1928 - Monroe County Library System

1928 - Monroe County Library System

1928 - Monroe County Library System


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Central <strong>Library</strong> of Rochester and <strong>Monroe</strong> <strong>County</strong> · Yearbook Collection<br />

A Step Forward—Continued<br />

activities. Teachers were at times wronging pupils; pupils were often wronging<br />

teachers; pupils were occasionally wronging each other. Here was a wide field for<br />

student endeavor.<br />

"Let us have," said these constructive pupils, "a government that will take from<br />

the pupils and give to the faculty the powers that the faculty has through practice<br />

exerted and give to the pupils powers that will remain with them—powers that will<br />

allow them to exert a healthful influence over the fortunes of the school. A committee<br />

of arbitration can protect the rights of pupils in any unfairness in discipline<br />

or in awards for activities, a student finance committee can be a check on the disposal<br />

of the funds of the Students' Association, and a third committee can take up questions<br />

of the reputation, honor, and appearance of East High School."<br />

Confidence that a new student government would have the power and ability to<br />

bring about a better state of school life rested on the hope that a new government<br />

would by home room representation come into direct contact with the student body and<br />

would thereby obtain prestige and influence with the pupils.<br />

But to get this new government: there was the difficulty. The Executive Council<br />

was a degenerate body, having one by one lost the powers originally assigned to it.<br />

It was so devoid of power that it was unable, even under the urging of its president<br />

and leading members, to sign its own death warrant. Because of the organization of<br />

the school government under the Executive Council, there was little hope of a change<br />

being brought about by the usual and expected methods. Action had to come by<br />

spontaneous action of pupils functioning in no official capacity.<br />

The history of the government movement shows that the excitement of the<br />

original campaign for the abolishment of the Executive Council begun by The Clarion<br />

more than two years ago had soon died down, and that an investigation committee<br />

appointed by the president of the Council had failed to hold a single meeting. Work<br />

done by a committee under John Sleight, president of the Students' Association last<br />

year, in re-writing the bulky and out-of-date constitution of the Students' Association<br />

proved in vain, for the results of their efforts were never laid before the Council.<br />

Fully in favor of the new government campaign which The Clarion, under the direction<br />

of its managing editor, Abe Miller, began last term, Albert E. Arent, president<br />

of the Students' Association, attempted to have the Council take action on substituting<br />

a superior form of government, but he soon found that the machinery of the Council<br />

was too weak to allow any decisive action to be taken.<br />

It was this term, with Miss Helen Hess, editor-in-chief of The Clarion, trying to<br />

stir up feeling through the columns of the school publication, that a triumvirate met<br />

to institute some independent and unofficial action for rousing the student body from<br />

sluggishness in school affairs. Miss Hess, Albert E. Arent, and formed the group<br />

that set about the momentous task. Frequent meetings resulted in a clear idea<br />

of a new government, and during the Easter vacations a detailed constitution was<br />

written. In less than a month the triumvirate was ready to gather a corps of homeroom<br />

workers, and to make the first concentrated effort for the adoption of a<br />

radically-changed government.<br />

Unquestionably their efforts have resulted in a step forward. Whether their confidence<br />

in the ability of East High pupils to govern themselves sincerely and well is<br />

justified, remains to be learned from the results of this long and difficult struggle.<br />


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