The Great Path - Oshorajneesh.com

The Great Path - Oshorajneesh.com

The Great Path - Oshorajneesh.com


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arrangements, <strong>com</strong>plete with sweets and refreshments. Each colleague spoke a few words of praise<br />

for the Mulla. After all, he was leaving. <strong>The</strong> Mulla was so over<strong>com</strong>e with emotion that tears came to<br />

his eyes. When it was his turn to speak he got up and said, ”Friends, I am indeed touched by your<br />

love and affection. I did not know how much you cared for me. I cannot leave you now. I withdraw<br />

my resignation.”<br />

We are being manipulated. Often, all around, the whole world is manipulating each and every<br />

person. And the climate goes on changing. <strong>The</strong>re are thousands of kinds of people. As a result<br />

there is a deep confusion inside you. This is bound to be, because you are not motivated by one<br />

person. Only he who is awakened within is motivated by one. <strong>The</strong>re is a clarity in the life of such a<br />

man, a transparency. His life is clear and purposeful; it has a direction.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no direction in your life. <strong>The</strong>re cannot be. You behave as if you are in a crowd that pushes<br />

you any way it pleases. Such a person has to keep moving. He cannot stand still for a moment.<br />

Someone pushes him to the right, he goes right; someone pushes him to the left, he goes left. Your<br />

whole life passes in this way, driven by the crowd. Ponder over this and you will <strong>com</strong>e to understand.<br />

Somebody says something; you do accordingly. <strong>The</strong>n somebody else says something else and you<br />

do it. And then you are filled with a number of contradictions.<br />

One of my acquaintances fell from a rickshaw and hurt himself. <strong>The</strong>n he was released from the<br />

hospital. Six months passed. When he was <strong>com</strong>pletely well, he still used the crutches. When I<br />

asked him whether he still was experiencing difficulty in walking, he said, ”No.”<br />

”<strong>The</strong>n why don’t you discard the crutches?” I inquired.<br />

”You see,” he said, ”the doctor says I no longer need them, but my lawyers says I do, at least until<br />

the case has been decided in court. So you see my dilemma!”<br />

Your lawyer says one thing and your doctor says something else; the wife says one thing and the<br />

husband says something else; the son says one thing, the father another – all around there are<br />

millions of masters who drive you on. <strong>The</strong>re are infinite masters, but you stand alone! You listen<br />

to one and all. You listen to anybody who suppresses you. And your personality fractures into<br />

thousands of pieces. Until you begin to listen to the inner voice, you cannot be an integrated whole.<br />

I call him a sannyasin who has begun to heed the inner voice and is ready to stake everything on it.<br />

But you cannot hear the inner voice as long as you are unconscious. Until then whatever you might<br />

take to be the inner voice will not be the inner voice; it will be a voice from outside. <strong>The</strong> unconscious<br />

man doesn’t know anything of this voice. Otherwise all politicians sitting in Delhi would have talked<br />

of this inner voice – Indira, Giri: <strong>The</strong> voice of the soul! How can a sleeping person know it? How can<br />

you know which is the inner voice? <strong>The</strong> voice that satisfies you is the voice of your desires, but you<br />

call it your inner voice.<br />

Only the awakened person has an inner voice. Once this voice <strong>com</strong>es within range of your hearing,<br />

all that is sinful, all that is impure and dirty, all the chaos and confusion within you, will cease at<br />

once. You will then realize what a collection of personalities you have been. You were not one but<br />

many, like a crowd in a marketplace or a stock exchange. You are the stock exchange of Delhi – all<br />

kind of nonsense is going on! One cannot understand anything. A stranger won’t be able to figure<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Path</strong> 33 Osho

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