Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ... Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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i.nto hospLtal. and sovvteone to LooIz after hLvvt Ls just goLng to be so di-ffizult LI/L the frvaddLe of the nIght and I Labour verb ctuLaIR,Lb. I haol an hour and a half Labour with Tefo Avtol ( want the reassurah,ce that I ant vtot goLne to be On vt&U OWn. So it Ls reallb cot/wet/dent that I GALL out someone and I l'enow ( GALA. have a good hkislwi-fe here withLn haLf an hour to heLp me. AKA those Pre reaLLb ntb reasons. I have had Lots of fri,enols Lvt the area who have had hohke bi-rths and have had reallb reallb good experLences and I thought I would do it museLf. The hospital. bi.rth I had WAS verb fortunate i.n that I had chosein a vikisiwife who was A veru g000l fri-end of hiti-int who cavue to dellver me Ana Lt happened verb verb ctuLcIRlb, but Lt was a bit drantatLc at the tLnte AKA a bit cllvdcaL, but it had to be and mu husband was verb fri,ghtened, so it had to be 1,n. hospLtaL and now that I have a veru rapist Labour, I thidnfre I wouLd Like to do it at home. I olLolvt't have ntuch pai,n. rellef Last ti.nte and there ts MO need for me to go i.vt and be Ln that cli.vdcaL evLvi.ronntent Lf I am. such a Low ri.s1z categorb, whi.ch I Ont. -But there Ls nothi.ng with the hospitaL, I win go LK., if theu waht me to go iv-, I wilt go idn., it Ls not a probLent, but I prefer to have it 1.1/L a reLaxed covLfLnes of ntb °WK. 11004e. How do you feel about the information that is given to you about the options that are available? It depends on the ntldwi-fe, it does depend on the vuldwi.fe. some wtidwi-ves are KA,ore pro, some ntiolwi.ves are olubLous about horke bi-rths thentseLves and so theb are not goi.ng to seLL it as weLL, but I have a parti.cularLb good midwi.fe who Ls quite happb. verb capabLe and speLLs out the ri.sizs and she Ls verb vs/L[11.14g to come out and dellver me at home and I 12,now I have the support avLd the bacle up whi.ch mcilzes mu decisLon to have a home bL yth much easLer. It Ls the same team. of wildwi.ves that dellvered me i.n. there that MIL be dellveri.ng Vvt.e now, so I l'enow them. we have LLved here for a coupLe of bears now. 'E,Ltt, um., I ant, not worritol at (ALL, i.h, fact verb relleved that I GA IA, have a home bi.rth, although ntb husband is not partLcuLarl.b leeen on Lt. -But he won't be here. so all Ln all I Avvt. Vera happ with it cmd much happLer now that I have got a home bLrth. 225

what do you think ofthe situation with home births at the moment? thi,nIR. we vtted to educate our vuLolwi.ves Ana sass out whu miolwives are so agaLnst home berths, some mi,dwi,ves are avtd Sowte mislwi,ves aren't. -F.ut thi.n1R. bi,rth has been. Ln, the hospital. so Long, for the Last 20 ueArs, RM., that it Ls aLmost nbred Ln us that a hospital. larth Ls the onle 0 .1*i-on and there are not mane midwi,ves that cavt. see further than that avol are quite happu at home, but I can understand that the ri,sIR, s veru small but it Is still. a rLsIR, and if WOlevtevt. are prepared to talze that ri,sIR, and have the benefits o-f a hoh,te lartli, then that Ls fi.vte, but the midwife has to be vere unbtased 1,n, giA/Lng avt. Lnforvued chace av(41 I thi.nlz most, some mislwi,ves are bLased to hospital. births, onle because of staff shortages and it is far easi-er to Lock after a coupLe of women if uou are Ln hospital and when uou do a howte arth it Ls two staff compLeteLe out o-f the woriR.pLace so I Cam understand the staff shortage probLem but I thi,nlz the home birth, if it caw. be 0(01At Ls aeftnikeiu be far the better apti,on, provizti,ng UDR Are ikovt riSIR,pati.ent. Now, talk as both a mother and a midwife, how do you feel about home births? when I WAS on the I wAS vere agai,nst home larths, because -for ten e ears, or tweLve uears I had been a Labour ward midwife aLwaes. Never on the -post natal. ward, never OK the ante natal. ward, aLwaus at the sharp end of the Labour and the odd Instances of placentci previ,a or Aik abrupti,on Or other frightening thi.ngs gang wrong verb ctui,clelu, then I coutol not see the pant of owtuovte talRing the rLslz of thLs LK, their own, home, but that was quite naiVe because that was before had children, vvtuseLf and I can now appreaate that there are a Lot more factors as to whe women choose a home birth and cis Long as thee lenow the ri.SIZ, and thee are veru avtal thee are stilL there avtd cis Lovtg cis thee lenow the rLsles and OAvt trutst that thee GAO, be resuscitated either the Kk.other or babe be a competent Vuldwife then. I thi,nle. that there E-s probLem with those women, who are a LOW risle. groups. And I trai.ned 1,0, the era that there were veru verb few home berths. I traLned Ln 1520 and home berths were just not done, onle GIs MA. ObjeCtLOIA, of coming Lnto hospital, it WASLA/t offered cis avt opti,on at ciLL, but then thee offered a scheme whi,ch was the 226

what do you think ofthe situation with home births at the moment?<br />

thi,nIR. we vtted to educate our vuLolwi.ves Ana sass out whu miolwives are<br />

so agaLnst home berths, some mi,dwi,ves are avtd Sowte mislwi,ves aren't. -F.ut<br />

thi.n1R. bi,rth has been. Ln, the hospital. so Long, for the Last 20 ueArs, RM., that it Ls<br />

aLmost nbred Ln us that a hospital. larth Ls the onle 0 .1*i-on and there are not<br />

mane midwi,ves that cavt. see further than that avol are quite happu at home,<br />

but I can understand that the ri,sIR, s veru small but it Is still. a rLsIR, and if<br />

WOlevtevt. are prepared to talze that ri,sIR, and have the benefits o-f a hoh,te lartli, then<br />

that Ls fi.vte, but the midwife has to be vere unbtased 1,n, giA/Lng avt. Lnforvued<br />

chace av(41 I thi.nlz most, some mislwi,ves are bLased to hospital. births, onle<br />

because of staff shortages and it is far easi-er to Lock after a coupLe of women if<br />

uou are Ln hospital and when uou do a howte arth it Ls two staff compLeteLe out<br />

o-f the woriR.pLace so I Cam understand the staff shortage probLem but I thi,nlz the<br />

home birth, if it caw. be 0(01At Ls aeftnikeiu be far the better apti,on, provizti,ng<br />

UDR Are ikovt riSIR,pati.ent.<br />

Now, talk as both a mother and a midwife, how do you feel about home births?<br />

when I WAS on the I wAS vere agai,nst home larths, because<br />

-for ten e ears, or tweLve uears I had been a Labour ward midwife aLwaes. Never<br />

on the -post natal. ward, never OK the ante natal. ward, aLwaus at the sharp end<br />

of the Labour and the odd Instances of placentci previ,a or Aik abrupti,on Or other<br />

frightening thi.ngs gang wrong verb ctui,clelu, then I coutol not see the pant of<br />

owtuovte talRing the rLslz of thLs LK,<br />

their own, home, but that was quite naiVe<br />

because that was before had children, vvtuseLf and I can now appreaate that<br />

there are a Lot more factors as to whe women choose a home birth and cis Long as<br />

thee lenow the ri.SIZ, and thee are veru avtal thee are stilL there avtd cis<br />

Lovtg cis thee lenow the rLsles and OAvt trutst that thee GAO, be resuscitated either<br />

the Kk.other or babe be a competent Vuldwife then. I thi,nle. that there E-s<br />

probLem with those women, who are a LOW risle. groups. <strong>And</strong> I trai.ned 1,0, the era<br />

that there were veru verb few home berths. I traLned Ln 1520 and home berths<br />

were just not done, onle GIs MA. ObjeCtLOIA, of coming Lnto hospital, it WASLA/t<br />

offered cis avt opti,on at ciLL, but then thee offered a scheme whi,ch was the<br />


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