National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...

National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...

National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...


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United States Department <strong>of</strong> the Interior<br />

<strong>National</strong> Park Service - For NPS use only<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Register</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Places</strong><br />

Inventory-Nomination Form<br />

received<br />

Contunuation sheet 50 - Item number 7 Page 5 I<br />

"esteriy Road cont. -<br />

‘first story and is supported by large curved struts. There are<br />

shingled bows in the front gable peaks, and a tall, stone chimney<br />

rising above the ro<strong>of</strong>. The building was built as a stable for Clara<br />

Stanton’s house, The Wickiup, and was converted into a residence in<br />

1.900.<br />

226 The Tepee, now Montrose 1899; attributed to John A. Tompkins <strong>of</strong><br />

New York, architect: The main block <strong>of</strong> this Shingle Style dwelling,<br />

turned end to the street, has a massive, overhanging flank-gable<br />

ro<strong>of</strong> encompassing its second story and attic. The ro<strong>of</strong> mass is<br />

interrupted by a ta-i, end-gable, central front dormer flanked on<br />

each side by smaller gabled dormers. An entrance porch is recessed<br />

into the first story and an exterior chimney on the street end<br />

pierces up through the gable overhang. At the rear <strong>of</strong> the main block,<br />

running along the street front, there is a 2½-story, gable-ro<strong>of</strong> eli<br />

with a slight second-story overhang and a long shed dormer that breaks<br />

through the eaves . ‘the exteri or walls are now covered with a I itmi num<br />

siding. This house was built by the R.A . Sherman Company as a rental<br />

property for Clara H. Stanton.<br />

227 Spencecl i IF, now House -on -Iii 1 .1 1902 : A rninb I i iig , asynhlnet t i cal<br />

complexly massed stone and shingle Shingle Style dwelling set on a<br />

stone-walled terrace atop a hill. The main block is a 1½-story,<br />

flank-gable-ro<strong>of</strong> mass with a recessed, arcaded rubblestone entrance<br />

porch at one end <strong>of</strong> the facade. This porch is flanked by a 2-story<br />

semi-circular, semi-conical ro<strong>of</strong> stone stairhall tower which is<br />

- backed by a 2½-story, end-gable pavilion that rises above the main<br />

ro<strong>of</strong> and the tower. A gable-ro<strong>of</strong>, stone-post porch projects From<br />

the Other end <strong>of</strong> the facade, and a 1-story, flat-ro<strong>of</strong>, balustradetopped<br />

addition extends from the main block beyond this porch. Other<br />

detailing includes two stone exterior chimneys, one, on the end and<br />

one on the front flanking the tower; an oriel window in the side<br />

gable end; and hipped, shed, and eyebrow dormers. The house was<br />

htti lt for Jacob S. Burnet, one <strong>of</strong> three Cincinnati men invoived in<br />

the subdivision and development <strong>of</strong> the Everett Farm property.<br />

228 The Bungalow 1899; attributed to John A. Tompkins <strong>of</strong> New York,<br />

architect: A sprawling, picturesque, stone and shingle dwelling<br />

dominated by a massive, symmetrical hut complex ro<strong>of</strong> mass encompassing<br />

* its second story and attic. The ro<strong>of</strong> is a modified "M" gable with<br />

extended side slopes, a flank-gable connecting hyphen in the valley<br />

<strong>of</strong> the "N," and hip extensions across the gable ends forming pent<br />

ro<strong>of</strong>s over the first- and second-story doors and windows. The twin<br />

front gables contain paired second-story oriels with shingled bows<br />

See Continuation Sheet #51

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