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Commissioned by the Expert Maternity Group. MOM Health Research.<br />

London<br />

Russell, J. (1982) Perinatal Mortality: The Current Debate. Sociology of Health<br />

and Illness. 4 (3): 302.<br />

Sandall, J. (1997) Maternity Policy and the Midwife. In: Henderson, C. and Jones,<br />

K. eds. Essential Midwifery. Chapter 17. 369-390. Mosby. London.<br />

Sandelowslci, M. (1986) The Problem of Rigor in Qualitative Research. Advances<br />

In Nursing Science. 8 (3): 27-37.<br />

Sandelowslci, M. (1993) Rigor or Rigor Mortis: the Problem of Rigor in<br />

Qualitative Research Revisited. Advances In Nursing Science. 16 (2): 1-8.<br />

Sandelowski, M. and Jones, L. C. (1996) 'Healing Fictions': Stories of Choosing<br />

in the Aftermath of the Detection of Fetal Anomalies. Social Science and<br />

Medicine. 42 (3): 353-61.<br />

Sapsford, R. and Jupp, V. (1996) Data Collection and Analysis. Sage. London.<br />

Schaps, R., Dibartolo, R., Moskowitz, J. et al. (1981) A Review of 127 Drug<br />

Abuse Prevention Programme Evaluations. Journal of Drug Issues. 11 17-43.<br />

Schneider, D. (1986) Planned Out of Hospital Births, New Jersey 1978-1980.<br />

Social Science and Medicine. 23 1011-5.<br />

Schwing, R. C. and Albers, W. A., Jr. (1980) Societal Risk Assessment: How Safe<br />

Is Safe Enough? Plenum Press. New York.<br />

Secker, J., Wimbush, E., Watson, J. et al. (1995) Qualitative Methods in Health<br />

Promotion Research: Some Criteria for Quality. Health Education Journal.<br />

54 74-87.<br />


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