the Equinox - The Hermetic Library

the Equinox - The Hermetic Library the Equinox - The Hermetic Library


July 2nd. 180 THE EQUINOX BEGIN. END. OBJECT. TIME. NO. OF BREAKS. 10.21 a.m. 10.23 a.m. Red Cross 2 m. 10. s. Several breaks of the kind, “Oh, how well I’m doing it.” Seem to have forogtten what very long times I used to do. White triangle 10 m. 20 breaks. [This about harmonic of good; 20 m. 10 breaks is a good performance.] Apas-Âkâsa. [Very difficult: slightest noise is utterly disturbing.] 10.55 a.m. 11.1 a.m. Red Cross 6 m. 7 breaks. [But it is to be observed that a break may be of varying length. I doubt if this was as good as White Triangle supra.] 11.44 a.m. 11.56 a.m. White triangle 12 m. 10 breaks. [Above observation perhaps unimportant, as limit of variability is more or less constant (presumably) between 1901 and now. It will be useless to attempt to devise any means of measuring the length of a break. The only possible suggestion is to count the links in thought back to the object. But I do not think it is worth the trouble.] Note in White Triangle above: I get considerably toward identification of self and objecty. This is probably a good result of my philosophy-work. It will perhaps be more scientific in these tests (and perhaps even in work) to stick to one or two objects and always go on to a special number of breaks—say 10. Then success will vary as time.* 3.14 p.m. 3.20 p.m. White triangle 6 m. 30 s. 6 breaks. Disturbed by carpenter. 10.40 p.m. 11.9 p.m. White triangle 29 m. 23 breaks. [A “break” shall be defined as: “A consciousness of the cessation of the object consciousness.” A simple outside thought arising shall not constitute a “break,” since it may exist simultaneously with the object-consciousness. * This, though a good system, is a difficult one to carry out.

July 3 rd . THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON THE KING It shall be meritorious to perform a rosary upon the Rudraksha-beads at least once (at one time) daily; for why? Because 108 is a convenient number of breaks, and the large number will aid determinations of rate of progress. If it be true, as I suppose, that fatigue to a great extent determines frequency, it will then be perhaps possible to predict a Geometrical Progreession (or Mixed Progression).] BEGIN. END. OBJECT. TIME. NO. OF BREAKS. 10.58 a.m. 11.1 a.m. White triangle. 3 m. 5 breaks. [I am in very bad state—nearly all breaks!—do a little Prânâyâma to steady me.] 11.10 a.m. 11.15½ a.m. White triangle. 5 m. 30 s. 4 breaks. [Sneezed: totally forgot what I was doing. When I reflected, time as above.] 4th. 9.45 a.m. 9.58½ a.m. White triangle 13 m. 30 s. 20 breaks. 10.25 a.m. 10.57½ a.m. Ajna 32 m. 30 s. 20 breaks. 6th. 8th. } [With Mantra. Throbbing at once. “Invaders” nearly all irrational. Strong sub-current of swift thought noted. Quite the old times! Excellent: I require less food and less literary work. I wonder if it would be worth while to try irritaiton of skin over Ajna with tincture of Iodine.] Ill.* 9th. 10.57 a.m. 11.4 a.m. Prânâyâma 7 m. Nose not clear. 11.15½ a.m. 11.18 a.m. Ajna 2 m. 6 breaks. [Hyperæthesia of senses. Various sounds disturbed me much.] 10th. Again ill. 11th. 3.38 p.m. 3.46 p.m. Prânâyâma 8 m. Going easier. 3.48 p.m. 3.51 p.m. White triangle 3 m. 5 breaks. 5.51 p.m. 6.10½ p.m. Ajna 19 m. 30 s. 20 breaks. * N.B. Frater P. did not practise when physically unfit. 181

July<br />

3 rd .<br />


It shall be meritorious to perform a rosary upon <strong>the</strong> Rudraksha-beads<br />

at least once (at one time) daily; for why? Because 108 is a convenient<br />

number of breaks, and <strong>the</strong> large number will aid determinations of rate of<br />

progress.<br />

If it be true, as I suppose, that fatigue to a great extent determines<br />

frequency, it will <strong>the</strong>n be perhaps possible to predict a Geometrical Progreession<br />

(or Mixed Progression).]<br />


10.58 a.m. 11.1 a.m. White triangle. 3 m. 5 breaks.<br />

[I am in very bad state—nearly all breaks!—do a little Prânâyâma to<br />

steady me.]<br />

11.10 a.m. 11.15½ a.m. White triangle. 5 m. 30 s. 4 breaks.<br />

[Sneezed: totally forgot what I was doing. When I reflected, time as<br />

above.]<br />

4th. 9.45 a.m. 9.58½ a.m. White triangle 13 m. 30 s. 20 breaks.<br />

10.25 a.m. 10.57½ a.m. Ajna 32 m. 30 s. 20 breaks.<br />

6th.<br />

8th. }<br />

[With Mantra. Throbbing at once. “Invaders” nearly all irrational.<br />

Strong sub-current of swift thought noted. Quite <strong>the</strong> old times! Excellent:<br />

I require less food and less literary work. I wonder if it would be<br />

worth while to try irritaiton of skin over Ajna with tincture of Iodine.]<br />

Ill.*<br />

9th. 10.57 a.m. 11.4 a.m. Prânâyâma 7 m. Nose not clear.<br />

11.15½ a.m. 11.18 a.m. Ajna 2 m. 6 breaks.<br />

[Hyperæ<strong>the</strong>sia of senses. Various sounds disturbed me much.]<br />

10th. Again ill.<br />

11th. 3.38 p.m. 3.46 p.m. Prânâyâma 8 m. Going easier.<br />

3.48 p.m. 3.51 p.m. White triangle 3 m. 5 breaks.<br />

5.51 p.m. 6.10½ p.m. Ajna 19 m. 30 s. 20 breaks.<br />

* N.B. Frater P. did not practise when physically unfit.<br />


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