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20 <strong>Chapter</strong> 1. Linear Complementarity Problem, Its Geometry, and Applications<br />

Proof. Let D = F +F T . D is symmetric and by Result 1.9, D is PSD. For all x 2 R n ,<br />

x T Dx =2x T Fx. So x T Dx =0too. We wish to prove that Dx =0. Let x 2 R n . For<br />

all real numbers (x + x) T D(x + x) > = 0, that is<br />

2 x T Dx +2 x T Dx > = 0 (1:16)<br />

since x T Dx = 0. If x T Dx = 0, by taking = 1 and then ;1 in (1.16), we conclude<br />

that x T Dx = 0. If x T Dx 6= 0, since D is PSD, x T Dx > 0. In this case, from (1.16)<br />

we conclude that 2x T Dx > = ; x T Dx for > 0, and 2x T Dx < = ; x T Dx for < 0.<br />

Taking to be a real number of very small absolute value, from these we conclude<br />

that x T Dx must be equal to zero in this case. Thus whether x T Dx =0,orx T Dx > 0,<br />

we have x T Dx = 0. Since this holds for all x 2 R n , we must have x T D = 0, that is<br />

Dx =0.<br />

Algorithm for Testing Positive De niteness<br />

Let F = (fij) be a given square matrix of order n. Find D = F + F T . F is PD i<br />

D is. To test whether F is PD, we can compute the n principal subdeterminants of<br />

D determined by the subsets f1g f1 2g:::f1 2:::ng. F is PD i each of these n<br />

determinants are positive, by Theorem 1.8. However, this is not an e cient method<br />

unless n is very small, since the computation of these separate determinants is time<br />

consuming.<br />

We now describe a method for testing positive de niteness of F which requires at<br />

most n Gaussian pivot steps on D along its main diagonal hence the computational<br />

e ort required by this method is O(n 3 ). This method is based on Result 1.8.<br />

(i) If any of the principal diagonal elements in D are nonpositive, D is not PD.<br />

Terminate.<br />

(ii) Subtract suitable multiples of row 1 from all the other rows, so that all the entries<br />

in column 1 and rows 2 to n of D are transformed into zero. That is, transform<br />

D into D1 as in Result 1.8. If any diagonal element in the transformed matrix,<br />

D1, is nonpositive, D is not PD. Terminate.<br />

(iii) In general, after r steps we will have a matrix Dr of the form:<br />

2<br />

6<br />

4<br />

d11 d12 ::: d1n<br />

0 d22<br />

~ ::: d1n<br />

~<br />

.<br />

0 ..<br />

.<br />

drr ::: drn<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

0<br />

.<br />

.<br />

dr+1r+1<br />

^<br />

.<br />

.<br />

::: dr+1n<br />

^<br />

.<br />

.<br />

0 0 0 dnr+1<br />

^ ::: dnn<br />

^<br />

Subtract suitable multiples of row r +1in Dr from rows i for i >r+1,so that<br />

all the entries in column r +1and rows i for i > r +1 are transformed into 0.<br />

3<br />

7<br />

5<br />


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