Prime User Manual - ISP

Prime User Manual - ISP

Prime User Manual - ISP


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Table 11.3. Keywords for the bldstruct script (Continued)<br />

Keyword syntax Description<br />

Chapter 11: Command Syntax<br />

COMPOSITE_ARRAY string A string of integers indicating from which template (or, more specifically,<br />

from which alignment) coordinates for a given residue<br />

should be obtained. Thus, this string of integers must be equal in<br />

length to the query sequence being used in the alignment files.<br />

COMPOSITE_ARRAY is required for multiple template jobs. It is not<br />

required for single template jobs, but if it is present, it is ignored.<br />

KEEP_ROTAMERS {true |<br />

false}<br />

Specifies which side chains to optimize. If true, the rotamers for<br />

conserved side chains are preserved, and only non-conserved side<br />

chains are predicted. If false, all side chains are predicted. This<br />

keyword is ignored if SIDE_OPT is false. Default: true.<br />

MAX_INSERTION_SIZE n Specifies the longest insertion in the alignment that will be built.<br />

Insertions longer than this will be omitted, and not appear in the<br />

output structure. Residue numbering will reflect the full query<br />

sequence however. Default: 1000.<br />

MINIMIZE {true | false} Turn on or off minimization of regions that were not directly copied<br />

from the template structure. These regions primarily include portions<br />

of the structure involved in closing gaps or building insertions,<br />

but also include any side chains optimized due to the<br />

SIDE_OPT keyword. Default: true.<br />

SIDE_OPT {true | false} Turn on or off a side chain optimization stage. Default: true.<br />

template_ALIGN_FILE<br />

filename<br />

template_HETERO_i<br />

ligand-spec<br />

Required. The name of the file containing the alignment between<br />

this template and the query. Details on the format are provided in<br />

the Examples section below.<br />

Required if a ligand is present. Specifies a ligand to include from<br />

this template. The format of the specification is<br />

AAA C:###<br />

where AAA is the ligand’s three letter code, C is its chain ID, ### is<br />

its residue number. Multiple ligands from the template are numbered<br />

using i as an index, starting from zero.<br />

TEMPLATE_NAME template Required. A label used to identify a given template in subsequent<br />

data fields. For example, if TEMPLATE_NAME is set to 1BPJ_A,<br />

other template-specific fields are given as 1BPJ_A_STRUCT_FILE,<br />

1BPJ_A_ALIGN_FILE, and so on.The chain to be used is specified<br />

by an underscore and letter suffix: for example, for 1BPJ_A, chain<br />

A will be used. The chain suffix must be included in the label.<br />

template_NUMBER n Required. Used to identify a given template in the<br />

COMPOSITE_ARRAY (see below). Numbering goes from 1 to 9.<br />

<strong>Prime</strong> 2.1 <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> 89

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