2005 - Whitby Naturalists

2005 - Whitby Naturalists

2005 - Whitby Naturalists


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Preparations for a successful relcasc include the insertion of a tiny<br />

AVID microchip under the skin 3f each otter dcstined to be set free.<br />

Each of these chips has an individual number to keep a chcck on the<br />

6tters' movements. Their habitat is closely monitored and checks are<br />

made on modern farming methods to avoid any site damage'<br />

As the Mammai Trust reported earlicr this year, since 1995 otter<br />

numbers have becn increasing but the salne cannot be said for the<br />

Wiler Vole (also kngwn as rhe W'ater Rat), which is the UK's most<br />

rapidly declining mammal. Its disappeararrce fiom rivers and canals<br />

has been blarned gn agricultural intensi{ication and hunting try<br />

American rnink. J'ire Trust has callecl for a fu1l protectrion of the<br />

species, identificd by tlreir {urry tails and srnaller eyes atrd ears than<br />

orclinary rats, and they are trelieved to have declined hy 95"h since the<br />

early nineties.<br />

Bafiger numbers have also been increasing according t0 the Mammal<br />

f'rust. However the Norrh Riding Badger Group reported in April that<br />

there had been "a suddcn incrcase in road casualdes on just about<br />

every main road in'<strong>Whitby</strong>" during the preceding month. 'fhe same<br />

newsietter reported badgers as 'under shed squatters'. The reporf<br />

continued, "tffhy do lone, displacecl badgers always burrow under<br />

sheds in people's gardens? Is rhis purely a'lThitby phenomenonJ (Jne<br />

such case was a fellow we thought we'had exorcised last year when wc<br />

(with thc green light from DEFRA) had closed a sub-shed-sett with<br />

some large paving slabs. Howcver severatr weeks ago we had a cail fiom<br />

Che householder to repoft that a new entrance had been established<br />

frcrn another posirion. It must be a pretcy good site from the badger's<br />

point of view."<br />

It is pleasing to note that the Mammal Trust is campaigning for the<br />

pine marten - Britain's second lalest carnivore after the i,vildcat - to be<br />

given a higher pri6rity rhan its current Species of Conservation<br />

Concern statls. There were leports in 2004 that the elusive tree-top<br />

anirnal might havc returned to the North Yorkshirc Moors a{ter some<br />

sightings were reported. In February this year the Tmst erected nesting<br />

boxes and ser up baitcd rubes to catch hair, which would later bc DNA<br />


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