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A Fleport on Activities Under the<br />

National Traffic and Motor Vehicle<br />

Safety Act of 1966 and the<br />

Motor Vehicle Information and Cost<br />

Savings Act of 1972<br />

January 1 ,1977<br />

- December 31 , 1977<br />



National Highway Traffic<br />

Safety Administration<br />

<strong>lltotor</strong><br />

Vehicle<br />

Safietv<br />

1gT7 -<br />

)<br />



This is the I lth annual report on the administration of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety<br />

Act of 1966, and is in fulfillment of the reporting requirements in Section 102 of the Act. The annual<br />

report on bumpers, required by Section I12, Title I, of the Motor Vehicle lnformation and Cost Savings<br />

Act of 1972 also is included in this volume. In addition, the statutory obligations contained in<br />

the Motor Vehicle Information and Cost Savings Act of 1976 with respect to odometer rampering,<br />

and how they are being met, are touched upon in this report.<br />

Part A of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 added to the Motor Vehicle Information<br />

and Cost Savings Act a new Title V, which directs the Secretary of Transportation to set, adjust, and<br />

enforce average motor vehicle fuel economy standards. Two annual reports of activities under this<br />

Act have been submitted to the Congress. This text contains a brief outline of the high points of the<br />

most recent of these reports.<br />

In the 7 years following establishment of a national traffic safety program in 1966, the fatality rate<br />

(the number of deaths per 100 million miles driven) declined steadily from 5.48 to 4.11. Then came<br />

the fuel crisis and the permanent imposition of the national 55-mph maximum speed limit in January<br />

1974. The safety eff'ects were dramatic. In 1974, traffic deaths fell by nearly 9,000, from 54,052 to<br />

45,195; and the fatality rate declined from 4.1 I to 3.52. The fbllowing two years brought little change<br />

in the number of deaths on the highway, but there were some further reductions in the fatality rate,<br />

despite a fairly substantial growth in the number of miles driven. The 55-mph speed limit proved its<br />

value as a fuel economy measure and as a lifesaving measure.<br />

Average speeds soon began inching up, however, and some States reduced or eliminated penalties for<br />

infractions of the law. This, coupled with the growth in traffic volume, raised the number of traffic<br />

fatalities 4.7 percent, to 47,671 in 1977. These are not only statistics, but lives; 3,150 more dead<br />

individuals in 1971 than in 1975,<br />

Increased driving speeds are a major contributor to these fatalities, but the growing automobile<br />

population, the greater number of miles driven, the growing disparity in weight among the vehicles<br />

making up the total inventory, and other factors all play a part. There are more bicycies, mororcycles,<br />

and mopeds on the road. The rising tolls add up to an enormous clrain on the national economy;<br />

the annual direct economic cost is currently estimated to be lnore than $43 billion.<br />

It is possible to estimate what might have happened without the positive effects of the motor vehicle<br />

and highway safety standards and the institution of the 55-mph speed limit. If rhe farality rate had<br />

remained constant since I976, the direct economic cost would probably now exceed $76 biltion each<br />

year, and traffic deaths would approximate 77,000 annually. Many research projects have advanced<br />

the state-of-the-art of traffic safety. Safety devices have been incorporated in vehicles and remedial<br />

measures have been applied to the traffic system. In the period since 1967, the total number of lives<br />

saved by the declining latality rate amounts to some 150,000. Motor vehicle safety standards and improved<br />

highway design have contributed greatly to this reduction. About half of the fatality reduction<br />

since 1974 is attributed to lower speeds, resulting from imposition of the 55-mph speed limit.<br />

This is a saving of 20,000 lives in a 4-year period.<br />

1<br />

-:c]<br />


In spite of those factors that have curbed the highway death toll, traffic fatalities have stubbornly<br />

remained the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. It is a national calamity that the penalties<br />

fall disproportionately on the very young and on those in their most productive years' Traffic<br />

accidents are the number one killer among the 5 to 9-year-olds, and number two among those 9 to 14<br />

years of age. In the 15 to 34-year-old age bracket, highway deaths are the primary killer, accounting<br />

for 38 percent of all deaths among those 15 to 19 years of age, and diminishing to l9 percent of the 30<br />

to 34-year-old category. Other causes, such as heart disease and cancer, push traffic fatalities back to<br />

4th, 6th, and 7th place among those in their late 30's, {6's, and 50's, and to tiny percentages among<br />

the elderly.<br />

The untold human suffering which the traffic death figures represenr, plus the financial burden to<br />

society, make the national traffic safety program worthy of high priority with Federal, State, and<br />

community governments, all branches of the automotive industry, private and public organizations,<br />

and most important of all, with the public.<br />

Specific reporting requirements in the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act are covered in<br />

the Chapters and Appendices listed below:<br />

l. A statistical compilation of the accidents and injuries occurring in the Appendix A<br />

preceding calendar year.<br />

2. A list of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards prescribed or in effect<br />

during the year.<br />

Chapter 2<br />

3. The degree of observance of applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety<br />

Standards.<br />

Chapters 6 and 8<br />

Appendix F<br />

4. A summary of all current research grants and contracts, together with a Chapter I I<br />

description of the problems to be considered by the grantees and contIactors.<br />

Appendix E<br />

5. An analysis and evaluation, including relevant policy recommendations, Chapters l, 4, 5,<br />

of research activities completed and technological progress achieved<br />

during the year.<br />

7 and ll<br />

6. A statement of enforcement actions during the year, including judicial<br />

decisions, settlements, and pending litigation.<br />

Chapters 6 and 8<br />

Appendix F<br />

7. The extent to which technical information was disseminated to the scientific<br />

community and consumer-oriented information was made available<br />

to the motoring public.<br />

Chapters l, 8,<br />

and I I<br />

APpendix D<br />

The statutory reporting requirements with respect to bumpers and odometer tampering are contained<br />

in Chapter 9.<br />

IY<br />



Chapter I Inlroduction<br />

The Record<br />

Motor Vehicle Safety Rulernaking Plan<br />

Priority Programs<br />

Recent Additions to NHTSA Responsibilities . .<br />

Chapter 2<br />

Chapter 3<br />

The Standards Summnry 1977.<br />

Data Acquisition, Analysis, and Reporting<br />

Differential Velocity Crash Recorder<br />

Chapter 4 Crnsh Survivability<br />

Occupant Protection<br />

Vehicle Structures<br />

Pedestrian Protection<br />

Biornechanics<br />

Integrated Vehicle Systems Program<br />

Chrpter 5 Crash Avoldnnce.<br />

Vehicle Handling<br />

Tires and Wheels<br />

Brakes<br />

The Driver and the Vehicle<br />

Chapter 6 Standards Enforcement snd Defects Investigatiorr<br />

Standards Enforcenrent Background. . . . .<br />

The Record<br />

Uniform Tire Quality Grading<br />

Surveillance of Imported Nonconforming Motor Vehicles<br />

Defects Investigation Background<br />

How the Job is Done<br />

NHTSA and rhe Recall Campaigns<br />

Safety Defect Recalls-I977 .....<br />

Safety Campaign Audits<br />

Parts Return Program<br />

Recreational Vehicle Surveys<br />

Engi neering Test Facility<br />

Chapter 7 Automotive Fuel Economy<br />

Summary of Functions and Interagency Relations . . . .<br />

Standards Issued and Proposed . . . .<br />

I<br />

I<br />

4<br />

4<br />

6<br />

l3<br />

r4<br />

l5<br />

l5<br />

l6<br />

t'7<br />

r8<br />

l8<br />

25<br />

)\<br />

26<br />

2'7<br />

28<br />

3l<br />

3l<br />

3l<br />

32<br />

33<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

36<br />

37<br />

3'1<br />

38<br />

39<br />

39<br />

39<br />

.H<br />


Regulations and Compliance . .<br />

Fuel Economy Research<br />

Chapter E Litigation and Administrative Enforcement . ' '<br />

Litigation Highlights, I 977<br />

AdministrativeEnforcement . ' '<br />

Chapter I $pecial Programs<br />

International CooPeration . . . .<br />

No-Damage Bumper System<br />

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Summary<br />

Odometcr Tampering<br />

Chapter l0 The Consumer's Advocate. . . . .<br />

Informing the Press and the Public<br />

ServingtheConsumer . . . .<br />

Chapter 11 Research and How It Is Used.<br />

Analysis, Evaluation, and Dissemination of Research<br />

Current Research Grants and Contracts and the Problems They Address ' ' ' ' . .<br />

Chapter 12 National Motor Vehicle Safety Advisory Council '<br />

Reports<br />

Recommendations .<br />

Chapter 13 Administration ...<br />

Organizational Changes<br />

Management Improvements . . .<br />

CivilRights ..;...<br />



A.<br />

B.<br />

E.<br />

F.<br />

vi<br />

Statistical Compilation<br />

The National Motor Vehicle Safety Advisory Council<br />

I977 Membership .<br />

Funding Tables<br />

Publications of the National Highway Traffic Safety<br />

Administration . ..<br />

Current Research Grants and Contracts and the Problems<br />

TheyAddress ....<br />

Litigation: Calendar 1977 ..<br />

4A<br />

40<br />

43<br />

43<br />

41<br />

45<br />

45<br />

47<br />

47<br />

47<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

5l<br />

5l<br />

51<br />

57<br />

57<br />

58<br />

59<br />

59<br />

60<br />

60<br />

A-l<br />

B-l<br />

c-l<br />

D-l<br />

E-1<br />


TABLES<br />

l. Traffic Fatalities, 196l-1977 viii<br />

2. Analysis of 1976 Traffic Accident Fatalities 3<br />

3. Lives Saved Due to Fatality Rate Reduction . . .<br />

4. National Highway Traf'tic Safety Administration Historical<br />

3<br />

andlegislativeBackground... 6<br />

5. Chronology of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standardsand Regulations ... l0<br />

6. Comparison of Integrated Vehicle System Goals . 19<br />

l. AlternativesAffectingFuelEconomy..... 23<br />

8. Summary of Investigations 1969-19'7'1 . . . . 32<br />

9. Number of Civil Penaltics and Dollar Amounts (1968-1976) 32<br />

10. Summary of Safety Recall Campaigns . 37<br />

I l 1977 Fuel Economy Slandards and Regulations . . 4l<br />

12. 1977 Research Accomplishments and Application<br />

to Motor Vehicle Standards 52<br />

13. Data Acquisition and Statistical Analysis 56<br />


1.55'sthelimit. ,........,i I ,<br />

Z. Air Bag Demonstration . . . 5<br />

3. National Accident Sampling System 14 ::<br />

4. Automatic Safety Belt System 16 i<br />

5. Child and Infant Restraint Systems 16 l<br />

6. Experinental Child Restraint Seat . .<br />

7. Side Impact Testing to Determine a Variety of Deformations . .<br />

l7<br />

l7<br />

I<br />

i<br />

L Adult Male Dummy<br />

9. Experirnental Headlamp Covers to Increase Fuel Economy . . . . .<br />

10. New Minicar RSV Design . . . .<br />

l8<br />

20<br />

20<br />

,<br />

i<br />

j<br />

I l. RSV Phase II Configuration . . 21<br />

12. Section View of VW RSV with Turbocharged Diesel Engine . . . . ZZ<br />

13. VW Turbocharged Diesel Engine Experimental Vehicle 22<br />

14. Portable Wind Generator . .<br />

15. Car-Trailer Combination lllustrating Favorablc Load Equalization<br />

25<br />

26<br />

:<br />

16. Motorcycle Equippcd with Experimental Safety Devices 26<br />

l'7. Ultrasonic Tire Testing System 27<br />

18. Tire Casing Bead Tester 27<br />

19. Testing Saf ety Problems Due to Intermixed Braking Systems 28<br />

20. Testirrg Program to Determine Crash Survivability 32<br />

21. Mopeds*A New Traffic Safety Problem 33<br />

22. NHTSA Deputy Administrator Works His Shift on the Hotline 34<br />

23. Failed Flexible Fan . , . 36<br />

24. Parts Return Program 31<br />

25. Engineering Test Facility 38<br />

26. British Leyland Marina RSV. . 46<br />

27 . Safe Driving in Winter 50<br />

28. Tips on Car Care and Safety for Deaf Drivers-Spanish Version . . . . 50<br />

29. National Highway Traff'ic Safety Administration Organizational Chart 59<br />


Table 1"<br />

Traflic Fatalities, 1961-1977<br />

The fatalities and rates for 1976 and 1977 in this Table represent the latest sfaflsflcs available.<br />

1961<br />

Average annual change<br />

Total change<br />

1S66<br />

1966<br />

Average annual change<br />

Total change<br />

1973<br />

1974<br />

Change from 1973<br />

1975<br />

Change from 1974<br />

1976<br />

Change from 1975<br />

1977 (as of 5/1/78)<br />

Change from 1976<br />

Fatalities*<br />

36,285<br />

+7.0%<br />

+ a0.3%<br />

50,894<br />

50,8S4<br />

+ .9o/o<br />

+6.2oh<br />

54,052<br />

45,196<br />

-16.4%<br />

44,525<br />

* 1.5%<br />

45,523<br />

+2.2o/o<br />

47,671<br />

+ 4.7Vo<br />

Fatality<br />

Rate-<br />

*<br />

4.92<br />

+2.2o/o<br />

+ 11.4Vo<br />

5.48<br />

5.48<br />

*4.O%<br />

-25.0%<br />

4.11<br />

3.52<br />

* 14.4ot'o<br />

3.35<br />

- 4.8o/o<br />

3.23<br />

-3.6%<br />

3.25<br />

+0.6%<br />

Drivers<br />

(mil)<br />

88.7<br />

+2.6V0<br />

+ 13.9%<br />

101.0<br />

101.0<br />

+ 2.7o/o<br />

+203%<br />

121.5<br />

125.4<br />

+32%<br />

129.8<br />

+3.5%<br />

134.0<br />

*3.2o/o<br />

137.9<br />

+2.90/o<br />

Vehicles<br />

(mil)<br />

76.6<br />

+ 4.6Yo<br />

+24.9%<br />

95.7<br />

95.7<br />

+ 4.5o/o<br />

+ 35.8%<br />

130.0<br />

134.9<br />

+ 3.8%<br />

137.S<br />

+2.2oh<br />

143"5<br />

+ 4.1o/o<br />

148.9<br />

+ 3.8D/o<br />

Vehicle<br />

Miles (bil)<br />

737.5<br />

+ 4.7Yo<br />

+25.8Yo<br />

927.9<br />

927.9<br />

+5.1%<br />

+ 41.9'h<br />

1,316.7<br />

1,283.3<br />

-2.5Vo<br />

1,330.8<br />

+3.7o/o<br />

1,409.2<br />

+ 5.9%<br />

1,466.0<br />

+ 4.OVo<br />

SOUFCE-Fatalitlesl 1961-1974, National Center for Health Statistics, HEW, and State accident summaries (adjusted to 30day deaths).<br />

1975-1977, Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS), NHTSA .<br />

Drivers, Vehicles, Vehicle Miles-Federal Highway Administration<br />

*Traltic<br />

fatalities are deaths resulting from motor vehlcte accidents occurring on lrafficways. Statisflcs represent dealhs occurrlng withtn<br />

30 days after the date of the accident.<br />

"Traffic<br />

fatallties per 100 million vehicle miles.<br />

NOTE: Deaths occurring withln 30 days of an accident reprssent approximately 980/o of all trafflc death8,<br />

Vehicles in thls table repre$ent all those regist€red at various points in time durlng the calendar y€er and do not represent those in<br />

usa at any one time.

I cnnprEn I<br />

!<br />


The Record<br />

Traffic accidents are the sixth leading cause of<br />

death in the United States. ln 1977, they claimed<br />

47 ,67 | lives. This national tragedy is compounded<br />

by the fact that most of those killed were the young<br />

and those in their most productive years. Traffic<br />

acciclents are the number one cause of death for<br />

children between the ages of 5 and 9, accounting<br />

for 26 percent of all deaths occurring in that age<br />

bracket. They are the number two cause of death<br />

for children in the 10 to 14 bracket, accounting for<br />

23 percent of all deaths. Between l5 and 34, they<br />

are once again number one, claiming an alarming<br />

38 percent of all those who die in the l5 to l9 age<br />

group and gradually decreasing to 14 percent in<br />

the 30 to 34 year old group. Other causes of death,<br />

such as heart disease and cancer, push traffic<br />

fatalitics to 4th, 6th, and 7th place as a cause of<br />

death for those in their late 30's, {1's, and 50's,<br />

and to tiny percentages among the elderly.<br />

In addition to the thousands who are killed each<br />

year on the highways, hundreds of thousands<br />

more are injured, many seriously, and many permanently"<br />

For example, car crashes are the number<br />

one cause of epilepsy and paraplegia in the<br />

United States.<br />

The direct economic cost to society, currently<br />

estimated at $43 billion annually, is enormous.<br />

This level of financial loss is I l/z times greatet than<br />

the yearly expenditure for building, maintaining,<br />

and operating the entire 3.9 million-mile network<br />

of roads in the United States.<br />

While human suffering cannot be measured, this<br />

factor, coupled with the monetary loss, was the<br />

basis and the impetus of the national traffic safety<br />

program launched by Congress with enactment of<br />

traffic sal'ety legislation in 1966. Since that time,<br />

some historic trends have been altered. as both<br />

motor vehicles and highways have been made safer<br />

through the application of safety technology to the<br />

range of problems that cause accidents and intensify<br />

their severity and effects.<br />

Traditionally, an increase in the number of registered<br />

vehicles has resulted in a corresponding<br />

growth in vehicle miles of travel, and in the number<br />

of traffic deaths. This relationship led to the<br />

adoption of vehicle miles of travel as a basis for<br />

assessing accident trends. From 1945 to 1961,<br />

there was a steady 6 percent annual growth in the<br />

level of vehicle travel, but a smaller increase in the<br />

number of fatalities. The result was a decrease in<br />

the fatality rate (the number of deaths per 100 mil-<br />

Iion miles of travel) for the entire period. Conversely,<br />

during the s-year period 196l through<br />

1966, the number of fatalities increased by 40 percent,<br />

while vehicle miles of travel increased only<br />

26 percent. This resulted in an l l percent jump in<br />

the fatality rate (see ll'able l).<br />

From 1966 through 1973, following the establishment<br />

of a national traffic safety program and<br />

prior to the fuel crisis, traffic fatalities increased<br />

only 6 percent (from 50,894 in 1966 to 54,052 in<br />

1973), a remarkably low increase in view of the 40<br />

percent increase in vehicle miles of travel. This<br />

meant a 25 percent reduction in the fatality rate<br />

(from 5.48 to 4.ll).<br />

Following the fuel crisis in 1973, and imposition<br />

of the 55-mph national maximum speed limit in<br />

January 1974 (Figure l), the number of fatalities<br />

for 1974 dropped to 45,196, compared with 54'052<br />

in 1973 (Table l). This represented a saving of<br />

9,000 lives, and was a major trend reversal in light<br />

of a reduction in highway travel of less than 3 percent.<br />

The lower level of deaths continued during<br />

1975 and 1976 (see Tables I and 2). When consideration<br />

is given to the fact that the availability of<br />

fuel permitted travel to increase during these years<br />

I<br />


t#<br />

utMl<br />

Speed lJmit $rugc.esg,<br />

at the rate of approximately 5 percent a year, it is<br />

apparent that the national 55-mph speed limit has<br />

proved its value as a fuel economy measure and as<br />

a life saving measure.<br />

Average speeds soon began inching up, and some<br />

of the States reduced or eliminated penalties for<br />

infractions of the law. Rising speeds, coupled with<br />

the growth in traffic volume, raised the number of<br />

traffic deaths to 47,671 in 1977. These are not just<br />

statistic$, but lives; 3,150 more individuals dead in<br />

1977 than in 1975.<br />

, r ,rrll: tt4<br />

, ,,,r ttmlF<br />

, futi&:<br />

' irilr, riLt4frl<br />

, r,ri 1nry<br />

. , i,rj4 lS<br />

, t, ,, irr,lki<br />

, I r, lrrlrfl<br />

{lrd $ idH4ttd4f ,it l4Mltydp<br />

ri ufidd<br />

' 'l 'rt a i, rwqlgp rryt<br />

3tr, fi #rd4 lfflfi]{t<br />

' r*l ,rt*,n, fo r,{ ftdlcrd Frtrfted<br />

\ \t le ,l'ff| lt sr ld ${dt,l<br />

Figure 1. 55's the Limit<br />

There is a way by which the value of the traffic<br />

safety effort can be roughly measured. If the fatality<br />

rate had remained constant since 1967, the<br />

direct economic cost would probably now exceed<br />

876 billion each year, and traffic deaths would approximate<br />

77,000 annually. Table 3 demonstrates<br />

what might have happened without the positive<br />

effects of the motor vehicle and highway safety<br />

standards and institution of the 55-mph speed<br />

limit.<br />

z<br />

Many research projects have advanced the stateof-the-art<br />

of traffic safety. Safety devices have<br />

been evolved and incorporated in vehicles in the<br />

manufacturing proces$. Remedial measures have<br />

been applied to the traffic system by means of<br />

numerous Federal, State, and community programs.<br />

Among the more important motor vehicle safety<br />

programs are (1) defect investigations and recalls,<br />

(2) research safety vehicles to advance automotive<br />

safety technology, (3) issuance of the final passive<br />

restraint rule for passenger vehicles, (4) research<br />

and plans to upgrade safety standards for light<br />

trucks and vans, (5) the upgrading of school bus<br />

safety standards, and (6) research to determine<br />

ways of eliminating vehicle hazards, such as truck<br />

underride, battery explosions, and electrical system<br />

failure.<br />

Despite solid gains made over the years, there are<br />

persistent problems that prevent more rapid progress.<br />

To date, Federal rulemaking has not brought

light trucks and vans up to the safety level of<br />

passenger cars, although these vehicles are increasingly<br />

used for both passenger travel and utility<br />

Table 2. Analysis of 1976 Traflic Accident<br />

Fatalities*<br />

1976 Deaths<br />

Motor Vehicle Occupant Fatalities 33,790<br />

Passenger Car 26,645<br />

Truck<br />

6,130<br />

Bus<br />

Oth€r<br />

73<br />

s42<br />

Other Traffic Fatalltles<br />

Pedestrians<br />

Motorcyclists<br />

Pedalcyclists<br />

Other<br />

Total: 1976 Traffic Accident<br />

Fatalities<br />

7,427<br />

3,312<br />

914<br />

80<br />

Source: Fatal Accident Reporting System (FAFS)<br />

NHTSA Traff ic Fatalities (30.day def inition)<br />

11,733<br />

45,523<br />

NOTE: 30day deaths represent approximalely 98% of all traflic<br />

deaths.<br />

'1976 is th6 lat€st year for whlch flnal statistica are avallable,<br />

Year<br />

1967<br />

1968<br />

1969<br />

1970<br />

1971<br />

1972<br />

1973<br />

1974<br />

1975<br />

1976<br />

1977<br />

1967<br />

Rate<br />

5.25<br />

5.25<br />

5.25<br />

5.25<br />

5.25<br />

5.25<br />

5.25<br />

5.25<br />

5.25<br />

5.25<br />

5.25<br />

purposes. The continuing controversy over antilock<br />

brake requirements for large vehicles is limiting<br />

the ultimate safety gains expected from<br />

FMVSS No. l2l.<br />

Seat belt usage, or non-usage, continues to be a<br />

matter of serious concern, as this device protects<br />

the belted+ccupant in a variety of crash situations.<br />

One survey in 16 U.S. cities found that only 18.5<br />

percent of drivers use their belts. At a 70 percent<br />

usage rate, it is estimated that approximately<br />

11,500 lives would be saved annually.<br />

The basic concerns of the National Highway Traffic<br />

Safety Administration (NHTSA) are motor<br />

vehicle and highway safety. To this has been added<br />

the function of issuing and enforcing vehicle fuel<br />

economy standards and the research upon which<br />

to base such standards in the future. These standards<br />

must be established without doing violence to<br />

safety, environmental, and economic considerations.<br />

Emphasis is placed on solutions to problems likely<br />

to produce the most effective results at the lowest<br />

possible cost. The establishment of a rational plan<br />

leading to selection of priorities is essential to this<br />

approach.<br />

Table 3. Llves Saved Due to Fetellty Rets Reductlon<br />

(Irafflc Fatalities-30 Day Deflnition)<br />

Fatalities<br />

(Based on Actual<br />

1967 Rate) Rate<br />

50,724<br />

53,535<br />

55,973<br />

58,487<br />

62,142<br />

66,419<br />

69,'128<br />

67,376<br />

69,865<br />

73,979<br />

76,940<br />

5.25<br />

5.17<br />

5.02<br />

4.72<br />

4.M<br />

4.32<br />

4.11<br />

3.52<br />

3.35<br />

3.23<br />

3.25<br />

Lives Saved<br />

Due to Lives $aved<br />

Actual SSMPH Due to $afety<br />

Deaths Speed Limit Programs<br />

50,724<br />

52,725<br />

53,543<br />

52,627<br />

52,542<br />

54,589<br />

54,052<br />

45,196<br />

44,525<br />

45,50S<br />

47,671<br />

5,070<br />

5,100<br />

4,500<br />

1,600<br />

B;<br />

2,430<br />

5,860<br />

9,600<br />

11,830<br />

15,080<br />

1 7,1 10<br />

20,240<br />

23,970<br />

27,700<br />

Total<br />

Lives<br />

Saved<br />

810<br />

2,430<br />

5,860<br />

9,600<br />

11,830<br />

15,080<br />

22,180<br />

25,340<br />

28,470<br />

29,300<br />

16,270 134,630 150,900<br />

NOTE: 1977 f igures are eslirnated. Statisticel studies incllcale that, while the fatality level remains substantlally lower than the 1973 lev€|,<br />

a growing portion of the saving ls attributable to th6 combinod effect ot all safety standards and programs which meke up thg<br />

national traflic aatetv 6ffort.<br />

q<br />

I<br />

r<br />

I<br />

r l<br />


Motor Yehicle Snfety Rulemaking Plan<br />

During 1977, NHTSA drafted a Motor Vehicle<br />

Safety and Fuel Economy Rulemaking Plan to be<br />

published early in 1978, after review by the Secretary<br />

of Transportation.<br />

With the Secretary's 1977 decision on passive restraints<br />

(discussed in Chapter 4), the most serious<br />

hazard confronting the motoring public (the dangers<br />

associated with frontal crashes only) will be<br />

reduced significantly. When all passenger cars<br />

have been equipped with passive restraints, a<br />

reduction in motor vehicle fatalities approaching<br />

9,0(X) lives per year is anticipated.<br />

The challenge now facing NHTSA is to identify<br />

other areas where the promulgation of safety<br />

standards would significantly enhance the safety<br />

of the public. The existence of a serious problem,<br />

in and of itself, is not a sufficient basis for scheduling<br />

rulemaking. There also must be a reasonable<br />

chance of developing a solution to that problem.<br />

Where problems are recognized and solutions are<br />

not readily apparent, research is required.<br />

In the near-term, there are a number of aspects on<br />

which the agency has been working for several<br />

years, and where feasible solutions are readily<br />

available. Generally, motor vehicle rulemaking<br />

priorities will be in the areas of Occupant Crash<br />

Protection, Light Trucks and Vans, Pedestrian<br />

Safety, and Braking Sysfens.<br />

Having promulgated the passive restraint rule, to<br />

mitigate dangers of frontal crashes, NHTSA will<br />

now emphasize the improvement, of carstocounter<br />

the next most serious cause of injury, side crashes.<br />

Last year, side crashes accounted for more than<br />

I,100 fatalities.<br />

NHTSA proposes to extend passenger car standards<br />

to light trucks and vans. In 1976, almost<br />

5,000 occupants of light trucks and vans suffered<br />

fatal injuries.<br />

In the pedestrian safety area, attention will focus<br />

on accelerated research programs. Rulemaking in<br />

the next 3 or 4 years is expected to have only a<br />

minor impact on fatality levels. Solutions other<br />

than rulemaking, such as highway design and citizen<br />

education, will have a payoff. However, the<br />

unconscionably high level of pedestrian fatalities<br />

(7,400 during 1976) makes full exploration of all<br />

means of increasing pedestrian protection through<br />

vehicle modifications a matter of urgency.<br />

4<br />

NHTSA expects to substantially improve braking<br />

performance of all classes of vehicles. lmprovement<br />

in vehicle braking will lead to commensurate<br />

reduction in both the number and severity of<br />

crashes.<br />

In the process of drawing up the plan, NHTSA<br />

reviewed all pending actions, particularly those<br />

with low priority. As a result, some lg open rulemaking<br />

actions are to be terminated.<br />

Motor vehicle fuel economy rulemaking will continue<br />

along the same lines as in 1977 (see Chapter<br />

7). NHTSA will establish average fuel economy<br />

standards for vans and light trucks under 10,000<br />

pounds gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). Additionally,<br />

emphasis will be on research and development,<br />

coupled with standards reappraisal as additional<br />

data become available.<br />

Priority Progrnms<br />

NHTSA priority programs in 19'77 included (l)<br />

fuel economy, (2) data acquisition, analysis, and<br />

reporting, (3) occupant safety, and (4) defects investigations<br />

and standards enforcement.<br />

Four other 1977 priority programs (reappraisal of<br />

highway safety standards, enforcement of the<br />

55-mph speed limit, alcohol and highway safety,<br />

and pedestrian safety) are discussed in a companion<br />

report "Highway Safety, a Report by the<br />

President on the Administration of the Highway<br />

Safety Act of 1966, as amended."<br />

Fuel Economy<br />

When it passed the Energy Policy and Conservation<br />

Act of 1975, the Congress recognized the<br />

crucial economic and strategic importance to this<br />

country of reducing national dependence on imported<br />

petroleum and conserving our finite fossil<br />

fuel resources. This Act amended the Motor Vehicle<br />

and Cost Savings Act of 1972 to include Title<br />

V, which charges the Secretary of Transportation<br />

with the issuance of standards to improve the fuel<br />

economy of motor vehicles. Authority to administer<br />

the fuel economy program was delegated to the<br />

Administrator of NHTSA.* There have been two<br />

rAIl actions are subject to review by the Sccrctary, the Dcpartnrent<br />

of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency and,<br />

on a case by case basis, the Department of Commerce, the<br />

Council on Wage and Price Stability, the Council on Environmental<br />

Quality, and the Economic Policy Board,

annual reports to the Congress, for 1976 and<br />

1977*, which describe the work done to date; the<br />

standards issued and proposed; the regulations<br />

governing procedures, definitions, and reports;<br />

the comprehensive research program undertaken;<br />

and the effects of the standards on fuel savings<br />

and consumer costs. (See Chapter 7 for the standards<br />

and regulations issued, and the plans and<br />

research undertaken by the NHTSA fuel economy<br />

program).<br />

A NHTSA study, "The Effect of the Fuel Shortage<br />

on Travel and Highway Safety", summarizes<br />

tests on fuel consumption. It estimates that, if the<br />

55-mph speed limit were strictly observed, total<br />

motor fuel consumption could be reduced by as<br />

much as 4 percent (about ?00,000 barrels of gasoline<br />

a day), a savings sufficient to justify the speed<br />

limit solely as an energy conservation measure.<br />

A Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)<br />

study estimated that reduced speeds saved between<br />

.8 and 2.9 percent of total 1975 highway fuel consumption.<br />

Other estimates suggest a reduction of<br />

about I.4 percent in gasoline consumption.<br />

While energy conservation motivated the law,<br />

another benefit became of major importance-a<br />

reduction in traffic fatalities of 9,000 a year, of<br />

which at least half may be attributed to the 55-mph<br />

speed limit. Even though average speeds have increased<br />

sliehtly in 1976 and 1977, the lifesaving<br />

benefit continues.<br />

I)ata Acquisition, Analysls, and Reporting<br />

Progress in traffic safety is dependent upon the<br />

breadth and validity of the data upon which it is<br />

based. A strong analytical foundation is required<br />

to reveal trends, uncover problems, establish<br />

priorities, allocate resources, appraise current and<br />

prospective standards, and formulate better safety<br />

standards.<br />

The National Center for Statistics and Analysis<br />

(NCSA) was established in 1976, incorporating<br />

NHTSA's existing $tatistical unit. Through a graduated<br />

national program of field studies and pilot<br />

tests, NCSA is expanding its ability to collect<br />

timely and reliable accident data on drivers, pedestrians,<br />

vehicles, collision types, injuries, environmental<br />

factors, and exposure. When the statistical<br />

center's programs are fully operational, NHTSA<br />

*Available from<br />

NHTSA.<br />

Ceneral Services Division/Distribution,<br />

will be treating the statistics of highway safety<br />

problems as a whole rather than in fragmented<br />

parts. (See Chapter 3 for details of the statistical<br />

reporting and analysis system).<br />

Occuprnt Safety-Passive Restmints<br />

There are presently two basic approaches to saving<br />

more lives and avoiding serious injuries through<br />

occupant restraint systems. The first is legalistic.<br />

More than 20 nations and twoprovinces of Canada<br />

have enacted mandatory seat belt use laws to increase<br />

usage, and thereby the effectiveness, of<br />

existing seat-belt systems. The other way is to install<br />

automatic passive restraint systems in passenger<br />

cars in place of, or in conjunction with, active<br />

belt systems. These systems are passive in the sense<br />

that no action by the occupant is required to benefit<br />

from the restraint protection. The two forms of<br />

passive restraints that have been commercially<br />

produced are inflatable occupant restraints (commonly<br />

known as air bags) (Figure 2) and passive<br />

belts.<br />

The Secretary of Transportation announced in<br />

June 1977 that FMVSS No. 208 for occupant<br />

Figure 2. Air Bag Demonstration<br />

I ll

crash protection in new passenger cars was being<br />

amended to require the provision of front-seat<br />

"passive"<br />

restraint protection in passenger cars<br />

on a graduated basis, beginning with the largest<br />

cars in September 1981, and including all passenger<br />

cars manufactured on or after September l,<br />

1983. (For additional information on Standard<br />

No. 208, see Chapter 4).<br />

Defects Investigations and Standsrds Enforcement<br />

In addition to enforcing compliance with the established<br />

motor vehicle safety standards, NHTSA<br />

investigates possible safety defects of vehicles and<br />

equipment not covered by safety standards, and<br />

requires the manufacturers to recall such vehicles<br />

or equipment and remedy the safety defects. There<br />

were more vehicles recalled in the United States<br />

for correction of safety defects in1977 than in any<br />

other year in history-26 safety defect recall campaigns<br />

involving 12.9M vehicles. Theroleof standards<br />

enforcement is to test vehicles and equipment<br />

to make certain they comply with the standards<br />

Table 4. National Highway Ttafflc Safety Administration Historicaf and Legistative Background<br />

Year<br />

1924 to<br />

1966<br />

1924<br />

1937<br />

1946<br />

1954<br />

1956<br />

1958<br />

and, if they do not, requiie the manufact*rers to<br />

issue recalls and remedy any defects. During the<br />

past year, 303 compliance investigations were<br />

initiated and 28t investigations were closed. Additional<br />

duties include enforcement of fuel economy<br />

standards and consumer protection regulations.t<br />

(For further information, see Chapter 6.)<br />

Recent Addltlons to ffHfSn Responslblllties<br />

In August 1977, the President approved the Department<br />

of Energy Organization Act (p.L. gj-gt),<br />

which amended Section 502 of the Motor Vehicle<br />

Information and Cost Saving Act. This amendment<br />

requires the Secretary of Transportation to<br />

consult and coordinate with the Secretary of<br />

Energy on the establishment, reduction, or amendment<br />

of the average fuel economy standards for<br />

motor vehicles.<br />

Table 4 provides the historical and legislative<br />

background<br />

for NHTSA and its predecessors.<br />

Traffic<br />

Fatalities* i , i: i Publiclaw<br />

18,400<br />

50,894<br />

Federal Government organizations concerned with highway safety:<br />

Department of Health, Education, and Welfare<br />

Department of Commerce<br />

Post Off ice Department<br />

Department of Defense<br />

General Services Administration<br />

Interstate Commerce Commission<br />

i. r' r. , i ,<br />

Interdepartmental Hlghway safety Board<br />

President's Committee for Highway Safety<br />

18,400<br />

37,819<br />

31,874<br />

33,990<br />

37,965<br />

35,331<br />

National Conference on Street and Highway Safety (convened by<br />

Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover).<br />

:, ::i r,i<br />

Second National Conference on Street and Highway Safety.<br />

Report: Guides to Traffic Satety.<br />

Third National Conference produced an Action Program tor Highway<br />

Safety.<br />

The President's Committee for Traffic Safety established and<br />

adopted the Action Program.<br />

First Congressional interest; Subcommittee Health and Safety of<br />

the House Committee on lnterstate Commerce.<br />

Secretary of Commerce authorized to assist in carrying out the pres. ,<br />

ident's Action Program and to cooperate with the States in furthering<br />

highway safety.<br />

Interstate compacts for Traffic safety (Beamer Resolution).<br />

p.L. g5.6g4

Table { Natlonal Hlghway Tralflc Srfety Admlnlstrrtlon Hlstodcal and Leglslatlve Backgrcund<br />

(Contlnuefl<br />

Trafflc<br />

YEar FatalitiEs' Public Law<br />

1959 #,223<br />

1960 36,399<br />

1961 36.285<br />

1962<br />

1965<br />

1966<br />

1972<br />

1973<br />

1974<br />

1975<br />

38,980<br />

47,089<br />

50,894<br />

1967 ffi,724<br />

1968 62,725<br />

1970<br />

52.627<br />

54,589<br />

54,05?<br />

45,196<br />

44,525<br />

Report by the secretary of commsrce to congress on magnltude of<br />

traffic safety problems, and the role the_Fedaral Governmsnt $hould<br />

play in attacking them.<br />

Flequirements for Passenger-Carrying Motor VehiclEs Purchased for<br />

Use by the Federal Government to M€et Certain Saf€ty Standards.<br />

Prohibition of UsE in Commerce of any Motor Vehicle Which Discharges<br />

Substances in Amounts Found by the Surgeon General to<br />

be Injurious to Human Health.<br />

Registratlon of AutomobilE License Revocations (Natlonal Driver<br />

Register).<br />

Amendmants<br />

Amendmants<br />

Flequirements for Passsnger-Carrylng Motor vehiclss for Use by the<br />

Federal Government to Ms€t Certain Safety $tandards.<br />

Hydraulic Brake Fluld Specifications.<br />

National Traffic and Motor Vehicle $afety Act of 1966. Established P.L.89-563<br />

the National Traffic Safety Agency in the Department of Commerce.<br />

Highway Safety Act of 1966. Established the National Highway P.L.89.564<br />

$afety Agency in the Depertment of Commerce.<br />

Department of Transportation Act of 1966.<br />

P.1.8+670<br />

Executive Order 11357 combined the two agencies in the Department<br />

of Transportation as the National Hlghway Safety Bureau.<br />

National Trafflc and Motor Vehlcle Safety Act of 1966, amendments. P.L. 91.265<br />

Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970.<br />

P.L.91,605<br />

Report of the Presldsnt's Task Force on Highway Safety: Mobility<br />

Without Mayhem.<br />

Motor Vehicle Informatlon and Cost Savings Act.<br />

National Traffic and Motor Vehicle $afety Act Amendments of 1972.<br />

Federal-Aid Hlghway Act of 1973.<br />

Motor Vehicle and Schoolbus Safgty Amendments of 1974'<br />

Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of 1974.<br />

Energy Pollcy and Conssrvation Act e$tablished the Automotlve Fuel<br />

Economy Program by adding a new Title V to the Motor Vehicle Infor'<br />

mation and Cost Savings Act.<br />

P.L. 85-515<br />

P.L.86493<br />

P"L.86460<br />

P.1.87-359<br />

P.L.89-563<br />

P.1.88-515<br />

P.L. 87-637<br />

$tandards tor Automoblle SEat Belts Sold or $hipped In Interstatg P.1.88-201<br />

Commerce.<br />

Amendment to the Federal-Aicj Highway Act providing for Voluntary P.1.89-139<br />

$tate Highway Safety Standards (Baldwin Amendment).<br />

Repoft of the Secretary's Advisory Commlttee on Traflic Safety<br />

(Department of Health, Education, and Welfare).<br />

National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966, amendments F.L.9G285<br />

t6rminated tgmporary exemption authority by statute three years<br />

after enactment,<br />

P.L. 92-513<br />

P.L. 92-548<br />

P.L. 93-87<br />

P.L. S3-492<br />

P.1.93.&t3<br />

P.L. S4.163<br />

{<br />

!l r<br />

"rj<br />


Table 4. Natlonal Highway Tralflc Safety Adminlstratlon Hlstorlcal and Leglslatlve Background<br />

(Gontinued)<br />

Trafflc<br />

Year Fatalities* Public Law<br />

1976 45,523 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1976.<br />

National Traffic and Motor Vehiclesafety<br />

Act<br />

Authorization.<br />

Motor Vehicle Information and CostSavings<br />

Act<br />

1976.<br />

P.1.94_280<br />

Amendment<br />

and P.L.94-346<br />

Amendments<br />

of P.L.94-364<br />

SOURCE*Fatalities: 1924-.1974, Natlonal Center for Heelth Statlstlcs, HEW, and Stat€ annual summaries (adjusted to 30-dey<br />

deaths,.<br />

1S75-1976, Fatal Accident Heporting System (FAHS), NHTSA,<br />

*Traffic fatalitles are deaths resultlng trom motor vehicle eccidents occurring on trafficways. Statistics r6pr6s€nt d6eths occurring within<br />

30 days after the date of the accldent, whlch conslitutB approximately 98% of all traffic deaths.


A chronological table at the end of this summary<br />

lists Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards<br />

(FMVSS) and Regulations issued since January<br />

1967, with initial effective dates.<br />

The following regulation wus issued and became<br />

effective during this reporting period:<br />

Part 556-Exemption for Inconsequential Defect<br />

or Noncompliance<br />

This regulation sets forth procedures for exempting<br />

manufacturers of motor vehicles and replacement<br />

equipment from notice and remedy requirements<br />

when a defect or noncompliance is found to<br />

be inconsequential as it relates to motor vehicle<br />

safety. (Effective March 9, 1977).<br />

The following significant amendments were issued<br />

and became effective during this reporting period:<br />

Standard No. 109*New Pneumatic Tires<br />

The amendment permits manufacture of a new<br />

series of tires having load ratings and inflation<br />

pressures expressed only in metric units, in order<br />

to conform with a world-wide standardization<br />

process. The amendment also allows substitution<br />

of newly designed tires with maximum inf'lation<br />

pressure of 60 psi for conventional spare tires.<br />

This substitution reduces the overall weight and<br />

increases the storage space of passenger cars. (Effective<br />

March 7, 1977).<br />

Standard No. 120-7r7e Selection and Rims for<br />

Motor Vehicles Other Than Passenger Cars<br />

This standard requires that the wheels of all vehicles,<br />

except passenger cars, be equipped with tires<br />

and rims that are adequate to support the fullyloaded<br />

vehicles under normal operating condition$.<br />

As of February 7, 1977, the amendment<br />

affects tire and rim selection, rim marking, and<br />

tire label information. This amendment also sets<br />

forth the Department of Transportation (DOT)<br />

decision that it no longer regulates mobile structure<br />

trailers (mobile homes). Conforming amendments<br />

to Standard No. 108, Lamps, Reflective<br />

Devices, and Associated Equipment and to Part<br />

571, Definitions, also were made by this issuance.<br />

Standard No. l2l-,4ir Brake Ststems<br />

Effective June 13, 1977, suspension of the bus<br />

service brake stopping distance requirements contained<br />

in Standard No. l2l was extended to January<br />

l, l9?8, and an additional extension to April<br />

l, 1978, was granted for school buses.<br />

Another amendment added certain vehicles to the<br />

"oversize"<br />

vehicle category and excluded specialized<br />

vehicles from applicability of the standard's<br />

requirements. (Effective August 16, 1977).<br />

Standard No. 205-Glazing Materials<br />

The glazing materials standard was amended to<br />

permit the use of rigid plastic glazing materials in<br />

all bus doors and windows, except the windshields<br />

and those windows located immediately to the left<br />

or right of the driver. (Effective December 22,<br />

re77).<br />

Standard No. 222-^Scltool Bus Passenger Seating<br />

und Crash Protection (Interim Amendment)<br />

Maximum allowable seat spacing for school buses<br />

was increased from 20 to 21 inches, effective<br />

December 22, 1977. This spacing will make more<br />

room for large high school students while still permitting<br />

a safe level of seat performance. The<br />

amendment is interim, and the public, by means<br />

of a separate NPRM, has been provided opportunity<br />

to comment upon the advisability of extending<br />

the maximum seat spacing by one inch.<br />

Part 567-Cer t ifica t ion Re gu la t ion<br />

This change was for the purpose of allowing gross<br />

axle weight ratings to be combined on the certification<br />

label. (Effective June 13, 19'77),<br />


Palt 57l-Anthropomorphic Test Dummy<br />

This part describes the anthropomorphic test dummies<br />

that are to be used for testing motor vehicle<br />

compliance with FMVSS. Several elements of the<br />

dummy calibration test procedures were specified,<br />

and minor changes were effected for the dummy<br />

design specifications.<br />

The following amendments were acted upon during<br />

1977, hut did not become effective during the<br />

reporting period:<br />

Part 581-,Bumper Standard<br />

The new bumper standard limits damage to nonsafety-related<br />

components and vehicle surfaces in<br />

low-speed crashes, and incorporates the safetyrelated<br />

damage criteria of FMVSS No. 215, .Exferior<br />

Protection. One amendment sets the effective<br />

date for September l, 1978, and requires no damage<br />

to exterior surfaces or permanent deviations<br />

from original contours, except where such damage<br />

occurs to the bumper face bar and components<br />

that directly attach the bumper fhce bar to the<br />

chassis frame. For vehicles manufactured on or<br />

after September 1, 1979, the exterior surfaces,<br />

except for the bumper face bar, shall have no separations<br />

and no permanent deviations from their<br />

original contour.<br />

Standard No. 208-Occupdnt Crflsh Protection<br />

The existing motor vehicle safety standard for<br />

occupant crash protection was amended, to require<br />

the provision of front seat ''passive" restraintprotection<br />

in passenger cars with wheelbases greater<br />

than 114 inches manufactured on and after September<br />

l, 1981, in passenger cars with wheelbases<br />

greater than 100 inches on or after September l,<br />

1982, and in all passenger car$ manufactured on<br />

or after September l, 1983.<br />

Standard No. Z|Z-Windshield Mounting<br />

The effective date of a 1976 amendment to the<br />

standard was extended from September l,1977 to<br />

September l, 1978, for trucks and multipurpose<br />

vehicles of 10,000 pounds or less, and for vans.<br />

"Walk-in<br />

van-type" vehicles were excluded from<br />

the standard's applicability.<br />

Table 5. Chronology of Federal Motor Vehicle Salety Standards and Regulations<br />

Date lssued lnltlal Effectlve Dateg<br />

January 31, 1967 Standard No. 101 Control Location, ldentification, and<br />

lllumination<br />

Standard No. 102<br />

Standard No. 103<br />

Standard No. 104<br />

Standard No. 105<br />

Standard No. 106<br />

Standard No. 107<br />

Standard No. 108<br />

Standard No. 111<br />

$tandard No.201<br />

$tandard No.203<br />

Standard No.204<br />

$tandard No.205<br />

Standard No. 206<br />

Transmlssion Shift Lever Sequence,<br />

Starter Interlock, Transmission<br />

Braking Effect<br />

Windshield Defrostlng and Defogging<br />

Windshield Wiping and Washing<br />

Systems<br />

Hyclraulic Brake Systems<br />

Brake Hoses<br />

Reflecting Surfaces (Chrome Trim)<br />

Lamps, Reflective Devices, and Associated<br />

Equipment<br />

Rearview Mirrors<br />

Qccupant Protection in Interior lmpact<br />

lmpact Protection for the Driver from the<br />

Steering Control System<br />

$teering Control Rearward Displacement<br />

Glazing Materials<br />

Door Locks and Door Retention<br />

Qomponents<br />

PC-1/1i68; MPV, TL,<br />

B-1/1/72; TR,<br />

B^il1173<br />

PC, MPV, TH, B_1/1/68<br />

PC, MFV-1/1/68<br />

TR, 8-1/1/69<br />

PC-1/1/68; MPV, TR,<br />

B-1/1/69<br />

PG-1/1/68; MPV, TB,<br />

B*gt1t74<br />

PC, MPV-1/1/68;TR, B,<br />

TL, MC, E-911174<br />

PC, MPV, TR, B_1/1/68<br />

PC-1/1/68; MPV, TR, B,<br />

TL, MC, E*1/1/69<br />

PC, MPV-1/1/68; TR, B,<br />

MC, E-zt1t76<br />

PC-1/1/68<br />

PC-1/1/68<br />

PC-1/1/68<br />

PC, MPV, TR, B,<br />

MQ-1/1/68<br />

PC-1/1/68<br />

MPv*1/1/70<br />


Table 5. Chronology of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and Regulations (Continued)<br />

Date l8sued lnitial Effective Dates<br />

Standard No.207 Seating Systems<br />

PC-1/1/68, MPV, TR,<br />

rqi r i'<br />

Standard No.2081 Occuoant Crash Protection<br />

B-111172<br />

*PC-1/1/68; MPV, TR,<br />

B-7t1t71<br />

Standard No.209 $eat Belt Assemblies<br />

PC, MPV, TR, 8-3/1/67<br />

.i ,, Standard No. 210 Seat Belt Assemhly Anchorages<br />

PC-1/1/68; MPV, TH,<br />

B-7t1t71<br />

Standard No. 211 Wheel Nuts, Wheel Discs, and Hub Caps FC, MPV-1/1/68<br />

Standard No.301 Fuel System Integrity<br />

FC-1/1/68; MPV, TR,<br />

B-911175<br />

November 8, 1967 Standard No. 109 New Pneumatic Tires<br />

PC-1/1/68<br />

Standard No. 110 Tire Selection and Rims<br />

PC-4/1/68<br />

January 2, 1968 Part 12 Customs Hegulation<br />

PC, MPV, TFt, B, TL, MC<br />

January 3, 1968 Part 568 Vehicles Manufactured In Two or More 1rrlff'U8<br />

Stages<br />

February 1?, 196E Standard No.202 Head Restraints<br />

April 24, 1968 Standard No. 112 Headlamo Concealment Devices<br />

$tandard No. 113 Hood Latch Sy$tems<br />

Standard No. 114 Theft Frolection<br />

July 3, 1968 Standard No. 115 Vehicle ldentification Numbers<br />

August 13, 1968 Standard No. 212 Windshield Mounting<br />

December 24, 1968 Standard No. 116 Motor Vehicle Brake Fluids<br />

January 17, 1969 Part No. 5'67 Certlficatlon Hegulation<br />

Part No.569 Regrooved Tires<br />

PC-1i 1/69<br />

PC, MPV, TR, B, MC<br />

1/1/69<br />

PC, MPV, TR, B*1/1/69<br />

PA-1t1t70<br />

PC-1/1/69<br />

PC*1l1l7Q; MPV, TB,<br />

B-9t1t77<br />

PC, MPV, TR, B, TL,<br />

MC-1/4/69<br />

PC, MFV, TR, B, TL, MC<br />

8/31/69<br />

PC, MPV, TR, B, TL, MO,<br />

E-Z2Bi69<br />

March 23, 1970 Standard No. 213 Child Seating Systems<br />

PC, MPV, E-11117'l<br />

TR, B-4/1/71<br />

Juty 17, 1970 Standard No. 118 Power-Operated Window SyBtemB<br />

PC, MPV-1/1/71<br />

October 22,1970 Standard No.214 Side Door Strength<br />

PC-1t1t73<br />

PC, MPV, TR, 8-9/1/72<br />

PC, MPV, TR, B, TL, MC,<br />

E-8116t71<br />

TR, B, TL-1/1/73<br />

PA-gt1t72<br />

PQ, E-111172<br />

PC-8/15/73<br />

MC-9/1/73<br />

E-1t1t74<br />

PC, MPV, TR, 8-9/1/73<br />

MQ-gt1174<br />

TR, E-1/1/73<br />

PC, MPV, TR, B, TL, MC,<br />

July 26, '1973<br />

Part No.575 Consumer Information (Tire Reserve<br />

Load, Acceleration & Passing Ability,<br />

PC, MC-9/30/69<br />

Vehicle Stopping Distance)<br />

November 5, 1970 Part No. 574 Tire ldentification and Record Keeping E-511171<br />

December 31, 1970 $tandard No.302 Flammability of Interior Materials<br />

February 10, 1371 Part 573 Defect Reports<br />

February 19, 1971 Standard No. 121 Alr Brake Sy$tems<br />

April 9, 1971<br />

April 14, 1971<br />

Standard No. 215<br />

Standard No. 117<br />

Exterior Protection (Bumpers)<br />

Retreaded Pneumatic<br />

:<br />

Tires<br />

December 3, 1971 Standard No.216 Roof Crush Resistance<br />

March 1, 1972 Standard No. 122 Motorcycle Brake Systems<br />

Standard No. 125 Warning Devices<br />

March 31, 1972 Standard No. 124 Accelerator Control System$<br />

April 4, 1972 $tandard No. 123 Motorcycle Controls and Di$plays<br />

May 3, 1972 Standard No. 217 Bus Window Retention and Release B-911173<br />

August 3,1972 Standard No. 126 Truck-Camper Loading<br />

January 17,1573 Part No. 577 Defect Notitications<br />

E-st2H73<br />

January 22, 1973 Part No. 555 Temporary Exemptions from Federal<br />

Motor Vehicle Safety Standards<br />

1129173<br />

January 31, 1973 Part No. 580 Odometer Disclosure Requirements rc, MPV, TR, B, TL,<br />

Part No. 572 Anthropomorphic Test Dummy<br />

MC*3/1/73<br />

E-W1t73<br />

August 9, 1973 Standard No.218 Motorcycle Helmets<br />

l,n0-3fi174<br />

11<br />


Table 5. Chronology oi Federal Motor Vehlcle Salety Standards and Regulatlons (Contlnued)<br />

Date lssued Initial Effective Dates<br />

November 5, 1973<br />

April 22,1974<br />

August 13, 1S74<br />

January 31, 1975<br />

May 20, 1975<br />

June 9, 1975<br />

September 4, 1975<br />

January 19, 1S76<br />

January 22, 1976<br />

February 27,1976<br />

January 31, 1977<br />

Standard No. '119<br />

Part 553<br />

Part 576<br />

Part 582<br />

Part No,575<br />

Standard No. 219<br />

Part No.552<br />

Standard No. 120<br />

Standard No.220<br />

Standard No. 221<br />

Standard No. 222<br />

Part 581<br />

Part 556<br />

LEGEND: PC-PassengerCars<br />

MPV-Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles<br />

. tF(-trucKs<br />

B-Buses<br />

SB*School Buses<br />

TL-Trailers<br />

MC-Molorcycles<br />

E-Equipment<br />

*Formerly entitled "Seat Belt Installation"<br />

New Pneumatic Tires<br />

Procedures<br />

Records Fletention (lnterim Rule)<br />

Insurance Cost Information Regulatlon<br />

Consumer Inf ormation-Uniform Ti re<br />

Quality Grading<br />

Windshield Zone Intrusion<br />

Petitions for Rulemaking, Dofect and<br />

Noncompliance Orders<br />

Tire Selection and Rims for Vehlcles<br />

Other Than Passenger Cars<br />

School Bus Rollover Protectlon<br />

School Bus Body Joint Strength<br />

School Bus Seating and Crash<br />

Protection<br />

Bumper Standard<br />

Exemption for Inconsequential Defecl or<br />

Noncompliance<br />

PC, MPV, TR, B, TL, MC,<br />

E-St1t74<br />

4t25t74<br />

PC, MPV, TR, B, TL,<br />

E-U1il77<br />

211t75<br />

PC, E-9/1/74<br />

PC, MPV, TR, 8_9/1/76<br />

1Qt13t75<br />

MPV, TR, B, TL, MC, E<br />

Bt1l76<br />

B-10t28t76<br />

B-10/26/76<br />

B-10/26/76<br />

PC-9/1/78<br />

PC, MPV, TH, B, TL, MC<br />

3/9t77<br />

tlmportant<br />

amendments to Standard No. 208 Include the requirements for shoulder harnesses (1/1/72), reminder buzzer and light (2/25/75),<br />

and passive restraints (by vehicle wheelbase; 9/1/81-9/1/83).

CHAPTER 3<br />



Evaluation of existing and proposed standards,<br />

identification of problems, formulation of better<br />

safety systems, and development of improved<br />

standards and countermeasures require a strong<br />

statistical and analytical foundation. A comprehensive,<br />

reliable, statistical base is necessary for<br />

the establishment of priorities, the allocation of<br />

resources and, indeed, for all flrogress in highway<br />

safety.<br />

The National Center for Statistics and Analysis<br />

has a growing ability to collect valid, timely, and<br />

reliable accident data through a graduated national<br />

program of data collection. The scope of the program<br />

includes drivers, pedestrians, vehicles, collision<br />

types, injuries, environmental factors, and<br />

exposure data.*<br />

A dual approach is used:<br />

l. A national program using State and local<br />

records.<br />

2. On-site investigation of a representative sample<br />

of accidents.<br />

NCSA collects, standardizes, and interprets information<br />

now kept at the State and local levels.<br />

Police accident reports, driver licensing records,<br />

motor vehicle registrations, highway inventories,<br />

medical, and other records are included. Trained<br />

professional teams investigate accidents in the<br />

field, examining such topics as pre-crash factors,<br />

injury mechanisms and crash configurations. This<br />

dual approach covers the full spectrum from<br />

driver and vehicle exposure rates to the causes of<br />

accident injuries.<br />

rlnformation about the amount and types of driving.<br />

The statistics provide national data to track trends<br />

and detect problems such as fatalities by type, injuries<br />

by severity, and involvements by specific<br />

vehicle type. They also constitute an objective<br />

basis to set and evaluate highway and motor vehicle<br />

standards such as thos€ on fuel tank integrity,<br />

side crash protection, and vehicle exterior modification.<br />

NCSA is responsible for accident studies<br />

from the experimental design through data collection,<br />

storage, analysis, and dissemination.<br />

As NCSA's programs become operational, highway<br />

safety problems may be treated as a whole<br />

rather than as fragmented parts. NCSA and its investigation<br />

teams will support the highway safety<br />

research work of industry, private groups, and<br />

Government at all levels, and will coordinate with<br />

other statistical centers and agencies, national and<br />

international.<br />

NCSA operates and manages the following national<br />

data collection systems:<br />

t The National Accident Sampltng System<br />

t/N,4SS/-a network of 35 to 60 teams collecting<br />

nationally representative accident data, performing<br />

special studies, and running exposure surveys.<br />

The first ten teams have completed training and<br />

have started preliminary data collection at the<br />

initial NASS sites (see Figure 3). Following evaluation<br />

of this pilot test, full scale operation of the<br />

NASS Continuous Sampling System will begin at<br />

these sites in 1979. The entire network is expected<br />

to be operational by 1981.<br />

t The Futal Accident Reporting System<br />

(FARS)- now in its fourth year of operation,<br />

provides statistical data on all fatal accidents in<br />

the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto<br />


1|<br />

I<br />


ISLAND CO.<br />

Rico. Improvements have been made in the standardization<br />

and quality control of information<br />

received from police accident reports, medical<br />

reports, driver licensing files, and highway and<br />

motor vehicle registration files. A remote data<br />

entry proiect to speed accident case submissions to<br />

Washington, I).C. has been tested and is in operation.<br />

Until NASS becomes fully operational, the following<br />

interim systems will supply data necded to support<br />

NHTSA rulemaking:<br />

o The National Crash Severity Study (NCSS/ is<br />

an eflfort to link vehicle damage with injury severity.<br />

More than 10,000 towaway accidents are being<br />

investigated by seven teams throughout the country<br />

over a 3-year period. Special emphasis will be<br />

placed on certain accident types, to permit evaluation<br />

of the standards on fire and fuel leakage and<br />

on side door guard beams, and to examine the<br />

possible extension of passenger car safety standards<br />

to light trucks, vans, and multipurpose<br />

passenger vehicles.<br />

t The Pedestrian Injury Causation Study<br />

(Prcil was initiated to examine injury causes during<br />

vehicle/pedestrian collisions. Five accident<br />

t4<br />

!Ir4I!M<br />

















t --t-r-!ffiJ*'"<br />

-\ \.<br />

onrrns OALLAS co. CO. exir. EXCL. / (BIRMINGHAM<br />


oALLAs ctTY L_ {vl<br />

Figure 3. NationalAccldent Sampllng System<br />

tvil t)<br />

I<br />







{ilI<br />

teams will investigate more than 2,0(X) selected<br />

accidents during a 3-year period. The study will<br />

identify such injury-producing agents as "unforgiving"<br />

protrusions and may have major implications<br />

on vehicle profile design.<br />

t The Injury Severity Reporting System rISRS/,<br />

an extension of the Consumer Product Safety<br />

Commission's National Electronic lnjury Surveillance<br />

System, will provide data on traffic accident<br />

injuries from persons admitted to emergency<br />

rooms in 130 hospitals. The system will identify<br />

primary injuries, overall injury severity, and some<br />

related basic accident descriptors.<br />

Differential Yelocity Crash Recorder<br />

A mechanical, cigarette-packet-sized crash recorder<br />

is being developed and evaluated for its<br />

ability to sense automatically and record the differential<br />

velocity of a vehicle undergoing a crash.<br />

The recorder would be dormant, but ready to<br />

record, under normal vehicle operating conditions.<br />

When perfected, the crash recorder will permit the<br />

accumulation of accident data (differential crash<br />

velocities) at about $4*$6 per vehicle on a high<br />

volume basis.

CHAPTER 4<br />

CRASH<br />


Occupant Protection<br />

Volkswagen Rabbit, and may be installed on other<br />

vehicles.<br />

On June 30, 1977, the Secretary of Transportation,<br />

Brock Adams. announced that all full-sized<br />

passenger cars manufactuted for sale or use in the<br />

United States must be equipped with fronr-seat<br />

passive restraint systems to protect occupants<br />

from injury in crashes, beginning with the lg8z<br />

model year (MY). In MY 1983, all intermediate<br />

and compact cars must be so equipped, and by<br />

MY 1984, all passenger cars will be required to<br />

have front-seat passive protection systems.<br />

The design and type of system to be used is the<br />

manufacturer's option, but he must certify that<br />

the vehicle meets the performance requiremcnts of<br />

FMVSS No. ?08, Occupant Crash Protection.<br />

The second system is the air-cushion or air bag.<br />

The air-cushion system consists of a crash sensor<br />

near the front side of the vehicle, a passenger air<br />

bag and inflator in the right side of the dashboard,<br />

a driver air bag and intlator in the hub of the steering<br />

wheel, knee restraints, and a diagnostic system<br />

to monitor readiness. If the car is involved in a<br />

frontal crash equivalent to or rnore than a l0- to<br />

l2-mph crash into a solid barrier, the impact<br />

causes the sensor to activate the inflator. The<br />

occupants' torsos and heads move forward into<br />

the soft bags, while the lower bodies are restrained<br />

by air bags or knee restraints. The air bag and<br />

knee restraints absorb the occupants' energy by<br />

The generally negative response of the American distributing forces more evenly over their bodies.<br />

motoring public to the protection from automobile<br />

crash injuries that lap and shoulder belrs can<br />

furnish motivated the mandate from Secretary<br />

Adams. Last year, more than 26,600 passenger car<br />

occupants were killed in crashes. Of these, more<br />

than 23,100 were drivers or front-seat pas$engers.<br />

One-hundred percent use of the lap and shoulder<br />

The cost of air-cushion systems ranges from $90 to<br />

$235, depending upon the assumptions made.<br />

DOT estimate$ that full front-seat air-cushion<br />

systems will cost $l l2 once they are in full production.<br />

Passive-belt systerns are estimated to cost<br />

between $25 and $50.<br />

belts (required in cars since 1968) would have pre- DOT estimates that 9,000 lives will be saved and<br />

vented more than 50 percent of these fatalities. 65,000 moderate-to-serious injuries will be pre-<br />

Safety belts must be fastened each time the occupant<br />

gets into the car to be effective. For a variety<br />

of reasons, only about 20 percent of the motoring<br />

vented each year, once all cars are equipped with<br />

passive restraints. The small additional cost of<br />

passive restraints is well worth it, considering that<br />

public bothers to buckle up. Passive re$traints, on the current estimated cost to society of each traffic<br />

the other hand, require no buckling or fastening to fataliry is over $280,000.<br />

be effective. They are there, and operational,<br />

when a crash occurs.<br />

During 1977, extensive testing of child restraint<br />

$ystems was conducted by NHTSA's new Engi-<br />

Currently, there are two basic types of passive neering Test Facility (ETF) at East Liberty, Ohio.<br />

restraint systems. One is a safety-belt sysfem that Under an agreement with the Transportation<br />

is designed to move into place when the front-seat Research Center (TRC), the ETF urilizes the dy-<br />

occupants enter the vehicle and close the doors.<br />

(Figure 4). There is no action required by the occupants.<br />

Passive belts are currently available on the<br />

namic crash simulation facility for quick reaction<br />

tests to support rulemaking activities. NHTSA is<br />

considering a new child restraint safety standard,<br />

15<br />


*W<br />

to be published during 1978. Some 20 types of<br />

child restraints were tested during the past year t'or<br />

conformity with the proposed criteria. (Figures 5<br />

and 6).<br />

Vehicle Structures<br />

Programs are underway to improve side impact<br />

crashworthiness of comp.act and subcompact<br />

vehicles through minor modifications to ther side<br />

structures. Weight increases for given levels of improvement<br />

in structural integrity will be determined.<br />

Data generated from both crush and crash<br />

testing (Figure 7) determine correlations between a<br />

variety of side impact $tatic and dynamic deformations.<br />

lt has been found that reduction in side<br />

intrusion can be achieved with modifications involving<br />

only modest weight addition to the front<br />

door structure. This has been achieved by:<br />

r Increasing the strength of the door beams.<br />

r Placing the door beams at elevations where<br />

they engage the vehicle bumper striking them during<br />

impact.<br />

16<br />

Figure 4. Automatlc Safety Belt System<br />

r Modifying the door structure so that the<br />

door, the pillars, and the sill behave more as a unit<br />

during impact.<br />

Investigations also are underway to evaluate the<br />

effects that modification of side structure interior<br />

Figure 5. Child and Infant Restraint Systems

W<br />

Figure 6. Experimental Child Restrainl $eat<br />

padding will have on reducing vehicle occupant<br />

injuries during side impact.<br />

A moving barrier impactor and test procedures to<br />

analyze and assess vehicle side structures also are<br />

being developed, to facilitate the analysis of vehicle<br />

side structures in compliance testing, and to<br />

furnish a more reliable test device.<br />

Other side impact tests are being run, to validate<br />

an advanced computer simulation program called<br />

'*Wrecker,"<br />

which is designed to predict vehicle<br />

structural deformations. The result.s can be applied<br />

to improving vehicle crashworthiness.<br />

Another computer program ("Safety Systerns Optimization<br />

Model"), now being refined, will make<br />

possible analysis of occupant response in a variety<br />

of collisions between vehicles of differing designs.<br />

Pedestrinn Protection<br />

The feasibility of designing exrerior surfaces of<br />

motor vehicles that are less injurious to pedestrians<br />

was fostered by a computer study and a<br />

limited number of dummy tests. A test device that<br />

measures the characteristics of specific vehicle surfaces<br />

with various body forms has been designed.<br />

Tests are underway to demonstrate that there is a<br />

potential for specifying the responses of these<br />

body forms, so as to mitigate pedestrian injuries<br />

without sacrificing safety and functional requirements.<br />

A description of additional work on pedestrian<br />

protection may be found in the section on lntegrated<br />

Vehicle Systems.<br />

.#Fitfrte{#rflri{'i{'r' :<br />

Figure 7. $ide lmpact Testing to Determine<br />

a Variety of Deformations<br />


Biomechanics<br />

The development of a safety syslem requires an<br />

instrument that can record and assess the occupant<br />

crash protection provided by that system. Such an<br />

instrument is the anthropomorphic test dummy<br />

(Figure 8). In order to be effective, the dummy<br />

must possess two basic characteristics.<br />

First, it must respond in a reasonably human-like<br />

way when it is subjected to forces typical of a crash<br />

environment. Secondly, these responses must be<br />

related to the level of injury which would have<br />

Figure 8. Adult Male DummY<br />

occurred to a human had he responded similarly.<br />

Laboratory testing and computer modeling are<br />

used to define these characteristics. The research<br />

will culminate in a test dummy that possesses a<br />

high level of human fidelity and can, through its<br />

responses, predict injury to actual humans more<br />

accurately than is otherwise possible.<br />

An anthropomorphic child dummy, with which to<br />

test compliance with child restraint systems, has<br />

been selected and modified. Future plans include<br />

judicious exercise of mathematical models designed<br />

to simulate the child; this is expected to<br />

yield data for the design and construction of valid<br />

child dummies.<br />

During the last year, research has continued to<br />

define the relationship between force application<br />

and the response of the thorax and the head/neck<br />

complex, especially in side and rear crashes, As<br />

mentioned above, results of this research will be<br />

used to develop test dummy specifications for a<br />

more human-like dummy. Additionally, the research<br />

is leading to a greater understanding of the<br />

relationship between force application, human<br />

response, and injury. This expansion of the data<br />

base on injury criteria will permit design of dummies<br />

whose motions and impacts can be better correlated<br />

with human injury. The responses will be<br />

sufficiently repeatable for use in compliance test<br />

procedures.<br />

Integrated Vehicle Systems Program<br />

The Integrated Vehicle Systems program, formerly<br />

the Research Safety Vehicle (RSV) program,<br />

is developing experimental vehicles that will<br />

permit survival of occupants in a variety of severe<br />

crashes, and will simultaneously meet other national<br />

goals in pedestrian safety, fuel economy,<br />

emissions, damageability, and cost of ownership<br />

(Table 6).<br />

Initial RSV studies made in 1974 by five Phase I<br />

contractors developed specifications for experimental<br />

four and five-passenger vehicles to meet<br />

the goals of the 1980's. From results of this research,<br />

two contractors (Calspan Corporation of<br />

Bulfalo, New York, and Minicars, Inc., of Coleta,<br />

California) were selected to continue the design<br />

and development of their proposed vehicle concepts<br />

under Phase II contracts (197511976).<br />

During the past year, under DOT contracts for<br />

Phase III of the RSV program, Calspan and Mini-

Table 6. Comparison of Integrated Vehicle System Goals<br />

Typlcal 1977<br />

Production Small Car<br />

VW<br />

Research Vehicle<br />

Calspan/Chrysler<br />

Research Vehicle<br />

Vehlcle Weight 3500 2000 3000 2570<br />

Vehicle compartment<br />

No. of pass.<br />

Volume<br />

Performance<br />

0 to 60 mph accel.<br />

60 to 0 mph braking dlstance<br />

Occupant crash protection<br />

Frontal barrier<br />

Car-to-car side<br />

Bumper protection (no damage')<br />

Fronl<br />

Bear<br />

Gombined cycle fuel economy<br />

Gasoline engine<br />

Research diesel<br />

5 Passenger<br />

68-87 cu. ft.<br />

10-20 sec.<br />

165-190 ft.<br />

Level I<br />

Up to 30 mph'<br />

Up to 20 mph-<br />

5 mph..<br />

5 mph.*<br />

11-42 mpg<br />

5 Passen-gtr<br />

80 cu, ft,<br />

13.5 sec.<br />

167 ft.<br />

Level ll<br />

,10 mph<br />

30 mph<br />

5 mph'*<br />

5 mph"<br />

34 mpg<br />

60 mpg<br />

5 Passenger<br />

83 cu. ft.<br />

16-18 sec.<br />

153 ft.<br />

Level lll<br />

45-50 mph<br />

40-45 mph<br />

I mph<br />

5 mph<br />

30 mpg<br />

42 mpg<br />

Mlnlcars<br />

Research Vehicle<br />

4 Passenger<br />

98 cu. ft.<br />

16 sec.<br />

131<br />

ft.<br />

Level lll<br />

50 + mph<br />

45 + mph<br />

10 mph<br />

5 mph<br />

34 mpg<br />

55 mpg<br />

Emissions Level I Level ll Level ll Level ll<br />

'Assum€s<br />

rggtralnt systems ar6 worn<br />

**Damage<br />

to non-safety-related it€ms allow€d<br />

cars have continued work to complete their<br />

designs and fabricate test vehicles.<br />

(l) Vehicle Occupant Protection<br />

(2) Aggressivity Limitation<br />

Phase IV activity, including crash testing of the<br />

research vehicles, will begin in 1978, forevaluation<br />

of safety, emissions, fuel economy, and damageability.<br />

In addition to creating a data base for<br />

future safety, damageability, and fuel economy<br />

standards, the program is expected to demonstrate<br />

the levels of performance that can be expected and<br />

to encourage industry to adopt the technological<br />

advances and innovations. The RSV program is a<br />

continuation of the Experimental Safety Vehicle<br />

(3) Pedestrian Protection<br />

(4) Aerodynamic Drag Reduction<br />

(5) weieht<br />

(6) Headlamp Installation<br />

(7) Engine Cooling Airflow<br />

(8) Low-Speed Collision Damage Reduction<br />

(9) Appearance<br />

(10) Cost<br />

(l l) Material Applications<br />

(12) Producibility<br />

(ESV) program under which ESV's were developed<br />

and evaluated in the United States, and under<br />

which the International ESV Program (see Special<br />

Programs, International Cooperation) was initiated<br />

and supported.<br />

The Calspan RSV project will result in the design<br />

of an integrated automobile. Evaluations of vehicles<br />

built to this design will provide data on the<br />

effectiveness of the many trade-off decisions<br />

necessary to reach the final design. For example,<br />

the major design considerations for the front end<br />

of an RSV are:<br />

These considerations involve safety (1, 2, and 3),<br />

fuel economy (4 and 5), and vehicle performance<br />

(6 and 7) as well as consumer concerns for cost<br />

and appearance (8, 9, and l0). While some of<br />

these considerations are clearly compatible and<br />

can be satisfied with a common approach, others<br />

are conflicting and some trade-offs must be made.<br />

Retractable headlamps, for example, provide a<br />

smooth aerodynamic shape when retracted, but<br />

add cost and weight and pose a potential pedestrian<br />

hazard when raised for night operations.<br />

Plastic headlamp covers that smooth aerodynamic<br />


flow (see Figure 9) have been eliminated from<br />

U.S. cars because of FMVSS No. 108 restrictions<br />

on the potential impairment of light effectiveness'<br />

For the Calspan RSV, these covers increase fuel<br />

economy by 1.5 mpg on the Environmental Protection<br />

Agency (EPA) highway cycle (0.8 mpg<br />

combined highway and city). Headlamp performance<br />

will be evaluated to determine the severity of<br />

any light degradation.<br />

Pedestrian injury reduction is obtained on the<br />

Calspan RSV by the use of "soft" foam-filled<br />

front bumpers into which slots are cut to permit<br />

airflow for radiator cooling. Closing off some of<br />

these slots would potentially improve pedestrian<br />

protection and reduce drag, but might also cause<br />

the engine to overheat.<br />

The design solution for the Calspan RSV frontend<br />

is an outstanding example of engineering<br />

improvements attainable through attention to<br />

trade*offs. Pedestrian protection concepts have<br />

been incorporated while aerodynamic drag and<br />

weight have been reduced. At the same time, lowspeed<br />

collision damage protection has been<br />

increased to I mph from the current 5 mph. Appearance<br />

is pleasing and cost, as determined by<br />

materials and production concerns, is kept low.<br />

The Minicars RSV project is accomplishing objectives<br />

similar to the Calspan RSV, but with a substantially<br />

different vehicle configuration (see<br />

Figure l0).<br />

The Minicars RSv engine./driveline is located in<br />

the rear, thereby providing opportunity to design<br />

20<br />

Figure 9. Experimental Headlamp Covers<br />

to lncrease Fuel EconomY<br />

Figure 10. New Minicar RSV Design<br />

the front-end energy management characteristic$<br />

to use the approximately 45 inches of available<br />

structural crush, to make 50-mph occupant protection<br />

feasible (Figure 11). The Minicars frontend<br />

also is designed to reduce pedestrian injuries<br />

up to approximately 25 mph, eliminate danger in<br />

rigid barrier crashes up to approximately l0 mph,<br />

restrict damage to a l6-inch, readily replaceable,<br />

bolt-on module in up to 20-mph barrier crashes,<br />

and impart nonaggressive, low-level crash load*<br />

ings to any other vehicle struck by the RSV.<br />

The Minicars Phase III also will refine the RSV<br />

design, after which construction of vehicles fbr<br />

Government evaluation in Phase IV is planned.<br />

The unique foam-filled, lightweight structure of<br />

the Minicars RSV is being utilized in the design<br />

and construction of a six-passenger car weighing<br />

less than 3,000 pounds. This car is being designed<br />

to give occupant crash survivability to at Ieast<br />

40-mph frontal barrier requirements. Fuel<br />

economy of at least 27.5 mpg in the combined<br />

EPA cycle, while satisfying statutory emission requirements,<br />

will be possible with the use of an<br />

advanced engine being developed by Volvo. The<br />

engine will be front wheel drive, with transverse<br />

engine configuration. The additional vehicle crush<br />

that is obtained will provide more protection for<br />

the restrained occupant. The vehicle styling, exterior<br />

dimension$, and passenger compartment size<br />

are those of the General Motors 1977 Chevrolet<br />

Impala. Side and transverse vehicle structures will

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ff<br />

iJl<br />

rufl tTmtff cEtr{'<br />

be improved, to insrease occupant protection<br />

from side impact. Preliminary guidance to rulemakers<br />

on achievable safety goals in light, sixpassenger<br />

integrated vehicles will result from these<br />

programs.<br />

Work is under way on the application of turbocharging<br />

to achieve higher performance from the<br />

1.6 liter (98 cubic inch) Honda engine without<br />

F.PA fuel economy degradation in the four-passenger<br />

RSV. An automatic five-speed transmission<br />

system, which eliminates need for a fluid torque<br />

converter with its associated fuel economy degradation,<br />

is under development for RSV application.<br />

This transmission with microprocessor control<br />

should improve fuel economy over that of the<br />

basic five-speed stick shift, by ensuring most<br />

efficient engine operation commensurate with<br />

driver-controlled acceleration and steadv srare<br />

speed demands.<br />

Volkswagen of Germany participates in the Integrated<br />

Vehicle Program by developing, under<br />

contract, a data base for lightweight automotive<br />


;#<br />

13 CU. FT. TUEAAEE YOLIJffi"'<br />

s0 wfl PAsswt oilYER tx0<br />

Pt8ffrEE8 HE8Tf,AnT8<br />

BACI( & PilflT<br />

A&E m8t StStH<br />

$fl.3 SrArE [AoAi<br />

ALPIIITffNffi D$PIAY t0 Ffi I0-DAHASI<br />

FNHfT HffiR<br />

FILTEO MOR S FoAt [{TEnnF PAooiltG<br />

Nll| FLAT BAIilAT<br />


I WI{EEI AiTt-toCX 0t8G EnAXES<br />

. WHEEL HOEFTIIIETT SUSPEH$Mil F0IFF|U.E0 tffiEr srEt ililfttttE<br />

Figure 11. RSV Phase ll Configuration<br />

diesel power plants suitable for use in the RSV's.<br />

Data on fuel economy, regulated and unregulated<br />

exhaust emissions, odor, noise, driveability, acceleration<br />

and other attributes of these engine and<br />

vehicle systems were provided. The engines were<br />

evaluated for compatibility with vehicles of advanced<br />

crashworthiness characteristics. A turbocharged<br />

diesel engine was installed in two vehicles,<br />

which were tested for performance, fuel economy,<br />

and emission by NHTSA and EPA. One model<br />

(Figures 12 and 13) was the Integrated Research<br />

VW (IRVW), originally developed by Volkswagen<br />

under the ESV Program as a gasoline-enginepowered<br />

safety vehicle. This vehicle achieved a<br />

frontal crashworthiness of 40 mph and a combined<br />

cycle fuel economy of about 60 mpg.<br />

Since NHTSA has regulatory responsibility in the<br />

area of fuel economy in addition to safety, it was<br />

necessary that consideration be given to the relationship<br />

between national goals in safety and<br />

energy conservation, as well as other economic<br />

and consumer interests, including environmental<br />


Figure 12. Section View ot VW RSV with Turbocharged Diesel Englne<br />

protection. Meeting these expanded goals required<br />

further effort in systems analysis. Integrated Vehicle<br />

Systems studies were used in support of the<br />

Federal Task Force on Motor Vehicle Goals<br />

Beyond 1980, whose findings were published in<br />

r976.<br />

Some of the trade-offs associated with regulation<br />

of the automobile can be illustrated by considering<br />

alternatives affecting fuel economy. The matrix<br />

shown in Table 7 illustrates the alternatives be'<br />

tween consumer choices, technology choices, and<br />

variations in safety and emissions (regulated).<br />

Other factors, such as cost, damageability, and<br />

marketing, also must be considered.<br />

For regulatory planning, it is necessary to assess<br />

the national cost, fuel consumption, lives and injuries<br />

saved, and other factors associated with<br />

advanced technology alternatives. The lntegrated<br />

Vehicle Systems hardware program can buttress<br />

the analytical trade-off studies. Each of the<br />

vehicles illustrated represents a data point which<br />

T2<br />

verifies or updates the predictions made in the<br />

motor vehicle goals study.<br />

The trade-offs made in connection with the program<br />

will yield an understanding of the interactions<br />

of safety, fuel economy, vehicle performance,<br />

and cost, and form an essential part of the<br />

data base for NHTSA standards.<br />

. r<br />

Figure 13. VWTurbocharged Diesel Engine<br />

Experimental Vehicle

Table 7. Alternatives Affecting Fuel Economy<br />

Consumer Choices Tech nology Alternatives Safety/Emissions Criterir<br />


VOLUME<br />


O TO 60 MPH<br />




4<br />


6<br />


15 SEC TOP'75 CURRENT<br />

WEIGHT<br />

coNSCtOltS<br />



6<br />





FOR 197S FLEET<br />





SPACE<br />


TION<br />


LEVEL ll: 40 MPH FBONTAL;20 MPH S|DE<br />

LEVEL lll: 50 MPH FRONTA-<br />


LEVEL l: 1.5-HG/15.0-CO/3.1-NO" (gnr/mi)<br />

LEVEL ll: .41 HC/3.4-CO/2.0 NO* (gm/ml)<br />

LEVEL lll: .41 HC/3.4CO/0.4-NO, (gm/mi)

CHAPTER 5<br />


Vehicle Handling<br />

Vehicle handling research investigates the complex<br />

relationship between driver and machine. Driver<br />

research includes consideration of the driver's<br />

physical limitations, experience, and tasks encountered.<br />

Vehicle research evaluates the response of<br />

the machine to the demands of the driver and to<br />

environmental conditions such as rough roads or<br />

winds.<br />

To study vehicle response to cross winds and bow<br />

winds created by passing vehicles, a sophisticated<br />

wind machine has been designed and is being fabricated.<br />

This machine is composed of eight modular<br />

wind generators which, by physical placement,<br />

are capable of simulating many kinds of wind<br />

disturbances. The wind generators (Figure 14) are<br />

portable for varying field set-ups and are highway<br />

transportable. Design validation will be accomplished<br />

by using wind tunnels as calibration standards<br />

and by conducting full-scale vehicle tests. The<br />

Flgure 14. Portable Wind Generator<br />

effects of aerodynamic disturbances on vehicle<br />

design and vehicle handling will be determined.<br />

Another portable facility under construction will<br />

measure dynamic properties, such as moments of<br />

inertia of vehicles weighing up to 10,000 pounds.<br />

These data are essential for accurate mathematical<br />

simulations, and will support other research<br />

activities.<br />

A passenger car-trailer study (Figure l5), completed<br />

in 1977, worked out methods which enable<br />

trailer owners to optimiee load-equalization hitch<br />

settings. A previous phase had found that manufacturers'<br />

recommended settings were not the<br />

best, and could result in instability at relatively<br />

low speeds. In general, poor load-equalization can<br />

cause inferior braking performance, overloaded<br />

tires, and poorly aimed headlights.<br />

Research on large articulated vehicles continues.<br />

Frame torsional stiffness (which is insignificant in<br />

the case of passenger cars) is important in large<br />

vehicles because high centers of gravity and heavy<br />

loads impose extreme stresses that affect tire loadings<br />

and stability. Computer simulation, as well as<br />

full-scale vehicle testing, is used to measure these<br />

effects and to develop modifications for improved<br />

yaw and rollover stability. Physical parameters<br />

affected include frame stiffness, location and free<br />

play of fifth-wheel axle loading, and front and<br />

rear roll stiffness. Two tractor-trailer combination<br />

vehicles will be modified, fully instrurnented, and<br />

tested, to verify design and simulation results.<br />

While passenger cars and large vehicles receive<br />

most attention, the handling and stability of<br />

motorcycles cannot be overlooked (Figure 16).<br />

Test procedures suitable for handling and stability<br />

rulemaking are near completion, and progress has<br />


Flgure 15. Car.Traller Combination lllustratingFavorable<br />

Load Equallzation<br />

been made in the development of a low-eost antilock<br />

brake system for motorcycles. A wheel-speed<br />

sensor has been fabricated and has undergone<br />

extensive analysis.<br />

Tires and Wheels<br />

Three manufacturers of tire retreading equipment<br />

have undertaken the design and fabrication of an<br />

automatic, non-destructive, test system fbr tire<br />

casings which should be on the market in 1978.<br />

The design is based on the transmission of ultrasonics<br />

throueh the tire casing, a system developed<br />

by NHTSA. The equipment will give the industry<br />

a low-cost method for selecting only sound casings<br />

for retread, to the benefit of the public in quality<br />

and safety.<br />

Final validation of the reflection ultrasonic system<br />

for evaluating new tires continues (Figure l7). ln<br />

addition to its versatility in compliance testing,<br />

research and development, and quality control,<br />

the system has the capability of locating overbuff<br />

in retread tires. Refinement of the current design<br />

will result in a cost-beneficial system for compliance<br />

testing new and retread tires.<br />

A tire casing bead tester designed by NHTSA is<br />

being tested. The system can be retrofitted to existing<br />

visual tire inspecting units in the retread industry<br />

(Figure l8), to detect faulty beads in casings<br />

being processed for retread. It will identify kinks,<br />

26<br />

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r,<br />

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broken wire, and beads not normally found by<br />

existing inspection techniques. The design will be<br />

made available to all interested parties in the retread<br />

industry.<br />

An accelerated tire treadwear test technique also is<br />

being assessed. This method would permit tire<br />

treadwear grading to be accomplished in less than<br />

50 miles, without the use of a special course or<br />

control tire. Results of lull treadwear testing in<br />

Nevada, Connecticut, and Texas will be correlated<br />

with the respective accelerated treadwear test<br />

results.<br />

Figure 16. Motorcycle Equipped<br />

with<br />

Experimental Salety Devlces

'ffi,<br />

I<br />

t I<br />

Flgure17.<br />

Ultrasonic Tlrc Testing System<br />

Figure 18. Tire Casing Bead Tester<br />

The final Uniform Tire Quality Gracling (UTeC)<br />

regulation, challenged by eight domestic tire manufacturers,<br />

was upheld by the United States Court<br />

of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. On March ?1.<br />

{<br />

1977, the Supreme court denied the petition of the<br />

manufacturers to review the lower court's decision.<br />

FMVSS No. 109 was amended to permit manufacture<br />

of a new series of tires having load ratings and<br />

inflation pressures expressed in metric units and a<br />

newly designed tire having a maximum inflation<br />

pressure of 60 psi. The change to metric units is in<br />

consonance with a world-wide standardization<br />

process. The 60 psi tires are substitutes for con_<br />

ventional spare tires, designed to reduce overall<br />

weight and increase storage space in passenger car<br />

trunks.<br />

Brakes<br />

The NHTSA Safety Research Laboratory (SRL)<br />

initiated a test program to evaluate operational<br />

problems with heavy-duty combination vehicles<br />

when pre-FMVSS No. 12l, and FMVSS No. lll<br />

braking systems are interrnixed (Figure l9). The<br />

SRL test program includes three basic kinds of<br />

combination vehicles: tractor with trailer, tracror<br />

with double rrailer, and truck with full trailer. Over<br />

3,000 test runs in accident avoidance maneuvers<br />

under various conditions of loading and road surfaces<br />

have been completed. Preliminary findings<br />

indicate that compatibility problems do not exist<br />

in accident avoidance maneuvers and that the use<br />

of a FMVSS No. 121 braking system on any axle<br />

in the combination actually improves performance.<br />

Further testing in 1978 will evaluate compatibility<br />

problems that mighr exist in mountain<br />

descent operations.<br />

Research continue$ to establish the braking performance<br />

capability of hydraulically braked passenger<br />

cars on low and split-coefficient surfaces,<br />

for both straight and curved path braking. preliminary<br />

data analysis indicates that there is no<br />

significant difference in stopping performance<br />

between straight-line and curved-path braking, for<br />

vehicles which comply with FMVSS No. 105-75. A<br />

vehicle's braking performance on high-coefficient<br />

(dry) surfaces is not necessarily related to its stopping<br />

ability on low-coefficient (wet) surfaces. For<br />

this reason, additional testing on low-coefficient<br />

surfaces, for possible inclusion in FMVSS No.<br />

105-75, is planned. Tests of an advanced concept,<br />

antiJock equipped vehicle showed that braking in<br />

a turn on split-coefficient surfaces may be used to<br />

establish better performance requirements for<br />

braking systems.<br />


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Figure 19. Testlng Safety Problems Due to Intermixed Braking Systems<br />

During 1977, two engineering models of a selfcontained<br />

radar system were designed and fabricated.<br />

One model was installed in a passenger car<br />

equipped with an hydraulic-boo$t brake system,<br />

and the other in a car with a vacuum-boosted<br />

brake system. Limited test result$ were encourag'<br />

ing with respect to stopping distances, and in the<br />

fact that the radar systems of on-coming vehicles<br />

did not cancel out one another.<br />

The Driver nnd the Yehicle<br />

The interaction between the driver and his vehicle<br />

consists of three major areas, all of which play important<br />

roles in traffic safety.<br />

l. Lishtins- Vehicle lighting and signaling<br />

systems are important for adequate seeing<br />

distance at nighttime and for inter-vehicle<br />

communication during all types of driving<br />

conditions. During 1977, NHTSA received<br />

15 petitions to amend FMVSS No. 108 to upgrade<br />

headlamp candlepower, revise motorcycle<br />

headlight requirements, and make<br />

other changes to lighting and signaling systems.<br />

ln addition. NHTSA continued a<br />

W<br />

research and testing program to support<br />

future revisions to Standard No. 108. Major<br />

topics of investigations were (l) hiehmounted<br />

rear stop and turn signals, (2) various<br />

deceleration signals, (3) vehicle foe lieht<br />

systems, (4) signal liehtine needs for emergency<br />

vehicles, school buses, and service<br />

vehicles, (5) methods to aid in motorcycle<br />

visibility, and (6) a single beam headlamp<br />

system. Of particular interest were the results<br />

of a field evaluation which found that cars<br />

equipped with a supplemental center, highmounted<br />

brake lieht had over 50 percent<br />

fewer rear-end accidents than cars with conventional<br />

rear-end lights.<br />

NHTSA has initiated research on electrical<br />

system integrity and electromagnetic interference.<br />

As part of this effort, NHTSA is<br />

working with the Consumer Froducts Safety<br />

Commission on the problem of exploding<br />

car batteries and the need for a safetv standard.<br />

2. Visibility- Driver visibility standards include<br />

FMVSS No. 103 on defrosting and<br />

defogging, No. 104 on windshield wiping

and washing, No. 107 on sunlight glare reduction,<br />

and No. I I I on rearview mirror<br />

systems. NHTSA is developing a regulation<br />

on "Fields of Direct View" and investigating<br />

the problem of vehicle splash and spray.<br />

Research and testing programs underway include<br />

(l) peripheral vision and driving performance,<br />

(2) glare in rearview mirrors from<br />

various types of headlamps, (3) a method to<br />

determine the effects of vehicle obstructions<br />

and mirror placement upon driver performance,<br />

(4) truck plane and convex mirror systems,<br />

involving field tests to evaluate driver<br />

performance, (5) a defogging test for evaluating<br />

the merits of school bus defogging<br />

systems, (6) road load vs. engine idle speed<br />

methods for testing passenger car defrosting<br />

systems, (7) light truck windshield defrosting<br />

systems, (8) a new road film solution for<br />

testing windshield washing system$, (9) a test<br />

to evaluate windshield clearing effectiveness,<br />

and (10) a headlamp washer test mixture and<br />

procedure. ln addition, NHTSA staff supports<br />

a FHWA program concerned with<br />

large truck splash, spray, and aerodynamic<br />

effects.<br />

3.<br />

Controls and Displays-Controls and displays<br />

are the means of communication between<br />

the driver and his vehicle for monitoring<br />

vehicle condition and operation. Any<br />

degradation or failure of the equipment<br />

poses a risk to safe operation. Recognition<br />

became easier through standardization of<br />

certain controls and displays in an amendment<br />

to FMVSS No. l0l.<br />

Work on a new $tandard that would regulate<br />

the speedometer and odometer was completed.<br />

Speedometer readings would be limited<br />

to 85 mph, and anti-tampering features<br />

of the odometer would be improved.


6<br />



Standards Enforcement Background<br />

The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety<br />

Act of 1966 ("the Act") places the responsibility<br />

for certification of motor vehicles or motor vehicle<br />

equipment on the manufacturcr or distributor.<br />

Any standard or regulation having the force of<br />

law must be backed up by enforcement in order to<br />

ensure compliance. NHTSA is authorized to conduct<br />

a testing program and inspections to enforce<br />

the motor vehicle standards.<br />

The purpose of standards enforcement is to establish<br />

a level of surveillance that will encourage<br />

manufacturers to exercise diligence in their quality<br />

control and manufacturing processes, thereby ensuring<br />

compliance. Each year all applicable standards<br />

are evaluated and priorities established for<br />

compliance testing. Among the things considered<br />

are the possible consequences of a failure, previous<br />

test experience, accident data, similarity of<br />

vehicles, consumer complaints, market penetration,<br />

and new vehicle design.<br />

Investigations are opened as a result of compliance<br />

test failure, visual inspection, consumer<br />

complaints, analysis of manufacturing data, congressional<br />

inquiries, and exarnination of manufacturers'<br />

voluntary recall campaigns relating to the<br />

standards.<br />

The Record<br />

During the past l0 years of compliance testing,<br />

2,511 investigations have been opened as a result<br />

of test failures and suspected noncompliance.<br />

Eighty-two percent of these investigations have<br />

been cornpleted, 423 investigation.s are still in<br />

process. During the past year, 303 investigations<br />

were initiated and 281 investigations were closed.<br />

Each month NHTSA issues a computerized<br />

'*Monthly<br />

Compliance Report." This practice has<br />

been in effect for over 7 years. The report provides<br />

consunrers as well as manufacturers with an account<br />

of NHTSA enforcement activities. A summary<br />

includes reports accepted, investigations initiated,<br />

investigations in progress, investigations<br />

closed, investigations released to the public, and<br />

also identifies the number of enforcement actions<br />

underway.<br />

Testing for compliance is done by independent<br />

testing laboratories under contract to NHTSA.<br />

Test results do not rcllect NHTSA's position on<br />

compliance. Favorable results should not be interpreted<br />

as necessarily establishing that the vehicle<br />

or item of equipment, a$ a class, is in conformity<br />

with the relevant FMVSS. Similarly, unfavorable<br />

test results should not be interpreted as having<br />

established nonconformances with FMVSS.<br />

Responsive tests, by definition, are those which<br />

are not part of the regular scheduled test program.<br />

During the past year these were included in the<br />

Report. They consist of accumulation of special<br />

tests responsive to consumer complaints, retests of<br />

items that have failed in the scheduled program,<br />

and tests of vehicle or equipment items which may<br />

be introduced late in a model year. Responsive<br />

testing related to FMVSS No. 109, Pneumatic<br />

Tnties, has been the largest testing category during<br />

the past two years.<br />

ln 1977,7,458 pieces of equipment were tested,<br />

and 172 vehicles were subjected to 225 tests.<br />

The testing program recognizes the continuing<br />

change in design characteristics of vehicles, as<br />


Investigations<br />

Opened<br />

Closed<br />

Accumulated Total of<br />

Inve$tigations<br />

Opened<br />

Closed<br />

Table 8. Summary of Investlgatlons 1969-1977<br />

(Calendar Year)<br />

69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77<br />

149<br />

89<br />

149<br />

8S<br />

224<br />

69<br />

373<br />

158<br />

M2<br />

365<br />

815<br />

523<br />

337<br />

269<br />

1192<br />

792<br />

271<br />

229<br />

1463<br />

1061<br />

310<br />

331<br />

1773<br />

1352<br />

142<br />

310<br />

1S15<br />

1662<br />

Table 9. Number ol Civil Peneltles and Dollar Amounts<br />

(1968-1976)<br />

293<br />

209<br />

2208<br />

1871<br />

303<br />

281<br />

2511<br />

2152<br />

68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77<br />

Civil Penalties 0 3 7 15 26 47 45 21 20 14<br />

Dollars Ohousands) 0 90 124 194 176 193 230 138 94 17<br />

manufacturers strive to meet national priorities in<br />

the conservation of energy. Recognition is given to<br />

the fact that completely changed models currently<br />

being brought to market represent the manufacturers'<br />

efforts to reduce both size and weight. Test<br />

schedules are adjusted to include higher percentages<br />

of the totally new offerings to ascertain that<br />

they meet the requirements of the FMVSS (Figure<br />

20). During 1977 there was an increase in the number<br />

of test program vehicles that incorporated new<br />

structural design modifications such as shorter<br />

wheelbase, less overhang front and rear, lighter<br />

weight, more glass; interior design changes, and<br />

downgrading of power plants. It is expected that<br />

such changes will continue future model<br />

years.<br />

Upon test completion, vehicles are repaired and<br />

sold, traded in on new vehicles. donated to vocational<br />

trade schools, or transferred to other programs<br />

within the department. Vehicles subjected<br />

to the barrier crash or other destructive tests are<br />

sold for salvage. Funds from vehicle sales supplement<br />

test program expenditures.<br />

Uniform Tire Qunlity Grading<br />

Operations at the Uniform Tire Quality Grading<br />

Test Center in San Angelo, Texas increased, both<br />

32<br />

in treadwear and in traction tests, Course monitoring<br />

tires (CMT's) of all three construction types<br />

(radial, bias, and bias belted) were released to the<br />

tire industry; this brought about greatly increased<br />

industry use of the test center.<br />

The CMT's were sold to ten tire manufacturers<br />

and four testing firms. During 1977, tests conducted<br />

on the San Angelo course by seven domestic<br />

tire firms, two foreign tire firms, and one testing<br />

company, involved some 224 test cars. ln addition,<br />

six companies have conducted traction tests<br />

on the concrete and asphalt skid surface, for a<br />

total of l2l test davs.<br />

Figure 20. Testing Program to Determine<br />

Crash Survivability

Course monitoring tests continued on the treadwear<br />

course. Monitoring tests on the traction<br />

surfaces used the NHTSA skid test system to ensure<br />

that the traction coefficient skid numbers remained<br />

within the prescribed limits for industry<br />

testing.<br />

The UTQG data management system at San<br />

Angelo now transmits treadwear and traction data<br />

to Wa$hington for comprehensive analysis.<br />

Surveillance of Imported Nonconforming<br />

Motor Vehicles<br />

The number of nonconforming foreign motor<br />

vehicles imported into the United States increased<br />

approximately l0 percent in 1977, as compared to<br />

1976, and resulted in a similar gain in preliminary<br />

investigations.<br />

During the year, there was increased refinement<br />

and utilization of the computerized system set up<br />

for initial processing, and continued monitoring,<br />

of cases established by preliminary investigation.<br />

This permitted a speedup in the disposition of<br />

cases through earlier recommendations to the<br />

Customs officials.<br />

Surveillance of commercial importers of nonconforming<br />

motor vehicles for resale continues. Technical<br />

personnel assigned to the NHTSA regional<br />

offices perform approximately 97 percent of the<br />

on-site inspections to verify that noncontbrming<br />

vehicles have been modified as stated in the importer's<br />

compliance statements. Over 50 percent<br />

of the vehicles tested have failed to meet one or<br />

more FMVSS.<br />

As a result of failure to conform, NHTSA recommended<br />

assessment of liquidated damages in over<br />

200 cases in 1977 , under the terms of the Customs<br />

entry declaration.<br />

There has been a sharp growth in the importation<br />

of small motor-driven two-wheeled vehicles, commonly<br />

called "mopeds" (Figure 2l). Over 80 foreign<br />

manufacturers are manufacturing these vehicles,<br />

and a large number are shipping them to the<br />

United States. Without exception, early production<br />

moped vehicles inspected from each new<br />

manufacturer have failed to conform to all of the<br />

applicable standards. Additionally, consumer information<br />

for these vehicles was either nonexistent<br />

or incorrect, and certification was<br />

improper.<br />

Defects Investigrtion Background<br />

The major objective of defects investigation is to<br />

influence vehicle and vehicle equipment manufacturers<br />

to build products increasingly free of safetyrelated<br />

defects, through enforcernent of Sections<br />

15l-160 of the Act.<br />

Nevertheless, motor vehicles and motor vehicle<br />

equipment are produced with safety-related<br />

defects. In those cases where the manufacturer reports<br />

such defects voluntarily, the recall procedures<br />

and corrective actions must be monitored.<br />

In cases where defects are reported by the public,<br />

Figure 21. Mopeds-A New Traffic<br />

Safety Problem<br />


NHTSA investigations are required to determine<br />

whether such defects are saf'ety-related.<br />

Congress recognized when passing the Act that it<br />

would be impractical to issue standards for all<br />

vehicle components that could cause accident$,<br />

deaths, or injuries if they failed. Therefore, safety<br />

defect investigations were authorized, and the<br />

manufacturer's responsibility to notiiy owners in<br />

the event a defect was determined to exist was<br />

clearly outlined. The Act also increases manuf'acturers'<br />

awareness of their responsibilities, and<br />

focuses public attention on safety-related defects.<br />

How the Job is Done<br />

To detect trends, information is analyzed from a<br />

variety of sources including vehicle owner letters,<br />

accident reports, consumer groups, manufacturer<br />

service bulletins, and research reports. If a trend<br />

develops, investigations are initiated to determine<br />

whether defects do or do not exist, through testing,<br />

field investigations, and surveys.<br />

Independent investigations are undertaken by<br />

NHTSA to identify safety defects unknown to, or<br />

overlooked by, vehicle and vehicle equipment<br />

manufacturers. Enforcement action is recommended<br />

when the manufacturer fails to take<br />

appropriate action on a safety defect problem. Investigations<br />

must develop the documented evidence<br />

for the expert testimony required in the<br />

event of enforcement litigation.<br />

Manufacturer service bulletins are analyzed and<br />

discussed with manufacturers to be sure that<br />

defects are not overlooked or classified as nonsaf'ety<br />

defects. The proposed cprrective action is<br />

analyzed to make sure it is adequate. Follow-up<br />

action is taken to ensure that the manufacturer's<br />

corrective action is implemented by the dealers.<br />

To enhance its capabilities in identifying and<br />

evaluating safety-related defects, NHTSA has:<br />

r Made permanent a nation-wide Auto Safety<br />

Hotline.<br />

r Disseminated the Hotline story to members<br />

of the Congress, the media, auto clubs, and others<br />

who are in contact with the motoring public.<br />

. Expanded its surveillance program covering<br />

manufacturers' warranty data, service bulletins,<br />

and recall campaigns.<br />

. Expanded the number of engineering evaluations<br />

from 32 in 1976 to 96 in 1977.<br />

34<br />

r Increased the number and scope of in-house<br />

tests.<br />

To ensure public awareness and encourage participation<br />

in the investigative process, public<br />

announcements are made coincident with the<br />

opening of each investigation. The manufacturer,<br />

the media, and consumer interest groups are inf<br />

ormed of the investigation, and are asked to add<br />

to the factual data bearing on the subject. A Consumer<br />

Protection tsulletin or Public Advisory is<br />

issued when an immediate risk to traffic safety<br />

becoures apparent.<br />

NHTSA utilizes contractor and automobile club<br />

resources in obtaining investigatory facts and statistics;<br />

this expands the data base and speeds up<br />

determinations of the existence of safety-related<br />

defects.<br />

NHTSA now receives about 36,000 reports a year<br />

from consumers. They are NHTSA's principal<br />

source of information. Each report is reviewed<br />

and made part of an automated consumer file.<br />

The data information system also is programmed<br />

with information concerning manufacturers' service<br />

bulletins, recall campaigns, previous investigations,<br />

and problems.<br />

The Hotline, in addition to opening a direct line of<br />

communication between the consumer and NHTSA,<br />

provides a means ol acquiring timely information<br />

relating to ongoing investigations and other safetyrelated<br />

vehicle problems. In its first year of operation.<br />

the Hotline received over 15.000 calls from<br />

the public (Figure 22). There werc requests for<br />

Figure 22. NHTSA Deputy Admlnlstrator<br />

Works Hie Shilt on the Hotline

information concerning DOT, NHTSA, vehicle<br />

standards, and the rulemaking process. Of greatest<br />

importance to the investigatory activity, nearly<br />

7,000 calls were received from consumers reporting<br />

vehicle safety problems.<br />

The number of Hotline calls averages 200 to 300<br />

per day. When a major recall is announced or<br />

when news of a new investigation is released, 500<br />

to 6O0 consumer calls will be received in a day.<br />

Information obtained from the Hotline calls that<br />

pertains to safety-related defects is entered into<br />

the data information file.<br />

NHTSA and the Recall Campaigns<br />

"Recall<br />

campaign" is the term given to action<br />

generally taken under the notification and remedy<br />

section of the Act concerning safety-related<br />

defects and noncompliance. Recall campaigns initiated<br />

by manufacturers, either voluntarily or by<br />

direction of NHTSA or the courts, are preceded<br />

by some form of investigation. An investigation<br />

may be undertaken by the manufacturer, or by<br />

NHTSA or, in some cases, by both.<br />

When a manufacturer determines that a defect<br />

that relates to motor vehicle safety or noncornpliance<br />

exists in a group of vehicles or items of equipment,<br />

the manufacturer is required to notify the<br />

vehicle owner, dealers, distributors, and NHTSA.<br />

Also, the manufacturer is required to remedy the<br />

problem at no charge to the vehicle owner.<br />

NHTSA is responsible for monitoring the manufacturer's<br />

corrective action for adequacy, and for<br />

compliance with statutory requirements.<br />

Reports that suggest the existence of significant<br />

safety defects in groups ofvehicles are investigated<br />

whether or not the component is the subject of a<br />

Federal Standard. Investigations encompass the<br />

production process from design, material, and<br />

manufacturing to quality control.<br />

If NHTSA's initial determination is that there is a<br />

safety defect or noncompliance, a letter is written<br />

to the manufacturer, informing him and stating<br />

the basis for the conclusions, and a notice is<br />

published in the Federal Register. The letter and<br />

notice give the time and place when a public meeting<br />

will be held so that the manufacturer and other<br />

interested parties may present their views. Statements<br />

made at this public proceeding are recorded.<br />

The information is then presented to the Administrator<br />

for final determination. lf there is an<br />

affirmative finding, a final letter is written to the<br />

manufacturer requiring that he notify all known<br />

owners, dealers, and distributors. Should the<br />

manufacturer refuse, the Administrator can go to<br />

the courts to compel him to take this action.<br />

The 1974 amendments to the Act give a vehicle<br />

owner the right to petition NHTSA for a public<br />

hearing, if a manufacturer has not corrected a<br />

safety problem without charge and within a reasonable<br />

time. Vehicle owner$ may also petition if<br />

they believe their Vehicles contain defects. The<br />

manufacturer must include information regarding<br />

complaint procedures and petitions in his recall<br />

letters to owners.<br />

Three of five petitions regarding recall campaign<br />

performance received by NHTSA during 1977<br />

have been resolved without resorting to hearing<br />

procedures. All campaign performance petitions<br />

have received responses within the 60-day period<br />

established by regulation.<br />

Thirteen petitions were received during 1977 from<br />

owners who believed their cars contained defects<br />

which also existed in a large number of similar<br />

vehicles. Of this group, one resulted in a defect<br />

notification campaign and another formed the<br />

basis for a formal defects investigation. To date,<br />

all responses have been made within the 120-day<br />

period established by statute.<br />

Publications concerning recall campaigns are<br />

available to the general public in several forms. A<br />

summary of each campaign is made public soon<br />

after it is received in NHTSA.<br />

A quarterly booklet summarizing the campaigns<br />

received each calendar quarter is printed and distributed<br />

by the Covernment Printing Office<br />

(CPO).'" Details for each campaign are available<br />

for reference in the Technical Reference Branch,<br />

NHTSA.<br />

In order to respond more quickly to the consum€r,<br />

and to provide more rapid turnaround for petitions<br />

and suggested investigations, NHTSA is acquiring<br />

a laboratory to perform metallurgical<br />

analyses of failed materials. This facility will aid<br />

in determining, upon receipt, whether or not a<br />

component or system contributes to safety-related<br />

defects. Equipment is also being acquired to permit<br />

chemical analyses of failed parts.<br />

{See Appendix D, No, 46.

As the year began, there were 49 cases being actively<br />

investigated. During the course of the year,<br />

25 new cases were opened and investigative action<br />

was completed on 54, leaving 20 cases under active<br />

investigation. Of these, l2 have been open for less<br />

than six months.<br />

Two important 197? cases were:<br />

r Engine Comparlment Fire: The recall of<br />

Porsches resulted from the discovery by a Safety<br />

Defects Investigator that dilute acid washed from<br />

the vehicle battery caused deterioration of the<br />

fabric wrapped around nearby fuel hoses. This<br />

resulted in loosening of the hoses, leakage of fuel<br />

and, finally, engine compartment fires. Following<br />

a NHTSA demonstration, the vehicle manufacturer<br />

announced a safety defect recall.<br />

t Flexibte Fan Breakage.' The Parts Return<br />

Program disclosed several broken flex fansn<br />

together with reports of cut hoses, fan shrouds,<br />

and radiators, but with no report$ of accidents or<br />

injuries. However, in January, word was received<br />

that a mechanic had received a cut arm from a<br />

broken blade. When inquiry to the vehicle manufacturer<br />

disclosed additional injuries, a formal investigation<br />

was opened and an NHTSA Consumer<br />

Advisory warned of the dangers involved in servicing<br />

engines equipped with flexible fans (Figure 23).<br />

The scope of the investigation was broadened to<br />

include other domestic manufacturers. A concerted<br />

effort resulted in the announcement of two<br />

defect notifications from Ford and one from<br />

American Motors Corporation.<br />

Safety Defect Recrlls-1977<br />

In 1977, there were 246 safety defect recall campaigns<br />

by vehicle manufacturers, involving a<br />

record 12.9 million (M) vehicles. Of these, 9.0M<br />

vehicles were recalled in campaigns influenced by<br />

NHTSA. Since inception of the Act (September<br />

1966 through December 1977) some 65.5M vehicles<br />

have been recalled in 2,396 campaigns; 10.4M<br />

vehicles and 451 campaigns involved foreign vehicles.<br />

Of these campaigns, 363, involving 34.4M<br />

vehicles, were influenced by NHTSA.<br />

Safety Cnmpaign Audits<br />

Part of the intent of the Act is to ensure that<br />

manufacturers produce vehicles and equipment as<br />

36<br />

free of defects as is technologically possible. When<br />

safety problems do occur, it is necessary to make<br />

sure that the manufacturers notify both NHTSA<br />

and the vehicle owner. However, the success of<br />

any recall campaign lies in the adequacy of corrective<br />

measures, and the extent to which the vehicle<br />

population is covered.<br />

Points considered by NHTSA in evaluating adequacy<br />

of a campaign<br />

are:<br />

r Does the corrective action eliminate the safety<br />

problem?<br />

r Is the timing as to the availability of replacement<br />

parts reasonable?<br />

r Does the letter to the owner realistically<br />

describe the saf'ety problem and the corrective<br />

action?<br />

r ls the recall campaign broad enough to encompass<br />

all potentially defective vehicles?<br />

r Are any other manufacturers using the same<br />

component with the same safety problem?<br />

NHTSA receives a copy of the letter which the<br />

manufacturer sends to the owners, Contents of the<br />

letter are prescribed by regulation.<br />

NHTSA has a follow-up program to ensufe that as<br />

many vehicles as possible are corrected. Each<br />

manufacturer is required to submit a quarterly<br />

report on campaign progress. When the completion<br />

rate is less than normal. the manufacturer<br />

may be requested to take additional action.

Teble 10. $ummary of Salety Recall Campaigns<br />

Defect Campaigns<br />

Vehicles Hecalled<br />

ffhousands)<br />

Year Dome$tic Foreign Domestic Foreign<br />

1969<br />

1970<br />

1971<br />

1972<br />

1973<br />

1974<br />

1975<br />

1976<br />

1977<br />

138<br />

100<br />

182<br />

277<br />

208<br />

208<br />

190<br />

169<br />

195<br />

42<br />

54<br />

53<br />

43<br />

43<br />

39<br />

27<br />

40<br />

51<br />

7,502<br />

738<br />

8,790<br />

7,814<br />

6,667<br />

2,338<br />

1,931<br />

2,944<br />

10,690<br />

The NHTSA audit progam is designed to ensure<br />

that vehicles having possible safety problems are<br />

identified and repaired, and to test the adequacy<br />

of the repairs. This is done on a sampling basis<br />

through contact with vehicle owners to establish<br />

whether:<br />

r A notification was received.<br />

r The owner responded.<br />

r The vehicle was repaired.<br />

As an extension of the audit, certain vehicles are<br />

examined to establish thatr<br />

r The repairs were made as claimed.<br />

r The repairs were adequate and effective'<br />

Parts Return Program<br />

The Parts Return Frogram involves voluntary<br />

submittal of information by independent repair<br />

shops, along with any failed automotive components<br />

encountered during daily business. The purpose<br />

of the program is to help NHTSA identify<br />

potential safety defects in motor vehicles and<br />

motor vehicle equipment (Figure 24).<br />

During the 1977 calendar year, 249 participating<br />

shops provided 1,4O8 components and items of information,<br />

a 49 percent increase from the previous<br />

year.<br />

The components and information received during<br />

this sixth year of program operation provided support<br />

to 17 formal investigations and to numerous<br />

engineering analyses. Two of the investigations<br />

resulted in the recall of certain failure-prone flexible<br />

blade engine cooling fans made by Ford<br />

416<br />

502<br />

630<br />

4,263<br />

334<br />

531<br />

280<br />

451<br />

2,227<br />

Safety Recall Campaigns<br />

Directly Influenced<br />

by NHTSA (Accumulative<br />

Percentage Since 1966)<br />

4.4<br />

5.3<br />

9.7<br />

14.9<br />

14.3<br />

14.9<br />

14.3<br />

14.4<br />

15.1<br />

Motor Company, and some Firestone steel belted<br />

tires which failed to comply with FMVSS No. 109.<br />

The program is being expanded to include new car<br />

dealers, automotive parts supplier$, and passenger<br />

vehicle fleet operators. This will broaden the base<br />

of parts and information to include late model<br />

vehicles.<br />

:' Recrefltional Yehicle Surveys<br />

Two NHTSA surveys of recreational vehicles, four<br />

years apart, were carried out to obtain data on

loading and suspensions. As a result of the overloaded<br />

conditions revealed in the original survey,<br />

two regulations and one FMVSS have been issued,<br />

These require manufacturers to provide users with<br />

information on loading, gross weight, and center<br />

of gravity.<br />

The second roadside survey showed a 26 percent<br />

decline in travel trailers found overloaded, and a<br />

35 percent decline in overloaded motor homes.<br />

Engineering Test Facility<br />

1977 was the startup year for the Engineering Test<br />

Facility located at the Transportation Research<br />

Center of Ohio. Testing began in September 1976.<br />

Leased building space of 32,500 square feet (Figure<br />

25) was occupied in December 1976. By May<br />

1977, four testing projects had been completed<br />

Flgure 25. Engin€ering Test Facility<br />

and the workload increased rapidly. By the end of<br />

the year, 24 projects had been received and 16 had<br />

been completed.<br />

The operation at ETF has confirmed the benefits<br />

of quick-reaction testing by an in-house facility.<br />

Testing in 1977 made use of the major driving surfaces<br />

available at the TRC-the 7.5 mile, highspeed<br />

oval track, the SO-acre vehicle dynamics<br />

area, and the 2,500-foot skid pad. ETF test projects<br />

also utilized the TRC high-acceleration crash<br />

simulator.<br />

Most of the testing performed by ETF during 1977<br />

was in support of NHTSA safety defect investigations.<br />

The purpose of one test project completed<br />

during 1977, however, was to validate a proposed<br />

new test procedure for Standard No. 213, Child<br />

Restraint Sy.rlerns. As future schedules permit,<br />

ETF will carry oul some compliance testing.

CHAPTER 7<br />


Sumnrary of Funclions and<br />

Interagency Relations<br />

The Secretary of Transportation is charged with<br />

the administration of Title V: Improving Automotive<br />

Efficiency of the Motor Vehicle lnformation<br />

and Cost Savings Act, as amended by the Energy<br />

Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. This responsibility<br />

has been delegated to NHTSA. The<br />

obligations include:<br />

r Promulgation of average passenger automobile<br />

fuel economy standards along the guidelines<br />

established by the Congress in the Act.<br />

r Establishment of average fuel economy<br />

standards for vans and light trucks under 10,000<br />

pounds GVWR.<br />

. Issuance of regulations governing proctdures,<br />

definitions, and rcports to sufrport the<br />

standards.<br />

r Enforcement of the standards.<br />

Proposed and final rules for automotive fuel<br />

economy, directed by the Secretary of Transportation,<br />

are coordinated with the Department of<br />

Energy. In addition such rulemaking is coordinated<br />

with other agencies of the governrnent when<br />

necessary.<br />

Standards Issued and Proposed<br />

The Congress legislated average passenger car fuel<br />

economy standards for MY 1978, 1979, and 1980,<br />

at 18, 19, and 20 miles per gallon (mpg), respectively,<br />

and directed that the Secretary issue standards<br />

for MY l98t through 1984, leading to a goal<br />

of 27 .5 mpg by MY 1985. The Secretary is directed<br />

to consider technological feasibility, economic<br />

practicality, and the effects of motor vehicle<br />

safety standards.<br />

The standards which haye been established and the<br />

anticipated results are:*<br />

. For passenger automobiles the averages are<br />

set at 22,24,26, and 27 mpg for MY 1981, 1982,<br />

1983, and 1984. These fleet averages are deemed<br />

to be within the capability of the manufacturing<br />

industry to meet with ease. lt is anticipated that<br />

the standards will result in savings of 590,000 barrels<br />

of fuel per day by 1985 and I.2 million barrels<br />

per day in 1995 over the 1980 average of 20 mpg.<br />

This amounts to the amazing cumulative saving of<br />

4.3 billion barrels by 1995, equal to half ol' the<br />

estimated oil reserves in Alaska.<br />

r The economic effects on the consumer will<br />

also be beneficial. While price increases due to<br />

fuel economy measures may rise at the rate of<br />

about $49 per year for the 4-year period l98l<br />

through 1984, for a total price increase of about<br />

$200, savings will exceed $640 over the life of an<br />

automobile, based on a price of 650 per gallon for<br />

gasoline. The net saving to the consumer, including<br />

increases in purchase price and maintenance<br />

costs, will be about $490.<br />

r Fuel economy standards for nonpassenger<br />

vehicles (vans and light trucks) are 17.2 mpg for<br />

MY 1979 two-wheel drive vehicles, and 15.8 mpg<br />

for MY 1979 four-wheel drive general utility vehicles<br />

weighing less than 6,000 pounds. These standards,<br />

also, were set with a view to the technological<br />

state-of-the-art, and the economic consequences.<br />

Fuel savings will amount to 6,684 barrels per day<br />

under the 1979 rules. or a total of 24.4 million barrels<br />

during the lifetime of the fleet.<br />

rFor a more complete treatment of the rulemaking process, the<br />

research and rationale bchind it, and the anticipated results,<br />

see Automotive Fuel Etonomy Pragram, Sercntl Annual<br />

Reltort trt the Congrcss, .lanuary l97tl, available from Ceneral<br />

Services Division/Distrihution. NHTSA,<br />


It is estimated that the fuel economy standard<br />

for MY 1979 vans and light trucks could impose<br />

an additional cost to the consumer of as much as<br />

$22 per vehicle. This would be more than offset by<br />

a lifetime operating cost saving of approximately<br />

$68 per year, or about $415 (discounted for inflation)<br />

during the life of the vehicle.<br />

r In addition, the final rule establishing average<br />

fuel economy standards for vans and light trucks<br />

for MY 1980 and l98l is to be issued in March<br />

1978.*<br />

Regulntlons and Compllance<br />

Regulations have been published which cover definitions,<br />

procedures, and reports required of the<br />

manufacturers to support the standards, and petitions<br />

for granting exemptions from the standards.<br />

As required by law, a Cas Mileage Guide was<br />

prepared and distributed to dealers by the Federal<br />

Energy Adrninistration (FEA), based on measurements<br />

made by the EPA. It is the responsibility of<br />

NHTSA to enforce regulations regarding display<br />

of the Guide by new automobile dealers. A nationwide<br />

survey of more than 200 dealers found that<br />

some 60 percent were not prominently displaying<br />

the Cuide. Letters have been sent to 26,fi)0 dealers<br />

informing them of their obligation. If the mailing<br />

fails to have the desired results, further enforcement<br />

measures are planned.<br />

Fuel F.conomy Reseflrch<br />

ln 1977, NHTSA continued the fuel economy research<br />

program, to provide the data and analysis<br />

to fulfill its responsibilities. This research program<br />

was separated into five categories;<br />

. Assessment of Automotive Technology-The<br />

evaluation of production and future hardware<br />

*MY 1980 standard was set at 16 mpg for two-wheel drive and<br />

14 mpg for four-whccl drive vehicles. MY l98l standard was<br />

set at l8 mpg for two-wheel drive and 15.5 mpg for fourwheel<br />

drive vehicles.<br />

40<br />

available to manufacturers to achieve fuel economy<br />

improvements on passenger automobiles,<br />

and on vans and light trucks of less than 10,000<br />

pounds GVWR (individually and in fleets). lmprovements<br />

include weight and performance<br />

reductions, engine and drive train improvements,<br />

alternative engines and transmissions, improved<br />

lubricants, reduced aerodynamic drag, and rolling<br />

resistance.<br />

. Effects of Other Federal Standurds on Fuel<br />

Economy-The interactions between the requirements<br />

for fuel economy, emission, noise, safety<br />

and damageability standards, as well as the effects<br />

of other Federal standards (occupational safety,<br />

health, and environmental) on manufacturing<br />

plants and production capabilities.<br />

t Industrial Analysis-The evaluation of production<br />

problems and costs of technological improvements<br />

(individually and in combinations),<br />

the assessment of manufacturers' capabilities and<br />

leadtimes in implementing fuel economy improvements,<br />

capital requirements and the feasibility of<br />

obtaining capital, the evaluation of each manufacturer's<br />

ability to meet the standard$, and assessment<br />

of the impact upon the labor force.<br />

t Economic Analyses^The effects of fuel<br />

economy standards (and/or other conservation<br />

actions) on automobile prices and demand, on<br />

employment, and on cost of ownership and operation<br />

of automobiles. This category also deals with<br />

domestic competition, consumer choices, imports,<br />

air quality, highway safety, and aggregate economic<br />

effects on the automobile industry, the national<br />

economy, and petroleum and other national<br />

resources. Underscoring these considerations are<br />

the availability and price of fuel.<br />

t Market Analyses-The interactions between<br />

automobile products offered and the acceptance<br />

they receive in the marketplace, in view of fuel<br />

economy standards, government policies, and fuel<br />

prices.<br />

The major accomplishments of this program during<br />

1977 are shown in Table I I.

Table 11. 1977 Fuel Economy Stendads and Rogulatlons<br />

Date lssued Type<br />

Average Fuel Economy Standards for Nonpassenger Automoblles 318177 New Standard<br />

Passenger Automobile Average Fuel Economy Standards 6127177 New $tandard<br />

Vehicle Classification 7128177 Definitional<br />

Manufacturers of Multistage Automobiles 712U77 Definitional<br />

Reduction of Passenger Automobile Average Fuel Economy<br />

Standards (1) Procedural -<br />

ExemptionfromAverageFue|EconomyStandards7l2w77Procedu<br />

Automotive Fuel Economy Heports (2) Procedural<br />

(1) Published 11114177<br />

(2) Published 12l1WT<br />

Title<br />

A<br />

- 4<br />

*r<br />


CHAPTER 8<br />



Litigation Highlights, lg77<br />

B. F. Goodrich v. DOT. On March 21, 1977, the<br />

Supreme Court denied the request of eight tire<br />

manufacturers to review the September 2, 1976<br />

decision of the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals<br />

upholding the principal provisions of the Uniform<br />

Tire Quality Grading Standards.<br />

General Motors Corporation v. Brinegar; United<br />

S/a/es v. General Motors Corporalion (Circuit<br />

Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia). In<br />

october 1977, the circuit court upheld the validity<br />

of an NHTSA order that General Motors<br />

notify owners of a defect in the fuel inlet plugs installed<br />

in some 274,0001965-1966 Chevrolets and<br />

Buicks. Plug failure could result in fire.<br />

Admtnlstrfl tive Enforeement<br />

The following administrative enforcement actions<br />

were settled by accepting payments in lieu of seeking<br />

civil penalties through Court actions:<br />

r For nonconformance with vehicle lighting<br />

requirements (Standard No. 108):<br />

Easy Trail, Inc. $1,fi)0<br />

Cobra Custom Trailers I,mO<br />

Eastside Machine, Inc. 1,000<br />

Panrher Westwinds Ltd. 1,500<br />

r For nonconformance with the passenger car<br />

retreaded tire requirements (Standard No. ll7):<br />

MFA Oil Inc. $ 750<br />

Rising Bros. 250<br />

Phillips and Anderson 750<br />

r For nonconformance with motorcycle controls<br />

and displays requirements (Standard No,<br />

123):<br />

Cimatti Ltd. $1,500<br />

r For nonconformance with child $eating systems<br />

requirements (Standard No. 213)r<br />

tsabyhood Industries $ 500<br />

Pride-Trimble Corp. 500<br />

Questor Juvenile Proclucts 5,0fi1<br />

r For nonconformance with bus window retention<br />

and emergency exit requirements (Standard<br />

No. 217):<br />

Eagle lnternational lnc.<br />

Blue Bird Body Company<br />

Carpenter Body Works<br />

$1,500<br />

500<br />

l,(x)0<br />

At the end of 1977. six settlement letters had been<br />

sent to vehicle and equipment manufacturers to<br />

inform them that, unless an acceptable offer in<br />

compromise is received, civil penalties will be pursued.<br />

Two additional settlement letters, informing<br />

vehicle manufacturers that NHTSA would be willing<br />

to close its files without penalty providing<br />

acceptable notification and remedy campaigns are<br />

conducted, also were outstanding.

CHAPTER 9<br />


International Cooperation<br />

Recognizing the universal growth in the industrialized<br />

countries of traffic injuries and fatalities, and<br />

related problems such as drunk drivers, fuel consumption,<br />

and emissions, NHTSA has been involved<br />

in a number of international activities and<br />

organizations. Although the U.S. has by tar the<br />

Iargest road network, driver,/automobile population,<br />

and background experience, international<br />

cooperation and information exchange in automobile<br />

and traffic safety continues to be mutually<br />

beneficial and productive for all participants.<br />

provides for the development of motor vehicle<br />

construction standards, including safety requirements.<br />

To date, a total of 36 regulations have been<br />

developed and attached to the 1958 Geneva Agreement.<br />

These represent one of two main sources of<br />

safety standards for the construction of motor<br />

vehicles in the world. The second source is the set<br />

of FMVSS developed by NHTSA. Many countries,<br />

including Japan, Canada, and Australia,<br />

have used NHTSA and the WP29 standards in the<br />

development of their own regulations. The EEC<br />

(Common Market) is also developing a set of<br />

directives derived from the WP29 standards.<br />

NHTSA's international efforts in 1977 included As yet, adequate harmonization between NHTSA<br />

visits and cooperation with numerous representa- standards and corresponding WP29 standards has<br />

tives of foreign Governments as well as their auto- not been achieved; a few are similar but many are<br />

mobile/traffic safety-related agencies and manu- substantially different. NHTSA is working with<br />

facturers. The primary international organizations WP29 to improve the situation, and is represented<br />

with which NHTSA has been active are; NATO's on six of the eight groups of rapporteurs that<br />

Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society develop technical drafts for WP29. With U.S.<br />

(CCMS), the Road Safety Committee of the Euro- support, WP29 has reorganized the groups of rappean<br />

Conference of Ministers of Transport porteurs to more closely parallel NHTSA's organi-<br />

(ECMT), Committee lnternational de I'Inspection zation for the development of FMVSS. A special<br />

Technique Automobile (CITA), Organization for WP29 ad hoc Group for Harmonization of<br />

Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), NHTSA and WP29 Standards has been estab-<br />

European Economic Community (EEC), Interlished. The expected international laboratory test<br />

national Standards Organization (ISO), United procedures from this group will be issued as an<br />

Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE),<br />

European Experimental Vehicle Committee<br />

ECE document.<br />

(EEVC), and Japan's Ministry of International International Standards Organization<br />

Trade and Industry (MITI).<br />

International Automobile Safety Slandsrds<br />

Harmonization<br />

Many ISO test procedures are incorporated into<br />

WP29 regulations, just as many Society of Automotive<br />

Engineer (SAE) test procedures are incorporated<br />

into NHTSA regulations. NHTSA partici-<br />

The U.S. (NHTSA) participates as a voting mempates in the ISO through Technical Committee 22<br />

ber at meetings of the Group of Experts on the on the construction of automobiles, and in the<br />

Construction of Vehicles (Working Party 29), human impact testing and evaluations of Tech-<br />

Inland Transport Committee of the ECE. WP29 nical Committee 108 on mechanical vibration and<br />

operates under the 1958 Geneva Agreement, which shock. This is another means of harmonizing test<br />

4E<br />

, r<br />


procedures which may be incorporated into future<br />

international safety standards.<br />

The International Experimental Safety Vehicle<br />

Program<br />

The lnternational ESV Program, initiated by the<br />

CCMS Road Safety Pilot Study, is led by the<br />

United States through the NHTSA Research<br />

Safety Vehicle Program.* Research data is exchanged<br />

among governmenl and industry representatives<br />

under Memoranda of Understanding<br />

between the U.S. Government and the governments<br />

of France, Great Britain, the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany, Japan, Sweden, and Italy. In 1977,<br />

research publications included the Report on the<br />

Sixth International Conference on Experimental<br />

Vehicles,+* which contains proceedings of the<br />

October 1976 Washington, D.C., conference and<br />

test reports on U.S. crash tests of the Renault<br />

Basic Research Vehicle and the British Leyland<br />

Marina Research Safety Vehicle (Figure 26).<br />

Communications with Japan continue through the<br />

Ministry of lnternational Trade and Industry. The<br />

European Experimental Vehicles Committee coordinates<br />

car safety technical activities of European<br />

participants in the international program.<br />

In November 1977, the NHTSA Administrator<br />

attended an EEVC meeting in London for the<br />

purpo$e of planning future ESV conferences, experimental<br />

vehicle activities, and research data<br />

exchanges. The next ESV conference is tentatively<br />

scheduled for Paris in 1979.<br />

Blomechanics and Anthropomorphic Test<br />

Dummies<br />

International Head-Neck lnjury Workshops held<br />

in Washington, D.C. and Ann Arbor, Michigan<br />

during 1977 were sponsored by NHTSA. Participants<br />

included medical and engineering research<br />

representatives from the U.S., England, France,<br />

Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland. In process,<br />

as the result of these workshops, are standardized<br />

procedures for head-neck autopsy, injury identification<br />

with appropriate computer-oriented<br />

coding, and arrangements for storage of, and<br />

+See Crash Survivability, IntegratedVehicle<br />

Systems Programs.<br />

'rSee Appendix D, No, 11,<br />

46<br />

;l<br />

. t,t:l<br />

Figure 26, British Leyland Marina RSV<br />

common access<br />

to, brain injury data from cooperating<br />

research hospitals in this country and<br />

abroad.<br />

NHTSA participated in the EEVC Biomechanics<br />

Working Croupn the International Research com*<br />

mittee on Biokinetics (IRCOBI), and the ISO<br />

meeting held in Berlin and Vienna during September<br />

1977 . Arrangements were made to assist European<br />

biomedical researchers in coordinating<br />

instrumentation protocol, using uniform coordinate<br />

systems, standardizing methods of injury<br />

identification and reporting, and adopting comr<br />

mon injury coding procedures for injury data<br />

banks.<br />

NHTSA personnel engaged in the organization<br />

and work of the Fifth International Workshop of<br />

Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research,<br />

held in November 1977 in New Orleans. Representatives<br />

from seven countries participated. For<br />

the past five years these workshops have been<br />

directed at developing uniform procedures for the<br />

use of humans and animals as test subjects, to generate<br />

information on human tolerance to crash<br />

injury.<br />

Support of the l)epartments of Stnte and<br />

Cornmerce Bila teral Government Consultations<br />

with Japan<br />

NHTSA provides technical support to the U.S.<br />

delegation participating in bilateral consultations<br />

with the Government of Japan on automobile<br />

safety standards and certification procedures.<br />

'fhe<br />

consultations held in Tokyo during September<br />

1977 improved the mutual understanding of the<br />

entry procedures for vehicles of U.S. manufacture<br />

into the Japanese market.

Handicapped Drivers<br />

In November 1977, NHTSA sent a representative<br />

to the Department of Commerce-sponsored<br />

"Rehabilitation<br />

USA" seminar in Tokyo, Japan,<br />

to present a paper describing NHTSA research<br />

and development programs related to handicapped<br />

drivers and rulemaking actions planned for<br />

drivers' adaptive controls.<br />

U.S.-Canadian Test Facility Coordination<br />

Coordination with Canadian counterparts in the<br />

Ministry of Transport on design of facilities for<br />

testing motor vehicles and equipment continued<br />

during 1977. Plans, specifications, and equipment<br />

lists for the NHTSA Compliance Test Facility<br />

have been released for use by the Canadian Ministry<br />

ol Transport and its contractors for their<br />

Motor Vehicle Test Center. Representatives of the<br />

Canadian architect-engineer firm visited the Engineering<br />

Test Facility in East Liberty, Ohio, for<br />

discussion of NHTSA's current and projected instrumentation<br />

capability.<br />

No-Damage Bumper System<br />

Proposals to delay tougher requirements in the<br />

federal standard on passenger car bumpers have<br />

been withdrawn in line with comments presented<br />

at a public hearing in July, which showed that a<br />

delay in the effective date was not justified.<br />

The primary goal of the bumper standard, which<br />

was mandated by Congress in the Motor Vehicle<br />

Information and Cost Saving.s Act, is to reduce<br />

the cost of low-speed collisions.+ It incorporates<br />

the requirement$ currently contained in Standard<br />

No. 215 which, since MY 1974, has required passenger<br />

car bumpers to withstand crashes of 5 miles<br />

per hour, both front and rear, without damage to<br />

safety systems such as lighting, fuel, exhaust,<br />

braking, steering, cooling, and latching.<br />

The new standard not only prohibits damage to<br />

safety systems, but also to all vehicle surfaces<br />

except for the bumper, in 5-mph front and rearend<br />

crashes, beginning with cars manufactured in<br />

the 1979 model year. The second-phase requirements<br />

of the standard, scheduled to take effect in<br />

MY 1980, limit damage to the bumper face bar to<br />

*For information on bumper work, other than "no-damage",<br />

sec scctions on Pedestrian Protection and lnteerated Vehicle<br />

Svstems,<br />

%-inch dents, and lirnit overall flattening of the<br />

bumper<br />

face bar to %-inch.<br />

Information submitted by the automobile manufacturers<br />

indicates that consumers will have to pay<br />

about $6 to $ l0 more, on the average, for a vehicle<br />

equippcd with Phase II bumpers than for a vehicle<br />

with Phase I bumpers. This cost increase is expected<br />

to be far outweighed by the benefits of the<br />

more damage-resistant bumper systems.<br />

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles SummsrT<br />

The Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Research, Development,<br />

and Demonstration Act of 1976 (Public<br />

Law 94-413) reflected a determination lry Congress<br />

that the introduction of electric and hybrid vehicles<br />

would be practical, would substantially reduce<br />

domestic use of petroleum and, would in turn,<br />

decrease dependence on foreign sources of oil. In<br />

response to the legislative requirements, NHTSA<br />

activities included the following in 1977:<br />

r Completed a study+ of current and future<br />

applicability of safety standards and regulations<br />

to these vehicles, which concluded that most existing<br />

standards will be applicable, with certain modifications.<br />

. Analyzed available test data on electric and<br />

hybrid vehicles (crash and performance tests) visa-vis<br />

data on internal combustion engine vehicles.<br />

Additional crash tests were planned, as well as<br />

demonstration fleets, to obtain data necessary for<br />

future requirements.<br />

. Held a public hearing to obtain the views of<br />

all interested parties.<br />

r Made recommendations to develop standards<br />

to deal with unique hazards of these vehicles and<br />

provide a level oI safety consistent with that anticipated<br />

for other vehicles.<br />

r Reported to the Congress and the Energy<br />

Research and Development Administration on the<br />

results of the study.<br />

Odometer Tampering<br />

The odometer tampering program is going through<br />

a trial pcriod to assess the ultimate levels of enlbrcement<br />

that will be needed. The initial NHTSA<br />

*Availablc from Ceneral Services Division, NHTSA, 400 7th<br />

Street, S.w,, Washington, D.C. 20590.<br />


effort has concentrated on helping consumers make odometer tampering more difficult.<br />

pursue their rights of action and in assisting law<br />

enforcement agencies through advice and refer- The Department of Justice has participated in or<br />

' I<br />

rals. The Washington Office has processed over coordinated Federal investigation of approxi-<br />

2fi) odometer complaints. Some have been referred<br />

to other enforcement agencies, and others<br />

mately 50 automobile dealerships and wholesalers.<br />

ln Minnesota, five defendants pled guilty and l<br />

have been followed up through inquiries to State have received short prison sentences. In New Jer- I<br />

recorcls or warning letters to individuals suspected sey, fines and civil restitution have been imposed i<br />

ofsellingvehicleswithalteredodometers.TheonatleaStsevendefendants.lnKentu<br />

regions also have handlecl numerous complaints. defendants pled guilty, paid substantial fines, and I<br />

A vehicle standard has been proposed that would served time in prison.<br />



1O<br />



Informing the Press and the Public<br />

There were many requests for interviews with<br />

NHTSA officials from the daily, weekly, trade,<br />

and international press as well as from radio and<br />

television news reporters and analysts. These interviews<br />

and countless inquiries by telephone and in<br />

person resulted in special articles, and radio and<br />

television news spots throughout the country.<br />

Two-minute, ll-minute, and lS-minute films on<br />

air bags were widely distributed and used. Spot<br />

announcements also were prepared and distrib-<br />

uted on such subjects as alcohol and driving,<br />

motorcycle and bicycle safety, and the 55-mph<br />

national speed limit.<br />

Serving the Consumer<br />

NHTSA services include assisting the consumer in<br />

the resolution of vehicle and vehicle equipment<br />

safety problems, keeping the consumer informed<br />

of automotive safety problems, and furnishing in-<br />

formational materials on all aspects of motor<br />

vehicle safety.<br />

The public's growing interest in the safety and<br />

econorny of automotive transportatiOn was evi- The Auto Safety Hotline was made a permanent<br />

denced by the demand for information, reports of facility and its services publicized. By year's end<br />

defects, and response to demonstration projects this national, toll-free service was handling 300 to<br />

and publicity campaigns. NHTSA issued some 123 500 inquiries daily. The sready flow of safety-<br />

news releases, dealing with various aspects of related data received by NHTSA through Hotline<br />

NHTSA operations, including standards, regula- inquiries is of great value in the defects investigations,<br />

compliance activities, motor vehicle accition function, and in the recall of vehicles and<br />

dent costs of $43 billion annually, use of State equipment for correction of dangerous problems.<br />

highway safety funds to promote the use of Citi- On the other hand, the public receives NHTSA<br />

zens' Band (CB) radios for highway emergencies, expertise in resolving vehicle problems, or prompt<br />

incentive grants to States for reducing their high- referral to the proper jurisdiction to handle inquirway<br />

fatalities and fatality rates, and technical ies outside the purview of this agency.<br />

assistance to the States to improve their 55-mph<br />

enforcement programs. A monthly<br />

These news releases received<br />

wide coverage in U.S. newspapers, magazines,<br />

and trade publications.<br />

"Consumer Report Package" was instituted,<br />

to assist consumer groups and agencies<br />

throughout the counrry in handling vehicle problems<br />

that plague the consumer, and to answer the<br />

need for motor vehicle safety information. The<br />

packages, mailed to some 230 consumer agencies<br />

(Federal, State, local, and private), contain news<br />

releases on new vehicle defect investigation recalls<br />

and on tire and equipment recalls.<br />

A new service to the consumer is the publication<br />

of "Consumer Advisories", in the form of press<br />

releases, to get the information on safety problems<br />

to the motoring public as quickly as possible. ln<br />

addition to information on investigations and<br />

recalls, the releases solicit reports from consumers<br />

on problems such as those being investigated and,<br />

whenever possible, furnish advice on precautions<br />

to be observed pending correction. Forty-three<br />

such advisories were issued during 1977.<br />

In addition to the Hotline, 600-700 complaints<br />

and inquiries from the public are handled monthly.<br />

All are responded to, and the complaints made<br />

known to the manufacturers.<br />


50<br />

Flgure 27- Sate Driving ln Winter<br />

A new Fact Sheet on Brake Fluids* was published<br />

during the reporting period as well as a booklet on<br />

Safe Driving in Winter+, and Spanish language<br />

versions of Tips on Car Care and Safety for DeuJ<br />

Drivers* (Figures 2? and 28).<br />


1;1iii,,, 'i''"' $EGURIDAD DEL<br />

., AUTOMOVIL<br />

Figure 28. Tips on Car Care and Safety for Deal<br />

Drivers-SPanish Version<br />

+Available on request from General Services Dvision,<br />

NHTSA. 4fi) 7th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590.

CHAPTER 11<br />


The purpose of the research program is to develop<br />

a data base that will support the motor vehicle and<br />

highway safety programs of the National Highway<br />

Traffic Safety Administration in its campaign to<br />

save lives and reduce injuries on our Nation's<br />

streets and highways. Research is planned and carried<br />

out to discover trends, to pinpoint problems,<br />

and to provide solutions. A major effort is currently<br />

underway to help the automotive industry<br />

design and produce more fuel-efficient vehicles.<br />

while still maintaining vehicle safery and integrity.<br />

Tables 12 and 13 list examples of NHTSA and<br />

FHWA research projects and describe how they<br />

have been, or may be, applied.<br />

Analysis, Evnluation, and Dissemination<br />

of Research<br />

The utilization of research and development to<br />

solve highway safety problems may be illustrated<br />

by outlining an ideal sequence of steps. Occasionally,<br />

unusual events in the traffic and highway<br />

safety situation require a reordering or combining<br />

of the phases. Ideally, the activities should flow as<br />

follows:<br />

t Problem Awareness-Research data cari trigger<br />

an alert to a new or growing problem and<br />

determine whether a real problem exists.<br />

t FocusinE on the Solution-Once the problem<br />

is understood, research focuses on discovering<br />

promising solutions-making sure of the alternatives<br />

for breaking the causal chain of events leading<br />

to the accident, reducing the impacr of the<br />

crash, or eliminating the situation in which the<br />

accident takes place.<br />

r Testinq the Solution-After finding that a<br />

particular safety I'eature or solution is feasible and<br />

appears practical, development and testing is<br />

needed to prove the effectiveness of the countermeasure<br />

and how it should be instituted. The<br />

result is a complete package that can be provided<br />

to States and communities for use, or form the<br />

basis for a new or amended safety standard.<br />

t Determination of Effictiveness of Existing<br />

Programs-Programs are utilized in real situations<br />

and the data from these programs are made available<br />

to practitioners and researchers. Specific<br />

applications in a number of aspects of highway<br />

safety are described in the accompanying tables.<br />

Table 13 is devoted to NHTSA data acquisition<br />

and statistical functions.<br />

Current Research Grants and Contracts<br />

and the Problems They Address<br />

Appendix E contains a list of research contract$<br />

which were active during calendar year 1977.<br />

NHTSA policy favors competitive procurement<br />

rather than the use of grants. The bulk of the<br />

research is performed by private industry and<br />

universities instead of by government employees.<br />

Research is carried out primarily to develop data<br />

to support near-term and future standards.<br />

NHTSA and FHWA continue to allocate a significant<br />

portion of their research to priority programs.<br />

NHTSA priorities now include increased<br />

emphasis on motorcycle, moped, and pedestrian<br />

safety; emphasis on fundamental approaches to<br />

reducing alcohol and drug-related accidents;<br />

research to develop the technical support for fuel<br />

economy standards; research to support passive<br />

restraint standards; the integrated vehicle systems<br />

program to design, develop, construct, and test<br />

research vehicles embodying advanced tcchnological<br />

features; and the initial portion of the<br />

NASS by the National Center for Statistics and<br />

Analysis.<br />

51<br />


Table 72. 1977 Research Accompllshments and Application to Motor Vehicle Standards<br />

Accomplishments<br />

Developed the technical support for the 1979 non'<br />

passenger automobile fuel economy standards<br />

rulemaking.<br />

Developed the technical support for the 1981-1984<br />

passenger automobile fuel economy standards<br />

rulemaking.<br />

Developed technical support for the proposed<br />

1980-1981 nonpassenger automobile fuel economy<br />

standards rulemaking.<br />

Currently developing technical support for pro'<br />

posed 1984-1986 passenger automobile fuel econ'<br />

omy standards rulemaking'<br />

Accomplishments<br />

Conducted full-scale crash tests with Ch€vsttes<br />

and Vegas, to demonstrate that driver air bag systems<br />

using off-the-shelf technology will meet the<br />

requirements of FMVS$ No. 208, Passive Festaints,<br />

in small cars.<br />

Completed accident data analysis for Vega and<br />

Capri production steering columns.<br />

Initiated a program to obtain data on the motion of<br />

occupants in lateral collisions.<br />

Conducted a program to integrate advanced technology<br />

active and passive restraint systems into<br />

production compact cars (Volvos).<br />

Conducted a series of tests to evaluate ths benefits<br />

of a web locking device in improving the performance<br />

of stock three'point seat-belt systems (1975<br />

Torlno).<br />

Initiated a program to develop improved passive<br />

belts for occupants of small cars.<br />

Conducted Phase I development program for pas'<br />

sive air bag protectlon for front-seat passengers of<br />

small cars.<br />

Accompllehments<br />

Sponsored and conducted two workshops on<br />

"Head and Neck lnjury." Initial efforts have produced<br />

a standardized head-neck autopsy protocol<br />

and an initial proposed coding suitable for computer<br />

storage and retrleval.<br />

52<br />



Application<br />

Standards were issued by NHTSA in March 1977.<br />

Standards were issued by NHTSA in July 1977.<br />

Proposed standards were issued December 15'<br />

1977.<br />

Proposed stqndards to be issued by NHTSA in mid-<br />

FY 1978.<br />

Application<br />

$upports passive restraints standard (FMVSS No.<br />

208) issued in June 1977.<br />

Supports upgrade of steering column standards<br />

(FMVSS No. 203 and No. 204).<br />

Supports upgrade of occupant protection stand'<br />

ards for lateral collisions.<br />

Supports the pa$sive restraint standard (FMVSS<br />

No. 208) for smaller cars and lays the groundwork<br />

for the FMVSS 400 Series- of standards for passive<br />

protection at higher speeds.<br />

Supports the FMVSS 400 Series of standards for<br />

passive protection at higher speeds'<br />

Supports FMVSS No. 208 issued in June 1977, and<br />

lays the groundwork for the FMVS$ 400 $eries of<br />

standards for passive protection at higher speeds.<br />

Supports FMVSS No. 208 issued in June 1977, and<br />

lays the groundwork for the FMVSS 400 Series of<br />

standards for passive protection at higher speeds'<br />


Appflcatlon<br />

This process will ultimately provide a data base of<br />

actual head and neck injuries upon which to<br />

develop improved head injury criteria for upgrading<br />

occupant protection standards. flo be included in a<br />

new series)

Table '12. 1977 Research Accomplishments end Application to Motor Vehicle Standards<br />

(Gontinued)<br />

BIOMECHANICS-Continued<br />

Accomplishments Application<br />

Initiated study of femur-pelvic complex injuries in<br />

the automobile crash environment.<br />

Demonstrated feasibility of accurately predicting<br />

head and brain injury f rom head motion parameters.<br />

Designed and built a mechanfcal impacting systBffi<br />

which has been used to replicate the impact of a<br />

pedestrian leg on the front of a vehicle.<br />

Will provide a basis for the improvement of occu.<br />

pant protection standards (a new series) especially<br />

in the lateral impact mode.<br />

Appropriate Extsnsion of this approach will provide<br />

the basis for a more valid head protection perform.<br />

ance standard for application to a new series.<br />

Provides the basis for leg protection in a pedestrian<br />

impact injury mitigation standard.<br />


Accomplishments Appllcation<br />

Initlated experimental and analytical research for<br />

the development of structural concepts to improve<br />

side impact protection of subcompact and compact<br />

vehicles.<br />

Investigated the structural and englne mass aggressive<br />

effects in car-to-car collisions.<br />

Initiated research for the development of testmethods<br />

and devices for measuring aggressiv+<br />

ness of production vehicles.<br />

Initiated testing of existing "basellne" electrlc<br />

vehicles.<br />


Will provlde technlcal basis and support for upgrading<br />

the side impact protection standard<br />

(FMVSS No.214).<br />

Will assist in the development of efflclent iest<br />

methods and devices for measuring aggressiveness<br />

of future production vehicles (FMVSS 400<br />

Series).<br />

Will provide technical basis and compliance proce.<br />

dures for future vehicle compatibility/aggressiveness<br />

standards (FMVSS 400 $eries).<br />

Provided data for the report to Congress,<br />

"Appllca.<br />

bility of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards<br />

and Regulations to Electric and Hybrid Vehicles."<br />

Accomplishments Application<br />

Tested response parameters for a sample of motorcycles<br />

and correlated the results with proven<br />

experiences, Effectiveness of anti-lock brakes in<br />

accident avoidance was also examined.<br />

Initiated deVelopment of a hierarchy of vehicte<br />

simulation models for evaluating open and closed<br />

loop dynamic responses of vehicles.<br />

Began fabricatlon of a modular wind-generating<br />

machine designed to simulate a variety of aero.<br />

dynamic disturbances.<br />

Began fabrication of a portable device which will<br />

provide data on the dynamic handling propefiies of<br />

vehicles.<br />

Inltiated study on the effects of truck and trailer<br />

frame torsional bending relative to their handling<br />

and stability.<br />

Test procedures developed will be suitable for<br />

assessing controllability of motorcycles. Performance<br />

criteria will support future rulemaking.<br />

Models will serve as effective tools in developing<br />

efficient test methods in the area of vehicle handling.<br />

Will verlfy vehicle response to known aerodynamic<br />

disturbances and set performance standards for<br />

eventual rulemaking.<br />

aid those NHTSA contractors Involved in<br />

utilizing computer simulation techniques for handling<br />

studies.<br />

Quantif ication of this unknown element wlll lead to<br />

better understanding of this class of vehicle and<br />

provide the basis for rulemaking.<br />


Table 12. lgTT Research Accompllshments and Application to Motor Vehlcle $tandards<br />

(Contlnued)<br />

Accomplishments<br />

Initiated investigation on the feasibllity of applying<br />

the principles of fluidics to anti-lock brakes for<br />

motorcycles.<br />

Completed the design, fabrlcation and checkout of<br />

a lightweight, highly reliable, accurate instrumenta'<br />

tion package suitable for crash-avoidance testing<br />

of small vehicles.<br />

Accomplishments<br />

Continued work on accelerated tire treadwear<br />

validation in an effort to rate treadwear in less than<br />

50 miles, regardless of test course, and without a<br />

control tire.<br />

The non-destructive test (NDT/road correlation<br />

program is approximately 35 percent complete.<br />

Road tests have generated tire failures (stopped<br />

prior to tire rupture) and reinspection by reflection<br />

ultrasonic NDT will be accomplished in the second<br />

quarter of FY-78. Full program validation is scheduled<br />

for completion in the fourth quarter of FY-78.<br />

Revised and expanded Monograph 122,<br />

"Mechanics<br />

of Pneumatic Tires," to ref lect the advances in the<br />

state-of-the-art, applicable to theory, test and<br />

manufacture of tires, since its 1971 edition.<br />

Developed and applied for a patent on a NDT tire<br />

casing bead integrity system. NHTSA patent application<br />

will permit system design and use to all<br />

interested users.<br />

Accomolishments<br />

VEHICLE HANDLING-Conllnued<br />

Conducted preliminary research to establish passenger<br />

car hydraulic brake performance levels lor<br />

straight and curved path braking on surfaces hav'<br />

ing low and split coefficients of friction.<br />

Initiated research into the development of a long'<br />

life hydraulic brake system and test methods cap+<br />

ble of establishing durability levels.<br />

Initiated research to develop a single braking per'<br />

formance standard for trucks, buses, and multipurpose<br />

passenger vehicles having either hydraulic<br />

or air brakes.<br />

Conducted testing to evaluate compatibility prob'<br />

lems experienced in operating mixtures of pre- and<br />

post-FMVSS No. 121 braking systems in combina'<br />

tion heavy duty vehicles.<br />

54<br />

Application<br />

Demonstrates the technical and economical benefits<br />

of this approach and provides a data base for<br />

potential rulemaki ng actions.<br />

Will be used by NHTSA contractors, particularly for<br />

testing vehicles with small load capacities; i.e.,<br />

where regular instrumentation would cause overload.<br />

BRAKES<br />

Application<br />

lf successful, new system and test technique could<br />

be used for compliance testing and certification.<br />

NDT wlll be useful for precompllance testlng In<br />

identifying defective tires, as well as for determin.<br />

ing faults generated during compliance testing.<br />

Utilized by all who are interested in improving tire<br />

performance and safety.<br />

Cost effective NDT system for use in FMVSS"I17<br />

compliance testing. System will detect casing bead<br />

failures prior to retreading and assure quality and<br />

safer retreads.<br />

Application<br />

Expand and improve FMVSS No. 105-75, Hydraulic<br />

Erake Sysfems.<br />

Expand FMVSS No. 105-75, Hydraulic Brake Sysferns.<br />

Supports FMVSS No. 105-75, Hydraulic Brake<br />

Sysfems and FMVSS No. 121, Air Bra4e Sysferns.<br />

$upport FMVSS No. 121, Air Brake Sysfefl?s'<br />


Tabfe 12' 1977 Research Accompllshments and Appllcatlon to Motor Vehlcle Standeds<br />

(Contlnued)<br />

BRAKES-Contlnued<br />

Accomplishments Application<br />

Completed f ntegration of electronic emergency Docket 72-1, Automatic Braitng Systems, ANPHM.<br />

braking function with two types of production brak.<br />

lng systems (hydraulic power boost and vacuum :<br />

power boost), and conducted preliminary controlled<br />

tEsts.<br />


Accomplishments Application<br />

ldentified and studied driver problems in operating Supports upgrading of FMVSS No. 101.<br />

fingertip reach controls.<br />

ldentified the significance of mismatches between Will have an impact on setting priorities for future<br />

driver capabilities and vehicle design characteris- resgarch and rulemaking.<br />

tics in accident causation.<br />

Completed a field study of several innovatlve rear After verlflcation, thls type of rear lighilng system<br />

fighting and signalling systems and lound that a may be considered in a future revision of FMVSS<br />

single, center, high-mounted brake signal reduced No. 108.<br />

rear-end accidents by 54% compared to a control<br />

group with the conventional rear system.<br />

Developed a method for analytically evaluating Wll be consldered in future revlslons of FMVSS<br />

vehicle lighting in fog and determined lamp design No. 108, to Incorporate a fog lamp standard.<br />

parameters for improved fog lamps.<br />

Analyzed the signalling requirements for emer- May be consldered in future revisions of FMVSS<br />

gency, school bus, and service vehicles and devel- No. 108, to incorporate emergency signal lights in<br />

oped recommendations for a nationwide unllorm this standard.<br />

communication system for those vehicles.<br />

Initiated a study to evaluate the feasibility of a May be used in future revisions of FMVSS No. 10g.<br />

single beam headlighting system.<br />

Developed equipment and procedures for objective Will provide a basis for establishing refined<br />

measurement of visibility quality, and collected performance standards for windshield wipers,<br />

preliminary data relating such measures to driver washers, defrosters, and defogger$, and a means<br />

visual performance. for compliance te$ting against such standards.<br />

Completed a study of ability of passenger car Provide important data relative to the integrated<br />

drivers to detect, identify, and judge targets p6r- direct and indirect visibility requirements of vehicle<br />

ceived only through peripheral vislon. drivers and the establishment of an integrated<br />

standard lor vehicle vislbility systems.<br />


Accompllshments Appticalon<br />

fnitiated research to identifyanti-theft performance Upgrade FMVSS No. 114, Thelt prevention-pascriteria<br />

and develop a cost beneficlal security sys- senger Cars.<br />

tem for passenger cars that is effective in reducrng<br />

th6ft.<br />

'This<br />

will be a new s6rl6s not previously having a numerical d€Blgnailon,<br />

55<br />


Table 13. Data Acqulsition and Statlstlcal Analysis<br />

Flesearch AccomPl ishments<br />

Publlshed two studies evaluating the effects of the<br />

S$mph speed limit.<br />

Initiated a truck fleet accident evaluation of the alr<br />

brake standard.<br />

Contlnued the motorcycllst neck injury study'<br />

Completed a study on causss of motor vehicle traf'<br />

fic accidents.<br />

Initiated an lntegrated and contlnulng natlonwlde<br />

sample of motor vehicle accident phenomena'<br />

Published a statistical study of heavy truck accldent<br />

severity.<br />

Continued crash severity study, focuslng on mea'<br />

sur€ment of accident severity indices with accom'<br />

panying injury.<br />

Initiated a pedestrian injury causation study.<br />

Continued and expanded the exposure data program.<br />

Initiated accident analysis ol narrow bridge colll'<br />

sions.<br />

Contlnued comparatlve study of accidents involv'<br />

ing breakaway and non-breakaw?Y poles.<br />

Provided analytlcal support to defect investlgation<br />

cases.<br />

Provided analytical support to rulemaking activi'<br />

ties.<br />

Continued field evaluation of air bag/passlve r+<br />

$traint system.<br />

Continued school bus crash investlgations.<br />

56<br />

Application<br />

To provide increased support to the maintenance of<br />

the 55-mph speed limit.<br />

To provide information on the relative accident rate<br />

of trucks with "improved"<br />

air brakes vs. those not<br />

so equipped.<br />

To determine relationship between head/neck injury<br />

and motorcycle helmet usage.<br />

Provided statistics on causes as related to driver<br />

error, driver conditions, avoidance maneuvgrs,<br />

vehicle conditions, and highway and environmental<br />

factors.<br />

To collect nationally representative data on motor<br />

vehicle accidents for detailed statistics and for<br />

design and evaluation of standards and countermeasure$.<br />

Will help to understand the safety problems of<br />

heavy trucks and the effects of increased size and<br />

weight on highway safetY.<br />

To provide better information for the design of<br />

effective crashworthiness motor vehicle safety<br />

standards.<br />

To identify injury causes, to determine pedestrian<br />

InJury severity, and to recommend modification of<br />

the vehicle exterior to eliminate vehicle protrusions.<br />

To supplement accident data, especially in the<br />

analysis of factors contributing to traffic accidents'<br />

To measure the accident problem at narrow bridges<br />

and to determine the injury severity and vehicle<br />

crashworthiness following collisions with bridges<br />

and approaches.<br />

To identify the extBnt of these accidents and to<br />

examine the relative vehlcle damage and personal<br />

injury attributed to collisions with both types of<br />

poles.<br />

Data supportecl valldity of defect assessm€nts<br />

against vehicle manufacturers and aided in preparation<br />

of court cases.<br />

Analyses and stati$tical interpretations of research<br />

studies aided in assessing the potential value of<br />

proposed highway safetY rules.<br />

To determine protection given occupants in various<br />

crash types and to provide data leading to system<br />

improvem€nts.<br />

To assess vehicle damage and its relation to occu'<br />

pant injury. May result in school bus design modif<br />


CHAPTER 12<br />



The National Motor Vehicle Safety Advisory<br />

Council was created by the Congress in 1966 to<br />

consult with the Secretary of Transportation on<br />

and acceptance. During the Congress the Council<br />

presented its Excalibur Award to Dr. John D.<br />

States of Rochester, New York, for his outstand-<br />

motor vehicle safety standards. The 3O-member ing work in automotive safety. In addition, Speno<br />

Council included representatives of State and local<br />

governments, researchers, motor vehicle manufac-<br />

Awards, given annually for the best technical<br />

papers presented at the Congress, were awarded to<br />

turers, motor vehicle equipment manufacturers,<br />

and motor vehicle dealers. The Council has provided<br />

a public voice in the administration of the<br />

Joseph W. Little, Professor of Law, University of<br />

Florida, and Dr. R. Eugene Goodson of the Institute<br />

of Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies, Pur-<br />

motor vehicle safety program, and has been an due University.<br />

indicator of public and industry reaction to proposed<br />

safety standards.<br />

During 1977 the Council met in full session three<br />

Eleven of the Council's members participated in<br />

the newly-created Truck and Bus Safety Subcom,<br />

mittee, meeting jointly with their ten counterparts<br />

times, while its subcommittees met six times. The<br />

Council sponsored a Head and Neck Injury Work-<br />

of the National Highway Safety Advisory Committee's<br />

subcornrnittee. There were ll joint subshop<br />

in April, bringing together leading national<br />

and international experts in this field, and providing<br />

a forum for discussion and debate on such<br />

committee rneetings, at which issues of FMVSS<br />

No. l2l, Air Brake Systerus, were explored. As a<br />

result of public hearings and debates and staff<br />

topics as methods ol' identificarion of head and presentations, the subcommittees prepared three<br />

neck injury mechanisms and injury tolerance reports to the Secretary of Transportation.<br />

levels, the relationship of those mechanisms to the<br />

pathology of injury, and factors necessary for<br />

valid surrogate assessment of safety system performance.<br />

The overall goal of the workshop was<br />

The Council was terminated on October l, 1977,<br />

in accordance with Section 107 ol'the Motor Vehicle<br />

and Schoolbus Safety Amendments of 1974.<br />

to provide DOT with information for assessing the<br />

quality and direction of departmental programs<br />

Major accomplishments for 1977 are listed below.<br />

A list of members at termination is given in Ap-<br />

for the development of standards for head and<br />

neck protection.<br />

pendix B.<br />

In July the Council sponsored its Fifth International<br />

Congress on Automotive Safety. The theme<br />

of the Congress was "Motor Vehicle Goals Beyond<br />

1980," and the major objectives were to<br />

explore the interaction of automotive safety with<br />

fuel economy, emissions, road performance, problems<br />

of manufacturers, repair and parts replace*<br />

ment, resistance to damage, first cost, operating<br />

expenses, other economic factors, and user needs<br />

Reports<br />

t Safety Defect Recalt Campaigns*-A review<br />

of NHTSA's safety defect recall program, including<br />

a number of recommendations for broadening<br />

the scope of safety defect recall procedures and<br />

information sources.<br />

*See Appendix D, Number:t6.<br />


t NHTSA Research Activities*-A review of<br />

research<br />

activities within NHTSA.<br />

*See Appendix D, Nurnber 32.<br />

**Available from NHTSA,uExecutive Secretariat,<br />

r Increase campaigns to encourage use ofsafety<br />

belts.<br />

t Head and Neck Injury Seminar-Areport on<br />

a two-day seminar which prescnted current research<br />

on this subjcct, included recommendations<br />

on the use of this research, and stressed the urgent<br />

need for future research, particularly in the area<br />

of trauma,**<br />

r Revise and update NHTSA performanceoriented<br />

motor vehicle safety standards.<br />

r Prepare a film on helmet effectiveness for the<br />

benefit of States contemplating repeal of helmetuse<br />

laws.<br />

e Factor of Two-A report on the difficulties<br />

of relating car-barrier crash tests with car-car<br />

crash tests.*+<br />

. Evaluate motor vehicle safety standards and<br />

attendant activities, to determine the need for continuation<br />

or modification.<br />

r Create a representative public body, to assure<br />

Recommendntions<br />

continued review of DOT's motor vehicle safetv<br />

program.<br />

. Fromulgate a passive restraint standard,<br />

while promoting mandatory seat,belt usage as a<br />

first-step measure until passive systemsi are available.<br />

r Review and update .,Study on lg80 Goals for<br />

Commercial Vehicles" and "Report on Motor<br />

Vehicle Goals Beyond 1980."<br />

r Collect data on moped accidents.<br />

5g<br />

r Continue the International Congress on<br />

Automotive Safetv.

CHAPTER 13<br />


Organizational Changes<br />

A new organization for the National Highway<br />

Traffic Safety Administration was approved on<br />

December 16, 1977, effective January l, 1978<br />

(Figure 29).<br />

Several changes were made. Major among these<br />

are the change in structure and functional alignment<br />

designed to merge all rulemaking activities<br />

(i.e., motor vehicle safety standards, average fuel<br />

economy standards, and consumer information<br />

regulations and modifications) under an Associate<br />

Administrator for Rulemaking, and the consolidation<br />

ol all enforcement activities under an Associate<br />

Administrator for Enforcement. 'Ihese<br />

changes abolish the Office of the Associate Administrator<br />

fbr Motor Vehicle Programs and the<br />

Office of Automotive Fuel Economy.<br />




tTitl<br />

Concurrent with changes in the administration of<br />

motor vehicle safety and consumer information<br />

and protection, the planning, research, and test<br />

programs were also restructured:<br />

r The Office of Vehicle Systems Research was<br />

abolished and the Offices of Passenger Vehicle<br />

Research and l{eavy Duty Vehicle Research were<br />

placed under Research and Development.<br />

r A Vehicle Research and Test Center was<br />

established under Research and Development, to<br />

consolidate all activities of the Engineering Test<br />

Facility in East Liberty, Ohio, the Safety Research<br />

Laboratory at Riverdale, Maryland, and the Uniform<br />

Tire Quality Grading Facility at San Angelo,<br />

Texas.<br />

r The title of the Associate Administrator for<br />

Planning and Evaluation was changed to Associate<br />

Administrator for Plans and Programs, the<br />

oFFtcE 0i<br />

FUEUC ArfArAS At0<br />

c0lsuf li FAnTrcrf AT|oI<br />

Flgure 29. Netionol Hlghway Trafflc Safety Administretlon<br />


Office of Program Planning was abolished, and<br />

the Office of Program Analysis was renamed the<br />

Office of Program and Rulemaking Analysis.<br />

r The Office of Public Affairs and Consumer<br />

Services was retitled the Office of Public Affairs<br />

and Consumer Participation, to emphasize the<br />

increased public involvement in NHTSA's programs.<br />

Management Improvements<br />

To provide management with an information system<br />

consistent with program goals and objectives,<br />

NHTSA developed procedures for recording and<br />

reporting grant obligations and expenditures<br />

(under Section 402 of the Highway Safety Act of<br />

1966) by subject matter and remedial measures.<br />

Three 40*hour technical courses in Automotive<br />

Fuel Economy were conducted by the University<br />

of Maryland, to assist about 50 NHTSA employees<br />

to adjust to program changes resulting from<br />

NHTSA's increased mission in automotive fuel<br />

economy.<br />

60<br />

Civil Rights<br />

The achievements of NHTSA's Civil Rights and<br />

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program<br />

for 1977 are summarized as follows:<br />

r A Cooperative Education Program was initiated.<br />

Participants were 42 percent minority and<br />

57 percent female.<br />

r Women employees participated, through the<br />

NHTSA Federal Women's Program, in training<br />

designed to enhance an appreciation of their<br />

potential and to develop career-planning skills.<br />

r Minority representation in professional positions<br />

was increased from 9.8 percent to 10.4 percent<br />

of total jobs in this category.<br />

r Pre-grant reviews for civil rights implications<br />

were made for the first time-and prior to funding-of<br />

all State highway safety plans.<br />

r The goal of contracts awarded to minority<br />

business enterprises was exceeded for the sixth<br />

consecutive year.


CB<br />

CCMS<br />

CITA<br />

CMT<br />

DOT<br />

ECE<br />

ECMT<br />

EEC<br />

EEO<br />

EEVC<br />

EPA<br />

ESV<br />

ETF<br />

FARS<br />

FEA<br />

FHWA<br />

FMVSS<br />

6PO<br />

GVWR<br />

tRvw<br />

rsA<br />

ISRS<br />

M<br />

MITI<br />

MPC<br />

MY<br />

NASS<br />

NCSA<br />

NCSS<br />

NHTSA<br />

NTIS<br />

OECD<br />

PICS<br />

RSV<br />

SAE<br />

SRL<br />

TRC<br />

UTQG<br />

- Citizens' Band<br />

* Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society<br />

- Committee International de I'Inspcction Technique Automobile<br />

- Course Monitoring Tire<br />

- Department of Transportation<br />

- Economic Commission for Europe<br />

- European Conference oI Ministers of Transport<br />

- European Economic Community<br />

- Equal Employment Opportunity<br />

- European Experimental Vehicle Committee<br />

- Environmental Protection Agency<br />

- Experimental Safety Vehicle<br />

- Engineering Test Facility<br />

- Fatal Accident Reporting System<br />

- Federal Energy Administration<br />

- Federal Highway Adtnitristration<br />

* Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard<br />

- Government Printing Office<br />

- Gross Vehicle Wcight Rating<br />

- Integratcd Research Volkswagen<br />

- Internalional Standards Orgatrization<br />

- Injury Severity Reporting System<br />

- Million<br />

- Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan)<br />

- Miles Per Gallon<br />

- Model Year<br />

- National Accident Sampling System<br />

- National Center for Statistics and Analysis<br />

- National Crash Severity Study<br />

- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration<br />

- National Technical Information Service<br />

- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development<br />

- Pedestrian lnjury Causation Study<br />

- Research Safety Vehicle<br />

- Society of Automotive Engineers<br />

- Safety Research Laboratory<br />

- Transportation Research Center<br />

- Uniform Tire Quality Grading<br />



Figure Page<br />

A-1<br />

A-Z<br />

A-3<br />

A-4<br />

A-5<br />

A-6<br />

A.7<br />

A-8<br />

Trends in Vehicle Mileage and Mileage Death Rate, 1957-1977<br />

Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities by State, 1977 and Percent Change from 1976<br />

Motor Vehicle Traffic Death Rate, 1977, and Percent Change from 1976<br />

Trends in Motor Vehicle Registrations, Licensed Drivers and Vehicle Miles of Travgl,<br />

A-5<br />

A"6<br />

A-7<br />

A-8<br />

A-S<br />

A-10<br />

1957-1577<br />

A-14 Pedestrian and Motor Vehlcle Occupant Fatalltles, 1957-1977<br />

A-14 Motorcycle and Bicycle Fatalities, 1957-1977<br />

A-15 Weekend-Weekday Contrast in Fatality Rates, 1977<br />

A-16 Monthly Death Rates,lor 1972,1973, and 1977<br />

A-17 Trend in Motor Vehicle Death Rates, 1957-1977<br />

A-18 Trend in Ratios of Registered Vehicles to Drivers and Population, 1957*1977<br />

.<br />

A-11<br />

A-12<br />

A-13<br />

A-14<br />

A-15<br />

A-16<br />

A-17<br />

A-18<br />

A-19<br />

A-20<br />

A'21<br />

A-22<br />

A-20 Total Motor Vehicle Travel, 1957-1977<br />

A-21 Motor Vehicle Travel on All Highway Systems, 1971-1976<br />

A"22 Motor Vehicle Travel on the Interstate Highway System, 1971-1976<br />

A.22 Motor Vehicle Travel on Non-lnterstate Highway Systems, 1971-1976<br />

A-23 Average Free-Moving Travel Speed on the Rural Interstate System, 1960-1977<br />

A-25 Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 1977<br />

4-26 Percent Increase in Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 1967-1977<br />

A-28 Distribution of Male Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 1977<br />

A-28 Percent Increase in Male Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 1967-1977<br />

A-30 Distribution of Female Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 1977<br />

A-31 Percent Increase in Female Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 1ffi7-1977<br />

A-35 Comparison of Traffic Deaths and lndustrial Production Index, U.S., 1957-1977<br />

A'3 ,'.


Table<br />

A-1<br />

A-2<br />

A-3<br />

A-4<br />

A-5<br />

A-6<br />

A-7<br />

A-8<br />

A-S<br />

A-10<br />

A-11<br />

A-12<br />

A-13<br />

A-14<br />

A15<br />

A16<br />

A-17<br />

A-4<br />

Page<br />

A-9 Basic Statistics About Motor Vehicle Traffic Deaths in the United States<br />

1957, 1967-1977<br />

A-10 Basic Data Pertaining to Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents, United States, 1957-1977<br />

A-11 Growth in Population and Motor Vehicle Registration<br />

A"12 Number and Distribution of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities by Type, 1957-1977<br />

A-13 Number and Population Death Flate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities by Type in<br />

the Accident, 1957 -1977<br />

A-19 Types of Motor Vehicles Involved in Fatal Accidents, 1975-1976<br />

A-19 Comparison of Number of Miles Traveled Annually by Type of Vehicle, 1975-1976<br />

A-24 Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 1967-1977, Total<br />

A-27 Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 1967-1977, Male<br />

A-29 Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 1967-1971, Female<br />

A-32 Percent Distribution, by Age, of Drivers Involved in Fatal Accidents, 1977<br />

A-33 Percent Distribution, by Age, of Male Drivers Involved in Fatal Accidents, 1977<br />

A-34 Percent Distribution, by Age, of Female Drivers Involved in Fatal Accidents, 1977<br />

A-36 $afety Belt Percent Usage, 1974-1977 Passenger Cars<br />

A-37 Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities by Age and Sex, United States, 1976<br />

A-38 Leading Causes of Death by Age and Sex, United States, 1975<br />

A-46 Fatality Rates for the United States and Setected Foreign Countries, 1g7S

Motor Vehicle Travsl<br />

(Billions of vehicle miles)<br />

Mileage Death Flate<br />

(Fatalities<br />

per 1 00,000.000<br />

vehicle miles)<br />

_ 1600 8.0 -<br />

_ 1400<br />

- 1200 6.0 -<br />

- 800<br />

1 Mileage Death Rate<br />

T A<br />

\- l^{<br />

\<br />

Motor Vehicle Travel<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

NHTSA<br />

GoalI<br />

- 600 3.O -<br />

- 400 2,0 -<br />

- 200 1.0 -<br />

1 955 1 965 1 970 1 975 r 980<br />

NOTE: lmprovEmentsinvehicles,roadr,andsafetyofoperationhavereducedthedeathratepBrmile<br />

of travel by ffiore than 43 percent since 1957, The decline in the mileage death rate means that<br />

it is r'low pcssible to travel almost 18,000 milBs aI the sdme risk that wa$ attsined in driving<br />

10.000 miles in 1957.<br />

Figure A-1. Trends in Vehlcle Mileage and Mlleage Death Rate, 1957-1977<br />

5.0 *<br />


A.6<br />

q r q<br />

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Percent Increase<br />

-240<br />

- 200<br />

- 120<br />

--80<br />

-40<br />

1 955<br />

Vehicle Miles<br />

of Travel<br />

SOUFICE; Federaf High way Ad mi n istrat io n, H ig h wey Sfat ltfus.<br />

Motor Vehicle<br />

Begistrations<br />

1 960 1 965 1 970 1 975 1 980<br />

NOTE: Between 1 957 and the fuel 5hortage ar rhe end of 1 973 there wes a rapid growth<br />

in the use of motor vehicles. Vehicle miles traveled increased faster then the<br />

number of vehicles, and both increased faster than the number of drivers. Thus,<br />

travel per vehicle, travel per driver, and vehicles per driver increased throughout<br />

the period,<br />

Figure A'4. Trends In Motor Vehicle Regi$trations, Licensed Drivers and<br />

Vehfcfe Miles of Travet. lglt-lgt7

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A.t0<br />

Year<br />

1557<br />

1 958<br />

1 959<br />

I 960<br />

1961<br />

1 962<br />

r 963<br />

1964<br />

I 965<br />

1 966<br />

1 967<br />

1968<br />

1 969<br />

1 970<br />

197 1<br />

1972<br />

1 973<br />

1974<br />

1975<br />

1 976<br />

1977E<br />

Table A-2. Basic Data Pertaining to Motor vehicle Traffic Accldents.<br />

United States, 1957-1977<br />

Resid€nt<br />

Population<br />

(thousandsl<br />

171<br />

,187<br />

't74,149<br />

177,135<br />

179,979<br />

182,552<br />

185,771<br />

188,483<br />

1g 1,141<br />

193.526<br />

195,576<br />

157,467<br />

199,399<br />

201,385<br />

203,810<br />

206,212<br />

208,230<br />

209.844<br />

21 1,390<br />

213,124<br />

214,649<br />

216.332<br />

Licensed<br />

Drivers<br />

(thousands)<br />

79.631<br />

81,537<br />

84.498<br />

87,253<br />

BB,7 44<br />

90,588<br />

93,573<br />

95,468<br />

98,502<br />

100,998<br />

103,172<br />

105,410<br />

r 08,306<br />

1 1 1,543<br />

114,426<br />

118,414<br />

121,546<br />

125,427<br />

129,791<br />

134,036<br />

r 37,901<br />

Registered<br />

Motor<br />

Vehiqles<br />

(thousandsl<br />

67,5S5<br />

68.818<br />

71 ,919<br />

74,432<br />

76,557<br />

79,811<br />

83,484<br />

87,299<br />

91,740<br />

95,703<br />

98,859<br />

102,587<br />

107,412<br />

111,242<br />

116,330<br />

122,557<br />

130,025<br />

134,900<br />

137,926<br />

143,538<br />

148.880<br />

Vehicle<br />

Miles<br />

Traveled<br />

(billionsl<br />

647<br />

665<br />

700<br />

719<br />

738<br />

767<br />

805<br />

847<br />

888<br />

928<br />

966<br />

1,020<br />

1,066<br />

1 ,'t 14<br />

1,1 84<br />

1,265<br />

1,317<br />

1.283<br />

1,331<br />

r,409<br />

r,466<br />

Traffic<br />

Deaths<br />

36,S32<br />

35,331<br />

36,223<br />

36,399<br />

36,285<br />

38.980<br />

41,723<br />

45,645<br />

47,089<br />

50,8S4<br />

50,724<br />

52,725<br />

s3,543<br />

52,627<br />

52,542<br />

54,589<br />

54.052<br />

45,1 96<br />

44,525<br />

45,523<br />

47,671<br />

sources: vehicle Travel, Registered vehicfes and Licensed Drivers from Federal Highway<br />

Adrninisrratiofl<br />

. Highway Statistics Division<br />

Mileage<br />

Death Rate<br />

(Deaths per<br />

Hundred-Million<br />

Vehicle Milesl<br />

5.71<br />

5.32<br />

8.17<br />

5.06<br />

4.S2<br />

5.08<br />

5,18<br />

5.39<br />

5.30<br />

5.48<br />

5.25<br />

8.17<br />

5.02<br />

4.72<br />

4.44<br />

4.32<br />

4.11<br />

3.52<br />

3.35<br />

3,23<br />

3.25<br />

Population trom U.S. Bureau of the Census<br />

Traff ic Deaths: 1557'1914, f rom National Center for Health Statistics, HEW and State<br />

Accident Summaries (Adjusted to 30 Day Traffic Deaths).<br />

1975'1977 , from Fatar Accident Reporting system (30 Dav Traffic Deathsl.<br />

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F F F c . ' l - N c ! - - F F F<br />

c\J r cvl or r$ c' crJ r, dl, \t { rlt r, r-- e{ o) cal (tr} F.. o o<br />

f-- (f, S O - O r ts u:, O + 6 r$ Ct rn (o C\t

A-14<br />

Deaths(thousands)<br />

-50<br />

_40<br />

-20<br />

-10<br />

I 955<br />

i l<br />

SOUBCES: Deaths:<br />

Deaths<br />

- 4000<br />

- 3500<br />

- 3000<br />

- 2s00<br />

- 2000<br />

-1500<br />

- 1000<br />

- 500<br />

- - - d<br />

at'<br />

I Pedestrians<br />

l t l r l<br />

1 960 1 S65 1 970 1975 1980<br />

1957-1974, E$timated by NHT$A from data supplied by Nationsl Center for<br />

Health Statistics, HEW and State Accident Summaries (adiusted<br />

to 30 dav deaths).<br />

1975-1977, NHTSA Fatal Accident Reporting System.<br />

Figure A"5. Pedestrian and Motor Vehicle Occupant Fatalities. 1957-1977<br />

r 955<br />

i r f i r - J d<br />

l t<br />

- - l<br />

1 970 1 975<br />

Flgure A.6. Motorcycle and Bicycle Fatallties, 1957-1977

Number of Fatalities<br />

per Hour<br />

-16<br />

# 12<br />

-8<br />

-4<br />

-0<br />

t t t l r r<br />

t t t r<br />

r l t l l l l l l<br />


(O F cO o) Q F 61 - ot (Q

A-16<br />

Mileage Death Rate<br />

- 5.0<br />

- 4.8<br />

-4<br />

- 4.2<br />

- 3.8<br />

- 3.6<br />

- 3.4<br />

- 3.2<br />

- 3.0<br />

- 2.8<br />

- 2.6 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Nov Dec<br />

SOURCE: Miledge data supplied by Federal Highway Administration,<br />

NOTE: Thegraphforl9T3,whencomparedtol9-l2,illustratesthegeneral trendof annual<br />

rerluction since the Highway Sefetv Act of 1966. The sharp drop that occurred at<br />

the end of 1973 6nd continued through 1977 also reflects the chanqe in automobile<br />

use resulting from the energy crisis.<br />

Figure A.8. Monthly Death Rates,lor 1972,1973, and 1977

-20<br />

,//<br />

Deaths per 100,000 Registered Vehicles<br />

t---<br />

, t l<br />

Deaths per 100,000<br />

Licensed Drivers<br />

-.1'+.1'<br />

Deaths per 100,000 Fesident Population<br />

I<br />

.l<br />

\.1-.:-.<br />

1955 1 960 1 965 1 970 1 975 1 980<br />

SOUHCES: D6eths: 1957-1974, National Center for Hgdlth StEtistica and State Accident Summaries<br />

(adjusted to 30 day traffic deaths) ; 1915-1977, National Highway Traf{ic Saf ety Administration,<br />

The Fatal Accident Fleporting System.<br />

Vehicle travel, registered vehicles. and licensed drivers: Federal Highway Administrgtion<br />

Highway Statistics Divlsion.<br />

Pooulation: Burssu 61 the Censui.<br />

NOTE: From 1966 to 1973, deaths per registered vehicle and licensed driver have con$istently<br />

decreased while deaths per population have remained fairly constant. The reductions<br />

from 1974to 1977 mey be attributed largely to the speed limit.<br />

Figure A.9. Trend in Molor Vehlcle Death Rate$, lgSZ-1977<br />

A-17<br />

i<br />

I<br />


A-18<br />

Ratio<br />

- 1.2<br />

F 1.0<br />

- 0.6<br />

- 0.4<br />

- 0.2<br />

Registered Vehicles<br />

Driver Licenses<br />

Registered Vehicles<br />

Population<br />

SOURCES: Registered VehiclesEnd Licensed Drivers: FHWA, Highway Statistics Division.<br />

Pooulation: Bureau of the Census,<br />

'<br />

NOTE: This chart illustrates the relative increasB in motot vehicles compared to drivers and the<br />

relative population, In 1 957 there were two vehicles for every 5 persons in the United<br />

StatesandmorethanEdriversforevery4vehicles, Inl9TTtherewere2vehiclesfor<br />

every 3 persons and more vehicles than drivers.<br />

Figure A-10. Trend ln Rallos ol Registerod Vehicles to Drivers<br />

and Population, 1957-1977

Table A-6. Types ol Motor Vehicles Involved in Fatal Accidents, 1g75-tgz6<br />

Type of Vshicla<br />

Passenger<br />

Car<br />

Motorcycle<br />

Commercial Bus<br />

School Bus<br />

Single-Unit Truck<br />

Pickup and Van<br />

Other S.U. Truck<br />

Multi-Unit Truck<br />

Other<br />

Percent of All<br />

Vehidor Regirtered<br />

Percent of All Vehicles<br />

in Fatal Accidsnti<br />

1975 1976 1 S75 1 976<br />

77.4<br />

3.6<br />

0.1<br />

0.2<br />

17.9<br />

0.8<br />

76.9<br />

SOURCE: Accident dats: NHTSA Fat8l Accident Reporting Syrtem<br />

Rdgi$trstion dStE; BEsd on preliminary 6stim6t6s frofl the Federal Highway Administrstion<br />

NOTE: Motorcycles and heavy trucks Ere over'represented in fatal accidents. The weight of truckr maket<br />

them e$pecially lethal in highwEy Eccidents while motorcyctists Ere extremely vulnerablo to iniury.<br />

3.4<br />

0.1<br />

0.3<br />

':u<br />

0.8<br />

69.0<br />

5.9<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

1s.6<br />

fi 3.7)<br />

(1.e)<br />

5.2<br />

3.7<br />

67.4<br />

6.0<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

r6.8<br />

( r 4.8)<br />

(2.0)<br />

Tabfe 47. Compdeon of Number of Mll€B Tr:awled Annually by Type ol Vehicle, 1975-f 976<br />

Typr of Vrhicls<br />

Passenger Cars<br />

Motorcycles<br />

Commercial Buses<br />

School Buses<br />

Single-Unit Trucks<br />

Multi-Unit Trucks<br />

All Motor Vehicles<br />

'Millions of whicl6 firil6s.<br />

6.1<br />

3.2<br />

Total Travel* Average Annual Travel Per Vehicle<br />

ts75 1976 % Change 1975 1976 % Change<br />

1,028,121<br />

22,351<br />

?.648<br />

2,500<br />

218,894<br />

55,560<br />

1,330.074<br />

r,074,000<br />

22,452<br />

?.899<br />

2,862<br />

247,895<br />

59,055<br />

I,40S, r 63<br />

SOURCE; Federal Highway Adminidtration lPreliminarv Ectimates).<br />

+4,46<br />

+0.45<br />

+9.48<br />

+14.48<br />

+13.25<br />

+6.29<br />

+S,95<br />

9,634<br />

4,500<br />

28,230<br />

6,788<br />

8.882<br />

49,1?5<br />

9.644<br />

9,733<br />

4,500<br />

29,948<br />

7,502<br />

9,355<br />

48,366<br />

9,81 7<br />

+1,02<br />

+6.09<br />

+ 10.52<br />

NOTE: Except for motorcycles and multi-unit trucks, the average travel per vehicle has increased. The growth in the<br />

number of vehicles has resulted in sn almost six percent increase in total mile$ traveled.<br />

+5,33<br />

- 1.55<br />

+1<br />

.79<br />


A-20<br />

Vehilcle Miles (hillionsl<br />

- 1600<br />

- 1400<br />

-1200<br />

- t0o0<br />

- 80o<br />

- 600<br />

- 400<br />

- 200<br />

Rural - -'<br />

SOUFICF: Federal Highway Administration,<br />

NOTE: tn recent years, travel in urban areas has been increasing slightly faster than travel in rur€l<br />

areas" This is due primarily to increased local and municipal road mileage caused by suburban<br />

development.<br />

There has been a steady increase in vehicle miles traveled except in 1974.<br />

Ffgure A.11. Total Motor Vehicle Travel, 1gi7-1gll

VehicleMiles (billions)<br />

-1600<br />

- 1400<br />

- 1?00<br />

- 10oo<br />

- 600<br />

- 400<br />

Fural l-l<br />

Urban<br />

[-l<br />

1 97 1 1972<br />

$OURCE: Federal Highway Administration,<br />

Totat Eil<br />

1 973 1 974 1 975 1 976<br />

Figure A.12. Motor Vehicle Travel on All Highway $ystems, 1g7i-i9Z6

A-22<br />

Vehicle Miles (billions)<br />

- 250'-* Rural fl Urban<br />

filn Total W<br />

- 200<br />

- 150<br />

- 100<br />

-_50<br />

1971 1972 I 973 1574 1 975 1 976<br />

SOURCE: Federal Highway Administration.<br />

NOTE: Interstate Highway System is synonymou$ with the Federal Highway Administration<br />

categories Interstete (,Arterial) and Interstate (finat).<br />

Figure A-13. Motor Vehicle Travel on. the Inler$tate Highway System, 1971-1976<br />

Vehicle Miles (billions)<br />

-1zoo Rural l-l Urban ffiil,'ll Total<br />

SOURCE: Federal Highway Administretion'<br />

Figure A-14. Motor Vehicle Travel on Non-lnterstate Highway Systems, 1971-1976

Speed (mph)<br />

-58<br />

_56<br />

1960 1965 1 970 1 975 1 980<br />

$OURCE; Computed from data supplied by the Federal Highwey Admlnlstration.<br />

NOTE: Over the 1 O years from 1963-73, the average speed of vehicles on the rural IntBrstate<br />

System increa$ed more than I percent. A corresponding increase in crash speeds<br />

occurred. This has been a significant factor in the rise in highway deaths, because<br />

high crash speeds increase the chance that a fatality will occur. ln 1974 the average<br />

speed dropped 1 1 percent balow that of 1 973. During this same period, traffic<br />

fatalities dropped 1 6 percent. Since 1 975. the average speed has increased slightly<br />

but it is still well below the 1973 average speed.<br />

Flgure A-15. Average Free.Movlng Travel Speed on the Rural Interstate System, 1960-1977<br />

A-23<br />

I )<br />

;<br />

' l

E o<br />

FJ<br />

ctr<br />

I<br />

CD<br />

ctt<br />

ci<br />

=<br />

e<br />

(5<br />

o<br />

rto<br />

>'P<br />

.ct -^<br />

o<br />

o<br />

tt ooE0t<br />

.g<br />

d<br />

-t<br />

g .El<br />

(E<br />

F<br />

A-24<br />

uol<br />

>tD<br />

o<br />

E b<br />

g (l,<br />

o<br />

€<br />

gl<br />

rr.,<br />

b<br />

ro<br />

t<br />

lo<br />

c<br />

rjt<br />

qr<br />

Ef<br />

ro<br />

rt<br />

+<br />

t<br />

+<br />

6r<br />

(et<br />

b<br />

o<br />

rl<br />

fq<br />

Q<br />

aYt<br />

ot<br />

t.f,<br />

+<br />

o<br />

CE<br />

u A C<br />

= N<br />

l<br />

+ff<br />

P rolR ,f,:€ flH ;H RH gs<br />

Rq tf, Ec E'r? B- S6? Fio N:l N:, m-: q<br />

;'i ;'P ['o f,'o o'o ;'co ;'co o'cc o'r cl'r 9' -<br />

fis Hs FH frS ES Hd H* s* EH P* 3S<br />

EE:.E:.; E;; =-H 3-;3-;:.;:.;:-; r-o<br />

HE HS Hd EF otEE |:ER *EE flH<br />

=? si B= H: 5.: u.* Hi_= ii.= SS u.= E* ii.: ES o.d'o,<br />

o(}) d'o) d's c|'ot -',, oi= Fi= o= +H nts<br />

HE H{ E+ ;$ F$ E$ Hi! Hi; F$ HH Hf<br />

:'9 -. = i'= fi'= i.''<br />

= i'= ;'l . l ."'l r : e':<br />

*Be PEe Hle Hre Pf =+* PEe 8S SH 3H frH<br />

H+ Ht H": Hc] F,i.: H.: :.: id-H d,H iH [";<br />

;3 ;': o'I

Total Licensed Drivers - 137,901,000<br />

9 9 6 , r t A q o r E o r v g ) o )<br />

C { C \ r f \ r c ' l f / ) S S r o r l t t p ( b 6<br />

h 9 r 5 l + r 5 - r o r r , d $ , d d r * ;<br />

d $ l ( \ l c ' r C ' ) + = l r l t f l ( D o g<br />

€ o<br />

Age Group<br />

Figure A-16. Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 1977<br />


A-26<br />

-80<br />

-60<br />

-40<br />

-20<br />

Percent<br />

o r f c D t o r r q l<br />

(\/ (\t o{ (Y, cc tl<br />

- L d , i r d , i a<br />

t $ r ( \ r ( Y ) f i l t<br />

f<br />

o ) E t o r t 6 ,<br />

q r I ) t . f ) ( o ( o<br />

u 5 d u 5 o r r )<br />

!l ro ro (o (o<br />

Age Group<br />

o)<br />

( o j j<br />

r O<br />

6J t-<br />

NOTE: Change in the age distribution of licensed drivers is an important element of the highway<br />

safety problem. In recent years, the lergest increases have occurred in those ege groups<br />

where accident rates have been higher than average,<br />

During the period there wa$ I v6ry large increase (1O2 percent) in the number of licenses<br />

issued to women over 59" This is believed to reflect the tremendous increase in driving by<br />

women that took place between World War I and World War ll. In the decade from 1967<br />

to 1977,the young licensed drivers (under 30) and the old (over 59) increased much more<br />

rapidly than those in the middle group (30 to 59), The increase was 50 percent in the<br />

under-3O group and 58 percent in the over-S9 group, but only 19 percont in the 30-59<br />

group. There was an increase of 49 percent in the number of license$ issuod to female<br />

drivers, but only 23 percent in the number of licenses issued to male drivers, As a result,<br />

in the eleven Vaer period, the estimated ratio of male to female drivers declined {rom<br />

3:2 to 7:6.<br />

Figure A.17. Percent Increase In Licensed Drivers by Age Group, 1967-1977

.E (E<br />

E<br />

rJ<br />

h<br />

g,<br />

I<br />

(E'<br />

ct)<br />

d,<br />

=<br />

e<br />

ct<br />

o<br />

,9^<br />

r{O<br />

-o<br />

-6:o^<br />

gE<br />

o<br />

t<br />

o<br />

.Et<br />

o,<br />

o<br />

E<br />

.g<br />

J<br />

oi<br />

t gIl(E<br />

E<br />

Se<br />

o<br />

gt<br />

I E<br />

T<br />

(o<br />

(''<br />

r+<br />

ro<br />

ro<br />

ri<br />

ur<br />

o<br />

ut<br />

ol<br />

T<br />

6<br />

qt<br />

ch<br />

FJ<br />

ln<br />

rf<br />

o<br />

fil<br />

CE<br />

ul<br />

ER<br />

4ffr<br />

aH<br />

o.<br />

l<br />

9, r.<br />

6fi<br />

rrt ><br />

(J<br />

{<br />

HS EH H$ HS HE H* 3H sx R4 Rs 8S<br />

.yi ' Fi,r' ci,', nr; 3'; H-; B; ;-; T'; :-:; se<br />

.d<br />

E+ E* HS Efi Hfi H# E$ EE H€ Hfi E{<br />

N- $<br />

c\j'+ Fa'$ 6i +<br />

N'f N't fl)-

- 15<br />

*10<br />

-60<br />

.-40<br />

+20<br />

- _20<br />

O<br />

rr<br />

S O<br />

(\l<br />

) r<br />

e.t<br />

f<br />

ff)<br />

h<br />

i<br />

o (\l .<br />

(\<br />

b d<br />

or)<br />

o ) f<br />

o ? T<br />

t < r q<br />

f f J q<br />

Male Licensed Drivers - 74,195,000<br />


g<br />

IE<br />

E<br />

o<br />

l|.<br />

FJ<br />

gt<br />

I<br />

CD<br />

ctt<br />

d<br />

=<br />

g<br />

(5<br />

o Eta<br />

- 15<br />

-10<br />

o s 6 j q c ' r<br />

f t + c r T q<br />

! o r . ( ' o l . c t<br />

g N 6 r c D c r )<br />

U '<br />

f<br />

Female Licensed Drivers * 63,706,000<br />

.S oJ rt oJ<br />

9 T + P<br />

o r r J o r . c ,<br />

t q f r . c ' l f )<br />

Age Group<br />

+ o )<br />

(o (s<br />

( ) t r ,<br />

(o (o<br />

Figure A'20. Distribution of Female Llcensed Drivers by Age Group, 1977

R S S S B S + S E 3 E 3 E<br />

h o l f r o 1 6 o t o c t u . r o r f r * . b<br />

f i e . r e . r f r < ' + + r b r r i 6 d g F<br />

c o<br />

f<br />

Age GrouP<br />

Figure A-21. Percent Incr€asa In Female Licensed Drlvers by Age Group, 1S67-1972

Table A-11. Percent Distributlon, By Age, of Drlvers Involved in Fatal Accldents, 19?<br />

Type of Accident<br />

Licensed Drivers<br />

All Fatal Accidents<br />

Single Vehicle:<br />

Overturn in Road<br />

Other Non"collision<br />

Collision w/f ixed Obiect<br />

Multi-Veh icle:<br />

Rear ertd<br />

Head on<br />

Angle<br />

Sideswipe<br />

Pedestrian<br />

Pedalcyclist<br />

Under<br />

20<br />

8,9<br />

18.10<br />

23.81<br />

20.22<br />

?3,48<br />

12.S8<br />

16.43<br />

16.13<br />

16.57<br />

16.67<br />

19.77<br />

Age of Driver<br />

20-?4 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64<br />

13.6<br />

21.43<br />

25.51<br />

22.O4<br />

?5.92<br />

18.r9<br />

20.04<br />

19.24<br />

20.33<br />

20.77<br />

19.77<br />

24.0<br />

23.8S<br />

?4.44<br />

24.t1<br />

22.47<br />

25.48<br />

24.92<br />

22.a8<br />

25.37<br />

26.21<br />

24.52<br />

16.6<br />

1?.80<br />

10.57<br />

13.48<br />

10.15<br />

16,15<br />

13.92<br />

12 94<br />

13.18<br />

13.91<br />

13.74<br />

SOUFCE: Estimated f rom the N HTSA Fatal ,4 ccident Reporting System (FARS)'<br />

14.9<br />

10.01<br />

8.36<br />

9.r1<br />

7.72<br />

12.84<br />

10.73<br />

10 68<br />

11 .17<br />

10.36<br />

10.01<br />

12.3<br />

7.15<br />

4.31<br />

6.19<br />

5.60<br />

8,52<br />

7.87<br />

8.24<br />

7.36<br />

6.88<br />

7.83<br />

NOTE: Drivers under 25 are over.involved in all types of accidents, compared to the total number of<br />

licensed drivers in thar age group. The over-involvement is greatest for single-vehicle accidents,<br />

especially collision with fixed object, overturrted in road and other nontollision. Both male<br />

and female drivers in this age group show the same pattern of over'representdtion Drivers in<br />

age group 35-64 are generally in fewer accidents than would be cxpected on the basis of their<br />

numbers. Drivers over 64 show a mixed pattern. with an over-representation of females and<br />

under-represenlalion of males.<br />

Over<br />

64<br />

9.9<br />

6.37<br />

2.73<br />

2.13<br />

4.36<br />

5.55<br />

5.95<br />

10.49<br />

5.66<br />

4.92<br />


Type of Accident<br />

Licensed Drivers<br />

All Fatal Accidents<br />

Single Vehicle:<br />

Overturn in Road<br />

Other Non-collision<br />

Coll ision w / lixed Object<br />

Multi-Vehicle;<br />

Rear End<br />

Head On<br />

Angle<br />

Sideswipe<br />

Pedestrian<br />

Pedalcyclist<br />

Table A-12. Percent Distrlbution, By Age, of Male Drlvers<br />

Involved in Fatal Accidents, 1977<br />

Under<br />

?o<br />

9.1<br />

18.08<br />

22.90<br />

20.31<br />

23,65<br />

12.67<br />

16.26<br />

16.36<br />

16.16<br />

16.42<br />

r 9.87<br />

Age of Driver<br />

20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64<br />

13,4<br />

21.99<br />

26.30<br />

?2.SS<br />

26.62<br />

18.67<br />

20.65<br />

19.83<br />

1 9.76<br />

20.57<br />

21.32<br />

23.4<br />

24.35<br />

24.60<br />

23.66<br />

22.79<br />

25.71<br />

25.66<br />

22.63<br />

26.97<br />

26.51<br />

24.O7<br />

16.0<br />

12.61<br />

10.60<br />

13.62<br />

9.88<br />

16.13<br />

13.69<br />

12.62<br />

13.30<br />

13.92<br />

13.25<br />

SOURCE; Estimated from the NHTSA Fata! Accident Reporting Wstem (FARfl.<br />

14.8<br />

LC?<br />

8.30<br />

s.38<br />

7.49<br />

12_99<br />

10.50<br />

10.66<br />

11 .44<br />

'10.47<br />

s.85<br />

12.5<br />

6.78<br />

4.33<br />

6.47<br />

5.31<br />

8.20<br />

7.16<br />

7.69<br />

8.71<br />

7.14<br />

7.59<br />

Over<br />

64<br />

I 1.0<br />

6.06<br />

2.6S<br />

2.S0<br />

3.96<br />

5.31<br />

6.97<br />

10.00<br />

8.22<br />

4.82<br />

3.88<br />


A-34<br />

Table A-13. Percent Distrlbutlon, By Age, of Female Drivers<br />

Involved in Fatal Accidents. 1977<br />

Type of Accident<br />

Licensed Drivers<br />

All Fatal Accidents<br />

Single Vehicle:<br />

Overturn in Road<br />

Other Non-collision<br />

Coll ision w/f ixed Object<br />

Multi-Veh icle;<br />

Rear end<br />

Head on<br />

Angle<br />

Sideswipe<br />

Pedestrian<br />

Peda lcyclist<br />

Undsr<br />

20<br />

8.7<br />

18.20<br />

28.62<br />

19.79<br />

22.50<br />

14,80<br />

17.18<br />

15.29<br />

18.56<br />

17.80<br />

19.38<br />

Age of Driver<br />

20-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64<br />

13.8<br />

18.96<br />

21.46<br />

18.75<br />

?1.76<br />

15.30<br />

17.55<br />

17.04<br />

23.05<br />

21.81<br />

13.75<br />

24.8<br />

21.89<br />

23.64<br />

31.25<br />

20.s9<br />

?4.1 I<br />

21.90<br />

20,05<br />

17.66<br />

25.1 6<br />

26.25<br />

16.9<br />

13.65<br />

14.42<br />

r 3.54<br />

11.76<br />

16.28<br />

14.86<br />

14.16<br />

12.57<br />

13.89<br />

15.63<br />

SOURCE: Estimated from the NHTSA Fatal Accident Reporting Systam (FAFfl,<br />

15.1<br />

1Q,44<br />

8.55<br />

8.33<br />

9.12<br />

12.0r<br />

11 .67<br />

10.71<br />

9.88<br />

9.97<br />

r 0.63<br />

12.1<br />

8.S2<br />

4.20<br />

5.21<br />

7.28<br />

10,36<br />

10.83<br />

10.33<br />

10.48<br />

5.87<br />

8.75<br />

Over<br />

64<br />

8.7<br />

7.81<br />

2.95<br />

2,08<br />

6.76<br />

6.91<br />

5.88<br />

12.32<br />

7.78<br />

5.41<br />


lndustrial Production Index<br />

1967 = 100<br />

- 10o<br />

-90<br />

-80<br />

-50<br />

Traffic Deaths<br />

(thousands)<br />

t l r l l l<br />

1955 1960 r 965 I 970 1 975 1 980<br />

SOURCES; Federal Fleserve Board<br />

Dearhs: 195(}1974, National Center for Health Statistica.<br />

1975 and 1 976, Fatal Accident Reporting System.<br />

NOTE; From 1957 to 1966 the annual changes in highway fatalities have correspondsd closely<br />

with change$ in the Fed€ral Reserv€ Board lndustrial Production Index. Clearly both<br />

trends have many common ceusative factors. Beginning in 1967, however, the rate of<br />

increase in highway deaths has fallen behind that of the Industrial Index, although simi-<br />

' larities in the two trends are still apparent.<br />

Figure A-22. Comparison ol Tralllc Deathe and lndustrlel Productlon Index,<br />

u.s.. 19s7-1977<br />

62-<br />

57-<br />

52-<br />

42-<br />

32-<br />


A.36<br />

Table A-14. Safety Belt Percent Usage<br />

'197<br />

4-1977 Passenger Cars<br />

Usage by Model Year and Car Size<br />

Size 1S76.1977<br />

Subcompact<br />

Compact<br />

Intermediate<br />

Standard<br />

Luxury<br />

32.8<br />

22.0<br />

17.2<br />

18.1<br />

15.6<br />

Usage by Sex and Age Group<br />

24.9<br />

17.9<br />

14.7<br />

15.0<br />

13.7<br />

Restraint Ueed Male Female 16.24 25'49 Over 50<br />

Lap and Shoulder Belt<br />

Lap Belt Only<br />

Combined Total<br />

11.7<br />

5.6<br />

17.3<br />

11.9<br />

8.7<br />

20.6<br />

't1.7<br />

SOURCE: NHTSA estirflates based on a $urvey in 16 cities during 1977. Data was used only when<br />

vehicle model vear was confirmed by State$'Departments of Motor Vehicles (Contrect<br />

DOT-HS-6-0 1 340) .<br />

NOTE: Safety belt usage ratB has declined steadily from 76% in 1974 model interlock equipped<br />

cars during 1974 to 25o/o in 1977. The usage rate in 1977 model cars is 17a/o, The 1977<br />

survey shows a higher usage rate in smaller cars and among younger drivers.<br />

7.1<br />

18.8<br />

12.7<br />

6.6<br />

19.3<br />

8.3<br />

7.1<br />


Table A-15. Motor V€hicle Traflic Fatalltiss by Age and Sex<br />

United States, 1976<br />

Age Male Female Total<br />

o- 4<br />

5- I<br />

10- 14<br />

15- 19<br />

2A-24<br />

25-29<br />

30,34<br />

35- 39<br />

40-44<br />

45-49<br />

50- 54<br />

55 59<br />

60-64<br />

65-69<br />

70-74<br />

75 7g<br />

80- 84<br />

85-89<br />

90-94<br />

Over 94<br />

Unknown<br />

Total<br />

712<br />

891<br />

1,056<br />

6,262<br />

6,234<br />

3,782<br />

2,305<br />

1,629<br />

1,449<br />

1,400<br />

1,510<br />

1,?60<br />

1,130<br />

s32<br />

847<br />

t07<br />

515<br />

221<br />

5S<br />

11<br />

126<br />

33,038<br />

539<br />

555<br />

565<br />

2,1 99<br />

1,556<br />

989<br />

651<br />

510<br />

532<br />

529<br />

678<br />

536<br />

576<br />

568<br />

573<br />

469<br />

344<br />

114<br />

31<br />

5<br />

64<br />

1?,481<br />

SOURCE: Fatal Accident Feporting Svstem, NHTSA (30 dav deaths)'<br />

1,251<br />

1,447<br />

1,621<br />

8,461<br />

7,790<br />

4,771<br />

2,956<br />

2,139<br />

1,981<br />

1,929<br />

2,088<br />

1,796<br />

1,706<br />

1,498<br />

1,424<br />

1,1 76<br />

859<br />

335<br />

90<br />

16<br />

r93<br />

45,523<br />


A.38<br />

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A46<br />

Table A-17. Fatality Rates lor the United States and Selected Foeign Countries,<br />

1975<br />

Gountry<br />

Belgium<br />

Canada<br />

Finland (1974)<br />

Germany<br />

Netherlands<br />

Norway<br />

Spain<br />

$weden<br />

United States<br />

Fatalities per<br />

100,000 Population<br />

23.9<br />

26.6<br />

18.4<br />

24.1<br />

17.0<br />

13.4<br />

16.4<br />

14.3<br />

20.s<br />

SOURCE: European Conference of Mini$ers of Transport.<br />

Fatalities per<br />

100.000 Passenger Cars<br />

89<br />

72<br />

s0<br />

83<br />

69<br />

58<br />

t28<br />

43<br />

43<br />

Fatalities per<br />

100 Million Vehicle-<br />

Kilometers<br />

(Passenger Cars)<br />

8.5<br />

3.5<br />

7.0<br />

6.0<br />

4.5<br />

4.6<br />

14.0<br />

3.0<br />


Appendix B<br />

The National<br />

Motor Vehicle Safety<br />

Advisory Gouncil<br />

1977 Membership


1977 MEMBERSHIP<br />

Mr. William T. Birge<br />

Vice Presid en t -Engineerin E<br />

Automotive Control Systems Group<br />

The Bendix Corporation<br />

401 Bendix Drive<br />

South Bend, lndiana 46602<br />

Dr. B. J. Campbell<br />

Director, Highway Safety Research Center<br />

University of North Carolina<br />

Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514<br />

Mrs. Julie Candler<br />

Automobile Editor<br />

WOMAN'S DAY Magazine<br />

430 North Woodward<br />

Birmingham, Michigan 4801 I<br />

tMr. Gilbert E. Carmichael<br />

President, The Carriage House<br />

P.O. Box 5673<br />

Meridian, Mississippi 3930I<br />

Mr. H. David Crowther<br />

Director, Public Relations<br />

Lockheed-California Company<br />

P.O. Box 55I<br />

Burbank, California 91520<br />

+Dr. Harold Allen Fenner, Jr.<br />

Department of Orthopedic Surgery<br />

Norte Vista Medical Center, Ltd.<br />

2410 North Fowler Streer<br />

Hobbs, New Mexico 88240<br />

*Mr. Donald L. Gibson<br />

Deputy Chief<br />

California Highway Patrol .<br />

P.O. Box 898<br />

Sacramento. California 95991<br />

+Mr. Joel K. Gustafson<br />

Custafson, Caldwell, Stephens & Ferris P.A.<br />

l4l5 E. Sunrise Boulevard<br />

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304<br />

Dr. Henry A. Hill<br />

President, Riverside Research Laboratory, Inc.<br />

300 Neck Road<br />

Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830<br />

Dr. Don L. Ivey<br />

Director, Highway Safety Research Center-Texas<br />

Transportation Inst.<br />

Texas A&M<br />

College Station, Texas 77843<br />

Mr. Warren E. Jackson<br />

Vice President & Director of Engineering<br />

The Travelers Insurance Companies<br />

I Tower Square<br />

Hartford. Connecticut 061 15<br />

Mr. Robert D. Knoll<br />

Chief. Auto Test Center<br />

Consumers Union<br />

367 Boston Post Road<br />

Orange, Connecticut 06477<br />

'Mr. Louis C. Lundstrom<br />

Executive Director<br />

Environmental Activities Staff<br />

Ceneral Motors Corporation<br />

Detroit, Michigan 48202<br />

Mr. Robert L. McCaffrey<br />

Assistant to the President<br />

Truck Division<br />

International Harvester<br />

401 North Michigan Avenue<br />

Chicago, lllinois 6061 I

Mr. Henry J. Nave<br />

Special Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer<br />

Mack Trucks, Inc.<br />

P.O. Box M<br />

Allentown, PennsYlvania 18105<br />

Mr. George Nield<br />

Technical Consultant, Automobile Importers of<br />

America<br />

900 lTth Street, N.W.<br />

Washington, D.C. 20006<br />

Mr. John W. Noettl<br />

Director, MembershiP Services<br />

Automobile Club of Missouri<br />

201 Progress ParkwaY<br />

Maryland Heights, Missouri 63043<br />

Mr. Arthur R. Railton<br />

Former Vice President, Corporate Relations<br />

Volkswagen of America, Inc.<br />

South Summer Street<br />

Edgartown, Massachusetts 02539<br />

Mr. Archie G. Richardson, Jr.<br />

President. Automobile Owners Action Council<br />

l4ll K Strcet, N.W.*Suite 8m0<br />

Washington, D.C. 20005<br />

Mr. Cene Robetts<br />

Commissioner, Fire and Police Department<br />

Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402<br />

Dr. Kenneth J. Saczalski<br />

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering<br />

Northern Arieona University<br />

Flagstaff, Arizona 86001<br />

+Mr. Gordon M. Scherer<br />

Attorney at Law<br />

Cors, Hair & Hartsock<br />

l7l7 Carew Tower<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio 45202<br />

LECEND;<br />

E-4<br />

rChrysler/Mercedes<br />

DealershiP<br />

rMembers of the Truck and Bus Safety Subcommittee.<br />

rDr. Basil Y. Scott<br />

Deputy Commissioner for Administration<br />

New York Department of Motor Vehicles<br />

Empire State Plaza<br />

Albany, New York 12228<br />

*Mr. Herbert D. Smith<br />

Former Vice President<br />

Uniroyal, Inc.<br />

l4O Bingham Avenue<br />

Rumson. New Jersey 07760<br />

Mr, J, W. Stevens<br />

Member, Broward County Board of Commissionerg<br />

201 S.E. 6th Street<br />

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301<br />

*Mr. BerkleY C. Sweet<br />

President, Truck Body and Equipment Association<br />

5530 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.<br />

Washington, D.C. 20015<br />

'Mr. Martin D. Walker<br />

Executive Vice President<br />

Automotive OPerations<br />

Rockwell International Corporation<br />

2135 West Maple Road<br />

Troy, Michigan 48084<br />

Dr. Julian A. Waller<br />

Chairman, Department of Epidemiology &<br />

Environmental Health<br />

University of Vermont<br />

Burlington, Vermont 054O1<br />

Mr. Don A. Wilson<br />

Distribution SYstems Manager<br />

The Southland CorPoration<br />

Box 719<br />

Dallas, Texas 75221<br />

rDr. Ruth E. Winkler<br />

Optometrist<br />

lE72 East 15th Street<br />

Tulsa. Oklahoma 74104

Traffic and Motor VehiclE<br />

Safety Programs<br />

Authorization<br />

I<br />

Appropri ation<br />

Automotive Fuel<br />

EcorromV and Coniumef<br />

Inf ormation?<br />

Authorirdtion<br />

Appropriation<br />

Highway Safety Besearch End<br />

Development Programl<br />

Authorization<br />

J<br />

Appropriation<br />

Compliance Test FEcility<br />

Autlrorizationl<br />

Atrpfopriation<br />

Toral Traffic and H iqhway<br />

Safety Appropriation<br />

Authori?ation<br />

Appropriat ion?<br />

State and Community<br />

Safety Aopropriation<br />

Au th or ization<br />

( | ncentives)<br />

Qbl igati ons:<br />

NHTSA<br />

(l ncenrives)<br />

FHWA<br />

Table C-l. Summary ol Authorization and Appropriatlon<br />

Fiscal Years 1967-1978 (Millions of Dollars)<br />

FY 67 FY 68 FY 60 FY 70 FY 7I FY 72 FY 73 FY 74 FY 75 FY 76 FY f7 FY 78<br />

r3.9<br />

5.0<br />

10.0<br />

4.3<br />

3.0'<br />

.7<br />

23.9<br />

9.3<br />

67.0<br />

2.0<br />

18.5<br />

12.5<br />

20.0<br />

7 a<br />

l.J-<br />

1.2<br />

38,5<br />

r 9.8<br />

'r 00.0<br />

?5.0<br />

24.1<br />

15.9<br />

25.0<br />

10,6<br />

l.ts<br />

0<br />

49.5<br />

26.5<br />

I O0.0<br />

65.0<br />

23.0<br />

20.2<br />

30.0<br />

10.0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

53.0<br />

30.2<br />

o"<br />

?0.0<br />

40,0<br />

?5.9<br />

37.5<br />

17 .Q<br />

0<br />

0<br />

77.5<br />

42.9<br />

75.0<br />

rAuthorizsd under the NErionrl Traffic ond Motor Vehicle Saletv Act.<br />

?Authorired uilder the Mator Vehicle Inlormation and Cosr Soving$ Act with vnrpecifisd fundin€ lifi;tetion,<br />

lAuthorized undsr thc llighwnv Sefery Act.<br />

4 Lump sum authoritation tq remain avsilabl€ until expended.<br />

5 Femarnrn6 unapprop,io(€d bEtsnce.<br />

6 Funde appropriated f or conilruclion of complisnce teit itritiry withdrtn.<br />

TTheTrFtticand HighwEy Safsty Aporopriotion opprapriates funds lor proorsfri ol both rubrtentive Actr, Fnd th6 Moror VBhicle Conrumer Informarion Program.<br />

sTolsl autho,itdlion of $'|75 million resind6d undor rhe HiqhwEy Setety Act of t9?O-<br />

YFor flsca yeats 1967-1971 otrlrgilionr were incurred in total lor l6 Saf!ty Sl0ndordr. Currenfv, NHfSA has rssponEibility for 14,1/? StFnderds, FHWA for 3.1/? Stsnd€rdr.<br />

'olncludcs auihorizdtiod of $3O.0 millian tor FHWA.<br />

lllncludes nurhoritdtion of 3?5.0 millron tor FHWA ond $37,5 miiliqn lq. incen(ivs drdn(r for NHTSA,<br />

ll Includes authoriztstion ol $30.0 miJlioa fof FHWA and 948 mrilion for incenr;ve qronG tor NHTSA.<br />

lllncludst autho/ire(iorr of $35,0 million for FFIWA rnd $56,6 millian lor inc€ntive granrs for NHTSA,<br />

l4lncludet suthori?otion ot $25.0 million lor FHWA snd $15.0 million lor Incenrrvr qr.nri for NHTSA,<br />

I 5 Includes pey rEis sstimatss ol 91.5 million for FY 1978.<br />

o6<br />

40.0<br />

3Q.7<br />

70.0<br />

38.6<br />

9.6<br />

s.6<br />

1 19.6<br />

78.9<br />

78.0"<br />

67. t<br />

12.9<br />

JO,U<br />

a?n<br />

?3.0<br />

115.0<br />

44.2<br />

0<br />

0<br />

151.9<br />

77.2<br />

l30,o'o<br />

82. I<br />

'| 2.9<br />

30.3<br />

30.3<br />

37.0<br />

15.0<br />

42.5<br />

JO.O<br />

0<br />

g.06<br />

't09.8<br />

75.1<br />

l6?.Et<br />

t<br />

(37, s)<br />

66,8<br />

{.3)<br />

1a t<br />

b5.0<br />

55 1<br />

48.0<br />

7.7<br />

85.0<br />

28. I<br />

0<br />

0<br />

r 58.0<br />

70.9<br />

zo3.ott<br />

(48.0)<br />

85.3<br />

{ 13.4)<br />

14.7<br />

60.0<br />

38.3<br />

7.5<br />

.7<br />

ts5.0<br />

29.0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

68.0<br />

241,5"<br />

(56.51<br />

1 00.9<br />

( r 3.2)<br />

19. I<br />

60.0<br />

41,8<br />

1 1,7<br />

7.4<br />

40,0<br />

?7.1<br />

0<br />

0<br />

76.3<br />

l6?.ot<br />

o<br />

(15.0)<br />

r ?9.0<br />

(15.0)<br />

21.0<br />

00.0<br />

42.A<br />

4.7<br />

10.2<br />

60.0<br />

?6.9<br />

0<br />

0<br />

79.9<br />

t t<br />

1i7.ot'<br />

( r 5.0)<br />

172.Q<br />

(r 5.0)<br />

?8.0<br />

Total 2.O 65.0 70.o 75.0 80.0 95.0 80.0 r 00.0 120.0 r 50.0 200.0<br />


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Appendix<br />

D<br />

Publications of the<br />

National Highway<br />

Traffic Safety<br />


NOTE<br />

This list comprises National Highway'l"raffic Safety Administration<br />

publications publishecl chrring 1977. Titles<br />

are arranged alphabetically and availability or sales in_<br />

formation is provided. Full addresses of sources from<br />

which these publications can be obtai red are given below.<br />

Additional information on the publications of<br />

NHTSA may be obtained from thc Ter:hnical Reference<br />

Branch, Room 5108, 4O0 7th Street, S. W., Washington,<br />

D.C. 20590. Telephone (ZOZ) 426-2768.<br />

Sources:<br />

National Highway Traffic Safety Adn inistration<br />

(NHTSA)<br />

4O0 7th Strcet, S.W.<br />

Washington, D.C. 20590<br />

l. An Activist's Guide for Curbing the Drunk<br />

Driver. Aprll 1977. Limited copies available fiom Gen_<br />

eral Services Division, NHTSA. DOT-HS-902 ll0.<br />

2. Analysis of Angular Misaligr,ment Errors in<br />

Mounting Linear Acceleromelers to ,lnatomical Sub-<br />

"/?c/s. NHTSA Technical Rcporr by ArrLold K. Johnson.<br />

ocrober t977. NTIS. pB-273-561. $5.;:5.<br />

3. Automobile Passiye Restraint Systems, What<br />

They Mean to You. October 1977. Limited copies avail,<br />

able from Ceneral Services Division, NHTSA. DOT-<br />

HS-802 538.<br />

4. Automotive Fuel Economy pntgmm. First An_<br />

nual Report to the Congress. January 1g77. Limited<br />

copies available from General Ser.vices Division,<br />

NHTSA. DOT.HS.8OZ I6O.<br />

5. ElJect of Rate of Chan1e of filip on the peak<br />

Braking Coefficient of Passenger Cu Tires. NHTSA<br />

Technical Rcport. August 1977. NTIS. pB-270 934.<br />

$5.25.<br />

6. Emergency Medical Semices Statules, LI.S. State<br />

md Terrilorial Survey. November 197?. Limited copies<br />

available from Ceneral Services Division, NHTSA.<br />

DOT-HS-802 688.<br />

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)<br />

Department of Commerce<br />

5285 Port Royal Road<br />

Springfield, Virginia 22t 5l<br />

Superintendent<br />

of Documents<br />

U.S. Covernment Printing Office<br />

Washington, D.C. 20402<br />

Prices are subject to change.<br />

For earlier publications, see previous annual report$ flnd<br />

Publications of the National Highway TraJfic SaJeIy<br />

Administration. Iune 1977.<br />

7. Emergency Medical Techniciun Basic Training<br />

Course. For sale by Superintendent of Docurnents:<br />

Title Order No. price<br />

Course Gnlde (Second Edition),<br />

1977.<br />

student studt Guide, 1977.<br />

Inslructor's Lesson plans<br />

(Second Edition), 1977.<br />

050{0340275-3 $t.ln<br />

050-003-00278-0 3.50<br />

050{0340277-l 4.50<br />

8. Emergency Medical Technician paramedic<br />

National Training Course. l9?7. For sale by Supcrintendent<br />

of Documents:<br />

Title<br />

Order No. Price<br />

EMT-Psramedic Course 050-003-00279-8 $2.50<br />

Guide<br />

l5 Modules<br />

sold in sets<br />

(total ser pricc<br />

$4r.90)<br />

Instructor materials:<br />

Module l. The Emergency<br />

Medical Techniciun<br />

050-003-00280_1 1.60<br />

Modufe 2. Hunan Systems<br />

ond palient<br />

Assessmenl 050{03-m28l-0 3.Zs<br />


Module 3, Shock and Fluid<br />

Therapy<br />

Module 4. General Pharma-<br />

050-003{0282-8 3.00<br />

coloEy<br />

Module 5. RespiratorY<br />

050-003-00283-6 2'75<br />

Svstem 050-003402844 3.25<br />

Module 6. Cardiovascular<br />

System 05040340285-2 3.50<br />

Module 7. Central NerYous<br />

System<br />

050403-00286-1 2'75<br />

Module 8. Soft Tissue<br />

Injuries 050403{02874 3.00<br />

Module 9. Musculoskeletal<br />

System 050-m3-00288-7 2.75<br />

Module 10. Medical Emergencies<br />

050-00340289-5 3.00<br />

Module ll. Obstetric/GYn<br />

Emergencies<br />

Module 12. Pediatrics and<br />

050-m3-00290-9 2.15<br />

Neonatal Trans'<br />

port<br />

Module 13. Emergency Carel<br />

Emotionally<br />

050-003-m291-7 2.50<br />

Disturbed<br />

Module 14. Extrication/Ra-<br />

050403-00292-5 2-50<br />

cue Technique 050'0034m93-3 l'30<br />

Module 15. TelemetrY and<br />

Communicatiow 050-003-00294-l l'50<br />

g. Estimating the Sqfety qffects of the 55 MPH<br />

National Speed Limit. NHTSA Technical Note by Ezio<br />

Cerrelti. June 19?7. Limited copies available from Ceneral<br />

Services Division, NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 475.<br />

10. An Evaluation of the Highway Safety Program.<br />

A Report to the Congress from the Secretary of<br />

Transportation. July 1977. Limited copies available<br />

from General Services Division, NHTSA. HS-802 4El'<br />

ll. Experimental SaIety Vehicles Intemational<br />

Technical Conference, Report on the Sixth, Washington,<br />

D.C., October 12-15, 1976. 1977' Limited copies<br />

available from General Services Division, NHTSA'<br />

DOT-HS-802 501.<br />

12. Fact Sheets. In format of National Highway<br />

Traffic Safety Administration News Releases. Limited<br />

copies available from Office of Public Affairs and Consumer<br />

Participation, NHTSA:<br />

Brake Fluids. September 1977'<br />

Fuel Economy Standards for Model Years 198I-1984<br />

Passenger Cars. June 26, 19'17,<br />

Volkswagen Inte1rated Reseurch Vehicle Accepted for<br />

Testing by Department of Trunsportation's National<br />

Highway Traffic SaJ'ety Administration. June 28'<br />

1977.<br />

13. Fatal Accident Reporting System 1976 Annuul<br />

Report. November 1977. Limited copies available from<br />

General Services Division, NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 60?'<br />

D-4<br />

14. Fstal Accident Reporting System Report for<br />

the First HalI of 1976. March 1977. Limited copies available<br />

from General Services Division, NHTSA. DOT-<br />

HS-802 384.<br />

75. Fatal Accident Reporting System. Report for<br />

the First Nine Months of 1976. June 1977. Limited<br />

copies available from General Services Division,<br />

NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 430.<br />

16. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and<br />

Regulations, with Amendments and Interprelations<br />

Issued through May 1976. March 1977. Looseleaf. For<br />

sale by Superintendent of Documents, by subscription.<br />

No. 050-003-9ffi80-0. $35.00, domestic; $43.75, foreign.<br />

17. 55 MPH Fuct Book. September 1977. Limited<br />

copies available from General Services Division,<br />

NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 590.<br />

18. Fuel Econony Imprcvement Through Diacnostic<br />

Inspecfron. NHTSA Technical Report by Ted<br />

Bayler and Leslie Eder. March 1977. NTIS. PB-265 064.<br />

$4.00.<br />

19. FY I97l Implementation of the National Accident<br />

Sampling System. NHTSA Technical Report by<br />

Russell A. Smith, James C. Fell, and Charles J' Kahane'<br />

February 1977. NTIS. PB-265 212. $4.50'<br />

20. Glossary of Terms for Use in Publicutions of<br />

Traffit Safety Pro+raml 1977*. Limited copies available<br />

from General Services Division, NHTSA. DOT-<br />

HS,802 537.<br />

21 . Hazardous lulaterials-Emergency Action<br />

Galde. January 1977. Superintendent of Documents'<br />

No. 050-003-0025'7 -7 . 52.N.<br />

22. Highway Safety PIan Course' For Use with:<br />

Highway Safety Program Manual, VoL 102- April 1977'<br />

For sale by Superintendent of Documents:<br />

Title<br />

Administrative and Insttzctional<br />

Guide<br />

Participant Materials<br />

Instructor Materials<br />

Order No. Price<br />

050-003-00272-l $1.,t0<br />

050{03-00264{ 250<br />

050-003-00265-8 3.75<br />

23. Highway Safety Programs Standards Implementation<br />

S/afus as oJ'January L977. March 1977. Limited<br />

copies available from General Serviies Division'<br />

NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 294.<br />

U. [nternational Matorcycle Safety Conference,<br />

December l6-t7, 1975. Proceedings. March 1977. Limited<br />

copies available from General Services Division,<br />

NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 245.<br />

25. MAST Is Saving Lives, an EMS Success Story<br />

in Northeastern New York, Vermont and Northwestern<br />

New Hampshire. 1977+. Limited copies available from<br />

General Services Division, NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 391.<br />

rl9?7 is the year of receipt ofan otherwise undated publication'

26. lufotor Vehiele Diagnostic lrt;trytion Demonstration<br />

Progran Summary Report. NHTSA Tech_<br />

nical Report by Joseph J. Innes and Leslie E. Eder.<br />

October 1977. NTIS. PB-274 j3B. $6.00.<br />

2'7 . Mul tid istiplinary A rcident I n vestiga t ion Sum_<br />

maries. NTIS. (Individual case reporti inclucJed in the<br />

$ummaries are available for inspection in the Technical<br />

Reference Branch of NHTSA, Roorr jlOg, 400 7th<br />

Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20S9(D.<br />

VoL No. Date NTIS Araer No. price<br />

7 7 Jan. 1977 pB-264 080 $r3.2s<br />

7 I Jan. t97i pB-Z6i 160 s.zs<br />

7 9 Jan. 1977 pB-264 0Bl s.zs<br />

28. Nationql Highway SqIety Ad,,isory Committee<br />

an Alcohol Safety Adjudicution. Finat Repttrt. Septem_<br />

ber 1977 . Limited copies available fron General Services<br />

Division, NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 il0.<br />

29. The National Maximum Sped Limit, a Sum_<br />

mary of Three Regional Workshops (tonducted bt the<br />

Internstional Assaciation of Chiefs t,f police for the<br />

Department of Transportation. April 1977. Superin_<br />

tendent of Documents. No. 050{03_0)25g_5. $3.25.<br />

32. NHTSA Research Activities, a Report to the<br />

Secrelary of Transportation by the National Motor<br />

Yehicle Safety Advisory Council. Iuly 1977. Limitcd<br />

copies available liom General Services Division,<br />

NHTSA. DOT-HS.8Oz 5I6.<br />

33. Ptysr'cs snd Automobile Salbty Betts. lg7i.<br />

Superintendent of Documents. No. )50403402j4-2.<br />

$1.90.<br />

34. Problem ldentification Course. April 1927.<br />

Superintendent<br />

of Documenrs:<br />

Title<br />

Administrative and Instruc-<br />

Qrder No, Pricv<br />

tional Guide<br />

Instrutl0r Materials<br />

Partic ipants Materials<br />

050-mt-02666-6 $1.70<br />

050-{nt-00371-2 4.s0<br />

050-00t-002704 2.75<br />

This course is designed to be used witt,:<br />

15. Problem ldentification Manual for TrafJic<br />

Sqfety Programs<br />

36. A Profile ol Fatal Accidents Involving Alcohot.<br />

NHTSA Technical Report by James C. Fell. September<br />

1977. NTIS. PB-274 298. $4.50.<br />

37. Publications of the National Highway Trqffic<br />

Safety Administration. June 1977. Limired copies available<br />

from General Services Division, NHTSA. DOT-<br />

HS-802 _512.<br />

38. Report on Administrative Atljudication of<br />

Trqffic l4fractions, Highway Sajety Act of ISTJ (Section<br />

222). Iuly 1977. Limited copies available from Ceneral<br />

Services Division, NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 612.<br />

39. Restraint Syslems Evaluation project Codebook,<br />

by Jeanie S. Mungenast and Charles J. Kahane.<br />

NHTSA Technical Note N43-32-2. March 1977. Limited<br />

copies available from General Services Division,<br />

NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 285.<br />

4O, Revrew of Head Rotational Measurements dur_<br />

ing Biomechanical Impact Tests. NHTSA Technical<br />

Report by Arnold K. Johnson and Anthony S. Hu.<br />

August 1977. NTIS. pB-Zjt 886. $4.50.<br />

41. Revrlew of Information on the Sqfety ffiects of<br />

the 55 MPH Speed Limit in the United Stdfes. NHTSA<br />

Technical Note by Donald F. Mela.<br />

30.<br />

May 1977.<br />

National<br />

Limited<br />

Training Cource, Enrcrgency Medicsl copies available from Ceneral<br />

Technicipn,<br />

Services<br />

Paramedic.<br />

Division,<br />

Cource Gude. June 1977. NHTSA. DOT.HS-802 383.<br />

Superintendent of [psurnsnts. No. 050_003_m27g_g.<br />

$2.50.<br />

42. The Role of Medical Advisory Boards in Driver<br />

Licensing. March 197?. Superintendent of f)ocuments.<br />

31. NII?1S/4 Reorganization Info,mation Decem- No. 05040340252-6. $1,20.<br />

ber 1977. Limited copies available from Ceneral Services<br />

Division. NHTSA.<br />

43. Rural Courts and Highway Safety. 1977. Lim_<br />

ited copies available from Ceneral Services Division,<br />

NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 479.<br />

Volume I<br />

Volume II<br />

Orcjer No. Price<br />

050-mI-m262-3 $2.7s<br />

050-m l-m263-l 2.75<br />

4. Sgety Belt Instructional Series:<br />

4a. Information That Can Save your Life_The<br />

Safety Beil Instructional Series, Z publications, an<br />

Audio-Vkual Presentation, and a Game About Safety<br />

Belt Use and Effectiyeness. June 1977. Limited copies of<br />

descriptive brochure available from Ceneral Services<br />

Division, NHTSA.<br />

44b. The Automohile Safety BetI Facr Bpok. Feb_<br />

ruary 1977. Superintendenr of Documents. No. 050-003_<br />

002504. $0.80.<br />

4c.. EncoumEing Employees to Ilse Safety Belts, a<br />

Program Jor Industry and Governmenl. February jgj7.<br />

Superintcndent of Documents. No. 050403402474.<br />

$0.75.<br />

M. Getttng the Safety Belt Message Across, a<br />

Guidefor Driver Educslion Instructors. February 1977.<br />

Superintendent of Docurnents. No. 050-003-00245-3.<br />

$0.35.<br />

44+. How Many of These Fair1, Tales Have you<br />

Told? February 1977. Superintendent of Documenrs.<br />

No. 050-003-00251-8. 90.50. $4.50 per t00 copies.<br />


l4f . Safety Belt Activity Book, a Guidefor Teachers<br />

of Grades K-6. Fcbruary 1917. Superintendent of<br />

Documents. No. 050-003-00243-7. $ | .70.<br />

44g. The Sa.fety Belt Game. February 1977. Superintenderrt<br />

of Documents. No. 050-003-00246-1. $1.30.<br />

44h. The Sqfely Belt Message, Ihe Student's Lesson.<br />

February 1977. Superintendent of Documents. No.<br />

050-003-m2,9-5. $0.45.<br />

4/;i. Safety Belts-Fact or Fiction. A New Slidel<br />

Tape Program. 1977. National Audio Visual Center,<br />

Ceneral Services Administration, Order Section, Washingron,<br />

D.c. 20409. Titie No. 008919. $15.00. Make<br />

check payable to National Archives Trust Fund.<br />

4j. Teaching the Safety Belt MessaEe, a Guide for<br />

Teachers of Driver Education Instructors. February<br />

1977. Superintendent of Documents. No. 050-m3-<br />

00248,8. $0.35.<br />

45. Safety Consequences of Raising the National<br />

Speed Limit from 55 MPH to 60 MPH. NHTSA Technical<br />

Report by Ezio C. Cerrelli. May 1977, NTIS.<br />

PB-267 839. $5.25.<br />

a6. Sqfety Related Recall Campaigns for Motor<br />

Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment, Including Tires-<br />

Superintendent of Documents:<br />

Period Order No. Price<br />

I Jan. 19?7-31 March 197? 050-003-00274-7 $1.60<br />

I Apr. 1977-30 June 1977 050-003-00296-8 1.30<br />

47. School Bus Vehicle Sa.fett Report July 1977.<br />

Superintendent of Documents. No. 050-003-m275-5.<br />

$2.90.<br />

48. Seat Belt Performance in 30 M.P-H. Barrier<br />

Impacts. NHTSA Technical Report by John B. Morris.<br />

April 1977. NTIS. PB-269 962. $5.25.<br />

49. The Severily of Large Truck Accidents.<br />

NHTSA Technical No/e by James Medlund. April<br />

1977. t.imited copies available from General Services<br />

Division, NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 332.<br />

50. Stste Vehicle Programs Spedal Reporf. June<br />

1977. Superintendent of Documents. No. 050-001-<br />

001284. $1.00.<br />

51. Slatus of the Highway Sqfety Program Standards<br />

as of January 1977. Novcmber 1977. Limited copies<br />

available I'rom Ceneral Services Division, NHTSA.<br />

DOT-HS-802 595.<br />

52. Subject Bibliography Series. NTIS:<br />

No.<br />

SB-II<br />

SB-I2<br />

SB.I3<br />

D.6<br />

Title NTIS Order No. Price<br />

Fuel Economy.<br />

1977.<br />

Brakes. 1977.<br />

Motortycles,<br />

19'7'1.<br />

PB-265 387 S 7.25<br />

PB-265 386 6.50<br />

SB-14 Tires. 1977.<br />

SB-15 Youth and Driv-<br />

PB-213 270 $19.m<br />

ing. 1977. Limited copies available<br />

from General Services Divi*<br />

sion, NHTSA. DOT-HS-<br />

80? 306. Will be available<br />

from NTIS at later date.<br />

5B-16 Periodic Motor<br />

Vehicle Inspection.<br />

1917.<br />

SB-17 Motor Vehicle<br />

Titling and Reg-<br />

PB-268 160/A5 9.00<br />

istration. 1977. PB-211235/AS 6.m<br />

SB-18 Bumpers. 1977.<br />

SB-19 Recreational<br />

PB-271 236/A5 7.25<br />

Vehicles. 1977. PB-271 237/AS 6.50<br />

SB-20 Pedestrians. 1977 - PB-272 920/OWT<br />

SB-21 Tethnical<br />

12.50<br />

Reports. 1911 .<br />

SB-22 Accident Risk<br />

Forecasling.<br />

PB-2'12'141 9.00<br />

1977. PB-272 936/6WT 6.00<br />

53. Supplement to the 1976 Report on Administrative<br />

Adjudication oJ' Trqffic Infractions. Highway<br />

Sqfett Att of 1973 (Section 222). March 1977. Limited<br />

copies available liom General Services Division,<br />

NHTSA. DOT.HS-802 254.<br />

54. Tips tn Car Care and Safety for Deaf Drivers.<br />

Spanish edition, February 1977. Limited copies available<br />

from General Services Division, NHTSA.<br />

55. Traffic Laws Commenlary. Superintendent of<br />

Documents:<br />

nlk<br />

Hardship licensing. May<br />

Order NcI Price<br />

1977. 050-003-00277-4 $2.30<br />

Rules of the Road Rated.<br />

october 1977. 050-003-00299-21.40<br />

56- Tra,ffic Safety Programs Multi-Year Plan, FY<br />

1979-1983. 1977+. Limited copies available from Office<br />

of Traffic Safety Programs, NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 l8l.<br />

57. Traffic Sqfet! '76, a Digest of Activities o.f lhe<br />

Nalional Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Septcmber<br />

1977. Limitecl copics available tiom General<br />

Services Division, NHTSA. DOT-HS-802 505.<br />

58. Traffic Safety '76. A Report by the President<br />

on the Administration of the Highway Safery Ail of<br />

1966, as Amended. l9'l'1 . Superintcndent of<br />

Documents. No, 050-003-00269-1. $3.75.<br />

59. Traffic Salety '76. A Report by the President<br />

on the Administration of the National Trqffic and<br />

Motor Vehicle Safet! AcI of 1966, as Amended, and the<br />

Motor Vehicle Information & Cost Savings Act oJ'1972,<br />

PB-265 396 L00 * I 97? is thc ycar of receipt of an otherwisc undated publication.

Appendix E<br />

Current Research Grants<br />

and Contracts and the<br />

Problems They Address


3 Research and Development 361 Supporting Research<br />

33 Traffic Safety Rescarch 363 30ffi Pound Sedan<br />

331 Alcohol and Drug Programs 364 4000 Pound Sedan<br />

3313 Research on Relationship and Effect 365 Special Purposc Vehicles<br />

3314 Research on Countertneasures 366 Testing and Evaluation<br />

336 Driver-Pedestrian Factors Research 371 Vehicle Structures<br />

3361 Pedestrian Safety 37ll Flammability-Materials<br />

3362 Safety Belt Usage 3712 Postcrash Factors<br />

3363 Driver Education 3713 Crashworthiness-Energy Management<br />

3364 Driver Licensing Systems<br />

3365 Vehicle Factors 3714 Design f)evelopment<br />

3366 Safe Driving Conformance 3'll5 Production Feasihility-Application Study<br />

34 Accident Investigation and Data Analysis 3716 School Bus Safety<br />

341 Accident Investigation 372 Occupant Packaging<br />

342 Mathematical Analysis 3721 Restraints, Ceneral-Advanced Protection<br />

343 Information and Data Systems Systems Research<br />

351 Vehicle Operating Systems 3722 Air Bags-Protection Systems Development<br />

35ll Brakes and Evaluation<br />

3512 Vehicle Handling 3'123 Other Passive Restraints-Protection<br />

3513 Tires Systems-Validation Systems<br />

3514 Support Systems 3724 Belts and Integrated Restraints-Restraints-<br />

3515 Advanced Systems Special Projects<br />

352 Driver-Vehicle Interaction 371 Biomechanics<br />

3521 Driver Visibility 3731 Anthropomelrics and Human Simulation<br />

35??. Vehicle Lighting<br />

3732 Human Tolerance and Injury Mechanisms<br />

3523 Vehicle Instrumentation, Controls, and 3733 Kinematic Modeling and Validation<br />

Controllability 3'135 Protection Systems Performance Studies<br />

353 Fuel Economy , 391I Transportation and Handling of (iovernment<br />

354 Vehicles-in-Use Property<br />

36 Experimental Safety Vehicles 3921 Data Processing<br />





Appendix E contains a list of reeearch contracts which<br />

were active during calendar year 1977. The National<br />

Highway Traffic Safety Administration's policy favors<br />

competitive procurement rather than the use of grants.<br />

The bulk of the research is performed by private industry<br />

and universities instead of government employees.<br />

Research is carried out primarily to develop data to support<br />

near-term and future standards.<br />

NI{TSA snd FHWA continue to allocate a significant<br />

portion of their research to priority programs. These<br />

E4<br />

priorities now include increased emphasis on motorcycle,<br />

moped, and pedestrian safety; emphasis on fundamental<br />

approaches to reducing alcohol and drug-related<br />

accidents; establishment of a research program to<br />

develop the technical support for fuel economy standards;<br />

an integrated effort to provide research results to<br />

support passive restraint standards; the integrated<br />

vehicle systems program to design, develop, construct,<br />

and test integrated vehicles embodying advanced technological<br />

features; and establishment of the initial portion<br />

of the National Accident Sampling System (NASS)<br />

by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis.

Program<br />

Code Tltlc<br />

3313AU System Analysis of a General<br />

Deterrent Countermeasure<br />

Program<br />

33138K Effects of Alcohol on the Driver's<br />

Visual I nformation Processing<br />

33138L ADP Support for Effects of Alcohol<br />

and Visual Information Processing<br />

33138N Pharmacoklnetlc Effects of Drugs on<br />

Driving Performance<br />

Table E-1. Major ResearchProfects<br />

Pedormed for HHTSA<br />

Under Contracts ActiveDuring<br />

Calendar Year 1977<br />

Contractor<br />

Contrsct Numbsr<br />

3313CA A Comparison of Alcohol Involvement Essex Corporation<br />

in Exposed and Injured Drivers DOT-HS4{09S4<br />

3313C8 Alcohol in Pedestrians and Pedestrian Dunlap and Associate$, Inc.<br />

Casualties<br />

DoT-HS-4.00S46<br />

3313C0 On-The-Road Detectlon of DWI'g<br />

3313DA Drug Use in Drlver Fatalities and<br />

Slmilarly Exposed Drivers<br />

3313DC State of Knowledge and Informatlon<br />

Needs in Alcohol/Drugs and Highway<br />

Safety<br />

3313EC Test for Detectlon of Mariluana in<br />

Body Fluids<br />

3313EF Development and Valldatlon of Narv<br />

Marlluana Technology Data<br />

3313EH Drug Research Methodology<br />

3313E1 Analysls for Drugs In $allva and<br />

Breath<br />

3313F8 The Effects of Alcohol on the Driver's<br />

Deci$ion-Making<br />

Behavior<br />

3313FC Special Problems and C/M$ Targets<br />

for Fleduction of Alcohol-Belaled<br />

Casualties<br />

3313FF Effects of Alcohol and Marijuana on<br />

Driver Control Behavior<br />

3313FH Psychophysical Tests for D\tVl Anest<br />

3313F1 Techniques for Predicting High-Risk<br />

Drivers for Alcohol Countermeasure$<br />

3313FJ Charge of DWI Drivers-Alcohol/Crash<br />

Involved, Arrested, and On-th+Road<br />

Anacapa $ciences, Inc. 08/16/76<br />

DOT-HS+01456 04lml78<br />

Southern California<br />

Research Institute<br />

DOT-HS-il1233<br />

NHTSA, Office of Management11112176<br />

Sy$tems<br />

1'il1il7e<br />

PO-7-313?<br />

N.l.D.A.<br />

rloT-Hs-7.016511A<br />

Anacapa Sciences, lnc,<br />

DOT-HS-741538<br />

Midwest Research lnstltute<br />

DOT-l-tS-440941<br />

University of Michlgan<br />

DOT-HS-5.01217<br />

University of Missourl<br />

DOT-HS-440968<br />

University of Mlssourl,<br />

Kansas City<br />

DOT-HS-741s27<br />

HSRI<br />

DOT-H$7{1530<br />

Flesearch Triangle Instltute<br />

DOT-HS-7-01737<br />

Systems Technology, Inc.<br />

DOT-HS-440999<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

ooT-Hs-4-00945<br />

Funds Used<br />

(fhousands of Dollart)<br />

Siarl Pre.<br />

Ffnlsh FY T6 FY 76 FY 77 FY 7E<br />

06/30/75<br />

06115t77<br />

@t14trl<br />

07t1Atffi<br />

w17174<br />

o2128ln<br />

0fl30/74<br />

05/1s78<br />

og0u7f<br />

m/oe79<br />

ffi125t74<br />

ffi125t77<br />

03130t77<br />

12131177<br />

ffit28t74<br />

06125t77<br />

10/19/76<br />

fitlwn<br />

10t28t78<br />

12/31t77<br />

ffil28lT7<br />

w28179<br />

ffi12w74<br />

111w77<br />

w17174<br />

01/15ln<br />

Systems Technology, Inc. 06/30/75<br />

DOT-HS-5.01257 09/30/78<br />

Soulhern Californla Feeearch 06/30/75<br />

f nstitute o5lw77<br />

DOT-HS-+0124e<br />

Universlty of North Carolina 06/30/75<br />

DOT-HS-S01250 1113p/77<br />

StanfordResearchlnstltute 06/09/75<br />

DOT-HS-Fo1 176 01131177<br />

154<br />

174<br />

326<br />

u4<br />

1m<br />

100<br />

23<br />

42<br />

73<br />

196 30<br />

208 25<br />

88<br />

119<br />

1m<br />

166<br />

33<br />

s7 34<br />

E4 Nl<br />

27<br />

30<br />

81<br />

B2<br />

151<br />

17<br />

23<br />


Program<br />

Code Thle<br />

3314AG SoberingAgentEflectiveness<br />

Measurement and Development<br />

3314AM Critical Task Interlock Units for Poland<br />

And USSR<br />

33148M Disposable Breath Tester and Breath<br />

Collection Device<br />

Table E-1. (Continued)<br />

Conlractor<br />

Contract Number<br />

33148N Breath Measurementlnstrumentation Transportation Systems Center 10/01/76<br />

PPA.HS-702 09t30t77<br />

3314D8 ldentlflcation of DWI BehavioJ PatternsP$ychometrics,<br />

Inc. 06i30i75<br />

and Methods for Change<br />

DOT.HS-5-01270 06/30/78<br />

3361AE Flural PedestrianAccident$<br />

3361AJ Alcohol Involvement in Pedestrians<br />

and Pedestrian Casualties<br />

33618A $pecific Problems and Countermeasures<br />

for Bicycle SafetY<br />

336188 Urban Crossing Problemg<br />

3361CM ldentification and Feaslbillty Test of<br />

Specialized Rural Pedestrian Training<br />

3361CN Dev€lopment of Modol Regulations for<br />

Rural Pedestrian Safety<br />

3361CO ldent, and Development of Countermeasures<br />

for Bicyclist/Motor Vehicle<br />

Problems<br />

3361DC Experimental Field Test of Proposed<br />

Anti-Dart-Out Trainlng Programs<br />

3361DD Experlmental Fietd Test of Proposed<br />

Pedeslrian Safety Messages<br />

33610H Development and Test of Selected<br />

Model Pedestrlan Safety Regulatlons<br />

3361EC Experimental Field Test of lce Cream<br />

Vendor Model Ordinance<br />

33,61FA EnforcementFrequency,Sanctlons<br />

and Compliance Level for Pedestrian<br />

Safety<br />

3361F8 Evaluation of Exlstlng Pedestrlan and<br />

Bicyclist Regulations<br />

Southern California Research 06/30/75 145<br />

lnstitute<br />

DOT-HS 5 01245<br />

12130177<br />

Systems Technology, Inc.<br />

DOT-H5-6-01467<br />

University of Oklahoma<br />

Health Services Center<br />

DOnHS-7-01795<br />

Funde Used<br />

(fhousands<br />

of Dollare)<br />

Start Pre.<br />

Finish FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 FY 7E<br />

w20176<br />

10131177<br />

09130177<br />

09/30/79<br />

Biotechnology, Inc. 06/30/73<br />

DOT-HS-355-3-718 QA15n8<br />

Dunlap and Associates, Inc. 06130174 326<br />

DOT-H$-4-00946 0s/15/78<br />

Anacapa Sciences, lnc. 06128174<br />

DOT.HS-4-00982 05tW77<br />

ApplledScienceAssociates, 06120175<br />

lnc. 1113Q177<br />

DOT-HS-$01163<br />

3361CL Road Worker and Dismounted Motorist Dunlap and Associates, Inc. Wl26l77<br />

Pedestrian Safety Regulations DOT-HS-7.01712 05t26t79<br />

ApptiedScienceAssociates, Ogl30l77<br />

Inc. 05/30/79<br />

DOT-H$7.0174S<br />

Dunlap and Associates, Inc.<br />

DOT-H5-7-01753<br />

Dunlap and Associates, Inc.<br />

DOT-H5-7-01726<br />

ffit28t77<br />

12t2W78<br />

Qgr28177<br />

09/28/79<br />

AppliedScienceAssociates, 06124174<br />

lnc. 11139177<br />

DOT-HS-4-00955<br />

Dunlap and Associates, Inc. ffi128174<br />

DOT-HS-4-00952 05/31/79<br />

Dunlap and Associates, Inc. 08113176<br />

DOT-HS-6-01444 04t13r77<br />

Dunlap and Associates. Inc. 0f/07175<br />

DoT-HS-5-01 144 12131t77<br />

Dunlap and Associates, lnc. 06/05/75<br />

DOT-HS-$01168 01/31/78<br />

Dunlap and Associates, lnc. 06/30/78<br />

DOT-HS-6-01411 ffit30t77<br />

80<br />

553<br />

168<br />

323<br />

345 230 119<br />

129<br />

95<br />

73<br />

27<br />

65<br />

42<br />

56 94 31<br />

78<br />

55<br />

192<br />

613<br />

118<br />

175<br />

108<br />

52<br />


Program<br />

Code Tlrls<br />

3361FG Provision of Pedestrian and Bicyclist<br />

Base Llne Data<br />

3362AQ Development of Speciflcations for<br />

Passive Belt Systems<br />

336284 $afety Belt Usage $urvey of the Traffic<br />

Population<br />

33628D Safety Belt Usage Attitudes<br />

33628L Evaluatlon of Safety Belt Educailonal<br />

Program for EmPloYees<br />

3sEZBN Lease Toyota for Belt Evaluatlon<br />

336280 Safety Belt Educational Material<br />

33628P Safety B,slt Educatlonal Materlal<br />

336285 Safety B€lt Usage ln the Trafflc<br />

Population<br />

33628T validatlon of Safety Belt Usage Data<br />

33628U Safety Belt Education Program Distribution<br />

Listing<br />

33628V Betrieval of DMV Data<br />

33628W<br />

Table E 1. (Contlnued)<br />

Contractor<br />

Gontrac{ Numbor<br />

AppliedScienceAssociates, 08/0276<br />

lnc.<br />

03/31/79<br />

DOT-Hs-Fo14s3<br />

Man Factors, Inc.<br />

DOT-Hs,7-01617<br />

Kirschner A$sociates<br />

DoT-H$S41340<br />

336288 Safety Belt Educatlon Program: Dlstrl- National Business Lists<br />

bution Listing<br />

Po-7-3212<br />

33634H<br />

3363C1<br />

3363CM<br />

3363F8<br />

3363Fc<br />

Effectiveness of MVMA Safety Belt<br />

Mass Media Campaign<br />

Computer Services<br />

Teknekron, Inc.<br />

DOT-H$-7{1644<br />

Oplnion Research Corp.<br />

ooT-HS.7-o1707<br />

Toyota Motor Sals$ USA, Inc.<br />

PO-7-3e28<br />

G$A, National AudieVisual<br />

Genter<br />

Po7-324414<br />

NHTSA. General Seryices<br />

Dlvision<br />

Reqn. 4842062<br />

Opinion Research CorP.<br />

DoT-HS.7-01736<br />

Qpinion Research Corp.<br />

PG7-3396<br />

National Business Lists<br />

Various<br />

$tate Depts. of Motor Vehlcles<br />

Various lnvoices<br />

Opinion Research Corp.<br />

PO-7.365?<br />

NHTSA, Office of Managementofl03/77<br />

Systerns<br />

09/30/77<br />

ADP-77-075<br />

Safe Performance Curriculum Perform- University of Southern 0fl30/75<br />

ance Measures<br />

California<br />

DoT-HS-ffi1263<br />

02128177<br />

Youth Alcohol Safety Education Crlterla<br />

Development<br />

Survey Analysls ol Short-Term<br />

Approaches to Rehabilitation of Convicted<br />

DWI's<br />

Feasibility of Developing Trainlng Prr<br />

gram to lmprove Deficient Driver<br />

Factors<br />

3363GA Accident Avoidance $kill Training<br />

National Publlc Service<br />

Research Institute<br />

DOT-HS-7{1794<br />

Mc Ber and Company<br />

DOT-H$s-o1253<br />

IRPS<br />

DOT-HS-7-01811<br />

Essex Corporation<br />

DOT HS-7{1547<br />

Funds Us€d<br />

(Ihoueands of Dollars)<br />

Start Pre-<br />

Flnlsh FY 76 FY 78 FY z FY 7E<br />

07t15177<br />

Q7115178<br />

Q5125t76<br />

09r2fl78<br />

12116t76<br />

12116t76<br />

ffi|ffit77<br />

07/0978<br />

w3't177<br />

11131178<br />

01lo3t77<br />

oz0F/n<br />

03/0e77<br />

03/0977<br />

07t07tn<br />

07tQ7t7?<br />

09,30t7?<br />

0430/80<br />

w06177<br />

04106177<br />

05t17ln<br />

05117m<br />

06t24t77<br />

06124177<br />

0B/ofl77<br />

0&09/77<br />

09/30/77<br />

03/31/79<br />

ffit27t75 71<br />

1A31177<br />

09/30fi7<br />

03/30/78<br />

1A15l7E<br />

12t15t77<br />

60<br />

87<br />

145<br />

17<br />

€9<br />

34<br />

118<br />

36<br />

TI<br />

56<br />

Program<br />

Code Tlil0<br />

3363G8<br />

3364AO<br />

33644P<br />

3364AU<br />

3364AX<br />

33648A<br />

3364CA<br />

33S4CB<br />

&364CC<br />

3364CD<br />

3364CE<br />

33B4DB<br />

33658H<br />

3S658l<br />

336581<br />

33658N<br />

3366AC<br />

3366AF<br />

3366A1<br />

Vehicle Zones: lmplicatlons for Driver<br />

Education<br />

Mark ll B Vlsion Tester Procurement<br />

Vision Tester Validation Study<br />

Peripheral Vlslon Training for Motor<br />

Vehicle Drivers<br />

Analysis of State Boad Test<br />

Examinations<br />

Drlver Visual Limitatlons Diagnosis<br />

and Treatment<br />

Integrated Safe Driving Information<br />

System Development<br />

Older Driver Licensing and lmprov+<br />

ment System<br />

Heavy Vehicle Driver Licensing<br />

Feasibility of Developing a Medlcal<br />

Candition Data CQllection Sy$tem<br />

Feasibility of Designating Medical<br />

Examiners for Interstate Commercial<br />

Drivers<br />

Development of Driver lmprovement<br />

System for Traffic Violators and Acc.<br />

ReDeaters<br />

Development of an In-Traffic Test for<br />

Motorcycles<br />

Motorcycle Operator $klll Test<br />

Develooment<br />

Field Test of Motorcycle Safety<br />

Education Course for Nonriders<br />

Advanced Motorcycle Flider Course<br />

Development Plan<br />

Gltizen Participatlon to lmprove Hlghway<br />

Salety<br />

Decriminalization Admini$trative<br />

Adjudication<br />

Traffic Law $anctions<br />

Table E-1. (Continued)<br />

Gontractol<br />

Contract Number<br />

Vector Enterprises, Inc. QSl27l77<br />

DOT-HS-7-01791 0gt2ry78<br />

Honeywell, lnc. ffil29l70<br />

DOT-HS.6-01342 02/11178<br />

National Con, Service, Inc. 0'1111177<br />

Safety Management<br />

DOT-HS-7-01537<br />

01111175<br />

Human Factors Research, Inc. ffi117175<br />

DOT-HS-5-01204 cft]28177<br />

HSBC, University of North Ogl15l77<br />

Carollna<br />

DOT-H5-7-01698<br />

02115178<br />

Indiana University<br />

DOT-HS-5-01275<br />

National Pub. $er. Res. Inst.<br />

DOT-HS"6-01397<br />

Dunlap and Assoclates, Inc.<br />

DOT-HS-7{1502<br />

University of North Carolina<br />

DOT-HS-7-01807<br />

Dunlap and Associates, lnc.<br />

DOT.H5-7-01796<br />

Health Safety Associate$, lnc.<br />

DOT.H5-7-01762<br />

Funds Usad<br />

(Thousands<br />

of Dollars)<br />

Start Pre.<br />

Flnieh FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78<br />

06/30/75<br />

o4t3a77<br />

06/10/76<br />

12r'10n7<br />

10/19/76<br />

12115t77<br />

04t01t78<br />

Q4t01t7g<br />

09/30/77<br />

12130178<br />

09t23177<br />

03/31/78<br />

National Pub. Serv. Hes. Inst. Wl30ln<br />

DOT.HS-7-01766 0S30/79<br />

National Pub. $erv. Res. Inst. 10114176<br />

DOT-HS-7-01526 12tQ8t77<br />

Essex Corporation 0910U77<br />

DOT-HS-7-01702 09/08/78<br />

Applied$cienceAssociation 07115177<br />

DOT-HS-7-01635 07115177<br />

National Pub. Serv. Bes. Inst. 09127177<br />

DOT.HS-7-01735 09t27t78<br />

University of Mlchigan 06130175<br />

DOT-HS-5-01184 0?t28179<br />

PRC Systems Scionces Co. 09/30/75<br />

DOT-HS-6-01285 12131t77<br />

Publlc Management Services, 07128177<br />

f nc. Q7l28l7g<br />

DOT-HS-7-01508<br />

3366AJ Legal Constraints Relevant to Counter- University of Michigan 1't110176<br />

100<br />

mea$ure Development<br />

DOT-HS-7-01536<br />

03t01179<br />

74<br />

92<br />

62<br />

450<br />

40<br />

13<br />

97<br />

sg<br />

118<br />

51<br />

223<br />

49<br />

24<br />

156<br />

98<br />

99<br />

52<br />

165<br />

99<br />

82<br />

104<br />

90<br />

17<br />


Program<br />

Code<br />

3366AK<br />

3366AM<br />

3366AO<br />

3372AA<br />

341 1AH<br />

341 1 BE<br />

34118N<br />

3411CD<br />

3411CF<br />

3411CH<br />

341 1CJ<br />

3411CL<br />

3411CM<br />

3411F8<br />

3411FC<br />

341 1 FD<br />

341 1 FE<br />

341 1 FF<br />

3411FG<br />

3411FH<br />

341 1 Fl<br />

Tltlo<br />

Public Acceptability of Highway Safety<br />

Countermeagures<br />

ldent, of General Deterrence Countermeasures<br />

for Unsafe Driving Actlons<br />

Standards Development and Qualification<br />

Testing for Speed-Measuring<br />

Devices<br />

National Energy Efflcient Driving<br />

System<br />

Buy Scientlf lc Literature<br />

Prototype National Accident Investigatlon<br />

Study<br />

Management Infonnatlon Syatem for<br />

Version ll of the Crash Program<br />

lmprovement of Narrow Oblect Accident<br />

Recon$tructi0n<br />

Research lnput for Computer Simulation<br />

of Automobile Collisions<br />

SMAC Collision $ubrouting<br />

Automatic lteration of $MAC Program<br />

Revlslon of $MAC Integratlon<br />

Algorithm<br />

$imulation Package to Perform Calculation<br />

of Collision Forces in SMAC<br />

NASS Data Collection Teams<br />

NASS Data Collectlon Teams<br />

NASS Data Collection Teams<br />

NASS Data Collectlon Tsam8<br />

NAS$ Data C,ollection Teams<br />

NAS$ Data Collectlon Teams<br />

NAS$ Data Collection Teams<br />

NAS$ Data Collection Teams<br />

Table Fl. (Contlnued)<br />

Contractol<br />

Conirac{ Numbsr<br />

Mathematica Policy Flesearch, QW27176<br />

lnc.<br />

99t27t77<br />

DoT-HS+01466<br />

Univer$ity of Michlgan<br />

DOT-HS-7-01797<br />

National Bureau of Standards<br />

DOT HS-7-01697<br />

National Pub. Sorv. Res, Inst.<br />

DOT-HS-7-01775<br />

Funds Used<br />

(fhousands<br />

of Dollars)<br />

Start Pr+<br />

Finieh FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78<br />

w27t77<br />

w27t78<br />

08t24t77<br />

08t24tffi<br />

0$/30/77<br />

09/30/78<br />

American Ass'n. for Automotlveogt27t77<br />

Medicine<br />

09t27t77<br />

PO-7-3766<br />

University of Michigan<br />

DOT-H5.+00890<br />

McDonnell Douglas<br />

Automation<br />

PS7-3262<br />

Texas Transportatlon lnstitute<br />

DOT-HS-7-01656<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

DOT-HS-7-01511<br />

IPA-YAU WU<br />

PA-4&2-5.01<br />

West Virginia UnlversitY<br />

DOT-HS-&01820<br />

CHI Associates<br />

DOT-HS-7'01545<br />

Control Data Corporatlon<br />

Po-7-3319<br />

IITRI<br />

DOT-HS-7-01738<br />

KAPPA<br />

DoT.H5-741739<br />

Franklin<br />

oor-Hs-7{1740<br />

SWRI<br />

DOT.HS-7{1741<br />

ofl1974<br />

0s/30/78<br />

01121t77<br />

03t21t77<br />

ffit?g,tn<br />

w29tn<br />

12116t7A<br />

02/0fl78<br />

07t2gt70<br />

07129t77<br />

1A15n7<br />

12t15178<br />

12113t78<br />

vst1lln<br />

0a17Fl<br />

08IlTITI<br />

09t30t77<br />

09/30/80<br />

09/30/z<br />

0s/30/80<br />

w30t77<br />

09/30/80<br />

oet3a77<br />

@t3otffi<br />

Univ. of Alabama at Montevalloo9l3Qt77<br />

DOT.H5-7-01742<br />

09/30/80<br />

Manag€m€nt Englneerlng aslwn<br />

DOT.HS-7-01743<br />

09/30/80<br />

State of Michlgan<br />

DOT-HS-7-01744<br />

KLD<br />

DOT.HS-7-0174S<br />

w30177<br />

09/30/80<br />

@l3Qt77<br />

0g/30/80<br />

53<br />

100<br />

30 30<br />

51<br />

2<br />

603 ss<br />

2<br />

14<br />

198<br />

35<br />

22<br />

18<br />

275<br />

129<br />

173<br />

134<br />

218<br />

130<br />

161<br />

137<br />


Program<br />

Code TIIIE<br />

3411FJ NASS Data Cotlection Teams<br />

34llFK NA$$ Data C,ollectlon Teams<br />

3411GA Accldent Causatlon Methodology Dev.<br />

for the National Accident Sampling<br />

3411G8 Establish Zone Center for the National<br />

Accident Sampling $y$tem<br />

3411GC Zone Center for National Accident<br />

Sampling System<br />

3411GE Zone Center for Natlonal Accident<br />

Sampling $y$tem<br />

3411GJ National Accldent Sampling System<br />

Sample Design Phases 2 and 3<br />

3411GL On-The-Job Training for NASS<br />

3411GM Accident Inve$tigationTraining<br />

Textbooks<br />

Table E 1. (Contlnued)<br />

Coniractor<br />

Contract Numbet<br />

Texas Transportation Institute<br />

DOT-HS-7-01746<br />

Unlversity of Southern<br />

Californla<br />

DOT-HS-7-01747<br />

Indiana University Foundatlon o'Jtfim<br />

DOT-HS-7-01690<br />

w28t78<br />

Indiana University Foundation w22177<br />

DOT-HS-7-o1652<br />

ffit22t79<br />

Indiana University Foundation 08125t77<br />

DOT-H5-7-01653<br />

08t25t79<br />

Calspan Field Servlces, Inc.<br />

DOT-HS"7-01654<br />

3411GF Introduction to NAss Field Techniques Allen Corp. of America<br />

DOT-H5-7-01577<br />

3411GN<br />

3411GO<br />

3411GP<br />

3414AC<br />

3414FA<br />

3414F8<br />

3414FC<br />

3414FD<br />

3414FE<br />

3414FF<br />

3414FG<br />

3414FH<br />

E-10<br />

Buy Marklng Tape<br />

Driver Tralning Course<br />

Buy Cameras<br />

Tri-level Study of the Gauses of Traffic<br />

Accidents<br />

National Crash Severlty Study<br />

Natlonal Cresh Severity Study<br />

National Crash Severity $tudy<br />

Natlonal Crash Severlty $tudy<br />

Natlonal Crash Severity Study<br />

National Crash Sevefity Study<br />

Natlonal Cra8h Severity Study Quallty<br />

Control<br />

Computer<br />

System Design and<br />

Qsyslqpment<br />

westat, Inc,<br />

DOT'HS-7-01706<br />

Various<br />

Various<br />

The Traffic ln$titute. Northwestern<br />

University<br />

PO-7-3737<br />

York Tape and Label Corp.<br />

PO-7-3736<br />

Allen Corooration<br />

PO-7-3734<br />

Brenner<br />

PO-7-3758<br />

Ultrasystems, Inc.<br />


University of Miami<br />

DOT-HS-S01389<br />

Calspan Corporatlon<br />

DOT-H5-6-01390<br />

Southwest Research Institute<br />

DOT-H5"6-01391<br />

Indiana University Foundation 07116176<br />

DOT.HS-F01392<br />

07t16t78<br />

H$Rl, University of Michigan<br />

Dor-H5-6-01393<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

DOT-HS+01442<br />

Gontrol Data Corporation<br />

DOT-H5,7-01531<br />

Funds Ussd<br />

(fhousands<br />

of Dollars)<br />

Start Pre.<br />

Flnlsh FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78<br />

ogt3Qt77<br />

09/30/80<br />

w30t77<br />

09/30/80<br />

og25l77<br />

owzil78<br />

oa18n7<br />

0819/79<br />

w30t77<br />

05/30/79<br />

11t04t77<br />

't1t04t77<br />

09114t77<br />

ogt14t77<br />

11104177<br />

11t04t77<br />

11103177<br />

11t0g77<br />

111O8t77<br />

11t0fl77<br />

Indiana University Foundation w15t72<br />

DOT-HS-034-3-s35 04130t77<br />

Q7t1il7ts<br />

07118178<br />

07/16/76<br />

07t16t78<br />

07t16t76<br />

07116178<br />

Q7t16t76<br />

07116t78<br />

07116176<br />

07t1H78<br />

05120176<br />

08t2u78<br />

10/19/76<br />

wo1t77<br />

400 164<br />

202<br />

160<br />

,346<br />

201<br />

173<br />

201<br />

120<br />

114<br />

209<br />

145<br />

74<br />

129<br />

113<br />

100<br />

189<br />

Program<br />

Gode Tltle<br />

3414F1 National Crash Severity Study<br />

3414FJ Narrow Bridge Collislon Sltes<br />

3414GA Accident Invest. Methodology to<br />

,A$sess Fole of Vehicle Handling in<br />

Highway SafetY<br />

3414G8 Accident Causalion and Accldent<br />

Avoidance<br />

3416A4 Motorcycle Accident Factors and<br />

ldentif lcation Countermeasures<br />

Table E-1. (Contlnued)<br />

Conlractol<br />

Conlract Number<br />

341684 InvestigationofMotorVehicle/Bicycle University of Southern<br />

Collision Parameters<br />

California<br />

DOT-HS-541231<br />

3416CA Pedestrian Inlury Causstlon<br />

Parameters<br />

3416C8 PedestrianlnJuryCausation<br />

Parameterg<br />

3416CD Pedestrian Injury Causatlon<br />

Parameters<br />

3416CE Pedestrian Injury Causation<br />

Parameters<br />

3416DB<br />

3416DC<br />

Fleet Accident Evaluation of<br />

FMVSS 121<br />

121 Onsite Fleet Inspectlone<br />

3416EA Accident Analysis Breakaway and<br />

Nonbreakaway Poles and Standards<br />

on Highways<br />

3416FA Study of Driver Behavioral Errors in<br />

Alcohol, Marijuana and other Drug<br />

Involved Collisions<br />

3416GA Motor Vehicle Accident Investigation<br />

Research Study-D.C. Area<br />

3417AN Air Cushion Restraint System (ACRS)<br />

Accidents (N.E. Region)<br />

3il17AP Investigation of Air Cushlon Flestralnt<br />

System Accidents-Southwest Reg ion<br />

3417AO Investigation of Air Cushion Restraint<br />

System Accidents<br />

3421AM lmpact of Recent Changes in the<br />

Highway $afety Environment<br />

University of Kentucky<br />

DOT-HS-F01394<br />

FHWA<br />

DOT-H5-7-016081A<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

DOT-HS-7-01575<br />

University of Michigan 09127177<br />

DOT-HS-7-01669 09t27t79<br />

University of Southern 11123175 100<br />

California<br />

DOT-HS-S01160<br />

121Q1179<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

DOT-H5-7-01579<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

DOT-H5-7-01s78<br />

Southwest Research Instltute<br />

DOT.HS-7-01580<br />

Traffic Safety Research C.orp.<br />

DOT-HS-7-01581<br />

University of Michigan<br />

DOT-HS-Fo1286<br />

Transportation Research and<br />

Marketing<br />

PO-7.3387<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

DOT-HS-So1179<br />

Ultrasystems, Inc.<br />

DOT-HS-6-01346<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

DOT.HS-S01304<br />

Southwest Research lnstltuts<br />

DOT-H5-6-01309<br />

University of Miami<br />

DQT-HS-6-01315<br />

University of North Carolina<br />

DOT-HS-4-00897<br />

Funds Uted<br />

(fhousands ol DollarE]<br />

Start Pre'<br />

Finish FY 76 FY 76 FY n FY 78<br />

07/16/76<br />

07/16/78<br />

08130177<br />

06/30/78<br />

03/16/77<br />

06t16t78<br />

3416A8 lmpact of Motorcycle Usage In Kansas Univ. of Kansas Medlcal Center 01114177<br />

DOT-HS-7-01563<br />

12t31ln<br />

06/30/75<br />

06/30/78<br />

o4l1w77<br />

04/18/80<br />

04118t77<br />

04/18/BO<br />

04t1w77<br />

04/18/80<br />

Q4t18177<br />

04/1fl80<br />

ffil?6t75<br />

06/3,0/78<br />

o4tQAt77<br />

QAt04ln<br />

Southwest Research Institute 06/30/75<br />

DOT-HS-S01266 01131t78<br />

ffit23175<br />

06/23/78<br />

05120176<br />

05t20178<br />

't2123/75<br />

09/30/78<br />

01/0976<br />

09/30/78<br />

01129t76<br />

ww78<br />

ffi125174<br />

09/30/78<br />

140<br />

187<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

114<br />

635<br />

494<br />

18<br />

32<br />

92<br />

223<br />

210<br />

150 200 148<br />

151<br />

254<br />

275<br />

247<br />

96<br />

65<br />

86<br />

192<br />

491<br />

58<br />

100<br />

39<br />

87<br />


Program<br />

Code Thle<br />

34218A Design of National Exposure Data<br />

System<br />

3/.22AO Fact Book<br />

34224P Injury Scaling R€search<br />

3422AQ National Exposure Data System<br />

(National Personal Trans. Sys. Data)<br />

3422AS Statistical Analysis of Crash<br />

Gonditions<br />

3422AT Adj. of Natlonal Center for Health<br />

Stat. Data<br />

g22AV Computer Support for Adjustment of<br />

NCHS Data<br />

3422AW Fact Book Data Management<br />

3422AX Computer Services tor HSRI Accident<br />

Data Files<br />

3423AH Data Sources to Support the NHTSA<br />

Defects I nvestigation System<br />

3423AV Data Retrieval and Artalvsis<br />

3423AW Truck Aecldent Study<br />

Table E-1. (Contlnued)<br />

Gontractor<br />

Contract Number<br />

3423CH Est. the Effects of Crash-Fhase Center for the Environment<br />

FMVSS on Driver Fatality Risk in Z.Car and Man<br />

Collision<br />

PO-7-3261<br />

3425AC Procurement of Mortality Tapes<br />

34254E Purchase of Gencat Tape<br />

3425AG Buy Tabulatlons of Hlghway Safety<br />

Accident Data<br />

3431AH Reporting System<br />

3431C| Data Prep. of NHTSA Mutttdlsc. Acci.<br />

dent Investigation Reports<br />

3431CQ Computer Service$ for HSRI Accidenl<br />

Data Files<br />

University<br />

of Michigan<br />

DOT-H5-7-01685<br />

Various Contractors<br />

Various Contracts<br />

Universlty<br />

of North Carolina<br />

DOT-HS-7-01539<br />

FHWA<br />

DOT-HS-&01474tA<br />

3/'22AR Highway Safety Effects of the Energy University of Michigan<br />

Crisis on U.S. Toll Roads<br />

DOT-HS.4 00980<br />

University of Wisconsin 01106177<br />

DOT HS-7-01559 01/06/78<br />

Opportunity Systems (SBA) Wl30l76<br />

DOT-HS-6-01501 12t31t77<br />

NHTSA, Office of Management 10101176<br />

Sy$tems 09130177<br />

ADP-77-O71<br />

Automated Sclence Group, lnc. wHn<br />

DOT-HS-7-016M<br />

09/19/78<br />

Universlty of Michigan<br />

PO-8-0103<br />

Universlty of Michigan<br />

DOT-HS-7-01804<br />

System$ and Applied Sclences 04t01t77<br />

Corporation<br />

07t15t77<br />

DOT-HS-6-01507<br />

Unlversity of $outhern<br />

Calllornla<br />

DOT-HS-7-01565<br />

HEW, U.S. Div. of Vital<br />

$tatistics<br />

PO-8-0104<br />

Richard Landis, Universlty<br />

of<br />

North Carolina<br />

PO-7-3295<br />

HSRC, University of<br />

North Carolina<br />

DOT-HS-7-01757<br />

Control Data C,orporatlon<br />

DOT-HS-5-01183<br />

Unlversity of Michigan<br />

DOT"HS-5-01134<br />

Univsrsily of Michigan Office<br />

of Besearch Admin.<br />

PO.7-03001<br />

Funds Ueod<br />

(Thousands<br />

ol Dollars)<br />

Stail Pre.<br />

Finish FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 FY 7E<br />

08t09t77<br />

08/09/78<br />

06/28/76<br />

06/?8/77<br />

11tfit7B<br />

o?t2w7B<br />

09/30/76<br />

0g/30/78<br />

00/00/00<br />

02101t77<br />

1Qt01t77<br />

10tQ1t77<br />

09130177<br />

03/30/78<br />

o?/08fi7<br />

01i07i78<br />

01t2Qt77<br />

10t20t77<br />

111O4t77<br />

11104177<br />

aao1t77<br />

ozt01t77<br />

07t19t77<br />

07119t78<br />

06/30/75<br />

01t01t77<br />

04t17t75<br />

06/30/78<br />

11101t76<br />

11t01t77<br />

88<br />

136<br />

47<br />

367 295<br />

Program<br />

Code<br />

Tlilc<br />

34328S ADP Time Sharing<br />

34il2DF Source Document Data Convsrslon<br />

for Fatal Accident Reportlng System<br />

3432DS FAHSMalntenancs<br />

34il2DT Fatal Accldent Reporting System<br />

State Contracts<br />

3432DW Fatal Accldent Heportlng System<br />

Maintenance<br />

3432DY NCSA-Remote Data Entry Trainlng<br />

Sesslon<br />

3432HF Multidlsciplinary Acc. Inv. Data File<br />

3432JE StatB Access to National Deta Bases<br />

34il2JF LexlcographerProgramTape<br />

34tl2JK Health Int€rvl€$, $urvey Data<br />

3432L8 Lease Fenewal whh eomputer Fro<br />

duct. Unlimited for Terminale<br />

3511AH lmproved Passenger Car Braklng<br />

Performance<br />

3511DE Collision Avoidance Radar Braklng<br />

System<br />

3511DF Long Life grake System<br />

3511DJ Collislon Avoldance Radar Braklng<br />

$ystem<br />

3511EF Tecfrnical FieldSupPon-Brak€<br />

System Testing<br />

3511E| Purchase of Beechwood Mobile Home<br />

3511EJ BuY Car for Test<br />

3511EK Buy Gar for Test<br />

Table E-i. (Contlnued)<br />

, Conlraclol<br />

Contract Numbor<br />

NHTSA, Office of Management10/01/70<br />

Systems<br />

ogt3oI77<br />

ADP-77051<br />

Institute of Modern Proce<br />

dures. SBA<br />

DOT-HS-il10€0<br />

GTE Inlormation Systerng<br />

Various Orders<br />

Each State, D.C. and Puerto<br />

Bico<br />

Various Contract8<br />

$igma Data Serylcg<br />

Po-7-3776<br />

Various Invoices<br />

University of Mlchlgan<br />

DoT.HS-eo1303<br />

Control Data Corporatlon-<br />

OMS<br />

ADP-77-066<br />

Duallabs, Arllngton, Va.<br />

PO.7-3342<br />

National Center for Statistics<br />

and Analysis<br />

PO-7-3594<br />

NHTSA, Offlce of Management<br />

Sy$lems<br />

Po+0215<br />

University of Michigan<br />

DOT-HS-S013SB<br />

Bendix Besearch Lab.<br />

DOT-HS-S014s0<br />

Scienc€ Applicatlon<br />

DOT-HS741776<br />

Bendix Research Lab.<br />

DoT-HS-+01450<br />

Aberdeen Proving Grounds<br />

DoT-HS-S01033<br />

Koons Pontiac-Olds-GMG<br />

Truck, Inc.<br />

Po-7-4677<br />

Dave<br />

ryle$ Lincoln-Mercury<br />

Pc-74727<br />

Sport Chevrolet<br />

Pc-7-4726<br />

Fundr Used<br />

(Thourands ol Drollaru)<br />

Stlrt PIF<br />

Flnlah FY 76 FY 7e Ff n Ff 7t<br />

o1/oa75<br />

o2l21l7E<br />

w23tTl<br />

05123177<br />

03t11177<br />

03t11177<br />

wwft<br />

wffit77<br />

11t16ln<br />

't1n6ln<br />

0111?/76<br />

uha77<br />

10/01/76<br />

09/30/z<br />

ffi|11m<br />

o3t11ln<br />

07113177<br />

07r13ln<br />

12t15lTl<br />

12115t77<br />

06n7n6<br />

12/31n7<br />

0g/15/7e<br />

10115t77<br />

EtNl77<br />

ory30/78<br />

0ry1fl70<br />

lw15tzi<br />

0901/74<br />

00/30/78<br />

07114177<br />

07t14tn<br />

w27t77<br />

wr27l77<br />

w19t7f<br />

wfiln<br />

ss<br />

50<br />

1S2<br />

36<br />

1S4<br />

386<br />

386<br />

85<br />

1,098<br />

83<br />

28<br />

1,292<br />

91<br />

'<br />

Program<br />

Code Tlil6<br />

Tabfe E 1. (Continuefl<br />

Funds Used<br />

(fhousands of Dollare)<br />

Contractor Stan Pr€.<br />

Contract Number Finish FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 Fl TB<br />

3511EL Development of Dual Ma$ter Cylinder U.S. Army Meradcom,<br />

Stroke for Brake Fluids Ft. Belvoir<br />

DOT-H5-7-01760<br />

QgnA77<br />

ffit?A7g<br />

15<br />

3511EM Safety Research Lab. Brakes*$mall Various Ogl3}l77 N<br />

Purchases Various P.O.'s 0,9i30177<br />

351?AD Tire Break-in Procedures for Handling Texas A&M Research 06/30/75 125 31<br />

Tests Foundation<br />

DOT-HS-5-01189<br />

02128177<br />

3512AF Development of Vehicle Rollover Calspan Corporation 06/30/76 146<br />

Maneuver DOT-HS-6-01382 07131177<br />

3512AH Steering Controllability Characterlstlcs University of Michigan 06/30/76 SS I<br />

DOT"HS-6-01409 09t?1t77<br />

3512A1 Power Steering Failure Study Systems Technology, lnc. 06130,78 47<br />

DOT-HS-F01428 OEI3A77<br />

3512AK Mathematlcal Models for $imulation University of Michigan 0gl30l77 136<br />

of Vehicle Handling DOT-HS-7-01715 0113'1178<br />

351285 Handling Test Procedures for Passen- Systems Technology, lnc. 12115t76 50<br />

ger Cars Pulling Trallers DOT-HS-7-01548 cFi30l77<br />

35128V Solid State Data Acquisition and Pro- Systems Technology, Inc. 06/30/75 261 12<br />

cessing System DOT-HS-S01212 0212W77<br />

35128W Evaluation and Correlation of Driver/ $ystems Technology, Inc. 06/30/75 99 41<br />

Vehicle Data DOT-HS-5-01200 03131177<br />

35128X Influence of Aerodynamic Dlsturbance Systems Technology, Inc. 07120176 160 36<br />

on Vehicle Handling DOT-H$-6-0'1403 12131177<br />

35128Y Truck and Trailer Yaw Divergence and HSRI, University of Michigan 05119177 259<br />

Flollover DOT-HS"7-01602 11119178<br />

3512B,2 Transfer Test Vehicles Texas Transoortation lnstltute 01110177 I<br />

BL-L-0302144 01t10t77<br />

3512CF Support by the Hybrid Vehlcle Han' NHTSA, Office of Management Q3116177 116<br />

dling Program $ystems Ogl30l77<br />

ADP-77-065<br />

3512CK Mobile Parametrlc Measuremeni Dynamic Sclence, Inc. O?t1gt?B 12S 52<br />

Device DOT-HS-6-01413 1A3OI77<br />

3512CN ADP Support NHTSA, Office of Management 10/05/76 10<br />

Systems 09/30177<br />

ADP-77-053<br />

351?EA Accident Avoldance Capabllltles of Systems Tochnology, Inc. Ogl0glTI 90<br />

Mopeds DOT-HS-7-01719 111CFi78<br />

3512E8 Advanced Motorcycle Handling and South Coast Technology 0912W77 121<br />

Dynamics DOT-HS-7-01722 W2W78<br />

3512EC Development of Low Cost Antl-Lock Harry Diamond Lab.-Dept. of 1A02176 ,13<br />

Brake System for Small Motorcycles the Army<br />

DOT-HS.7.01524tA<br />

1210A77<br />

3512ED Motorcycle Handling Systems Technology, Inc. 07t22176 148 38<br />

DOT-HS-F01381 0a15t7g<br />

3512FA Hlghway Aerodynamlc Interference$ Virginia Polytechnic Inslltuie 04108,77 25<br />

DOT-HS-7-01590 0408t78<br />


Program<br />

Code<br />

Thlc<br />

3513CL TreadwearValidation<br />

3513m NDT Foad Correlation<br />

3513KA Truck Tlre Braklng and Cornering<br />

Traction StudY<br />

3513KE Safety Research Lab.<br />

Tires-$mall Purchases<br />

Table E 1. (Gontinued)<br />

,<br />

Contractol<br />

Contrac{ Humbor<br />

3512GA Aerodynamlc Disturbance Test Proc+ Systems Technology, Inc'<br />

dure DeveloPment<br />

DOT'HS'7-01716<br />

w30/77<br />

03/30/79<br />

3li12GB Car-TrailerHandllngStandards<br />

Development<br />

Systems TechnologY, Inc.<br />

DOT-HS-7-01720<br />

w?7t77<br />

111?7t78<br />

35138G Non-DestructiveTireTestlng Transportation System$ Centel 10/01/76<br />

PPA-HS-703<br />

ww77<br />

Nevada Auto Test C€nter<br />

DOT.HSff1347<br />

Hodges Transportation, Ino,<br />

DOT-HS-7-01589<br />

HSRI, University of Michigan<br />

DoT-HS-7-01609<br />

3513KC Modify Traction Information Processing Control Data Qorporation<br />

system (IlPs) PO'7'9630<br />

3513KD Tlre Treadwear TeBt Multlcycle Te$tlng Transportatlon Testlng' Inc.<br />

of Texas<br />

DOT-HS-7-01710<br />

Various<br />

Variou$<br />

3514A8 Vehicle Anti-Theft Security System A.D' Little' lnc.<br />

Design<br />

DOT-HS-7'01723<br />

3515AF Automotive Radar Research Dept' of Commerce<br />

DOT-HS-S01375<br />

3515AG Erectrrcar system rntesrrty<br />

t[TI[ l;:??'ft<br />

3515AH Electrical System Integrity Coleman Cadillac Co.<br />

Buy Cadillac Seville<br />

DOT'HS &01845<br />

3521AB Drlver Visibility Requirements Quallty Human Factors Research, Inc.<br />

of Visibility<br />

DOT'HS+01426<br />

35218F Evaluation of Glare from Followlng Rowland and Company<br />

Vehicle Headlights<br />

DOT'HS-7'01540<br />

3521CC Development of a visibility Research unlversity of calilornia, L-A.<br />

DOT-HS-+01451<br />

35210F Utlllty of Perlpheral Vlslon to Motor Ohio State Universlty<br />

Vehicle Drivers<br />

DOT-HS,S01203<br />

3521DG Critical Incldent Study of Vehicle Crash Dunlap and Assoclates<br />

Avoidance $ystems<br />

DoT-HS-5-01216<br />

3521DJ R€arview Mirror Systems for Pass. Cars, Vector Enterpri$es<br />

Lt. Trucks, and Multipurpose Pass. Veh. DOT-HS-7-01721<br />

3521DL Data Analyse$ of Drlver/Vehicle lnter- Vector Enterprises<br />

action Problems<br />

Po,7-3431<br />

Funds Usad<br />

(fhoueands of f}ollaru)<br />

Start Pre.<br />

Flnish FY 76 FY 76 F'{ Tl Ff 7E<br />

w14tn<br />

01/1fl78<br />

03tzsi.77<br />

03|/29/78<br />

3513CP Flnancial Support for the Second lnter- Transportation Research Board 12t17176<br />

nationalskidPreventionConference PO'7-3216<br />

12J17t78<br />

3513JC $now Tlre Test Program Nevada Auto Test Center<br />

DOT-HS-S01318<br />

1 1 /30/76<br />

0?i2w77<br />

3522AL Field Test Evaluation of Rear Lighting Essex Corporation<br />

and Slgnaling Systems<br />

DOT-HS'+01228<br />

Mlnl77<br />

02t22t78<br />

08t01177<br />

oStutn<br />

QgtO2l77<br />

03t03t78<br />

ffil3CIm<br />

w30t77<br />

wlw77<br />

0g/30/78<br />

07lozt7B<br />

07to1l77<br />

wr3a7l<br />

0s/3078<br />

121aot77<br />

1?12A77<br />

ofl30/76<br />

utw77<br />

11t23116<br />

wt2a77<br />

ost28177<br />

07131t77<br />

o6t23175<br />

07131t77<br />

06/19/75<br />

ozlA&t77<br />

w28177<br />

092979<br />

Mt26t77<br />

07t26t77<br />

06/30/75<br />

w31177<br />

64<br />

100<br />

353<br />

23<br />

75<br />

95<br />

45<br />

132 40<br />

201<br />

1S<br />

250<br />

58<br />

111<br />

10<br />

100<br />

10<br />

83<br />

56<br />

116<br />

155<br />

33<br />

15<br />

't78<br />

Program<br />

Code<br />

Table E-1. (Contlnued)<br />

Funds Usod<br />

(Ihousands ol Dollars)<br />

Contractor Start Pre-<br />

Crontract Numbsr Finish FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78<br />

3522AN Dev. and Field Testing of Techniques H$Rl, University of Michigan Q212A177 76 108<br />

for Increasing Conspicuity of Motorcycles<br />

and Motorcycle Drivers<br />

DOT-HS-6-01459 QW16l77<br />

3522AO Evaluation of the Feasibillty of a University of Michigan 1A2?176 61<br />

Single Beam Headlight DOT-HS-7-01554 01122178<br />

3522AP Low Beam Shaping for lmproved Wlde Human Factor$ Research<br />

Angle Roadway lllumination Corporation<br />

DOT-H5-7-01724<br />

09114177<br />

11114178<br />

79<br />

35228H Validation of the Rear Lighting and Allen Corp. of America Wl3Ol77 40 60<br />

Signaling System Fleld Test DOT-HS-7-01756 05/30/79<br />

3522CC Field Test Evaluation of Rear Lighting University of lllinols 09/16/76 179 /m<br />

Deceleration Signals DOT-HS-6-01447 05/16/78<br />

3522EA Signal Lighting Requirements for Emer- Unlversity of Michigan 09/1476 50<br />

gency Schoolbus and Service Vehicles DOT-H$-6-01468 09114177<br />

3522E8 Analytical Evaluation of Vehicle-Based Franklln Institute @120176 49 5<br />

Fog Countermeasures DOT-HS-F0149S 12116177<br />

35?3AP Human Factors Requiremente for Wayne State Universlty 07114177 S1 10<br />

Flngertlp Reach Controls DOT-HS"5-01 192 0fl31177<br />

3523AQ Driver-Vehicle Effectiveness Model Honeywell, Inc. 03/1fl76 128<br />

Phases ll and lll DOT-HS-6-01319 ffi1fr178<br />

3523AS Development of Recommendatlons to Man Factors, Inc. 0nZA76 83 2<br />

lmprove Control Operability DOT-HS-S01445 1112?J77<br />

35?3AT Development of a Standardized Vehi- Planning and Human $y$tems, 11/30/76 80<br />

cle ldentification Number Inc.<br />

DOT-H5-7-01541<br />

Qgl30l77<br />

3523AX VIN Experiment Servlco$ California Dept. of Motor 0Fr1fr177 1<br />

Vehicles<br />

PO-7-3574<br />

08130177<br />

3523AY Buy Replacement Bulbs General Electrlc Company 02128t77

Program<br />

Code Tltlo<br />

Table E-1. (Contlnued)<br />

Conlractor<br />

Contraa Numbar<br />

3523FO Modification to DPMAS Data Process- NHTSA, Office of Management10/01/76<br />

Ing<br />

System$<br />

ADF-77-070<br />

09t30t77<br />

3523FQ Computer Terminal for DPMA$<br />

3532AA ADF Support for Automotlve Fuel<br />

Economy Research<br />

3532A8 Rental and Installatlon Computer<br />

Device Model 1132<br />

3532AG Support for Analytical Tools for AFE<br />

Activities<br />

3532AD Support for Analytlcal Tools for AFE<br />

Activities<br />

35328A AFER Program Support-T$G<br />

3532DA Fleview Procedure lor Determlnlng<br />

Average Fuel Economy<br />

3534AA Corporate Strategles of Automotive<br />

Manufacturers<br />

3534A8 Corporate Strategies of Automotlve<br />

Manufacturers<br />

3535AA lmpact of Auto Fuel Economy Stand. Charles Biver Assoc.<br />

ards on Competition in the AutomotlveDOT.HS-7-01786<br />

lndustry<br />

3535A8 lmpact of Auto Fuel Economy Stand- A. T. Kearney<br />

ards on Competition in the AutomotiveDOT-HS-7-01787<br />

lndustry<br />

353588 Consumer Behavlor Towards Fuel Effi.<br />

cient Vehicles<br />

35358C Consumer Behavior Towards Fuel Efficlent<br />

Vehicles<br />

353580 Consumer Behavior Towards Fuel Etflcient<br />

Vehicles<br />

3535CA lmpacts ot Fuel Efflclent Vehlcles<br />

3541AA Truck, Bus, and Motorcycle Safety<br />

Status Methodology<br />

Texas Institute<br />

PO-7.3550<br />

NHTSA, Off ice of Management10/01/76<br />

Systems<br />

09130t77<br />

ADP-77-072<br />

NHTSA, Office of Management10/01/76<br />

Systems<br />

ogt3il77<br />

PO-7-3462<br />

H.H. Aerospace Deslgn<br />

Company<br />

DOT-HS-7-01691<br />

Transportation Systems Center 10101t76<br />

PPA.HS.727<br />

w30t77<br />

3532CA Augmentation of Res. and Anal. Capa- Corporate Tech. Planning<br />

bllities for TimelY Support ol AFE DOT-H5-7-01789<br />

Activities<br />

3532C8 Augmentation of Res. and Anal. Capa- South Coast<br />

bilities for Timely Support of AFE<br />

Activities<br />

DOT-HS-7-01790<br />

Envlronmgntal lrnpact Csnter<br />

DOT-HS-7-01771<br />

Harbridge House, lnc.<br />

DOT-HS-7-01783<br />

Futures Group<br />

DOT-HS-7-01784<br />

35358A Consumer Behavior Toward$ Fuel Effi- Charles River A$$oc.<br />

cient Vehicles<br />

DoT-Hs-7-01779<br />

Cambridge Systematics<br />

DOT-HS-7-01780<br />

Market Fact8<br />

DOT-HS-7-01781<br />

National Analysts<br />

DOT-HS.7-01782<br />

Gharles River Assoc.<br />

ooT.Hs-7-01778<br />

Indians University Foundation 06/30/76<br />

DOT-HS-Fo1357<br />

o$t30177<br />

Funds Used<br />

(thousands ol Dollars)<br />

Start Pre.<br />

Flnith FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 FY 7A<br />

ffit24177<br />

Q6t24177<br />

@106t77<br />

09/06/78<br />

Automated Sciences GrouP, Inc. @to7tTl<br />

DoT-HS.7-01708<br />

09107t78<br />

09t3w77<br />

0s/30/78<br />

09/30/77<br />

0s/30/78<br />

wwrT<br />

03/31/79<br />

09130177<br />

03/31/79<br />

QSt30t77<br />

03t30t79<br />

09130t77<br />

03/31/79<br />

wwzl<br />

03/31/79<br />

09t30t77<br />

03131179<br />

09t30t77<br />

03/31/79<br />

09t30177<br />

03131175<br />

w30177<br />

03/31/79<br />

09130t77<br />

03131175<br />

139<br />

20<br />

110<br />

#<br />

48<br />

4,600<br />

N7<br />

249<br />

1afi<br />

50<br />

50<br />

190<br />

212<br />

159<br />

210<br />

93<br />

142<br />

184<br />


Program<br />

Code TItle<br />

S5ltlAC ADP Support<br />

3541AD ADP Support<br />

3541EA Salety Status Data Collectlon Methodology<br />

3541EC On-Road Vehicle Failure Study-Data<br />

Analysis<br />

3541ED State PMVI Program Evaluation<br />

3541FA Vehicles-ln-Use Sub-Llmlt Maneuvers<br />

3541FF MVI Evaluation and Data Analy$i$<br />

3541FG Multl-Vehlcle Program, Vehicles-ln-Use<br />

$ub-Limit Maneuver, Spring Spacers<br />

3541FH Computer Support Effort by Hybrid<br />

Vehicle Handling Program<br />

3542DC Optimized Brake Inspection<br />

3542DD Correlation of Braking System Defect$<br />

and Performance Insoection<br />

3542DF Tire Inspection Machine Completion<br />

and Validation<br />

3542DH Modification to CSC Technical Support<br />

Contract<br />

3551AA Advanced Flecorder Design Development<br />

3551AC IBM 545 Output Keypunch Rental<br />

3$51AD Advanc€d Recorder Design Developmenl<br />

3611AE Engineering Support to tho R$V<br />

3631AG FlBsearch Safety Vehicle Phase ll<br />

3631AH Research Safety Vehicle Phase ll<br />

3E31AJ Flesearch Safety Vehicle Phase lll<br />

3631AK Flos€arch Safety Vehicle Phase lll,<br />

Minicars<br />

E.l8<br />

Table E.l. (Continue0<br />

Contractor<br />

Contract Number<br />

NHTSA, Office of Management o3lo8l77<br />

Systems<br />

03108177<br />

ADP-76-001<br />

NHTSA, Office of Management10/0fl76<br />

Sy$tems<br />

wl3u77<br />

ADP-77-052<br />

AVCO Systems Dlvlslon<br />

DOT-HS-s-01159<br />

U.S. SBA Opportunlty Sysiemg 03/01/75<br />

DOT"HS-5-01063<br />

09t15t77<br />

Chilton Company<br />

DOT-H5-7-01544<br />

Systems Technology, Inc.<br />

DOT-HS-5-01191<br />

Automated Sciences GrouP,<br />

Inc, (SBA)<br />

DOT-HS-S01338<br />

Systems Technology, Inc.<br />

DOT-H5-7-01799<br />

NHTSA, Office of Management 10/01/78<br />

Systems<br />

09/30/78<br />

ADP-7-8105<br />

Ultrasystems, Inc,<br />

DOT-H$-Fo1383<br />

University of Tennesseo<br />

DOT-HS-7-01621<br />

$outhwest Research ln$t.<br />

DOT-H5-7-01693<br />

Computer Sciences Corp,<br />

DOT-H5-5-01036<br />

Teledyne Geo. Tech.<br />

DOT-HS-7-01641<br />

$ystemg<br />

PO-7-3195<br />

i<br />

Dynamic $cience, Inc.<br />

DOT-HS-7-01640<br />

Transportation Systems Center<br />

PPA HS"717<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

DOT-HS-5-01214<br />

Minicars, Inc.<br />

DOT-HS-5-01215<br />

Cal$pan Corporation<br />

DOT-HS-7-01551<br />

Minicars, Inc.<br />

DOT-HS-7-01552<br />

Funde Ueed<br />

(Thousands<br />

ol Dollars)<br />

Start Pre-<br />

Finish FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78<br />

1212't176<br />

05t31t77<br />

o3l07l77<br />

03107178<br />

01l1w77<br />

0428177<br />

01131177<br />

03131177<br />

09t3il77<br />

03/31/79<br />

06t29t76<br />

1ATr77<br />

06t07177<br />

ffito7t7B<br />

09/28/77<br />

11t28177<br />

11105174<br />

08104177<br />

ffit29177<br />

ffit29l7B<br />

NHTSA, Office of Management 12109176<br />

01101177<br />

ffit?f,fil<br />

ffit?s,/78<br />

10t01176<br />

w30/77<br />

07116t75<br />

w15177<br />

07t16175<br />

01t31177<br />

ffitoN77<br />

10t26t78<br />

ffit08177<br />

01t2H79<br />

152<br />

12<br />

189<br />

981<br />

78<br />

70<br />

72<br />

176<br />

1,75Q 3,138<br />

1,845 3,359<br />

12<br />

36<br />

37<br />

15<br />

202<br />

Table E 1. (Contlnued)<br />

(rrr""::l#<br />

lif"rr","r<br />

Program Contractor Stert Pte<br />

Code Tttle Conlrac{ Number Flnlsh FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 FY 78<br />

3631AN1 GFE-Two 77 Chevrolet 4-door lmpalas Holiday Olds Company<br />

for Crash Testlng RSV Phase ll Minl- PO'7'4521<br />

cars Mod.4 Requirement<br />

01127177<br />

01127177<br />

6<br />

3ffi1ANe GFE-Two 77 Chevrolet 4-door lmpalas Holiday Olds Company<br />

for Crash Testing RSV Phase ll Mini- PO'74522<br />

cars Mod.4 Requirement<br />

12107176<br />

01127177<br />

6<br />

36II1AP GFE-4 Chevrolet lmpala Care Varlous<br />

Various<br />

06/30/77<br />

06130177<br />

11<br />

3631A0 Purchase Five Honda Civic Cars Various O7tW77 6<br />

Various 07lOEt77<br />

3662AU Shipment and Preservation of Govern- Minicars, Inc. 01110177 2<br />

ment Owned Test Equipment INV'106+1 01110177<br />

366388l Transport of Government Proparly North Amerlcan Van Llnss 0/'I?W77 4<br />

8/1030199 04t2a77<br />

3663882 Transport of Government Property North American Van Lines 04l2fln

Program<br />

Code Tlrla<br />

Table Fl' (continued)<br />

Funda used<br />

(fhousande ol Dottarr)<br />

Conlractor Start Pre.<br />

Contract Number Flnlsh FY 76 FY 76 FY f7 FY 78<br />

37138Y Optimum lntegration Algorithm into CHI Associates QBl27l77 48<br />

Structural Analysis Programs DOT-HS-7.01620 00127178<br />

3713C8 Evaluation of Flollover Procedures Dynamic Science, lnc. 07/01176 71 10<br />

DOT-HS-6-01427 07tl1t77<br />

3713GE Llghtweight Subcompact Side $tructure The Budd Company O411il77 498 140<br />

DOT-HS-7-01588 10/1378<br />

3713GG Purchase of Cars for Slde lmpact Various Dealers O7lffil77 34<br />

Testing Various P.O.'s 0711W77<br />

3713KD Data Processlng for Contract DOT"H$ NHTSA, Offlce of Manegement 10/01/76 160<br />

7-01628 Systems<br />

ADP-77-050<br />

Wl3rl/77<br />

3713LF Vehlcle Aggressiveness and Crash Approved Engineerlng Test 03/18f/8 n<br />

Survivablllty Characteristics Labs<br />

DOT-HS-F01477<br />

03/18/78<br />

3713LG Vehicle Aggressiverress and Crash Dynamic Science, Inc. Ogt1W77 29<br />

$urvivability Characteristics OOT-HS-6-01478 03/1&,78<br />

3714AF Evaluation of Structural Aggresslve- Calspan Corporation 02128175 181 158 204 I<br />

ness of Intermediate Size Automobiles DOT-H$-+010S9 Q5131177<br />

3714AH Dev. of Test Anal. Methodologies for Dynamlc Science, Inc. 0F/30177 90<br />

Eval. Crash Compatibilities and<br />

Aggressiveness<br />

DOT-HS-7-01758 0S/30/78<br />

3714AM Buy Cars to Support Task Orders for Varioue 0il26177 44 18<br />

Car-To-Car and Car-to-Barrier lmpact<br />

Testing<br />

Various P.O.'s 0512d77<br />

3714AR Purchase Cars Varlous Oilfiln 40<br />

Various 03121177<br />

3715AD Buy Minicomputer Modem Equipment Digital Equipment Corp. 1AOH7E 1<br />

PO-7-3146 12/0d76<br />

3715AE Buy Minicomputer Peripheral Equip- Digital Equipment Corp. 07129177 53<br />

ment PO-7-3628 07129177<br />

3716A8 lmproved Vlslblllty for School Buses Ultrasystems, Inc. Cf,./17t7} S0<br />

During Adverse Weather DOT-HS-6-01398 06117177<br />

3716AC ldentification of Superior Energy"<br />

. Absorbing Materials for School Bus<br />

lnteriors<br />

A$L Englneering, Inc.<br />

DOT-HS-7-016M<br />

OBlO3l77<br />

08/03/78<br />

1#l<br />

3716AD $chool Bus Occupani Retroflt Protec- New Mexico State Univ. WOTln<br />

tive Materials DOT-HS-7-01572 O2lO7l7A<br />

3716AF Cra$h Protection $ystems for Handi- Minicars, Inc. Wfiln<br />

capped school Bus occupants DOT-HS-7-01774 03/01/79<br />

3716AG Defogging Test Procedures Valldatlon Approved Engineerlng Testing 07126177<br />

Laboratory 0712W77<br />

371EBA Transportation Ftre safety Prosram ;:-""t:l--^avanced rech- o1tz7t7o E0<br />

nology Divisfon<br />

DOT-HS-FOI313IA<br />

Q1127177<br />

3721DH Web Locker Tests in Torinos Allied Chemical Corp. Ogt31l77<br />

Automotive Product Div.<br />

PO-7 3384<br />

03131177<br />

E.20<br />

62<br />

70<br />

10<br />


Program<br />

Code<br />

Tlllc<br />

Table El. (Contlnuedl<br />

Funds Used<br />

(Thougsnds<br />

of D,ollars)<br />

Conlractor Start Pre-<br />

Contrac{ Number Flnlsh FY 76 FY fO FY 77 FY 78<br />

3722AD Evaluatlon of GM Air flushion Restraint Calspan Corporation 0812W74 97 39 13<br />

Svstem DoT-HS-s01017 1ail176<br />

3722AE Vehicle Integratlon and Evaluatlon oi Dynamic Science, Inc. 03112176 83 85<br />

Passive Small Car Fle$traint Systems DOT-HS-F01307 1A15177<br />

3722A1 Solid Propellant Inflation System for Minicars, Inc. 0712A76 337<br />

Inflatable Festraints for Subcompact$ DOT-HS-S01384 07128178<br />

3722AL Basic Ordering Agreement Evaluation Galspan Corporation<br />

of Occupant Protectlon Devices and DOT-HS-6-01470<br />

Re8traint $ystems<br />

'l1l11l7B<br />

11111177<br />

3722AM Purchase Cars for Test various 02114177 ?7<br />

Various Q2114177<br />

3722AN R€stralnt System Ferformance Evalua- Dynamic Science, Inc. 11123178 63<br />

tion of ACR$ Equipped Volvo Sedans DOT-HS-7-01542<br />

'11123177<br />

3722AP Restraint System Performance Evalua- Various Ogl15l77 66<br />

tion of ACRS Equipped Volvo Sedans- Various<br />

Buy Cars<br />

W11fl77<br />

3722AQ Evaluation of Occupant Protectlon De Varlous<br />

vices and Re$traint Systems-<br />

Buy Cars<br />

Various Orders Q7111177<br />

3722AR Hlgh Spesd Data Communicatlon Office of Management $ys- 11/15/76 3<br />

Printer tems. General Electric<br />

P+7-3121<br />

11115178<br />

3722Af Purchase 1973 Chevrolet Fleet Test<br />

Cars (6 Vehicles)<br />

PH&H, Baltimore, Md.<br />

PO-7-456o<br />

O2lQ4l77<br />

Q21o4177<br />

I<br />

3722AU Integrated Vehicle Colllslon/Occupant General Electrlc Info. Services 04104177<br />

'lB<br />

Model Sales Deot.<br />

DOT-OS-60058<br />

07123177<br />

3722AV Data Processing Service NHT$A, Office of Management 10/01/76 20<br />

$ystems<br />

ADP-77-089<br />

Wl3A77<br />

g722AYAdvancedPassiveHe3traints|nt+Vo|voofAmerica12]o7l77<br />

gration Fo-e5020 12lo7ln<br />

3722M Purchase 1977 Simca 1308GT Chrysler Corporation ffi117177 5<br />

FG7-4715 0g2?J77<br />

37228M Dev. of Aspiratlon Inflatlon Technique Calspan Corporatlon 06/30/75 186 210<br />

for Subcompact Passenger Car DOT-HS-$01254 WW77<br />

37228N Instalt Driver Alr Bag and Column in Dynamic $cience, Inc. 03/0fl75 61 128 74<br />

Oldsmobile DOT-HS-S01104 WI3OI77<br />

3722ElR $mall Car Driver Inflatable Restralnt Minicars, lnc. CEOA76 149 128 74<br />

System Evaluation DOT-HS-F01412 05/31/78<br />

g722BS Subcompact Vehicle Energy-Absorblng Minicars, Inc. 00/1fl76 111 56<br />

Steering Column Evaluation and lmprovement<br />

Phase ll<br />

OOT-HS-S01449 0315/78<br />

37228U Buy Cars for Use on Aeplratlon Inlla- Delawere Motors (1975 Volvo) Uilnm 5<br />

tion Teohnlque study Po-7-4604 0?/21177<br />

37228V Small Car Driver Inflatable Restraint Various Contractors O312il77 42<br />

System Evaluation Various Ogl25l77<br />

141<br />


Progrsm<br />

Code Tlrl€<br />

37228W Subcompact Vehicle Energy Absorbing<br />

Steering Column Evaluation and<br />

lmprovement<br />

37228X Buy Vehicles-Energy Absorbing<br />

Steering Column Evaluation and<br />

lmprovement<br />

3722FA Purchase of Cars for Evaluation of<br />

OccuPant Protection Devices<br />

3723CF1 Buy VIP-95 Dummie$<br />

3723CFZ BUY VIP-95 Dummies<br />

3723CG Buy VIP-3C Dummie$<br />

3723CH Buy Sierra Dummies<br />

3723C1 Buy Alderson Dumml€s<br />

3724AG Development and Evaluatlon of a<br />

Forc+Limiter {or Belt Restraint<br />

$Ystems<br />

g724AH Buy Films-MVP Contract<br />

3724AJ Obtaln HSRI Software Package<br />

3724AK Belt Restraint System for Small Gars<br />

Using Force Limiting<br />

3731AJ Mass Distribution Characterlstlcs of<br />

Living Human Beings<br />

3731AK Crash Vlctim Simulator Data<br />

3731AL Experimental Data for Valldatlng<br />

Finite Ele Model of Thoraclc Skeletal<br />

Flesponse<br />

3731AM Mass Distribution Characteristics o{<br />

Children<br />

3731 BL Mouthoiece Accelerometer and Rotational<br />

Acceleration Calihrator<br />

37318M Perfermance Evaluation of Part 572<br />

Dummy<br />

37318N Mouthoiece Accelerometer and Rotational<br />

Acceleration Calibrator<br />

373180 Estab. Msmt. Meth. & Calib. Capablllty<br />

of Dual Rate of Turn Table<br />

37318P Safety Fesearch Lab-Restraints<br />

Small Purchases<br />

E-22<br />

Table E-l. (Contlnue0<br />

Contractor<br />

Contract Number<br />

Blrmingham University 1?11fl76<br />

Birmingham, England<br />

PO-7-3213<br />

12115177<br />

Riverside Chrysler Plymouth C€/29177<br />

PO-7"4732<br />

o9t29t77<br />

Various Dealers<br />

Various<br />

Alderson Besearch Lab.<br />

PO-7-3250<br />

Alderson Research Lab.<br />

PO-7-3331<br />

Alderson Research Lab.<br />

PO-7-3?52<br />

Sierra Engineering<br />

PO-8-0007<br />

Alderson Resoarch Lab.<br />

Varlous<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

DOT-HS-S01469<br />

Funds Used<br />

(Thousands<br />

of Dollars)<br />

Stsrt Pre-<br />

Finish FY 76 FY 7B FY 77 FY 78<br />

w20t77<br />

o&t20t77<br />

01117177<br />

01t17t77<br />

0s/24ft7<br />

oa24t77<br />

01'/1477<br />

01112177<br />

11125177<br />

11t25t77<br />

1Qt27t77<br />

10127177<br />

09/30/76<br />

09/30/77<br />

Dynamic Science, Inc. 07113176<br />

DOT-HS-6-01360 01101t77<br />

HSRI, University of Michigan 10/29/76<br />

DOT-Hs-7-0'rs25 11130177<br />

Calspan Corporation OBl2d77<br />

DOT-HS-7-01679 08t2d78<br />

Wright-PattersonAirForce 05/06/76<br />

Base<br />

DOT-HS-S01332<br />

11lOEl77<br />

USAF Aerospace Medical 05/05/76<br />

Research<br />

DOT-HS-6-01331<br />

OElOil77<br />

HSRI, University of Michigan 07129177<br />

DOT-HS-7-01636 07129t78<br />

FAA Civil Aeromedical Institute 04/14/76<br />

DOT-HS-S-01353<br />

12t31177<br />

B&K Instruments<br />

PO-7-3599<br />

Sangamo Electric<br />

PO-7-3585<br />

B & K Instruments<br />

Po-7-3601<br />

07t1w77<br />

07t19t77<br />

QH29t77<br />

Mr29177<br />

07119177<br />

07t19t77<br />

National Bureau of $tandards O7lO1l77<br />

DOT-Hs-7-01709<br />

Variou$<br />

Variou$<br />

09130177<br />

09t3u77<br />

24<br />

68<br />

37<br />

70<br />

10<br />

Program<br />

Code Ttilc<br />

3731C0 Crash Protection Human Factors lnstrumentation<br />

for Human Tolerance<br />

3732AH lnstrumentation of First Thoracic Vertebra<br />

of Cadavers<br />

Table E.l. (Continued)<br />

Conlraclor<br />

C;ontract Numbor<br />

3732AM TaskOrder-MultivariateModelingAdaptronlcs,<br />

Inc. O5l1W77<br />

and Analysis<br />

DOT-HS-F01365 11126177<br />

3732AO Response of Human Surrogates in<br />

$ide lmpact<br />

37328L Head Model and lnfury Crlterla Devel-<br />

0pment<br />

37328N Neck lnlury Assessment Protocol<br />

37328Q Computerization of Head and Neck<br />

Injury Information<br />

g732BR Head Injury Workshop Support<br />

3732DC Injury Study of the Femur-Pelvic Bone<br />

Gomplex in Automobile Crash<br />

Environment<br />

3732E0 Quantification of the Thoraclc<br />

Response and Injury<br />

3732E1 C,omoliance Characteristics of Human<br />

Chest During Cardiopulmonary<br />

Resuscitation<br />

3732EK<br />

3732E1<br />

37334J<br />

Purchase of Accelerometers<br />

Kinematlc and Kinetic Qharacterizatlon<br />

of the Human Neck-ll<br />

3733AN Valldatlon of Crash Vlctlm Simulator<br />

3733AO Kinesiology of the Human Shoulder<br />

and $pine<br />

3733AT Develop Approx, Solutions for CVS<br />

Program and Dummy Design Information<br />

37stilAU<br />

3733AW<br />

Contact-lmpact Problems<br />

Data Processing Services for In-House NHTSA, Off ice of<br />

Usage<br />

Systems<br />

ADP-77-offi<br />

Transportation Systems Center 10/0'l/76<br />

PPA-HS-710 09/30/77<br />

New Mexico State Unlv. 06/30/76<br />

DOT-HS-+01400 06t30177<br />

New Mexico State Unlv. Ogl30l77<br />

DOT.HS-7.01773 09/30/78<br />

Civil Engineering Lab, Naval 04112177<br />

Cost Battalion<br />

DOT-HS-5-01132 |<br />

03/31/78<br />

Los Angeles Co-Forenslc<br />

Science Lab.<br />

DOT-HS-6-01476<br />

Funds Used<br />

(Ihousands<br />

of Dollarc)<br />

Start Pre'<br />

Flnish FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 FY r8<br />

0SEOr/t<br />

03tw77<br />

Naval Civil Engineering Lab. 0912W77<br />

DOT-HS-741732 03t26t77<br />

HSRI, University of Mlchlgan 07108177<br />

PO-7-3583 07tOBt77<br />

Wayne State University 09lWn<br />

DOT-H$7{1785 03/31/80<br />

HSRI, University of Michigan 0efl5|/4<br />

DOT.HS-4-009?1 05/01/7E<br />

Johns Hopkins Univ. School<br />

of Ml19l77<br />

Medicine 04/19/78<br />

DOT-HS-7{1s69<br />

Quantif ication of Occupant Reeponse University of Heidelberg<br />

and Injury from lmpact<br />

(Germany)<br />

DOT-HS-+01063<br />

Endevco, Inc,<br />

PO-7-3684<br />

U.S, Naval Aerospace Medical<br />

Research Lab.<br />

DOT-Hs-7-016471A<br />

Calspan Corporatlon<br />

DOT-HS-01300<br />

Wayne State Univer$ity<br />

DOT-HS-S01232<br />

Calspan Corporation<br />

DOT-HS+01410<br />

University of Cal ifornia,<br />

Berkeley<br />

DOT-HS S014{t<br />

o'Io?t75<br />

03/30/BO<br />

Mt17m<br />

08t17t77<br />

06128ln<br />

ffit2u77<br />

01121176<br />

07t?1t77<br />

06/30/75<br />

ffitw77<br />

08/05/76<br />

oztffit78<br />

07119176<br />

03/31/78<br />

Management 10/01/76<br />

ogt30t77<br />

132<br />

278<br />

389 12<br />

19<br />

200<br />

201<br />

117<br />

35<br />

20<br />

400<br />

179<br />

98<br />

59<br />

25<br />

61<br />

135<br />

39<br />

90<br />

215<br />

56<br />

zffi<br />

68 11

Program<br />

Code Tltle<br />

Table E 1. (Contlnue0<br />

Conlractor<br />

Gontract Numbar<br />

3733M Anatomical Cross-$ectionalGeometryGeorgetown<br />

University Ogl23l77<br />

and Mass Distribution for Children DOT-HS-7-01661 09/23/78<br />

3733AY Data for Validation of Crash Victim<br />

Simulator<br />

37338A Occupant Slde lmpact $lmulation<br />

Uslng GVS Program<br />

3735A1 Pedestrian lmpacts: Baseline and Pr+<br />

llminary Concepts Evaluation<br />

3735AN Rear lmpact Protection Studles<br />

3735AO Response of Human Surrogates in Air<br />

Bag Steering Column SYStems<br />

3737AJ Buy Rate Gyro<br />

Calspan Corporatlon 09130177<br />

DOT-HS-7-01660 09/30/78<br />

Unfverslty of Mlchigan Ogl30l77<br />

DOT-HS-7-01659 Q3/30/79<br />

Battelle Memorial Institute Q2l2Bl77 242<br />

DOT-HS-4-00961<br />

06130177<br />

New Mexico State Unlv. 09/30/77<br />

DOT-HS-7-01772<br />

09/30/78<br />

Wayne State University Qgl30l77<br />

DOT-HS-7-01792 09/30/78<br />

Hamilton $tandard 1407ft6<br />

PO-7-3197<br />

12107176<br />

Funde Used<br />

(Ihoueande sl Dollars)<br />

Start Pre-<br />

Flnfsh FY 76 FY 76 FY 77 FY 76<br />

68<br />

s0<br />

49<br />

68<br />

36<br />

40<br />

50<br />

90<br />

200<br />




B. F. Goodrich v. DOT. On March 21, lgii, the Supreme<br />

Court denied the request of eight tire rnanufacturers<br />

to review the September Z, 19j6, decision of the<br />

6th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the principal<br />

provisions of the Uniform Tire euality Grading Standards.<br />


PACCAR, Inc. v, NHTSA. (9th Circuit). plaintiffs on<br />

January 3, 1975, filed petitions tbr review of FMVSS<br />

No. l2l, Air Broke Sptems, alleging the Standard to be<br />

invalid, The Court of Appeals heard argumenr on<br />

July 6, 1976, on the matter ancl has not yet rendercd a<br />

decision.<br />

United Slate,r v. Generpl Motors Corporation. (D.C.<br />

Circuit). In June 1977, the Court of Appeals hetd that<br />

thc defective pitman arms in Igjg-l960 Cadiltacs relate<br />

to motor vehicle safety. A lower court held that the risk<br />

presented by these components was not unreasonable.<br />

GM is seeking an appeal in the Supreme Court.<br />

Ceneral Motors Carporation v. Brinegar; Llnited States<br />

v. General Motors Corporation. (Circuit Courr of ,4ppeals<br />

for the District of Columbia). In October 1977, the<br />

Circuit Court upheld the vatidity of a NHTSA order<br />

that Ceneral Motors notify owners of a defect in the fuel<br />

inlet plugs installed in some 2'14,W) 1965-1966 Chevrolets<br />

and Buicks. Plug failurc coulcl result in fire.<br />

Standard Forge and Axle Company v. Coleman. (Circuit<br />

Courl af Appeals for the District of Columbia). petitioners<br />

sought review of FMVSS No. l2l, Air Brake<br />

S},,sl€ras. The Government successfully moved the District<br />

Court to dismiss petitioner's case (order filed September<br />

26, 1975). Petitioner's appeal was rejected.<br />

United States v. Fard Motor Company. (Circuil Caurt<br />

of Appeals for the District of Cotumbia). In August<br />

1975 NHTSA filed an enforssrnsrl action seekine<br />

to<br />

compel Ford to notify owners and remedy defective 1968<br />

and 1969 Mustangs and Cougars. Failure of the front<br />

buckct scats in these vehicles could result in accident,<br />

injury, or death. The District Court granted the Government's<br />

motion for summary judgment on October l,<br />

1976, and is expected to order the company to provide<br />

the remedy and notification sought by the Government.<br />

Ford's appeal is pending.<br />

TEBDA v. NHTSA. (6th Circuit). On February 7, 1917,<br />

the court granted NHTSA's rnotion to dismiss this case<br />

for lack of jurisdiction. TEBDA had sought to sray an<br />

effective date of FMVS$ No. l0l -75, Fue! System Integrity,<br />

and review of NHTSA's denial of an administrative<br />

petition to delay the effcctive date.<br />


United Stafes v. Ford Motor Company. (District Court<br />

for the Distriil of Columbia). On January 7, 1976, thl<br />

Government commenced an entbrcement action against<br />

Ford to compel it to notify approximately 175,000 owners<br />

of I97l-1973 Mercury Capris. The Covernment contends<br />

that thcsc vehicles contain a defect in the windshield<br />

wiper systems which could cause the wipers to fail<br />

during normal operation in adverse weather conditions.<br />

The case is pencling.<br />

Firestone Tire and Rubber Company v. Coleman;<br />

United States v. Firestone Tire and Rubber Company.<br />

(Northern Distritt of Ahio). On Augusr 13, 1975, Firestone<br />

filed under the Freedom of Information Act to<br />

obtain information it allegedly needed in connection<br />

with a pending NHTSA invesrigation. NHTSA resisted<br />

the suit on thc grounds that the information sought is<br />

exempt from disclosurc unclcr the Freedom of Information<br />

Act. The District Court ruled that certain informa_<br />

tion was subject to disclosure. An additional suit filed<br />

by the Covcrnmcnt rcgarditrg alleged noncornpliance of<br />

certain Firestonc tires with FMVSS No. I09, pessen3er<br />

Car Tires, was withdrawn when evidence was cleveloped<br />

indicating insufficiency of the allegations.<br />

Koehring Compony v. Adums. (Eastern Dktrict of ltisconsin).<br />

In this suit, several manufacturers of mobile<br />

cranes and similar mobile construction cquipment seek a<br />


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