2005 - Whitby Naturalists

2005 - Whitby Naturalists 2005 - Whitby Naturalists

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ser-asidc agrcement? This ficld is actually a sitc t'rf archacological importance- as well irs hotanic iltlpoftance. Back in the Btonze Age; tire fi.id *", lscd as a trurial sitc, prr*ahiy because of the easily dug soiis' by tribcs who interred tireir deacl in the upright/vertical position' There are saiel to be over 1000 graves and onc local LJnivcrslty Archacclogical Departmclt has already trierl to do onc ';f those eiei:tro-magnetic suryeys of ttie ficrld we sce on 'Tilnc T"eam' bur. the restilts are being upser by rhe elecrricity pylons nearby. I hopc to takc the \Xliiitby N"t*rnlirt, to sec altr the pianis next ycrar if tr can get thc apprt'rpriatt pennissi.on frc-rn] ti.re {iwners. Our local author and ciub memtrer Nan Svkes has prc'tduced anothet book, wh.icir I i-reartily reccrnmcnd t{r our rnembers' Tl-ris is ,'$iliLltlowers of rire ]dcrth Yorkshire Ccast'. Tiris describes the irabitats cif our {:Oastlilte and ttrerr reprgrluces photogrlrphs cf about 400 of ogr krcal plants as wcll as some excellent lanclscape shots of our area' T[re pl"rrt, are afranged in a useftrl 'key' ordcr bascC t;n thc nunrber of pctals nr"r.l ryp* of flowering iread. The book uses photographs obtafuled from a digltal calnerir, which irave a far better deptl'r cf field than lldfashioned fi.lm camer:rs i'ts wctl as an :rhiliry til cilpc with poorer hght conditions. Ttris is cbvior-rsl,v thc way {r--,rw,.rrcl iiut prr:sutnably one needs an expensiye carflela to gct g1rod rcsufus. Now, whcre did I put thgse keys that open itF th{l padiocks i)n ilv walletl MIKE YA'fES

ENTOMOLOGY RECORDER'S REPORT This ycar I have had to rely more on reports of sightings than on rny owrl otrservations, as I was out of circulation having a knee replacement, so thank you to those who sent me information. 'Silhile I was in hospitai and feeling very cut off from my usual interests I was pieased that the patient in the next bed was starting treatment wirh rnaggt-.ts. I knked this rreatmcnt up on the Internet and lcarned that rhe wound cleansing ability of maggot medicine has heen noted for centr"rries. Now that there :rre antibiotic resistant strains, maggot therapy lras bccome useful again. There were at least 25,000 trcatments in rhe U.K. in the iast decade. The right maggot for the job must be chosen, i.e. a happy, brungry, blow f1y maggot. Five to tcn maggots are placed on each square centimetre of the wound, rvhich is then covered with a protective dressing which allows the maggots to breathe" In the next 48 to 72 hours they dissolve the dead tissuc iry secreting digestive juices, then ingesting the liquifiecl tissue and bacteria. In doing this, the maggot grows from 2mms to neaily 10mms. The patient told me that she fclt no discomfort and that the trcatment was successful. MOTHS. There r.veren't many moth reports but trvo of them received a mention in the \Thitby Gazette. The first, in early February, was of three Herald moths hibematurg in a jet minc in Guisborough Woods. In mid-bfarch I had an exciting report of a Narrow-borciered Bee Hawk rnoth in a garden. This moth hasn't often becn recorded in Yorkshire. On June lB,n a Ruby Tiger and a Cinnabar moth \4/ere seen and rhe last week inJune brought three sighrings of the Hurnming bird Hawk moth in \X/hitby and in Ruswarp, rvith a note and photo in thc Gazette showfurg its long proboscis. Another was reported in niid- October. The Gazette had another report and photo on July 8th, ti-ris time of a Poplar Hawk moth. 36

ser-asidc agrcement? This ficld is actually a sitc t'rf archacological<br />

importance- as well irs hotanic iltlpoftance. Back in the Btonze Age; tire<br />

fi.id *", lscd as a trurial sitc, prr*ahiy because of the easily dug soiis'<br />

by tribcs who interred tireir deacl in the upright/vertical position' There<br />

are saiel to be over 1000 graves and onc local LJnivcrslty Archacclogical<br />

Departmclt has already trierl to do onc ';f those eiei:tro-magnetic<br />

suryeys of ttie ficrld we sce on 'Tilnc T"eam' bur. the restilts are being<br />

upser by rhe elecrricity pylons nearby. I hopc to takc the \Xliiitby<br />

N"t*rnlirt, to sec altr the pianis next ycrar if tr can get thc apprt'rpriatt<br />

pennissi.on frc-rn] ti.re {iwners.<br />

Our local author and ciub memtrer Nan Svkes has prc'tduced anothet<br />

book, wh.icir I i-reartily reccrnmcnd t{r our rnembers' Tl-ris is<br />

,'$iliLltlowers of rire ]dcrth Yorkshire Ccast'. Tiris describes the irabitats<br />

cif our {:Oastlilte and ttrerr reprgrluces photogrlrphs cf about 400 of ogr<br />

krcal plants as wcll as some excellent lanclscape shots of our area' T[re<br />

pl"rrt, are afranged in a useftrl 'key' ordcr bascC t;n thc nunrber of pctals<br />

nr"r.l ryp* of flowering iread. The book uses photographs obtafuled from<br />

a digltal calnerir, which irave a far better deptl'r cf field than lldfashioned<br />

fi.lm camer:rs i'ts wctl as an :rhiliry til cilpc with poorer hght<br />

conditions.<br />

Ttris is cbvior-rsl,v thc way {r--,rw,.rrcl iiut prr:sutnably one needs an<br />

expensiye carflela to gct g1rod rcsufus. Now, whcre did I put thgse keys<br />

that open itF th{l padiocks i)n ilv walletl<br />


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