the Equinox - The Hermetic Library

the Equinox - The Hermetic Library the Equinox - The Hermetic Library


114 THE EQUINOX (7) Meditation practices on men and things.* (8) Elemental evocations.† (9) Meditation to vivify telesmata.‡ (10) Astral projections§ PHYSICAL WORK. (2) Careful drawings of the Gods in their colours. (6) Figure of Adonai ha Aretz in colour. [See Illustration.] right and left at right angles to the body, in the left hand a gold cup and in right ears of ripe corn. From her shoulders dark spreading wings. y = A deep yellow-green robe, upon the breast of which is a square gold lamen decorated with four scarlet Greek crosses. Round her waist is a broad gold belt upon which in scarlet letters is written the name }rah ynda in the letters of the alphabet of Honorius. Her feet are flesh coloured, and she wears golden sandals. Her long yellow-green drapery is rayed with olive, and beneath her feet roll black clouds lit with lurid patches of colour. How to perform it. (1) Commence with lesser pentagram Banishing Ritual. (2) Formulate rose-cross round room (First, top to bottom; second left to right; third the rose as a circle dextro-rotary). (3) The LVX signs in 5°=6° towards the four cardinal points. (4) Formulate before you in white flashing brilliance the eight letters thus: (5) Attach yourself to your Kether and imagine you see a white light there. (6) Having thus formulated the letters, take a deep breath and pronounce the name slowly making the letters flash (7) Invoke the Telesmatic image. Let it fill the Universe. (8) Then whilst once again vibrating the Name absorb it into yourself; and then will your aura radiate with whiteness. a d { r a j y m d a m y j a r { You should obtain your Divine White Brilliance before formulating the Image. There are two methods, the involving and the expanding whorls respectively. * Similar to the D. A. Mediation Practices. † Similar to Fra. I. A.’s ritual of Jupiter. ‡ This is done by making the telesmata flash by meditation. § This is done by projecting a physical image of the self in front of one by meditation.

DIAGRAM 86. The Flashing Figure of Adonai ha-Aretz.

DIAGRAM 86.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Flashing Figure of Adonai ha-Aretz.

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