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The Great Path - The Great Path -
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CHAPTER 9. RIGHT SEARCH, WRONG DIRECTION between you and the body. Remember! As your awareness deeps the connecting links will begin to separate; then one day you will observe the profound fact that the body is just a shell; you are life, the body is death; you are consciousness, the body is matter, a play of atoms. You are not a collection of anything. You are consciousness – integrated consciousness – that always was, always is, and always will be. As soon as the first layer is peeled off, like the first layer of an onion, the second layer comes into view. This second layer is the mind. This illness is more deep seated, for the body is further away from you than the mind. If the body is a conglomeration of atoms, the mind is a conglomeration of thoughts. If the body is gross matter, the mind is subtle matter. Thoughts are subtle vibrations, and vibrations are matter. You are total in the grips of the thoughts. They are not like the body, which can be compared to clothing that is worn. Thoughts are more like the skin of the body; they don’t come off as easily as clothing. You have always been under the illusion that thoughts are really ’yours’. You are always ready to find on the grounds that ’that is my idea’. you always try to uphold your views, whether right or wrong. You are always afraid that if your viewpoint is wrong you are wrong. You identification with your thoughts is much stronger than your identification with your body. If someone is told, ’Go to a doctor, your body is ill,’ he won’t object; only the body is involved. Tell a person he is ill and he will not be offended, but tell someone that his mind is ill and he should go to a psychiatrist and he will not like it at all. Tell him that he is mad and he will immediately come flying at your throat. This is because there is some distance between you and the body, but your identification with the mind is more deep-rooted. Thoughts envelop you from all sides like smoke; as long as this smoke persists, your eyes will remain blind to this fact. The second experiment – and it is a difficult practice – is to become aware of your thoughts, all thoughts. It does not matter what kind of thoughts – good, bad, right or wrong, whether they come from the scriptures, whether they are traditional or non-traditional – just know that ’I am not these thoughts’. All thoughts are borrowed. They are given to you by society; they come from others and you have learned them. You are that which is within you – the untaught. You are only the consciousness, not the thoughts. Thoughts are the surface ripples on a lake. They are like flotsam on a river. You are the river. You are the eternal stream of consciousness. Slowly, slowly you must begin to peel off the layers of thoughts. Whenever a thought catches hold of you, immediately remember; It is not me! It is only the outside dust. As dust gathers on a mirror, so thoughts have gathered on you. Never consider any particular thought to be so much your own that you are ready to come to blows over it. If people were to break their connection with their thoughts there would be no more war in the world. All wars, all conflicts, all violence is caused by your identification with your thoughts. Someone is a Hindu, someone else is a Moslem; one is a communist, another is a socialist; this is nothing more than being identified with thoughts. You are only God. You are neither Hindu nor Moslem nor Jain nor Buddhist. Your purity is your Shivahood. Unfortunately, you get caught up in what is cheap and worthless. You think it is more important to be a Hindu than to be God, or more important to be a Moslem than to be God. Your being a Hindu The Great Path 166 Osho

CHAPTER 9. RIGHT SEARCH, WRONG DIRECTION or a Moslem only causes the temples to fight against the mosques, and this earth is being deprived of religion in the process. All religions cause strife with one another because all religions become mere ideas. Religion is only one – your Shivahood. You yourself are God. Religion is no more than this; it cannot cause any strife, for how can there be fighting when there are no thoughts? What kind of opposition can there be? What kind of support can there be? The body separates you from others. Thoughts separate you still further. Understand one thing clearly, though it may appear contradictory: that which disconnects you from your own self also disconnects you from others. The body has separated you from yourself; it has also estranged you from others. Thoughts have disconnected you even more from yourself, and just as much from others. The day you have peeled away the covers of the body and thought, and are established in your own nature, the day you become pure existence without any shell, you will find that you have become one with all, for these are not two Gods. Then the God outside you and the God inside you merge into one. The space within the walls of the vessel of clay and the space without will become one. The vessel will break. Identification is the vessel. As you continue removing the layers – and by layers I mean the identification with things, which are not you! – you are proceeding into meditation. Meditation is breaking identifications. Meditation is the key. By and by all that remains is what you are. When you have removed every layer of the onion you have nothing in your hands but emptiness. This emptiness, this very void, is your godliness, your Shivahood. Have you ever seen a Shivalingam? It is a phallic representation of Shiva, but its form is the void. It is made that way intentionally. It has no face of Shiva. There is no more beautiful statue or image of anyone, for it has no face. It is the form of the void. As you go deeper and deeper and deeper into yourself, this very voidless form will begin to appear within you, and you are getting nearer and nearer to Shiva. The day you become an illuminated emptiness, a light that is formless and nameless, from then on whatever you say is japa, the mantra, the remembrance. Right now, whatever you say is a deception. Your religious actions are non-religious. Right now you cannot do otherwise. You try to save yourself from one mistake and you commit a thousand others. The best thing to do under the circumstances is to do nothing. Start breaking your identifications. Just be awake... and do nothing! Otherwise, in trying to correct one error you will find yourself caught in another. Mulla Nasruddin was sitting at the seashore, very calm. Another man sat next to him, who was very upset. At last, with great anger in his voice, he said to the Mulla, ”Excuse me, but is that your child who is throwing sand at me?” No,” said the Mulla with a kindly smile. ”That is my nephew. The one who just broke your umbrella and is busy filling your shoes with water is my son.” You try to right one thing and another goes wrong. The excuses you put forward for your mistakes turn out to be bigger mistakes. In ancient times a king always kept a fool in his court to remind him always of the fact that man’s intelligence is not much of an intelligence. A king kept a jester at his court. One day, as the king stood before a mirror, the jester suddenly came from behind him and gave him a sound kick. The king fell down and was badly bruised; the The Great Path 167 Osho


between you and the body. Remember! As your awareness deeps the connecting links will begin<br />

to separate; then one day you will observe the profound fact that the body is just a shell; you are<br />

life, the body is death; you are consciousness, the body is matter, a play of atoms. You are not a<br />

collection of anything. You are consciousness – integrated consciousness – that always was, always<br />

is, and always will be.<br />

As soon as the first layer is peeled off, like the first layer of an onion, the second layer <strong>com</strong>es into<br />

view. This second layer is the mind. This illness is more deep seated, for the body is further away<br />

from you than the mind. If the body is a conglomeration of atoms, the mind is a conglomeration of<br />

thoughts. If the body is gross matter, the mind is subtle matter. Thoughts are subtle vibrations, and<br />

vibrations are matter. You are total in the grips of the thoughts. <strong>The</strong>y are not like the body, which<br />

can be <strong>com</strong>pared to clothing that is worn. Thoughts are more like the skin of the body; they don’t<br />

<strong>com</strong>e off as easily as clothing.<br />

You have always been under the illusion that thoughts are really ’yours’. You are always ready to<br />

find on the grounds that ’that is my idea’. you always try to uphold your views, whether right or<br />

wrong. You are always afraid that if your viewpoint is wrong you are wrong. You identification with<br />

your thoughts is much stronger than your identification with your body.<br />

If someone is told, ’Go to a doctor, your body is ill,’ he won’t object; only the body is involved. Tell<br />

a person he is ill and he will not be offended, but tell someone that his mind is ill and he should go<br />

to a psychiatrist and he will not like it at all. Tell him that he is mad and he will immediately <strong>com</strong>e<br />

flying at your throat. This is because there is some distance between you and the body, but your<br />

identification with the mind is more deep-rooted. Thoughts envelop you from all sides like smoke;<br />

as long as this smoke persists, your eyes will remain blind to this fact.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second experiment – and it is a difficult practice – is to be<strong>com</strong>e aware of your thoughts, all<br />

thoughts. It does not matter what kind of thoughts – good, bad, right or wrong, whether they <strong>com</strong>e<br />

from the scriptures, whether they are traditional or non-traditional – just know that ’I am not these<br />

thoughts’. All thoughts are borrowed. <strong>The</strong>y are given to you by society; they <strong>com</strong>e from others<br />

and you have learned them. You are that which is within you – the untaught. You are only the<br />

consciousness, not the thoughts. Thoughts are the surface ripples on a lake. <strong>The</strong>y are like flotsam<br />

on a river. You are the river. You are the eternal stream of consciousness.<br />

Slowly, slowly you must begin to peel off the layers of thoughts. Whenever a thought catches hold<br />

of you, immediately remember; It is not me! It is only the outside dust. As dust gathers on a mirror,<br />

so thoughts have gathered on you. Never consider any particular thought to be so much your own<br />

that you are ready to <strong>com</strong>e to blows over it.<br />

If people were to break their connection with their thoughts there would be no more war in the world.<br />

All wars, all conflicts, all violence is caused by your identification with your thoughts. Someone is a<br />

Hindu, someone else is a Moslem; one is a <strong>com</strong>munist, another is a socialist; this is nothing more<br />

than being identified with thoughts. You are only God. You are neither Hindu nor Moslem nor Jain<br />

nor Buddhist. Your purity is your Shivahood.<br />

Unfortunately, you get caught up in what is cheap and worthless. You think it is more important to<br />

be a Hindu than to be God, or more important to be a Moslem than to be God. Your being a Hindu<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Path</strong> 166 Osho

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