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National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...

National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...


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NI’S !‘,,, ID 900 I . IMPI Ni, II1driQtII<br />

3 82i E.xp- 10-31-84 -<br />

United States Department <strong>of</strong> the Interior<br />

<strong>National</strong> Park Service - -<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Register</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Places</strong><br />

Inventory-Nomination Form<br />

Continuation sheet 59 Item number<br />

Ear NPS use only<br />

received --<br />

- date éntèred<br />

8 Page 6<br />

- - -<br />

The Watch Hill Improvement Society was founded by a group <strong>of</strong> gentle<br />

men in 1888 and incorporated a year later. Its stated aims were ". . .to<br />

develop and improve the village <strong>of</strong> Watch Hill, cultivate pub] ic spirit,<br />

quicken the social and intellectual life <strong>of</strong> the people, secure pubLic<br />

health, beautify and build up the village, and render Watch Hill a still<br />

more inviting and desirable place <strong>of</strong> residence.’’ The prov:i sion <strong>of</strong> pro<br />

grams-for intellectual and* cultural enrichment went along with the Victorian<br />

notion that leisure time should he spent in educational as well as recrea -<br />

tional pursuits. However, as the number <strong>of</strong> cottages grew, the emphasis <strong>of</strong><br />

the society shifted to issues <strong>of</strong> civic betterment and beautification. By<br />

1900 control <strong>of</strong> the Improvement Society has passed to the women <strong>of</strong> the com<br />

munity. The village’ s public sculptures and monuments were placed under<br />

the auspices <strong>of</strong> the group.<br />

The Misquamicut Golf Club was foun<br />

Club in 1913 to provide recreational an<br />

laid out a nine-hole course in 1896 on<br />

with a clubhouse converted from an<br />

subsequently acqui red a large tract<br />

hack <strong>of</strong> the former Pendl eton farm.<br />

house was constructed in 1901 . ‘I’h<br />

the c tnh bui Id i ng has been ciii a rge<br />

piings in Watch Hill. Cove in 1922<br />

hurri cane <strong>of</strong> 1938 and replaced the<br />

today as centers <strong>of</strong> Watch Hill soc<br />

The growth <strong>of</strong> Watch lull ultimately called for the provision <strong>of</strong><br />

certain basic municipal. services. In 1901 the Watch I-li 11 Fire District<br />

was incorporated; This organization, funded h’ a special assessment levied<br />

on property owners, prot’ ided fire protection and later oversaw construction<br />

and maintenance <strong>of</strong> a sys tern <strong>of</strong> piped water connected to the Westerly water<br />

works, - which eliminated the village’s rel iance on private wells with wind-<br />

mill pumps-. The Fire Di strict built an engine house, in 1910 that still<br />

stands <strong>of</strong>f Bay Street<br />

Road outside the district,<br />

hi re listri ct organization<br />

management <strong>of</strong> the vi 1] age’s<br />

ded in 1895 and the Watch Iii 11 Yacint<br />

d social activities. The golf club<br />

the south side <strong>of</strong> Ocean Vi ew -Ii. ghway<br />

ol d corn crib on the property. The ci ub<br />

on the OO5 te side <strong>of</strong> the highway,<br />

Here a -new course va s bull t and a c I.ui -<br />

e course has since heen redesigned and<br />

ci. The Yacht TI ub erected a ni I I ci Hg on<br />

This structure was des t io y ed by t. inc<br />

following year. Both clubs survive<br />

ial life.<br />

see entry 33. The present station, on Westerly<br />

was erected as<br />

functions as a<br />

civic affairs.<br />

a replacement -- in 1952. The<br />

sort <strong>of</strong> local ‘‘town council’’ for<br />

ihe shabby condtton <strong>of</strong> tine waterfront along Bay Street in the early<br />

years <strong>of</strong> this century prompted the formation in 1908-10 <strong>of</strong> a Park Com<br />

mission that developed as an <strong>of</strong>fshoot <strong>of</strong> the Fire -District. The Park<br />

Commission was authorized by the <strong>Rhode</strong> island General Assembly to acquire<br />

and demolish unsightly structures to create a shorel-ine park that was land<br />

scaped and ornamented with public sculptures. -<br />

See Continuation Sheet //60

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