by Jill Blackwell Hughes, BA Thesis submitted to the University of ...

by Jill Blackwell Hughes, BA Thesis submitted to the University of ... by Jill Blackwell Hughes, BA Thesis submitted to the University of ...
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[12] The monks should be recalled to the convent from the manors, and the manors should be placed in the keeping of others who are faithful, willing, and able to attend to cultivation. [13] In accordance with an old agreement, the abbot should give, or cause to be given, £4 10s. to the kitchen for the monks at Hilbre Island and Saighton. (14) The prior, and future priors, should remain in the convent according to the rule. [15] The prior should not hunt beasts in the forests. [16] The prior should not use a bow and arrows but should direct his attention to religion. [17] The prior and his fellow monks should dress according to the regulations of the order and the rule. [18] The prior should eat with his brothers in the refectory and keep both meat days and fish days. [19] Silence should be observed. [20] The brothers should not eat and drink outside the refectory or other place when they eat, but the food that remains after dinner should be turned into alms. [21] Certain legal books, or an estimate of their value, bought by the abbot with money from the house should be returned to the monastery. [22] After collation the brothers should not engage in secret feasting and drinking but should go to compline. [23] Br. Matthew de Pentyn, Br. Geoffrey de Bosdoun and Br. John de Gilbesmeire, by whose insolence and malice the peace and tranquillity of the brothers had been disturbed, should be transferred to other houses until the bp. thinks fit to ordain; Pentyn to Coventry, Bosdon to Shrewsbury, Gilbesmere to Hilbre Island. [24] Br. Robert de Markynton should be recalled to the house and remain in the convent. [25] Br. Robert Mareschall, who several times meddled in surgery, or any other monk, should not involve himself in works of that art except through charity to relieve a sick pauper and then, regarding wounds, by no means should he be allowed to make incisions. DECRETUM VISITACIONIS ABBATHIE CESTR'. Walterus permissione divina Coventr' et Lich' episcopus dilectis filiis abbati et conventui monasterii Sancte Werburge Cestr' nostre diocesis salutem graciam et benedictionem. Nuper kalendis Decembris anno Domini M° CCC xv ad monasterium vestrum causa 612

visitacionis inibi exercende ex nostri officii debito declinantes, peracta visitatione nostra ibidem, aliqua tam circa personas quam statum monasterii vestri predicti luculenter invenimus que correctione et reformacione egebant; super illis presenti decreto taliter duximus ordinandum. [1] In primis cum domus vestra ere alieno in presenti graviter oneretur et multo amplius ante finem anni inevitabiliter debeat onerari, statuimus et ordinavimus quod in singulis officiis dicte domus familia inutili sive non necessaria totaliter resecata; abbas sex clericis dumtaxat robas ministret, quinque armigeris seu valletis ad robas suas in monasterio sit contentus, extra monasterium vero non necessaria robe non dentur. [2] Item quod nec abbas nec monachi neque seculares quicumque leporarios auf alios canes habeant infra septa monasterii vel extra sumptibus domus. [3] Item volumus et ordinamus quod decetero dominus-abbas in magnis et arduis negociis majorum et seniorum fratrum suorum et non unius vel duorum dumtaxat consilio utatur. [4] Item quod nec corrodia nec pensiones amodo de doma1 vestra vendantur vel concedantur, nisi ex urgenti causa et necessaria et tunc non nisi de consilio communi et singulorum de capitulo vestro 1. Sic for domo. 613

visitacionis inibi exercende ex nostri <strong>of</strong>ficii<br />

debi<strong>to</strong> declinantes, peracta visitatione nostra<br />

ibidem, aliqua tam circa personas quam statum<br />

monasterii vestri predicti luculenter invenimus<br />

que correctione et reformacione egebant; super<br />

illis presenti decre<strong>to</strong> taliter duximus ordinandum.<br />

[1] In primis cum domus vestra ere alieno in<br />

presenti graviter oneretur et mul<strong>to</strong> amplius ante<br />

finem anni inevitabiliter debeat onerari,<br />

statuimus et ordinavimus quod in singulis <strong>of</strong>ficiis<br />

dicte domus familia inutili sive non necessaria<br />

<strong>to</strong>taliter resecata; abbas sex clericis dumtaxat<br />

robas ministret, quinque armigeris seu valletis ad<br />

robas suas in monasterio sit contentus, extra<br />

monasterium vero non necessaria robe non dentur.<br />

[2] Item quod nec abbas nec monachi neque<br />

seculares quicumque leporarios auf alios canes<br />

habeant infra septa monasterii vel extra sumptibus<br />

domus.<br />

[3] Item volumus et ordinamus quod decetero<br />

dominus-abbas in magnis et arduis negociis majorum<br />

et seniorum fratrum suorum et non unius vel duorum<br />

dumtaxat consilio utatur.<br />

[4] Item quod nec corrodia nec pensiones amodo de<br />

doma1 vestra vendantur vel concedantur, nisi ex<br />

urgenti causa et necessaria et tunc non nisi de<br />

consilio communi et singulorum de capitulo vestro<br />

1. Sic for domo.<br />


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