desert bugs - Top That! Publishing

desert bugs - Top That! Publishing

desert bugs - Top That! Publishing


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Abdomen<br />

The rear part of the body behind the thorax.<br />

Antenna<br />

One of a pair of mobile appendages on the heads of<br />

insects (plural: antennae) that often respond to touch<br />

and taste, but may be specialised for swimming.<br />

Aquatic<br />

Lives in or near water.<br />

Arachnid<br />

A group of insects including spiders, scorpions, mites<br />

and ticks.<br />

Arthropod<br />

Animals lacking a backbone, such as insects, spiders<br />

and crustaceans.<br />

Bacteria<br />

A large group of typically single cell microorganisms,<br />

many of which cause disease.<br />

Camouflage<br />

The means by which animals escape the notice of<br />

predators.<br />

Cephalothorax<br />

A combined head and thorax.<br />

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Colony<br />

A community of insects of one kind living together.<br />

Compound eye<br />

Insect eye consisting of numerous small visual units.<br />

Diapause<br />

A process that makes insects inactive in cold climates.<br />

Disease<br />

An illness or sickness where normal physiological<br />

function is impaired.<br />

Exoskeleton<br />

A rigid external skeleton.<br />

Fossilise<br />

To convert or be converted into a fossil.<br />

Glycerol<br />

A chemical produced by insects that acts as antifreeze.<br />

Hemiptera<br />

A large order of insects that have piercing, sucking<br />

mouthparts.<br />

Hibernate<br />

To pass the winter in a dormant condition with<br />

metabolism greatly slowed down.

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