Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ... Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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157.1)m, or ii i felt that I couldn't manage on natural pain relief or 158. gas and air then yeah, I would've sort ofthought well, we'll go to 159.the hospital for the last one. But I'm so confident that I'm 160. thinking well, no, I will manage at home. So, (laughs) 161. Now when you look back at your previous pregnancies and probably how this pregnancy has progressed. What is your perception ofthe process of childbirth? How should it be managed? 162. Um, I would say possibly if you are a first time mum, then yeah, 163.it should definitely be a hospital because you don't know, sort or 164. like, you don't know yourself, what your body is going to 165.go through, you don't know what your body is capable or, 166.a natural birth and, d n4 obviously if you want pain reliefand 167.everything else then the hospital is the place to have it, 168. I would say that. But I'd say that, you know, as, as a mother 169.you, (pause) I can't spell it, you, your body knows what feels right? 170. And I think, you know, once in if you're strong person you can 171.cope without pain relief and everything else then you can 172. have your baby wherever you want it. But you know 173.iiyou're first time and you think there's gonna be problems 174. then yeah, I'd recommend anybody hospital, because 175.all the staffare there and obviously they want to do the best 176.for you and the baby. Whereas I've been lucky because obviously 177. never having any problems, you know, if I'd had problems prior, 178. then I wouldn't have considered it myself. (laughs). • So what do you think is the main advantage of having a baby at home? 179. I think it's just the fact that you're secure in your own 180. environment and you're free to, I suppose do 181.what you want to do. You know if you want to slouch, 182. over the chair then go ahead (laughs) If you want to roll 207

183. on the floor in agony go ahead, but I think it's the fad that yeah, 184. you've got everything around you um, 45 long as the house is 185. clean, warm, the best that you can make it, then I think it's lovely 186. for a baby to come into the world in its own home. 187. And about the hospital, what is the thing that you don't like most? 188. I think it is the fact that, which isn't the midwives fault, because 189. they have a lot of mums in, but I do feel that you are treated 190. sometimes like a conveyor belt you know, you come in here now, 191.and you do, I suppose basically what they tell you to do? 192. Like give an example, urn, with Sophie, I was happy laying in the 193.water in the bath, and the midwife said to me, You must get out 194. oithe bath now Yeah, I laid in the bath with Sophie, yes, 195.and I remember laying there and she said you must 196.get out of there now, and I said, well, no, I don't want to, and 197. you know I'm not asking you, she said, I'm telling you!! (with a high voice) 198. And as it was, Sophie didn't come out for another two hours, 199. whereas I was so (pause) laying in the bath in the water around 200. me, it was lovely, I was so relaxed, and you know, they sort of, I 201. suppose it's the case orthey want you up on that bed and deliver, 202. because you know they might have another one, one or two 203. people coming in at the same time, so, yeah, I'd say that (pause), 204. I think hospitals just aren't relaxing, but then that could lust be me 205. coz I've never liked hospitals. But I didn't, I have never felt relaxed 206. in hospital. I've always felt like yeah, you're there to get it over and 207. done with, and out the back door sort of thing (laughs) 208. it might not be that bad for everybody, but that's howl felt, 209. 50 (laughs). 208

157.1)m, or ii i felt that I couldn't manage on natural pain relief or<br />

158. gas and air then yeah, I would've sort ofthought well, we'll go to<br />

159.the hospital for the last one. But I'm so confident that I'm<br />

160. thinking well, no, I will manage at home. So, (laughs)<br />

161. Now when you look back at your previous pregnancies and probably how this<br />

pregnancy has progressed. What is your perception ofthe process of<br />

childbirth? How should it be managed?<br />

162. Um, I would say possibly if you are a first time mum, then yeah,<br />

163.it should definitely be a hospital because you don't know, sort or<br />

164. like, you don't know yourself, what your body is going to<br />

165.go through, you don't know what your body is capable or,<br />

166.a natural birth and, d n4 obviously if you want pain reliefand<br />

167.everything else then the hospital is the place to have it,<br />

168. I would say that. But I'd say that, you know, as, as a mother<br />

169.you, (pause) I can't spell it, you, your body knows what feels right?<br />

170. <strong>And</strong> I think, you know, once in if you're strong person you can<br />

171.cope without pain relief and everything else then you can<br />

172. have your baby wherever you want it. But you know<br />

173.iiyou're first time and you think there's gonna be problems<br />

174. then yeah, I'd recommend anybody hospital, because<br />

175.all the staffare there and obviously they want to do the best<br />

176.for you and the baby. Whereas I've been lucky because obviously<br />

177. never having any problems, you know, if I'd had problems prior,<br />

178. then I wouldn't have considered it myself. (laughs).<br />

• So what do you think is the main advantage of having a baby at home?<br />

179. I think it's just the fact that you're secure in your own<br />

180. environment and you're free to, I suppose do<br />

181.what you want to do. You know if you want to slouch,<br />

182. over the chair then go ahead (laughs) If you want to roll<br />


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