Prime User Manual - ISP

Prime User Manual - ISP

Prime User Manual - ISP


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Table 11.6. General keywords for the refinestruct script (Continued)<br />

Keyword syntax Description<br />

Chapter 11: Command Syntax<br />

EXT_DIEL value Dielectric constant of the continuum solvation model. Default: 80.0.<br />

Used with SGB_MOD sgbnp.<br />

INT_DIEL value Dielectric constant used within the radius of an atom. Default: 1.0.<br />

NUM_OUTPUT_STRUCT n Number of conformations to return for single loop refinements. This has<br />

no effect on helix refinements or jobs composed of more than one refinement<br />

(e.g. 2 loops, 1 helix + 1 loop, etc.). All structures are returned in a<br />

single structure file in Maestro format. Default: 1.<br />


atom1,atom2,value<br />

Specify a constraint on a pair of atoms. The format of the atom specifications<br />

is given at the beginning of this chapter. The value is the distance<br />

between the atoms in angstroms.<br />

PRIME_TYPE type Type of refinement to perform. The available options are:<br />

SIDE_PRED Predict Side Chains (prefix SC)<br />

LOOP_BLD Predict Loops and Helices<br />

REAL_MIN Minimize Energy (prefix MINI)<br />

SITE_OPT Active Site Minimization (including ligand)<br />

ENERGY Energy Calculation<br />

RESIDUE_i spec Specify a residue to refine. The numbering i begins at 0, and increases<br />

incrementally. The format of the residue specification spec is given at<br />

the beginning of this chapter.<br />


{yes | no}<br />

Retain corrections made when duplicate residue numbers are found. The<br />

duplications detected are between non-protein residues or between protein<br />

and non-protein residues. The non-protein residue is assigned a new,<br />

unique chain name temporarily. If you set this keyword to yes, the new<br />

chain name is written to the output file. Default: no.<br />

SEED n The integer to use as the seed for the random number generator if<br />

USE_RANDOM_SEED is false. If it is true, SEED is ignored. Default: -1,<br />

meaning that the program will generate a random seed rather than use<br />

the supplied seed.<br />

SELECT string Specify the manner for specifying which residues to refine. Available<br />

options are:<br />

all Refine all residues<br />

pick Refine the specific residues, indicated by included<br />

RESIDUE_i parameters (see above).<br />

file Read list of residues to refine from a file. The file consists of a<br />

series of lines with a residue specification on each line.<br />

<strong>Prime</strong> 2.1 <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> 99

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