Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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Kiritz, A. and Moo, S. (1974) Physiological Effects of Social Environments. Psychosomatic Medicine. 36 (2): 96-114. Kirkham, M. J. and Perkins, E. R. (1997) Introduction. In: Kirkham, M. J. and Perkins, E. R. eds. Reflections on Midwifery. vii-xiv. Bailliere Tindall. London. Kirscht, J. (1989) Risk Perception Title of conference Chicago, Illinois Kitzinger, S. (1980) Pregnancy and Childbirth. Penguin. Harmondsworth. Kleiverda, G., Steen, A., Anderson, I. et al. (1990) Place of Delivery in the Netherlands: Maternal Motives and Background Variables Related to Preferences for Home or Hospital Confinement. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 36 1-9. Knafl, K. A. and Breitmayer, B. (1991) Triangulation in Qualitative Research. In: Knafl, K. A. and Breitmayer, B. eds. Qualitative Nursing Research: A Contemporary Dialogue. 226-239. Sage. Newbury Park. Kronenfeld, J. J. and Glik, D. C. (1991) Perceptions Of Risk: Its Applicability In Medical Sociological Research. Research in the Sociology of Health Care. 9 307-34. Kuzel, A. J. (1992) Sampling in Qualitative Inquiry. In: Crabtree, B. F. and Miller, W. L. eds. Doing Qualitative Research. 31-44. Sage. Newbury Park. Kvale, Steiner. (1996) Inter Views: an Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks. Lavender, T., Walkinshaw, S. A., and Walton, I. (1999) A Prospective Study of Women's Views of Factors Contributing to a Positive Birth Experience. Midwifeiy. 15 40-6. 257

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Kiritz, A. and Moo, S. (1974) Physiological Effects of Social Environments.<br />

Psychosomatic Medicine. 36 (2): 96-114.<br />

Kirkham, M. J. and Perkins, E. R. (1997) Introduction. In: Kirkham, M. J. and<br />

Perkins, E. R. eds. Reflections on Midwifery. vii-xiv. Bailliere Tindall.<br />

London.<br />

Kirscht, J. (1989) Risk Perception Title of conference Chicago, Illinois<br />

Kitzinger, S. (1980) Pregnancy and Childbirth. Penguin. Harmondsworth.<br />

Kleiverda, G., Steen, A., <strong>And</strong>erson, I. et al. (1990) Place of Delivery in the<br />

Netherlands: Maternal Motives and Background Variables Related to<br />

Preferences for Home or Hospital Confinement. European Journal of<br />

Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 36 1-9.<br />

Knafl, K. A. and Breitmayer, B. (1991) Triangulation in Qualitative Research. In:<br />

Knafl, K. A. and Breitmayer, B. eds. Qualitative Nursing Research: A<br />

Contemporary Dialogue. 226-239. Sage. Newbury Park.<br />

Kronenfeld, J. J. and Glik, D. C. (1991) Perceptions <strong>Of</strong> Risk: Its Applicability In<br />

Medical Sociological Research. Research in the Sociology of Health Care. 9<br />

307-34.<br />

Kuzel, A. J. (1992) Sampling in Qualitative Inquiry. In: Crabtree, B. F. and<br />

Miller, W. L. eds. Doing Qualitative Research. 31-44. Sage. Newbury Park.<br />

Kvale, Steiner. (1996) Inter Views: an Introduction to Qualitative Research<br />

Interviewing. Sage Publications. Thousand Oaks.<br />

Lavender, T., Walkinshaw, S. A., and Walton, I. (1999) A Prospective Study of<br />

<strong>Women's</strong> Views of <strong>Factors</strong> Contributing to a Positive Birth Experience.<br />

Midwifeiy. 15 40-6.<br />


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