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National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...

National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...


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III ‘11111 ijPIII NI 111-I 1111111<br />

I iU’i * r’ III .11 Il-I<br />

United States Department <strong>of</strong> the Interior<br />

<strong>National</strong> Park Service For NPS use only<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Register</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Places</strong><br />

Inventory-Nomination Form<br />

received<br />

dale entered<br />

ContinuatIon sheet 18 Item number 7 Page 19<br />

ort Road cont.<br />

74 Commercial Building ca 1930 : A 1½- and 2-story, shingle neo-Colonial<br />

structure with end-gamb rd pavilions at each end <strong>of</strong> a gable-ro<strong>of</strong><br />

central section. Its p late-glass storefronts are sheltered by a<br />

veranda recessed under the end pavilions and covered by a shed ro<strong>of</strong><br />

fronting the central section.<br />

NC 75 Commercial Building 1960s : A<br />

by a low-pitch cross -gable ro<strong>of</strong>.<br />

a pent ro<strong>of</strong> across the f;icade , an<br />

stairs and decks providing access<br />

76 Watch Hill Beach Associa ti on Since the mid -19th century, bathhouses<br />

have been located near this site to serv e bathers at Napatree Beach.<br />

The present structures are replacements erected after the destruct:ive<br />

hurricanes <strong>of</strong> 1938 and 1954..<br />

NC- A Cabanas Ca 1955<br />

<strong>of</strong> composition-hoard<br />

NC: B Cabanas and<br />

building on<br />

pavilion on<br />

- I C HT I-Ifl I SE ROAD<br />

2-story,<br />

it is s<br />

d has a<br />

to the<br />

tion includes hay and picture windows.<br />

rectangular structure covered<br />

et end to the street, with<br />

first-floor deck and exterior<br />

second floor. The fenestia<br />

A i-story structure on wood pilings constructed<br />

panels, with a low-pitch shed ro<strong>of</strong>.<br />

Snack Bar Ca<br />

wood pilings,<br />

i9s*: A 1-story, fiatconstructed<br />

<strong>of</strong> plywood.<br />

and<br />

It<br />

shed-ro<strong>of</strong><br />

has a glazed<br />

the north side which houses a snack bar during the summer.<br />

77 Taurento ca 1907; attributed to Edward F. Hinkle, architect Th .i. 5<br />

white -painted shingle dwell ing is an oversize hung alow with a massive<br />

saltbox-pr<strong>of</strong>ile gable ro<strong>of</strong> encompassing its second story and a t tic.<br />

Its architectural treatment refl ects the influences <strong>of</strong> English Arts<br />

and Crafts and Colonial Revival design. The house is set with a gable<br />

end facing the street - The facade conta ins an <strong>of</strong>f-center entrance<br />

sheltered by a columned, gable-ro<strong>of</strong> Cob niai Revival portico and<br />

artfully pictur esque , as ymuietrlcab fenes tration o.f multi -pane windows<br />

a r ranged singly and in g roups including a flat-top Palladian mot.i F<br />

over the ent rancc,<br />

wi th narrow side lights flanking a single, regim I ar<br />

window - Detai ling incl udes wi ndow boxes and a shal low, shin g led<br />

window hood<br />

a recessed,<br />

tha t flares out<br />

glazed porch on<br />

gently from th e<br />

the s.i de facin g<br />

wall surface. Th crc is<br />

toward the ocean - The<br />

house ‘.s contained mass is broken by a shor t gable-ro<strong>of</strong> pavili on on<br />

the inland side and by shed clormers. This is one <strong>of</strong> several res i -<br />

dences built by the Griscom fami ly- in this vicinity - It was apparently<br />

rented out for seasonal use<br />

-See Continuation Sheet #19

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