A study case on coffee (Coffea arabica): Limu Coffe - IRD

A study case on coffee (Coffea arabica): Limu Coffe - IRD

A study case on coffee (Coffea arabica): Limu Coffe - IRD


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In <strong>Limu</strong> Kosa, the average better-off smallholder owns <strong>on</strong>e hectare of <strong>coffee</strong> located in<br />

its home garden (and agro-forest plots in a lesser way) and in which he produces<br />

approximately 20 quintals (a bulk of selected varieties). This <strong>coffee</strong> represents less than a half<br />

of his total farm area. The n<strong>on</strong>-<strong>coffee</strong> area is dedicated to other crops, especially maize. That<br />

corresp<strong>on</strong>ds to model farmers I could meet around Genet in Sunxxu farmers’ associati<strong>on</strong>. This<br />

average profile has to be c<strong>on</strong>sidered as the upper limit of the whole peasants’ profiles.<br />

Whereas poorest households are characterized by a lack of land reducing their farmland<br />

around home, and by some agro-forest trees producing low yields. In <strong>Limu</strong> Kosa, they<br />

represent the bulk of producers 52<br />

.<br />

Our sample represents 14% of the whole <strong>Limu</strong> Kosa producers (3,762 <strong>on</strong> 27,004).<br />

Made of better-off producers more or less taking the innovati<strong>on</strong> and representing the upper<br />

limits met by the whole producers (c<strong>on</strong>cerning land property and yields), this sample reveals<br />

the moti<strong>on</strong>s and trends defining <strong>Limu</strong> Kosa producing framework.<br />

Illustrati<strong>on</strong> 25: Average number of <strong>coffee</strong> plots per member household according to the kebele 53<br />

(prod: Bossolasco, 2009)<br />

52 Refer 4.2.3) Agricultural practices of small-scale farmers<br />

53 Decimals d<strong>on</strong>’t have any sense regarding to plots number. These numbers have been rounded to unity. For<br />

example, 1.2 plots mean that farmers of the kebele tend to own 1 plot even if few <strong>on</strong>es own more.<br />


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