Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ... Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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48. I thought never again. And yeah, I fell pregnant for Sophie, 49. who is now coming up for six and I had her at [name of hospital] 50. and I was the only one in the whole hospital that night 51. I went in (laughs) and they were all sitting, the two midwives 52. that were there were sitting playing cards. 53. And I remember her saying to me, you know, 54. couldn't you wait till I've finished this hand. 55. And like we had a laugh and a joke. And I was the only one in, 56. you know I had the whole hospital like to myself and urn 57. I was shown into a private room afterwards, 58. the labour went brilliantly, three hours start to finish? 59. No sttches, and yeah, taken to a private room, which was lovely. 60. I stayed in about six hours and was taken home. 61. It was absolutely fantastic 62. and then obviously yeah, once, like I said with Our boy 63. it was hospital again induced, and, but the only thing is you, 64. you I was passed at [name of hospital] from one room to another room, 65. and then I was moved to another ward. And then I said you know 66. I want to go home because but this time I was just so tired and fed up 67. of being, I supposed pushed from pillar to post (laughs). 68. I thought, you know oh God it would be really nice to get home 69. and that, I had him at 9 o'clock in the morning and the paediatrician 70. come out at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and checked that he was okay 71. to leave hospital? which he was? And yeah, we came home 72. and you know from walking in the door it was, it was 73. completely different, you know you're at home and you can 74. porter around and it was lovely. So yeah, .., an an, d+i that, k -1-1, that + was basically 75. made the decision, that that was it, 203

76. the next one was being born here (laughs). You know, not in hospital 77. and my midwife, K. at the health centre was brilliant you know, 78. she sat me down she explained to me that if there is a problem, urn 79. would I consent to going in by ambulance or whatever else? 80. and I said yes of-course I want what's best for the baby. You know, 81. she said, she was, she has been behind me a 100% you know she hasn't, 82. nobody's tried to talk me out ou t, they've all said to me, you know 83. it's your decision and you know, are you happy? do you realise 84. this can happen, and that can happen? and I said yes, I'm willing 85. to take that chance. I mean, I think my point of view is 86. what can happen at home would also have happened in hospital anyway. 87. I know okay you have the advantage that the medical staff 88. are all in the hospital with you, but at home I feel that because 89. of how more relaxed you could be, urn, a lot of I suppose a lot or 90. can be avoided, so I, we'll give it a try (laughs). 91. Roll on the next three weeks (laughs). • What information were you given about the place of birth? 92. I can honestly say with the first birth, with Emma, I was only 18 anyway, 93. and I was very young, very naive, and it was a case of got 94. pregnant, you will go there to have the birth. I wasn't shown 95. around the hospital before having her, I was absolutely petrified, 96. (laughs), and I mean petrified 97. and yeah, once again with Sophie it was a case ofwell, you're booked 98. into that hospital. Um, yeah, I don't think-there's ever been 99. enough choices given to you, You know the only choices and the only 100. way you ever get spoken to is through books that you buy, and 101. magazines, you know, nobody ever actually sits you down 102. and says to you, well, this can happen, that can happen, and, they 204

48. I thought never again. <strong>And</strong> yeah, I fell pregnant for Sophie,<br />

49. who is now coming up for six and I had her at [name of hospital]<br />

50. and I was the only one in the whole hospital that night<br />

51. I went in (laughs) and they were all sitting, the two midwives<br />

52. that were there were sitting playing cards.<br />

53. <strong>And</strong> I remember her saying to me, you know,<br />

54. couldn't you wait till I've finished this hand.<br />

55. <strong>And</strong> like we had a laugh and a joke. <strong>And</strong> I was the only one in,<br />

56. you know I had the whole hospital like to myself and urn<br />

57. I was shown into a private room afterwards,<br />

58. the labour went brilliantly, three hours start to finish?<br />

59. No sttches, and yeah, taken to a private room, which was lovely.<br />

60. I stayed in about six hours and was taken home.<br />

61. It was absolutely fantastic<br />

62. and then obviously yeah, once, like I said with Our boy<br />

63. it was hospital again induced, and, but the only thing is you,<br />

64. you I was passed at [name of hospital] from one room to another room,<br />

65. and then I was moved to another ward. <strong>And</strong> then I said you know<br />

66. I want to go home because but this time I was just so tired and fed up<br />

67. of being, I supposed pushed from pillar to post (laughs).<br />

68. I thought, you know oh God it would be really nice to get home<br />

69. and that, I had him at 9 o'clock in the morning and the paediatrician<br />

70. come out at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and checked that he was okay<br />

71. to leave hospital? which he was? <strong>And</strong> yeah, we came home<br />

72. and you know from walking in the door it was, it was<br />

73. completely different, you know you're at home and you can<br />

74. porter around and it was lovely. So yeah, .., an an, d+i that, k -1-1, that + was basically<br />

75. made the decision, that that was it,<br />


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