a pharmacological review on vetiveria zezanioides - International ...

a pharmacological review on vetiveria zezanioides - International ... a pharmacological review on vetiveria zezanioides - International ...


374 International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2249-6793 International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences 2(4): July-August 2012 IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL JJOOUURRNNAALL OOFF UUNNIIVVEERRSSAALL PPHHAARRMMAACCYY AANNDD LLIIFFEE SSCCIIEENNCCEESS Pharmaceutical Sciences Received: 13-08-2012; Revised; Accepted: 19-08-2012 Review Article……!!! A PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEW ON VETIVERIA ZEZANIOIDES Suralkar Anupama A.*, Kamble Rahul D., Rodge Kishor N., Shaikh Haidarali Department of Pharmacology, Padm. Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research, Pimpri, Pune-18, M.S., India Keywords: ABSTRACT Vetiveria zizanioides, Vetiveria zizanioides is belonging to Poaceae family. It is antioxidant, antifungal, antimicrobial well known plant from south India and widely distributed in India, Burma, Ceylon, and spread from Southwest Asia to tropical Africa. Vetiveria zizanioides commonly known as For Correspondence: khas khas, khus, vetiver, Vala in different languages. Root of Suralkar Anupama A. Vetiveria zizanioides have been suggested in the Indian Department of Pharmacology, system of medicine for a number of diseases. These includes Padm. Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences & as decoction in high fever, inflammation and sexual disorder, as paste in diarrhoea, chronic dysentery and in ayurvedic preparations and as juice in anthelmentic. This plant was Research, Pimpri, Pune-18, screened ong>pharmacologicalong>ly for antibacterial, antifungal, M.S., India anticataleptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory and anti- E-mail: arthritic activity. This will be creating helpfulness towards anupamaas@rediffmail.com this medicinal plant and for preparation of different ayurvedic formulation with more therapeutic and economic consideration in treatment of various diseases. Full Text Available On www.ijupls.com

374<br />

Internati<strong>on</strong>al Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2249-6793<br />

Internati<strong>on</strong>al Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Life Sciences 2(4): July-August 2012<br />



Pharmaceutical Sciences<br />

Received: 13-08-2012; Revised; Accepted: 19-08-2012<br />

Review Article……!!!<br />


Suralkar Anupama A.*, Kamble Rahul D., Rodge Kishor N., Shaikh Haidarali<br />

Department of Pharmacology, Padm. Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research,<br />

Pimpri, Pune-18, M.S., India<br />

Keywords:<br />


Vetiveria zizanioides, Vetiveria zizanioides is bel<strong>on</strong>ging to Poaceae family. It is<br />

antioxidant, antifungal,<br />

antimicrobial<br />

well known plant from south India and widely distributed in<br />

India, Burma, Ceyl<strong>on</strong>, and spread from Southwest Asia to<br />

tropical Africa. Vetiveria zizanioides comm<strong>on</strong>ly known as<br />

For Corresp<strong>on</strong>dence: khas khas, khus, vetiver, Vala in different languages. Root of<br />

Suralkar Anupama A. Vetiveria zizanioides have been suggested in the Indian<br />

Department of Pharmacology, system of medicine for a number of diseases. These includes<br />

Padm. Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute<br />

of Pharmaceutical Sciences &<br />

as decocti<strong>on</strong> in high fever, inflammati<strong>on</strong> and sexual disorder,<br />

as paste in diarrhoea, chr<strong>on</strong>ic dysentery and in ayurvedic<br />

preparati<strong>on</strong>s and as juice in anthelmentic. This plant was<br />

Research, Pimpri, Pune-18, screened <str<strong>on</strong>g>pharmacological</str<strong>on</strong>g>ly for antibacterial, antifungal,<br />

M.S., India<br />

anticataleptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory and anti-<br />

E-mail:<br />

arthritic activity. This will be creating helpfulness towards<br />

anupamaas@rediffmail.com<br />

this medicinal plant and for preparati<strong>on</strong> of different ayurvedic<br />

formulati<strong>on</strong> with more therapeutic and ec<strong>on</strong>omic<br />

c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> in treatment of various diseases.<br />

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375<br />

Internati<strong>on</strong>al Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2249-6793<br />

Vetiveria zizanioides, (Poaceae) also known as khus, khas or khus grass, is native to India. The<br />

vetiver grass has a gregarious habit and grows in bunches. It is a densely tufted grass, with l<strong>on</strong>g,<br />

thin and rigid leaves and can grow uto 1.5 meters high 1 . The grass grows well in rich marshy soil<br />

that is found throughout the plains and lower hills of India, especially <strong>on</strong> the riverbanks. The<br />

plant is different from the other grass forms, in that instead of having mat-like root systems, The<br />

plant grows in large clumps from a branched ‘sp<strong>on</strong>gy’ rootstock with erect culms 2 . It has been<br />

cultivated l<strong>on</strong>gest for the scented oil produced by its roots as well as for the ability of the plant to<br />

retain soil and prevent erosi<strong>on</strong> 3,4 . The plant is well known for its oil that is used in medicine and<br />

perfumery. Roots for preparing Sharbat (sherbet) or soft drink during summer, especially in<br />

North India. Al<strong>on</strong>g with this, Khas Khas is also used for cooling purposes, flavoring sharbats,<br />

and making mats, hand fans etc 5 .The antioxidant property also reported.The roots having the<br />

refrigerant, febrifuge, diaphoretic, stomachic and immunogogue property 6 .<br />


Kingdom :Plantae<br />

Order :Poales<br />

Family :Poales<br />

Genus :Vetiveria<br />

Species :Vetiveria zizanioides<br />

Figure 1 : Vetiveria zizanioides nash plant.<br />

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Comm<strong>on</strong> Names 7 .<br />

Tamil - Lamichamver; Vettiver<br />

Kannada - Vettiveeru; Laamanche;<br />

Sanskrit - Abhaya; Amrinala;<br />

Hindi - Bala; Balah; Bena.<br />

Urdu - Khas.<br />

Bengali - Khas-Khas.<br />

Gujarati - Valo.<br />

Marathi - Vala; Khas-Khas.<br />

Punjab - Panni<br />

Syn<strong>on</strong>ym: 8<br />

Andropog<strong>on</strong> zizanioides Linn.<br />

Andropog<strong>on</strong> squarrosus Hack.<br />

Andropog<strong>on</strong> muricatus Retz.<br />

Andropog<strong>on</strong> nardus Blanco.<br />

Andropog<strong>on</strong> nigritanus Stapf.<br />

Andropog<strong>on</strong> festucoides Presl.<br />

Agrostis verticillata Lam.<br />

Phalaris zizanioides Linn.<br />

Other species from <strong>vetiveria</strong> genus: 8<br />

V. arguta (Steud.) C.E. Hubb.,<br />

V. el<strong>on</strong>gata (R. Br.) Stapf,<br />

V. filipes (Benth.) C.E. Hubb.,<br />

V. filipes (Benth.) C.E. Hubb. var. arundinacea (Reeder) Jansen,<br />

V. fulvibarbis ( Trin.) Stapf,<br />

V. intermedia S.T. Blake,<br />

V. laws<strong>on</strong>i (Hook.f.) Blatter & McCann,<br />

V. nigritana(Benth.) Stapf,<br />

V. pauciflora S.T. Blake,<br />

V. rigida B.K. Sim<strong>on</strong><br />

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377<br />

Internati<strong>on</strong>al Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2249-6793<br />

Part used Roots and Leaves<br />

Colour and odour Pale yellow with earthy, smokey odor<br />

Solubility Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and oils.<br />


Vetiveria c<strong>on</strong>sist of bioactive molecule such as flavanoids, alkaloids, Triterpenes include<br />

vetiv<strong>on</strong>e, Khusimene, Khusim<strong>on</strong>e, 3-epizizanol, Epizizanal, 5-epiprezizane, Khusimol, Iso-<br />

khusimol, Cadinene, Valencene, Calarene 1 .<br />


Antibacterial activity:<br />

Suaib Luqman et al., found that hexane extract of inflorescence, intact roots and spent roots,<br />

up<strong>on</strong> hydrodistillati<strong>on</strong> extracting the essential oil from Vetiveria zizanioides L. in two genotypes<br />

(gulabi and KS-1), were evaluated for antibacterial activity against wild-type and drug-resistant<br />

strains of Mycobacterium smegmatis and Escherichia coli using disk diffusi<strong>on</strong> and micro-broth<br />

diluti<strong>on</strong> methods. The results showed that Vetiveria zizanioides cv gulabi has better inhibitory<br />

activity against drug-resistant strains of M. smegmatis and E. coli, as compared with KS-1. The<br />

results suggest DNA gyrase inhibitory acti<strong>on</strong>, because the strains resistant to quinol<strong>on</strong>es due to<br />

gyrase mutati<strong>on</strong>s are sensitive to the extracts 9 .<br />

Antioxidant activity:<br />

Subhadradevi V et al., studied antioxidant activity and results of in vitro study had shown that<br />

both the tested essential oils possessed antioxidative characteristics including 2,2‘-azino-bis (3-<br />

ethylbenz-thiazoline-6-sulf<strong>on</strong>icacid) radical-scavenging effect and reducing power. Furthermore<br />

our results indicated that treatment of RAW 264.7 macrophages with Vetiveria zizanioides and<br />

Glechoma hederacea essential oils significantly decreased LPS-induced NO (nitric oxide) levels,<br />

superoxide ani<strong>on</strong> producti<strong>on</strong>, and reduced thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS)<br />

accumulati<strong>on</strong>, increased the GSH level and regulated the antioxidant enzyme activities. The<br />

results showed that Vetiveria zizanioides and Glechoma hederacea essential oils may ameliorate<br />

oxidative stress in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages. Furthermore, both tested essential<br />

oils can prevents LPS-induced DNA fragmentati<strong>on</strong> in RAW 264.7 macrophages, and reduce the<br />

LPS-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages mRNA expressi<strong>on</strong> including iNOS, COX-2, IL-1β,<br />

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Internati<strong>on</strong>al Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2249-6793<br />

TNF-α and IFN-β mRNA expressi<strong>on</strong>. Additi<strong>on</strong>ally, both the tested essential oils can increase<br />

HO-1 mRNA expressi<strong>on</strong> in LPS-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages. The increasing HO-1<br />

mRNA expressi<strong>on</strong> was reported that can protect cells from inflammati<strong>on</strong> 10 .<br />

Antimicrobial activity:<br />

Devprakash et al., proved significant antimicrobial activity at 1000 μg/ml dose against pathogens<br />

namely Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli, Pseudom<strong>on</strong>as aeruginosa, and Bacillus subtitils.<br />

Vetiveria zizanioides traditi<strong>on</strong>ally used for the treatment of various bacterial and fungal<br />

infecti<strong>on</strong>s 11 .<br />

Free radical scavenging activity:<br />

Dhirendra Kumar Tarai et al., performed the Antioxidant activity of ethanolic and ethyl acetate<br />

extracts of Vetiveria zizanioides root was studied for their in vitro free radical scavenging<br />

activity by 1,1- Diphenyl –2 picryl hydrazyl model. The extracts showed significant dose<br />

dependent free radical scavenging activity. The reducing property of Vetiveria zizanioides root<br />

extract indicates that it is capable of d<strong>on</strong>ating hydrogen atoms in dose dependent manner 12 .<br />

Antifungal activity:<br />

Devprakash, Srinivasan KK et al., proved that ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Vetiveria<br />

zizanioides showed the toxicity against all the fungas. The ethanolic extract of plant showed<br />

better antifungal activity than aqueous extract. Minimum inhibitory c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> (MIC) assay<br />

were determined for these two extracts against fungal strain. Vetiveria zizanioides revealed more<br />

antifungal activity against Asperigulls nigar, Asperigulls clavatus. The phytochemical analysis<br />

carried out, revealed the presence of flavanoids, glycosides, phenols, tannins, sap<strong>on</strong>ins and<br />

alkaloids. The results provide justificati<strong>on</strong> for the use of the plants in folk medicine to treat<br />

various infectious diseases 13 .<br />

Analgesic, Anti-Pyretic and Anti-Inflammatory activities:<br />

Uma Shankar Sharma et al., evaluated for the analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory<br />

activities of ethanolic roots extract of Andropog<strong>on</strong> muricatus at 100, 150, 250mg/kg dose in<br />

albino rats following oral administrati<strong>on</strong>. The results showed that the ethanolic extract<br />

significantly reduce the acetic acid induce writhing in analgesic model. Its effects <strong>on</strong> antipyretic<br />

activity were also appreciable it significantly reduces fever at higher doses within 2 hrs. <strong>on</strong> yeast<br />

induce hyperthermia in rats. Edema induced by carrageenan was also significantly reduced<br />

within 1 to 7 hr. post dosing at all the dose levels used<br />

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14 .

Anti-arthritic activity:<br />

379<br />

Internati<strong>on</strong>al Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2249-6793<br />

Tara Shankar Basuri et al., reported The anti-arthritic activity at 200mg/kg dose of root extracts<br />

of Vetiveria zizanioides bel<strong>on</strong>ging to family Poaceae was studied in rats this dose significantly<br />

exert anti-arthritic activity. Root extracts of Vetiveria zizanioides were extracted successively<br />

with petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, chloroform, methanol using soxhlet apparatus and distilled<br />

water by macerati<strong>on</strong>. Each extracts were then subjected for preliminary phytochemical studies,<br />

acute toxicity studies and <str<strong>on</strong>g>pharmacological</str<strong>on</strong>g> investigati<strong>on</strong> for anti-arthritic activity by Fruends<br />

adjuant arthritis model. All the present study reveals that the various extracts of Vetiveria<br />

zizanioides can be used as anti-arthritic drug 1 .<br />


1. Tara Shankar Basuri, Modi Vishal, Anti-arthritic activity of root extracts of Vetiveria<br />

zizanioides. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2011;4(4):1240-1241.<br />

2. Seth SD, Sharma B. Medicinal plants of India. Ind. J. Med. Res 2004;120: 9-11.<br />

3. Nadkarni AK. Indian Materia Medica. Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 2005;Vol-I,:296-297.<br />

4. Khare CP. Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dicti<strong>on</strong>ary. Springer publicati<strong>on</strong> 2007:700.<br />

5. Khare C.P. Indian medicinal plants. An illustrated dicti<strong>on</strong>ary, Springer, (2007).<br />

6. Rang HP, Dale MM, Ritter JM. et al., Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology. 6 th edi. Churchill<br />

Livingst<strong>on</strong>e Publicati<strong>on</strong>, L<strong>on</strong>d<strong>on</strong> 2007: 227-247.<br />

7. Rao RR, Vetiveria zizanioides a multipurpose eco-friendly grass of India 2006:439-442.<br />

8. Introducti<strong>on</strong> to the Genus Vetiveria by Massimo Maffei, Department of Plant Biology,<br />

University of Turin, Viale P.A. Mattioli,25 I–10125 Turin, Italy.<br />

9. Suaib Luqman, Detecti<strong>on</strong> of antibacterial activity in spent roots of two Genotypes of<br />

aromatic grass Vetiveria zizanioides. Pharmaceutical Biology 2005; Vol. 43( 8):732–736.<br />

10. Subhadradevi V, Asokkumar K, Umamaheswari M. et al. In vitro antioxidant activity of<br />

Vetiveria zizanioides root extract. Tanzania Journal of Health Research 2010; Vol 12(2):1-8.<br />

11. Devprakash, Srinivasan KK, Antimicrobial activity of alcoholic and aqueous extracts of<br />

Vetiveria zizanioides. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2011;4(5):1343-1344.<br />

12. Dhirendra Kumar Tarai, Suryakanta Nayak, In vitro free radical scavenging activity of<br />

Vetiveria Zizanioides. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010;3(4):681-683.<br />

13. Uma Shankar Sharma, Evaluati<strong>on</strong> of Anti-Pyretic and Anti-Inflammatory activities of<br />

Andropog<strong>on</strong> Muricatus roots extract. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2010; 3(7):1652-1654.<br />

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