A study case on coffee (Coffea arabica): Limu Coffe - IRD

A study case on coffee (Coffea arabica): Limu Coffe - IRD

A study case on coffee (Coffea arabica): Limu Coffe - IRD


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about sebsabies’ marge?” No, I d<strong>on</strong>’t. Moreover there is an annual government tax (merchant<br />

tax): 30% of total producti<strong>on</strong> which is paid after trading time according to a grade given<br />

according to the amount:<br />

. Grade A: > 1 000 000 birr earned due to <strong>coffee</strong> trade: from August<br />

. Grade B: > 500 000 birr earned due to <strong>coffee</strong> trade: from July<br />

. Grade C: < 500 000 birr earned due to <strong>coffee</strong> trade: from June<br />

The same system, but with quality instead of quantity criteria, could incite akhrabies<br />

to give more attenti<strong>on</strong> to quality.” 3 rd July 2009.<br />

A thirty-four- years-old Genet akhrabie: “Farmers ask me credit and I pay for their<br />

future harvest, but at picking time I meet a lot of problems <strong>on</strong> quality: they dry <strong>coffee</strong> directly<br />

<strong>on</strong> soil and therefore mix parasite elements of this soil in the bags (branches, st<strong>on</strong>es, leaves,<br />

mud), then they d<strong>on</strong>’t dry correctly and often put <strong>coffee</strong> in n<strong>on</strong> adequate bags preventing air<br />

circulati<strong>on</strong> which provokes with high humidity the <strong>coffee</strong> fermentati<strong>on</strong> inside these bags”. 5 th<br />

September 2009.<br />

WARDO<br />

<strong>Limu</strong> Genet WARDO expert: “The market is not asking about quality, always it is<br />

quantities. Who cares about <strong>coffee</strong> quality in Ethiopia?” 27 th June 2009.<br />

Locally, quality dynamism lies <strong>on</strong> the shoulders of akhrabies, whose local and<br />

especially Addis Abeba clients ask and pay according to quality, and of WARDO 13<br />

officers<br />

through their development agents assisting model farmers, their Farmer Training Centres and<br />

Dem<strong>on</strong>strati<strong>on</strong> Sites, and of every unit supervising or influencing <strong>coffee</strong> producers as state<br />

farms. But peasants are not incited to produce quality because no difference is made <strong>on</strong> it by<br />

collectors, generally focusing in quantity. If efforts are not rewarded, why shall they suffer?<br />

Other <strong>coffee</strong> channels as service cooperatives and cooperative uni<strong>on</strong>s pay according to<br />

quality. This way, farmers who are members of active service cooperatives selling to uni<strong>on</strong>s<br />

as the powerful Oromia <strong>Coffe</strong>e Farmers Cooperative Uni<strong>on</strong> and the arising <strong>Limu</strong> Inara Multi-<br />

13 Refer 6.1.1) Functi<strong>on</strong> and role of each actor of the value chain.<br />


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