Green Hope Farm Flower Essence Suggestions For Common ...

Green Hope Farm Flower Essence Suggestions For Common ...

Green Hope Farm Flower Essence Suggestions For Common ...


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Spiritual Evolution:<br />

In general: all Camino Collection <strong>Essence</strong>s, Dandelion, Alchymist Rose<br />

Spiritual growing pains: Coltsfoot<br />

Spiritual Fatigue: Caretaker, Rosa Mundi, Stanwell Perpetual Rose, Alchymist Rose<br />

Spiritual Flexibility: Coltsfoot<br />

Spiritual Freedom: Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean<br />

Spiritual Growth, activates: Belerephon of the Open Door, Hops<br />

Spiritual Housecleaning: Phoenix Rising<br />

Dark night of the soul: Swamp Candles<br />

Spiritual Information: To Hear the Angels Sing<br />

Harbinger of change, opens door to higher dimensions: Belerephon of the Open Door<br />

Spiritual Journey:<br />

Courage to take the first step: Roncesvalles<br />

Trusting your life!s pacing: Arre<br />

Lightening your energetic load, being clear whom you travel forward with & who can actually support your growth: Puente la Reina<br />

Faith in the emptiness before the dawning of the next chapter when you will find your community: Belorado<br />

Realizing we can create an oasis of joy during bleak stretches in our lives: Mazarife<br />

Seeing below surface of situation being energetically discerning about gifts and red herrings: Manjarin<br />

Finding courage to let old patterns go even as we don!t know what our life will look like without them: Trabadelo<br />

Finding the strength to leave behind people and places that you have loved but are not part of your growth as a soul: O!Cebreiro<br />

<strong>For</strong> moments of false endings when the spiritual journey is ongoing: Santiago<br />

Support when the soul is at the end of a long process of laying down major paradigms of this or other lives: Fisterra<br />

Kickstart for spiritual journey: Belerephon of the Open Door, Tuberose<br />

Spiritual growing pains: Coltsfoot<br />

Recognizing we are all on a spiritual journey: Galicia, Carouby de Maussane Pea<br />

When spiritual path seems disconnected from your daily life: Spruce, Passion <strong>Flower</strong><br />

Feeling of waiting: Arre, Rosa Mundi, Stanwell Perpetual Rose, La Belle Sultane Rose, Omey Island, Thyme from Omey Island<br />

Intake of new ideas flooding system, downloading information from chakras above our heads: Spruce<br />

Only feeling okay when alone or in nature: Loving What Is, Quatre Saisons Rose<br />

Journey beyond paradigm of good guys-bad guys to union: Cherokee Trail of Tears<br />

Support from those who have gone before us when we are suffering on the journey: Cherokee Trail of Tears, The Sunflower Spiral<br />

Confidence everything is unfolding as it is meant to unfold: White Water Lily, Scarlet Pimpernel<br />

Living from your heart and feeling of good cheer no matter what obstacles arise on your spiritual journey: Wild Thift<br />

Experiencing your spiritual journey as a blossoming not one hurdle after another: Alchymist Rose<br />

Encouragement and a replenishing of love on your journey: Quatre Saisons Rose, Stanwell Perpetual Rose<br />

Spiritual wake up call: Belerephon of the Open Door, La Belle Sultane Rose, Day Lily, Morning Glory<br />

Spiritual Retreat: Moonlight Datura<br />

Spiritual Roadmaps:<br />

Finding our place on the map: Sage<br />

Finding our place on the map in a crisis: Russian Sage<br />

Having others put us on their map: Celandine, Turk!s Cap Cactus<br />

Revising our spiritual map of the world: Coltsfoot<br />

Spiritual Shifts: Boneset<br />

Spiritual Support: The Sunflower Spiral, Joe Pye Weed<br />

Spiritual Thread:<br />

Following the spiritual thread in a situation: Vetch<br />

Holding the spiritual thread in a conversation especially when it has gotten contentious: Royal Ponciana

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