A study case on coffee (Coffea arabica): Limu Coffe - IRD

A study case on coffee (Coffea arabica): Limu Coffe - IRD

A study case on coffee (Coffea arabica): Limu Coffe - IRD


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field) committee which is a measurement committee. Its mandate is to measure each farmer<br />

land to deliver a descripti<strong>on</strong> of his holdings (size of land). This step is realized <strong>on</strong> demand of<br />

farmers, but free of charge. Then peasants take this small descripti<strong>on</strong> to WARDO that certify<br />

them, reporting weekly or m<strong>on</strong>thly to Jima’s ZARDO which reports to Oromia Regi<strong>on</strong><br />

Government. This latter sends certificati<strong>on</strong> cards back to WARDO giving to farmers (from a<br />

WARDO expert, 30 th June 2009).<br />

Illustrati<strong>on</strong> 24: Small scale farmer land certificate<br />

(Bossolasco, 26 th August 2009)<br />

4.3.3) An insight to the <str<strong>on</strong>g>study</str<strong>on</strong>g> area agrarian history<br />

This secti<strong>on</strong> exclusively lays <strong>on</strong> Markakis and Ayele (1978) then Bay<strong>on</strong> and Placet<br />

(2000) works and aims to give light <strong>on</strong> the current framework of rural activities:<br />

Ethiopia is historically divided into two distinct regi<strong>on</strong>al profiles: North and South 30<br />

.<br />

Roughly speaking, the north sheltered the Christian kingdom whereas the south, where were<br />

found the five Gibe sultanates, under Oromo territories were Muslim territories which have<br />

been progressively c<strong>on</strong>quered at the end of 19 th century by the king of Shewa, then Emperor,<br />

Menelik II. Let us first give a brief insight of north rules to better understand south <strong>on</strong>es as the<br />

southern mode of producti<strong>on</strong> came into being as the result of Amhara c<strong>on</strong>quests and<br />

spoliati<strong>on</strong> during the last quarter of 19 th century:<br />

The foundati<strong>on</strong> of the feudal system was the peasant’s right to a share of land derived<br />

from his membership in the kinship group. Land held under this right was known as rist 31<br />

and<br />

the holder as ristegna. Rist was hereditary, inalienable and inviolable, therefore highly valued.<br />

Ristegna didn’t forfeit his right even through permanent absence from his native land. The<br />

aristocracy and the ecclesiastical hierarchy, not engaged in any productive activity, were<br />

30 Separated by a curved line formed by the Blue Nile and Awash rivers with Addis Abeba at the centre.<br />

31 Amharic.<br />


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