Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ... Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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ofondno scheme whech uou wELLlzvtow about and that seemed to be the best haL-F wau house where WOM614, wouLd have thee), owvt mislwefe but vtot be evt the covtfivtes ov theer own home, thee wouLa be talzevt.bccI bu the medwefe, but that Ls out of fasheon now asCii.n esvt't it and we now ovtlu have the two optLovts and there Ls no Lt--betweevt avtol I actuaLLu thevtIR. as a midwife that the donti.no sustem was better. Why is it IOSing popularity? olovt't lzvtow, Idovt't lzvtow whu the domevto sustem iz out, I dovt't presume it Ls commetmeikt to the COVV.I/KwAltu sta-F-F because et es a great beg commitmeot, especeallu a premep Labourer who cola be at for 12 hours to have the one frui.dwife with her, that Ls avt awful comntitmevt.t for the vulawife herseLf ai&ol with staff shortages ana the wau MOHR, place attetusles are now, medweves are Left uvtabLe to give 12O thavt theu use to be -For vareous reasovts. So what are your own personal reasons For choosing a home birth? t have great faith Lift mu colleagues at the hospetaL mita fortuvote evtou.gh to have beevt. gevevL the preveLege of choosevtg vt.j vuedwefe agai,n and RM., vuldwife Ls a veru sevteor 6 grade who Ls clIvtecallu excellevtt ao,of Ls ctulte happu doi.ng a home berth or a hospital. berth. H-ospetals olowt freghtevt me, theu dovt't faze me out, I'm ',tot worreed about WilAt OAvt happeo, to me LiA. hospital, I'm vtot worreed about what cal& happevt. out of hospital.. B,ecause I lelAVe fgth LK the sustem atkol have faith evt. the wtedweves ct (vtavue of hospitaL), so it Ls I'm cifraizi to sau there Ls vtothevtg speritual I. eci,si,on et Ls totallu utteriu Thomas, he iz mu one covtsi.derciteovt becau.se hes father woint be arouvta to heLp we ou.t. H-e Ls mu top pri.oretu avtd doevtg it this wau seems to be the best theme. H-owever, husbavtd AVIA I hadc v rstx.vu.eLAt about et Last vteght anol he saed that he was at home I wouLd have to go into hospital., whech Ls at the weeleend. Really? I-te freghtened, he es veru freghtevted, because whevt Tom was born he had mecovteum, he had vareabLe heart rate. At 3-4 centemetres, everuthevtg was 227

going horribLu wrong and suoldenlu out of the lave I wanted to push and what it was he was a such a rapid olecent, nvkd I lind dilated so quiclu avi41 he sort of got a bit distressed Du the wau out avtd that was aLL ft wns, but nt ovte stage I was goi-Kg to the crash section and everuone WPS covuing Likto the room and 4 cwt.; CMG{ then I had a (i.naudi.liLe) for 10 Vvti,vuxtes ono{ there were so vuanu peopie 1,vt the room. swinging various catheters and ventouse, uou Iznow what it Ls Like when uou go to the crash section and suadeniu I pushed hivu out nnd vuu husband was covupLetel,u fazed out bu this and was a losoLuteLu terri.fLed and his reason is that it could happen agai.vt aviA it could, and I znow that, I 'z,i/Low could. "g.itt T. was veru small, he was ovau 5th 12, but this feels bigger aireadu, so I Iznow that it vulght be a bit bigger this tivue. -E,ut of course I wiLL go in if there is anu deceierntion at MI, whatever the date. of course I would be liappu to go LK.. .Stxt hntu leutSbAKA iS sittSt, juSt hASIA/t got the faith that I have because he hasn't got the lenowiedge that 1 have. Despite what I tetl hint, but he is seeing vuu chosen luidwife, D., on Fridau to have a talk, with her nu,d hopefullu she is going to sort him out. "But ft is a two wauthLiitg, I can't to this withou.t vuu husband's support and I must respect kis decision and his attitude and I OAvt understand where he covues from covupLeteiu because it is his child as well cis VtAlvte OKA I Avvi, vtot SOLIA.0 to be selfish and sau nope, nape I Iznow best, I A Wt. ODLIA.Z3 to have vuu babu at home, that is ',Lot fair DIA hint. -E,ut, if he is 1A.Ot here, then, he Ls u-ot here to give vue support or tell vue not to, so I will, have it nt hovue. For me, I Iznow rw. an insider and t nvu a midwife, but -for vuu pence of mind I am. so much more reLieveol VLOW I have made a conscious decision that from Mondnu to Fri-dauI oh& goLvtg to hove a home birth and then front Friziau 7.00 pvi,t. to Movvitau hitorning 6.00 it is goiikg to be a fi,ght because I still want vuu babucit hovue, but I still do have to thiniz about what he has to go throu.gh. definiteLu despernteiu want a honte berth and the more I thinIR. about it the happier I nvu CII,VA I Ant Ovau SAUINLO that because I have, I l'enow I have a veru veru confident vuldwi.fe to Look after nte and I kow, o LA.d she tact vvte as sow, as there Ls nuu shenagigams then I go to hospital, and that's fine, I trust her so compietelu. so thAt s reALLu recisons You sound like you want it For much more than just convenience 228

going horribLu wrong and suoldenlu out of the lave I wanted to push and what<br />

it was he was a such a rapid olecent, nvkd I lind dilated so quiclu avi41 he sort of<br />

got a bit distressed Du the wau out avtd that was aLL ft wns, but nt ovte stage I<br />

was goi-Kg to the crash section and everuone WPS covuing Likto the room and 4<br />

cwt.; CMG{ then I had a (i.naudi.liLe) for 10 Vvti,vuxtes ono{ there were so vuanu peopie<br />

1,vt the room. swinging various catheters and ventouse, uou Iznow what it Ls Like<br />

when uou go to the crash section and suadeniu I pushed hivu out nnd vuu<br />

husband was covupLetel,u fazed out bu this and was a losoLuteLu terri.fLed and his<br />

reason is that it could happen agai.vt aviA it could, and I znow that, I 'z,i/Low<br />

could. "g.itt T. was veru small, he was ovau 5th 12, but this feels bigger aireadu,<br />

so I Iznow that it vulght be a bit bigger this tivue. -E,ut of course I wiLL go in if<br />

there is anu deceierntion at MI, whatever the date. of course I would be liappu to<br />

go LK.. .Stxt hntu leutSbAKA iS sittSt, juSt hASIA/t got the faith that I have because he<br />

hasn't got the lenowiedge that 1 have. Despite what I tetl hint, but he is seeing<br />

vuu chosen luidwife, D., on Fridau to have a talk, with her nu,d hopefullu she is<br />

going to sort him out. "But ft is a two wauthLiitg, I can't to this withou.t vuu<br />

husband's support and I must respect kis decision and his attitude and I OAvt<br />

understand where he covues from covupLeteiu because it is his child as well cis<br />

VtAlvte OKA I Avvi, vtot SOLIA.0 to be selfish and sau nope, nape I Iznow best, I A Wt.<br />

ODLIA.Z3 to have vuu babu at home, that is ',Lot fair DIA hint. -E,ut, if he is 1A.Ot here,<br />

then, he Ls u-ot here to give vue support or tell vue not to, so I will, have it nt hovue.<br />

For me, I Iznow rw. an insider and t nvu a midwife, but -for vuu pence of mind I<br />

am. so much more reLieveol VLOW I have made a conscious decision that from<br />

Mondnu to Fri-dauI oh& goLvtg to hove a home birth and then front Friziau 7.00<br />

pvi,t. to Movvitau hitorning 6.00 it is goiikg to be a fi,ght because I still want vuu<br />

babucit hovue, but I still do have to thiniz about what he has to go throu.gh.<br />

definiteLu despernteiu want a honte berth and the more I thinIR. about it the<br />

happier I nvu CII,VA I Ant Ovau SAUINLO that because I have, I l'enow I have a veru<br />

veru confident vuldwi.fe to Look after nte and I kow, o LA.d she tact vvte as sow, as<br />

there Ls nuu shenagigams then I go to hospital, and that's fine, I trust her so<br />

compietelu. so thAt s reALLu recisons<br />

You sound like you want it For much more than just convenience<br />


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