Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ... Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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593. fight it, you know, if you want it at home have it. So, (laughs) 594. obviously you'll have to ask me again in a couple ofweeks when 595. I've had it, I might say never again. (laughs) well, now, I'm very 596. happy and relaxed about it so, I'm sure, I mean, mothers do it in all 597. parts ofthe world everyday, don't they? I mean, its not as 598. if,(pause) I mean, some, like countries obviously they give birth 599. well, what was it that my dad said? Like in paddy fields some or 600. them, you know it's a case of give birth, and you know get back to 601. work, 50, you know, like he said it's a natural thing your body is 602. designed to do it, you know, it shouldn't matter whether you 603. have it at home or hospital but go along with what you happy with. 604. So and obviously I was happy to have it here. 605. You sound really happy! 606. Yeah, I think it has been nice this time, because I felt relaxed 607. about having like I've had care at home as well. 608. So there's been no sitting in the clinic for like two hours because 609. the midwife's running late? And things like that? You know it's 610. been a case of she's come to me, I've made her a cup oftea or 611.coffee and we've sat and it's been it's been lovely, really nice, so I'd 612. definitely recommend it to anybody. So, and it makes a difference coz 613.our boy being so young as well, the fact that yeah, I haven't got to 614. log him backwards and forwards to doctors and hospitals, you 615.know, because everything is being done here. You know, he is 616.oblivious to what's happening (laughs) yeah, he doesn't mind, he's going to know in a couple of weeks when he sees his brother or sister for 617.the first time, but yeah, it's been really nice, really nice. 618. (long pause) 649.Thank you, thank you very much. 223

Appendix 5: Reflective notes Nnese seems upset about her husband's lack or support for a home birth, but determined to have her baby at home. It was a bit difficult to conduc-t the interview because Nnese's son was in the room and wanting attention from her, or making too much noise. However, despite this, Nnese put her point ofview across clearly. Perhaps I did not give Nnese adequate time to discuss all factors affecting her decision, or maybe I did not use the right prompts? As soon as the tape recorder was switched off, she talked at length about the things she does not like about the hospital. These included cleanliness, which seems to be the main factor. She says the toilet and bath are not cleaned properly, and that too many people use the bed linen. She also talked about shortage ors-taif, which often results in women not having any midwife with them during labour, and she did not want that to happen to her. Noise from other women's babies was another factor she did not like about the hospital environment. In the coming interviews, perhaps I should prompt for these issues ifthey are not spontaneously mentioned. The interview was interesting because Nnese is a midwife, so it was interesting to hear her give the same reasons as other women for wanting a home birth. It was also interesting to hear about how midwives may feel about providing home births, having at one point opposed home births herself Appendix 6: Nnese's transcript N nese, I would like you to please tell me about your decision to have a home birth mu decisLovt. is pureLu convenitint,e, ntu partvter avIzi I aren't of the scihke vei,v1, ovI, this, but he is soon to be wor1R.i.vto Awciu DK. Ci weeiRlu boisk, movtolad to Fridau, avtat I licive 12' motn.th ol,o( SOL& AAA trui-vtg to ft.t&o{ someovte to talze me 224

593. fight it, you know, if you want it at home have it. So, (laughs)<br />

594. obviously you'll have to ask me again in a couple ofweeks when<br />

595. I've had it, I might say never again. (laughs) well, now, I'm very<br />

596. happy and relaxed about it so, I'm sure, I mean, mothers do it in all<br />

597. parts ofthe world everyday, don't they? I mean, its not as<br />

598. if,(pause) I mean, some, like countries obviously they give birth<br />

599. well, what was it that my dad said? Like in paddy fields some or<br />

600. them, you know it's a case of give birth, and you know get back to<br />

601. work, 50, you know, like he said it's a natural thing your body is<br />

602. designed to do it, you know, it shouldn't matter whether you<br />

603. have it at home or hospital but go along with what you happy with.<br />

604. So and obviously I was happy to have it here.<br />

605. You sound really happy!<br />

606. Yeah, I think it has been nice this time, because I felt relaxed<br />

607. about having like I've had care at home as well.<br />

608. So there's been no sitting in the clinic for like two hours because<br />

609. the midwife's running late? <strong>And</strong> things like that? You know it's<br />

610. been a case of she's come to me, I've made her a cup oftea or<br />

611.coffee and we've sat and it's been it's been lovely, really nice, so I'd<br />

612. definitely recommend it to anybody. So, and it makes a difference coz<br />

613.our boy being so young as well, the fact that yeah, I haven't got to<br />

614. log him backwards and forwards to doctors and hospitals, you<br />

615.know, because everything is being done here. You know, he is<br />

616.oblivious to what's happening (laughs) yeah, he doesn't mind, he's going to<br />

know in a couple of weeks when he sees his brother or sister for<br />

617.the first time, but yeah, it's been really nice, really nice.<br />

618. (long pause)<br />

649.Thank you, thank you very much.<br />


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