Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...


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Theoretical sampling refers to selecting the sample based on their<br />

relevance to the theory, research question, theoretical framework, or the<br />

explanation being developed (Lincoln and Guba 1985; Mason 1996; Morse 1995;<br />

Taylor and Bogdan 1984). The selection of participants is lead by the research<br />

question, or theory, which allow for preliminary decisions about the boundary of<br />

the investigation. After completing interviews with the first few participants, the<br />

type of people interviewed are varied until the full range of perspectives is<br />

unearthed, signalled by no new information being uncovered (Miles and<br />

Huberman 1994; Taylor and Bogdan 1984). The crucial questions for the<br />

researcher in theoretical sampling are: which sources are information-rich?<br />

Whom should I talk to, or what should I look at first (Kuzel 1992)?<br />

As theory develops, additional questions arise, such as, which data sources<br />

may confirm, challenge or enrich my understanding (Glaser and Strauss 1967;<br />

Guba and Lincoln 1985; Guba and Lincoln 1989; Kuzel 1992)? The participants<br />

that are initially interviewed help in determining whom to interview next. The<br />

theory in a qualitative inquiry is not fixed, but subject to modification or<br />

confirmation in the context of the study (Kuzel 1992). Theoretical sampling gives<br />

the study direction, and may help the researcher to have more confidence in the<br />

categories developing from data as they are constantly and selectively<br />

reformulated as the study progresses. Mason (1996) advises against picking only<br />

cases that will support the argument and disregarding the inconvenient ones. She<br />

asserts that cases should be selected not only to build the theory but also to test it.<br />

One way of building and testing the theory is by using procedures of analytic<br />

induction (Denzin 1989), where negative or contradictory cases in relation to the<br />

developing constructs are sought.<br />


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