2005 - Whitby Naturalists

2005 - Whitby Naturalists

2005 - Whitby Naturalists


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o l8th May, Bullfinches at Upper Eskdaie; Goshawk at Uppcr Eskdale<br />

also at Westerdale.<br />

o {Q,t'June, a Cuckoo was heard at Casdeton and Comrnondale.<br />

o l8,h June, Red-legged Partridge at Sandsend reporrcd by Yorkshire<br />

<strong>Naturalists</strong>' Uruon; three young Jackdaws at Pannai Close.<br />

c /i'a June, A nesr of Dunnocks at Pannal Ciose; Yellow hamrners at<br />

Guistrorough Road, Whiib),.<br />

o 6,h July, two young thrushes rn a Sleights garden.<br />

c /l"rJuly, four hundrcd to five hundred Kirtiwakes nesting on cliffs<br />

at Skinningrove.<br />

t 24h September, a Heron by the river Esk at Casdeton.<br />

o lJtr,septenrirer, Peregrinc at Selly Hill reported by Mrs Broderick.<br />

r Septenrber and October, rwenty Goldfrnches often sighted in the<br />

Upgattg Ravinc and the Mulgrave Rcrad area.<br />

o JLh October, many l-ong-tailed tits at Sandsend.<br />

o 15m October, Marsh tit in a garden in Highfield Road,<br />

. 17*"Or:tober, Reed bunting in a garden in Sieights.<br />

. 19,n Octcrber, a Jay eating ant-s in the Carr Hill Lane area.<br />

. T4eOctober, *rec Rcdwings in St. Andrew's Road.<br />

o 26a Octc.,trer, about one hundred and thirty geese flying south over<br />

<strong>Whitby</strong>veryhigh.<br />

. Z8,t'October, two hunclred and ffi gecse flying over \X,tlutby.<br />

o 30,t' and 31" Octcrber, A Ring Ouzel was siglrted in a garden in<br />

Stainsacre.<br />

Other birds recorded<br />

C-nreen'Woodpeckers aiong most of the Esk valiey, Sandsend, Briggswath,<br />

Rtiswarp Carrs and'S(est Bamby;<br />

Great Spotted \ff/oodpeckers at Briggswath, W'est Bamby and Crow \focxl,<br />

Dar-rby;<br />

C'rey \fagtails, sighted at Sleights, ltzlulgrave old casde walls and1hornton<br />

Bcck;<br />

Pled Wagtails, two at Perry's Garden Centre;<br />

Yeliow Wagtail spotted at Carr Hill Lane (this species could have been on<br />

its way tc-l win[er inAfrica).

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