Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ... Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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vulolwi.ves AKA that was it, there wouldn't be A constA vut Izi-nol of sea of peopLe covvt.i.vue Lik and P covvtpLete turnover a LL the ti-me. aoLcipe: I thLnIR. Lf uou're at home, I vvteavt olon't quote me 01A, this tilL after rve haa the bbu ILaughsl, i tlitnlq, at home thLngs are aattcaLLu Less Liledu to go wrong, thi.s 1..s mu personaL 0-pi-IA-Lon.. .so 1 thimk ueali, at home becau_se I feel uou'Ll. be a Lot more reLaxed, u ow:re Less LLIzeLu for thLngs to go wrong. Sixty-two percent of the home birth group talked about the importance of being in their own environment, and using their own facilities. This was also thought to be an element of control, since when one is in one's own environment then one familiar with everything and may control how things are run: seipati: It has been reaLLu Aloe gettieng Lnto mu owvt bed afterwards as weLL. I thi.niz that Ls absoLute bLiss betng abLe to have a shower, with ntu owo, shower and thenikst getti.ng i.nto mu own be whi-ch is LoveLu. Nktese: I have got vvtu OWN, bath and mu own toilet aLL the thLngs that maize a difference to a Laolu mntaoshaoli.: it was LmmedLateLu after gettLng Lytto hku own bath, mu OWN, toilet, hku own food A vvd not havLng to worru about Leavi.ng the babu. gothepha: Also afterwards obvi-oksLu beg abLe to get 1-nto uotxr owLA, bed afro dri.nlz tea and have or ow yt mug. Not oht of those vendi-ng 144SiCielLIAtS. mai.peLo: I have got mu own bath and own bathroom. and dont have to worru about the state of A LA.UtifilAA.0 173

Sixty-nine percent of women planning a home birth talked about the importance of having their loved ones with them during the process of labour and delivery. This also indicates a desire to be in control and decide who is to be present at the birth: segakuetsi: A veru tvikportAiAt part for wte as well Ls that mu husband will. be here, mu husband will, be here avIzA won't have to Leave us and I thLnlz he's such a huge part of the fa luau that it's horri.bLe when thee have to go home after the bab's boot. That worritol me a Lot so he wilL be here and we can go to bed as a familu and we cavLwalu up 1.14. the morning as a famile. seipati: vvLth the Last Dm I had it was just so nize that Ulu two hours after she was born aLL the chLLdren were there. Thee had govte to some frLends and thee came bacle, a KA thee aLL tiptoed up the stars. me daughter Viztori-A cried, she said "I oILdn't lenow uou were havi.ng a babe"' and it was reollu LoveLu, whereas i don't thLniz t wouLd have got that i.n. hospital. Nne_se: I awt, qui,te happu ji.c.st to be mobile awl vtot worrui.in.0 about mu LLttLe bou and that is reatle the °Ale reasow. fit wLLL be so vvtuch more spixiti,tallu kiapp I ant sure. ..u.t aLso, also if I have the babe at home, then mu husbavt.c1, he moube here whereas Lf I hod the babe Ln hospitaL In. the VuloldLe of the ni.ght, ini-S pri.oritu Ls aLso T. and he will be LooleLng after T. mkt) won't be the deLivere room. 73oitumelo: I could have mu familu with me; quite a few peopLe saLd that 1.w hospital thee ontu allow jour partvter AKA OM more person. 'F.u.t at home I couLd have mu best fri,enot a wo( wtu sister and mu husband, with me. 174

Sixty-nine percent of women planning a home birth talked about the<br />

importance of having their loved ones with them during the process of labour and<br />

delivery. This also indicates a desire to be in control and decide who is to be<br />

present at the birth:<br />

segakuetsi: A veru tvikportAiAt part for wte as well Ls that mu husband<br />

will. be here, mu husband will, be here avIzA won't have to Leave us and I thLnlz<br />

he's such a huge part of the fa luau that it's horri.bLe when thee have to go home<br />

after the bab's boot. That worritol me a Lot so he wilL be here and we can go to<br />

bed as a familu and we cavLwalu up 1.14. the morning as a famile.<br />

seipati: vvLth the Last Dm I had it was just so nize that Ulu two hours<br />

after she was born aLL the chLLdren were there. Thee had govte to some frLends<br />

and thee came bacle, a KA thee aLL tiptoed up the stars. me daughter Viztori-A<br />

cried, she said "I oILdn't lenow uou were havi.ng a babe"' and it was reollu LoveLu,<br />

whereas i don't thLniz t wouLd have got that i.n. hospital.<br />

Nne_se: I awt, qui,te happu ji.c.st to be mobile awl vtot worrui.in.0 about mu<br />

LLttLe bou and that is reatle the °Ale reasow. fit wLLL be so vvtuch more<br />

spixiti,tallu kiapp I ant sure. ..u.t aLso, also if I have the babe at home, then mu<br />

husbavt.c1, he moube here whereas Lf I hod the babe Ln hospitaL In. the VuloldLe of<br />

the ni.ght, ini-S pri.oritu Ls aLso T. and he will be LooleLng after T. mkt) won't be<br />

the deLivere room.<br />

73oitumelo: I could have mu familu with me; quite a few peopLe saLd that<br />

1.w hospital thee ontu allow jour partvter AKA OM more person. 'F.u.t at home I<br />

couLd have mu best fri,enot a wo( wtu sister and mu husband, with me.<br />


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