Prime User Manual - ISP

Prime User Manual - ISP

Prime User Manual - ISP


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<strong>Prime</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong><br />

Chapter 9: Docking Covalently Bound Ligands<br />

Chapter 9<br />

While Glide is highly efficient at docking ligands that are bound to a receptor through<br />

hydrogen bonds or various nonbonded interactions, it is not able to dock ligands that are<br />

covalently bound to the receptor. <strong>Prime</strong> provides a covalent docking facility that allows you to<br />

select the attachment point to the receptor and the possible attachment points on the ligand, and<br />

run a <strong>Prime</strong> loop prediction to find poses for the ligand.<br />

9.1 Running Covalent Docking from Maestro<br />

Covalent docking calculations can be set up and run from the Covalent Docking panel. To open<br />

the Covalent Docking panel, choose Applications > <strong>Prime</strong> > Covalent Docking in the main<br />

window.<br />

The Covalent Docking panel has two main sections. Above these sections, you can specify the<br />

source of the ligands. In the Ligand reactive groups section, you can specify the kinds of<br />

groups that will react at the receptor attachment site. In the Receptor options section, you can<br />

specify the receptor bond that is broken and choose receptor residues to sample.<br />

9.1.1 Selecting the Ligands<br />

The ligands that you dock to the receptor can be taken from the Project Table or from a file.<br />

• To use the structures that are selected in the Project Table, choose Project Table from the<br />

Use ligands from option menu.<br />

• To read the ligands from a file, choose File from the Use ligands from option menu. You<br />

can then either enter the file name in the Input file text box, or click Browse and navigate<br />

to the file in the file selector that opens. The file must be a Maestro file, and can be compressed<br />

(.maegz, .mae.gz) or uncompressed (.mae).<br />

You should ensure that the structures are all-atom, 3D structures that are properly prepared, for<br />

example by using LigPrep. See the LigPrep <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> for more information on ligand preparation.<br />

The poses that are returned include both the ligand and the receptor, so you should consider<br />

carefully how many ligands you want to dock.<br />

<strong>Prime</strong> 2.1 <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> 77

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