2005 - Whitby Naturalists

2005 - Whitby Naturalists 2005 - Whitby Naturalists

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Bittcrcress should be called 'Popprng Cress' because as a weed in my garden the seedpods explode as I pull the planr up and scatter the seeds far and wide ready for next year. On the same walk in Forge Valley, we passed the ruins of Ayton Castlc where in the nearhy ficld were a feu' specirnens of Meadow Saxiffage {Sraifraga grw,**l"ata) with irs lovely pristine white flowers about 20 to 30 mrn across. Latcr, growing on the limestone walis of the village of \ilest Aytrrn, we saw a c.lose reiative, Rue-leaved Saxifrage (Saxifraga tridactylites). The flowers of this plant are oniy about 5 mm across with notched petals but the plarnt is easily recbgniscd by its three-lobed stem leaves from which it gers its scicntific species name - tri-dactyl * three fingered. The plant oft.en ha.s a reddish look to its stcm and leaves, presuinably becausc the red anthocyanin shor,vs through in its very dry habitat. In West Ayton it shares the walls with a more prolific planr, Common \Uhitiow-grass (Erophila vema) which has flowers of a simiiar size but has most obvious and attractive seed cases which split to show a septa like rniniature Honesty piant. 1 l-rad to change the waik that i led this year at the trast noment. My reconnoitre, a few days beforehand, showed that lviay Moss (said to tre one of the largest hanging-bogs in England) was exceptionally dry and there was no sign of my target plant, Bog Rosemary (Andromed.a palifoiia). Tree-felling nearby may be involved in the lower water level but my concern was for the safery of the $oup as the bog had dried into grassy hummocks likely to cause ankle damage. Instead we went tc) Sand-dale to see the Fiy Orchids (Ophrys insectifera) and weren't they splendid? In perfect condition for photography. On a later walk, one of the photographers reminded me of the great advantage of digital c.ameras; he had taken over 20 shots which allowed him to choose the best fcw and discard the rest at no extra cost. The walk up to Sanddaie had been particularly rich in wild {lowers such as Common Rockrose (Haliar*lwmLltn TLLln;'rnulanwn), Common S torksbill (Er'o dium cicat ariwn), D ove' s - foo t Crane's - b lll (G er aniurn mollej and Fid dleneck {Ansinckia nticrantha). This latter plant is aptly named because the tiny yellow flowers are in a tcrminal cluster on the stalk, which is curlecl back like the top of a violin. 33

Mavis Rei-rdman took the club to 6ne of my favourite places on the North Yorkshire Moors - Ellerburn Banks. Although I cor.rldn't make it on the day tiue to a botany trip to Cairngorm l did a'recce' with Mavis eariier in the week. The-limestone-rich soils in lhe reserve oroduce a superb display of flowcrs. Besidcs the thorrsands of Common Snotted Orcirids (Darnlorhizt fuchsii), Mavis ha.l already found the Greater Butterfly Oichid (Platanthera chlarmtha), - which was unfortunately going over but some ditrigent searching further acloss the nearlcrw foun

Mavis Rei-rdman took the club to 6ne of my favourite places on the<br />

North Yorkshire Moors - Ellerburn Banks. Although I cor.rldn't make<br />

it on the day tiue to a botany trip to Cairngorm l did a'recce' with<br />

Mavis eariier in the week. The-limestone-rich soils in lhe reserve<br />

oroduce a superb display of flowcrs. Besidcs the thorrsands of Common<br />

Snotted Orcirids (Darnlorhizt fuchsii), Mavis ha.l already found the<br />

Greater Butterfly Oichid (Platanthera chlarmtha), - which was<br />

unfortunately going over but some ditrigent searching further acloss the<br />

nearlcrw foun

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