;<br />

Granulators to be employed in the recovery<br />

of cables, plastic waste, wood or paper, or<br />

tires;<br />

Homogenizers;<br />

Mill pulverizers;<br />

Mixers, other than for pharmaceutical<br />

ointment, ejector type to slurry powder or<br />

for the industrial preparation or<br />

manufacture of food or drink;<br />

Paddle or propeller agitators;<br />

Paddle, plough, ribbon, spiral, twin shell,<br />

composite board, zig-zag or multiple cone<br />

blenders;<br />

Single shaft dispersers;<br />

Vacuum dryer-blenders;<br />

Vibrating screens<br />

8479.89.30 Machines and mechanical appliances Other machines and mechanical Machinery to be employed in the<br />

having individual functions, not appliances: Other<br />

manufacture of fertilizers from fish or fish<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

waste;<br />

Chapter.<br />

Mechanical devices for the control of the<br />

composition of sterilizing or cleaning<br />

solutions used in the food or beverage<br />

industries or in hospitals<br />

8479.89.41 Machines and mechanical appliances Other machines and mechanical Trash compactors: Industrial solid waste<br />

having individual functions, not appliances: Other<br />

compactors;<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Waste or refuse compactors, electrically<br />

Chapter.<br />

powered, utilized on aircraft, trains, ships or<br />

buses, capable of crushing bottles and other<br />

in-transit waste<br />

8479.89.91 Machines and mechanical appliances Other machines and mechanical Other: Abrasive blast recovery machinery;<br />

having individual functions, not appliances: Other<br />

Brake pad curing presses;<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Compactors, excluding trash compactors;<br />

Chapter.<br />

Container pallet loaders;<br />

Coupon inserters;<br />

Door or gate operators;<br />

Duct cleaning machines;<br />

Dump truck hopper covers;<br />

Equipment for cleaning grates (trash racks)<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 30

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

at hydro electric installations;<br />

Extrusion, laminating or coating lines for<br />

plastic film, excluding machines employed<br />

in the production of photographic products;<br />

Fifth wheel adaptors for truck mounting;<br />

Fish feeders;<br />

Fish washing tanks;<br />

Floating surface aerators for waste water<br />

treatment;<br />

Fluxing machinery for welding;<br />

Flux recovery systems;<br />

Freezer block depanning machines for fish;<br />

Hydraulic press type tire changers;<br />

Ice resurfacing machines;<br />

Industrial floor polishers;<br />

Industrial floor scrubbers excluding selfpropelled,<br />

walk behind type;<br />

Industrial humidifiers or dehumidifiers;<br />

Liquid metal encapsulating machines;<br />

Loading dock levellers;<br />

Lubricant distribution systems;<br />

Machinery for removal of food products<br />

from bags;<br />

Marine release hooks for mooring or<br />

towing;<br />

Mattress handle inserting machines and<br />

border cutters;<br />

Mechanical glove boxes;<br />

Metal cleaning machines;<br />

Mould breakers;<br />

Oil well servicing machines;<br />

Paint tint or colourant dispensers (not<br />

computerized);<br />

Paper shredders;<br />

Parking lot barriers;<br />

Quick die change components (rolling<br />

bolster and die carts, for presses);<br />

Railway car straighteners;<br />

Recycling or de-inking plants;<br />

Reelers and coilers, excluding machines<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

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Page 31

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

employed in the production of photographic<br />

products;<br />

Rinser-dryers for hospital hardware;<br />

Sewer cleaners;<br />

Shake out machines for sand used in<br />

foundries;<br />

Shingle or shake sorters;<br />

Slitting machines, excluding machines<br />

employed in the production of photographic<br />

products;<br />

Solvent bath parts cleaners;<br />

Tables for leaf springs assembly;<br />

Tablet or capsule inspection machinery;<br />

Tablet dedusters;<br />

Tank presses for emptying or extruding<br />

heavy viscose or paste products from mix or<br />

storage tanks;<br />

Technical training laboratory systems for<br />

schools and training centres;<br />

Thrusters for ships;<br />

Towel dispensers;<br />

Tow type access stands for maintenance or<br />

repair of aircraft;<br />

Transformer forming or cutting machines;<br />

Turf aerators and dethatchers, other than<br />

those that incorporate solid or hollow tines<br />

having angles that can be altered while at<br />

full penetration to loosen soil;<br />

Vacuum coating machines, other than<br />

machines employed in the ophthalmic<br />

optics industry;<br />

Vacuum waste loaders;<br />

Vehicle washing machines;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

8480.41.90 Moulding boxes for metal foundry; Moulds for metal or<br />

Welding fume collectors<br />

metal Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

mould bases; moulding patterns; carbides: Injection or compression<br />

moulds for metal (other than ingot types<br />

moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral<br />

materials, rubber or plastics.<br />

8482.20.10 Ball or roller bearings. Tapered roller bearings, including Single row tapered roller bearings, of an 5.5% January 28, 2009<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 32

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

cone and tapered roller assemblies external diameter not exceeding 168.275<br />

mm<br />

8482.91.10 Ball or roller bearings. Parts: Balls, needles and rollers Cylindrical needle rollers of a diameter not<br />

exceeding 6.35 mm and a length not less<br />

than three times the diameter;<br />

For the goods of tariff item No. 8482.10.10<br />

or 8482.20.10<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

5.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8482.91.91 Ball or roller bearings. Parts: Balls, needles and rollers Other: Of steel 3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8482.99.11 Ball or roller bearings. Parts: Other Inner or outer races or rings: For the goods<br />

of tariff item No. 8482.10.10 or 8482.20.10<br />

5.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8482.99.91 Ball or roller bearings. Parts: Other Other: For the goods of tariff item No.<br />

8482.10.10 or 8482.20.10<br />

5.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8483.50.20 Transmission shafts (including cam Flywheels and pulleys, including Flywheels<br />

shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; pulley blocks<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

bearing housings and plain shaft<br />

bearings; gears and gearing; ball or<br />

roller screws; gear boxes and other<br />

speed changers, including torque<br />

converters; flywheels and pulleys,<br />

including pulley blocks; clutches and<br />

shaft couplings (including universal<br />

joints).<br />

8483.50.90 Transmission shafts (including cam Flywheels and pulleys, including Other<br />

shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; pulley blocks<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

bearing housings and plain shaft<br />

bearings; gears and gearing; ball or<br />

roller screws; gear boxes and other<br />

speed changers, including torque<br />

converters; flywheels and pulleys,<br />

including pulley blocks; clutches and<br />

shaft couplings (including universal<br />

joints).<br />

8483.60.90 Transmission shafts (including cam Clutches and shaft couplings Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; (including universal joints)<br />

bearing housings and plain shaft<br />

bearings; gears and gearing; ball or<br />

roller screws; gear boxes and other<br />

speed changers, including torque<br />

converters; flywheels and pulleys,<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 33

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

including pulley blocks; clutches and<br />

shaft couplings (including universal<br />

joints).<br />

8483.90.20 Transmission shafts (including cam Toothed wheels, chain sprockets Of the goods of tariff item No. 8483.40.91<br />

shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; and other transmission elements or 8483.50.90<br />

bearing housings and plain shaft presented separately; parts<br />

bearings; gears and gearing; ball or<br />

roller screws; gear boxes and other<br />

speed changers, including torque<br />

converters; flywheels and pulleys,<br />

including pulley blocks; clutches and<br />

shaft couplings (including universal<br />

joints).<br />

8483.90.30 Transmission shafts (including cam Toothed wheels, chain sprockets Of the goods of tariff item No. 8483.20.00,<br />

shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; and other transmission elements 8483.30.00 or 8483.60.90<br />

bearing housings and plain shaft presented separately; parts<br />

bearings; gears and gearing; ball or<br />

roller screws; gear boxes and other<br />

speed changers, including torque<br />

converters; flywheels and pulleys,<br />

including pulley blocks; clutches and<br />

shaft couplings (including universal<br />

joints).<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8484.10.90 Gaskets and similar joints of metal Gaskets and similar joints of metal Other<br />

sheeting combined with other material sheeting combined with other<br />

or of two or more layers of metal; sets material or of two or more layers<br />

or assortments of gaskets and similar of metal<br />

joints, dissimilar in composition, put up<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

in pouches, envelopes or similar<br />

packings; mechanical seals.<br />

8484.20.90 Gaskets and similar joints of metal Mechanical seals<br />

sheeting combined with other material<br />

or of two or more layers of metal; sets<br />

or assortments of gaskets and similar<br />

joints, dissimilar in composition, put up<br />

Other 3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

in pouches, envelopes or similar<br />

packings; mechanical seals.<br />

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Page 34

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8484.90.90 Gaskets and similar joints of metal<br />

sheeting combined with other material<br />

or of two or more layers of metal; sets<br />

or assortments of gaskets and similar<br />

joints, dissimilar in composition, put up<br />

in pouches, envelopes or similar<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

packings; mechanical seals.<br />

8487.90.90 Machinery parts, not containing Other Other 3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

electrical connectors, insulators, coils,<br />

contacts or other electrical features, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

8504.10.90 Electrical transformers, static Ballasts for discharge lamps or Other 7% January 28, 2009<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and tubes<br />

inductors.<br />

8504.21.90 Electrical transformers, static Liquid dielectric transformers: Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and Having a power handling capacity<br />

inductors.<br />

not exceeding 650 kVA<br />

8504.22.90 Electrical transformers, static Liquid dielectric transformers: Other 9.5% January 28, 2009<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and Having a power handling capacity<br />

inductors.<br />

exceeding 650 kVA but not<br />

exceeding 10,000 kVA<br />

8504.23.90 Electrical transformers, static Liquid dielectric transformers: Other 9.5% January 28, 2009<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and Having a power handling capacity<br />

inductors.<br />

exceeding 10,000 kVA<br />

8504.31.10 Electrical transformers, static Other transformers: Having a For use in the manufacture of lightwave 3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and power handling capacity not transmission systems<br />

inductors.<br />

exceeding 1 kVA<br />

8504.31.90 Electrical transformers, static Other transformers: Having a Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and power handling capacity not<br />

inductors.<br />

exceeding 1 kVA<br />

8504.32.90 Electrical transformers, static Other transformers: Having a Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and power handling capacity<br />

inductors.<br />

exceeding 1 kVA but not<br />

exceeding 16 kVA<br />

8504.33.90 Electrical transformers, static Other transformers: Having a Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and power handling capacity<br />

inductors.<br />

exceeding 16 kVA but not<br />

exceeding 500 kVA<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8504.34.90 Electrical transformers, static Other transformers: Having a<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and power handling capacity<br />

inductors.<br />

8504.40.10 Electrical transformers, static<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and<br />

inductors.<br />

exceeding 500 kVA<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other 9.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Static converters Commercial battery chargers, excluding<br />

those for charging batteries used in miners'<br />

safety lamps and those for use in the<br />

manufacture of railway or tramway<br />

6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8504.40.40 Electrical transformers, static Static converters<br />

passenger vehicles<br />

Speed drive controllers for electric motors 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and<br />

inductors.<br />

8504.50.90 Electrical transformers, static Other inductors Other 3% January 28, 2009<br />

converters (for example, rectifiers) and<br />

inductors.<br />

8505.11.00 Electro-magnets; permanent magnets Permanent magnets and articles Of metal 2% January 28, 2009<br />

and articles intended to become intended to become permanent<br />

permanent magnets after magnetization; magnets after magnetization: Of<br />

electro-magnetic or permanent magnet metal<br />

chucks, clamps and similar holding<br />

devices; electro-magnetic couplings,<br />

clutches and brakes; electro-magnetic<br />

lifting heads.<br />

8505.19.90 Electro-magnets; permanent magnets Permanent magnets and articles Other 4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

and articles intended to become intended to become permanent<br />

permanent magnets after magnetization; magnets<br />

electro-magnetic or permanent magnet Other<br />

chucks, clamps and similar holding<br />

devices; electro-magnetic couplings,<br />

clutches and brakes; electro-magnetic<br />

lifting heads.<br />

after magnetization:<br />

8505.20.90 Electro-magnets; permanent magnets Electro-magnetic couplings, Other 3% January 28, 2009<br />

and articles intended to become clutches and brakes<br />

permanent magnets after magnetization;<br />

electro-magnetic or permanent magnet<br />

chucks, clamps and similar holding<br />

devices; electro-magnetic couplings,<br />

clutches and brakes; electro-magnetic<br />

lifting heads.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8512.20.90 Electrical lighting or signalling Other lighting or visual signalling<br />

equipment (excluding articles of equipment<br />

heading 85.39), windscreen wipers,<br />

defrosters and demisters, of a kind used<br />

for cycles or motor vehicles.<br />

8512.90.90 Electrical lighting or signalling<br />

equipment (excluding articles of<br />

heading 85.39), windscreen wipers,<br />

defrosters and demisters, of a kind used<br />

for cycles or motor vehicles.<br />

8514.10.11 Industrial or laboratory electric furnaces<br />

and ovens (including those functioning<br />

by induction or dielectric loss); other<br />

industrial or laboratory equipment for<br />

the heat treatment of materials by<br />

induction or dielectric loss.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

Parts Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

Resistance heated furnaces and<br />

ovens<br />

8514.10.90 Industrial or laboratory electric furnaces Resistance heated furnaces and<br />

and ovens (including those functioning ovens<br />

by induction or dielectric loss); other<br />

industrial or laboratory equipment for<br />

the heat treatment of materials by<br />

induction or dielectric loss.<br />

8514.20.11 Industrial or laboratory electric furnaces<br />

and ovens (including those functioning<br />

by induction or dielectric loss); other<br />

industrial or laboratory equipment for<br />

the heat treatment of materials by<br />

induction or dielectric loss.<br />

Furnaces and ovens functioning by<br />

induction or dielectric loss<br />

Mechanically operated, excluding ovens for<br />

cooking or furnaces for heating buildings:<br />

Carburizing furnaces;<br />

Furnaces for heating metal;<br />

Furnaces for melting glass, crucible-type,<br />

with a capacity not exceeding 50 kg;<br />

Furnaces for melting aluminum, crucibletype,<br />

with a capacity not exceeding 600 kg;<br />

Holding furnaces;<br />

Kilns;<br />

Paint-baking ovens;<br />

Thermal fluid heaters/furnaces;<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

Vacuum ovens<br />

Other 7% January 28, 2009<br />

Mechanically operated: Diffusion furnaces;<br />

Induction furnaces;<br />

Vacuum ovens<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8514.20.90 Industrial or laboratory electric furnaces Furnaces and ovens functioning by<br />

and ovens (including those functioning induction or dielectric loss<br />

by induction or dielectric loss); other<br />

industrial or laboratory equipment for<br />

the heat treatment of materials by<br />

induction or dielectric loss.<br />

8514.30.11 Industrial or laboratory electric furnaces<br />

and ovens (including those functioning<br />

by induction or dielectric loss); other<br />

industrial or laboratory equipment for<br />

the heat treatment of materials by<br />

induction or dielectric loss.<br />

8514.30.90 Industrial or laboratory electric furnaces<br />

and ovens (including those functioning<br />

by induction or dielectric loss); other<br />

industrial or laboratory equipment for<br />

the heat treatment of materials by<br />

induction or dielectric loss.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other 7% January 28, 2009<br />

Other furnaces and ovens Mechanically operated, excluding ovens for<br />

cooking or furnaces for heating buildings:<br />

Furnaces for melting or heat-treating metal<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

Other furnaces and ovens Other 7% January 28, 2009<br />

8514.40.90 Industrial or laboratory electric furnaces Other equipment for the heat Other<br />

and ovens (including those functioning treatment of materials by induction<br />

by induction or dielectric loss); other or dielectric loss<br />

industrial or laboratory equipment for<br />

the heat treatment of materials by<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

induction or dielectric loss.<br />

8515.11.00 Electric (including electrically heated Brazing or soldering machines and Soldering irons and guns 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

gas), laser or other light or photon apparatus: Soldering irons and<br />

beam, ultrasonic, electron beam, guns<br />

magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering,<br />

brazing or welding machines and<br />

apparatus, whether or not capable of<br />

cutting; electric machines and apparatus<br />

for hot spraying of metals or cermets.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8515.19.10 Electric (including electrically heated<br />

gas), laser or other light or photon<br />

beam, ultrasonic, electron beam,<br />

magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering,<br />

brazing or welding machines and<br />

apparatus, whether or not capable of<br />

cutting; electric machines and apparatus<br />

for hot spraying of metals or cermets.<br />

Brazing or soldering machines and<br />

apparatus: Other<br />

Machines for soldering or desoldering<br />

electrical or electronic components to<br />

printed circuit boards;<br />

Machines for soldering armatures;<br />

Machines for solder-coating/dipping or<br />

tinning electrical or electronic components<br />

8515.21.10 Electric (including electrically heated Machines and apparatus for High frequency or ultra high frequency<br />

gas), laser or other light or photon resistance welding of metal: Fully electric resistance welding apparatus<br />

beam, ultrasonic, electron beam, or partly automatic<br />

magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering,<br />

brazing or welding machines and<br />

apparatus, whether or not capable of<br />

cutting; electric machines and apparatus<br />

for hot spraying of metals or cermets.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8515.21.90 Electric (including electrically heated Machines and apparatus for Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

gas), laser or other light or photon resistance welding of metal: Fully<br />

beam, ultrasonic, electron beam, or partly automatic<br />

magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering,<br />

brazing or welding machines and<br />

apparatus, whether or not capable of<br />

cutting; electric machines and apparatus<br />

for hot spraying of metals or cermets.<br />

8515.29.10 Electric (including electrically heated<br />

gas), laser or other light or photon<br />

beam, ultrasonic, electron beam,<br />

magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering,<br />

brazing or welding machines and<br />

apparatus, whether or not capable of<br />

cutting; electric machines and apparatus<br />

for hot spraying of metals or cermets.<br />

Machines and apparatus for<br />

resistance welding of metal: Other<br />

High frequency or ultra frequency electric<br />

resistance welding apparatus<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8515.29.90 Electric (including electrically heated Machines and apparatus for<br />

gas), laser or other light or photon resistance welding of metal: Other<br />

beam, ultrasonic, electron beam,<br />

magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering,<br />

brazing or welding machines and<br />

apparatus, whether or not capable of<br />

cutting; electric machines and apparatus<br />

for hot spraying of metals or cermets.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

8515.31.00 Electric (including electrically heated Machines and apparatus for arc Fully or partly automatic<br />

gas), laser or other light or photon (including plasma arc) welding of<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

beam, ultrasonic, electron beam, metals: Fully or partly automatic<br />

magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering,<br />

brazing or welding machines and<br />

apparatus, whether or not capable of<br />

cutting; electric machines and apparatus<br />

for hot spraying of metals or cermets.<br />

8515.39.00 Electric (including electrically heated Machines and apparatus for arc Other<br />

gas), laser or other light or photon (including plasma arc) welding of<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

beam, ultrasonic, electron beam, metals: Other<br />

magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering,<br />

brazing or welding machines and<br />

apparatus, whether or not capable of<br />

cutting; electric machines and apparatus<br />

for hot spraying of metals or cermets.<br />

8515.80.00 Electric (including electrically heated Other machines and apparatus Other machines and apparatus 6% January 28, 2009<br />

gas), laser or other light or photon<br />

beam, ultrasonic, electron beam,<br />

magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering,<br />

brazing or welding machines and<br />

apparatus, whether or not capable of<br />

cutting; electric machines and apparatus<br />

for hot spraying of metals or cermets.<br />

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Page 40

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8535.10.10 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, fuses,<br />

lightning arresters, voltage limiters,<br />

surge suppressors, plugs and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

Fuses For a voltage exceeding 1,000 volts, to be<br />

employed in mining, recovering and<br />

producing crude oil from shales, oil-sands<br />

or tar-sands<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

voltage exceeding 1,000 volts.<br />

8535.10.90 Electrical apparatus for switching or Fuses<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, fuses,<br />

lightning arresters, voltage limiters,<br />

surge suppressors, plugs and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage exceeding 1,000 volts.<br />

Other 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8535.21.10 Electrical apparatus for switching or Automatic circuit breakers: For a Oil-filled or air-blast power circuit breakers<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for voltage of less than 72.5 kV<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, fuses,<br />

lightning arresters, voltage limiters,<br />

surge suppressors, plugs and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage exceeding 1,000 volts.<br />

11% January 28, 2009<br />

8535.21.90 Electrical apparatus for switching or Automatic circuit breakers: For a Other<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for voltage of less than 72.5 kV<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, fuses,<br />

lightning arresters, voltage limiters,<br />

surge suppressors, plugs and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage exceeding 1,000 volts.<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8535.29.00 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, fuses,<br />

lightning arresters, voltage limiters,<br />

surge suppressors, plugs and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage exceeding 1,000 volts.<br />

8535.30.90 Electrical apparatus for switching or Isolating switches and make-and-<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for break switches<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, fuses,<br />

lightning arresters, voltage limiters,<br />

surge suppressors, plugs and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage exceeding 1,000 volts.<br />

8535.40.00 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, fuses,<br />

lightning arresters, voltage limiters,<br />

surge suppressors, plugs and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage exceeding 1,000 volts.<br />

8535.90.20 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, fuses,<br />

lightning arresters, voltage limiters,<br />

surge suppressors, plugs and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage exceeding 1,000 volts.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Automatic circuit breakers: Other Other 2% January 28, 2009<br />

Lightning arresters, voltage<br />

limiters and surge suppressors<br />

Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Lightning arresters, voltage limiters and<br />

surge suppressors<br />

Other Industrial control-type switches;<br />

Other junction boxes or flameproof cable<br />

connecting devices;<br />

Receptacle boxes of metal<br />

6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

7% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8535.90.30 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, fuses,<br />

lightning arresters, voltage limiters,<br />

surge suppressors, plugs and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage exceeding 1,000 volts.<br />

8535.90.90 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, fuses,<br />

lightning arresters, voltage limiters,<br />

surge suppressors, plugs and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage exceeding 1,000 volts.<br />

8536.10.90 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets,<br />

lamp-holders and other connectors,<br />

junction boxes), for a voltage not<br />

exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for<br />

optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or<br />

cables.<br />

8536.30.20 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets,<br />

lamp-holders and other connectors,<br />

junction boxes), for a voltage not<br />

exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for<br />

optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or<br />

Other Motor starters and motor overload<br />

protectors<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Other Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Fuses Other 5% January 28, 2009<br />

Other apparatus for protecting<br />

electric circuits<br />

Overload motor protectors excluding those<br />

for use in the manufacture of air<br />

conditioning machines<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

cables.<br />

8536.30.90 Electrical apparatus for switching or Other apparatus for protecting Other<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for electric circuits<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets,<br />

lamp-holders and other connectors,<br />

junction boxes), for a voltage not<br />

exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for<br />

optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or<br />

cables.<br />

8536.41.20 Electrical apparatus for switching or Relays: For a voltage not<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for exceeding 60 V<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets,<br />

lamp-holders and other connectors,<br />

junction boxes), for a voltage not<br />

exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for<br />

optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or<br />

cables.<br />

8536.41.90 Electrical apparatus for switching or Relays: For a voltage not<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for exceeding 60 V<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets,<br />

lamp-holders and other connectors,<br />

junction boxes), for a voltage not<br />

exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for<br />

optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or<br />

cables.<br />

8536.49.90 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets,<br />

lamp-holders and other connectors,<br />

junction boxes), for a voltage not<br />

exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for<br />

optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or<br />

cables.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Automotive signalling flashers 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Relays: Other Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8536.50.12 Electrical apparatus for switching or Other switches<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

For automotive use 5% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets,<br />

lamp-holders and other connectors,<br />

junction boxes), for a voltage not<br />

exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for<br />

optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or<br />

cables.<br />

8536.50.19 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets,<br />

lamp-holders and other connectors,<br />

junction boxes), for a voltage not<br />

exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for<br />

optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or<br />

cables.<br />

8536.69.90 Electrical apparatus for switching or Lamp-holders, plugs and sockets:<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for Other<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets,<br />

lamp-holders and other connectors,<br />

junction boxes), for a voltage not<br />

exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for<br />

optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or<br />

cables.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other switches Motor starters: Other 5% January 28, 2009<br />

Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8536.90.99 Electrical apparatus for switching or Other apparatus<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets,<br />

lamp-holders and other connectors,<br />

junction boxes), for a voltage not<br />

exceeding 1,000 volts; connectors for<br />

optical fibres, optical fibre bundles or<br />

cables.<br />

Other: Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8537.10.19 Boards, panels, consoles, desks,<br />

cabinets and other bases, equipped with<br />

two or more apparatus of heading 85.35<br />

or 85.36, for electric control or the<br />

distribution of electricity, including<br />

those incorporating instruments or<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical<br />

control apparatus, other than switching<br />

apparatus of heading 85.17.<br />

For a voltage not exceeding 1,000<br />

V<br />

8537.10.29 Boards, panels, consoles, desks, For a voltage not exceeding 1,000<br />

cabinets and other bases, equipped with V<br />

two or more apparatus of heading 85.35<br />

or 85.36, for electric control or the<br />

distribution of electricity, including<br />

those incorporating instruments or<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical<br />

control apparatus, other than switching<br />

apparatus of heading 85.17.<br />

8537.10.39 Boards, panels, consoles, desks,<br />

cabinets and other bases, equipped with<br />

two or more apparatus of heading 85.35<br />

or 85.36, for electric control or the<br />

distribution of electricity, including<br />

those incorporating instruments or<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical<br />

control apparatus, other than switching<br />

apparatus of heading 85.17.<br />

For a voltage not exceeding 1,000<br />

V<br />

Numerical control panels with built-in<br />

automatic data processing machines: Other<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Motor control centres: Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Other, for use with machinery or<br />

equipment: Custom built electrical control<br />

panels for automatic control of plate<br />

freezers;<br />

For use in the manufacture of fork-lift<br />

trucks or submersible water pump systems<br />

of a pump diameter exceeding 8.89 cm, and<br />

other than those for use with printing<br />

machinery with an image or printing area of<br />

2,413 cm² or larger;<br />

Temperature controls;<br />

Cam programmers<br />

8537.10.91 Boards, panels, consoles, desks, For a voltage not exceeding 1,000 Other: Assembled with outer housings or<br />

cabinets and other bases, equipped with V<br />

supports, for the goods of heading 84.21,<br />

two or more apparatus of heading 85.35<br />

or 85.36, for electric control or the<br />

distribution of electricity, including<br />

84.22, 84.50 or 85.16<br />

those incorporating instruments or<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical<br />

control apparatus, other than switching<br />

apparatus of heading 85.17.<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8537.10.99 Boards, panels, consoles, desks, For a voltage not exceeding 1,000<br />

cabinets and other bases, equipped with V<br />

two or more apparatus of heading 85.35<br />

or 85.36, for electric control or the<br />

distribution of electricity, including<br />

those incorporating instruments or<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical<br />

control apparatus, other than switching<br />

apparatus of heading 85.17.<br />

8537.20.10 Boards, panels, consoles, desks,<br />

cabinets and other bases, equipped with<br />

two or more apparatus of heading 85.35<br />

or 85.36, for electric control or the<br />

distribution of electricity, including<br />

those incorporating instruments or<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical<br />

control apparatus, other than switching<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other: Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

For a voltage exceeding 1,000 V Metal clad industrial switchgear, excluding<br />

flameproof electric switchgear to be<br />

employed in mines<br />

8.5% January 28, 2009<br />

apparatus of heading 85.17.<br />

8537.20.90 Boards, panels, consoles, desks, For a voltage exceeding 1,000 V Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

cabinets and other bases, equipped with<br />

two or more apparatus of heading 85.35<br />

or 85.36, for electric control or the<br />

distribution of electricity, including<br />

those incorporating instruments or<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical<br />

control apparatus, other than switching<br />

apparatus of heading 85.17.<br />

8538.10.90 Parts suitable for use solely or Boards, panels, consoles, desks, Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

principally with the apparatus of cabinets and other bases for the<br />

heading 85.35, 85.36 or 85.37. goods of heading 85.37, not<br />

equipped with their apparatus<br />

8538.90.10 Parts suitable for use solely or Other Of ceramic or metallic materials, 3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

principally with the apparatus of<br />

electrically or mechanically reactive to<br />

heading 85.35, 85.36 or 85.37.<br />

changes in temperature, for motor starters<br />

and overload protectors<br />

8538.90.20 Parts suitable for use solely or Other Printed circuit assemblies 3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

principally with the apparatus of<br />

heading 85.35, 85.36 or 85.37.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8538.90.39 Parts suitable for use solely or<br />

principally with the apparatus of<br />

heading 85.35, 85.36 or 85.37.<br />

8538.90.99 Parts suitable for use solely or<br />

principally with the apparatus of<br />

heading 85.35, 85.36 or 85.37.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other Moulded parts: Other 3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Other Other: Other 3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8540.11.11 Thermionic, cold cathode or photo- Cathode-ray television picture High definition: With a video display<br />

cathode valves and tubes (for example, tubes, including video monitor diagonal not exceeding 35.56 cm<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves cathode-ray tubes: Colour<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

camera tubes).<br />

8540.11.12 Thermionic, cold cathode or photo- Cathode-ray television picture High definition: With a video display<br />

cathode valves and tubes (for example, tubes, including video monitor diagonal exceeding 35.56 cm<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves cathode-ray tubes: Colour<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

camera tubes).<br />

8540.11.21 Thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode<br />

valves and tubes (for example,<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

camera tubes).<br />

8540.11.22 Thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode<br />

valves and tubes (for example,<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

camera tubes).<br />

Cathode-ray television picture<br />

tubes, including video monitor<br />

cathode-ray tubes: Colour<br />

Cathode-ray television picture<br />

tubes, including video monitor<br />

cathode-ray tubes: Colour<br />

Other, for non-projection television<br />

receivers: With a video display diagonal not<br />

exceeding 35.56 cm<br />

Other, for non-projection television<br />

receivers: With a video display diagonal<br />

exceeding 35.56 cm<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

6% January 28, 2009<br />

8540.11.90 Thermionic, cold cathode or photo- Cathode-ray television picture Other 6% January 28, 2009<br />

cathode valves and tubes (for example, tubes, including video monitor<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves cathode-ray tubes: Colour<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

camera tubes).<br />

8540.12.19 Thermionic, cold cathode or photo- Cathode-ray television picture High definition: Other 3% January 28, 2009<br />

cathode valves and tubes (for example, tubes, including video monitor<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves cathode-ray tubes: Black and<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

camera tubes).<br />

white or other monochrome<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

8540.12.99 Thermionic, cold cathode or photo- Cathode-ray television picture Other: Other 3% January 28, 2009<br />

cathode valves and tubes (for example, tubes, including video monitor<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves cathode-ray tubes: Black and<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves white or other monochrome<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

camera tubes).<br />

8540.40.90 Thermionic, cold cathode or photo- Data/graphic display tubes, colour, Other<br />

cathode valves and tubes (for example, with a phosphor dot screen pitch<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves smaller than 0.4 mm<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

3% January 28, 2009<br />

camera tubes).<br />

8540.50.90 Thermionic, cold cathode or photo- Data/graphic display tubes, black<br />

cathode valves and tubes (for example, and white or other monochrome<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

camera tubes).<br />

8540.60.90 Thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode<br />

valves and tubes (for example,<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

camera tubes).<br />

Other 3% January 28, 2009<br />

Other cathode-ray tubes Other 3% January 28, 2009<br />

8540.72.00 Thermionic, cold cathode or photo- Microwave tubes (for example, Klystrons<br />

cathode valves and tubes (for example, magnetrons, klystrons, travelling<br />

3% January 28, 2009<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves wave tubes, carcinotrons),<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves excluding grid-controlled tubes:<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television Klystrons<br />

camera tubes).<br />

8540.79.00 Thermionic, cold cathode or photo- Microwave tubes (for example, Other<br />

cathode valves and tubes (for example, magnetrons, klystrons, travelling<br />

3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves wave tubes, carcinotrons),<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves excluding grid-controlled tubes:<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television Other<br />

camera tubes).<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8540.81.90 Thermionic, cold cathode or photo- Other valves and tubes: Receiver<br />

cathode valves and tubes (for example, or amplifier valves and tubes<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

camera tubes).<br />

8540.89.00 Thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode<br />

valves and tubes (for example,<br />

vacuum or vapour or gas filled valves<br />

and tubes, mercury arc rectifying valves<br />

and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television<br />

camera tubes).<br />

8543.10.90 Electrical machines and apparatus,<br />

having individual functions, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

8543.20.00 Electrical machines and apparatus,<br />

having individual functions, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other 4% January 28, 2009<br />

Other valves and tubes: Other Other 3.5% January 28, 2009<br />

Particle accelerators Other 5% January 28, 2009<br />

Signal generators Signal generators 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8543.30.99 Electrical machines and apparatus, Machines and apparatus for Other: Other 4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

having individual functions, not electroplating, electrolysis or<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this electrophoresis<br />

Chapter.<br />

8543.70.21 Electrical machines and apparatus,<br />

having individual functions, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

8543.70.91 Electrical machines and apparatus,<br />

having individual functions, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

Other machines and apparatus Other electrical machines, mechanically<br />

operated: Ozone generators;<br />

Ultraviolet water disinfection machinery<br />

Other machines and apparatus Other: To be employed in mining,<br />

recovering and producing crude oil from<br />

shales, oil-sands or tar-sands<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8543.70.99 Electrical machines and apparatus, Other machines and apparatus Other: Other 6.5% January 28, 2009<br />

having individual functions, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8543.90.20 Electrical machines and apparatus, Parts For electro-polishing and anodizing;<br />

having individual functions, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

8544.20.90 Insulated (including enamelled or Co-axial cable and other co-axial<br />

anodized) wire, cable (including co- electric conductors<br />

axial cable) and other insulated electric<br />

conductors, whether or not fitted with<br />

connectors; optical fibre cables, made<br />

up of individually sheathed fibres,<br />

whether or not assembled with electric<br />

conductors or fitted with connectors.<br />

Of proximity cards and tags of tariff item<br />

No. 8523.59.10, of the goods of tariff item<br />

No. 8543.10.90, 8543.20.00, 8543.30.99,<br />

8543.70.21 (other than those for use in the<br />

manufacture of the goods of this heading)<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

or 8543.70.99<br />

Other 5% January 28, 2009<br />

8544.42.20 Insulated (including enamelled or Other electric conductors, for a Other, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V 5% January 28, 2009<br />

anodized) wire, cable (including co- voltage not exceeding 1,000 V:<br />

axial cable) and other insulated electric Fitted with connectors<br />

conductors, whether or not fitted with<br />

connectors; optical fibre cables, made<br />

up of individually sheathed fibres,<br />

whether or not assembled with electric<br />

conductors or fitted with connectors.<br />

8544.42.90 Insulated (including enamelled or Other electric conductors, for a Other 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

anodized) wire, cable (including co- voltage not exceeding 1,000 V:<br />

axial cable) and other insulated electric Fitted with connectors<br />

conductors, whether or not fitted with<br />

connectors; optical fibre cables, made<br />

up of individually sheathed fibres,<br />

whether or not assembled with electric<br />

conductors or fitted with connectors.<br />

8546.10.00 Electrical insulators of any material. Of glass Of glass 2.5% January 28, 2009<br />

8546.20.00 Electrical insulators of any material. Of ceramics Of ceramics 3% January 28, 2009<br />

8547.10.90 Insulating fittings for electrical Insulating fittings of ceramics Other 9% January 28, 2009<br />

machines, appliances or equipment,<br />

being fittings wholly of insulating<br />

material apart from any minor<br />

components of metal (for example,<br />

threaded sockets) incorporated during<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 51

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

moulding solely for purposes of<br />

assembly, other than insulators of<br />

heading 85.46; electrical conduit tubing<br />

and joints therefore, of base metal lined<br />

with insulating material.<br />

8547.90.90 Insulating fittings for electrical<br />

machines, appliances or equipment,<br />

being fittings wholly of insulating<br />

material apart from any minor<br />

components of metal (for example,<br />

threaded sockets) incorporated during<br />

moulding solely for purposes of<br />

assembly, other than insulators of<br />

heading 85.46; electrical conduit tubing<br />

and joints therefore, of base metal lined<br />

with insulating material.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2009<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination<br />

Other Other 4.5% January 28, 2009<br />

9976.00.00 Articles and materials for use in the repair<br />

or overhaul of gas turbines or parts thereof<br />

Between 5%<br />

and 9.5%<br />

January 28, 2009<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 52

Annex II<br />

Canadian Federal Budget Measures - 2010<br />

Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff Elimination on Manufacturing Inputs and Machinery and Equipment<br />

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

1513.19.10 Coconut (copra), palm kernel or<br />

babassu oil and fractions thereof,<br />

whether or not refined, but not<br />

chemically modified.<br />

2511.10.00 Natural barium sulphate (barytes);<br />

natural barium carbonate (witherite),<br />

whether or not calcined, other than<br />

barium oxide of heading 28.16.<br />

2514.00.10 Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed<br />

or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise,<br />

into blocks or slabs of a rectangular<br />

(including square) shape.<br />

2515.20.20 Marble, travertine, ecaussine and other<br />

calcareous monumental or building<br />

stone of an apparent specific gravity of<br />

2.5 or more, and alabaster, whether or<br />

not roughly trimmed or merely cut, by<br />

sawing or otherwise, into blocks or<br />

slabs of a rectangular (including<br />

square) shape.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of animal feeds 11% March 5, 2010<br />

Natural barium sulphate (barytes) Natural barium sulphate (barytes) 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Slate, whether or not roughly<br />

trimmed or merely cut, by sawing<br />

or otherwise, into blocks or slabs<br />

of a rectangular (including square)<br />

shape.<br />

Ecaussine and other calcareous<br />

monumental or building stone;<br />

alabaster<br />

Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into<br />

blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including<br />

square) shape<br />

Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into<br />

blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including<br />

square) shape<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2516.12.10 Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone Merely cut, by sawing or By sawing 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

and other monumental or building otherwise, into blocks or slabs of<br />

stone, whether or not roughly trimmed a rectangular (including square)<br />

or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, shape<br />

into blocks or slabs of a rectangular<br />

(including square) shape.<br />

2516.20.20 Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone<br />

and other monumental or building<br />

stone, whether or not roughly trimmed<br />

or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise,<br />

into blocks or slabs of a rectangular<br />

(including square) shape.<br />

Sandstone Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into<br />

blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including<br />

square) shape<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 53

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2516.90.20 Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone<br />

and other monumental or building<br />

stone, whether or not roughly trimmed<br />

or merely cut, by sawing or otherwise,<br />

into blocks or slabs of a rectangular<br />

Other monumental or building<br />

stone<br />

Merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into<br />

blocks or slabs of a rectangular (including<br />

square) shape<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2517.30.00<br />

(including square) shape.<br />

Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed Tarred macadam<br />

stone, of a kind commonly used for<br />

concrete aggregates, for road metalling<br />

or for railway or other ballast, shingle<br />

and flint, whether or not heat-treated;<br />

macadam of slag, dross or similar<br />

Tarred macadam 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

industrial waste, whether or not<br />

2518.20.00<br />

incorporating the materials cited in the<br />

first part of the heading; tarred<br />

macadam; granules, chippings and<br />

powder, of stones of heading 25.15 or<br />

25.16, whether or not heat-treated.<br />

Dolomite, whether or not calcined or Calcined or sintered dolomite<br />

sintered, including dolomite roughly<br />

trimmed or merely cut, by sawing or<br />

otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a<br />

rectangular (including square) shape;<br />

dolomite ramming mix.<br />

Calcined or sintered dolomite 3% March 5, 2010<br />

2530.90.10 Mineral substances not elsewhere Other Natural micaceous iron oxides 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2705.00.00<br />

specified or included.<br />

Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and Coal gas, water gas, producer gas Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and<br />

similar gases, other than petroleum and similar gases, other than similar gases, other than petroleum gases<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons. petroleum gases and other gaseous and other gaseous hydrocarbons.<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

2707.40.90 Oils and other products of the Naphthalene Other 8% March 5, 2010<br />

distillation of high temperature coal<br />

tar; similar products in which the<br />

weight of the aromatic constituents<br />

exceeds that of the non-aromatic<br />

constituents.<br />

2707.99.10 Oils and other products of the Other Phenols 8% March 5, 2010<br />

distillation of high temperature coal<br />

tar; similar products in which the<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 54

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

weight of the aromatic constituents<br />

exceeds that of the non-aromatic<br />

constituents.<br />

2710.11.19 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from<br />

bituminous minerals, other than crude;<br />

preparations not elsewhere specified or<br />

included, containing by weight 70% or<br />

more of petroleum oils or of oils<br />

obtained from bituminous minerals,<br />

these oils being the basic constituents<br />

of the preparations; waste oils.<br />

2710.19.20 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from<br />

bituminous minerals, other than crude;<br />

preparations not elsewhere specified or<br />

included, containing by weight 70% or<br />

more of petroleum oils or of oils<br />

obtained from bituminous minerals,<br />

these oils being the basic constituents<br />

of the preparations; waste oils.<br />

2710.91.10 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from<br />

bituminous minerals, other than crude;<br />

preparations not elsewhere specified or<br />

included, containing by weight 70% or<br />

more of petroleum oils or of oils<br />

obtained from bituminous minerals,<br />

these oils being the basic constituents<br />

of the preparations; waste oils.<br />

2710.91.91 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from<br />

bituminous minerals, other than crude;<br />

preparations not elsewhere specified or<br />

included, containing by weight 70% or<br />

more of petroleum oils or of oils<br />

obtained from bituminous minerals,<br />

these oils being the basic constituents<br />

of the preparations; waste oils.<br />

2710.99.20 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from<br />

bituminous minerals, other than crude;<br />

preparations not elsewhere specified or<br />

included, containing by weight 70% or<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Light oils and preparations Other 8% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Alkylenes, mixed, with a very low degree<br />

of polymerization;<br />

Lubricating oils or basestocks, containing<br />

by weight more than 50% of synthetic<br />

hydrocarbons;<br />

Other white oils;<br />

Petroleum greases and lubricating greases<br />

Containing polychlorinated<br />

biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated<br />

terphenyls (PCTs) or<br />

polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)<br />

Containing polychlorinated<br />

biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated<br />

terphenyls (PCTs) or<br />

polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)<br />

Lubricating oils, containing by weight more<br />

than 50% of synthetic hydrocarbons;<br />

Petroleum greases and lubricating greases<br />

Oils and preparations thereof, having a<br />

viscosity of 7.44 mm²/sec. or more at<br />

37.8°C<br />

Other Lubricating oils, containing by weight more<br />

than 50% of synthetic hydrocarbons;<br />

Petroleum greases and lubricating greases<br />

8% March 5, 2010<br />

8% March 5, 2010<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

8% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 55

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

more of petroleum oils or of oils<br />

obtained from bituminous minerals,<br />

these oils being the basic constituents<br />

of the preparations; waste oils.<br />

2710.99.91 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from<br />

bituminous minerals, other than crude;<br />

preparations not elsewhere specified or<br />

included, containing by weight 70% or<br />

more of petroleum oils or of oils<br />

obtained from bituminous minerals,<br />

these oils being the basic constituents<br />

Other Oils and preparations thereof, having a<br />

viscosity of 7.44 mm²/sec. or more at<br />

37.8°C<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

2711.11.00<br />

of the preparations; waste oils.<br />

Petroleum gases and other gaseous Natural gas<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

Natural gas 12.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2712.90.10 Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, micro- Other<br />

crystalline petroleum wax, slack wax,<br />

ozokerite, lignite wax, peat wax, other<br />

mineral waxes, and similar products<br />

obtained by synthesis or by other<br />

processes, whether or not coloured.<br />

Micro-crystalline petroleum wax 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2713.20.90 Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen Petroleum bitumen<br />

and other residues of petroleum oils or<br />

of oils obtained from bituminous<br />

minerals.<br />

Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2714.10.00 Bitumen and asphalt, natural; Bituminous or oil shale and tar Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2715.00.10<br />

bituminous or oil shale and tar sands; sands<br />

asphaltites and asphaltic rocks.<br />

Bituminous mixtures based on natural Bituminous mixtures based on Bituminous mastics 6% March 5, 2010<br />

asphalt, on natural bitumen, on natural asphalt, on natural<br />

petroleum bitumen, on mineral tar or bitumen, on petroleum bitumen,<br />

on mineral tar pitch (for example, on mineral tar or on mineral tar<br />

bituminous mastics, cut-backs). pitch (for example, bituminous<br />

mastics, cut-backs).<br />

2804.10.00 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non- Hydrogen<br />

metals.<br />

Hydrogen 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2804.21.00 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non- Argon<br />

metals.<br />

Argon 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2804.29.90 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non- Other<br />

metals.<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

2804.30.00 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non- Nitrogen<br />

metals.<br />

Nitrogen 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2804.40.00 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non- Oxygen<br />

metals.<br />

Oxygen 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2804.69.00 Hydrogen, rare gases and other non- Other<br />

metals.<br />

Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

2805.12.00 Alkali or alkaline-earth metals; rare- Calcium<br />

earth metals, scandium and yttrium,<br />

Calcium 3% March 5, 2010<br />

whether or not intermixed or<br />

2805.19.90<br />

interalloyed; mercury.<br />

Alkali or alkaline-earth metals; rare- Other<br />

earth metals, scandium and yttrium,<br />

Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

whether or not intermixed or<br />

2805.30.00<br />

interalloyed; mercury.<br />

Alkali or alkaline-earth metals; rare- Rare-earth metals, scandium and Rare-earth metals, scandium and yttrium,<br />

earth metals, scandium and yttrium, yttrium, whether or not intermixed whether or not intermixed or interalloyed<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

whether or not intermixed or or interalloyed<br />

interalloyed; mercury.<br />

2811.19.90 Other inorganic acids and other Other Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

inorganic oxygen compounds of nonmetals.<br />

2811.21.90 Other inorganic acids and other Carbon dioxide Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

inorganic oxygen compounds of nonmetals.<br />

2811.29.10 Other inorganic acids and other Other Dinitrogen oxide 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

inorganic oxygen compounds of nonmetals.<br />

2811.29.99 Other inorganic acids and other Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2812.10.90<br />

inorganic oxygen compounds of nonmetals.<br />

Halides and halide oxides of non- Chlorides and chloride oxides<br />

metals.<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2812.90.90 Halides and halide oxides of non- Other<br />

metals.<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2817.00.90 Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide. Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide. Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2819.90.90 Chromium oxides and hydroxides. Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2821.10.00 Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth<br />

colours containing 70% or more by<br />

weight of combined iron evaluated as<br />

Fe2O3.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Iron oxides and hydroxides Iron oxides and hydroxides 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2821.20.00 Iron oxides and hydroxides; earth Earth colours<br />

colours containing 70% or more by<br />

weight of combined iron evaluated as<br />

Fe2O3.<br />

Earth colours 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2823.00.90 Titanium oxides. Titanium oxides. Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2824.10.00 Lead oxides; red lead and orange lead. Lead monoxide (litharge, Lead monoxide (litharge, massicot) 2% March 5, 2010<br />

massicot)<br />

2824.90.10 Lead oxides; red lead and orange lead. Other Red lead and orange lead 3% March 5, 2010<br />

2824.90.90 Lead oxides; red lead and orange lead. Other Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2825.70.00 Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and Molybdenum<br />

their inorganic salts; other inorganic hydroxides<br />

bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides<br />

oxides and Molybdenum oxides and hydroxides 3% March 5, 2010<br />

and peroxides.<br />

2825.90.10 Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and<br />

their inorganic salts; other inorganic<br />

bases; other metal oxides, hydroxides<br />

and peroxides.<br />

2826.19.00 Fluorides; fluorosilicates,<br />

fluoroaluminates and other complex<br />

fluorine salts.<br />

2826.90.10 Fluorides; fluorosilicates,<br />

fluoroaluminates and other complex<br />

fluorine salts.<br />

2826.90.90 Fluorides; fluorosilicates,<br />

fluoroaluminates and other complex<br />

fluorine salts.<br />

2827.10.90 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride<br />

hydroxides; bromides and bromide<br />

oxides; iodides and iodide oxides.<br />

2827.20.00 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride<br />

hydroxides; bromides and bromide<br />

oxides; iodides and iodide oxides.<br />

Other Tin oxide 4% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Fluorosilicates of sodium or of potassium 4% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Ammonium chloride Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Calcium chloride Calcium chloride 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2827.35.00 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride Of nickel<br />

hydroxides; bromides and bromide<br />

oxides; iodides and iodide oxides.<br />

Of nickel 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2827.39.20 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride<br />

hydroxides; bromides and bromide<br />

oxides; iodides and iodide oxides.<br />

2827.39.30 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride<br />

hydroxides; bromides and bromide<br />

oxides; iodides and iodide oxides.<br />

2827.39.90 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride<br />

hydroxides; bromides and bromide<br />

oxides; iodides and iodide oxides.<br />

2827.41.00 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride<br />

hydroxides; bromides and bromide<br />

oxides; iodides and iodide oxides.<br />

2827.49.00 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride<br />

hydroxides; bromides and bromide<br />

oxides; iodides and iodide oxides.<br />

2827.60.10 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride<br />

hydroxides; bromides and bromide<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Of barium 4% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Of cobalt 4% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of copper Of copper 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Iodides and iodide oxides Manganous iodide;<br />

Potassium iodide;<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

oxides; iodides and iodide oxides.<br />

Sodium iodide<br />

2827.60.99 Chlorides, chloride oxides and chloride Iodides and iodide oxides<br />

hydroxides; bromides and bromide<br />

oxides; iodides and iodide oxides.<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2829.19.90 Chlorates and perchlorates; bromates Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

and perbromates; iodates and<br />

2829.90.20<br />

periodates.<br />

Chlorates and perchlorates; bromates Other Other perchlorates;<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

and perbromates; iodates and<br />

Calcium iodate;<br />

periodates.<br />

Potassium iodate;<br />

Sodium iodate<br />

2830.10.00 Sulphides; polysulphides, whether or Sodium sulphides<br />

not chemically defined.<br />

Sodium sulphides 3.5% January 1, 2013<br />

2833.21.90 Sulphates; alums; peroxosulphates Of magnesium Other 3.5% January 1, 2013<br />

(persulphates).<br />

2833.24.00 Sulphates; alums; peroxosulphates Of nickel Of nickel 3% March 5, 2010<br />

(persulphates).<br />

2833.25.90 Sulphates; alums; peroxosulphates Of copper Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(persulphates).<br />

2833.40.90 Sulphates; alums; peroxosulphates Peroxosulphates (persulphates) Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

2834.10.00<br />

(persulphates).<br />

Nitrites; nitrates. Nitrites Nitrites 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

2834.29.10 Nitrites; nitrates. Other Of bismuth 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2835.10.00 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), Phosphinates (hypophosphites) Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and 3% March 5, 2010<br />

phosphonates (phosphites) and and phosphonates (phosphites) phosphonates (phosphites)<br />

phosphates; polyphosphates, whether<br />

or not chemically defined.<br />

2835.22.10 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), Of mono- or disodium For use in the manufacture of additives for 5% March 5, 2010<br />

phosphonates (phosphites) and<br />

heating, lubricating or fuel oils<br />

phosphates; polyphosphates, whether<br />

or not chemically defined.<br />

2835.22.90 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), Of mono- or disodium Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

phosphonates (phosphites) and<br />

phosphates; polyphosphates, whether<br />

or not chemically defined.<br />

2835.24.00 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), Of potassium Of potassium 3% March 5, 2010<br />

phosphonates (phosphites) and<br />

phosphates; polyphosphates, whether<br />

or not chemically defined.<br />

2835.26.90 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), Other phosphates of calcium Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

phosphonates (phosphites) and<br />

phosphates; polyphosphates, whether<br />

or not chemically defined.<br />

2835.29.21 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), Other Commercial grade 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

phosphonates (phosphites) and<br />

phosphates; polyphosphates, whether<br />

or not chemically defined.<br />

2835.29.29 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

phosphonates (phosphites) and<br />

phosphates; polyphosphates, whether<br />

or not chemically defined.<br />

2835.29.90 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), Other Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

phosphonates (phosphites) and<br />

phosphates; polyphosphates, whether<br />

or not chemically defined.<br />

2835.31.90 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), Sodium triphosphate (sodium Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

phosphonates (phosphites) and tripolyphosphate)<br />

phosphates; polyphosphates, whether<br />

or not chemically defined.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2835.39.90 Phosphinates (hypophosphites),<br />

phosphonates (phosphites) and<br />

phosphates; polyphosphates, whether<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or not chemically defined.<br />

2836.20.90 Carbonates; peroxocarbonates Disodium carbonate Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(percarbonates); commercial<br />

ammonium carbonate containing<br />

ammonium carbamate.<br />

2836.91.90 Carbonates; peroxocarbonates Lithium carbonates Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(percarbonates); commercial<br />

ammonium carbonate containing<br />

ammonium carbamate.<br />

2836.92.00 Carbonates; peroxocarbonates Strontium carbonate Strontium carbonate 4% March 5, 2010<br />

(percarbonates); commercial<br />

ammonium carbonate containing<br />

ammonium carbamate.<br />

2836.99.90 Carbonates; peroxocarbonates Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(percarbonates); commercial<br />

ammonium carbonate containing<br />

2839.19.00<br />

ammonium carbamate.<br />

Silicates; commercial alkali metal Other<br />

silicates.<br />

Other 5.5% January 1, 2014<br />

2839.90.10 Silicates; commercial alkali metal Other<br />

silicates.<br />

Of potassium 3% January 1, 2012<br />

2841.50.20 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic Other chromates and dichromates; Chromates of zinc or of lead 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

acids.<br />

peroxochromates<br />

2841.50.90 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic Other chromates and dichromates; Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

acids.<br />

peroxochromates<br />

2841.61.00 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic Potassium permanganate<br />

acids.<br />

Potassium permanganate 5% March 5, 2010<br />

2841.69.00 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic Other<br />

acids.<br />

Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

2841.70.90 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic Molybdates<br />

acids.<br />

Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

2841.80.00 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic Tungstates (wolframates)<br />

acids.<br />

Tungstates (wolframates) 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2841.90.20 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic Other<br />

acids.<br />

Aluminates 3% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

2841.90.90 Salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic Other<br />

acids.<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2842.10.10 Other salts of inorganic acids or Double or complex silicates, Aluminosilicates, not chemically defined 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

peroxoacids (including including aluminosilicates<br />

aluminosilicates whether or not whether or not chemically defined<br />

2842.90.20<br />

chemically defined), other than azides.<br />

Other salts of inorganic acids or Other Fulminates, cyanates and thiocyanates 3% March 5, 2010<br />

peroxoacids (including<br />

aluminosilicates whether or not<br />

2842.90.91<br />

chemically defined), other than azides.<br />

Other salts of inorganic acids or Other Ammonium nickel sulphate;<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

peroxoacids (including<br />

Sodium arsenates;<br />

aluminosilicates whether or not<br />

Sodium arsenite;<br />

chemically defined), other than azides.<br />

Sodium selenate;<br />

Sodium selenite<br />

2843.10.00 Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or Colloidal precious metals<br />

organic compounds of precious metals,<br />

whether or not chemically defined;<br />

amalgams of precious metals.<br />

Colloidal precious metals 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2843.21.00 Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or Silver nitrate<br />

organic compounds of precious metals,<br />

whether or not chemically defined;<br />

amalgams of precious metals.<br />

Silver nitrate 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2843.29.00 Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or Other<br />

organic compounds of precious metals,<br />

whether or not chemically defined;<br />

amalgams of precious metals.<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2843.30.91 Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or Gold compounds Gold sodium cyanide;<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

organic compounds of precious metals,<br />

whether or not chemically defined;<br />

amalgams of precious metals.<br />

Gold trichloride<br />

2843.30.99 Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or Gold compounds<br />

organic compounds of precious metals,<br />

whether or not chemically defined;<br />

amalgams of precious metals.<br />

Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

2843.90.90 Colloidal precious metals; inorganic or Other compounds; amalgams<br />

organic compounds of precious metals,<br />

whether or not chemically defined;<br />

amalgams of precious metals.<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2846.10.90 Compounds, inorganic or organic, of<br />

rare-earth metals, of yttrium or of<br />

scandium or of mixtures of these<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Cerium compounds Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2846.90.00<br />

metals.<br />

Compounds, inorganic or organic, of Other<br />

rare-earth metals, of yttrium or of<br />

scandium or of mixtures of these<br />

metals.<br />

Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

2847.00.00 Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not Hydrogen peroxide, whether or Hydrogen peroxide, whether or not 5.5% January 1, 2014<br />

solidified with urea.<br />

not solidified with urea. solidified with urea.<br />

2850.00.19 Hydrides, nitrides, azides, silicides and Hydrides, nitrides, azides, Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

borides, whether or not chemically silicides and borides, whether or<br />

defined, other than compounds which not chemically defined, other than<br />

are also carbides of heading 28.49. compounds which are also<br />

2852.00.20<br />

carbides of heading 28.49.<br />

Compounds, inorganic or organic, of Compounds, inorganic or organic, Mercuric and mercurous fluorosilicates, 3% March 5, 2010<br />

mercury, excluding amalgams. of mercury, excluding amalgams. thiocyanates or chromates;<br />

Mercuric dichromate or fulminate;<br />

Mercurous chlorate<br />

2852.00.30 Compounds, inorganic or organic, of Compounds, inorganic or organic, Mercuric and mercurous fluorides, 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

mercury, excluding amalgams. of mercury, excluding amalgams. chlorides, oxyiodides or carbonates<br />

2852.00.40 Compounds, inorganic or organic, of Compounds, inorganic or organic, Mercury oxides 4% March 5, 2010<br />

mercury, excluding amalgams. of mercury, excluding amalgams.<br />

2852.00.50 Compounds, inorganic or organic, of Compounds, inorganic or organic, Mercury pentanedione or oleate 4% March 5, 2010<br />

mercury, excluding amalgams. of mercury, excluding amalgams.<br />

2852.00.60 Compounds, inorganic or organic, of Compounds, inorganic or organic, Aminomercuric chloride;<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

mercury, excluding amalgams. of mercury, excluding amalgams. Hydroxymercuri-o-nitrophenol,<br />

salt;<br />

sodium<br />

2852.00.70<br />

Mercuric and mercurous oxychlorides;<br />

5-Methyl-2-nitro-7-oxa-8mercurabicyclo[4.2.0]octa-1,3,5-triene<br />

Compounds, inorganic or organic, of Compounds, inorganic or organic, 2,7-Dibromo-4-<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

mercury, excluding amalgams. of mercury, excluding amalgams. hydroxymercurifluoresceine, disodium salt<br />

2852.00.80 Compounds, inorganic or organic, of Compounds, inorganic or organic, Mercuric succinimide 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

mercury, excluding amalgams. of mercury, excluding amalgams.<br />

2852.00.90 Compounds, inorganic or organic, of Compounds, inorganic or organic, Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

mercury, excluding amalgams. of mercury, excluding amalgams.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2853.00.00 Other inorganic compounds (including<br />

distilled or conductivity water and<br />

water of similar purity); liquid air<br />

(whether or not rare gases have been<br />

removed); compressed air; amalgams,<br />

other than amalgams of precious<br />

metals.<br />

Other inorganic compounds<br />

(including distilled or<br />

conductivity water and water of<br />

similar purity); liquid air (whether<br />

or not rare gases have been<br />

removed); compressed air;<br />

amalgams, other than amalgams<br />

Other inorganic compounds (including<br />

distilled or conductivity water and water of<br />

similar purity); liquid air (whether or not<br />

rare gases have been removed); compressed<br />

air; amalgams, other than amalgams of<br />

precious metals.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2903.15.00 Halogenated derivatives<br />

of precious metals.<br />

of Ethylene dichloride (ISO) (1,2- Ethylene dichloride (ISO) (1,2- 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

dichloroethane)dichloroethane)<br />

2903.21.00 Halogenated<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

derivatives of Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene) Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene) 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2903.39.00 Halogenated<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

derivatives of Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2903.41.00 Halogenated<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

derivatives of Trichlorofluoromethane Trichlorofluoromethane 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2903.42.00 Halogenated<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

derivatives of Dichlorodifluoromethane Dichlorodifluoromethane 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2903.43.00 Halogenated<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

derivatives of Trichlorotrifluoroethanes Trichlorotrifluoroethanes 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2903.44.00 Halogenated derivatives of Dichlorotetrafluoroethanes and Dichlorotetrafluoroethanes and 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

chloropentafluoroethane chloropentafluoroethane<br />

2903.45.00 Halogenated derivatives of Other derivatives perhalogenated Other derivatives perhalogenated only with 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

only with fluorine and chlorine fluorine and chlorine<br />

2903.46.00 Halogenated derivatives of Bromochlorodifluoromethane, Bromochlorodifluoromethane,<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

bromotrifluoromethane and bromotrifluoromethane and<br />

dibromotetrafluoroethanes dibromotetrafluoroethanes<br />

2903.47.00 Halogenated<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

derivatives of Other perhalogenated derivatives Other perhalogenated derivatives 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2903.49.00 Halogenated<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

derivatives of Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2903.61.10 Halogenated derivatives of Chlorobenzene, o- Chlorobenzene 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

dichlorobenzenedichlorobenzene<br />

and p-<br />

2903.69.90 Halogenated<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

derivatives of Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2904.10.10 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives containing only Ammonium dodecylbenzenesulphonate; 4% March 5, 2010<br />

derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether sulpho groups, their salts and Ammonium xylenesulphonate;<br />

or not halogenated.<br />

ethyl esters<br />

Dodecylbenzenesulphonic acid;<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 64

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

Potassium toluenesulphonate;<br />

Sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate;<br />

Sodium toluenesulphonate;<br />

Sodium xylenesulphonate;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

2904.10.99 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives containing<br />

Toluenesulphonic acid<br />

only Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether sulpho groups, their salts and<br />

or not halogenated.<br />

ethyl esters<br />

2904.20.00 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Derivatives containing only nitro Derivatives containing only nitro or only 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether or only nitroso groups<br />

or not halogenated.<br />

nitroso groups<br />

2904.90.00 Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated Other<br />

derivatives of hydrocarbons, whether<br />

or not halogenated.<br />

Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2905.11.00 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, Methanol (methyl alcohol)<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

Methanol (methyl alcohol) 5.5% January 1, 2013<br />

2905.12.00 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and propan-2- 5.5% January 1, 2014<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol)<br />

derivatives.<br />

ol (isopropyl alcohol)<br />

2905.16.90 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, Octanol (octyl alcohol) and Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2905.17.00<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated isomers thereof<br />

derivatives.<br />

Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, Dodecan-1-ol (lauryl alcohol), Dodecan-1-ol (lauryl alcohol), hexadecan- 5% March 5, 2010<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated hexadecan-1-ol (cetyl alcohol) 1-ol (cetyl alcohol) and octadecan-1-ol<br />

derivatives.<br />

and octadecan-1-ol (stearyl (stearyl alcohol)<br />

2905.19.10<br />

alcohol)<br />

Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, Other Methylamyl alcohol (methyl isobutyl 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

carbinol);<br />

derivatives.<br />

Volatile oils used for flavouring or<br />

2905.19.99 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, Other<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

perfuming purposes<br />

Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 65

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2905.22.00 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2905.31.00 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2905.32.00 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, Propylene glycol (propane-1,2-<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated diol)<br />

derivatives.<br />

2905.39.00 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2905.42.00 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2905.43.00 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2905.45.00 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2905.49.10 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2905.49.90 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2905.51.00 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2905.59.00 Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Acyclic terpene alcohols Acyclic terpene alcohols 4% March 5, 2010<br />

Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) 5.5% January 1, 2014<br />

Propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol) 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 5.5% January 1, 2014<br />

Pentaerythritol Pentaerythritol 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Mannitol Mannitol 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Glycerol Glycerol 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Other Esters of glycerol formed with acids of<br />

heading 29.04<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Ethchlorvynol (INN) Ethchlorvynol (INN) 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2906.12.00 Cyclic alcohols and their halogenated, Cyclohexanol,<br />

Cyclohexanol, methylcyclohexanols and 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated methylcyclohexanols and dimethylcyclohexanols<br />

derivatives.<br />

dimethylcyclohexanols<br />

2906.13.00 Cyclic alcohols and their halogenated, Sterols and inositols<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

Sterols and inositols 2% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 66

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2906.19.90 Cyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2906.21.90 Cyclic alcohols and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Benzyl alcohol Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2906.29.00 Cyclic alcohols and their halogenated, Other<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2907.12.00 Phenols; phenol-alcohols. Cresols and their salts Cresols and their salts 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2907.13.00 Phenols; phenol-alcohols. Octylphenol, nonylphenol and Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their 5.5% January 1, 2014<br />

their isomers; salts thereof isomers; salts thereof<br />

2907.15.90 Phenols; phenol-alcohols. Naphthols and their salts Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2907.19.10 Phenols; phenol-alcohols. Other Didodecylphenol;<br />

Dinonylphenol;<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol<br />

hydroxytoluene);<br />

Dodecylphenol;<br />

(butylated<br />

Volatile oils used for flavouring or<br />

perfuming purposes<br />

2907.19.99 Phenols; phenol-alcohols. Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2907.21.90 Phenols; phenol-alcohols. Resorcinol and its salts Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2907.22.90 Phenols; phenol-alcohols. Hydroquinone (quinol) and its Other<br />

salts<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2907.29.20 Phenols; phenol-alcohols. Other Other phenol alcohols 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2907.29.90 Phenols; phenol-alcohols. Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2908.11.90 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or Pentachlorophenol (ISO)<br />

nitrosated derivatives of phenols or<br />

Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

phenol-alcohols.<br />

2908.19.90 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives of phenols or<br />

phenol-alcohols.<br />

2908.91.00 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives of phenols or<br />

phenol-alcohols.<br />

Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Dinoseb (ISO) and its salts Dinoseb (ISO) and its salts 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2908.99.19 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or Other<br />

nitrosated derivatives of phenols or<br />

phenol-alcohols.<br />

Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 67

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2908.99.90 Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives of phenols or<br />

phenol-alcohols.<br />

2909.30.00 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols,<br />

ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol<br />

peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone<br />

peroxides (whether or not chemically<br />

defined), and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Aromatic ethers and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives<br />

2909.41.00 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, 2,2'-Oxydiethanol (diethylene<br />

ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol glycol, digol)<br />

peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone<br />

peroxides (whether or not chemically<br />

defined), and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2909.43.00 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols,<br />

ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol<br />

peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone<br />

peroxides (whether or not chemically<br />

defined), and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

Monobutyl ethers of ethylene<br />

glycol or of diethylene glycol<br />

Aromatic ethers and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2,2'-Oxydiethanol (diethylene glycol, digol) 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Monobutyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of<br />

diethylene glycol<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2909.44.90 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, Other monoalkylethers of Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol ethylene glycol or of diethylene<br />

peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone glycol<br />

peroxides (whether or not chemically<br />

defined), and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2909.49.91 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols,<br />

ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol<br />

peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone<br />

peroxides (whether or not chemically<br />

defined), and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

Other Dipentaerythritol;<br />

Dipropylene glycol;<br />

Triethylene glycol;<br />

Triethylene glycol monobutyl ether;<br />

Triethylene glycol monoethyl ether;<br />

Triethylene glycol monomethyl ether;<br />

Tripentaerythritol<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 68

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2909.49.92 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols,<br />

ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol<br />

peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone<br />

peroxides (whether or not chemically<br />

defined), and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2909.49.99 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols,<br />

ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol<br />

peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone<br />

peroxides (whether or not chemically<br />

defined), and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 3-phenoxybenzyl alcohol 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2909.50.90 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, Ether-phenols, ether-alcohol- Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol phenols and their halogenated,<br />

peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

peroxides (whether or not chemically derivatives<br />

defined), and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2909.60.20 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, Alcohol peroxides, ether Other, cumene hydroperoxide or methyl<br />

ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol peroxides, ketone peroxides and ethyl ketone peroxide<br />

peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone their halogenated, sulphonated,<br />

peroxides (whether or not chemically nitrated or nitrosated derivatives<br />

defined), and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2909.60.99 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, Alcohol peroxides, ether Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

ether-alcohol-phenols, alcohol peroxides, ketone peroxides and<br />

peroxides, ether peroxides, ketone their halogenated, sulphonated,<br />

peroxides (whether or not chemically nitrated or nitrosated derivatives<br />

defined), and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 69

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2910.10.00 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols,<br />

epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a<br />

three-membered ring, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2910.20.00 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols,<br />

epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a<br />

three-membered ring, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2910.40.90 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols,<br />

epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a<br />

three-membered ring, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2910.90.90 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols,<br />

epoxyphenols and epoxyethers, with a<br />

three-membered ring, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2911.00.00 Acetals and hemiacetals, whether or<br />

not with other oxygen function, and<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2912.19.10 Aldehydes, whether or not with other<br />

oxygen function; cyclic polymers of<br />

aldehydes; paraformaldehyde.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Oxirane (ethylene oxide) Oxirane (ethylene oxide) 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Methyloxirane (propylene oxide) Methyloxirane (propylene oxide) 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Dieldrin (ISO, INN) Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Acetals and hemiacetals, whether<br />

or not with other oxygen function,<br />

and their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

Acetals and hemiacetals, whether or not<br />

with other oxygen function, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

Other 2-Butenal (crotonaldehyde);<br />

2-Ethyl-2-hexenal (2-ethyl-3propylacrolein);<br />

Volatile oils used for flavouring or<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2912.19.99 Aldehydes, whether or not with other Other<br />

oxygen function; cyclic polymers of<br />

aldehydes; paraformaldehyde.<br />

perfuming purposes<br />

Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2912.29.00 Aldehydes, whether or not with other Other<br />

oxygen function; cyclic polymers of<br />

aldehydes; paraformaldehyde.<br />

Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2912.30.00 Aldehydes, whether or not with other Aldehyde-alcohols<br />

oxygen function; cyclic polymers of<br />

aldehydes; paraformaldehyde.<br />

Aldehyde-alcohols 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 70

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2912.50.00 Aldehydes, whether or not with other<br />

oxygen function; cyclic polymers of<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Cyclic polymers of aldehydes Cyclic polymers of aldehydes 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2913.00.00<br />

aldehydes; paraformaldehyde.<br />

Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or Halogenated, sulphonated, Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

nitrosated derivatives of products of nitrated or nitrosated derivatives nitrosated derivatives of products of<br />

heading 29.12.<br />

of products of heading 29.12. heading 29.12.<br />

2914.11.00 Ketones and quinones, whether or not Acetone<br />

with other oxygen function, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

Acetone 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2914.19.00 Ketones and quinones, whether or not Other<br />

with other oxygen function, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

2914.22.00 Ketones and quinones, whether or not Cyclohexanone<br />

with other oxygen function, and their methylcyclohexanones<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

and Cyclohexanone and methylcyclohexanones 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2914.23.00 Ketones and quinones, whether or not Ionones and methylionones<br />

with other oxygen function, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

Ionones and methylionones 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2914.31.00 Ketones and quinones, whether or not Phenylacetone<br />

with other oxygen function, and their one)<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

(phenylpropan-2- Phenylacetone (phenylpropan-2-one) 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2914.39.00 Ketones and quinones, whether or not Other<br />

with other oxygen function, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2914.40.90 Ketones and quinones, whether or not Ketone-alcohols<br />

with other oxygen function, and their aldehydes<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

and ketone- Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2914.50.90 Ketones and quinones, whether or not Ketone-phenols and ketones with Other<br />

with other oxygen function, and their other oxygen function<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2914.61.00 Ketones and quinones, whether or not<br />

with other oxygen function, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2914.69.90 Ketones and quinones, whether or not<br />

with other oxygen function, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2914.70.00 Ketones and quinones, whether or not<br />

with other oxygen function, and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2915.13.90 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2915.24.00 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2915.29.90 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2915.32.00 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Anthraquinone Anthraquinone 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Halogenated, sulphonated,<br />

nitrated or nitrosated derivatives<br />

Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives<br />

4% March 5, 2010<br />

Esters of formic acid Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Acetic anhydride Acetic anhydride 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Vinyl acetate Vinyl acetate 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2915.33.00 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic n-Butyl acetate n-Butyl acetate 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 72

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2915.36.00 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2915.39.90 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2915.50.10 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2915.50.99 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2915.70.10 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Dinoseb (ISO) acetate Dinoseb (ISO) acetate 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Propionic acid, its salts and esters Calcium propionate;<br />

Sodium propionate<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Propionic acid, its salts and esters Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their<br />

salts and esters<br />

Aluminum distearate;<br />

Aluminum monostearate;<br />

Aluminum tristearate;<br />

Ammonium palmitate;<br />

Barium stearate;<br />

Butyl stearate;<br />

Calcium stearate;<br />

Diethyleneglycol monostearate;<br />

Glycerol monostearate;<br />

Lead stearate;<br />

Lead stearate, dibasic;<br />

Lithium stearate;<br />

Magnesium stearate;<br />

Potassium palmitate;<br />

Sodium palmitate;<br />

Sodium stearate;<br />

Zinc stearate<br />

5% January 1, 2013<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 73

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2915.70.99 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic Palmitic acid, stearic acid, their<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides, salts and esters<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2915.90.10 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 5% January 1, 2013<br />

Other Aluminum octoate (aluminum 2-ethylhexanoate);<br />

Barium octoate;<br />

tert-Butyl peroxydecanoate;<br />

tert-Butyl peroxyoctanoate;<br />

tert-Butyl peroxypivalate;<br />

Cadmium octoate;<br />

Calcium octoate;<br />

Cobalt octoate;<br />

Copper octoate;<br />

Diethylene glycol monolaurate;<br />

Diisononanoyl peroxide;<br />

Diiodostearic acid;<br />

Iron octoate;<br />

Lauroyl peroxide;<br />

Lead octoate;<br />

Manganese octoate;<br />

Nonanoyl peroxide;<br />

Stannous octoate (stannous 2-ethylhexanoate);<br />

Zinc laurate;<br />

4% January 1, 2013<br />

2915.90.92 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic Other<br />

Zinc octoate<br />

Other decanoic acids 4% March 5, 2010<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2915.90.99 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic Other Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

acids and their anhydrides, halides,<br />

peroxides and peroxyacids; their<br />

2916.12.20<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic Esters of acrylic acid<br />

acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids,<br />

their anhydrides, halides, peroxides<br />

Other 2-ethylhexyl acrylate 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

and peroxyacids; their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2916.12.90 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids,<br />

their anhydrides, halides, peroxides<br />

and peroxyacids; their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2916.15.00 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids,<br />

their anhydrides, halides, peroxides<br />

and peroxyacids; their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2916.19.00 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids,<br />

their anhydrides, halides, peroxides<br />

and peroxyacids; their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Esters of acrylic acid Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids,<br />

their salts and esters<br />

Oleic, linoleic or linolenic acids, their salts<br />

and esters<br />

5% January 1, 2013<br />

Other Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

2916.20.10 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic Cyclanic, cyclenic or Volatile oils used for flavouring or<br />

acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids, cycloterpenic monocarboxylic perfuming purposes<br />

their anhydrides, halides, peroxides acids, their anhydrides, halides,<br />

and peroxyacids; their halogenated, peroxides, peroxyacids and their<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives<br />

derivatives.<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2916.20.99 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic Cyclanic, cyclenic or Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids, cycloterpenic monocarboxylic<br />

their anhydrides, halides, peroxides acids, their anhydrides, halides,<br />

and peroxyacids; their halogenated, peroxides, peroxyacids and their<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives<br />

derivatives.<br />

2916.31.00 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic Benzoic acid, its salts and esters<br />

acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids,<br />

their anhydrides, halides, peroxides<br />

and peroxyacids; their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

Benzoic acid, its salts and esters 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2916.32.00 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl<br />

acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids, chloride<br />

their anhydrides, halides, peroxides<br />

and peroxyacids; their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2916.34.00 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids,<br />

their anhydrides, halides, peroxides<br />

and peroxyacids; their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2916.35.00 Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic<br />

acids, cyclic monocarboxylic acids,<br />

their anhydrides, halides, peroxides<br />

and peroxyacids; their halogenated,<br />

sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated<br />

derivatives.<br />

2917.11.19 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2917.11.90 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2917.12.10 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl chloride 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Phenylacetic acid and its salts Phenylacetic acid and its salts 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Esters of phenylacetic acid Esters of phenylacetic acid 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Oxalic acid, its salts and esters Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Oxalic acid, its salts and esters Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Adipic acid, its salts and esters Adipic acid;<br />

Di-(2-ethylhexyl) adipate;<br />

Di-isodecyl adipate;<br />

Di-isooctyl adipate;<br />

6.5% January 1, 2014<br />

2917.12.99 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, Adipic acid, its salts and esters<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

n-Octyl n-decyl adipate<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2917.13.10 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, Azelaic acid, sebacic acid, their Dibutyl sebacate;<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; salts and esters<br />

Di-(2-ethylhexyl) azelate (dioctyl azelate);<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

Di-(2-ethylhexyl) sebacate (dioctyl<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

sebacate);<br />

2917.13.99 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, Azelaic acid, sebacic acid, their<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; salts and esters<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2917.14.90 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2917.19.10 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

4.5% January 1, 2013<br />

Di-isooctyl azelate<br />

Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Maleic anhydride Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Dibutyl fumarate;<br />

Dibutyl maleate;<br />

Ferrous fumarate;<br />

Lead fumarate, tetrabasic;<br />

6.5% January 1, 2015<br />

2917.19.99 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, Other<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

Maleic acid<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2917.20.00 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, Cyclanic, cyclenic or Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic 4% March 5, 2010<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; cycloterpenic polycarboxylic polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides,<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated acids, their anhydrides, halides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives<br />

derivatives<br />

2917.32.00 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, Dioctyl orthophthalates<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

Dioctyl orthophthalates 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2917.33.00 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, Dinonyl<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; orthophthalates<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

or didecyl Dinonyl or didecyl orthophthalates 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2917.34.10 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, Other esters of orthophthalic acid Butyl-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (butyl octyl 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

phthalate);<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

Butyl isodecyl phthalate;<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

Butyl isooctyl phthalate;<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2917.34.99 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2917.39.90 Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2918.18.90 Carboxylic acids with additional<br />

oxygen function and their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2918.19.10 Carboxylic acids with additional<br />

oxygen function and their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate;<br />

Di-(2-methoxyethyl) phthalate;<br />

Di-(methylcyclohexyl) phthalate;<br />

Di-tridecyl phthalate;<br />

2-Ethylhexyl n-decyl phthalate;<br />

Lead phthalate, dibasic;<br />

n-Octyl n-decyl phthalate<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other esters of orthophthalic acid Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Chlorobenzilate (ISO) Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Cholic acid;<br />

Dioctyl diglycollate;<br />

Glycerol tri-12-acetylricinoleate;<br />

3-beta-Hydroxy-5-cholenic acid;<br />

12-Hydroxystearic acid;<br />

Hyocholic acid;<br />

Hyodesoxycholic acid;<br />

Methyl ricinoleate;<br />

Volatile oils used for flavouring or<br />

4% March 5, 2010<br />

perfuming purposes<br />

2918.19.99 Carboxylic acids with additional Other Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

oxygen function and their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2918.23.00 Carboxylic acids with additional Other esters of salicylic acid and<br />

oxygen function and their anhydrides, their salts<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2918.29.90 Carboxylic acids with additional<br />

oxygen function and their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other esters of salicylic acid and their salts 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2918.91.00 Carboxylic acids with additional 2,4,5-T (ISO) (2,4,5- 2,4,5-T (ISO) (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic<br />

oxygen function and their anhydrides, trichlorophenoxyacetic acid), its acid), its salts and esters<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; salts and esters<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2918.99.90 Carboxylic acids with additional<br />

oxygen function and their anhydrides,<br />

halides, peroxides and peroxyacids;<br />

their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated<br />

or nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2919.90.10 Phosphoric esters and their salts,<br />

including lactophosphates; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Amyl acid phosphate;<br />

n-Butyl acid phosphate;<br />

Dodecyl acid phosphate;<br />

Ethyl acid phosphate;<br />

Heptadecyl acid phosphate;<br />

Hexadecyl acid phosphate;<br />

Isobutyl acid phosphate;<br />

Nonyl acid phosphate;<br />

Octyl acid phosphate;<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2919.90.99 Phosphoric esters and their salts, Other<br />

Propyl acid phosphate<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

including lactophosphates; their<br />

2920.11.00<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

Esters of other inorganic acids of non- Parathion (ISO) and parathion- Parathion (ISO) and parathion-methyl (ISO) 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

metals (excluding esters of hydrogen methyl (ISO) (methyl-parathion) (methyl-parathion)<br />

halides) and their salts; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2920.19.00 Esters of other inorganic acids of nonmetals<br />

(excluding esters of hydrogen<br />

halides) and their salts; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2920.90.10 Esters of other inorganic acids of nonmetals<br />

(excluding esters of hydrogen<br />

halides) and their salts; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Cetyl sulphate and the ammonium, lithium,<br />

potassium and sodium salts of cetyl<br />

hydrogen sulphate;<br />

Decyl sulphate and the ammonium, lithium,<br />

potassium and sodium salts of decyl<br />

hydrogen sulphate;<br />

Hexyl sulphate and the ammonium, lithium,<br />

potassium and sodium salts of hexyl<br />

hydrogen sulphate;<br />

Isodecyl sulphate and the ammonium,<br />

lithium, potassium and sodium salts of<br />

isodecyl hydrogen sulphate;<br />

Isooctyl sulphate and the ammonium,<br />

lithium, potassium and sodium salts of<br />

isooctyl hydrogen sulphate;<br />

Lauryl sulphate and the ammonium,<br />

lithium, potassium and sodium salts of<br />

lauryl hydrogen sulphate;<br />

Nonyl sulphate and the ammonium, lithium,<br />

potassium and sodium salts of nonyl<br />

hydrogen sulphate;<br />

Octyl sulphate and the ammonium, lithium,<br />

potassium and sodium salts of octyl<br />

hydrogen sulphate;<br />

Oleyl sulphate and the ammonium, lithium,<br />

potassium and sodium salts of oleyl<br />

hydrogen sulphate;<br />

Stearyl sulphate and the ammonium,<br />

lithium, potassium and sodium salts of<br />

stearyl hydrogen sulphate;<br />

Tridecyl sulphate and the ammonium,<br />

lithium, potassium and sodium salts of<br />

tridecyl hydrogen sulphate;<br />

Nitrous or nitric esters and their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

2920.90.99 Esters of other inorganic acids of non- Other<br />

metals (excluding esters of hydrogen<br />

nitrosated derivatives;<br />

Tris nonyl phenyl phosphite<br />

Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

halides) and their salts; their<br />

halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or<br />

nitrosated derivatives.<br />

2921.11.90 Amine-function compounds. Methylamine, di- or Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2921.19.20 Amine-function compounds.<br />

trimethylamine and their salts<br />

Other Diethylamine and its salts 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2921.19.91 Amine-function compounds. Other Dipropylamine;<br />

2-amino propane;<br />

Butylamine;<br />

Tributylamine;<br />

Dibutylamine;<br />

n-Oleylamine<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

2921.19.99 Amine-function compounds. Other Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

2921.22.00 Amine-function compounds. Hexamethylenediamine<br />

salts<br />

and its Hexamethylenediamine and its salts 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2921.29.90 Amine-function compounds. Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2921.30.90 Amine-function compounds. Cyclanic, cyclenic or Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

cycloterpenic mono- or<br />

2921.42.90 Amine-function compounds.<br />

polyamines, and their derivatives;<br />

salts thereof<br />

Aniline derivatives and their salts Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2921.43.90 Amine-function compounds. Toluidines and their derivatives; Other<br />

salts thereof<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2921.44.90 Amine-function compounds. Diphenylamine and its Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2921.45.91 Amine-function compounds.<br />

derivatives; salts thereof<br />

1-Naphthylamine (alpha- N-Phenyl-beta-naphthylamine and salts 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

naphthylamine), 2-naphthylamine thereof<br />

(beta-naphthylamine) and their<br />

2921.45.99 Amine-function compounds.<br />

derivatives; salts thereof<br />

1-Naphthylamine (alpha- Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

naphthylamine), 2-naphthylamine<br />

(beta-naphthylamine) and their<br />

derivatives; salts thereof<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2921.46.00 Amine-function compounds. Amfetamine (INN), benzfetamine Amfetamine (INN), benzfetamine (INN),<br />

(INN), dexamfetamine (INN), dexamfetamine (INN), etilamfetamine<br />

etilamfetamine (INN), (INN), fencamfamin (INN), lefetamine<br />

fencamfamin (INN), lefetamine (INN), levamfetamine (INN), mefenorex<br />

(INN), levamfetamine (INN), (INN) and phentermine (INN); salts thereof<br />

mefenorex (INN) and<br />

phentermine (INN); salts thereof<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2921.49.00 Amine-function compounds. Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2921.51.90 Amine-function compounds. o-, m-, p-Phenylenediamine, Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

diaminotoluenes, and their<br />

2921.59.90 Amine-function compounds.<br />

derivatives; salts thereof<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.11.00 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Monoethanolamine and its salts Monoethanolamine and its salts 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.12.00 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Diethanolamine and its salts Diethanolamine and its salts 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.13.00 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Triethanolamine and its salts Triethanolamine and its salts 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.14.00 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Dextropropoxyphene (INN) and Dextropropoxyphene (INN) and its salts<br />

its salts<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.19.91 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Other Ethanolamines;<br />

N,N,N',N'-Tetrakis(2-hydroxypropyl)<br />

ethylenediamine;<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

N,N,N'-Tris(2-hydroxypropyl)hydroxyethyl)<br />

ethylenediamine<br />

N'-(2-<br />

2922.19.99 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.21.00 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Aminohydroxynaphthalenesulpho Aminohydroxynaphthalenesulphonic acids 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

nic acids and their salts and their salts<br />

2922.29.29 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.29.90 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.31.00 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Amfepramone (INN), methadone Amfepramone (INN), methadone (INN) and<br />

(INN) and normethadone (INN); normethadone (INN); salts thereof<br />

salts thereof<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.39.90 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.41.90 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Lysine and its esters; salts thereof Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.44.00 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Tilidine (INN) and its salts Tilidine (INN) and its salts 5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.49.90 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Other Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

2922.50.90 Oxygen-function amino-compounds. Amino-alcohol-phenols, amino- Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

acid-phenols and other aminocompounds<br />

with oxygen function<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2923.10.90 Quaternary ammonium salts and<br />

hydroxides; lecithins and other<br />

phosphoaminolipids, whether or not<br />

chemically defined.<br />

2923.20.90 Quaternary ammonium salts and Lecithins and other<br />

hydroxides; lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids<br />

phosphoaminolipids, whether or not<br />

chemically defined.<br />

2923.90.10 Quaternary ammonium salts and<br />

hydroxides; lecithins and other<br />

phosphoaminolipids, whether or not<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Choline and its salts Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Alkylbenzyltrialkylammonium chlorides;<br />

Benzyltrialkylammonium chlorides<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

chemically defined.<br />

2923.90.99 Quaternary ammonium salts and Other Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

hydroxides; lecithins and other<br />

phosphoaminolipids, whether or not<br />

chemically defined.<br />

2924.11.00 Carboxyamide-function compounds; Meprobamate (INN) Meprobamate (INN) 4% March 5, 2010<br />

amide-function compounds of carbonic<br />

acid.<br />

2924.12.90 Carboxyamide-function compounds; Fluoroacetamide (ISO), Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

amide-function compounds of carbonic monocrotophos (ISO) and<br />

acid.<br />

phosphamidon (ISO)<br />

2924.19.10 Carboxyamide-function compounds; Other N,N-Dimethylformamide;<br />

4% March 5, 2010<br />

amide-function compounds of carbonic<br />

Lauric diethanolamide;<br />

acid.<br />

Lauric isopropanolamide (lauryl<br />

2924.19.99 Carboxyamide-function compounds; Other<br />

isopropanolamide);<br />

Lauric monoethanolamide;<br />

Oleic diethanolamide;<br />

Oleic monoethanolamide;<br />

Sodium N-methyl N-oleoyl taurate;<br />

Stearyl diethanolamide<br />

Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

amide-function compounds of carbonic<br />

acid.<br />

2924.21.00 Carboxyamide-function compounds; Ureines and their derivatives; salts Ureines and their derivatives; salts thereof 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

amide-function compounds of carbonic thereof<br />

acid.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2924.23.19 Carboxyamide-function compounds; 2-Acetamidobenzoic acid (N-<br />

amide-function compounds of carbonic acetylanthranilic acid) and its salts<br />

acid.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2924.23.99 Carboxyamide-function compounds; 2-Acetamidobenzoic acid (N- Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

amide-function compounds of carbonic acetylanthranilic acid) and its salts<br />

acid.<br />

2924.24.00 Carboxyamide-function compounds;<br />

amide-function compounds of carbonic<br />

acid.<br />

2924.29.91 Carboxyamide-function compounds;<br />

amide-function compounds of carbonic<br />

acid.<br />

2924.29.99 Carboxyamide-function compounds;<br />

amide-function compounds of carbonic<br />

acid.<br />

2925.11.00 Carboxyimide-function compounds<br />

(including saccharin and its salts) and<br />

imine-function compounds.<br />

2925.12.00 Carboxyimide-function compounds<br />

(including saccharin and its salts) and<br />

imine-function compounds.<br />

2925.19.00 Carboxyimide-function compounds<br />

(including saccharin and its salts) and<br />

imine-function compounds.<br />

2925.21.90 Carboxyimide-function compounds<br />

(including saccharin and its salts) and<br />

imine-function compounds.<br />

2925.29.90 Carboxyimide-function compounds<br />

(including saccharin and its salts) and<br />

imine-function compounds.<br />

Ethinamate (INN) Ethinamate (INN) 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Saccharin and its salts Saccharin and its salts 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Glutethimide (INN) Glutethimide (INN) 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Chlordimeform (ISO) Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2926.30.00 Nitrile-function compounds. Fenproporex (INN) and its salts; Fenproporex (INN) and its salts; methadone 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

methadone (INN) intermediate (4- (INN) intermediate (4-cyano-2cyano-2-dimethylamino-4,4diphenylbutane)dimethylamino-4,4-diphenylbutane)<br />

2926.90.90 Nitrile-function compounds. Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2929.90.10 Compounds with other nitrogen Other Methyltrinitrophenylnitramine 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

function.<br />

2929.90.90 Compounds with other nitrogen<br />

function.<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2930.20.10 Organo-sulphur compounds. Thiocarbamates and<br />

dithiocarbamates<br />

Diamylammonium diamyldithiocarbamate;<br />

Selenium diethyldithiocarbamate;<br />

Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate;<br />

Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate;<br />

Zinc dibutyldithiocarbamate;<br />

Zinc diethyldithiocarbamate;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2930.20.99 Organo-sulphur compounds. Thiocarbamates<br />

dithiocarbamates<br />

Zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate<br />

and Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2930.30.20 Organo-sulphur compounds. Thiuram mono-, di- or Other tetramethylthiuram mono- or 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

tetrasulphides<br />

disulphides<br />

2930.30.99 Organo-sulphur compounds. Thiuram mono-, di- or Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2930.50.90 Organo-sulphur compounds.<br />

tetrasulphides<br />

Captafol (ISO) and Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2930.90.21 Organo-sulphur compounds.<br />

methamidophos (ISO)<br />

Other Potassium amylxanthate;<br />

Potassium ethylxanthate;<br />

Potassium isopropylxanthate;<br />

Sodium sec-butylxanthate;<br />

Sodium ethylxanthate;<br />

Sodium isopropylxanthate<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2930.90.29 Organo-sulphur compounds. Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2930.90.99 Organo-sulphur compounds. Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2931.00.10 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Other organo-inorganic Diethyl aluminum chloride;<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

compounds.<br />

Ethyl aluminum sesquichloride;<br />

Sodium tetraphenylborate;<br />

Triethyl aluminum<br />

2931.00.99 Other organo-inorganic compounds. Other<br />

compounds.<br />

organo-inorganic Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2932.19.00 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen Other<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2932.29.90 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen Other lactones<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2932.91.00 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen Isosafrole<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Isosafrole 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2932.92.00 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)propan- 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)propan-2-one 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

2-one<br />

2932.93.00 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen Piperonal<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Piperonal 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

2932.94.00 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen Safrole<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Safrole 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2932.95.00 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen Tetrahydrocannabinols (all Tetrahydrocannabinols (all isomers) 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

isomers)<br />

2932.99.00 Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen Other<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.19.90 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.29.90 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.32.90 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Piperidine and its salts<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.33.00 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Alfentanil (INN), anileridine Alfentanil (INN), anileridine (INN), 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

(INN), bezitramide (INN), bezitramide (INN), bromazepam (INN),<br />

bromazepam (INN), difenoxin difenoxin (INN), diphenoxylate (INN),<br />

(INN), diphenoxylate (INN), dipipanone (INN), fentanyl (INN),<br />

dipipanone (INN), fentanyl (INN), ketobemidone (INN), methylphenidate<br />

ketobemidone (INN), (INN), pentazocine (INN), pethidine (INN),<br />

methylphenidate (INN), pethidine (INN) intermediate A,<br />

pentazocine (INN), pethidine phencyclidine (INN) (PCP), phenoperidine<br />

(INN), pethidine (INN) (INN), pipradrol (INN), piritramide (INN),<br />

intermediate A, phencyclidine propiram (INN) and trimeperidine (INN);<br />

(INN) (PCP), phenoperidine salts thereof<br />

(INN), pipradrol (INN),<br />

piritramide (INN), propiram<br />

(INN) and trimeperidine (INN);<br />

salts thereof<br />

2933.39.90 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.41.00 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Levorphanol (INN) and its salts<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Levorphanol (INN) and its salts 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.49.10 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other 6-Ethoxy-1,2-dihydro-2,2,4-<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

trimethylquinoline<br />

2933.49.90 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.55.00 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Loprazolam (INN), mecloqualone Loprazolam (INN), mecloqualone (INN), 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

(INN), methaqualone (INN) and methaqualone (INN) and zipeprol (INN);<br />

zipeprol (INN); salts thereof salts thereof<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

2933.59.91 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Piperazine phosphate 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.59.99 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.69.10 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other Methenamine mandelate;<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Trimethylenetrinitramine<br />

2933.69.99 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.71.90 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen 6-Hexanelactam (epsilon- Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

caprolactam)<br />

2933.72.00 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Clobazam (INN) and methyprylon Clobazam (INN) and methyprylon (INN) 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

(INN)<br />

2933.79.00 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other lactams<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other lactams 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.91.90 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Alprazolam (INN), camazepam Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

(INN), chlordiazepoxide (INN),<br />

clonazepam (INN), clorazepate,<br />

delorazepam (INN), diazepam<br />

(INN), estazolam (INN), ethyl<br />

loflazepate (INN), fludiazepam<br />

(INN), flunitrazepam (INN),<br />

flurazepam (INN), halazepam<br />

(INN), lorazepam (INN),<br />

lormetazepam (INN), mazindol<br />

(INN), medazepam (INN),<br />

midazolam (INN), nimetazepam<br />

(INN), nitrazepam (INN),<br />

nordazepam (INN), oxazepam<br />

(INN), pinazepam (INN),<br />

prazepam (INN), pyrovalerone<br />

(INN), temazepam (INN),<br />

tetrazepam (INN) and triazolam<br />

(INN); salts thereof<br />

2933.99.22 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Maleic hydrazide 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2933.99.90 Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen Other<br />

hetero-atom(s) only.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2934.10.00 Nucleic acids and their salts, whether<br />

or not chemically defined; other<br />

Compounds containing an<br />

unfused thiazole ring (whether or<br />

Compounds containing an unfused thiazole<br />

ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

heterocyclic compounds.<br />

not hydrogenated) in the structure structure<br />

2934.20.90 Nucleic acids and their salts, whether Compounds containing in the Other<br />

or not chemically defined; other structure a benzothiazole ring-<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

heterocyclic compounds.<br />

system (whether or not<br />

2934.30.90<br />

hydrogenated), not further fused<br />

Nucleic acids and their salts, whether Compounds containing in the Other<br />

or not chemically defined; other structure a phenothiazine ring-<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

heterocyclic compounds.<br />

system (whether or not<br />

hydrogenated), not further fused<br />

2934.91.00 Nucleic acids and their salts, whether Aminorex (INN), brotizolam Aminorex (INN), brotizolam (INN), 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or not chemically defined; other (INN), clotiazepam (INN), clotiazepam (INN), cloxazolam (INN),<br />

heterocyclic compounds.<br />

cloxazolam (INN), dextromoramide (INN), haloxazolam<br />

dextromoramide (INN), (INN), ketazolam (INN), mesocarb (INN),<br />

haloxazolam (INN), ketazolam oxazolam (INN), pemoline (INN),<br />

(INN), mesocarb (INN), oxazolam phendimetrazine (INN), phenmetrazine<br />

(INN), pemoline (INN), (INN) and sufentanil (INN); salts thereof<br />

phendimetrazine (INN),<br />

phenmetrazine (INN) and<br />

2934.99.10<br />

sufentanil (INN); salts thereof<br />

Nucleic acids and their salts, whether Other 1,4-Bis-2-(5-phenyloxazolyl)-benzene 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or not chemically defined; other<br />

(POPOP);<br />

heterocyclic compounds.<br />

2,5-Diphenyloxazole (PPO);<br />

Phenylbiphenyloxadiazole (2-phenyl-5(4biphenylyl)-1,3,4-<br />

oxadiazole;PBD);<br />

Volatile oils used for flavouring or<br />

2934.99.99 Nucleic acids and their salts, whether Other<br />

or not chemically defined; other<br />

heterocyclic compounds.<br />

perfuming purposes<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2935.00.20 Sulphonamides. Sulphonamides. Other chlorpropamide and other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2935.00.99 Sulphonamides. Sulphonamides.<br />

sulphadiazine<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2937.19.19 Hormones, prostaglandins,<br />

thromboxanes and leukotrienes, natural<br />

or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives<br />

and structural analogues thereof,<br />

including chain modified polypeptides,<br />

used primarily as hormones.<br />

2937.29.10 Hormones, prostaglandins,<br />

thromboxanes and leukotrienes, natural<br />

or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives<br />

and structural analogues thereof,<br />

including chain modified polypeptides,<br />

used primarily as hormones.<br />

2937.39.19 Hormones, prostaglandins,<br />

thromboxanes and leukotrienes, natural<br />

or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives<br />

and structural analogues thereof,<br />

including chain modified polypeptides,<br />

used primarily as hormones.<br />

2937.50.10 Hormones, prostaglandins,<br />

thromboxanes and leukotrienes, natural<br />

or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives<br />

and structural analogues thereof,<br />

including chain modified polypeptides,<br />

used primarily as hormones.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Ketone-phenols and ketones with other<br />

oxygen function<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Prostaglandins, thromboxanes and<br />

leukotrienes, their derivatives and<br />

structural analogues<br />

Carboxylic acids with phenol function but<br />

without other oxygen function, their<br />

anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids<br />

and their derivatives<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2937.50.29 Hormones, prostaglandins, Prostaglandins, thromboxanes and Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

thromboxanes and leukotrienes, natural leukotrienes, their derivatives and<br />

or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives structural analogues<br />

and structural analogues thereof,<br />

including chain modified polypeptides,<br />

used primarily as hormones.<br />

2937.50.39 Hormones, prostaglandins, Prostaglandins, thromboxanes and Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

thromboxanes and leukotrienes, natural leukotrienes, their derivatives and<br />

or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives structural analogues<br />

and structural analogues thereof,<br />

including chain modified polypeptides,<br />

used primarily as hormones.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

2937.90.19 Hormones, prostaglandins,<br />

thromboxanes and leukotrienes, natural<br />

or reproduced by synthesis; derivatives<br />

and structural analogues thereof,<br />

including chain modified polypeptides,<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2938.90.00<br />

used primarily as hormones.<br />

Glycosides, natural or reproduced by Other<br />

synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters<br />

and other derivatives.<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2940.00.00 Sugars, chemically pure, other than Sugars, chemically pure, other Sugars, chemically pure, other than sucrose,<br />

sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose and than sucrose, lactose, maltose, lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose;<br />

fructose; sugar ethers, sugar acetals glucose and fructose; sugar ethers, sugar ethers, sugar acetals and sugar esters,<br />

and sugar esters, and their salts, other sugar acetals and sugar esters, and and their salts, other than products of<br />

than products of heading 29.37, 29.38 their salts, other than products of heading 29.37, 29.38 or 29.39.<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or 29.39.<br />

heading 29.37, 29.38 or 29.39.<br />

2942.00.90 Other organic compounds. Other organic compounds. Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

3202.10.10 Synthetic organic tanning substances; Synthetic organic tanning Sodium formaldehyde naphthalene 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

inorganic tanning substances; tanning substances<br />

preparations, whether or not containing<br />

natural tanning substances; enzymatic<br />

preparations for pre-tanning.<br />

sulphonates<br />

3203.00.10 Colouring matter of vegetable or Colouring matter of vegetable or Edible colouring matter of vegetable origin 3% March 5, 2010<br />

animal origin (including dyeing animal origin (including dyeing and preparations based thereon, other than<br />

extracts but excluding animal black), extracts but excluding animal for use in the manufacture of surimi or<br />

whether or not chemically defined; black), whether or not chemically surimi-based imitation shellfish meat<br />

preparations as specified in Note 3 to defined; preparations as specified<br />

this Chapter based on colouring matter in Note 3 to this Chapter based on<br />

of vegetable or animal origin. colouring matter of vegetable or<br />

animal origin.<br />

3204.17.91 Synthetic organic colouring matter, Pigments and preparations based Quinacridone pigments and preparations<br />

whether or not chemically defined; thereon<br />

preparations as specified in Note 3 to<br />

this Chapter based on synthetic organic<br />

colouring matter; synthetic organic<br />

products of a kind used as fluorescent<br />

brightening agents or as luminophores,<br />

whether or not chemically defined.<br />

5% January 1, 2014<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 90

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3204.17.99 Synthetic organic colouring matter, Pigments and preparations based<br />

whether or not chemically defined; thereon<br />

preparations as specified in Note 3 to<br />

this Chapter based on synthetic organic<br />

colouring matter; synthetic organic<br />

products of a kind used as fluorescent<br />

brightening agents or as luminophores,<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 6.5% January 1, 2014<br />

3205.00.00<br />

whether or not chemically defined.<br />

Colour lakes; preparations as specified Colour lakes; preparations as Colour lakes; preparations as specified in<br />

in Note 3 to this Chapter based on specified in Note 3 to this Chapter Note 3 to this Chapter based on colour<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

colour lakes.<br />

based on colour lakes.<br />

lakes.<br />

3206.19.90 Other colouring matter; preparations as Other<br />

specified in Note 3 to this Chapter,<br />

other than those of heading 32.03,<br />

32.04 or 32.05; inorganic products of a<br />

kind used as luminophores, whether or<br />

not chemically defined.<br />

Other 6% January 1, 2013<br />

3206.20.00 Other colouring matter; preparations as Pigments and preparations based Pigments and preparations based on 6.5% January 1, 2014<br />

specified in Note 3 to this Chapter, on chromium compounds<br />

other than those of heading 32.03,<br />

32.04 or 32.05; inorganic products of a<br />

kind used as luminophores, whether or<br />

not chemically defined.<br />

chromium compounds<br />

3206.42.90 Other colouring matter; preparations as Lithopone and other pigments and Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

specified in Note 3 to this Chapter, preparations<br />

other than those of heading 32.03, sulphide<br />

32.04 or 32.05; inorganic products of a<br />

kind used as luminophores, whether or<br />

not chemically defined.<br />

based on zinc<br />

3206.49.29 Other colouring matter; preparations as Other<br />

specified in Note 3 to this Chapter,<br />

other than those of heading 32.03,<br />

32.04 or 32.05; inorganic products of a<br />

kind used as luminophores, whether or<br />

not chemically defined.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Page 91

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3206.49.30 Other colouring matter; preparations as<br />

specified in Note 3 to this Chapter,<br />

other than those of heading 32.03,<br />

32.04 or 32.05; inorganic products of a<br />

kind used as luminophores, whether or<br />

Other Pigments and preparations based on<br />

hexacyanoferrates (ferrocyanides and<br />

ferricyanides)<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3206.49.89<br />

not chemically defined.<br />

Other colouring matter; preparations as Other<br />

specified in Note 3 to this Chapter,<br />

other than those of heading 32.03,<br />

32.04 or 32.05; inorganic products of a<br />

kind used as luminophores, whether or<br />

not chemically defined.<br />

Other 6.5% January 1, 2013<br />

3206.49.90 Other colouring matter; preparations as Other<br />

specified in Note 3 to this Chapter,<br />

other than those of heading 32.03,<br />

32.04 or 32.05; inorganic products of a<br />

kind used as luminophores, whether or<br />

not chemically defined.<br />

Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

3207.10.90 Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers Prepared pigments, prepared Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

and prepared colours, vitrifiable opacifiers, prepared colours and<br />

3207.20.00<br />

enamels and glazes, engobes (slips), similar preparations<br />

liquid lustres and similar preparations,<br />

of a kind used in the ceramic,<br />

enamelling or glass industry; glass frit<br />

and other glass, in the form of powder,<br />

granules or flakes.<br />

Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

and prepared colours, vitrifiable engobes (slips) and similar (slips) and similar preparations<br />

enamels and glazes, engobes (slips), preparations<br />

liquid lustres and similar preparations,<br />

of a kind used in the ceramic,<br />

enamelling or glass industry; glass frit<br />

and other glass, in the form of powder,<br />

granules or flakes.<br />

3207.30.90 Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers Liquid lustres and similar Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

and prepared colours, vitrifiable preparations<br />

enamels and glazes, engobes (slips),<br />

liquid lustres and similar preparations,<br />

of a kind used in the ceramic,<br />

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Page 92

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

enamelling or glass industry; glass frit<br />

and other glass, in the form of powder,<br />

granules or flakes.<br />

3207.40.90 Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers<br />

and prepared colours, vitrifiable<br />

enamels and glazes, engobes (slips),<br />

liquid lustres and similar preparations,<br />

of a kind used in the ceramic,<br />

enamelling or glass industry; glass frit<br />

and other glass, in the form of powder,<br />

granules or flakes.<br />

3212.10.00 Pigments (including metallic powders<br />

and flakes) dispersed in non-aqueous<br />

media, in liquid or paste form, of a<br />

kind used in the manufacture of paints<br />

(including enamels); stamping foils;<br />

dyes and other colouring matter put up<br />

in forms or packings for retail sale.<br />

3212.90.90 Pigments (including metallic powders<br />

and flakes) dispersed in non-aqueous<br />

media, in liquid or paste form, of a<br />

kind used in the manufacture of paints<br />

(including enamels); stamping foils;<br />

dyes and other colouring matter put up<br />

in forms or packings for retail sale.<br />

3215.11.00 Printing ink, writing or drawing ink<br />

and other inks, whether or not<br />

concentrated or solid.<br />

3215.19.90 Printing ink, writing or drawing ink<br />

and other inks, whether or not<br />

concentrated or solid.<br />

3215.90.90 Printing ink, writing or drawing ink<br />

and other inks, whether or not<br />

concentrated or solid.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Glass frit and other glass, in the Other<br />

form of powder, granules or flakes<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Stamping foils Stamping foils 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Black Black 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3801.30.90 Artificial graphite; colloidal or semi- Carbonaceous pastes for Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

colloidal graphite; preparations based electrodes and similar pastes for<br />

on graphite or other carbon in the form furnace linings<br />

of pastes, blocks, plates or other semimanufactures.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3801.90.00 Artificial graphite; colloidal or semicolloidal<br />

graphite; preparations based<br />

on graphite or other carbon in the form<br />

of pastes, blocks, plates or other semi-<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3806.30.90<br />

manufactures.<br />

Rosin and resin acids, and derivatives Ester gums<br />

thereof; rosin spirit and rosin oils; run<br />

gums.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3807.00.10 Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood Solvents or thinners, based on wood tar oil<br />

creosote; wood naphtha; vegetable creosote; wood naphtha; vegetable<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

pitch; brewers' pitch and similar pitch; brewers' pitch and similar<br />

preparations based on rosin, resin acids preparations based on rosin, resin<br />

or on vegetable pitch.<br />

acids or on vegetable pitch.<br />

3809.91.20 Finishing agents, dye carriers to Of a kind used in the textile or Sizing agents based on rosin 6% March 5, 2010<br />

accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dye- like industries<br />

stuffs and other products and<br />

preparations (for example, dressings<br />

and mordants), of a kind used in the<br />

textile, paper, leather or like industries,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3809.91.90 Finishing agents, dye carriers to Of a kind used in the textile or Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dye- like industries<br />

stuffs and other products and<br />

preparations (for example, dressings<br />

and mordants), of a kind used in the<br />

textile, paper, leather or like industries,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3809.92.10 Finishing agents, dye carriers to Of a kind used in the paper or like Sizing agents based on rosin 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dye- industries<br />

stuffs and other products and<br />

preparations (for example, dressings<br />

and mordants), of a kind used in the<br />

textile, paper, leather or like industries,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3809.92.90 Finishing agents, dye carriers to Of a kind used in the paper or like Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dye- industries<br />

stuffs and other products and<br />

preparations (for example, dressings<br />

and mordants), of a kind used in the<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

textile, paper, leather or like industries,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3809.93.00 Finishing agents, dye carriers to<br />

accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dyestuffs<br />

and other products and<br />

preparations (for example, dressings<br />

and mordants), of a kind used in the<br />

textile, paper, leather or like industries,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Of a kind used in the leather or<br />

like industries<br />

Of a kind used in the leather or like<br />

industries<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

3810.10.90 Pickling preparations for metal Pickling preparations for metal Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

surfaces; fluxes and other auxiliary surfaces; soldering, brazing or<br />

preparations for soldering, brazing or welding powders and pastes<br />

welding; soldering, brazing or welding consisting of metal and other<br />

powders and pastes consisting of metal materials<br />

and other materials; preparations of a<br />

kind used as cores or coatings for<br />

welding electrodes or rods.<br />

3810.90.00 Pickling preparations for metal<br />

surfaces; fluxes and other auxiliary<br />

preparations for soldering, brazing or<br />

welding; soldering, brazing or welding<br />

powders and pastes consisting of metal<br />

and other materials; preparations of a<br />

kind used as cores or coatings for<br />

welding electrodes or rods.<br />

3811.11.00 Anti-knock preparations, oxidation<br />

inhibitors, gum inhibitors, viscosity<br />

improvers, anti-corrosive preparations<br />

and other prepared additives, for<br />

mineral oils (including gasoline) or for<br />

other liquids used for the same<br />

purposes as mineral oils.<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Based on lead compounds Based on lead compounds 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3811.19.00 Anti-knock preparations, oxidation Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

inhibitors, gum inhibitors, viscosity<br />

improvers, anti-corrosive preparations<br />

and other prepared additives, for<br />

mineral oils (including gasoline) or for<br />

other liquids used for the same<br />

purposes as mineral oils.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3811.21.90 Anti-knock preparations, oxidation Containing petroleum oils or oils<br />

inhibitors, gum inhibitors, viscosity obtained<br />

improvers, anti-corrosive preparations minerals<br />

and other prepared additives, for<br />

mineral oils (including gasoline) or for<br />

other liquids used for the same<br />

from bituminous<br />

purposes as mineral oils.<br />

3811.29.00 Anti-knock preparations, oxidation<br />

inhibitors, gum inhibitors, viscosity<br />

improvers, anti-corrosive preparations<br />

and other prepared additives, for<br />

mineral oils (including gasoline) or for<br />

other liquids used for the same<br />

purposes as mineral oils.<br />

3811.90.00 Anti-knock preparations, oxidation<br />

inhibitors, gum inhibitors, viscosity<br />

improvers, anti-corrosive preparations<br />

and other prepared additives, for<br />

mineral oils (including gasoline) or for<br />

other liquids used for the same<br />

purposes as mineral oils.<br />

3812.10.00 Prepared rubber accelerators;<br />

compound plasticizers for rubber or<br />

plastics, not elsewhere specified or<br />

included; anti-oxidizing preparations<br />

and other compound stabilizers for<br />

rubber or plastics.<br />

3812.20.90 Prepared rubber accelerators; Compound plasticizers for rubber<br />

compound plasticizers for rubber or or plastics<br />

plastics, not elsewhere specified or<br />

included; anti-oxidizing preparations<br />

and other compound stabilizers for<br />

rubber or plastics.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Prepared rubber accelerators Prepared rubber accelerators 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

3812.30.90 Prepared rubber accelerators; Anti-oxidizing preparations and Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

compound plasticizers for rubber or other compound stabilizers for<br />

plastics, not elsewhere specified or rubber or plastics<br />

included; anti-oxidizing preparations<br />

and other compound stabilizers for<br />

rubber or plastics.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3813.00.00 Preparations and charges for fireextinguishers;<br />

charged fire-<br />

extinguishing grenades.<br />

3814.00.00 Organic composite solvents and<br />

thinners, not elsewhere specified or<br />

included; prepared paint or varnish<br />

removers.<br />

3815.19.10 Reaction initiators, reaction<br />

accelerators and catalytic preparations,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3815.90.10 Reaction initiators, reaction<br />

accelerators and catalytic preparations,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Preparations and charges for fireextinguishers;<br />

charged fire-<br />

extinguishing grenades.<br />

Organic composite solvents and<br />

thinners, not elsewhere specified<br />

or included; prepared paint or<br />

varnish removers.<br />

Preparations and charges for fireextinguishers;<br />

charged fire-extinguishing<br />

grenades.<br />

Organic composite solvents and thinners,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included;<br />

prepared paint or varnish removers.<br />

Other Supported catalysts consisting of two or<br />

more of cobalt, molybdenum or nickel<br />

oxides on an aluminum oxide base or on an<br />

aluminum oxide base in a mixture with<br />

silica, for the desulphurization,<br />

denitrogenation or polyaromatic saturation<br />

of petroleum feedstocks, in hydrotreating<br />

service only<br />

Other Fluid bed silica-alumina cracking catalysts,<br />

composed of silica-alumina or synthetic<br />

components, whether or not containing<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3816.00.90 Refractory cements, mortars, concretes Refractory cements,<br />

clay, for the refining of petroleum<br />

mortars, Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

and similar compositions, other than concretes and similar<br />

products of heading 38.01.<br />

compositions, other than products<br />

of heading 38.01.<br />

3817.00.90 Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed Mixed alkylbenzenes and mixed Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

alkylnaphthalenes, other than those of alkylnaphthalenes, other than<br />

heading 27.07 or 29.02.<br />

those of heading 27.07 or 29.02<br />

3821.00.90 Prepared culture media for the Prepared culture media for the Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

development or maintenance of micro- development or maintenance of<br />

organisms (including viruses and the micro-organisms (including<br />

like) or of plant, human or animal viruses and the like) or of plant,<br />

cells.<br />

human or animal cells.<br />

3823.11.00 Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; Stearic acid<br />

acid oils from refining; industrial fatty<br />

alcohols.<br />

Stearic acid 8% March 5, 2010<br />

3823.12.00 Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; Oleic acid<br />

acid oils from refining; industrial fatty<br />

alcohols.<br />

Oleic acid 8% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3823.19.00 Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids;<br />

acid oils from refining; industrial fatty<br />

alcohols.<br />

3823.70.90 Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids;<br />

acid oils from refining; industrial fatty<br />

alcohols.<br />

3824.10.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 8% March 5, 2010<br />

Industrial fatty alcohols Other 8% March 5, 2010<br />

Prepared binders for foundry<br />

moulds or cores<br />

Prepared binders for foundry moulds or<br />

cores<br />

3824.30.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds Non-agglomerated metal carbides Non-agglomerated metal carbides mixed<br />

or cores; chemical products and mixed together or with metallic together or with metallic binders<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied binders<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3824.40.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Prepared additives for cements,<br />

mortars or concretes<br />

3824.50.90 Prepared binders for foundry moulds Non-refractory mortars and<br />

or cores; chemical products and concretes<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3824.60.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Sorbitol other than that of<br />

subheading 2905.44<br />

Prepared additives for cements, mortars or<br />

concretes<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Sorbitol other than that of subheading<br />

2905.44<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Page 98

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3824.71.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3824.72.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Containing chlorofluorocarbons<br />

(CFCs), whether or not containing<br />

hydrochlorofluorocarbons<br />

(HCFCs), perfluorocarbons<br />

(PFCs) or hydrofluorocarbons<br />

(HFCs)<br />

Containing<br />

bromochlorodifluoromethane,<br />

bromotrifluoromethane or<br />

dibromotetrafluoroethanes<br />

3824.73.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds Containing<br />

or cores; chemical products and hydrobromofluorocarbons<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied (HBFCs)<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3824.74.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Containing<br />

hydrochlorofluorocarbons<br />

(HCFCs), whether or not<br />

containing perfluorocarbons<br />

(PFCs) or hydrofluorocarbons<br />

(HFCs), but not containing<br />

Containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),<br />

whether or not containing<br />

hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs),<br />

perfluorocarbons (PFCs) or<br />

hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)<br />

Containing bromochlorodifluoromethane,<br />

bromotrifluoromethane or<br />

dibromotetrafluoroethanes<br />

Containing hydrobromofluorocarbons<br />

(HBFCs)<br />

Containing hydrochlorofluorocarbons<br />

(HCFCs), whether or not containing<br />

perfluorocarbons (PFCs) or<br />

hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), but not<br />

containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3824.75.00<br />

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)<br />

Prepared binders for foundry moulds Containing carbon tetrachloride Containing carbon tetrachloride 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

3824.76.00<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Prepared binders for foundry moulds Containing, 1,1,1-trichloroethane Containing, 1,1,1-trichloroethane (methyl 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or cores; chemical products and (methyl chloroform)<br />

chloroform)<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 99

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3824.77.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds Containing bromomethane Containing bromomethane (methyl<br />

or cores; chemical products and (methyl bromide) or bromide) or bromochloromethane<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied bromochloromethane<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3824.78.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

Containing perfluorocarbons<br />

(PFCs) or hydrofluorocarbons<br />

(HFCs), but not containing<br />

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or<br />

hydrochlorofluorocarbons<br />

Containing perfluorocarbons (PFCs) or<br />

hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), but not<br />

containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or<br />

hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

elsewhere specified or included. (HCFCs)<br />

3824.79.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

3824.81.00<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Prepared binders for foundry moulds Containing oxirane (ethylene Containing oxirane (ethylene oxide) 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or cores; chemical products and oxide)<br />

3824.82.00<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Prepared binders for foundry moulds Containing polychlorinated Containing polychlorinated biphenyls 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or cores; chemical products and biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated (PCBs), polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs)<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied terphenyls (PCTs) or or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)<br />

industries (including those consisting polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3824.83.00 Prepared binders for foundry moulds Containing tris(2,3- Containing tris(2,3-dibromopropyl) 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or cores; chemical products and dibromopropyl) phosphate phosphate<br />

3824.90.20<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Prepared binders for foundry moulds Other For use in the manufacture of surgical 3% March 5, 2010<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

trusses, orthopaedic abdominal supports or<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

suspensory bandages<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

3824.90.30 Prepared binders for foundry moulds<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

Other Preparations, not containing sweeteners or<br />

flavourings, for use in the manufacture of<br />

chewing gums<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3824.90.49<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Prepared binders for foundry moulds Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

3824.90.90<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Prepared binders for foundry moulds Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or cores; chemical products and<br />

3901.10.90<br />

preparations of the chemical or allied<br />

industries (including those consisting<br />

of mixtures of natural products), not<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

Polymers of ethylene, in primary Polyethylene having a specific Other 6.5% January 1, 2015<br />

forms.<br />

gravity of less than 0.94<br />

3901.20.90 Polymers of ethylene, in primary Polyethylene having a specific Other 6.5% January 1, 2015<br />

forms.<br />

gravity of 0.94 or more<br />

3901.30.00 Polymers of ethylene, in primary Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers<br />

forms.<br />

5% January 1, 2013<br />

3901.90.00 Polymers of ethylene, in primary Other<br />

forms.<br />

Other 4.5% January 1, 2013<br />

3902.10.00 Polymers of propylene or of other Polypropylene<br />

olefins, in primary forms.<br />

Polypropylene 6.5% January 1, 2013<br />

3902.30.00 Polymers of propylene or of other Propylene copolymers<br />

olefins, in primary forms.<br />

Propylene copolymers 6.5% January 1, 2015<br />

3902.90.10 Polymers of propylene or of other Other<br />

olefins, in primary forms.<br />

Compositions 6.5% January 1, 2015<br />

3903.11.00 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms. Expansible Expansible 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3903.19.10 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms. Other Compositions 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3903.19.90 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms. Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

3903.20.10 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms. Styrene-acrylonitrile<br />

copolymers<br />

(SAN) Compositions 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3903.20.90 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms. Styrene-acrylonitrile<br />

copolymers<br />

(SAN) Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3903.30.10 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene<br />

(ABS) copolymers<br />

Compositions 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3903.30.90 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene<br />

(ABS) copolymers<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3903.90.00 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms. Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3904.10.90 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other Poly(vinyl chloride), not mixed Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

halogenated olefins, in primary forms. with any other substances<br />

3904.21.00 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other Non-plasticized<br />

halogenated olefins, in primary forms.<br />

Non-plasticized 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3904.22.00 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other Plasticized<br />

halogenated olefins, in primary forms.<br />

Plasticized 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3904.30.90 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

halogenated olefins, in primary forms. copolymers<br />

3904.40.00 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other Other vinyl chloride copolymers<br />

halogenated olefins, in primary forms.<br />

Other vinyl chloride copolymers 5% March 5, 2010<br />

3904.50.10 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other Vinylidene chloride polymers<br />

halogenated olefins, in primary forms.<br />

Compositions 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3904.90.00 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other Other<br />

halogenated olefins, in primary forms.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3905.12.00 Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other In aqueous dispersion<br />

vinyl esters, in primary forms; other<br />

vinyl polymers in primary forms.<br />

In aqueous dispersion 4% March 5, 2010<br />

3905.19.90 Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other Other<br />

vinyl esters, in primary forms; other<br />

vinyl polymers in primary forms.<br />

Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

3905.21.00 Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other In aqueous dispersion<br />

vinyl esters, in primary forms; other<br />

vinyl polymers in primary forms.<br />

In aqueous dispersion 4% March 5, 2010<br />

3905.29.90 Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other Other<br />

vinyl esters, in primary forms; other<br />

vinyl polymers in primary forms.<br />

Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

3905.91.10 Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other Copolymers Compositions, excluding moulding 5% March 5, 2010<br />

vinyl esters, in primary forms; other<br />

vinyl polymers in primary forms.<br />

compositions<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 102

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

3905.99.10 Polymers of vinyl acetate or of other Other Compositions, excluding moulding 5% March 5, 2010<br />

vinyl esters, in primary forms; other<br />

vinyl polymers in primary forms.<br />

compositions<br />

3906.10.90 Acrylic polymers in primary forms. Poly(methyl methacrylate) Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

3906.90.91 Acrylic polymers in primary forms. Other Compositions;<br />

4% March 5, 2010<br />

Emulsions<br />

polymers;<br />

and dispersions of acrylic<br />

Amino-methylated<br />

aqueous solutions;<br />

polyacrylamide in<br />

3907.20.90 Polyacetals, other polyethers and Other polyethers<br />

Polymers of acrylic acid and methacrylic<br />

acid, and salts thereof, in aqueous solution<br />

and with weight average molecular weights<br />

of less than 100,000 as determined on the<br />

acid form by ASTM D 3536;<br />

Polymers of methyl methacrylate<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

epoxide resins, in primary forms;<br />

polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl<br />

esters and other polyesters, in primary<br />

forms.<br />

3907.30.90 Polyacetals, other polyethers and Epoxide resins Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

epoxide resins, in primary forms;<br />

polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl<br />

esters and other polyesters, in primary<br />

forms.<br />

3907.40.10 Polyacetals, other polyethers and Polycarbonates Compositions, excluding moulding 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

epoxide resins, in primary forms;<br />

polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl<br />

esters and other polyesters, in primary<br />

forms.<br />

compositions<br />

3907.50.00 Polyacetals, other polyethers and Alkyd resins Alkyd resins 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

epoxide resins, in primary forms;<br />

polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl<br />

esters and other polyesters, in primary<br />

forms.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 103

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3907.60.90 Polyacetals, other polyethers and<br />

epoxide resins, in primary forms;<br />

polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl<br />

esters and other polyesters, in primary<br />

forms.<br />

3907.70.90 Polyacetals, other polyethers and<br />

epoxide resins, in primary forms;<br />

polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl<br />

esters and other polyesters, in primary<br />

forms.<br />

3907.91.00 Polyacetals, other polyethers and<br />

epoxide resins, in primary forms;<br />

polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl<br />

esters and other polyesters, in primary<br />

forms.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Other (including clear, colourless grades) 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Poly(lactic acid) Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Unsaturated Unsaturated 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3907.99.90 Polyacetals, other polyethers and Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3908.10.00<br />

epoxide resins, in primary forms;<br />

polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl<br />

esters and other polyesters, in primary<br />

forms.<br />

Polyamides in primary forms. Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, - Polyamide-6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or - 6% January 1, 2012<br />

6,10 or -6,12<br />

6,12<br />

3908.90.00 Polyamides in primary forms. Other Other 6.5% January 1, 2015<br />

3909.10.10 Amino-resins, phenolic resins and<br />

polyurethanes, in primary forms.<br />

Urea resins; thiourea resins Urea-formaldehyde resins;<br />

Other compositions, excluding moulding<br />

compositions<br />

6.5% January 1, 2013<br />

Melamine resins Other 6.5% January 1, 2015<br />

3909.20.90 Amino-resins, phenolic resins and<br />

polyurethanes, in primary forms.<br />

3909.30.10 Amino-resins, phenolic resins and Other amino-resins<br />

polyurethanes, in primary forms.<br />

Compositions 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3909.40.91 Amino-resins, phenolic resins and Phenolic resins Phenol-formaldehyde resins and alkyl 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

polyurethanes, in primary forms.<br />

phenol-formaldehyde resins;<br />

Other compositions<br />

3909.50.90 Amino-resins, phenolic resins and Polyurethanes<br />

polyurethanes, in primary forms.<br />

Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

3910.00.90 Silicones in primary forms. Silicones in primary forms. Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

3911.10.10 Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene Petroleum resins, coumarone, Compositions, excluding moulding 6% March 5, 2010<br />

resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, indene or coumarone-indene compositions;<br />

polysulphones and other products resins and polyterpenes Coumarone-indene resins;<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 104

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

specified in Note 3 to this Chapter, not<br />

elsewhere specified or included, in<br />

primary forms.<br />

3911.90.90 Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene<br />

resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides,<br />

polysulphones and other products<br />

specified in Note 3 to this Chapter, not<br />

elsewhere specified or included, in<br />

primary forms.<br />

3912.11.90 Cellulose and its chemical derivatives,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included, in<br />

primary forms.<br />

3912.12.00 Cellulose and its chemical derivatives,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included, in<br />

primary forms.<br />

3912.20.10 Cellulose and its chemical derivatives,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included, in<br />

primary forms.<br />

3912.39.10 Cellulose and its chemical derivatives,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included, in<br />

primary forms.<br />

3912.90.90 Cellulose and its chemical derivatives,<br />

not elsewhere specified or included, in<br />

primary forms.<br />

Hydrocarbon resins with a number average<br />

molecular weight of less than 2,000, a<br />

mixed aniline point between 30°C and 60°C<br />

and a ring and ball softening point of less<br />

than 130°C as determined by ASTM E 28<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Non-plasticized Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Plasticized Plasticized 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Cellulose nitrates (including<br />

collodions)<br />

Cellulose nitrate, dynamite grade;<br />

Cellulose nitrate wetted with dibutyl<br />

phthalate;<br />

Compositions, excluding cellulose nitrate<br />

wetted with organic solvents<br />

Other Compositions, excluding moulding<br />

compositions<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

4% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

3913.10.00 Natural polymers (for example, alginic Alginic acid, its salts and esters<br />

acid) and modified natural polymers<br />

Alginic acid, its salts and esters 4% March 5, 2010<br />

(for example, hardened proteins,<br />

chemical derivatives of natural rubber),<br />

not elsewhere specified or included, in<br />

primary forms.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3913.90.90 Natural polymers (for example, alginic<br />

acid) and modified natural polymers<br />

(for example, hardened proteins,<br />

chemical derivatives of natural rubber),<br />

not elsewhere specified or included, in<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3914.00.10<br />

primary forms.<br />

Ion-exchangers based on polymers of Ion-exchangers based on Non-macroporous poly(styrene-divinyl 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

headings 39.01 to 39.13, in primary polymers of headings 39.01 to benzene) cationic exchange resin<br />

forms.<br />

39.13, in primary forms. compositions<br />

3916.10.00 Monofilament of which any cross- Of polymers of ethylene<br />

sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm,<br />

rods, sticks and profile shapes, whether<br />

Of polymers of ethylene 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or not surface-worked but not<br />

3916.20.00<br />

otherwise worked, of plastics.<br />

Monofilament of which any cross- Of polymers of vinyl chloride<br />

sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm,<br />

rods, sticks and profile shapes, whether<br />

Of polymers of vinyl chloride 6.5% January 1, 2015<br />

or not surface-worked but not<br />

3916.90.11<br />

otherwise worked, of plastics.<br />

Monofilament of which any cross- Of other plastics Of vulcanized fibre or of regenerated 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm,<br />

rods, sticks and profile shapes, whether<br />

cellulose<br />

or not surface-worked but not<br />

3916.90.99<br />

otherwise worked, of plastics.<br />

Monofilament of which any cross- Of other plastics<br />

sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm,<br />

rods, sticks and profile shapes, whether<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or not surface-worked but not<br />

3917.10.10<br />

otherwise worked, of plastics.<br />

Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings Artificial guts (sausage casings) of Of regenerated cellulose<br />

therefor (for example, joints, elbows, hardened protein or of cellulosic<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

flanges), of plastics.<br />

materials<br />

3917.21.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings Of polymers of ethylene<br />

therefor (for example, joints, elbows,<br />

flanges), of plastics.<br />

Of polymers of ethylene 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3917.22.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings Of polymers of propylene<br />

therefor (for example, joints, elbows,<br />

flanges), of plastics.<br />

Of polymers of propylene 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3917.23.90 Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings<br />

therefor (for example, joints, elbows,<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of polymers of vinyl chloride Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3917.29.90<br />

flanges), of plastics.<br />

Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings Of other plastics<br />

therefor (for example, joints, elbows,<br />

flanges), of plastics.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3917.31.90 Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, Other<br />

therefor (for example, joints, elbows, having a minimum burst pressure<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

flanges), of plastics.<br />

of 27.6 MPa<br />

3917.40.90 Tubes, pipes and hoses, and fittings Fittings<br />

therefor (for example, joints, elbows,<br />

flanges), of plastics.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3919.10.10 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, In rolls of a width not exceeding Combined with knitted or woven fabrics, 6.5% January 1, 2014<br />

tape, strip and other flat shapes, of 20 cm<br />

nonwovens or felt, such combinations<br />

plastics, whether or not in rolls.<br />

which can, without fracturing, be bent<br />

manually around a cylinder of a diameter of<br />

7 mm, at a temperature between 15°C and<br />

30°C<br />

3919.90.10 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, Other Combined with knitted or woven fabrics, 6.5% January 1, 2014<br />

tape, strip and other flat shapes, of<br />

nonwovens or felt, such combinations<br />

plastics, whether or not in rolls.<br />

which can, without fracturing, be bent<br />

manually around a cylinder of a diameter of<br />

7 mm, at a temperature between 15°C and<br />

30°C<br />

3919.90.99 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, Other<br />

tape, strip and other flat shapes, of<br />

plastics, whether or not in rolls.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3920.10.10 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Of polymers of ethylene For use in the manufacture of sanitary 3% March 5, 2010<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

towels (napkins), surgical trusses,<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

orthopaedic abdominal supports or<br />

similarly<br />

materials.<br />

combined with other<br />

suspensory bandages<br />

3920.10.90 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Of polymers of ethylene Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly<br />

materials.<br />

combined with other<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 107

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3920.20.20 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.20.90 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.30.90 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.43.90 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Containing by weight not less<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not than 6% of plasticizers<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.49.90 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.51.90 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

Of polymers of propylene For use in the manufacture of sanitary<br />

towels (napkins), surgical trusses,<br />

orthopaedic abdominal supports or<br />

suspensory bandages<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Of polymers of propylene Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of polymers of styrene Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of poly(methyl methacrylate) Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3920.59.10 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Other Of polymers of methyl methacrylate 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly<br />

materials.<br />

combined with other<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 108

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3920.61.10 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.62.90 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.63.00 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.71.00 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.73.10 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.79.10 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

Of polycarbonates Plates, sheets, film or strip, of a thickness of<br />

0.08 cm or more but not exceeding 1.3 cm<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of poly(ethylene terephthalate) Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

Of unsaturated polyesters Of unsaturated polyesters 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of regenerated cellulose Of regenerated cellulose 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of cellulose acetate Sheets, film or strip, of a thickness<br />

exceeding 0.08 mm or of a width of less<br />

than 15 cm and a thickness not exceeding<br />

0.08 mm, excluding sheets for use in the<br />

manufacture of spectacle frames, cast<br />

cellulose triacetate film for use in the<br />

manufacture of pages for photographic<br />

albums and unsensitized film for use in the<br />

manufacture of sensitized photographic film<br />

Of other cellulose derivatives Cellulose acetate butyrate sheets, film or<br />

strip, of a thickness exceeding 0.08 mm or<br />

of a width of less than 15 cm and a<br />

thickness not exceeding 0.08 mm,<br />

excluding unsensitized film for use in the<br />

manufacture of sensitized photographic film<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

3920.79.29 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.92.90 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.93.00 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.94.10 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

materials.<br />

3920.99.91 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip,<br />

of plastics, non-cellular and not<br />

reinforced, laminated, supported or<br />

similarly combined with other<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of other cellulose derivatives Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of polyamides Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of amino-resins Of amino-resins 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of phenolic resins Of phenol-formaldehyde resins 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of other plastics Of polymers of tetrafluoroethylene, of<br />

epoxide resins, of polyurethanes or of<br />

polyvinylidene chloride<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3921.11.90<br />

materials.<br />

Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Of polymers of styrene<br />

of plastics.<br />

Other 6.5% January 1, 2013<br />

3921.12.91 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Of polymers of vinyl chloride Containing not more than 70% by weight of 6.5% January 1, 2014<br />

of plastics.<br />

plastics and combined with textile materials<br />

in which man-made fibres predominate by<br />

weight over any other single textile fibre<br />

3921.12.99 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Of polymers of vinyl chloride<br />

of plastics.<br />

Other 6.5% January 1, 2014<br />

3921.13.91 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Of polyurethanes Containing not more than 70% by weight of 6.5% January 1, 2014<br />

of plastics.<br />

plastics and combined with textile materials<br />

in which man-made fibres predominate by<br />

weight over any other single textile fibre<br />

3921.13.99 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Of polyurethanes<br />

of plastics.<br />

Other 6.5% January 1, 2013<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

3921.14.90 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Of regenerated cellulose<br />

of plastics.<br />

Other 6.5% January 1, 2013<br />

3921.19.90 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Of other plastics<br />

of plastics.<br />

Other 6.5% January 1, 2013<br />

3921.90.12 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Other Other, containing not more than 70% by 6.5% January 1, 2014<br />

of plastics.<br />

weight of plastics and combined with textile<br />

materials in which man-made fibres<br />

3921.90.19 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Other<br />

of plastics.<br />

predominate by weight over any other<br />

single textile fibre<br />

Other 6.5% January 1, 2014<br />

3921.90.94 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Other Other, of polymers of methyl methacrylate, 6.5% January 1, 2014<br />

of plastics.<br />

of other chemical derivatives of cellulose or<br />

of other poly(ethylene terephthalate)<br />

3921.90.99 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, Other<br />

of plastics.<br />

Other 6.5% January 1, 2012<br />

4005.10.90 Compounded rubber, unvulcanized, in Compounded with carbon black or Other<br />

primary forms or in plates, sheets or silica<br />

strip.<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

4005.20.00 Compounded rubber, unvulcanized, in Solutions; dispersions other than Solutions; dispersions other than those of 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

primary forms or in plates, sheets or those of subheading 4005.10<br />

strip.<br />

subheading 4005.10<br />

4005.91.90 Compounded rubber, unvulcanized, in Plates, sheets and strip<br />

primary forms or in plates, sheets or<br />

strip.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

4005.99.00 Compounded rubber, unvulcanized, in Other<br />

primary forms or in plates, sheets or<br />

strip.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

4006.10.00 Other forms (for example, rods, tubes "Camel-back'' strips for retreading "Camel-back" strips for retreading rubber 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

and profile shapes) and articles (for rubber tires<br />

tires<br />

example, discs and rings), of<br />

4006.90.90<br />

unvulcanized rubber.<br />

Other forms (for example, rods, tubes Other<br />

and profile shapes) and articles (for<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

example, discs and rings), of<br />

4007.00.90<br />

unvulcanized rubber.<br />

Vulcanized rubber thread and cord. Vulcanized rubber thread and Other<br />

cord.<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 111

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4008.11.90 Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile<br />

shapes, of vulcanized rubber other than<br />

hard rubber.<br />

4008.19.10 Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile<br />

shapes, of vulcanized rubber other than<br />

hard rubber.<br />

4008.19.90 Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile<br />

shapes, of vulcanized rubber other than<br />

hard rubber.<br />

4008.21.90 Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile<br />

shapes, of vulcanized rubber other than<br />

hard rubber.<br />

4008.29.10 Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile<br />

shapes, of vulcanized rubber other than<br />

hard rubber.<br />

4008.29.90 Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile<br />

shapes, of vulcanized rubber other than<br />

hard rubber.<br />

4009.11.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized<br />

rubber other than hard rubber, with or<br />

without their fittings (for example,<br />

joints, elbows, flanges).<br />

4009.12.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized<br />

rubber other than hard rubber, with or<br />

without their fittings (for example,<br />

joints, elbows, flanges).<br />

4009.21.00 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized<br />

rubber other than hard rubber, with or<br />

without their fittings (for example,<br />

joints, elbows, flanges).<br />

4009.22.90 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized<br />

rubber other than hard rubber, with or<br />

without their fittings (for example,<br />

joints, elbows, flanges).<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Plates, sheets and strip Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Profile shapes 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Plates, sheets and strip Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Profile shapes 7% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 7% March 5, 2010<br />

Without fittings Without fittings 7% March 5, 2010<br />

With fittings With fittings 7% March 5, 2010<br />

Without fittings Without fittings 7% March 5, 2010<br />

With fittings Other 7% March 5, 2010<br />

4009.31.90 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized Without fittings<br />

rubber other than hard rubber, with or<br />

without their fittings (for example,<br />

joints, elbows, flanges).<br />

Other 11% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4009.32.90 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized<br />

rubber other than hard rubber, with or<br />

without their fittings (for example,<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

With fittings Other 7% March 5, 2010<br />

4009.41.90<br />

joints, elbows, flanges).<br />

Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized Without fittings<br />

rubber other than hard rubber, with or<br />

without their fittings (for example,<br />

joints, elbows, flanges).<br />

Other 7% March 5, 2010<br />

4009.42.90 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized With fittings<br />

rubber other than hard rubber, with or<br />

without their fittings (for example,<br />

joints, elbows, flanges).<br />

Other 7% March 5, 2010<br />

4010.11.10 Conveyor or transmission belts or Reinforced only with metal<br />

belting, of vulcanized rubber.<br />

Belts 9% March 5, 2010<br />

4010.11.20 Conveyor or transmission belts or Reinforced only with metal<br />

belting, of vulcanized rubber.<br />

Belting 11% March 5, 2010<br />

4010.12.19 Conveyor or transmission belts or Reinforced only with textile Other 9% March 5, 2010<br />

belting, of vulcanized rubber. materials<br />

4010.12.29 Conveyor or transmission belts or Reinforced only with textile Other 11% March 5, 2010<br />

belting, of vulcanized rubber. materials<br />

4010.19.19 Conveyor or transmission belts or Other<br />

belting, of vulcanized rubber.<br />

Other 9% March 5, 2010<br />

4010.19.29 Conveyor or transmission belts or Other<br />

belting, of vulcanized rubber.<br />

Other 11% March 5, 2010<br />

4104.11.22 Tanned or crust hides and skins of Full grains, unsplit; grain splits For use in the manufacture of clothing or 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

gloves<br />

4104.11.29 Tanned or crust hides and skins of Full grains, unsplit; grain splits<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

4104.11.31 Tanned or crust hides and skins of Full grains, unsplit; grain splits For use in the manufacture of clothing or 5% March 5, 2010<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

gloves<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 113

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4104.11.39 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.11.41 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.11.49 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.11.91 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.11.99 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.19.22 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.19.29 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.19.31 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Full grains, unsplit; grain splits Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit; grain splits For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit; grain splits Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit; grain splits For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit; grain splits Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

4104.19.39 Tanned or crust hides and skins of Other<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 114

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4104.19.41 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.19.49 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.19.91 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.19.99 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.41.12 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.41.19 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.41.92 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.41.99 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.49.12 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit; grain splits For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit; grain splits Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit; grain splits For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit; grain splits Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 115

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4104.49.19 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.49.22 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.49.29 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.49.92 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.49.93 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4104.49.99 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

bovine (including buffalo) or equine<br />

animals, without hair on, whether or<br />

not split, but not further prepared.<br />

4105.10.12 Tanned or crust skins of sheep or<br />

lambs, without wool on, whether or not<br />

split, but not further prepared.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Upper or sole leather 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

In the wet state (including wetblue)<br />

4105.10.19 Tanned or crust skins of sheep or In the wet state (including wet-<br />

lambs, without wool on, whether or not blue)<br />

split, but not further prepared.<br />

4105.10.29 Tanned or crust skins of sheep or In the wet state (including wet-<br />

lambs, without wool on, whether or not blue)<br />

split, but not further prepared.<br />

4105.10.99 Tanned or crust skins of sheep or In the wet state (including wet-<br />

lambs, without wool on, whether or not blue)<br />

split, but not further prepared.<br />

4105.30.12 Tanned or crust skins of sheep or<br />

lambs, without wool on, whether or not<br />

split, but not further prepared.<br />

Vegetable pre-tanned hair sheep skins, and<br />

otherwise pre-tanned skins, for use in the<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

manufacture of clothing or gloves<br />

Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

In the dry state (crust) Vegetable pre-tanned hair sheep skins, and<br />

otherwise pre-tanned skins, for use in the<br />

manufacture of clothing or gloves<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 116

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4105.30.19 Tanned or crust skins of sheep or<br />

lambs, without wool on, whether or not<br />

split, but not further prepared.<br />

4105.30.99 Tanned or crust skins of sheep or<br />

lambs, without wool on, whether or not<br />

split, but not further prepared.<br />

4106.21.29 Tanned or crust hides and skins of In the wet state (including wet-<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on, blue)<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

4106.21.99 Tanned or crust hides and skins of In the wet state (including wet-<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on, blue)<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

4106.22.22 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on,<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

4106.22.29 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on,<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

4106.22.92 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on,<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

In the dry state (crust) Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

In the dry state (crust) Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

In the dry state (crust) For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

2% March 5, 2010<br />

In the dry state (crust) Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

In the dry state (crust) For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

4106.22.99<br />

prepared.<br />

Tanned or crust hides and skins of In the dry state (crust)<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on,<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

4106.31.10 Tanned or crust hides and skins of In the wet state (including wet- Wet blue leather<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on, blue)<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

4% March 5, 2010<br />

4106.31.92 Tanned or crust hides and skins of In the wet state (including wet- For use in the manufacture of gloves<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on, blue)<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 117

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4106.31.99 Tanned or crust hides and skins of In the wet state (including wet-<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on, blue)<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

4106.32.20 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on,<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

4106.32.90 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on,<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

4106.91.20 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on,<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

In the dry state (crust) For use in the manufacture of gloves 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

In the dry state (crust) Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

In the wet state (including wetblue)<br />

4106.91.90 Tanned or crust hides and skins of In the wet state (including wet-<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on, blue)<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

4106.92.20 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on,<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

4106.92.90 Tanned or crust hides and skins of<br />

other animals, without wool or hair on,<br />

whether or not split, but not further<br />

prepared.<br />

4107.11.12 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

Other, for use in the manufacture of<br />

clothing or gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

In the dry state (crust) Other, for use in the manufacture of<br />

clothing or gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

In the dry state (crust) Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 118

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4107.11.19 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.11.92 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.11.99 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.12.12 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.12.19 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.12.92 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Full grains, unsplit Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Grain splits For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Grain splits Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Grain splits For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

4107.12.99 Leather further prepared after tanning Grain splits Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 119

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.19.12 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.19.19 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.19.92 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.19.93 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.19.99 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.91.20 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Upper or sole leather 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Full grains, unsplit For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 120

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4107.91.90 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.92.20 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.92.90 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.99.20 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

4107.99.30 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Full grains, unsplit Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Grain splits For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Grain splits Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Upper or sole leather 5% March 5, 2010<br />

4107.99.90 Leather further prepared after tanning Other Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of bovine (including<br />

buffalo) or equine animals, without<br />

hair on, whether or not split, other than<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 121

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4112.00.90 Leather further prepared after tanning Leather further prepared after<br />

or crusting including parchement- tanning or crusting, including<br />

dressed leather, of sheep or lamb, parchment-dressed leather, of<br />

without wool on, whether or not split, sheep or lamb, without wool on,<br />

other than leather of heading 41.14 whether or not split, other than<br />

4113.10.20 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of other animals,<br />

without wool or hair on, whether or not<br />

split, other than leather of heading<br />

41.14.<br />

4113.10.90 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of other animals,<br />

without wool or hair on, whether or not<br />

split, other than leather of heading<br />

41.14.<br />

4113.20.20 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of other animals,<br />

without wool or hair on, whether or not<br />

split, other than leather of heading<br />

41.14.<br />

4113.20.90 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of other animals,<br />

without wool or hair on, whether or not<br />

split, other than leather of heading<br />

41.14.<br />

4113.90.20 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of other animals,<br />

without wool or hair on, whether or not<br />

split, other than leather of heading<br />

41.14.<br />

leather of heading 41.14.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

Of goats or kids For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of goats or kids Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of swine For use in the manufacture of gloves 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of swine Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other, for use in the manufacture of<br />

clothing or gloves<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 122

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4113.90.90 Leather further prepared after tanning<br />

or crusting, including parchmentdressed<br />

leather, of other animals,<br />

without wool or hair on, whether or not<br />

split, other than leather of heading<br />

41.14.<br />

4114.10.00 Chamois (including combination<br />

chamois) leather; patent leather and<br />

patent laminated leather; metallized<br />

leather.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Chamois (including combination<br />

chamois) leather<br />

Chamois (including combination chamois)<br />

leather<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

4114.20.90 Chamois (including combination Patent leather and patent Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

chamois) leather; patent leather and laminated<br />

patent laminated leather; metallized leather<br />

leather; metallized<br />

leather.<br />

4302.11.00 Tanned or dressed furskins (including<br />

heads, tails, paws and other pieces or<br />

cuttings), unassembled, or assembled<br />

(without the addition of other<br />

materials) other than those of heading<br />

43.03.<br />

4302.19.22 Tanned or dressed furskins (including<br />

heads, tails, paws and other pieces or<br />

cuttings), unassembled, or assembled<br />

(without the addition of other<br />

materials) other than those of heading<br />

43.03.<br />

4302.19.29 Tanned or dressed furskins (including<br />

heads, tails, paws and other pieces or<br />

cuttings), unassembled, or assembled<br />

(without the addition of other<br />

materials) other than those of heading<br />

43.03.<br />

Of mink Of mink 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other For use in the manufacture of clothing or<br />

gloves<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

4302.19.30 Tanned or dressed furskins (including Other<br />

heads, tails, paws and other pieces or<br />

cuttings), unassembled, or assembled<br />

Of rabbit or hare 5% March 5, 2010<br />

(without the addition of other<br />

materials) other than those of heading<br />

43.03.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 123

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

4302.19.90 Tanned or dressed furskins (including<br />

heads, tails, paws and other pieces or<br />

cuttings), unassembled, or assembled<br />

(without the addition of other<br />

materials) other than those of heading<br />

43.03.<br />

4302.20.00 Tanned or dressed furskins (including<br />

heads, tails, paws and other pieces or<br />

cuttings), unassembled, or assembled<br />

(without the addition of other<br />

materials) other than those of heading<br />

43.03.<br />

4408.10.10 Sheets for veneering (including those<br />

obtained by slicing laminated wood),<br />

for plywood or for similar laminated<br />

wood and other wood, sawn<br />

lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether<br />

or not planed, sanded, spliced or endjointed,<br />

of a thickness not exceeding 6<br />

mm.<br />

4408.31.10 Sheets for veneering (including those<br />

obtained by slicing laminated wood),<br />

for plywood or for similar laminated<br />

wood and other wood, sawn<br />

lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether<br />

or not planed, sanded, spliced or endjointed,<br />

of a thickness not exceeding 6<br />

mm.<br />

4408.39.10 Sheets for veneering (including those<br />

obtained by slicing laminated wood),<br />

for plywood or for similar laminated<br />

wood and other wood, sawn<br />

lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether<br />

or not planed, sanded, spliced or endjointed,<br />

of a thickness not exceeding 6<br />

mm.<br />

4408.90.10 Sheets for veneering (including those<br />

obtained by slicing laminated wood),<br />

for plywood or for similar laminated<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Heads, tails, paws and other<br />

pieces or cuttings, not assembled<br />

Heads, tails, paws and other pieces or<br />

cuttings, not assembled<br />

Coniferous Sheets for veneering obtained by slicing<br />

laminated wood<br />

Dark Red Meranti, Light Red<br />

Meranti and Meranti Bakau<br />

Sheets for veneering obtained by slicing<br />

laminated wood<br />

Other Sheets for veneering obtained by slicing<br />

laminated wood<br />

Other Sheets for veneering obtained by slicing<br />

laminated wood<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

6% January 1, 2015<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 124

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

wood and other wood, sawn<br />

lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether<br />

or not planed, sanded, spliced or endjointed,<br />

of a thickness not exceeding 6<br />

mm.<br />

4410.11.10 Particle board, oriented strand board<br />

(OSB) and similar board (for example,<br />

waferboard) of wood or other ligneous<br />

materials, whether or not agglomerated<br />

with resins or other organic binding<br />

substances.<br />

Particle board Unworked or not further worked than<br />

sanded;<br />

Whether or not painted, edge or face<br />

worked, but not otherwise worked or<br />

surface covered<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

2.5% January 1, 2012<br />

4410.12.00 Particle board, oriented strand board Oriented strand board (OSB)<br />

(OSB) and similar board (for example,<br />

waferboard) of wood or other ligneous<br />

materials, whether or not agglomerated<br />

with resins or other organic binding<br />

substances.<br />

Oriented strand board (OSB) 2.5% January 1, 2012<br />

4410.19.10 Particle board, oriented strand board Other Unworked or not further worked than 2.5% January 1, 2012<br />

(OSB) and similar board (for example,<br />

sanded;<br />

waferboard) of wood or other ligneous<br />

Waferboard;<br />

materials, whether or not agglomerated<br />

Whether or not painted, edge or face<br />

with resins or other organic binding<br />

worked, but not otherwise worked or<br />

substances.<br />

surface covered<br />

4412.10.10 Plywood, veneered panels and similar Of bamboo With at least one outer ply of non- 5% January 1, 2015<br />

laminated wood.<br />

coniferous wood<br />

4412.10.90 Plywood, veneered panels and similar Of bamboo<br />

laminated wood.<br />

Other 6% January 1, 2015<br />

4412.31.90 Plywood, veneered panels and similar With at least one outer ply of Other 5% January 1, 2015<br />

laminated wood.<br />

tropical wood specified in<br />

4412.32.90<br />

Subheading Note 1 to this Chapter<br />

Plywood, veneered panels and similar Other, with a least one outer ply Other 5% January 1, 2015<br />

laminated wood.<br />

of non-coniferous wood<br />

4412.39.10 Plywood, veneered panels and similar Other<br />

laminated wood.<br />

With metal on one or both faces 6% January 1, 2015<br />

4412.39.90 Plywood, veneered panels and similar Other<br />

laminated wood.<br />

Other 9.5% January 1, 2015<br />

4412.94.90 Plywood, veneered panels and similar Blockboard, laminboard and Other 6% January 1, 2015<br />

laminated wood.<br />

battenboard<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

4412.99.90 Plywood, veneered panels and similar Other<br />

laminated wood.<br />

Other 6% January 1, 2015<br />

4413.00.00 Densified wood, in blocks, plates, Densified wood, in blocks, plates, Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

strips or profile shapes.<br />

strips or profile shapes. profile shapes.<br />

4415.20.90 Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums Pallets, box pallets and other load Other<br />

and similar packings, of wood; cable- boards; pallet collars<br />

drums of wood; pallets, box pallets and<br />

other load boards, of wood; pallet<br />

collars of wood.<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

4416.00.90 Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

coopers' products and parts thereof, of coopers' products and parts<br />

wood, including staves.<br />

thereof, of wood, including staves.<br />

5106.10.90 Yarn of carded wool, not put up for Containing 85% or more by Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

retail sale.<br />

weight of wool<br />

5106.20.00 Yarn of carded wool, not put up for Containing less than 85% by Containing less than 85% by weight of 8% January 1, 2015<br />

retail sale.<br />

weight of wool<br />

wool<br />

5107.10.90 Yarn of combed wool, not put up for Containing 85% or more by Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

retail sale.<br />

weight of wool<br />

5107.20.90 Yarn of combed wool, not put up for Containing less than 85% by Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

retail sale.<br />

weight of wool<br />

5111.11.50 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Of a weight not exceeding 300 Other, in the grey or unfinished condition, 12% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

g/m²<br />

of a weight not exceeding 135 g/m²<br />

5111.11.90 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Of a weight not exceeding 300 Other<br />

14% January 1, 2013<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

g/m²<br />

but not to<br />

Note: The maximum rate of customs duty exceed<br />

under the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff is a<br />

specific rate set out in accordance with<br />

Supplementary Note 1 to Section XI.<br />

$4.10/kg<br />

5111.19.31 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other Of a weight not exceeding 400 g/m² and 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

valued at $7.89/m² or more<br />

5111.19.32 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other Of a weight exceeding 400 g/m² and valued 7.5% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

at $9.45/m² or more<br />

5111.19.39 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5111.19.90 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5111.20.19 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Other, of a weight exceeding 300 g/m² 14% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made filaments<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

5111.20.29 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made filaments<br />

5111.20.91 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m²<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made filaments<br />

but not to<br />

Note: The maximum rate of customs duty exceed<br />

under the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff is a<br />

specific rate set out in accordance with<br />

Supplementary Note 1 to Section XI.<br />

$4.10/kg<br />

5111.20.92 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Of a weight exceeding 300 g/m² 14% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made filaments<br />

5111.30.12 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Of a weight exceeding 300 g/m² but not 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made staple fibres exceeding 400 g/m² and valued at $7.89/m²<br />

or more<br />

5111.30.13 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Of a weight exceeding 400 g/m² and valued 7.5% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made staple fibres at $9.45/m² or more<br />

5111.30.18 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Other, of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m² 14% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made staple fibres<br />

but not to<br />

Note: The maximum rate of customs duty exceed<br />

under the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff is a<br />

specific rate set out in accordance with<br />

Supplementary Note 1 to Section XI.<br />

$4.10/kg<br />

5111.30.19 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Other, of a weight exceeding 300 g/m² 14% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made staple fibres<br />

5111.30.29 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made staple fibres<br />

5111.30.91 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m²<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made staple fibres<br />

but not to<br />

Note: The maximum rate of customs duty exceed<br />

under the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff is a<br />

specific rate set out in accordance with<br />

Supplementary Note 1 to Section XI.<br />

$4.10/kg<br />

5111.30.92 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Of a weight exceeding 300 g/m² 14% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made staple fibres<br />

5111.90.50 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other Other, in the grey or unfinished condition, 12% March 5, 2010<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

of a weight not exceeding 135 g/m²<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 127

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5111.90.91 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

Other Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m²<br />

Note: The maximum rate of customs duty<br />

under the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff is a<br />

specific rate set out in accordance with<br />

Supplementary Note 1 to Section XI.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

14%<br />

but not to<br />

exceed<br />

$4.10/kg<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

March 5, 2010<br />

5111.90.92 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of Other<br />

carded fine animal hair.<br />

Of a weight exceeding 300 g/m² 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5112.11.60 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Of a weight not exceeding 200 Other, in the grey or unfinished condition, 12% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

g/m²<br />

of a weight not exceeding 135 g/m²<br />

5112.11.90 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Of a weight not exceeding 200 Other<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

g/m²<br />

but not to<br />

Note: The maximum rate of customs duty exceed<br />

under the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff is a<br />

specific rate set out in accordance with<br />

Supplementary Note 1 to Section XI.<br />

$4.10/kg<br />

5112.19.19 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

Other 13% March 5, 2010<br />

5112.19.94 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other Other, of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m² 14% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

but not to<br />

Note: The maximum rate of customs duty exceed<br />

under the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff is a<br />

specific rate set out in accordance with<br />

Supplementary Note 1 to Section XI.<br />

$4.10/kg<br />

5112.19.95 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

Other, of a weight exceeding 300 g/m² 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5112.20.30 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Other, in the grey or unfinished condition, 12% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made filaments of a weight not exceeding 135 g/m²<br />

5112.20.91 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m²<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made filaments<br />

but not to<br />

Note: The maximum rate of customs duty exceed<br />

under the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff is a<br />

specific rate set out in accordance with<br />

Supplementary Note 1 to Section XI.<br />

$4.10/kg<br />

5112.20.92 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Of a weight exceeding 300 g/m² 14% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made filaments<br />

5112.30.29 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made staple fibres<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 128

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

5112.30.30 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Other billiard cloth 13% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made staple fibres<br />

5112.30.91 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m²<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made staple fibres<br />

but not to<br />

Note: The maximum rate of customs duty exceed<br />

under the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff is a<br />

specific rate set out in accordance with<br />

Supplementary Note 1 to Section XI.<br />

$4.10/kg<br />

5112.30.94 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other, mixed mainly or solely Other, of a weight exceeding 300 g/m² 14% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

with man-made staple fibres<br />

5112.90.30 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other Other, in the grey or unfinished condition, 12% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

of a weight not exceeding 135 g/m²<br />

5112.90.91 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m²<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

but not to<br />

Note: The maximum rate of customs duty exceed<br />

under the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff is a<br />

specific rate set out in accordance with<br />

Supplementary Note 1 to Section XI.<br />

$4.10/kg<br />

5112.90.92 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of Other<br />

combed fine animal hair.<br />

Of a weight exceeding 300 g/m² 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5113.00.90 Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or Woven fabrics of coarse animal Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

of horsehair.<br />

hair or of horsehair.<br />

5203.00.90 Cotton, carded or combed. Cotton, carded or combed. Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

5204.11.10 Cotton sewing thread, whether or not Containing 85% or more by Solely of cotton, for use in the manufacture 4.5% January 1, 2015<br />

put up for retail sale.<br />

weight of cotton<br />

of cotton sewing thread or Schiffli<br />

5204.11.90<br />

embroidery thread<br />

Cotton sewing thread, whether or not Containing 85% or more by Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

put up for retail sale.<br />

weight of cotton<br />

5205.11.90 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring 714.29 decitex or more Other<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of (not exceeding 14 metric number)<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

5205.12.90 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring less than 714.29 Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of decitex but not less than 232.56<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale. decitex (exceeding 14 metric<br />

number but not exceeding 43<br />

metric number)<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 129

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5205.13.90 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring less than 232.56<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of decitex but not less than 192.31<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale. decitex (exceeding 43 metric<br />

number but not exceeding 52<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

metric number)<br />

5205.14.90 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring less than 192.31 Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of decitex but not less than 125<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale. decitex (exceeding 52 metric<br />

5205.21.90<br />

number but not exceeding 80<br />

metric number)<br />

Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring 714.29 decitex or more Other<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of (not exceeding 14 metric number)<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

5205.22.90 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring less than 714.29 Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of decitex but not less than 232.56<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale. decitex (exceeding 14 metric<br />

number but not exceeding 43<br />

metric number)<br />

5205.23.90 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring less than 232.56 Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of decitex but not less than 192.31<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale. decitex (exceeding 43 metric<br />

number but not exceeding 52<br />

metric number)<br />

5205.24.90 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring less than 192.31 Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of decitex but not less than 125<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale. decitex (exceeding 52 metric<br />

5205.31.90<br />

number but not exceeding 80<br />

metric number)<br />

Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring per single yarn 714.29 Other<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of decitex or more (not exceeding 14<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale. metric number per single yarn)<br />

5205.32.90 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring per single yarn less Other<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of than 714.29 decitex but not less<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale. than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14<br />

metric number but not exceeding<br />

43 metric number per single yarn)<br />

5205.41.90 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring per single yarn 714.29 Other<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of decitex or more (not exceeding 14<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale. metric number per single yarn)<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 130

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5205.42.90 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), Measuring per single yarn less<br />

containing 85% or more by weight of than 714.29 decitex but not less<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale. than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14<br />

metric number but not exceeding<br />

5206.11.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

5206.12.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

5206.13.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

5206.22.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

5206.31.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

5206.32.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

5206.34.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

5206.35.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

43 metric number per single yarn)<br />

Measuring 714.29 decitex or more<br />

(not exceeding 14 metric number)<br />

Measuring less than 714.29<br />

decitex but not less than 232.56<br />

decitex (exceeding 14 metric<br />

number but not exceeding 43<br />

metric number)<br />

Measuring less than 232.56<br />

decitex but not less than 192.31<br />

decitex (exceeding 43 metric<br />

number but not exceeding 52<br />

metric number)<br />

Measuring less than 714.29<br />

decitex but not less than 232.56<br />

decitex (exceeding 14 metric<br />

number but not exceeding 43<br />

metric number)<br />

Measuring per single yarn 714.29<br />

decitex or more (not exceeding 14<br />

metric number per single yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less<br />

than 714.29 decitex but not less<br />

than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14<br />

metric number but not exceeding<br />

43 metric number per single yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less<br />

than 192.31 decitex but not less<br />

than 125 decitex (exceeding 52<br />

metric number but not exceeding<br />

80 metric number per single yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less<br />

than 125 decitex (exceeding 80<br />

metric number per single yarn)<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not<br />

exceeding 14 metric number)<br />

Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not<br />

less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14<br />

metric number but not exceeding 43 metric<br />

number)<br />

Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not<br />

less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43<br />

metric number but not exceeding 52 metric<br />

number)<br />

Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not<br />

less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14<br />

metric number but not exceeding 43 metric<br />

number)<br />

Measuring per single yarn 714.29 decitex or<br />

more (not exceeding 14 metric number per<br />

single yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less than 714.29<br />

decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex<br />

(exceeding 14 metric number but not<br />

exceeding 43 metric number per single<br />

yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less than 192.31<br />

decitex but not less than 125 decitex<br />

(exceeding 52 metric number but not<br />

exceeding 80 metric number per single<br />

yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less than 125<br />

decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per<br />

single yarn)<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 131

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5206.41.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

5206.42.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

5206.43.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

5206.44.00 Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),<br />

containing less than 85% by weight of<br />

cotton, not put up for retail sale.<br />

Measuring per single yarn 714.29<br />

decitex or more (not exceeding 14<br />

metric number per single yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less<br />

than 714.29 decitex but not less<br />

than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14<br />

metric number but not exceeding<br />

43 metric number per single yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less<br />

than 232.56 decitex but not less<br />

than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43<br />

metric number but not exceeding<br />

52 metric number per single yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less<br />

than 192.31 decitex but not less<br />

than 125 decitex (exceeding 52<br />

metric number but not exceeding<br />

80 metric number per single yarn)<br />

5208.12.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave, weighing more than<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, 100 g/m²<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

5208.13.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 3-thread or 4-thread twill,<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, including cross twill<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

5208.19.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

5208.21.99 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave, weighing not more<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, than 100 g/m²<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

5208.22.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave, weighing more than<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, 100 g/m²<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

5208.23.99 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 3-thread or 4-thread twill,<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, including cross twill<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

Measuring per single yarn 714.29 decitex or<br />

more (not exceeding 14 metric number per<br />

single yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less than 714.29<br />

decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex<br />

(exceeding 14 metric number but not<br />

exceeding 43 metric number per single<br />

yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less than 232.56<br />

decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex<br />

(exceeding 43 metric number but not<br />

exceeding 52 metric number per single<br />

yarn)<br />

Measuring per single yarn less than 192.31<br />

decitex but not less than 125 decitex<br />

(exceeding 52 metric number but not<br />

exceeding 80 metric number per single<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

yarn)<br />

Other 10% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 10% March 5, 2010<br />

Other fabrics Other 10% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5208.29.99 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 132

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5208.31.99 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave, weighing not more<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, than 100 g/m²<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5208.32.90<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave, weighing more than Other<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, 100 g/m²<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

12% March 5, 2010<br />

5208.33.99 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 3-thread or 4-thread twill, Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5208.39.90<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, including cross twill<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5208.41.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave, weighing not more Other<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, than 100 g/m²<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

12% March 5, 2010<br />

5208.42.99 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave, weighing more than Other<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, 100 g/m²<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

12% March 5, 2010<br />

5208.43.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 3-thread or 4-thread twill, Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5208.49.99<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, including cross twill<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5208.51.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave, weighing not more Other<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, than 100 g/m²<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

12% March 5, 2010<br />

5208.52.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave, weighing more than Other<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, 100 g/m²<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

12% March 5, 2010<br />

5208.59.99 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing not more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.11.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 10% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.12.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 3-thread or 4-thread twill, Other 10% March 5, 2010<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, including cross twill<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 133

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5209.19.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other fabrics Other 10% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.21.90<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.22.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 3-thread or 4-thread twill, Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.29.90<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, including cross twill<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.31.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.32.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 3-thread or 4-thread twill, Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.39.90<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, including cross twill<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.41.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.42.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Denim<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.43.99 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics of 3-thread or 4- Other<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, thread twill, including cross twill<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.49.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.51.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Plain weave 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5209.52.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 3-thread or 4-thread twill, Other 12% January 1, 2013<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton, including cross twill<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 134

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5209.59.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

85% or more by weight of cotton,<br />

weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

5210.11.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

g/m².<br />

5210.19.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

g/m².<br />

5210.21.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

g/m².<br />

5210.29.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

g/m².<br />

5210.31.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

g/m².<br />

5210.32.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

g/m².<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other fabrics Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

Plain weave Plain weave 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Other fabrics Other fabrics 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Plain weave Plain weave 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Other fabrics Other fabrics 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Plain weave Plain weave 14% January 1, 2013<br />

3-thread or 4-thread twill,<br />

including cross twill<br />

3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross<br />

twill<br />

14% January 1, 2013<br />

5210.39.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

g/m².<br />

Other fabrics 14% January 1, 2013<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 135

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5210.41.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Plain weave Plain weave 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5210.49.19<br />

g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

g/m².<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5210.49.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

g/m².<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5210.51.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

g/m².<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5210.59.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing not more than 200<br />

g/m².<br />

Other fabrics 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5211.11.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Plain weave 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5211.12.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 3-thread or 4-thread twill, Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton, including cross twill<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 136

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5211.19.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other fabrics Other fabrics 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5211.20.19<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Bleached<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5211.20.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Bleached<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5211.31.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Plain weave 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5211.32.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 3-thread or 4-thread twill, Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5211.39.00<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton, including cross twill<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other fabrics 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5211.41.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Plain weave<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5211.42.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Denim<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5211.43.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing Other fabrics of 3-thread or 4- Other<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton, thread twill, including cross twill<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

14% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 137

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5211.51.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

5211.52.90 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 3-thread or 4-thread twill,<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton, including cross twill<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

5211.59.00 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing<br />

less than 85% by weight of cotton,<br />

mixed mainly or solely with man-made<br />

fibres, weighing more than 200 g/m².<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Plain weave Plain weave 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Other fabrics Other fabrics 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5212.11.30 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Unbleached Other, mixed mainly or solely with silk 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.11.90 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Unbleached Other 13% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.12.30 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Bleached Other, mixed mainly or solely with silk 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.12.90 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Bleached Other 13% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.13.40 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Dyed Other, mixed mainly or solely with silk 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.13.90 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Dyed Other 13% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.14.40 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Of yarns of different colours Other, mixed mainly or solely with silk 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.14.90 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Of yarns of different colours Other 13% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.15.30 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Printed Other, mixed mainly or solely with silk 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.15.90 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Printed Other 13% January 1, 2013<br />

5212.21.30 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Unbleached Other, mixed mainly or solely with silk 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.21.90 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Unbleached Other 13% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.22.30 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Bleached Other, mixed mainly or solely with silk 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.22.90 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Bleached Other 13% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.23.30 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Dyed Other, mixed mainly or solely with silk 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.23.90 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Dyed Other 13% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.24.30 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Of yarns of different colours Other, mixed mainly or solely with silk 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.24.90 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Of yarns of different colours Other 13% January 1, 2013<br />

5212.25.30 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Printed Other, mixed mainly or solely with silk 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5212.25.90 Other woven fabrics of cotton. Printed Other 13% January 1, 2015<br />

5308.90.90 Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; Other<br />

paper yarn.<br />

Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5309.11.90 Woven fabrics of flax. Unbleached or bleached Other 8% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 138

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

5309.19.90 Woven fabrics of flax. Other Other 8% March 5, 2010<br />

5309.21.90 Woven fabrics of flax. Unbleached or bleached Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5309.29.90 Woven fabrics of flax. Other Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5310.90.99 Woven fabrics of jute or of other Other Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

textile bast fibres of heading 53.03.<br />

5311.00.90 Woven fabrics of other vegetable Woven fabrics of other vegetable Other<br />

textile fibres; woven fabrics of paper textile fibres; woven fabrics of<br />

9% March 5, 2010<br />

yarn.<br />

paper yarn.<br />

5401.10.00 Sewing thread of man-made filaments, Of synthetic filaments Of synthetic filaments 8% January 1, 2015<br />

whether or not put up for retail sale.<br />

5402.11.90 Synthetic filament yarn (other than<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

5402.19.90 Synthetic filament yarn (other than<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

5402.20.90 Synthetic filament yarn (other than<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

Of aramids Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Other Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

High tenacity yarn of polyesters Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5402.31.90 Synthetic filament yarn (other than Of nylon or other polyamides, Other<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail measuring per single yarn not<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament more than 50 tex<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

5402.32.90 Synthetic filament yarn (other than Of nylon or other polyamides, Other<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail measuring per single yarn more<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament than 50 tex<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

5402.33.90 Synthetic filament yarn (other than<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

Of polyesters Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5402.34.90 Synthetic filament yarn (other than Of polypropylene<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 139

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5402.39.00 Synthetic filament yarn (other than<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

5402.51.90 Synthetic filament yarn (other than<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

5402.52.99 Synthetic filament yarn (other than<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

5402.59.90 Synthetic filament yarn (other than<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

5402.61.00 Synthetic filament yarn (other than<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

5402.62.90 Synthetic filament yarn (other than<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

5402.69.90 Synthetic filament yarn (other than<br />

sewing thread), not put up for retail<br />

sale, including synthetic monofilament<br />

of less than 67 decitex.<br />

5407.10.20 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Of nylon or other polyamides Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Of polyesters Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Other Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Of nylon or other polyamides Of nylon or other polyamides 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Of polyesters Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Other Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Woven fabrics obtained from high<br />

tenacity yarn of nylon or other<br />

Other, for use in the manufacture of<br />

conveyor or transmission belts or belting,<br />

11% January 1, 2015<br />

from materials of heading 54.04. polyamides or of polyesters containing rubber<br />

5407.10.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Woven fabrics obtained from high Other<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained tenacity yarn of nylon or other<br />

14% January 1, 2013<br />

from materials of heading 54.04. polyamides or of polyesters<br />

5407.20.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Woven fabrics obtained from strip Other<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained or the like<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

14% January 1, 2013<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 140

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5407.30.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Fabrics specified in Note 9 to<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained Section XI<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

5407.41.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

5407.42.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

5407.43.00 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

5407.44.00 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

5407.51.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

5407.52.19 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

5407.52.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

5407.53.00 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

5407.54.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

5407.61.11 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Unbleached or bleached Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Dyed Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Of yarns of different colours Of yarns of different colours 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Printed Printed 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Unbleached or bleached Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Dyed Other 10% January 1, 2015<br />

Dyed Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Of yarns of different colours Of yarns of different colours 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Printed Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Containing 85% or more by<br />

weight of non-textured polyester<br />

For use in the manufacture of conveyor or<br />

transmission belts or belting, containing<br />

11% March 5, 2010<br />

from materials of heading 54.04. filaments<br />

rubber<br />

5407.61.19 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Containing 85% or more by Other<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained weight of non-textured polyester<br />

14% January 1, 2015<br />

from materials of heading 54.04. filaments<br />

5407.61.93 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Containing 85% or more by For use in the manufacture of conveyor or<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained weight of non-textured polyester transmission belts or belting, containing<br />

11% March 5, 2010<br />

from materials of heading 54.04. filaments<br />

rubber<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 141

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5407.61.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Containing 85% or more by<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained weight of non-textured polyester<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

from materials of heading 54.04. filaments<br />

5407.69.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Other<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5407.71.00 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Unbleached or bleached<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Unbleached or bleached 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5407.72.00 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Dyed<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Dyed 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5407.73.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Of yarns of different colours<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5407.74.00 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Printed<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Printed 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5407.81.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Unbleached or bleached<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5407.82.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Dyed<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5407.83.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Of yarns of different colours<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5407.84.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Printed<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5407.91.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Unbleached or bleached<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5407.92.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Dyed<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5407.93.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament Of yarns of different colours<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 142

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5407.94.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.04.<br />

5408.10.90 Woven fabrics of artificial filament Woven fabrics obtained from high<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained tenacity yarn of viscose rayon<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

5408.21.90 Woven fabrics of artificial filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

5408.22.29 Woven fabrics of artificial filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

5408.22.99 Woven fabrics of artificial filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

5408.23.19 Woven fabrics of artificial filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

5408.23.99 Woven fabrics of artificial filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

5408.24.19 Woven fabrics of artificial filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

5408.24.99 Woven fabrics of artificial filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

5408.31.90 Woven fabrics of artificial filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

5408.32.90 Woven fabrics of artificial filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

5408.33.90 Woven fabrics of artificial filament<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Printed Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Unbleached or bleached Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Dyed Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Dyed Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Of yarns of different colours Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Of yarns of different colours Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Printed Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Printed Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Unbleached or bleached Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Dyed Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Of yarns of different colours Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5408.34.90 Woven fabrics of artificial filament Printed<br />

yarn, including woven fabrics obtained<br />

from materials of heading 54.05.<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 143

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5508.10.10 Sewing thread of man-made staple<br />

fibres, whether or not put up for retail<br />

sale.<br />

5509.11.00 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.12.90 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.21.90 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.22.30 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.22.90 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.31.00 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.32.90 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.41.90 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.42.00 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.52.90 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of Mixed mainly or solely with wool<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for or fine animal hair<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.53.90 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of Mixed mainly or solely with<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for cotton<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.61.00 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of synthetic staple fibres Of polyester or aramid staple fibres 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Single yarn Single yarn 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Single yarn Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn Other, solely of polyesters 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Single yarn Single yarn 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Single yarn Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Mixed mainly or solely with wool<br />

or fine animal hair<br />

Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine<br />

animal hair<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 144

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5509.62.00 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of Mixed mainly or solely with<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for cotton<br />

retail sale.<br />

5509.91.00 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

Mixed mainly or solely with wool<br />

or fine animal hair<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Mixed mainly or solely with cotton 8% January 1, 2015<br />

Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine<br />

animal hair<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

5509.92.00<br />

retail sale.<br />

Yarn (other than sewing thread) of Mixed mainly or solely with Mixed mainly or solely with cotton<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for cotton<br />

retail sale.<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

5509.99.00 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of Other<br />

synthetic staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5510.11.90 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of Single yarn<br />

artificial staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5510.12.90 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn<br />

artificial staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5510.20.90 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of Other yarn, mixed mainly or Other<br />

artificial staple fibres, not put up for solely with wool or fine animal<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

retail sale.<br />

hair<br />

5510.30.90 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of Other yarn, mixed mainly or Other<br />

artificial staple fibres, not put up for solely with cotton<br />

retail sale.<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

5510.90.00 Yarn (other than sewing thread) of Other yarn<br />

artificial staple fibres, not put up for<br />

retail sale.<br />

Other yarn 8% January 1, 2015<br />

5512.11.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Unbleached or bleached<br />

fibres, containing 85% or more by<br />

weight of synthetic staple fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5512.19.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other<br />

fibres, containing 85% or more by<br />

weight of synthetic staple fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5512.21.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Unbleached or bleached<br />

fibres, containing 85% or more by<br />

weight of synthetic staple fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5512.29.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other<br />

fibres, containing 85% or more by<br />

weight of synthetic staple fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 145

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5512.91.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple<br />

fibres, containing 85% or more by<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Unbleached or bleached Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5512.99.99<br />

weight of synthetic staple fibres.<br />

Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other<br />

fibres, containing 85% or more by<br />

weight of synthetic staple fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5513.11.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Of polyester staple fibres, plain Other<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by weave<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

14% January 1, 2015<br />

5513.12.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple 3-thread or 4-thread twill, Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5513.13.99<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by including cross twill, of polyester<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or staple fibres<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other woven fabrics of polyester Other<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by staple fibres<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

14% January 1, 2015<br />

5513.19.00 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other woven fabrics<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

Other woven fabrics 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5513.21.00 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Of polyester staple fibres, plain Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by weave<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

14% January 1, 2013<br />

5513.23.19 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other woven fabrics of polyester Other<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by staple fibres<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

14% January 1, 2013<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 146

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5513.23.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other woven fabrics of polyester<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by staple fibres<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

5513.29.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

5513.31.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Of polyester staple fibres, plain<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by weave<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

5513.39.19 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

5513.39.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

5513.41.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Of polyester staple fibres, plain<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by weave<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Other woven fabrics Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Other woven fabrics Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Other woven fabrics Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5513.49.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other woven fabrics<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight not<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 147

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5514.11.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Of polyester staple fibres, plain<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by weave<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5514.12.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple 3-thread or 4-thread twill, Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by including cross twill, of polyester<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or staple fibres<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

5514.19.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

5514.21.00 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Of polyester staple fibres, plain<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by weave<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

Other woven fabrics Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5514.22.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple 3-thread or 4-thread twill, Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by including cross twill, of polyester<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or staple fibres<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

5514.23.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other woven fabrics of polyester<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by staple fibres<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5514.29.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other woven fabrics<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 148

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5514.30.99 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of yarns of different colours Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5514.41.00<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Of polyester staple fibres, plain Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by weave<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

14% January 1, 2013<br />

5514.42.00 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple 3-thread or 4-thread twill, 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5514.43.90<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by including cross twill, of polyester twill, of polyester staple fibres<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or staple fibres<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other woven fabrics of polyester Other<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by staple fibres<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

14% January 1, 2015<br />

5514.49.90 Woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other woven fabrics<br />

fibres, containing less than 85% by<br />

weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or<br />

solely with cotton, of a weight<br />

exceeding 170 g/m².<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5515.11.90 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple Mixed mainly or solely with Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

fibres.<br />

viscose rayon staple fibres<br />

5515.12.90 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple Mixed mainly or solely with man- Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

fibres.<br />

made filaments<br />

5515.13.99 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple Mixed mainly or solely with wool Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

fibres.<br />

or fine animal hair<br />

5515.19.90 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5515.21.90 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple Mixed mainly or solely with man- Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

fibres.<br />

made filaments<br />

5515.22.00 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple Mixed mainly or solely with wool Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine 14% March 5, 2010<br />

fibres.<br />

or fine animal hair<br />

animal hair<br />

5515.29.90 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 149

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

5515.91.90 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple Mixed mainly or solely with man- Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

fibres.<br />

made filaments<br />

5515.99.19 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5515.99.99 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple Other<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5516.11.00 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Unbleached or bleached<br />

fibres.<br />

Unbleached or bleached 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5516.12.90 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Dyed<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5516.13.90 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Of yarns of different colours<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5516.14.90 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Printed<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5516.21.99 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Unbleached or bleached<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5516.22.90 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Dyed<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5516.23.99 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Of yarns of different colours<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5516.24.90 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Printed<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5516.31.00 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Unbleached or bleached<br />

fibres.<br />

Unbleached or bleached 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5516.32.00 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Dyed<br />

fibres.<br />

Dyed 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5516.33.00 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Of yarns of different colours<br />

fibres.<br />

Of yarns of different colours 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5516.34.00 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Printed<br />

fibres.<br />

Printed 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5516.41.00 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Unbleached or bleached<br />

fibres.<br />

Unbleached or bleached 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5516.42.00 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Dyed<br />

fibres.<br />

Dyed 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5516.43.00 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Of yarns of different colours<br />

fibres.<br />

Of yarns of different colours 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5516.44.00 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Printed<br />

fibres.<br />

Printed 14% January 1, 2013<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 150

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

5516.91.99 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Unbleached or bleached<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5516.92.90 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Dyed<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

5516.94.90 Woven fabrics of artificial staple Printed<br />

fibres.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5601.21.29 Wadding of textile materials and Of cotton<br />

articles thereof; textile fibres, not<br />

exceeding 5 mm in length (flock),<br />

textile dust and mill neps.<br />

Other 5% January 1, 2012<br />

5601.29.90 Wadding of textile materials and Other<br />

articles thereof; textile fibres, not<br />

exceeding 5 mm in length (flock),<br />

textile dust and mill neps.<br />

Other 6% January 1, 2012<br />

5602.10.90 Felt, whether or not impregnated, Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

coated, covered or laminated. fibre fabrics<br />

5602.21.99 Felt, whether or not impregnated, Of wool or fine animal hair<br />

coated, covered or laminated.<br />

Other 12% January 1, 2015<br />

5602.29.00 Felt, whether or not impregnated, Of other textile materials<br />

coated, covered or laminated.<br />

Of other textile materials 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5602.90.90 Felt, whether or not impregnated, Other<br />

coated, covered or laminated.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5603.11.30 Nonwovens, whether or not Weighing not more than 25 g/m² Spunbonded, of olefin, for use in the 12.5% March 5, 2010<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

manufacture of envelopes or insulation<br />

laminated.<br />

sheathing<br />

5603.11.40 Nonwovens, whether or not Weighing not more than 25 g/m² Of nylon or other polyamides, in rolls or 13.5% March 5, 2010<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

sheets, of a kind used for electrical<br />

laminated.<br />

insulation<br />

5603.11.50 Nonwovens, whether or not Weighing not more than 25 g/m² Other, for use as liners, transfer layers or 14% March 5, 2010<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

leak control shields in the manufacture of<br />

laminated.<br />

disposable napkins (diapers);<br />

Of polypropylene, coated or covered with<br />

polypropylene, or of polyethylene, being air<br />

infiltration barriers for use as building wrap,<br />

and having the expression "house wrap" or<br />

"homewrap" and the Canadian Construction<br />

Materials Centre (CCMC) evaluation<br />

number inscribed at regular intervals on the<br />

material<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 151

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5603.11.99 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.12.30 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.12.40 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.12.50 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Weighing not more than 25 g/m² Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Weighing more than 25 g/m² but<br />

not more than 70 g/m²<br />

Weighing more than 25 g/m² but<br />

not more than 70 g/m²<br />

Weighing more than 25 g/m² but<br />

not more than 70 g/m²<br />

5603.12.99 Nonwovens, whether or not Weighing more than 25 g/m² but<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or not more than 70 g/m²<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.13.30 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.13.40 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.13.50 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

Weighing more than 70 g/m² but<br />

not more than 150 g/m²<br />

Weighing more than 70 g/m² but<br />

not more than 150 g/m²<br />

Weighing more than 70 g/m² but<br />

not more than 150 g/m²<br />

Spunbonded, of olefin, for use in the<br />

manufacture of envelopes or insulation<br />

sheathing<br />

Of nylon or other polyamides, in rolls or<br />

sheets, of a kind used for electrical<br />

insulation<br />

Other, for use as liners, transfer layers or<br />

leak control shields in the manufacture of<br />

disposable napkins (diapers);<br />

Of polypropylene, coated or covered with<br />

polypropylene, or of polyethylene, being air<br />

infiltration barriers for use as building wrap,<br />

and having the expression "house wrap" or<br />

"homewrap" and the Canadian Construction<br />

Materials Centre (CCMC) evaluation<br />

number inscribed at regular intervals on the<br />

12.5% March 5, 2010<br />

13.5% March 5, 2010<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

material<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Spunbonded, of olefin, for use in the<br />

manufacture of envelopes or insulation<br />

sheathing<br />

Of nylon or other polyamides, in rolls or<br />

sheets, of a kind used for electrical<br />

insulation<br />

Other, for use as liners, transfer layers or<br />

leak control shields in the manufacture of<br />

disposable napkins (diapers);<br />

Of polypropylene, coated or covered with<br />

polypropylene, or of polyethylene, being air<br />

infiltration barriers for use as building wrap,<br />

and having the expression "house wrap" or<br />

homewrap" and the Canadian Construction<br />

12.5% March 5, 2010<br />

13.5% March 5, 2010<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 152

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5603.13.99 Nonwovens, whether or not Weighing more than 70 g/m² but<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or not more than 150 g/m²<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.14.30 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.14.40 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.14.50 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

Materials Centre (CCMC) evaluation<br />

number inscribed at regular intervals on the<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

material<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Weighing more than 150 g/m² Spunbonded, of olefin, for use in the<br />

manufacture of envelopes or insulation<br />

sheathing<br />

Weighing more than 150 g/m² Of nylon or other polyamides, in rolls or<br />

sheets, of a kind used for electrical<br />

insulation<br />

Weighing more than 150 g/m² Other, for use as liners, transfer layers or<br />

leak control shields in the manufacture of<br />

disposable napkins (diapers);<br />

Of polypropylene, coated or covered with<br />

polypropylene, or of polyethylene, being air<br />

infiltration barriers for use as building wrap,<br />

and having the expression "house wrap" or<br />

"homewrap" and the Canadian Construction<br />

Materials Centre (CCMC) evaluation<br />

number inscribed at regular intervals on the<br />

12.5% March 5, 2010<br />

13.5% March 5, 2010<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

5603.14.99 Nonwovens, whether or not Weighing more than 150 g/m²<br />

material<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

impregnated,<br />

laminated.<br />

coated, covered or<br />

5603.91.50 Nonwovens, whether or not Weighing not more than 25 g/m² Other imitation leather, containing 60% or 9% March 5, 2010<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

more by weight of man-made fibres, valued<br />

laminated.<br />

at $13/m² or more;<br />

Other, solely of melt-blown polypropylene<br />

and polyester fibres, whether or not<br />

supported on one side with a textile<br />

product;<br />

Poromeric materials, with a water<br />

permeability of 0.5 mg/cm²/hr or more but<br />

not exceeding 11 mg/cm²/hr, excluding<br />

materials with a backing composed solely<br />

of woven or knitted fabrics, for use in the<br />

manufacture of footwear<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 153

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5603.91.90 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.92.60 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Weighing not more than 25 g/m² Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Weighing more than 25 g/m² but<br />

not more than 70 g/m²<br />

5603.92.99 Nonwovens, whether or not Weighing more than 25 g/m² but<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or not more than 70 g/m²<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.93.60 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

Weighing more than 70 g/m² but<br />

not more than 150 g/m²<br />

5603.93.90 Nonwovens, whether or not Weighing more than 70 g/m² but<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or not more than 150 g/m²<br />

laminated.<br />

5603.94.50 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

Other imitation leather, containing 60% or<br />

more by weight of man-made fibres, valued<br />

at $13/m² or more;<br />

Other, solely of melt-blown polypropylene<br />

and polyester fibres, whether or not<br />

supported on one side with a textile<br />

product;<br />

Poromeric materials, with a water<br />

permeability of 0.5 mg/cm²/hr or more but<br />

not exceeding 11 mg/cm²/hr, excluding<br />

materials with a backing composed solely<br />

of woven or knitted fabrics, for use in the<br />

9% March 5, 2010<br />

manufacture of footwear<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Other imitation leather, containing 60% or<br />

more by weight of man-made fibres, valued<br />

at $13/m² or more;<br />

Other, solely of melt-blown polypropylene<br />

and polyester fibres, whether or not<br />

supported on one side with a textile<br />

product;<br />

Poromeric materials, with a water<br />

permeability of 0.5 mg/cm²/hr or more but<br />

not exceeding 11 mg/cm²/hr, excluding<br />

materials with a backing composed solely<br />

of woven or knitted fabrics, for use in the<br />

9% March 5, 2010<br />

manufacture of footwear<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Weighing more than 150 g/m² Other imitation leather, containing 60% or<br />

more by weight of man-made fibres, valued<br />

at $13/m² or more;<br />

Other, solely of melt-blown polypropylene<br />

9% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 154

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5603.94.90 Nonwovens, whether or not<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

laminated.<br />

5604.90.10 Rubber thread and cord, textile<br />

covered; textile yarn, and strip and the<br />

like of heading 54.04 or 54.05,<br />

impregnated, coated, covered or<br />

and polyester fibres, whether or not<br />

supported on one side with a textile<br />

product;<br />

Poromeric materials, with a water<br />

permeability of 0.5 mg/cm²/hr or more but<br />

not exceeding 11 mg/cm²/hr, excluding<br />

materials with a backing composed solely<br />

of woven or knitted fabrics, for use in the<br />

manufacture of footwear<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Weighing more than 150 g/m² Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Other High tenacity yarn of polyesters, of nylon<br />

or other polyamides or of viscose rayon,<br />

impregnated or coated, excluding yarn<br />

solely of viscose, single, with a twist not<br />

8% January 1, 2015<br />

sheathed with rubber or plastics.<br />

exceeding 150 turns per metre<br />

5606.00.90 Gimped yarn, and strip and the like of Gimped yarn, and strip and the Other<br />

heading 54.04 or 54.05, gimped (other like of heading 54.04 or 54.05,<br />

than those of heading 56.05 and gimped (other than those of<br />

8% March 5, 2010<br />

gimped horsehair yarn); chenille yarn heading 56.05 and gimped<br />

(including flock chenille yarn); loop horsehair yarn); chenille yarn<br />

wale-yarn.<br />

(including flock chenille yarn);<br />

loop wale-yarn.<br />

5801.10.99 Woven pile fabrics and chenille Of wool or fine animal hair Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.22.29 Woven pile fabrics and chenille Cut corduroy Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.22.99 Woven pile fabrics and chenille Cut corduroy Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.23.90 Woven pile fabrics and chenille Other weft pile fabrics Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.24.90 Woven pile fabrics and chenille Warp pile fabrics, épinglé (uncut) Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 155

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5801.25.10 Woven pile fabrics and chenille<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.25.29 Woven pile fabrics and chenille<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.26.90 Woven pile fabrics and chenille<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.31.90 Woven pile fabrics and chenille<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.32.90 Woven pile fabrics and chenille<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.33.90 Woven pile fabrics and chenille<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.34.90 Woven pile fabrics and chenille<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.35.99 Woven pile fabrics and chenille<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.36.90 Woven pile fabrics and chenille<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5801.90.99 Woven pile fabrics and chenille<br />

fabrics, other than fabrics of heading<br />

58.02 or 58.06.<br />

5802.11.90 Terry towelling and similar woven<br />

terry fabrics, other than narrow fabrics<br />

of heading 58.06; tufted textile fabrics,<br />

other than products of heading 57.03.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Warp pile fabrics, cut Not containing man-made fibres 12% March 5, 2010<br />

Warp pile fabrics, cut Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Chenille fabrics Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

Uncut weft pile fabrics Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Cut corduroy Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Other weft pile fabrics Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Warp pile fabrics, épinglé (uncut) Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Warp pile fabrics, cut Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Chenille fabrics Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Of other textile materials Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

Unbleached Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5802.19.90 Terry towelling and similar woven Other<br />

terry fabrics, other than narrow fabrics<br />

of heading 58.06; tufted textile fabrics,<br />

other than products of heading 57.03.<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 156

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5802.20.90 Terry towelling and similar woven Terry towelling and similar woven<br />

terry fabrics, other than narrow fabrics terry fabrics, of other textile<br />

of heading 58.06; tufted textile fabrics, materials<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5802.30.90<br />

other than products of heading 57.03.<br />

Terry towelling and similar woven Tufted textile fabrics<br />

terry fabrics, other than narrow fabrics<br />

of heading 58.06; tufted textile fabrics,<br />

other than products of heading 57.03.<br />

Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5803.00.19 Gauze, other than narrow fabrics of Gauze, other than narrow fabrics Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

heading 58.06.<br />

of heading 58.06.<br />

5803.00.22 Gauze, other than narrow fabrics of Gauze, other than narrow fabrics Other, in the grey or unfinished condition, 12% March 5, 2010<br />

heading 58.06.<br />

of heading 58.06.<br />

of a weight not exceeding 135 g/m²<br />

5803.00.29 Gauze, other than narrow fabrics of Gauze, other than narrow fabrics Other<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

heading 58.06.<br />

of heading 58.06.<br />

but not to<br />

Note: The maximum rate of customs duty exceed<br />

under the Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff is a<br />

specific rate set out in accordance with<br />

Supplementary Note 1 to Section XI.<br />

$4.10/kg<br />

5803.00.99 Gauze, other than narrow fabrics of Gauze, other than narrow fabrics Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

heading 58.06.<br />

of heading 58.06.<br />

5804.10.30 Tulles and other net fabrics, not Tulles and other net fabrics<br />

including woven, knitted or crocheted<br />

fabrics; lace in the piece, in strips or in<br />

motifs, other than fabrics of headings<br />

60.02 to 60.06.<br />

Other, solely of vegetable textile fibres 7% March 5, 2010<br />

5804.10.90 Tulles and other net fabrics, not Tulles and other net fabrics<br />

including woven, knitted or crocheted<br />

fabrics; lace in the piece, in strips or in<br />

motifs, other than fabrics of headings<br />

60.02 to 60.06.<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5804.21.90 Tulles and other net fabrics, not Of man-made fibres<br />

including woven, knitted or crocheted<br />

fabrics; lace in the piece, in strips or in<br />

motifs, other than fabrics of headings<br />

60.02 to 60.06.<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 157

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5804.29.90 Tulles and other net fabrics, not<br />

including woven, knitted or crocheted<br />

fabrics; lace in the piece, in strips or in<br />

motifs, other than fabrics of headings<br />

60.02 to 60.06.<br />

5804.30.30 Tulles and other net fabrics, not<br />

including woven, knitted or crocheted<br />

fabrics; lace in the piece, in strips or in<br />

motifs, other than fabrics of headings<br />

60.02 to 60.06.<br />

5804.30.90 Tulles and other net fabrics, not<br />

including woven, knitted or crocheted<br />

fabrics; lace in the piece, in strips or in<br />

motifs, other than fabrics of headings<br />

60.02 to 60.06.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of other textile materials Other 7% March 5, 2010<br />

Hand-made lace Other, solely of vegetable textile fibres 7% March 5, 2010<br />

Hand-made lace Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5806.10.19 Narrow woven fabrics, other than Woven pile fabrics (including Other<br />

goods of heading 58.07; narrow fabrics terry towelling and similar terry<br />

12% March 5, 2010<br />

consisting of warp without weft fabrics) and chenille fabrics<br />

assembled by means of an adhesive<br />

(bolducs).<br />

5806.10.99 Narrow woven fabrics, other than Woven pile fabrics (including Other<br />

goods of heading 58.07; narrow fabrics terry towelling and similar terry<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

consisting of warp without weft fabrics) and chenille fabrics<br />

assembled by means of an adhesive<br />

(bolducs).<br />

5806.20.90 Narrow woven fabrics, other than Other woven fabrics, containing Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

goods of heading 58.07; narrow fabrics by weight 5% or more of<br />

consisting of warp without weft elastomeric yarn or rubber thread<br />

assembled by means of an adhesive<br />

(bolducs).<br />

5806.31.40 Narrow woven fabrics, other than<br />

goods of heading 58.07; narrow fabrics<br />

consisting of warp without weft<br />

assembled by means of an adhesive<br />

(bolducs).<br />

Of cotton Other, solely of cotton, unbleached, not<br />

mercerized<br />

12% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 158

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5806.31.50 Narrow woven fabrics, other than<br />

goods of heading 58.07; narrow fabrics<br />

consisting of warp without weft<br />

assembled by means of an adhesive<br />

(bolducs).<br />

5806.31.90 Narrow woven fabrics, other than<br />

goods of heading 58.07; narrow fabrics<br />

consisting of warp without weft<br />

assembled by means of an adhesive<br />

(bolducs).<br />

5806.32.99 Narrow woven fabrics, other than<br />

goods of heading 58.07; narrow fabrics<br />

consisting of warp without weft<br />

assembled by means of an adhesive<br />

(bolducs).<br />

5806.39.99 Narrow woven fabrics, other than<br />

goods of heading 58.07; narrow fabrics<br />

consisting of warp without weft<br />

assembled by means of an adhesive<br />

(bolducs).<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of cotton Other, solely of cotton 12% March 5, 2010<br />

Of cotton Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

Of man-made fibres Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

Of other textile materials Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5806.40.90 Narrow woven fabrics, other than Fabrics consisting of warp without Other<br />

goods of heading 58.07; narrow fabrics weft assembled by means of an<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

consisting of warp without weft adhesive (bolducs)<br />

assembled by means of an adhesive<br />

(bolducs).<br />

5807.10.19 Labels, badges and similar articles of<br />

textile materials, in the piece, in strips<br />

or cut to shape or size, not<br />

embroidered.<br />

Woven Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5807.10.29 Labels, badges and similar articles of Woven<br />

textile materials, in the piece, in strips<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

or cut to shape or size, not<br />

embroidered.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 159

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5807.90.90 Labels, badges and similar articles of<br />

textile materials, in the piece, in strips<br />

or cut to shape or size, not<br />

embroidered.<br />

5808.10.90 Braids in the piece; ornamental<br />

trimmings in the piece, without<br />

embroidery, other than knitted or<br />

crocheted; tassels, pompons and<br />

similar articles.<br />

5808.90.90 Braids in the piece; ornamental<br />

trimmings in the piece, without<br />

embroidery, other than knitted or<br />

crocheted; tassels, pompons and<br />

similar articles.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

Braids in the piece Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 14% March 5, 2010<br />

5809.00.90 Woven fabrics of metal thread and Woven fabrics of metal thread and Other<br />

woven fabrics of metallized yarn of woven fabrics of metallized yarn<br />

heading 56.05, of a kind used in of heading 56.05, of a kind used<br />

apparel, as furnishing fabrics or for in apparel, as furnishing fabrics or<br />

14% March 5, 2010<br />

similar purposes, not elsewhere for similar purposes, not<br />

specified or included.<br />

elsewhere specified or included.<br />

5810.10.90 Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in Embroidery without visible Other 8% March 5, 2010<br />

motifs.<br />

ground<br />

5810.91.30 Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in Of cotton Other, solely of cotton or of cotton mixed 7% March 5, 2010<br />

motifs.<br />

solely with other vegetable textile fibres<br />

5810.91.90 Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in Of cotton<br />

motifs.<br />

Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

5810.92.90 Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in Of man-made fibres Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

motifs.<br />

5810.99.90 Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in<br />

motifs.<br />

Of other textile materials Other 12% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 160

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5811.00.10 Quilted textile products in the piece, Quilted textile products in the<br />

composed of one or more layers of piece, composed of one or more<br />

textile materials assembled with layers of textile materials<br />

padding by stitching or otherwise, assembled with padding by<br />

other than embroidery of heading stitching or otherwise, other than<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Cotton piece goods 14% January 1, 2015<br />

58.10.<br />

embroidery of heading 58.10.<br />

5811.00.29 Quilted textile products in the piece, Quilted textile products in the Other<br />

composed of one or more layers of piece, composed of one or more<br />

14% January 1, 2015<br />

textile materials assembled with layers of textile materials<br />

padding by stitching or otherwise, assembled with padding by<br />

other than embroidery of heading stitching or otherwise, other than<br />

58.10.<br />

embroidery of heading 58.10.<br />

5811.00.90 Quilted textile products in the piece, Quilted textile products in the Other<br />

composed of one or more layers of piece, composed of one or more<br />

14% January 1, 2015<br />

textile materials assembled with layers of textile materials<br />

padding by stitching or otherwise, assembled with padding by<br />

other than embroidery of heading stitching or otherwise, other than<br />

58.10.<br />

embroidery of heading 58.10.<br />

5901.10.90 Textile fabrics coated with gum or Textile fabrics coated with gum or Other<br />

amylaceous substances, of a kind used amylaceous substances, of a kind<br />

for the outer covers of books or the used for the outer covers of books<br />

like; tracing cloth; prepared painting or the like<br />

canvas; buckram and similar stiffened<br />

textile fabrics of a kind used for hat<br />

foundations.<br />

14% January 1, 2015<br />

5901.90.90 Textile fabrics coated with gum or Other<br />

amylaceous substances, of a kind used<br />

for the outer covers of books or the<br />

like; tracing cloth; prepared painting<br />

canvas; buckram and similar stiffened<br />

textile fabrics of a kind used for hat<br />

foundations.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5902.10.00 Tire cord fabric of high tenacity yarn Of nylon or other polyamides Of nylon or other polyamides 8% January 1, 2015<br />

of nylon or other polyamides,<br />

5902.20.00<br />

polyesters or viscose rayon.<br />

Tire cord fabric of high tenacity yarn Of polyesters Of polyesters 8% January 1, 2015<br />

of nylon or other polyamides,<br />

polyesters or viscose rayon.<br />

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Page 161

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5902.90.00 Tire cord fabric of high tenacity yarn<br />

of nylon or other polyamides,<br />

polyesters or viscose rayon.<br />

5903.10.19 Textile fabrics impregnated, coated,<br />

covered or laminated with plastics,<br />

other than those of heading 59.02.<br />

5903.10.29 Textile fabrics impregnated, coated,<br />

covered or laminated with plastics,<br />

other than those of heading 59.02.<br />

5903.20.19 Textile fabrics impregnated, coated,<br />

covered or laminated with plastics,<br />

other than those of heading 59.02.<br />

5903.20.23 Textile fabrics impregnated, coated,<br />

covered or laminated with plastics,<br />

other than those of heading 59.02.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 8% January 1, 2015<br />

With poly(vinyl chloride) Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

With poly(vinyl chloride) Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

With polyurethane Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

With polyurethane Imitation leather, containing 60% or more<br />

by weight of man-made fibres, valued at<br />

$13/m² or more;<br />

Poromeric materials, with a water vapour<br />

permeability of 0.5 mg/cm²/hr or more but<br />

not exceeding 11 mg/cm²/hr, excluding<br />

materials with a backing composed solely<br />

of woven or knitted fabrics, for use in the<br />

10% January 1, 2015<br />

5903.20.29 Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, With polyurethane<br />

covered or laminated with plastics,<br />

other than those of heading 59.02.<br />

manufacture of footwear<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5903.90.10 Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, Other Textile fabrics not containing man-made 14% January 1, 2015<br />

covered or laminated with plastics,<br />

other than those of heading 59.02.<br />

fibres<br />

5903.90.29 Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, Other<br />

covered or laminated with plastics,<br />

other than those of heading 59.02.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5906.10.90 Rubberized textile fabrics, other than Adhesive tape of a width not Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

those of heading 59.02.<br />

exceeding 20 cm<br />

5906.91.99 Rubberized textile fabrics, other than Knitted or crocheted<br />

those of heading 59.02.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5906.99.19 Rubberized textile fabrics, other than Other<br />

those of heading 59.02.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 162

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5906.99.22 Rubberized textile fabrics, other than<br />

those of heading 59.02.<br />

Other Other, for use in the manufacture of<br />

conveyor or transmission belts or belting;<br />

Tire cord fabric for use in the manufacture<br />

of pneumatic tires<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

11% January 1, 2015<br />

5906.99.29 Rubberized textile fabrics, other than Other<br />

those of heading 59.02.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

5907.00.13 Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, Textile fabrics otherwise Oilcloth 7% January 1, 2015<br />

coated or covered; painted canvas impregnated, coated or covered;<br />

being theatrical scenery, studio back- painted canvas being theatrical<br />

cloths or the like.<br />

scenery, studio back-cloths or the<br />

like.<br />

5907.00.18 Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, Textile fabrics otherwise Other, not containing man-made fibres 14% January 1, 2015<br />

coated or covered; painted canvas impregnated, coated or covered;<br />

being theatrical scenery, studio back- painted canvas being theatrical<br />

cloths or the like.<br />

scenery, studio back-cloths or the<br />

like.<br />

5907.00.19 Textile fabrics otherwise impregnated, Textile fabrics otherwise Other, containing man-made fibres 14% January 1, 2015<br />

coated or covered; painted canvas impregnated, coated or covered;<br />

being theatrical scenery, studio back- painted canvas being theatrical<br />

cloths or the like.<br />

scenery, studio back-cloths or the<br />

like.<br />

5909.00.00 Textile hosepiping and similar textile Textile hosepiping and similar Textile hosepiping and similar textile<br />

tubing, with or without lining, armour textile tubing, with or without tubing, with or without lining, armour or<br />

12% January 1, 2015<br />

or accessories of other materials. lining, armour or accessories of accessories of other materials.<br />

other materials.<br />

5910.00.19 Transmission or conveyor belts or Transmission or conveyor belts or Other 9% January 1, 2013<br />

belting, of textile material, whether or belting, of textile material,<br />

not impregnated, coated, covered or whether or not impregnated,<br />

laminated with plastics, or reinforced coated, covered or laminated with<br />

with metal or other material. plastics, or reinforced with metal<br />

or other material.<br />

5910.00.90 Transmission or conveyor belts or Transmission or conveyor belts or Other 11% January 1, 2013<br />

belting, of textile material, whether or belting, of textile material,<br />

not impregnated, coated, covered or whether or not impregnated,<br />

laminated with plastics, or reinforced coated, covered or laminated with<br />

with metal or other material. plastics, or reinforced with metal<br />

or other material.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 163

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

5911.10.90 Textile products and articles, for Textile fabrics, felt and felt-lined<br />

technical uses, specified in Note 7 to woven fabrics, coated, covered or<br />

this Chapter.<br />

laminated with rubber, leather or<br />

other material, of a kind used for<br />

card clothing, and similar fabrics<br />

of a kind used for other technical<br />

purposes, including narrow fabrics<br />

made of velvet impregnated with<br />

rubber, for covering weaving<br />

spindles (weaving beams)<br />

5911.20.90 Textile products and articles, for Bolting cloth, whether or not<br />

technical uses, specified in Note 7 to made up<br />

this Chapter.<br />

5911.31.10 Textile products and articles, for<br />

technical uses, specified in Note 7 to<br />

this Chapter.<br />

5911.32.10 Textile products and articles, for<br />

technical uses, specified in Note 7 to<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Weighing less than 650 g/m² Paper-making machine press felts and<br />

fabrics;<br />

Paper-making machine forming fabrics<br />

Weighing 650 g/m² or more Paper-making machine press felts and<br />

fabrics;<br />

6% January 1, 2014<br />

6% January 1, 2014<br />

this Chapter.<br />

Paper-making machine forming fabrics<br />

5911.40.90 Textile products and articles, for Straining cloth of a kind used in Other<br />

technical uses, specified in Note 7 to oil presses or the like, including<br />

14% January 1, 2015<br />

this Chapter.<br />

that of human hair<br />

5911.90.20 Textile products and articles, for Other Other filters of a kind used on cigarette-tow 9% January 1, 2014<br />

technical uses, specified in Note 7 to<br />

this Chapter.<br />

presses<br />

5911.90.90 Textile products and articles, for Other<br />

technical uses, specified in Note 7 to<br />

this Chapter.<br />

Other 12% January 1, 2014<br />

6001.10.90 Pile fabrics, including "long pile" "Long pile'' fabrics<br />

fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or<br />

crocheted.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6001.21.00 Pile fabrics, including "long pile" Of cotton<br />

fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or<br />

crocheted.<br />

Of cotton 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6001.22.00 Pile fabrics, including "long pile" Of man-made fibres<br />

fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or<br />

crocheted.<br />

Of man-made fibres 14% January 1, 2013<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 164

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

6001.29.90 Pile fabrics, including "long pile"<br />

fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or<br />

crocheted.<br />

6001.91.00 Pile fabrics, including "long pile"<br />

fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or<br />

crocheted.<br />

6001.92.90 Pile fabrics, including "long pile"<br />

fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or<br />

crocheted.<br />

6001.99.90 Pile fabrics, including "long pile"<br />

fabrics and terry fabrics, knitted or<br />

crocheted.<br />

6002.40.40 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width<br />

not exceeding 30 cm, containing by<br />

weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn<br />

or rubber thread, other than those of<br />

heading 60.01.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of other textile materials Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Of cotton Of cotton 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Of man-made fibres Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Of other textile materials Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Containing by weight 5% or more<br />

of elastomeric yarn but not<br />

containing rubber thread<br />

Other, knitted netting or lace, of vegetable<br />

textile fibres, not containing any other<br />

textile fibres<br />

10% January 1, 2015<br />

6002.40.90 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width Containing by weight 5% or more Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

not exceeding 30 cm, containing by of elastomeric yarn but not<br />

weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn containing rubber thread<br />

or rubber thread, other than those of<br />

heading 60.01.<br />

6002.90.19 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width<br />

not exceeding 30 cm, containing by<br />

weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn<br />

or rubber thread, other than those of<br />

heading 60.01.<br />

6002.90.90 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width<br />

not exceeding 30 cm, containing by<br />

weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn<br />

or rubber thread, other than those of<br />

heading 60.01.<br />

6003.10.99 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width<br />

not exceeding 30 cm, other than those<br />

of heading 60.01 or 60.02.<br />

Other Other 10% January 1, 2015<br />

Other Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Of wool or fine animal hair Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6003.20.40 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width Of cotton<br />

not exceeding 30 cm, other than those<br />

of heading 60.01 or 60.02.<br />

Other lace, solely of vegetable textile fibres 10% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 165

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

6003.20.90 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width<br />

not exceeding 30 cm, other than those<br />

of heading 60.01 or 60.02.<br />

6003.30.99 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width<br />

not exceeding 30 cm, other than those<br />

of heading 60.01 or 60.02.<br />

6003.40.99 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width<br />

not exceeding 30 cm, other than those<br />

of heading 60.01 or 60.02.<br />

6003.90.40 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width<br />

not exceeding 30 cm, other than those<br />

of heading 60.01 or 60.02.<br />

6003.90.90 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width<br />

not exceeding 30 cm, other than those<br />

of heading 60.01 or 60.02.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of cotton Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Of synthetic fibres Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Of artificial fibres Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Other Other lace, solely of vegetable textile fibres 10% January 1, 2015<br />

Other Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6004.10.19 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width Containing by weight 5% or more Other 10% January 1, 2015<br />

exceeding 30 cm, containing by weight of elastomeric yarn but not<br />

5% or more of elastomeric yarn or containing rubber thread<br />

rubber thread, other than those of<br />

heading 60.01.<br />

6004.10.90 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width Containing by weight 5% or more Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

exceeding 30 cm, containing by weight of elastomeric yarn but not<br />

5% or more of elastomeric yarn or containing rubber thread<br />

rubber thread, other than those of<br />

heading 60.01.<br />

6004.90.30 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width<br />

exceeding 30 cm, containing by weight<br />

5% or more of elastomeric yarn or<br />

rubber thread, other than those of<br />

heading 60.01.<br />

6004.90.90 Knitted or crocheted fabrics of a width<br />

exceeding 30 cm, containing by weight<br />

5% or more of elastomeric yarn or<br />

rubber thread, other than those of<br />

heading 60.01.<br />

6005.21.30 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

Other Other lace of vegetable textile fibres, not<br />

containing any other textile fibres<br />

10% January 1, 2015<br />

Other Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Unbleached or bleached Other lace, solely of cotton or solely of<br />

cotton and other vegetable textile fibres<br />

10% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 166

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

6005.21.90 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.22.30 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.22.90 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.23.30 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.23.90 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.24.30 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.24.90 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.31.90 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Unbleached or bleached Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Dyed Other lace, solely of cotton or solely of<br />

cotton and other vegetable textile fibres<br />

10% January 1, 2015<br />

Dyed Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Of yarns of different colours Other lace, solely of cotton or solely of<br />

cotton and other vegetable textile fibres<br />

10% January 1, 2015<br />

Of yarns of different colours Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Printed Other lace, solely of cotton or solely of<br />

cotton and other vegetable textile fibres<br />

10% January 1, 2015<br />

Printed Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Unbleached or bleached Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6005.32.90 Warp knit fabrics (including those Dyed<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 167

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

6005.33.99 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.34.90 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.41.90 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.42.90 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.43.99 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.44.90 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.90.29 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

6005.90.99 Warp knit fabrics (including those<br />

made on galloon knitting machines),<br />

other than those of headings 60.01 to<br />

60.04.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of yarns of different colours Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Printed Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

Unbleached or bleached Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Dyed Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Of yarns of different colours Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Printed Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Other Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

Other Other 10% January 1, 2015<br />

6006.21.10 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Unbleached or bleached Circular knit, solely of cotton yarns<br />

measuring less than 100 decitex per single<br />

yarn (100 metric number or more per single<br />

yarn)<br />

14% January 1, 2015<br />

6006.21.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Unbleached or bleached Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 168

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

6006.22.10 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Dyed Circular knit, solely of cotton yarns<br />

measuring less than 100 decitex per single<br />

yarn (100 metric number or more per single<br />

yarn)<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

14% January 1, 2015<br />

6006.22.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Dyed Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

6006.23.29 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Of yarns of different colours Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6006.23.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Of yarns of different colours Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6006.24.10 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Printed Circular knit, solely of cotton yarns 14% January 1, 2015<br />

measuring less than 100 decitex per single<br />

yarn (100 metric number or more per single<br />

6006.24.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Printed Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6006.31.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Unbleached or bleached Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6006.32.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Dyed Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

6006.33.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Of yarns of different colours Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6006.34.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Printed Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

6006.41.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Unbleached or bleached Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6006.42.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Dyed Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

6006.43.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Of yarns of different colours Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6006.44.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Printed Other 14% January 1, 2013<br />

6006.90.90 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics. Other Other 14% January 1, 2015<br />

6804.10.00 Millstones, grindstones, grinding<br />

wheels and the like, without<br />

frameworks, for grinding, sharpening,<br />

polishing, trueing or cutting, hand<br />

sharpening or polishing stones, and<br />

parts thereof, of natural stone, of<br />

agglomerated natural or artificial<br />

abrasives, or of ceramics, with or<br />

without parts of other materials.<br />

Millstones and grindstones for<br />

milling, grinding or pulping<br />

yarn)<br />

Millstones and grindstones for milling,<br />

grinding or pulping<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 169

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

6804.23.00 Millstones, grindstones, grinding<br />

wheels and the like, without<br />

frameworks, for grinding, sharpening,<br />

polishing, trueing or cutting, hand<br />

sharpening or polishing stones, and<br />

parts thereof, of natural stone, of<br />

agglomerated natural or artificial<br />

abrasives, or of ceramics, with or<br />

without parts of other materials.<br />

6805.10.20 Natural or artificial abrasive powder or<br />

grain, on a base of textile material, of<br />

paper, of paperboard or of other<br />

materials, whether or not cut to shape<br />

or sewn or otherwise made up.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of natural stone Of natural stone 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

On a base of woven textile fabric<br />

only<br />

6805.10.90 Natural or artificial abrasive powder or On a base of woven textile fabric<br />

grain, on a base of textile material, of only<br />

paper, of paperboard or of other<br />

materials, whether or not cut to shape<br />

or sewn or otherwise made up.<br />

6805.20.20 Natural or artificial abrasive powder or<br />

grain, on a base of textile material, of<br />

paper, of paperboard or of other<br />

materials, whether or not cut to shape<br />

or sewn or otherwise made up.<br />

On a base of paper or paperboard<br />

only<br />

6805.20.90 Natural or artificial abrasive powder or On a base of paper or paperboard<br />

grain, on a base of textile material, of only<br />

paper, of paperboard or of other<br />

materials, whether or not cut to shape<br />

or sewn or otherwise made up.<br />

6805.30.20 Natural or artificial abrasive powder or<br />

grain, on a base of textile material, of<br />

paper, of paperboard or of other<br />

materials, whether or not cut to shape<br />

or sewn or otherwise made up.<br />

In rolls, not cut to shape or sewn or<br />

otherwise made up, for use in the<br />

manufacture of coated abrasive products<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

In rolls, not cut to shape or sewn or<br />

otherwise made up, for use in the<br />

manufacture of coated abrasive products<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

On a base of other materials In rolls, not cut to shape or sewn or<br />

otherwise made up, for use in the<br />

manufacture of coated abrasive products<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

6805.30.90 Natural or artificial abrasive powder or On a base of other materials<br />

grain, on a base of textile material, of<br />

paper, of paperboard or of other<br />

materials, whether or not cut to shape<br />

or sewn or otherwise made up.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 170

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

6806.10.10 Slag wool, rock wool and similar Slag wool, rock wool and similar Sheathing containing vegetable fibres, in<br />

mineral wools; exfoliated vermiculite, mineral wools, (including rolls<br />

expanded clays, foamed slag and intermixtures thereof), in bulk,<br />

similar expanded mineral materials; sheets or rolls<br />

mixtures and articles of heatinsulating,<br />

sound-insulating or soundabsorbing<br />

mineral materials, other than<br />

those of heading 68.11 or 68.12 or of<br />

Chapter 69.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

4% March 5, 2010<br />

6806.10.90 Slag wool, rock wool and similar Slag wool, rock wool and similar Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

mineral wools; exfoliated vermiculite, mineral wools, (including<br />

expanded clays, foamed slag and intermixtures thereof), in bulk,<br />

similar expanded mineral materials; sheets or rolls<br />

mixtures and articles of heatinsulating,<br />

sound-insulating or soundabsorbing<br />

mineral materials, other than<br />

those of heading 68.11 or 68.12 or of<br />

Chapter 69.<br />

6806.20.00 Slag wool, rock wool and similar<br />

mineral wools; exfoliated vermiculite,<br />

expanded clays, foamed slag and<br />

similar expanded mineral materials;<br />

mixtures and articles of heatinsulating,<br />

sound-insulating or soundabsorbing<br />

mineral materials, other than<br />

those of heading 68.11 or 68.12 or of<br />

Chapter 69.<br />

Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded<br />

clays, foamed slag and similar<br />

expanded mineral materials<br />

(including intermixtures thereof)<br />

Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays,<br />

foamed slag and similar expanded mineral<br />

materials (including intermixtures thereof)<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6806.90.90 Slag wool, rock wool and similar Other<br />

mineral wools; exfoliated vermiculite,<br />

expanded clays, foamed slag and<br />

similar expanded mineral materials;<br />

Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

mixtures and articles of heatinsulating,<br />

sound-insulating or soundabsorbing<br />

mineral materials, other than<br />

those of heading 68.11 or 68.12 or of<br />

Chapter 69.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 171

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

6814.10.90 Worked mica and articles of mica, Plates, sheets and strips of<br />

including agglomerated or agglomerated or reconstituted<br />

reconstituted mica, whether or not on a mica, whether or not on a support<br />

support of paper, paperboard or other<br />

materials.<br />

6814.90.00 Worked mica and articles of mica,<br />

including agglomerated or<br />

reconstituted mica, whether or not on a<br />

support of paper, paperboard or other<br />

materials.<br />

6815.10.20 Articles of stone or of other mineral<br />

substances (including carbon fibres,<br />

articles of carbon fibres and articles of<br />

peat), not elsewhere specified or<br />

included.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Non-electrical articles of graphite<br />

or other carbon<br />

6815.10.90 Articles of stone or of other mineral Non-electrical articles of graphite<br />

substances (including carbon fibres, or other carbon<br />

articles of carbon fibres and articles of<br />

peat), not elsewhere specified or<br />

included.<br />

7019.31.90 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

7019.32.20 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

7019.32.90 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

7019.39.99 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

7019.40.20 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

Graphite blocks, of a diameter exceeding 1<br />

m and a thickness exceeding 38 cm, to be<br />

employed in the manufacture of moulds for<br />

casting wheels for railway vehicles<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 6% January 1, 2012<br />

Mats Other 9.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Thin sheets (voiles) Coated or impregnated with asphalt, for use<br />

as roofing<br />

10% March 5, 2010<br />

Thin sheets (voiles) Other 15.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Woven fabrics of rovings For use in the manufacture of tires 9.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7019.40.99 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and Woven fabrics of rovings<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

Other 15.5% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 172

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

7019.51.20 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of a width not exceeding 30 cm For use in the manufacture of tires 9.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7019.51.99<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

Glass fibres (including glass wool) and Of a width not exceeding 30 cm<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

Other 15.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7019.52.20 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and Of a width exceeding 30 cm, plain For use in the manufacture of tires<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn, weave, weighing less than 250<br />

9.5% March 5, 2010<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

g/m², of filaments measuring per<br />

single yarn not more than 136 tex<br />

7019.52.99 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and Of a width exceeding 30 cm, plain Other<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn, weave, weighing less than 250<br />

15.5% March 5, 2010<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

g/m², of filaments measuring per<br />

single yarn not more than 136 tex<br />

7019.59.20 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and Other<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

For use in the manufacture of tires 9.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7019.59.99 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and Other<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

Other 15.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7019.90.40 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and Other<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

Other woven, knitted or braided articles 15.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7019.90.90 Glass fibres (including glass wool) and Other<br />

articles thereof (for example, yarn,<br />

woven fabrics).<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7106.92.19 Silver (including silver plated with Semi-manufactured<br />

gold or platinum), unwrought or in<br />

Other 7% March 5, 2010<br />

semi-manufactured<br />

powder form.<br />

forms, or in<br />

7106.92.21 Silver (including silver plated with Semi-manufactured Containing by weight 50% or more of 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

gold or platinum), unwrought or in<br />

copper<br />

semi-manufactured<br />

powder form.<br />

forms, or in<br />

7106.92.22 Silver (including silver plated with Semi-manufactured Containing by weight less than 50% of 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

gold or platinum), unwrought or in<br />

copper<br />

semi-manufactured<br />

powder form.<br />

forms, or in<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 173

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

7107.00.00 Base metals clad with silver, not Base metals clad with silver, not Base metals clad with silver, not further 3% March 5, 2010<br />

further worked than semi- further worked than semi- worked than semi-manufactured.<br />

manufactured.manufactured.<br />

7108.13.20 Gold (including gold plated with Other semi-manufactured forms<br />

platinum) unwrought or in semimanufactured<br />

forms, or in powder<br />

form.<br />

Of less than 10 carats 4% March 5, 2010<br />

7109.00.00 Base metals or silver, clad with gold, Base metals or silver, clad with Base metals or silver, clad with gold, not 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

not further worked than semi- gold, not further worked than further worked than semi-manufactured.<br />

manufactured.<br />

semi-manufactured.<br />

7111.00.00 Base metals, silver or gold, clad with Base metals, silver or gold, clad Base metals, silver or gold, clad with<br />

platinum, not further worked than with platinum, not further worked platinum, not further worked than semi-<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

semi-manufactured.<br />

than semi-manufactured. manufactured.<br />

7115.10.00 Other articles of precious metal or of Catalysts in the form of wire cloth Catalysts in the form of wire cloth or grill, 4% March 5, 2010<br />

metal clad with precious metal. or grill, of platinum<br />

of platinum<br />

7115.90.90 Other articles of precious metal or of Other<br />

metal clad with precious metal.<br />

Other 7% March 5, 2010<br />

7202.60.00 Ferro-alloys. Ferro-nickel Ferro-nickel 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7202.70.00 Ferro-alloys. Ferro-molybdenum Ferro-molybdenum 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7202.91.00 Ferro-alloys. Ferro-titanium and ferro-silico- Ferro-titanium and ferro-silico-titanium<br />

titanium<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7202.92.10 Ferro-alloys. Ferro-vanadium For use in the manufacture of iron or steel 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7202.92.90 Ferro-alloys. Ferro-vanadium Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7202.93.00 Ferro-alloys. Ferro-niobium Ferro-niobium 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7202.99.00 Ferro-alloys. Other Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7205.10.10 Granules and powders, of pig iron, Granules Steel shot, for burnishing;<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

spiegeleisen, iron or steel.<br />

Other shot, other than iron or steel shot of a<br />

kind for sawing, polishing, pressure blasting<br />

or tumbling<br />

7206.90.00 Iron and non-alloy steel in ingots or Other<br />

other primary forms (excluding iron of<br />

heading 72.03).<br />

Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7303.00.00 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast 5% March 5, 2010<br />

cast iron.<br />

of cast iron.<br />

iron.<br />

7307.11.10 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Of non-malleable cast iron Not further worked than forged or bent to 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

shape<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 174

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

7307.11.90 Tube or pipe fittings (for example,<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

7307.19.91 Tube or pipe fittings (for example,<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

7307.19.99 Tube or pipe fittings (for example,<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

7307.21.10 Tube or pipe fittings (for example,<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

7307.21.91 Tube or pipe fittings (for example,<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

7307.21.99 Tube or pipe fittings (for example,<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

7307.22.90 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Threaded<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or sleeves<br />

elbows, bends and<br />

steel.<br />

7307.23.10 Tube or pipe fittings (for example,<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of non-malleable cast iron Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Not further worked than forged or bent to<br />

shape<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Flanges For installation between the wellhead<br />

assembly or surface oil pumping unit and<br />

the field marketing valve at oil or natural<br />

gas wells<br />

Flanges Not further worked than forged or bent to<br />

shape<br />

4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Flanges Other 7.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 7.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Butt welding fittings For installation between the wellhead<br />

assembly or surface oil pumping unit and<br />

the field marketing valve at oil or natural<br />

4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7307.23.90 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Butt welding fittings<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

gas wells<br />

Other 7.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7307.29.91 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Other Not further worked than forged or bent to 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

shape<br />

7307.29.99 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Other<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

Other 7.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7307.91.19 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Flanges<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 175

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

7307.91.20 Tube or pipe fittings (for example,<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

Flanges Other, for installation between the wellhead<br />

assembly or surface oil pumping unit and<br />

the field marketing valve at oil or natural<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7307.91.90 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Flanges<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

gas wells<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7307.92.90 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Threaded<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or sleeves<br />

steel.<br />

elbows, bends and Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7307.93.10 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Butt welding fittings<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

Of iron or non-alloy steel 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7307.99.20 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Other Of alloy steel other than stainless steel, 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

further worked than forged or bent to shape,<br />

steel.<br />

for installation between the wellhead<br />

assembly or surface oil pumping unit and<br />

the field marketing valve at oil or natural<br />

gas wells<br />

7307.99.91 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Other Not further worked than forged or bent to 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

shape<br />

7307.99.99 Tube or pipe fittings (for example, Other<br />

couplings, elbows, sleeves), of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7309.00.90 Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar Other<br />

containers for any material (other than containers for any material (other<br />

compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or than compressed or liquefied gas),<br />

steel, of a capacity exceeding 300 of iron or steel, of a capacity<br />

litres, whether or not lined or heat- exceeding 300 litres, whether or<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

insulated, but not fitted with not lined or heat-insulated, but not<br />

mechanical or thermal equipment. fitted with mechanical or thermal<br />

equipment.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 176

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

7310.10.11 Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and<br />

similar containers, for any material<br />

(other than compressed or liquefied<br />

gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not<br />

exceeding 300 litres, whether or not<br />

lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted<br />

with mechanical or thermal equipment.<br />

7310.10.19 Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and<br />

similar containers, for any material<br />

(other than compressed or liquefied<br />

gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not<br />

exceeding 300 litres, whether or not<br />

lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted<br />

with mechanical or thermal equipment.<br />

7310.10.90 Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and<br />

similar containers, for any material<br />

(other than compressed or liquefied<br />

gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not<br />

exceeding 300 litres, whether or not<br />

lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted<br />

with mechanical or thermal equipment.<br />

7310.21.00 Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and<br />

similar containers, for any material<br />

(other than compressed or liquefied<br />

gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not<br />

exceeding 300 litres, whether or not<br />

lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted<br />

with mechanical or thermal equipment.<br />

7310.29.00 Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and<br />

similar containers, for any material<br />

(other than compressed or liquefied<br />

gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity not<br />

exceeding 300 litres, whether or not<br />

lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted<br />

with mechanical or thermal equipment.<br />

7311.00.90 Containers for compressed or liquefied<br />

gas, of iron or steel.<br />

Of a capacity of 50 litres or more Used to cover or hold imported goods,<br />

excluding those designed to be employed<br />

other than in the transportation of the goods<br />

they contain, presented with the goods<br />

therein<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of a capacity of 50 litres or more Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of a capacity of 50 litres or more Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Cans which are to be closed by<br />

soldering or crimping<br />

Cans which are to be closed by soldering or<br />

crimping<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Containers for compressed or<br />

liquefied gas, of iron or steel.<br />

Other 7% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 177

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

7315.12.91 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

Other chain Silent chain of the type which operates over<br />

or with gears or sprockets or radially<br />

grooved wheels with machine cut teeth<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

7315.12.99 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or Other chain<br />

steel.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7315.81.90 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or Stud-link<br />

steel.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7315.82.91 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or Other, welded link Produced from material of a diameter of 28 2% March 5, 2010<br />

steel.<br />

mm or more<br />

7315.82.92 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or Other, welded link Produced from material of a diameter of 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

steel.<br />

less than 28 mm<br />

7315.89.91 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or Other Produced from material of a diameter of 28 3% March 5, 2010<br />

steel.<br />

mm or more<br />

7315.89.92 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or Other Produced from material of a diameter of 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

steel.<br />

less than 28 mm<br />

7315.90.91 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or Other parts Links, produced from material of a diameter 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

steel.<br />

of 28 mm or more<br />

7315.90.99 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or Other parts<br />

steel.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7318.11.00 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, Coach screws<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-<br />

Coach screws 8% March 5, 2010<br />

pins, washers (including spring<br />

7318.12.00<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, Other wood screws<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-<br />

Other wood screws 8% March 5, 2010<br />

pins, washers (including spring<br />

7318.13.90<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, Screw hooks and screw rings<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

pins, washers (including spring<br />

7318.14.00<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, Self-tapping screws<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-<br />

Self-tapping screws 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

pins, washers (including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

7318.15.90 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, Other screws and bolts, whether<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter- or not with their nuts or washers<br />

pins, washers (including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

7318.16.00 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws,<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotterpins,<br />

washers (including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

7318.19.00 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws,<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotterpins,<br />

washers (including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

7318.21.00 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, Spring washers and other lock<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter- washers<br />

pins, washers (including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

7318.22.90 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws,<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotterpins,<br />

washers (including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

7318.23.00 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws,<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotterpins,<br />

washers (including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Nuts Nuts 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Spring washers and other lock washers 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other washers Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Rivets Rivets 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7318.24.00 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, Cotters and cotter-pins<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-<br />

Cotters and cotter-pins 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

pins, washers (including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

7318.29.90 Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws,<br />

screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotterpins,<br />

washers (including spring<br />

7320.10.00<br />

washers) and similar articles, of iron or<br />

steel.<br />

Springs and leaves for springs, of iron<br />

or steel.<br />

7320.20.90 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron<br />

or steel.<br />

7320.90.90 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron<br />

or steel.<br />

7324.29.10 Sanitary ware and parts thereof, of iron Other Stampings and assemblies thereof, for use<br />

or steel.<br />

in the manufacture of bath tubs<br />

7325.91.10 Other cast articles of iron or steel. Grinding balls and similar articles Of steel, of a diameter not exceeding 9.5<br />

for mills<br />

mm, for burnishing<br />

7325.91.90 Other cast articles of iron or steel. Grinding balls and similar articles<br />

for mills<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Leaf-springs and leaves therefor Leaf-springs and leaves therefor 8% March 5, 2010<br />

Helical springs Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7407.10.11 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Of refined copper Unworked 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7407.10.12 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Of refined copper Worked 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7407.10.21 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Of refined copper Bars and rods, of which the maximum<br />

cross-sectional dimension exceeds 12.7<br />

mm;<br />

Solid profiles<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7407.10.29 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Of refined copper Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7407.21.21 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) Unworked 2% March 5, 2010<br />

7407.21.22 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) Worked 2% March 5, 2010<br />

7407.21.90 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

7407.29.21 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Other Bars and rods, of copper-nickel base alloys<br />

(cupro-nickel) of which the maximum<br />

cross-sectional dimension exceeds 12.7<br />

mm;<br />

Solid profiles;<br />

Unworked hollow profiles<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7407.29.29 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7407.29.90 Copper bars, rods and profiles. Other Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

7408.11.31 Copper wire. Of which the maximum cross- Not coated or covered<br />

sectional dimension exceeds 6<br />

mm<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

7408.11.32 Copper wire. Of which the maximum crosssectional<br />

dimension exceeds 6<br />

mm<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Coated or covered 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7408.19.00 Copper wire. Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7408.21.20 Copper wire. Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) Other, of which the maximum crosssectional<br />

dimension exceeds 12.7 mm, not<br />

coated or covered<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7408.21.90 Copper wire. Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7408.22.10 Copper wire. Of copper-nickel base alloys Of which the maximum cross-sectional 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel- dimension exceeds 12.7 mm, of copperzinc<br />

base alloys (nickel silver) nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel), not coated<br />

or covered<br />

7408.22.90 Copper wire. Of copper-nickel base alloys Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7408.29.10 Copper wire.<br />

(cupro-nickel) or copper-nickelzinc<br />

base alloys (nickel silver)<br />

Other Of which the maximum cross-sectional<br />

dimension exceeds 12.7 mm, not coated or<br />

covered<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7408.29.90 Copper wire. Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7411.10.00 Copper tubes and pipes. Of refined copper Of refined copper 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7411.21.00 Copper tubes and pipes. Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) 2% March 5, 2010<br />

7411.22.00 Copper tubes and pipes. Of copper-nickel base alloys Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(cupro-nickel) or copper-nickel- or copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel<br />

zinc base alloys (nickel silver) silver)<br />

7411.29.00 Copper tubes and pipes. Other Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7412.10.00 Copper tube or pipe fittings (for Of refined copper<br />

example, couplings, elbows, sleeves).<br />

Of refined copper 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7412.20.00 Copper tube or pipe fittings (for Of copper alloys<br />

example, couplings, elbows, sleeves).<br />

Of copper alloys 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7413.00.00 Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands Stranded wire, cables, plaited Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the<br />

and the like, of copper, not electrically bands and the like, of copper, not like, of copper, not electrically insulated.<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

insulated.<br />

electrically insulated.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

7415.10.00 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples<br />

(other than those of heading 83.05) and<br />

similar articles, of copper or of iron or<br />

steel with heads of copper; screws,<br />

bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters,<br />

cotter-pins, washers (including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of<br />

copper.<br />

Nails and tacks, drawing pins,<br />

staples and similar articles<br />

7415.21.00 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples Washers<br />

(other than those of heading 83.05) and washers)<br />

similar articles, of copper or of iron or<br />

steel with heads of copper; screws,<br />

bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters,<br />

cotter-pins, washers (including spring<br />

(including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of<br />

copper.<br />

7415.29.00 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples<br />

(other than those of heading 83.05) and<br />

similar articles, of copper or of iron or<br />

steel with heads of copper; screws,<br />

bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters,<br />

cotter-pins, washers (including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of<br />

copper.<br />

7415.33.90 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples<br />

(other than those of heading 83.05) and<br />

similar articles, of copper or of iron or<br />

steel with heads of copper; screws,<br />

bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters,<br />

cotter-pins, washers (including spring<br />

washers) and similar articles, of<br />

copper.<br />

Nails and tacks, drawing pins, staples and<br />

similar articles<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Washers (including spring washers) 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Screws; bolts and nuts Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7415.39.00 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples Other<br />

(other than those of heading 83.05) and<br />

similar articles, of copper or of iron or<br />

steel with heads of copper; screws,<br />

bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, cotters,<br />

cotter-pins, washers (including spring<br />

Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

washers)<br />

copper.<br />

and similar articles, of<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

7603.10.00 Aluminum powders and flakes. Powders of non-lamellar structure Powders of non-lamellar structure 5% March 5, 2010<br />

7603.20.00 Aluminum powders and flakes. Powders of lamellar structure; Powders of lamellar structure; flakes<br />

flakes<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7604.10.12 Aluminum bars, rods and profiles. Of aluminum, not alloyed Bars and rods, of which the maximum<br />

cross-sectional dimension does not exceed<br />

12.7 mm;<br />

Profiles<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7604.10.20 Aluminum bars, rods and profiles. Of aluminum, not alloyed Worked 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7604.21.00 Aluminum bars, rods and profiles. Hollow profiles Hollow profiles 5% March 5, 2010<br />

7604.29.12 Aluminum bars, rods and profiles. Other Bars and rods, of which the maximum<br />

cross-sectional dimension does not exceed<br />

12.7 mm;<br />

Profiles<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

7604.29.20 Aluminum bars, rods and profiles. Other Worked 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7605.19.00 Aluminum wire. Other Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

7605.29.00 Aluminum wire. Other Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

7606.11.20 Aluminum plates, sheets and strip, of a Of aluminum, not alloyed<br />

thickness exceeding 0.2 mm.<br />

Worked 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7606.12.90 Aluminum plates, sheets and strip, of a Of aluminum alloys<br />

thickness exceeding 0.2 mm.<br />

Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

7606.91.90 Aluminum plates, sheets and strip, of a Of aluminum, not alloyed<br />

thickness exceeding 0.2 mm.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7606.92.90 Aluminum plates, sheets and strip, of a Of aluminum alloys<br />

thickness exceeding 0.2 mm.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7607.11.19 Aluminum foil (whether or not printed Rolled but not further worked<br />

or backed with paper, paperboard,<br />

plastics or similar backing materials)<br />

of a thickness (excluding any backing)<br />

not exceeding 0.2 mm.<br />

Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

7607.19.90 Aluminum foil (whether or not printed Other<br />

or backed with paper, paperboard,<br />

plastics or similar backing materials)<br />

of a thickness (excluding any backing)<br />

not exceeding 0.2 mm.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

7607.20.90 Aluminum foil (whether or not printed<br />

or backed with paper, paperboard,<br />

plastics or similar backing materials)<br />

of a thickness (excluding any backing)<br />

not exceeding 0.2 mm.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Backed Other 6.5% January 1, 2015<br />

7608.10.00 Aluminum tubes and pipes. Of aluminum, not alloyed Of aluminum, not alloyed 5% March 5, 2010<br />

7609.00.00 Aluminum tube or pipe fittings (for Aluminum tube or pipe fittings Aluminum tube or pipe fittings (for 5.5% January 1, 2012<br />

example, couplings, elbows, sleeves). (for example, couplings, elbows, example, couplings, elbows, sleeves).<br />

sleeves).<br />

7611.00.90 Aluminum reservoirs, tanks, vats and Aluminum reservoirs, tanks, vats Other<br />

similar containers, for any material and similar containers, for any<br />

(other than compressed or liquefied material (other than compressed<br />

gas), of a capacity exceeding 300 litres, or liquefied gas), of a capacity<br />

whether or not lined or heat-insulated, exceeding 300 litres, whether or<br />

but not fitted with mechanical or not lined or heat-insulated, but not<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

thermal equipment.<br />

fitted with mechanical or thermal<br />

equipment.<br />

7613.00.00 Aluminum containers for compressed Aluminum containers for Aluminum containers for compressed or 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or liquefied gas.<br />

compressed or liquefied gas. liquefied gas.<br />

7614.10.00 Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands With steel core<br />

and the like, of aluminum, not<br />

electrically insulated.<br />

With steel core 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7614.90.00 Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands Other<br />

and the like, of aluminum, not<br />

electrically insulated.<br />

Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7616.10.90 Other articles of aluminum. Nails, tacks, staples (other than Other<br />

those of heading 83.05), screws,<br />

bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets,<br />

cotters, cotter-pins, washers and<br />

similar articles<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7801.10.90 Unwrought lead. Refined lead Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7801.99.00 Unwrought lead. Other Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7804.11.90 Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead Sheets, strip and foil of a Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

powders and flakes.<br />

thickness (excluding any backing)<br />

not exceeding 0.2 mm<br />

7804.19.00 Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead Other<br />

powders and flakes.<br />

Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7804.20.00 Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead Powders and flakes<br />

powders and flakes.<br />

Powders and flakes 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

7806.00.10 Other articles of lead. Other articles of lead. Bars and rods, not alloyed 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

7806.00.90 Other articles of lead. Other articles of lead. Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

8003.00.20 Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire. Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire. Bars and rods, alloyed, excluding alloys of<br />

tin-antimony;<br />

Profiles;<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other wire<br />

8007.00.20 Other articles of tin. Other articles of tin. Tin plates, sheets and strip, of a thickness<br />

exceeding 0.2 mm;<br />

Tin tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings<br />

(for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves)<br />

2% March 5, 2010<br />

8007.00.30 Other articles of tin. Other articles of tin. Powders and flakes 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8101.99.90 Tungsten (wolfram) and articles Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

thereof, including waste and scrap.<br />

8102.95.10 Molybdenum and articles thereof,<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8102.95.20 Molybdenum and articles thereof,<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

Bars and rods, other than those<br />

obtained simply by sintering,<br />

profiles, plates, sheets, strip and<br />

foil<br />

Bars and rods, other than those<br />

obtained simply by sintering,<br />

profiles, plates, sheets, strip and<br />

Bars and rods 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Profiles, plates, sheets, strip and foil 3% March 5, 2010<br />

8102.99.00 Molybdenum and articles<br />

foil<br />

thereof, Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8103.90.00 Tantalum and articles thereof, Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8104.11.00 Magnesium and articles thereof, Containing at least 99.8% by Containing at least 99.8% by weight of 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

weight of magnesium<br />

magnesium<br />

8104.19.90 Magnesium and articles thereof, Other Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8104.30.00 Magnesium and articles thereof, Raspings, turnings and granules, Raspings, turnings and granules, graded 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

graded according to size; powders according to size; powders<br />

8104.90.00 Magnesium and articles thereof, Other Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8105.20.90<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

Cobalt mattes and other intermediate Cobalt mattes and other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

products of cobalt metallurgy; cobalt intermediate products of cobalt<br />

and articles thereof, including waste metallurgy; unwrought cobalt;<br />

and scrap.<br />

powders<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 185

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

8105.90.00 Cobalt mattes and other intermediate Other<br />

products of cobalt metallurgy; cobalt<br />

and articles thereof, including waste<br />

and scrap.<br />

Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

8107.90.00 Cadmium and articles thereof, Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8108.20.90 Titanium and articles thereof, Unwrought titanium; powders Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8108.30.00 Titanium and articles thereof, Waste and scrap Waste and scrap 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8108.90.90 Titanium and articles thereof, Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8109.20.90 Zirconium and articles thereof, Unwrought zirconium; powders Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8109.30.00 Zirconium and articles thereof, Waste and scrap Waste and scrap 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8109.90.90 Zirconium and articles thereof, Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8111.00.12 Manganese and articles thereof, Manganese and articles thereof, Unwrought manganese, alloyed;<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

including waste and scrap. Waste and scrap<br />

8111.00.22 Manganese and articles thereof, Manganese and articles thereof, Alloyed 3% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8111.00.40 Manganese and articles thereof, Manganese and articles thereof, Articles of manganese 3% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8112.51.00 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, Unwrought; powders Unwrought; powders 2% March 5, 2010<br />

vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium,<br />

niobium (columbium), rhenium and<br />

thallium, and articles of these metals,<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8112.52.00 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, Waste and scrap Waste and scrap 2% March 5, 2010<br />

vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium,<br />

niobium (columbium), rhenium and<br />

thallium, and articles of these metals,<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

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Page 186

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8112.59.00 Beryllium, chromium, germanium,<br />

vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium,<br />

niobium (columbium), rhenium and<br />

thallium, and articles of these metals,<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8112.92.90 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, Unwrought; waste and scrap; Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, powders<br />

niobium (columbium), rhenium and<br />

thallium, and articles of these metals,<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8112.99.20 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, Other Vanadium 2% March 5, 2010<br />

vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium,<br />

niobium (columbium), rhenium and<br />

thallium, and articles of these metals,<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

8112.99.90 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, Other Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

8113.00.00<br />

vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium,<br />

niobium (columbium), rhenium and<br />

thallium, and articles of these metals,<br />

including waste and scrap.<br />

Cermets and articles thereof, including Cermets and articles thereof, Cermets and articles thereof, including 3% March 5, 2010<br />

waste and scrap.<br />

including waste and scrap. waste and scrap.<br />

8205.70.20 Hand tools (including glaziers' Vices, clamps and the like Precision clamps and vices, for toolmakers, 4% March 5, 2010<br />

diamonds), not elsewhere specified or<br />

included; blow lamps; vices, clamps<br />

and the like, other than accessories for<br />

and parts of, machine tools; anvils;<br />

portable forges; hand or pedal-operated<br />

grinding wheels with frameworks.<br />

machinists or metal workers<br />

8207.19.20 Interchangeable tools for hand tools, Other, including parts<br />

whether or not power-operated, or for<br />

Other parts, with working part of cermets 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

machine-tools (for example, for<br />

pressing, stamping, punching, tapping,<br />

threading, drilling, boring, broaching,<br />

milling, turning or screw driving),<br />

including dies for drawing or extruding<br />

metal, and rock drilling or earth boring<br />

tools.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 187

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8207.19.90 Interchangeable tools for hand tools,<br />

whether or not power-operated, or for<br />

machine-tools (for example, for<br />

pressing, stamping, punching, tapping,<br />

threading, drilling, boring, broaching,<br />

milling, turning or screw driving),<br />

including dies for drawing or extruding<br />

metal, and rock drilling or earth boring<br />

tools.<br />

8207.20.10 Interchangeable tools for hand tools,<br />

whether or not power-operated, or for<br />

machine-tools (for example, for<br />

pressing, stamping, punching, tapping,<br />

threading, drilling, boring, broaching,<br />

milling, turning or screw driving),<br />

including dies for drawing or extruding<br />

metal, and rock drilling or earth boring<br />

tools.<br />

8207.30.10 Interchangeable tools for hand tools,<br />

whether or not power-operated, or for<br />

machine-tools (for example, for<br />

pressing, stamping, punching, tapping,<br />

threading, drilling, boring, broaching,<br />

milling, turning or screw driving),<br />

including dies for drawing or extruding<br />

metal, and rock drilling or earth boring<br />

tools.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other, including parts Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Dies for drawing or extruding<br />

metal<br />

Tools for pressing, stamping or<br />

punching<br />

Parts;<br />

The following, other than heading dies:<br />

Transfer dies;<br />

Drawing dies, excluding dies in the rough<br />

for drawing wire<br />

The following, other than stamping or<br />

forming die sets for the manufacture of<br />

buttons or slide fasteners, and lower and<br />

upper punches and dies, for tablet presses:<br />

Corner notching attachments with capacity<br />

not exceeding 3.2 mm thick mild steel;<br />

Dies for threading tools;<br />

Drop-in tooling or assemblies including<br />

punches and dies used for turret punch<br />

presses used in metal working;<br />

Metal working dies;<br />

Metal working standard punches and dies<br />

including head and shank type punches and<br />

die buttons, replacement tools used for<br />

ironworkers, turret presses, unit hole<br />

punches and perforators;<br />

Metal working blanking, punching or<br />

forming tools;<br />

Roll forming dies and rotary piercing dies;<br />

Stamping dies, medium to large size, for<br />

automotive use;<br />

Tube piercing attachments with capacity not<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 188

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8207.40.10 Interchangeable tools for hand tools,<br />

whether or not power-operated, or for<br />

machine-tools (for example, for<br />

pressing, stamping, punching, tapping,<br />

threading, drilling, boring, broaching,<br />

milling, turning or screw driving),<br />

including dies for drawing or extruding<br />

metal, and rock drilling or earth boring<br />

tools.<br />

8207.50.90 Interchangeable tools for hand tools, Tools for drilling, other than for<br />

whether or not power-operated, or for rock drilling<br />

machine-tools (for example, for<br />

pressing, stamping, punching, tapping,<br />

threading, drilling, boring, broaching,<br />

milling, turning or screw driving),<br />

including dies for drawing or extruding<br />

metal, and rock drilling or earth boring<br />

tools.<br />

8207.60.10 Interchangeable tools for hand tools,<br />

whether or not power-operated, or for<br />

machine-tools (for example, for<br />

pressing, stamping, punching, tapping,<br />

threading, drilling, boring, broaching,<br />

milling, turning or screw driving),<br />

including dies for drawing or extruding<br />

metal, and rock drilling or earth boring<br />

tools.<br />

exceeding 28.6 mm diameter tubing, for<br />

metal;<br />

Unit hole punching or piercing attachments,<br />

with capacity not exceeding 25.4 mm hole<br />

diameter and not exceeding 3.2 mm thick<br />

mild steel, of a kind used for metal forming<br />

machines<br />

Tools for tapping or threading The following, of high-speed steel:<br />

Threading taps, excluding those containing<br />

at least 1% vanadium or 5% cobalt;<br />

Thread cutting dies;<br />

Thread chasers<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

9% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 9% March 5, 2010<br />

Tools for boring or broaching Step reamers, broaching inserts or broaches,<br />

of high speed steel;<br />

Pipe reamers<br />

9% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 189

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

8207.80.10 Interchangeable tools for hand tools, Tools for turning<br />

whether or not power-operated, or for<br />

Carbide inserts and bits 9% March 5, 2010<br />

machine-tools (for example, for<br />

8209.00.10<br />

pressing, stamping, punching, tapping,<br />

threading, drilling, boring, broaching,<br />

milling, turning or screw driving),<br />

including dies for drawing or extruding<br />

metal, and rock drilling or earth boring<br />

tools.<br />

Plates, sticks, tips and the like for Plates, sticks, tips and the like for Tungsten carbide inserts for rock or coal 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

tools, unmounted, of cermets. tools, unmounted, of cermets. drilling bits<br />

8209.00.92 Plates, sticks, tips and the like for Plates, sticks, tips and the like for Other carbide inserts and bits 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

tools, unmounted, of cermets. tools, unmounted, of cermets.<br />

8301.20.90 Padlocks and locks (key, combination Locks of a kind used for motor Other<br />

or electrically operated), of base metal; vehicles<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

clasps and frames with clasps,<br />

8301.30.00<br />

incorporating locks, of base metal;<br />

keys for any of the foregoing articles,<br />

of base metal.<br />

Padlocks and locks (key, combination Locks of a kind used for furniture Locks of a kind used for furniture<br />

or electrically operated), of base metal;<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

clasps and frames with clasps,<br />

8301.40.10<br />

incorporating locks, of base metal;<br />

keys for any of the foregoing articles,<br />

of base metal.<br />

Padlocks and locks (key, combination Other locks For use in the manufacture of portfolios, 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

or electrically operated), of base metal;<br />

luggage or tackle boxes<br />

clasps and frames with clasps,<br />

8301.60.00<br />

incorporating locks, of base metal;<br />

keys for any of the foregoing articles,<br />

of base metal.<br />

Padlocks and locks (key, combination Parts<br />

or electrically operated), of base metal;<br />

Parts 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

clasps and frames with clasps,<br />

8307.10.90<br />

incorporating locks, of base metal;<br />

keys for any of the foregoing articles,<br />

of base metal.<br />

Flexible tubing of base metal, with or Of iron or steel<br />

without fittings.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 190

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

8307.90.00 Flexible tubing of base metal, with or Of other base metal<br />

without fittings.<br />

Of other base metal 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8308.10.90 Clasps, frames with clasps, buckles, Hooks, eyes and eyelets<br />

buckle-clasps, hooks, eyes, eyelets and<br />

the like, of base metal, of a kind used<br />

Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

for clothing, footwear, awnings,<br />

8308.90.90<br />

handbags, travel goods or other made<br />

up articles; tubular or bifurcated rivets,<br />

of base metal; beads and spangles, of<br />

base metal.<br />

Clasps, frames with clasps, buckles, Other, including parts<br />

buckle-clasps, hooks, eyes, eyelets and<br />

the like, of base metal, of a kind used<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

for clothing, footwear, awnings,<br />

8309.10.00<br />

handbags, travel goods or other made<br />

up articles; tubular or bifurcated rivets,<br />

of base metal; beads and spangles, of<br />

base metal.<br />

Stoppers, caps and lids (including Crown corks<br />

crown corks, screw caps and pouring<br />

stoppers), capsules for bottles, threaded<br />

bungs, bung covers, seals and other<br />

packing accessories, of base metal.<br />

Crown corks 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8309.90.90 Stoppers, caps and lids (including Other<br />

crown corks, screw caps and pouring<br />

stoppers), capsules for bottles, threaded<br />

bungs, bung covers, seals and other<br />

packing accessories, of base metal.<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8311.10.00 Wire, rods, tubes, plates, electrodes Coated electrodes of base metal, Coated electrodes of base metal, for electric 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

and similar products, of base metal or for electric arc-welding<br />

of metal carbides, coated or cored with<br />

flux material, of a kind used for<br />

arc-welding<br />

soldering, brazing, welding or<br />

deposition of metal or of metal<br />

carbides; wire and rods, of<br />

agglomerated base metal powder, used<br />

for metal spraying.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 191

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8311.20.00 Wire, rods, tubes, plates, electrodes<br />

and similar products, of base metal or<br />

of metal carbides, coated or cored with<br />

flux material, of a kind used for<br />

soldering, brazing, welding or<br />

deposition of metal or of metal<br />

carbides; wire and rods, of<br />

agglomerated base metal powder, used<br />

for metal spraying.<br />

Cored wire of base metal, for<br />

electric arc-welding<br />

Cored wire of base metal, for electric arcwelding<br />

[Effective on April 1, 2001]<br />

8311.30.00 Wire, rods, tubes, plates, electrodes Coated rods and cored wire, of Coated rods and cored wire, of base metal,<br />

and similar products, of base metal or base metal, for soldering, brazing for soldering, brazing or welding by flame<br />

of metal carbides, coated or cored with or welding by flame<br />

flux material, of a kind used for<br />

soldering, brazing, welding or<br />

deposition of metal or of metal<br />

carbides; wire and rods, of<br />

agglomerated base metal powder, used<br />

for metal spraying.<br />

8311.90.90 Wire, rods, tubes, plates, electrodes<br />

and similar products, of base metal or<br />

of metal carbides, coated or cored with<br />

flux material, of a kind used for<br />

soldering, brazing, welding or<br />

deposition of metal or of metal<br />

carbides; wire and rods, of<br />

agglomerated base metal powder, used<br />

for metal spraying.<br />

8401.10.00 Nuclear reactors; fuel elements<br />

(cartridges), non-irradiated, for nuclear<br />

reactors; machinery and apparatus for<br />

isotopic separation.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

Nuclear reactors Nuclear reactors 8% March 5, 2010<br />

8401.40.00 Nuclear reactors; fuel elements Parts of nuclear reactors Parts of nuclear reactors 3% March 5, 2010<br />

(cartridges), non-irradiated, for nuclear<br />

reactors; machinery and apparatus for<br />

isotopic separation.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 192

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8402.11.00 Steam or other vapour generating Watertube boilers with a steam Watertube boilers with a steam production<br />

boilers (other than central heating hot production exceeding 45 tonnes exceeding 45 tonnes per hour<br />

water boilers capable also of producing per hour<br />

low pressure steam); super-heated<br />

water boilers.<br />

8402.12.00 Steam or other vapour generating Watertube boilers with a steam Watertube boilers with a steam production<br />

boilers (other than central heating hot production not exceeding 45 not exceeding 45 tonnes per hour<br />

water boilers capable also of producing tonnes per hour<br />

low pressure steam); super-heated<br />

water boilers.<br />

8402.19.00 Steam or other vapour generating<br />

boilers (other than central heating hot<br />

water boilers capable also of producing<br />

low pressure steam); super-heated<br />

Other vapour generating boilers,<br />

including hybrid boilers<br />

Other vapour generating boilers, including<br />

hybrid boilers<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

8% January 1, 2013<br />

4% January 1, 2012<br />

8% January 1, 2013<br />

8402.20.00<br />

water boilers.<br />

Steam or other vapour generating Super-heated water boilers<br />

boilers (other than central heating hot<br />

water boilers capable also of producing<br />

low pressure steam); super-heated<br />

water boilers.<br />

Super-heated water boilers 3% January 1, 2015<br />

8402.90.00 Steam or other vapour generating Parts<br />

boilers (other than central heating hot<br />

water boilers capable also of producing<br />

low pressure steam); super-heated<br />

water boilers.<br />

Parts 3% January 1, 2012<br />

8403.10.00 Central heating boilers other than those Boilers<br />

of heading 84.02.<br />

Boilers 7% March 5, 2010<br />

8404.10.10 Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of Auxiliary plant for use with Economizers<br />

heading 84.02 or 84.03 (for example, boilers of heading 84.02 or 84.03<br />

6% January 1, 2012<br />

economizers, super-heaters, soot<br />

8407.33.90<br />

removers, gas recoverers); condensers<br />

for steam or other vapour power units.<br />

Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary Of a cylinder capacity exceeding Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

internal combustion piston engines. 250 cc but not exceeding 1,000 cc<br />

8407.34.10 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary Of a cylinder capacity exceeding Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2,000 6% March 5, 2010<br />

internal combustion piston engines. 1,000 cc<br />

cc<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 193

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8407.34.21 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary<br />

internal combustion piston engines.<br />

Of a cylinder capacity exceeding<br />

1,000 cc<br />

For use in the repair of road tractors for<br />

semi-trailers, motor vehicles for the<br />

transport of ten or more persons (including<br />

the driver), ambulances, hearses, motor<br />

vehicles for the transport of goods, fire<br />

fighting vehicles, or chassis for the<br />

foregoing vehicles, or for use in the<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8407.34.29<br />

manufacture of repair parts therefor<br />

Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary Of a cylinder capacity exceeding Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

internal combustion piston engines. 1,000 cc<br />

8409.91.20 Parts suitable for use solely or Suitable for use solely or Other parts of the engines of tariff item No. 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

principally with the engines of heading principally with spark-ignition 8407.29.20, 8407.33.90, 8407.34.10 or<br />

84.07 or 84.08.<br />

internal combustion piston 8407.34.21, other than timing chains and<br />

engines<br />

intake and exhaust valves (excluding<br />

sodium or sodium mercury filled valves)<br />

8409.91.90 Parts suitable for use solely or Suitable for use solely or Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

principally with the engines of heading principally with spark-ignition<br />

84.07 or 84.08.<br />

internal<br />

engines<br />

combustion piston<br />

8410.11.10 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and Of a power not exceeding 1,000 Hydraulic turbines 9.5% January 1, 2015<br />

regulators therefor.<br />

kW<br />

8410.11.20 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and Of a power not exceeding 1,000 Water wheels 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

regulators therefor.<br />

kW<br />

8410.12.10 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and Of a power exceeding 1,000 kW Hydraulic turbines 9.5% January 1, 2015<br />

regulators therefor.<br />

but not exceeding 10,000 kW<br />

8410.12.20 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and Of a power exceeding 1,000 kW Water wheels 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

regulators therefor.<br />

but not exceeding 10,000 kW<br />

8410.13.10 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and Of a power exceeding 10,000 kW Hydraulic turbines<br />

regulators therefor.<br />

9.5% January 1, 2015<br />

8410.13.20 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and Of a power exceeding 10,000 kW Water wheels<br />

regulators therefor.<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8410.90.20 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and Parts, including regulators<br />

regulators therefor.<br />

Other parts of hydraulic turbines 9.5% January 1, 2015<br />

8410.90.30 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and Parts, including regulators<br />

regulators therefor.<br />

Parts of water wheels 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8411.81.20 Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other Of a power not exceeding 5,000 Of a power of 1,300 kW or more, for use in 5% March 5, 2010<br />

gas turbines.<br />

kW<br />

the manufacture of compressor sets or<br />

generator sets<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 194

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

8411.81.90 Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other Of a power not exceeding 5,000 Other 9.5% March 5, 2010<br />

gas turbines.<br />

kW<br />

8411.82.20 Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other Of a power exceeding 5,000 kW For use in the manufacture of generator 5% March 5, 2010<br />

gas turbines.<br />

sets;<br />

Of a power of less than 12,682 kW or<br />

exceeding 14,547 kW but not exceeding<br />

20,000 kW, for use in the manufacture of<br />

compressor sets<br />

8411.82.90 Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other Of a power exceeding 5,000 kW<br />

gas turbines.<br />

Other 9.5% January 1, 2015<br />

8411.99.20 Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other Other Other parts, of gas turbines of tariff item 2% March 5, 2010<br />

gas turbines.<br />

No. 8411.81.20, 8411.81.90, 8411.82.20 or<br />

8411.82.90<br />

8413.70.99 Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted Other centrifugal pumps Other 6% January 1, 2015<br />

with a measuring device; liquid<br />

8415.20.90<br />

elevators.<br />

Air conditioning machines, comprising Of a kind used for persons, in Other<br />

a motor-driven fan and elements for motor vehicles<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

changing the temperature and<br />

humidity, including those machines in<br />

which the humidity cannot be<br />

8415.83.10<br />

separately regulated.<br />

Air conditioning machines, comprising Not incorporating a refrigerating Controlled atmosphere potato storage 6% March 5, 2010<br />

a motor-driven fan and elements for unit<br />

ventilation systems<br />

changing the temperature and<br />

humidity, including those machines in<br />

which the humidity cannot be<br />

8415.90.22<br />

separately regulated.<br />

Air conditioning machines, comprising Parts Other chassis, chassis bases or outer 6% March 5, 2010<br />

a motor-driven fan and elements for<br />

cabinets<br />

changing the temperature and<br />

humidity, including those machines in<br />

which the humidity cannot be<br />

separately regulated.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 195

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8415.90.29 Air conditioning machines, comprising<br />

a motor-driven fan and elements for<br />

changing the temperature and<br />

humidity, including those machines in<br />

which the humidity cannot be<br />

separately regulated.<br />

8421.23.20 Centrifuges, including centrifugal<br />

dryers; filtering or purifying machinery<br />

and apparatus, for liquids or gases.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Parts Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

Oil or petrol-filters for internal<br />

combustion engines<br />

8421.23.90 Centrifuges, including centrifugal Oil or petrol-filters for internal<br />

dryers; filtering or purifying machinery combustion engines<br />

and apparatus, for liquids or gases.<br />

8421.31.90 Centrifuges, including centrifugal Intake air filters for internal<br />

dryers; filtering or purifying machinery combustion engines<br />

and apparatus, for liquids or gases.<br />

8436.80.91 Other agricultural, horticultural,<br />

forestry, poultry-keeping or beekeeping<br />

machinery, including<br />

germination plant fitted with<br />

mechanical or thermal equipment;<br />

poultry incubators and brooders.<br />

For use with spark-ignition reciprocating<br />

engines, of a cylinder capacity not<br />

exceeding 5,703.7 cc, for use in the repair<br />

of road tractors for semi-trailers, motor<br />

vehicles for the transport of ten or more<br />

persons (including the driver), ambulances,<br />

hearses, motor vehicles for the transport of<br />

goods, fire fighting vehicles, or chassis for<br />

the foregoing vehicles, or for use in the<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

manufacture of repair parts therefor<br />

Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other machinery Chippers or shredders, of a maximum<br />

capacity exceeding 7.5 cm, other than 3point<br />

hitch-mounted tractor attachment with<br />

power take off (PTO) drive;<br />

Felling heads, without delimbing capability;<br />

Harvesters excluding articulated wheel<br />

type;<br />

Hydraulic tree saws;<br />

Multi-functional felling heads, with<br />

delimbing or bucking capabilities, of a<br />

maximum cutting capacity of 400 mm or<br />

more but not exceeding 600 mm, other than<br />

3-point hitch-mounted tractor attachment<br />

with power take off (PTO) drive;<br />

Portable combination chippers, shredders<br />

and mulchers;<br />

Short log processors, with bucking and<br />

stacking capabilities<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 196

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8437.10.91 Machines for cleaning, sorting or Machines for cleaning, sorting or<br />

grading seed, grain or dried grading seed, grain or dried<br />

leguminous vegetables; machinery leguminous vegetables<br />

used in the milling industry or for the<br />

working of cereals or dried leguminous<br />

vegetables, other than farm-type<br />

machinery.<br />

8437.80.10 Machines for cleaning, sorting or<br />

grading seed, grain or dried<br />

leguminous vegetables; machinery<br />

used in the milling industry or for the<br />

working of cereals or dried leguminous<br />

vegetables, other than farm-type<br />

machinery.<br />

8438.20.10 Machinery, not specified or included<br />

elsewhere in this Chapter, for the<br />

industrial preparation or manufacture<br />

of food or drink, other than machinery<br />

for the extraction or preparation of<br />

animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils.<br />

8438.40.10 Machinery, not specified or included<br />

elsewhere in this Chapter, for the<br />

industrial preparation or manufacture<br />

of food or drink, other than machinery<br />

for the extraction or preparation of<br />

animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Grain cleaners, samplers or testers 6% March 5, 2010<br />

Other machinery Crumblers and mixers for feed preparation;<br />

Vibratory screens and aspirators for<br />

dehulling oilseeds<br />

Machinery for the manufacture of<br />

confectionery, cocoa or chocolate<br />

Brewery machinery Fermenting tanks;<br />

Miniature breweries<br />

Coating and polishing pans for the candy<br />

industry;<br />

Comminuting machines for the candy<br />

industry<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 197

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8438.60.10 Machinery, not specified or included Machinery for the preparation of The following, excluding salad and<br />

elsewhere in this Chapter, for the fruits, nuts or vegetables vegetable preparation systems:<br />

industrial preparation or manufacture<br />

Bean sprout germination machines;<br />

of food or drink, other than machinery<br />

Hash brown processing equipment;<br />

for the extraction or preparation of<br />

Potato chippers for French fried potatoes;<br />

animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils.<br />

Strawberry decappers;<br />

Vegetable mixing systems;<br />

Vegetable peelers of a capacity not<br />

8443.13.20 Printing machinery used for printing<br />

by means of plates, cylinders and other<br />

printing components of heading 84.42;<br />

other printers, copying machines and<br />

facsimile machines, whether or not<br />

combined; parts and accessories<br />

thereof.<br />

8451.80.10 Machinery (other than machines of<br />

heading 84.50) for washing, cleaning,<br />

wringing, drying, ironing, pressing<br />

(including fusing presses), bleaching,<br />

dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating or<br />

impregnating textile yarns, fabrics or<br />

made up textile articles and machines<br />

for applying the paste to the base fabric<br />

or other support used in the<br />

manufacture of floor coverings such as<br />

linoleum; machines for reeling,<br />

unreeling, folding, cutting or pinking<br />

textile fabrics.<br />

8457.30.00 Machining centres, unit construction<br />

machines (single station) and multistation<br />

transfer machines, for working<br />

metal.<br />

8458.11.10 Lathes (including turning centres) for<br />

removing metal.<br />

exceeding 42 kg<br />

Other offset printing machinery With an image or printing area less than<br />

2,413 cm²<br />

Other machinery Automatic vertical blind fabricating<br />

machines;<br />

Domestic clothes wringers;<br />

Steamers for flat and circular knit fabrics<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

Multi-station transfer machines Multi-station transfer machines 6% March 5, 2010<br />

Numerically controlled Disc and drum brake lathes 6% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 198

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8458.19.10 Lathes (including turning centres) for<br />

removing metal.<br />

Other Brake lathes, for passenger automobiles and<br />

light trucks, excluding portable type;<br />

Having a swing over the bed of 25 cm or<br />

more but less than 65 cm with electric<br />

motor of a power not exceeding 7.5 kW<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

8458.91.90 Lathes (including turning centres) for Numerically controlled<br />

removing metal.<br />

Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

8459.21.10 Machine-tools (including way-type Numerically controlled With up to 3 axis control, with table sizes of 6% March 5, 2010<br />

unit head machines) for drilling,<br />

107 cm x 107 cm or more but not exceeding<br />

boring, milling, threading or tapping<br />

by removing metal, other than lathes<br />

(including turning centres) of heading<br />

84.58.<br />

152 cm x 152 cm<br />

8459.29.10 Machine-tools (including way-type Other General purpose drill presses (excluding 6% March 5, 2010<br />

unit head machines) for drilling,<br />

radial drill presses also know as radial arm<br />

boring, milling, threading or tapping<br />

drill presses), single or multiple spindle<br />

by removing metal, other than lathes<br />

(gang type) with a throat capacity of 177<br />

(including turning centres) of heading<br />

mm or more but not exceeding 204 mm, in<br />

84.58.<br />

mild steel<br />

8459.31.10 Machine-tools (including way-type Numerically controlled Open-sided (c-type) with vertical spindle 6% March 5, 2010<br />

unit head machines) for drilling,<br />

boring, milling, threading or tapping<br />

by removing metal, other than lathes<br />

(including turning centres) of heading<br />

84.58.<br />

8459.39.90 Machine-tools (including way-type Other Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

unit head machines) for drilling,<br />

boring, milling, threading or tapping<br />

by removing metal, other than lathes<br />

(including turning centres) of heading<br />

84.58.<br />

8459.40.10 Machine-tools (including way-type Other boring machines Portable bar machines 6% March 5, 2010<br />

unit head machines) for drilling,<br />

boring, milling, threading or tapping<br />

by removing metal, other than lathes<br />

(including turning centres) of heading<br />

84.58.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 199

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8459.61.10 Machine-tools (including way-type<br />

unit head machines) for drilling,<br />

boring, milling, threading or tapping<br />

by removing metal, other than lathes<br />

(including turning centres) of heading<br />

84.58.<br />

8460.29.10 Machine-tools for deburring,<br />

sharpening, grinding, honing, lapping,<br />

polishing or otherwise finishing metal,<br />

or cermets by means of grinding<br />

stones, abrasives or polishing products,<br />

other than gear cutting, gear grinding<br />

or gear finishing machines of heading<br />

84.61.<br />

8460.90.91 Machine-tools for deburring,<br />

sharpening, grinding, honing, lapping,<br />

polishing or otherwise finishing metal,<br />

or cermets by means of grinding<br />

stones, abrasives or polishing products,<br />

other than gear cutting, gear grinding<br />

or gear finishing machines of heading<br />

84.61.<br />

8461.50.11 Machine-tools for planing, shaping,<br />

slotting, broaching, gear cutting, gear<br />

grinding or gear finishing, sawing,<br />

cutting-off and other machine-tools<br />

working by removing metal, or<br />

cermets, not elsewhere specified or<br />

included.<br />

8461.50.91 Machine-tools for planing, shaping,<br />

slotting, broaching, gear cutting, gear<br />

grinding or gear finishing, sawing,<br />

cutting-off and other machine-tools<br />

working by removing metal, or<br />

cermets, not elsewhere specified or<br />

included.<br />

Numerically controlled Bridge type, vertical spindle, with mobile<br />

table;<br />

Plano or gantry type, with vertical spindle<br />

Other Band or circular saw grinders, capable of<br />

simultaneously grinding the two side faces<br />

of a saw blade<br />

Other Belt type sanding machines of a belt width<br />

of 50.8 mm or more but not exceeding<br />

152.4 mm;<br />

Polishing machines of a power not<br />

exceeding 7.5 kW;<br />

Ski edge sharpening machines;<br />

Tumbling, deburring and finishing<br />

machines<br />

Sawing or cutting-off machines Horizontal band sawing machines, of a<br />

round or square capacity not exceeding<br />

101.6 cm, excluding block and plate band<br />

sawing machines and computer numerically<br />

controlled band sawing machines with<br />

programmable magazines<br />

Sawing or cutting-off machines Horizontal band sawing machines, of a<br />

round or square capacity not exceeding<br />

101.6 cm, excluding block and plate band<br />

sawing machines<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 200

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8462.21.91 Machine-tools (including presses) for<br />

working metal by forging, hammering<br />

or die-stamping; machine-tools<br />

(including presses) for working metal<br />

by bending, folding, straightening,<br />

flattening, shearing, punching or<br />

notching; presses for working metal or<br />

metal carbides, not specified above.<br />

8462.29.91 Machine-tools (including presses) for<br />

working metal by forging, hammering<br />

or die-stamping; machine-tools<br />

(including presses) for working metal<br />

by bending, folding, straightening,<br />

flattening, shearing, punching or<br />

notching; presses for working metal or<br />

metal carbides, not specified above.<br />

8462.31.10 Machine-tools (including presses) for<br />

working metal by forging, hammering<br />

or die-stamping; machine-tools<br />

(including presses) for working metal<br />

by bending, folding, straightening,<br />

flattening, shearing, punching or<br />

notching; presses for working metal or<br />

metal carbides, not specified above.<br />

8462.39.10 Machine-tools (including presses) for<br />

working metal by forging, hammering<br />

or die-stamping; machine-tools<br />

(including presses) for working metal<br />

by bending, folding, straightening,<br />

flattening, shearing, punching or<br />

Numerically controlled Combination straightener/feeders;<br />

Press brakes with capacities of 200 tonnes<br />

or more but not exceeding 2,000 tonnes and<br />

lengths of 1.2 m or more but not exceeding<br />

7.3 m;<br />

Programmable automotive exhaust pipe and<br />

muffler production machines;<br />

Programmable tube bending machines for<br />

tubes of a diameter of 3.2 mm or more but<br />

not exceeding 76.2 mm;<br />

Roll forming machines for products such as<br />

soffits, channels, fascia or eavestroughing;<br />

Straightening machines, excluding those<br />

which straighten rotationally symmetrical<br />

mass-produced parts such as bolts, screws,<br />

valves, axles and the like<br />

Other Combination straightener/feeders;<br />

Hydraulic pipe benders for automotive<br />

muffler production;<br />

Press brakes, excluding combination slip<br />

roll/press brake/shears;<br />

Roll forming machines for products such as<br />

soffits, channels, fascia or eavestroughing;<br />

Straighteners for rolling mills;<br />

Tube end forming machines for tubes of a<br />

diameter not exceeding 20.3 cm<br />

Numerically controlled Combination cut to length slitting lines;<br />

Hydraulic cable strippers and choppers<br />

(scrap recovery);<br />

Slitters used for strip slitting<br />

Other Band saw shears;<br />

Cold shearers for shapes;<br />

Cold strip shearers;<br />

Combination cut to length slitting lines;<br />

Four arm crank shears;<br />

Heavy duty metal shredders and<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 201

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

notching; presses for working metal or<br />

metal carbides, not specified above.<br />

8462.49.21 Machine-tools (including presses) for<br />

working metal by forging, hammering<br />

or die-stamping; machine-tools<br />

(including presses) for working metal<br />

by bending, folding, straightening,<br />

flattening, shearing, punching or<br />

notching; presses for working metal or<br />

metal carbides, not specified above.<br />

pulverizers, excluding complete cable<br />

shredding systems consisting of conveying,<br />

granulating, separating and sieving<br />

equipment;<br />

Hydraulic billet shears;<br />

Hydraulic railroad track shears;<br />

Hydraulic shears for truck leaf springs;<br />

Hydraulic wire and strapping shredders;<br />

Mechanical and hydraulic cable strippers<br />

and choppers;<br />

Scrap metal shearing machines;<br />

Shearing machines with maximum shearing<br />

capacity of 1.5 mm thickness in mild steel<br />

and cutting lengths from 101.6 cm or more<br />

but not exceeding 132 cm;<br />

Shredders of a power exceeding 1.5 kW, for<br />

cans and light metals;<br />

Slitters for strip slitting;<br />

Squaring or guillotine shearing machines<br />

with a width capacity of 1.2 m or more but<br />

not exceeding 7.3 m and a thickness<br />

capacity of 3.4 mm or more but not<br />

exceeding 25.4 mm in mild steel<br />

Other Bench type presses;<br />

Complete coil or sheet processing lines<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

8462.91.99 Machine-tools (including presses) for Hydraulic presses<br />

working metal by forging, hammering<br />

Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

or die-stamping; machine-tools<br />

(including presses) for working metal<br />

by bending, folding, straightening,<br />

flattening, shearing, punching or<br />

notching; presses for working metal or<br />

metal carbides, not specified above.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 202

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8463.10.10 Other machine-tools for working metal<br />

or cermets, without removing material.<br />

8463.30.10 Other machine-tools for working metal<br />

or cermets, without removing material.<br />

8463.90.10 Other machine-tools for working metal<br />

or cermets, without removing material.<br />

Draw-benches for bars, tubes,<br />

profiles, wire or the like<br />

8467.11.10 Tools for working in the hand, Rotary type (including combined<br />

pneumatic, hydraulic or with self- rotary-percussion)<br />

contained electric or non-electric<br />

motor.<br />

8467.19.10 Tools for working in the hand,<br />

pneumatic, hydraulic or with selfcontained<br />

electric or non-electric<br />

motor.<br />

8467.21.10 Tools for working in the hand,<br />

pneumatic, hydraulic or with selfcontained<br />

electric or non-electric<br />

motor.<br />

8467.22.10 Tools for working in the hand,<br />

pneumatic, hydraulic or with selfcontained<br />

electric or non-electric<br />

motor.<br />

Intermediate and fine wire drawing<br />

machines (non-ferrous), not including triple<br />

acting drawing presses;<br />

Rod breakdown machines (non-ferrous);<br />

Stationary band saw stretcher rolls<br />

Machines for working wire Semi-automatic wire coat hanger forming<br />

machines;<br />

Wire pointing machines (ferrous)<br />

Other Automotive brake shoe rivetters;<br />

Flexible tube making machines;<br />

Hydraulic exhaust pipe expanding/swaging<br />

tools for muffler production;<br />

Roll pointing machines for wire, bars or<br />

tubes;<br />

Single head rivet setting machines with<br />

capacity to set tubular or semi-tubular rivets<br />

of a diameter of 9.5 mm or more but not<br />

exceeding 79.4 mm;<br />

Swaging machines;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

Tube end forming machines<br />

Stoper drills 6% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Paving breakers with piston diameters of<br />

7.6 cm or more but not exceeding 8.3 cm<br />

and weight ranges of 2 kg or more but not<br />

exceeding 2.3 kg;<br />

Underground piercing tools, excluding<br />

directional<br />

Drills of all kinds Drills, powered by alternating current, with<br />

chuck capacities of 9.5 mm or 12.7 mm,<br />

excluding reversible drills, hammer drills<br />

and bow drills<br />

Saws Circular saws capable of accommodating<br />

blades with diameters of 152 mm or more<br />

but not exceeding 254 mm, powered by<br />

alternating current;<br />

Rail saws for cutting railway rails<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 203

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8467.29.10 Tools for working in the hand,<br />

pneumatic, hydraulic or with selfcontained<br />

electric or non-electric<br />

Other Angle sanders or angle grinders capable of<br />

accommodating abrasive discs with<br />

diameters of 178 mm and 229 mm;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

motor.<br />

Trowels and screeds<br />

8468.90.10 Machinery and apparatus for soldering, Parts<br />

brazing or welding, whether or not<br />

capable of cutting, other than those of<br />

heading 85.15; gas-operated surface<br />

tempering machines and appliances.<br />

Of the goods of tariff item No. 8468.10.00 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8477.10.10 Machinery for working rubber or Injection-moulding machines Multi-slide, plastic, single or continuous 3% March 5, 2010<br />

plastics or for the manufacture of<br />

strip, of a capacity not exceeding 45 tonnes,<br />

products from these materials, not<br />

for the production of small precision<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

components<br />

8477.20.10 Machinery for working rubber or Extruders With a screw diameter of 88.9 mm or more 6% March 5, 2010<br />

plastics or for the manufacture of<br />

but not exceeding 508 mm, for working<br />

products from these materials, not<br />

rubber;<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

The following, for working plastics:<br />

Chapter.<br />

Control units;<br />

Extrusion presses, excluding twin screw<br />

extruders;<br />

Tubing production machines<br />

8477.51.11 Machinery for working rubber or For moulding or retreading For splicing inner tubes of a flat tube width 3% March 5, 2010<br />

plastics or for the manufacture of pneumatic tires or for moulding or of 14 cm or more but not exceeding 69 cm<br />

products from these materials, not otherwise forming inner tubes<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

8477.51.21 Machinery for working rubber or For moulding or retreading Retreading equipment, excluding automatic 6% March 5, 2010<br />

plastics or for the manufacture of pneumatic tires or for moulding or radial vulcanizers (hydraulic tire curing<br />

products from these materials, not otherwise forming inner tubes<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

presses)<br />

8477.59.11 Machinery for working rubber or Other Presses, including hydraulic, of a capacity 6% March 5, 2010<br />

plastics or for the manufacture of<br />

not exceeding 5,000 tonnes, compression<br />

products from these materials, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

and injection moulding<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 204

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8477.59.21 Machinery for working rubber or<br />

plastics or for the manufacture of<br />

products from these materials, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

8477.80.91 Machinery for working rubber or<br />

plastics or for the manufacture of<br />

products from these materials, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other Sheet moulded compound presses 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Other machinery Accumulators;<br />

Folders or gusseters;<br />

For blending plastics;<br />

For conveying melt to the mould cavity of a<br />

mould plate;<br />

For cooling or air cushion stabilizing<br />

plastics;<br />

For cutting bales of rubber;<br />

For cutting, drilling or punching plastic<br />

tubes and pipes;<br />

For drawing out plastic profiles of a belt<br />

opening of 140 mm or more but not<br />

exceeding 203 mm;<br />

For repairing rubber belts;<br />

For shredding tires;<br />

Hand-operated edgers for finishing plastic<br />

lenses for eyeglasses (spectacles);<br />

Macerating machines for rubber processing;<br />

Microcomputer controlled design stations<br />

(excluding desk top models);<br />

Plastic pouch and plastic bag making<br />

machinery, excluding wicket bag machines<br />

with a seal width capability of 840 mm or<br />

more but not exceeding 900 mm and bottom<br />

bag seal machines;<br />

Sign making or lettering systems;<br />

9% January 1, 2015<br />

8480.20.00 Moulding boxes for metal foundry; Mould bases<br />

Two roll rubber drop mills<br />

Mould bases 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

mould bases; moulding patterns;<br />

moulds for metal (other than ingot<br />

moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral<br />

materials, rubber or plastics.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 205

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8480.30.00 Moulding boxes for metal foundry;<br />

mould bases; moulding patterns;<br />

moulds for metal (other than ingot<br />

moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral<br />

materials, rubber or plastics.<br />

8480.71.10 Moulding boxes for metal foundry;<br />

mould bases; moulding patterns;<br />

moulds for metal (other than ingot<br />

moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral<br />

materials, rubber or plastics.<br />

8480.79.00 Moulding boxes for metal foundry;<br />

mould bases; moulding patterns;<br />

moulds for metal (other than ingot<br />

moulds), metal carbides, glass, mineral<br />

materials, rubber or plastics.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Moulding patterns Moulding patterns 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Injection or compression types Injection type, excluding male and female<br />

moulds for stretch blow moulding and<br />

moulds for shoes, boots and sandals;<br />

Steel moulds, excluding 4 and 6 cavity type<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

8482.10.10 Ball or roller bearings. Ball bearings Front wheel, double row angular contact<br />

type, of an external diameter not exceeding<br />

76 mm for motor vehicles of Chapter 87;<br />

Single row radial type, excluding maximum<br />

capacity or maximum type, or cartridge<br />

type bearings, of an external diameter not<br />

exceeding 90 mm;<br />

Single row radial type, with unground<br />

raceways, of an external diameter not<br />

exceeding 60.325 mm;<br />

Water pump type and strut thrust type, for<br />

use in motor vehicles of Chapter 87<br />

8482.80.10 Ball or roller bearings. Other, including combined Water pump type, for use in motor vehicles<br />

8483.20.00 Transmission shafts (including cam<br />

shafts and crank shafts) and cranks;<br />

bearing housings and plain shaft<br />

bearings; gears and gearing; ball or<br />

roller screws; gear boxes and other<br />

speed changers, including torque<br />

converters; flywheels and pulleys,<br />

including pulley blocks; clutches and<br />

shaft couplings (including universal<br />

joints).<br />

ball/roller bearings<br />

Bearing housings, incorporating<br />

ball or roller bearings<br />

of Chapter 87<br />

Bearing housings, incorporating ball or<br />

roller bearings<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 206

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8483.30.00 Transmission shafts (including cam Bearing housings, not Bearing housings, not incorporating ball or<br />

shafts and crank shafts) and cranks; incorporating ball or roller roller bearings; plain shaft bearings<br />

bearing housings and plain shaft bearings; plain shaft bearings<br />

bearings; gears and gearing; ball or<br />

roller screws; gear boxes and other<br />

speed changers, including torque<br />

converters; flywheels and pulleys,<br />

including pulley blocks; clutches and<br />

shaft couplings (including universal<br />

joints).<br />

8483.40.91 Transmission shafts (including cam<br />

shafts and crank shafts) and cranks;<br />

bearing housings and plain shaft<br />

bearings; gears and gearing; ball or<br />

roller screws; gear boxes and other<br />

speed changers, including torque<br />

converters; flywheels and pulleys,<br />

including pulley blocks; clutches and<br />

shaft couplings (including universal<br />

joints).<br />

8501.10.12 Electric motors and generators<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

Gears and gearing, other than<br />

toothed wheels, chain sprockets<br />

and other transmission elements<br />

presented separately; ball or roller<br />

screws; gear boxes and other<br />

speed changers, including torque<br />

converters<br />

Motors of an output not exceeding<br />

37.5 W<br />

Gears, gear boxes and other speed changers;<br />

Hydrostatic drives and transmissions for<br />

machinery;<br />

Screw type actuators<br />

Synchronous and stepper gear motors and<br />

the following electric actuators:<br />

Three-phase, 220 or 440 V, with output<br />

torque ratings exceeding 565 N.m and an<br />

angle rotation not exceeding 90 degrees;<br />

120 or 240 V, single-phase;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

8501.10.99 Electric motors and<br />

280, 460 or 575 V, three-phase<br />

generators Motors of an output not exceeding Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

37.5 W<br />

8501.20.90 Electric motors and generators Universal AC/DC motors of an Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

output exceeding 37.5 W<br />

8501.31.20 Electric motors and generators Of an output not exceeding 750 W Generators;<br />

4% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

Other motors of an output exceeding 37.5<br />

W but not exceeding 75 W<br />

8501.31.30 Electric motors and generators Of an output not exceeding 750 W Other motors of an output exceeding 75 W 8% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

but not exceeding 750 W<br />

8501.32.20 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 750 W but Motors for use as the primary source of 6% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

not exceeding 75 kW<br />

mechanical power for electric powered<br />

vehicles of subheading 8703.90<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 207

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

8501.32.90 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 750 W but Other 2% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

not exceeding 75 kW<br />

8501.33.20 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 75 kW but Generators;<br />

2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

not exceeding 375 kW<br />

Other motors of an output exceeding 75 kW<br />

but not exceeding 149 kW<br />

8501.33.30 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 75 kW but Other motors of an output exceeding 149 9% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

not exceeding 375 kW<br />

kW but not exceeding 375 kW<br />

8501.34.20 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 375 kW Other motors 6% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

8501.34.30 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 375 kW DC generators 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

8501.40.22 Electric motors and generators Other AC motors, single-phase Gear motors;<br />

3% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

Motorized conveyor pulley drums and<br />

pulleys<br />

8501.40.29 Electric motors and generators Other AC motors, single-phase Other 8% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

8501.40.39 Electric motors and generators Other AC motors, single-phase Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

8501.51.90 Electric motors and generators Of an output not exceeding 750 W Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

8501.52.20 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 750 W but Other gear motors 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

not exceeding 75 kW<br />

8501.53.91 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 75 kW Of an output not exceeding 149 kW 6% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

8501.53.99 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 75 kW Of an output exceeding 149 kW 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

8501.61.90 Electric motors and generators Of an output not exceeding 75 Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

kVA<br />

8501.62.90 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 75 kVA Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

but not exceeding 375 kVA<br />

8501.63.90 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 375 kVA Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

but not exceeding 750 kVA<br />

8501.64.91 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 750 kVA For use in the manufacture of generator sets 6% March 5, 2010<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

8501.64.99 Electric motors and generators Of an output exceeding 750 kVA Other 9.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8502.11.90<br />

(excluding generating sets).<br />

Electric generating sets and rotary Of an output not exceeding 75 Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

converters.<br />

kVA<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 208

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

8502.12.00 Electric generating sets and rotary Of an output exceeding 75 kVA Of an output exceeding 75 kVA but not 6% March 5, 2010<br />

converters.<br />

but not exceeding 375 kVA exceeding 375 kVA<br />

8502.13.00 Electric generating sets and rotary Of an output exceeding 375 kVA<br />

converters.<br />

Of an output exceeding 375 kVA 6% March 5, 2010<br />

8502.20.90 Electric generating sets and rotary Generating sets with spark- Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

converters.<br />

ignition internal combustion<br />

8502.39.10<br />

piston engines<br />

Electric generating sets and rotary Other The following, excluding 400 Hz frequency 6% January 1, 2015<br />

converters.<br />

changers:<br />

Gas turbine-driven, excluding aero-<br />

8502.40.00 Electric generating sets and rotary Electric rotary converters<br />

converters.<br />

derivative generator sets with a range of 40<br />

to 50 MW;<br />

Hydraulic turbine-driven;<br />

Steam turbine-driven, excluding generator<br />

sets of an output exceeding 60 MW;<br />

Thermo-electric DC<br />

Electric rotary converters 6% March 5, 2010<br />

8506.90.90 Primary cells and primary batteries. Parts Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8507.10.00 Electric accumulators, including Lead-acid, of a kind used for Lead-acid, of a kind used for starting piston 7% March 5, 2010<br />

separators therefor, whether or not starting piston engines<br />

rectangular (including square).<br />

engines<br />

8507.20.10 Electric accumulators, including Other lead-acid accumulators For use as the primary source of electrical 7% March 5, 2010<br />

separators therefor, whether or not<br />

power for electrically-powered vehicles of<br />

rectangular (including square).<br />

subheading 8703.90<br />

8507.30.20 Electric accumulators, including Nickel-cadmium For use as the primary source of electrical 7% March 5, 2010<br />

separators therefor, whether or not<br />

power for electrically-powered vehicles of<br />

rectangular (including square).<br />

subheading 8703.90<br />

8507.40.10 Electric accumulators, including Nickel-iron For use as the primary source of electrical 7% March 5, 2010<br />

separators therefor, whether or not<br />

power for electrically-powered vehicles of<br />

rectangular (including square).<br />

subheading 8703.90<br />

8507.80.20 Electric accumulators, including Other accumulators For use as the primary source of electrical 7% March 5, 2010<br />

separators therefor, whether or not<br />

power for electrically-powered vehicles of<br />

rectangular (including square).<br />

subheading 8703.90<br />

8507.90.90 Electric accumulators, including Parts Other 3% March 5, 2010<br />

separators therefor, whether or not<br />

rectangular (including square).<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 209

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8511.10.00 Electrical ignition or starting<br />

equipment of a kind used for sparkignition<br />

or compression-ignition<br />

internal combustion engines (for<br />

example, ignition magnetos, magnetodynamos,<br />

ignition coils, sparking plugs<br />

and glow plugs, starter motors);<br />

generators (for example, dynamos,<br />

alternators) and cut-outs of a kind used<br />

in conjunction with such engines.<br />

8511.20.00 Electrical ignition or starting<br />

equipment of a kind used for sparkignition<br />

or compression-ignition<br />

internal combustion engines (for<br />

example, ignition magnetos, magnetodynamos,<br />

ignition coils, sparking plugs<br />

and glow plugs, starter motors);<br />

generators (for example, dynamos,<br />

alternators) and cut-outs of a kind used<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Sparking plugs Sparking plugs 6% March 5, 2010<br />

Ignition magnetos; magnetodynamos;<br />

magnetic flywheels<br />

Ignition magnetos; magneto-dynamos;<br />

magnetic flywheels<br />

6% March 5, 2010<br />

in conjunction with such engines.<br />

8511.30.00 Electrical ignition or starting Distributors; ignition coils Distributors; ignition coils 6% March 5, 2010<br />

equipment of a kind used for sparkignition<br />

or compression-ignition<br />

internal combustion engines (for<br />

example, ignition magnetos, magnetodynamos,<br />

ignition coils, sparking plugs<br />

and glow plugs, starter motors);<br />

generators (for example, dynamos,<br />

alternators) and cut-outs of a kind used<br />

in conjunction with such engines.<br />

8511.40.90 Electrical ignition or starting Starter motors and dual purpose Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

equipment of a kind used for spark- starter-generators<br />

ignition or compression-ignition<br />

internal combustion engines (for<br />

example, ignition magnetos, magnetodynamos,<br />

ignition coils, sparking plugs<br />

and glow plugs, starter motors);<br />

generators (for example, dynamos,<br />

alternators) and cut-outs of a kind used<br />

in conjunction with such engines.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 210

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8511.50.00 Electrical ignition or starting<br />

equipment of a kind used for sparkignition<br />

or compression-ignition<br />

internal combustion engines (for<br />

example, ignition magnetos, magnetodynamos,<br />

ignition coils, sparking plugs<br />

and glow plugs, starter motors);<br />

generators (for example, dynamos,<br />

alternators) and cut-outs of a kind used<br />

in conjunction with such engines.<br />

8511.80.90 Electrical ignition or starting<br />

equipment of a kind used for sparkignition<br />

or compression-ignition<br />

internal combustion engines (for<br />

example, ignition magnetos, magnetodynamos,<br />

ignition coils, sparking plugs<br />

and glow plugs, starter motors);<br />

generators (for example, dynamos,<br />

alternators) and cut-outs of a kind used<br />

in conjunction with such engines.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other generators Other generators 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other equipment Other 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8511.90.90 Electrical ignition or starting Parts Other 6% March 5, 2010<br />

equipment of a kind used for sparkignition<br />

or compression-ignition<br />

internal combustion engines (for<br />

example, ignition magnetos, magnetodynamos,<br />

ignition coils, sparking plugs<br />

and glow plugs, starter motors);<br />

generators (for example, dynamos,<br />

alternators) and cut-outs of a kind used<br />

in conjunction with such engines.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 211

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8516.10.20 Electric instantaneous or storage water Electric instantaneous or storage<br />

heaters and immersion heaters; electric water<br />

space heating apparatus and soil heaters<br />

heating apparatus; electro-thermic hairdressing<br />

apparatus (for example, hair<br />

dryers, hair curlers, curling tong<br />

heaters) and hand dryers; electric<br />

smoothing irons; other electro-thermic<br />

appliances of a kind used for domestic<br />

purposes; electric heating resistors,<br />

heaters and immersion<br />

other than those of heading 85.45.<br />

8516.80.90 Electric instantaneous or storage water<br />

heaters and immersion heaters; electric<br />

space heating apparatus and soil<br />

heating apparatus; electro-thermic hairdressing<br />

apparatus (for example, hair<br />

dryers, hair curlers, curling tong<br />

heaters) and hand dryers; electric<br />

smoothing irons; other electro-thermic<br />

appliances of a kind used for domestic<br />

purposes; electric heating resistors,<br />

other than those of heading 85.45.<br />

8528.49.11 Monitors and projectors, not<br />

incorporating television reception<br />

apparatus; reception apparatus for<br />

television, whether or not<br />

incorporating radio-broadcast receivers<br />

or sound or video recording or<br />

reproducing apparatus.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Immersion heaters for use in motor vehicles 6% March 5, 2010<br />

Electric heating resistors Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other High definition 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8528.49.19 Monitors and projectors, not Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

incorporating television reception<br />

apparatus; reception apparatus for<br />

television, whether or not<br />

incorporating radio-broadcast receivers<br />

or sound or video recording or<br />

reproducing apparatus.<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 212

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

8528.59.11 Monitors and projectors, not<br />

incorporating television reception<br />

apparatus; reception apparatus for<br />

television, whether or not<br />

incorporating radio-broadcast receivers<br />

or sound or video recording or<br />

reproducing apparatus.<br />

8528.59.19 Monitors and projectors, not<br />

incorporating television reception<br />

apparatus; reception apparatus for<br />

television, whether or not<br />

incorporating radio-broadcast receivers<br />

or sound or video recording or<br />

reproducing apparatus.<br />

8528.71.40 Monitors and projectors, not<br />

incorporating television reception<br />

apparatus; reception apparatus for<br />

television, whether or not<br />

incorporating radio-broadcast receivers<br />

or sound or video recording or<br />

reproducing apparatus.<br />

8528.72.34 Monitors and projectors, not<br />

incorporating television reception<br />

apparatus; reception apparatus for<br />

television, whether or not<br />

incorporating radio-broadcast receivers<br />

or sound or video recording or<br />

reproducing apparatus.<br />

8528.72.97 Monitors and projectors, not<br />

incorporating television reception<br />

apparatus; reception apparatus for<br />

television, whether or not<br />

incorporating radio-broadcast receivers<br />

or sound or video recording or<br />

reproducing apparatus.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other High definition 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Not designed to incorporate a<br />

video display or screen<br />

For use in the manufacture of lightwave<br />

transmission systems<br />

Other, colour Other, for use in the manufacture of<br />

lightwave transmission systems<br />

Other, colour Other, for use in the manufacture of<br />

lightwave transmission systems<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8536.20.90 Electrical apparatus for switching or Automatic circuit breakers<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

Other 2.5% January 1, 2012<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 213

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs,<br />

sockets, lamp-holders and other<br />

8536.70.10<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts;<br />

connectors for optical fibres, optical<br />

fibre bundles or cables.<br />

Electrical apparatus for switching or Connectors for optical fibres,<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for optical fibre bundles or cables<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs,<br />

sockets, lamp-holders and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts;<br />

connectors for optical fibres, optical<br />

fibre bundles or cables.<br />

8536.70.20 Electrical apparatus for switching or Connectors for optical fibres,<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for optical fibre bundles or cables<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs,<br />

sockets, lamp-holders and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts;<br />

connectors for optical fibres, optical<br />

fibre bundles or cables.<br />

8536.70.30 Electrical apparatus for switching or Connectors for optical fibres,<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for optical fibre bundles or cables<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs,<br />

sockets, lamp-holders and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts;<br />

connectors for optical fibres, optical<br />

fibre bundles or cables.<br />

8536.90.91 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

Other apparatus Junction boxes;<br />

Receptacle boxes of metal<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Of copper 3% March 5, 2010<br />

Of ceramic 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Of plastic 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

5% January 1, 2012<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 214

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs,<br />

sockets, lamp-holders and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts;<br />

connectors for optical fibres, optical<br />

fibre bundles or cables.<br />

8536.90.92 Electrical apparatus for switching or<br />

protecting electrical circuits, or for<br />

making connections to or in electrical<br />

circuits (for example, switches, relays,<br />

fuses, surge suppressors, plugs,<br />

sockets, lamp-holders and other<br />

connectors, junction boxes), for a<br />

voltage not exceeding 1,000 volts;<br />

connectors for optical fibres, optical<br />

fibre bundles or cables.<br />

8537.10.21 Boards, panels, consoles, desks, For a voltage not exceeding 1,000<br />

cabinets and other bases, equipped V<br />

with two or more apparatus of heading<br />

85.35 or 85.36, for electric control or<br />

the distribution of electricity, including<br />

those incorporating instruments or<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical<br />

control apparatus, other than switching<br />

apparatus of heading 85.17.<br />

8537.10.31 Boards, panels, consoles, desks,<br />

cabinets and other bases, equipped<br />

with two or more apparatus of heading<br />

85.35 or 85.36, for electric control or<br />

the distribution of electricity, including<br />

those incorporating instruments or<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical<br />

control apparatus, other than switching<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other apparatus Other, for automotive use 2.5% January 1, 2012<br />

For a voltage not exceeding 1,000<br />

V<br />

For automotive use 2.5% January 1, 2012<br />

Automated industrial control systems,<br />

excluding panels for anode formers<br />

2.5% January 1, 2012<br />

apparatus of heading 85.17.<br />

8537.10.93 Boards, panels, consoles, desks, For a voltage not exceeding 1,000 Panel boards and distribution boards 2.5% January 1, 2012<br />

cabinets and other bases, equipped V<br />

with two or more apparatus of heading<br />

85.35 or 85.36, for electric control or<br />

the distribution of electricity, including<br />

those incorporating instruments or<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 215

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90, and numerical<br />

control apparatus, other than switching<br />

apparatus of heading 85.17.<br />

8542.31.90 Electronic integrated circuits. Processors and controllers,<br />

whether or not combined with<br />

memories, converters, logic<br />

circuits, amplifiers, clock and<br />

timing circuits, or other circuits<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8542.32.90 Electronic integrated circuits. Memories Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8542.33.90 Electronic integrated circuits. Amplifiers Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8542.39.90 Electronic integrated circuits. Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

8544.11.90 Insulated (including enamelled or Of copper Other 3.5% January 1, 2012<br />

anodized) wire, cable (including coaxial<br />

cable) and other insulated electric<br />

conductors, whether or not fitted with<br />

connectors; optical fibre cables, made<br />

up of individually sheathed fibres,<br />

whether or not assembled with electric<br />

conductors or fitted with connectors.<br />

8544.19.90 Insulated (including enamelled or<br />

anodized) wire, cable (including coaxial<br />

cable) and other insulated electric<br />

conductors, whether or not fitted with<br />

connectors; optical fibre cables, made<br />

up of individually sheathed fibres,<br />

whether or not assembled with electric<br />

conductors or fitted with connectors.<br />

8544.49.90 Insulated (including enamelled or<br />

anodized) wire, cable (including coaxial<br />

cable) and other insulated electric<br />

conductors, whether or not fitted with<br />

connectors; optical fibre cables, made<br />

up of individually sheathed fibres,<br />

whether or not assembled with electric<br />

conductors or fitted with connectors.<br />

8544.60.91 Insulated (including enamelled or<br />

anodized) wire, cable (including coaxial<br />

cable) and other insulated electric<br />

conductors, whether or not fitted with<br />

Other Other 3.5% January 1, 2012<br />

Other Other 3.5% January 1, 2013<br />

Other electric conductors, for a<br />

voltage exceeding 1,000 V<br />

To be employed in mining, recovering and<br />

producing crude oil from shales, oil-sands<br />

or tar-sands<br />

4.5% January 1, 2015<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 216

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

connectors; optical fibre cables, made<br />

up of individually sheathed fibres,<br />

whether or not assembled with electric<br />

conductors or fitted with connectors.<br />

8544.60.99 Insulated (including enamelled or Other electric conductors, for a<br />

anodized) wire, cable (including co- voltage exceeding 1,000 V<br />

axial cable) and other insulated electric<br />

conductors, whether or not fitted with<br />

connectors; optical fibre cables, made<br />

up of individually sheathed fibres,<br />

whether or not assembled with electric<br />

conductors or fitted with connectors.<br />

8545.19.28 Carbon electrodes, carbon brushes,<br />

lamp carbons, battery carbons and<br />

other articles of graphite or other<br />

carbon, with or without metal, of a<br />

kind used for electrical purposes.<br />

8545.19.29 Carbon electrodes, carbon brushes,<br />

lamp carbons, battery carbons and<br />

other articles of graphite or other<br />

carbon, with or without metal, of a<br />

kind used for electrical purposes.<br />

8548.90.90 Waste and scrap of primary cells,<br />

primary batteries and electrical<br />

accumulators; spent primary cells,<br />

spent primary batteries and spent<br />

electrical accumulators; electrical parts<br />

of machinery or apparatus, not<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

8716.90.10 Trailers and semi-trailers; other<br />

vehicles, not mechanically propelled;<br />

parts thereof.<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 6.5% January 1, 2015<br />

Other Other, of carbon 9.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other, of graphite 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Parts Brake drums, hubs and rotors for use in the<br />

manufacture of brakes and brake assemblies<br />

mounted on axles for semi-trailers; Double<br />

ball race turntables for use in the<br />

manufacture of self-steering axle<br />

assemblies for trailers; Forage boxes for<br />

self-loading or self-unloading trailers and<br />

semi-trailers, for agricultural purposes;<br />

Gravity discharge boxes for farm wagons;<br />

Free<br />

(Expansion of<br />

scope of<br />

existing tariff<br />

item)<br />

March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 217

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

9001.10.90 Optical fibres and optical fibre Optical fibres, optical fibre<br />

bundles; optical fibre cables other than bundles and cables<br />

those of heading 85.44; sheets and<br />

plates of polarizing material; lenses<br />

(including contact lenses), prisms,<br />

mirrors and other optical elements, of<br />

any material, unmounted, other than<br />

such elements of glass not optically<br />

worked.<br />

9001.20.00 Optical fibres and optical fibre Sheets and plates of polarizing<br />

bundles; optical fibre cables other than material<br />

those of heading 85.44; sheets and<br />

plates of polarizing material; lenses<br />

(including contact lenses), prisms,<br />

mirrors and other optical elements, of<br />

any material, unmounted, other than<br />

such elements of glass not optically<br />

worked.<br />

9013.10.00 Liquid crystal devices not constituting<br />

articles provided for more specifically<br />

in other headings; lasers, other than<br />

laser diodes; other optical appliances<br />

and instruments, not specified or<br />

Telescopic sights for fitting to<br />

arms; periscopes; telescopes<br />

designed to form parts of<br />

machines, appliances, instruments<br />

or apparatus of this Chapter or<br />

Hitches and couplings, for use on the farm;<br />

Parts for automatic bale stacking wagons,<br />

grain carts, silage wagons, or the header or<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

swather transporters of subheading 8716.39<br />

Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Sheets and plates of polarizing material 6% March 5, 2010<br />

Telescopic sights for fitting to arms;<br />

periscopes; telescopes designed to form<br />

parts of machines, appliances, instruments<br />

or apparatus of this Chapter or Section XVI<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

included elsewhere in this Chapter. Section XVI<br />

9013.20.00 Liquid crystal devices not constituting Lasers, other than laser diodes<br />

articles provided for more specifically<br />

in other headings; lasers, other than<br />

laser diodes; other optical appliances<br />

and instruments, not specified or<br />

included elsewhere in this Chapter.<br />

Lasers, other than laser diodes 6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

Page 218

Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

9013.80.90 Liquid crystal devices not constituting Other devices, appliances and<br />

articles provided for more specifically instruments<br />

in other headings; lasers, other than<br />

laser diodes; other optical appliances<br />

and instruments, not specified or<br />

included elsewhere in this Chapter.<br />

9013.90.30 Liquid crystal devices not constituting<br />

articles provided for more specifically<br />

in other headings; lasers, other than<br />

laser diodes; other optical appliances<br />

and instruments, not specified or<br />

included elsewhere in this Chapter.<br />

9015.90.10 Surveying (including<br />

photogrammetrical surveying),<br />

hydrographic, oceanographic,<br />

hydrological, meteorological or<br />

geophysical instruments and<br />

appliances, excluding compasses;<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Parts and accessories Of the goods of tariff item No. 9013.10.00<br />

or 9013.20.00<br />

Parts and accessories Of anemometers and other instruments for<br />

measuring wind direction;<br />

Of ceilometers;<br />

Of visability meters, including<br />

transmissometers<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

6.5% March 5, 2010<br />

9016.00.10<br />

rangefinders.<br />

Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or Balances 5% March 5, 2010<br />

better, with or without weights. better, with or without weights.<br />

9016.00.90 Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or Parts 2.5% March 5, 2010<br />

better, with or without weights. better, with or without weights.<br />

9017.90.10 Drawing, marking-out or mathematical Parts and accessories<br />

calculating instruments (for example,<br />

Of drafting tables 5.5% March 5, 2010<br />

drafting machines, pantographs,<br />

protractors, drawing sets, slide rules,<br />

disc calculators); instruments for<br />

measuring length, for use in the hand<br />

(for example, measuring rods and<br />

tapes, micrometers, callipers), not<br />

9017.90.90<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

Drawing, marking-out or mathematical Parts and accessories<br />

calculating instruments (for example,<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

drafting machines, pantographs,<br />

protractors, drawing sets, slide rules,<br />

disc calculators); instruments for<br />

measuring length, for use in the hand<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

(for example, measuring rods and<br />

tapes, micrometers, callipers), not<br />

9024.10.90<br />

specified or included elsewhere in this<br />

Chapter.<br />

Machines and appliances for testing Machines and appliances for<br />

the hardness, strength, compressibility, testing metals<br />

elasticity or other mechanical<br />

properties of materials (for example,<br />

metals, wood, textiles, paper, plastics).<br />

9024.80.90 Machines and appliances for testing<br />

the hardness, strength, compressibility,<br />

elasticity or other mechanical<br />

properties of materials (for example,<br />

metals, wood, textiles, paper, plastics).<br />

9025.90.90 Hydrometers and similar floating<br />

instruments, thermometers,<br />

pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers<br />

and psychrometers, recording or not,<br />

and any combination of these<br />

instruments.<br />

9028.10.00 Gas, liquid or electricity supply or<br />

production meters, including<br />

calibrating meters therefor.<br />

9028.20.90 Gas, liquid or electricity supply or<br />

production meters, including<br />

calibrating meters therefor.<br />

9028.30.00 Gas, liquid or electricity supply or<br />

production meters, including<br />

calibrating meters therefor.<br />

9029.20.90 Revolution counters, production Speed indicators and tachometers;<br />

counters, taximeters, mileometers, stroboscopes<br />

pedometers and the like; speed<br />

indicators and tachometers, other than<br />

those of heading 90.14 or 90.15;<br />

stroboscopes.<br />

9029.90.20 Revolution counters, production<br />

counters, taximeters, mileometers,<br />

pedometers and the like; speed<br />

indicators and tachometers, other than<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other machines and appliances Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Parts and accessories Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Gas meters Gas meters 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Liquid meters Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

Electricity meters Electricity meters 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Parts and accessories Of speed indicators and tachometers for<br />

motor vehicles<br />

4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

those of heading 90.14 or 90.15;<br />

stroboscopes.<br />

9030.10.90 Oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers and<br />

other instruments and apparatus for<br />

measuring or checking electrical<br />

quantities, excluding meters of heading<br />

90.28; instruments and apparatus for<br />

measuring or detecting alpha, beta,<br />

gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other<br />

ionizing radiations.<br />

9030.31.10 Oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers and Multimeters without a recording<br />

other instruments and apparatus for device<br />

measuring or checking electrical<br />

quantities, excluding meters of heading<br />

90.28; instruments and apparatus for<br />

measuring or detecting alpha, beta,<br />

gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other<br />

ionizing radiations.<br />

9030.33.10 Oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers and<br />

other instruments and apparatus for<br />

measuring or checking electrical<br />

quantities, excluding meters of heading<br />

90.28; instruments and apparatus for<br />

measuring or detecting alpha, beta,<br />

gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other<br />

ionizing radiations.<br />

9030.84.10 Oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers and<br />

other instruments and apparatus for<br />

measuring or checking electrical<br />

quantities, excluding meters of heading<br />

90.28; instruments and apparatus for<br />

measuring or detecting alpha, beta,<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

Instruments and apparatus for Other<br />

measuring or detecting ionizing<br />

radiations<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Portable or panel-indicating types 5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other, without a recording device Electrical panel-indicating instruments,<br />

excluding those for motor vehicles, aircraft<br />

or ships;<br />

High-voltage capacitance bridges;<br />

Instruments for measuring impedance,<br />

excluding bridges;<br />

Instruments for measuring resistivity;<br />

Null detectors;<br />

Portable relay test sets used to test<br />

protective relays, circuit breakers or starters<br />

in high-tension power distribution systems;<br />

Portable tachometer testers designed to test<br />

automobile tachometers;<br />

Resistance bridges;<br />

Volt meters, panel-type;<br />

Watt meters<br />

Other, with a recording device Chart recorders designed for use with<br />

automatic data processing machines<br />

5% March 5, 2010<br />

2% March 5, 2010<br />

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Tariff Item Heading Description Subheading Description Tariff Item Description<br />

gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other<br />

ionizing radiations.<br />

9030.89.10 Oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers and<br />

other instruments and apparatus for<br />

measuring or checking electrical<br />

quantities, excluding meters of heading<br />

90.28; instruments and apparatus for<br />

measuring or detecting alpha, beta,<br />

gamma, X-ray, cosmic or other<br />

ionizing radiations.<br />

9031.20.90 Measuring or checking instruments,<br />

appliances and machines, not specified<br />

or included elsewhere in this Chapter;<br />

profile projectors.<br />

9031.49.90 Measuring or checking instruments,<br />

appliances and machines, not specified<br />

or included elsewhere in this Chapter;<br />

profile projectors.<br />

Other Instruments designed for use with automatic<br />

data processing machines<br />

MFN Tariff<br />

pre-Budget<br />

2010<br />

Date of<br />

Elimination*<br />

2% March 5, 2010<br />

Test benches Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

Other Other 3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

9031.80.90 Measuring or checking instruments, Other instruments, appliances and Other<br />

appliances and machines, not specified machines<br />

or included elsewhere in this Chapter;<br />

profile projectors.<br />

3.5% March 5, 2010<br />

9032.89.90 Automatic regulating or controlling Other Other 4.5% March 5, 2010<br />

instruments and apparatus.<br />

9033.00.90 Parts and accessories (not specified or Parts and accessories (not Other 4% March 5, 2010<br />

included elsewhere in this Chapter) for specified or included elsewhere in<br />

machines, appliances, instruments or this Chapter) for machines,<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90.<br />

appliances, instruments or<br />

apparatus of Chapter 90.<br />

__________<br />

G/MA/W/101<br />

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