The Great Path - Oshorajneesh.com

The Great Path - Oshorajneesh.com

The Great Path - Oshorajneesh.com


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you are watching a rowdy mob on the road, as if you are seeing the clouds passing by in the sky.<br />

Observe indifferently. Be absolutely neutral.<br />

First let the body be<strong>com</strong>e tranquil. This state <strong>com</strong>es gradually in the course of three weeks. <strong>The</strong><br />

mind takes about three months. It may be a little more or a little less. All depends on your<br />

seriousness and sincerity of purpose, but within a period of six months this state of ’just sitting’<br />

can be achieved. Now neither the body indulges in activities nor the mind.<br />

Do not fight the mind. Do not suppress it. Do not order it not to think, for remember, this too is<br />

thinking. Even this much of a thought can keep the mind going. <strong>The</strong> mind will stir up a great deal of<br />

chaos, but don’t fight it. Your reactions will show that you are still willing to give in to it, that you have<br />

failed to ignore it.<br />

Indifference is the key. Just watch. Say nothing. It is going to be difficult, for the habits are old and<br />

deep-seated. It has always been your habit to talk with the mind, to answer it back. Gradually, by<br />

and by, if you persist you will reach a stage when by constant observation there is only you, and<br />

nothing is happening – neither in the body nor in the mind. When all activities of the mind and body<br />

be<strong>com</strong>e quiet, that state is called the state of ’just sitting’.<br />

Here the word ’posture’ does not mean some intricate yoga posture. If you do yoga asanas it will be<br />

helpful, for it will give you the power to sit longer, but this is not necessary. If you learn merely to sit,<br />

that is the supreme asana. Also, it is not necessary that you should sit on the floor; you can even<br />

sit on a chair. Only one thing must be remembered: you have to keep the same posture through the<br />

given period.<br />

Sit <strong>com</strong>fortably so that the body has no cause for <strong>com</strong>plaint. Make all arrangements for the body’s<br />

<strong>com</strong>fort: if it is cold take a blanket, if it is hot switch on the fan. Arrange for the body’s <strong>com</strong>fort. Don’t<br />

take pleasure in torturing the body, for that is just cruelty Whether you torture another body or your<br />

own, both are acts of violence, and nobody has ever attained God through violence. This body is<br />

also His there is no need to torture it. When once you have settled down, don’t listen to the body’s<br />

demands. Keep sitting! Ignore the mind, be indifferent toward it. It will create chaos, it will indulge in<br />

all kinds of rowdiness, perhaps more than ever before.<br />

People <strong>com</strong>e to me and say: ”When I was not meditating my mind was never this restless. Now it is<br />

a hundred times more restless than it used to be. Now there is great noise and tumult.” It has always<br />

been so, only you were not aware of it, for your mind was always outside you. You were so involved<br />

in the outside world that you did not notice the tumult within. Your sitting in silence does not create<br />

it. In fact, when you are tranquil this chaos can only die down. It cannot possibly increase. But you<br />

were so involved in the outside world, in your house, your family, your business, your wealth, that<br />

you could not hear what was happening inside. Now that you have closed your eyes to the outside<br />

world all your attention has gone within, all the focus, all the light is now concentrated within. <strong>The</strong>n<br />

in this first experience, when the light falls within, you discover what chaos reigns there.<br />

But remember: be indifferent! You have to remember one thing: except nothing from the mind. If you<br />

hold on to the slightest hope you will not be able to disregard the mind. Leave all desires; nourish<br />

no hopes and sit in total indifference; be neutral and unbiased. However difficult you may find it in<br />

the beginning, it will be<strong>com</strong>e easier if you persist. Don’t worry about the time – today, tomorrow or<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Path</strong> 130 Osho

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