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National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...

National Register of Historic Places - Rhode Island Historical ...


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NI’S l,IU’, III’ThI a - -<br />

United States Department <strong>of</strong> the Interior<br />

<strong>National</strong> Park Service<br />

<strong>National</strong> <strong>Register</strong> <strong>of</strong>-<strong>Historic</strong> <strong>Places</strong><br />

Inventory-Nomination Form<br />

For NPS use onty<br />

received<br />

dale entered<br />

I MIl N’, In,’,i 111111<br />

I * III II II<br />

Continuatpon sheet 13 Item number 7 Paqe 14<br />

Bluff Avenue cont.<br />

It has a symmetrical S-bay facade with a central entrance,<br />

entrance porch with a ro<strong>of</strong> balustrade, side porches, four<br />

chimneys, a modillion cornice, and hip-ro<strong>of</strong> dormers . The<br />

constructed as a summer residence for A. Clifford Shinkle,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Central Trust Company <strong>of</strong> Cincinnati.<br />

a columned<br />

end - wall<br />

house was<br />

president<br />

NC 54 House ca 1980: A 2- and 3-story, cubical-mass, flat- and shed-ro<strong>of</strong>,<br />

weathered-clapboard dwelling with large plate-glass windows overlook<br />

ing Block Is land Sound. It is designed in the manner <strong>of</strong> Moore Lyndon<br />

Turnhull Whitaker ‘s Sea Ranch Condominium development in California.<br />

55 Sunnandene 1906: A 2½-story, hip-ro<strong>of</strong>, stucco Tudor<br />

with half-timbering detailing. It has a symmetrical fa<br />

slightly projecting front pavilions Flanking a central<br />

tered by a massive-timber porch. The house was built a<br />

residence for Sophie Moen <strong>of</strong> Boston and was later owned<br />

1-loward Bush <strong>of</strong> Troy, N.Y. , granddaughter <strong>of</strong> Hartford and<br />

resident James L. howard see By- the-Sea<br />

Revival dwei, ling<br />

cade with two<br />

ent rance shel -<br />

s a summer<br />

by Julia<br />

Watch Hill<br />

S6 Watch Hill Union Chapel 1876-77; addition 1887; altered 1902 and<br />

1928; George Keller, original architect : In its present Form this<br />

is a 1-story neo-Coionial structure on a sloping site, with a base -<br />

ment story at grade at the rear and a tall hip ro<strong>of</strong> topped by an<br />

octagonal cupola at the front. A columned entrance porch with a<br />

ro<strong>of</strong> parapet shelters three arched doorways. The exterior waiJs are<br />

now covered with aluminum siding but a triglvph decorative frieze<br />

remains. Originally a Modern Gothic structure with a projecting<br />

end-gabled entrance porch, j igsawn hargehoard and gable-screen trim,<br />

and a st ickwork belfry the chapel was later enlarged in 188 7 by<br />

the cons truction <strong>of</strong> an ide ntic ally detailed, parallel side addition<br />

with its own porch and belfry. In 1902 an organ and pews replacing<br />

chairs were installed inside and in 1928 the exte nor was refurbished<br />

to its p resent state, with<br />

uniform ma ssi.n g and classical detailing.<br />

Only the interior survi yes intact, wi. tli its natural -wood wall finish<br />

U 5C r i he d with blue -amid -gold mottos ‘Iii e clia pa I society was organ i z ed<br />

in 187 S by nine year-ro und and s imnime r residents. George M. Nash,<br />

own er <strong>of</strong> the<br />

‘ihe original<br />

Ocean House hotel<br />

chapel, meas ii r i n g<br />

gave<br />

30 by<br />

the society the lot in 1876.<br />

60 f act, was subsequently built<br />

and dedicated on 18 July .t 8 7 7 For many years the Sunday schedule<br />

included an early morning - Roma Catholic mass, a i.ate-morn ng non -<br />

denominational Protestant service, and early-evening servIce s f o -r<br />

blacks in the basement. The chapel now measures 90 by 100 fe et and<br />

has<br />

the<br />

a seating<br />

organ and<br />

capacity <strong>of</strong> 700. it is noted for the<br />

chamber-quartet music that constitutes<br />

high qual ity<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

services.<br />

See Continuation Sheet 1114

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