by Jill Blackwell Hughes, BA Thesis submitted to the University of ...

by Jill Blackwell Hughes, BA Thesis submitted to the University of ... by Jill Blackwell Hughes, BA Thesis submitted to the University of ...
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should die without an heir, the aforesaid tenement with appurtenances wholly should pass to Agnes Mauclerk, sister of William Mauclerk, to have and to hold to her and her lawfully begotten heirs from the bp. and his successors freely, quietly, well and in peace. Moreover, the bp. and his successors will warrant forever the aforesaid 60 acres with appurtenances to the aforesaid William and John for the term of their lives, and also to the aforenamed William son of William, Henry and Agnes and their lawfully begotten heirs. In witness of which the bp. has affixed his seal to this charter. Witnesses, John de Hotot, William de Freford, John de Ashmerbrok, Henry de la More, William le Taverner of Lichfield and others. 797 12 May 1309, London. Dispensation to William de Draco, clerk, aged above fifteen years, that he should be allowed into holy orders and by age default and, since he is known to be very remarkable at the study of letters and in consideration of William de Dacre, knt., his father, that he should be able to receive and lawfully retain a sole ecclesi5stical benefice, with or without cure of souls, by virtue of a faculty granted to bp. Langton by pope Clement V, dated at St Cyr-au-mont-d'or, 22 February 1306, allowing the bp. to grant dispensation allowing into holy orders and by age default four secular clerks to receive a sole benefice, with or without cure of souls, provided that they are fifteen years old, notwithstanding any constitution published to the contrary. 1. William de Dacre, knt., was one of Thomas, earl of Lancaster's retainers, see Maddicott, Lancaster, p. 50. 2. See nos. 832,840,860. 598

DISPENSACIO CLERICI IN DEFECTUM ETATIS. 1 Walterus permissione divina Coventr' et Lych episcopus dilecto nobis in Christo Willelmo de Draco, clerico, salutem in salutis auctore. Litteras graciosas sanctissimi patris domini Clementis divina providencia pape quinti recepimus et habemus sub verborum continencia infrascripta. Clemens episcopus servus servorum Dei venerabili fratri Waltero Coventr' et Lych' episcopo salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Devocionis tue probata sinceritas apud nos et sedem apostolicam mereri dinoscitur ut personam tuam speciali gracia prosequamur hinc est quod nos tuis devotis precibus annuentes fraternitati tuo dispensandi hac vice cum quatuor clericis secularibus patientibus in ordinibus et etate defectum, dum tarnen fuit in quintodecimo etatis sue anno constituti, ut qualibet eorum unicum beneficium ecclesiasticum cum cura vel sine cura possit licite recipere ac libere retinere si ei canonice offeratur, defectu etatis et ordinis ac qualibet constitucione in contrarium editis non obstantibus, plenam et liberam auctoritate presencium concedimus facultatem. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre concessionis infringere vel ei ausu temerario 1. Added by a later hand. 599


permissione divina Coventr' et Lych episcopus<br />

dilec<strong>to</strong> nobis in Chris<strong>to</strong> Willelmo de Draco,<br />

clerico, salutem in salutis auc<strong>to</strong>re. Litteras<br />

graciosas sanctissimi patris domini Clementis<br />

divina providencia pape quinti recepimus et<br />

habemus sub verborum continencia infrascripta.<br />

Clemens episcopus servus servorum Dei venerabili<br />

fratri Waltero Coventr' et Lych' episcopo salutem<br />

et apos<strong>to</strong>licam benedictionem. Devocionis tue<br />

probata sinceritas apud nos et sedem apos<strong>to</strong>licam<br />

mereri dinoscitur ut personam tuam speciali gracia<br />

prosequamur hinc est quod nos tuis devotis<br />

precibus annuentes fraternitati tuo dispensandi<br />

hac vice cum quatuor clericis secularibus<br />

patientibus in ordinibus et etate defectum, dum<br />

tarnen fuit in quin<strong>to</strong>decimo etatis sue anno<br />

constituti, ut qualibet eorum unicum beneficium<br />

ecclesiasticum cum cura vel sine cura possit<br />

licite recipere ac libere retinere si ei canonice<br />

<strong>of</strong>feratur, defectu etatis et ordinis ac qualibet<br />

constitucione in contrarium editis non<br />

obstantibus, plenam et liberam auc<strong>to</strong>ritate<br />

presencium concedimus facultatem. Nulli ergo<br />

omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre<br />

concessionis infringere vel ei ausu temerario<br />

1. Added <strong>by</strong> a later hand.<br />


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