Green Hope Farm Flower Essence Suggestions For Common ...

Green Hope Farm Flower Essence Suggestions For Common ...

Green Hope Farm Flower Essence Suggestions For Common ...


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Discouragement: Borage, Alex MacKenzie Rose, Grape, Crab Apple<br />

Disequalibrium:<br />

Physical disequilibrium: Chinese Hat Plant<br />

Stability during radical change: Psychilis Macconnelliae Orchid<br />

Dishonesty: To Thine Own Self be True, Borage, Mary Queen of Scots Rose<br />

Disorientation: Grounding, Russian Sage, Sage, Chinese Hat Plant, Maple, Spruce<br />

Dissatisfaction: Crab Apple, Grape<br />

Divine Blueprint: Sago Palm, Vanda Orchid, Avocado, Larkspur<br />

Divine Identity:<br />

Rooted in divine identity: Red Mangrove, Yellow Water Lily<br />

Knowing divine identity: Agnes Rose, Sunflower, The Alignment Garden, To Hear the Angels Sing, Self Heal, Meadowsweet<br />

Knowing divine strength: Titan<br />

Experiencing equal divinity of partner and self: Partridgeberry<br />

Staying grounded in divine identity during growth spurts: Heavenly Bamboo<br />

Staying grounded in divine identity when traumatic events challenge you: Osteospermum<br />

Divine Order:<br />

Confidence things are happening in divine order: Coral Pink Rose, White Water Lily<br />

Finding divine order in our lives: Omey Island<br />

Divine order in our physical body: Aloe Ciliaris, Bottlebrush, Larkspur<br />

Divine Plan:<br />

Staying with divine plan: Alex Mackenzie Rose, The Alignment Garden, Lilac, Sweet William<br />

Knowing divine plan: The Alignment Garden, Cedar, Sago Palm<br />

Anchoring in divine plan: Yellow Water Lily<br />

Trusting the divine thumb print for our lives: Lady!s-Thumb<br />

Divine Purpose: Mehera, The Alignment Garden,Cedar, Bermudiana, White Orchid from the Burren, Locust & Wild Honey<br />

Staying centered in our inner guidance, non conforming to external pressures or pressures of old personality habits: Coffee<br />

Genetic freedom in alignment with divine purpose: Date Palm<br />

Divine Will: The Alignment Garden, Lavender, Lilac<br />

Creative self expression in alignment with divine will: Graniana Rose Wild Iris<br />

Divinity in form: The Sacred Feminine<br />

Anchored to divine reality: Red Mangrove<br />

Division between body and soul: Paul Neyron Rose, Claret Cup Cactus, Rosemary<br />

Divorce:<br />

<strong>For</strong> wrenching pain of divorce: Maltese Cross<br />

<strong>For</strong> navigating the break with the least amount of feuding: Mary Queen of Scots Rose, Old Blush China Rose<br />

<strong>For</strong> support to find perspective: Eyes of Mary<br />

Moving through grief to an understanding of what was learned: Seaside Mahoe, Jerusalem Thorn Tree<br />

Releasing guilt and burdensome memories so we can begin anew: Seaside Heliotrope<br />

Dizziness: Chinese Hat Plant<br />

DNA: Date Palm, Vanda Orchid, Bells of Ireland, The Alignment Garden<br />

Dogmatic: All Ego Contracts Null & Void, Crab Apple, Pennyroyal<br />


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