National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...

National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...

National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...


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NE’S ,,‘ ‘WE I MU PI. 0-I 11111<br />

-<br />

- I ‘I, III<br />

United States Department <strong>of</strong> the Interior<br />

<strong>National</strong> Park Service ror NPS use only -<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Register</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Places</strong><br />

Inventory-Nomination Form<br />

Continuation sheet 24 Item number 7 Paqe 25<br />


101 Cloverly 1900; Horace Fraser <strong>of</strong> Boston, architect: An oversize<br />

bungalow-type dwelling with a massive ro<strong>of</strong> encompassing its second<br />

floor and attic. The ro<strong>of</strong> is unusual in -form, with a straight gable<br />

slope i.n front, broken by a broad cross-gambrel, and an angled gambrel<br />

slope in the rear, broken by shed dormers - The front slope sweeps<br />

down to cover a recessed veranda, now glazed in - There are two rear<br />

ells: one set <strong>of</strong>f-center, perpendicular to the main mass, 1½ stories<br />

tall with a gambrel ro<strong>of</strong>; the other running along the back <strong>of</strong> the main<br />

mass, extending beyond the end <strong>of</strong> the house to terminate in a hipro<strong>of</strong><br />

sun porch - The house was built for William Procter arid Will jam<br />

Anderson, developers <strong>of</strong> the Potter Farm tract, as a speculative rental<br />

cottage. lt was later occupied by Frank La*son.<br />

102 Edgewater, now Gulnare 1913 : A 2½-story, flank-jerkin-bread- ro<strong>of</strong>,<br />

English cottage-style dwelling - Tt has a central column-framed, re<br />

cessed entrance; hay windows, deep eaves that curl up over the secondstory<br />

windows, eyebrow dormers , a massive stone end chimney, and a<br />

recessed, stone-post rear porch. The house was built for C. Peyton<br />

Russell <strong>of</strong> Washington, DC. -<br />

103 Dune Hame , now Fin-lea 1902 : A fine Modern Colonial dwel.l.i ng wi th<br />

a massive flank-gambrel ro<strong>of</strong> containing the second story and attic.<br />

- Its central entrance is sheltered by a U-shape wraparound veranda,<br />

surmounted in the front by a central pediment -gabled dormer that is<br />

surrounded by hip-ro<strong>of</strong> second-floor and attic dorniers. There are<br />

paired interior brick- chimneys and a Palladian attic window in the<br />

south gambrel end. The house was built as a summer residence -for<br />

Sylvester C - Dunham <strong>of</strong> Hartford, pres ident <strong>of</strong> the Travelers’ Insurance<br />

Company and vice-president <strong>of</strong> the <strong>National</strong> Exchange Bank.<br />

104 Westwater 1902: A 2½-story, L-plan, hip-ro<strong>of</strong> dwelling with stringcourse<br />

detail ing between floors, deep eaves w.i th stick bracketing, and<br />

hi1iped dormers - An entrance porch is set into the interior angle<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ‘‘L,’ and there is a 2-story, flat-roo.f addition, similarly<br />

deta iled, extending from the end <strong>of</strong> the wing parallel to the road -<br />

The house was built for George N - McLanahan , a newspaperman from<br />

Washington, D.C. see numbers 11, 152, and 166.<br />

NC 105 House l920s ? with later alterati ons : A simple I -story, L-pI an,<br />

hip-ro<strong>of</strong> structure with a modern picture window and sliding plateglass<br />

doors among other types <strong>of</strong> fenestration. Now a residence,<br />

this building was originally a garage and was converted to its<br />

present use in the late 20th century.<br />

See Continuation Sheet /25

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