Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...


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vulolwi.ves AKA that was it, there wouldn't be A constA vut Izi-nol of sea of peopLe<br />

covvt.i.vue Lik and P covvtpLete turnover a LL the ti-me.<br />

aoLcipe: I thLnIR. Lf uou're at home, I vvteavt olon't quote me 01A, this tilL<br />

after rve haa the bbu ILaughsl, i tlitnlq, at home thLngs are aattcaLLu Less Liledu<br />

to go wrong, thi.s 1..s mu personaL 0-pi-IA-Lon.. .so 1 thimk ueali, at home becau_se I<br />

feel uou'Ll. be a Lot more reLaxed, u ow:re Less LLIzeLu for thLngs to go wrong.<br />

Sixty-two percent of the home birth group talked about the importance of<br />

being in their own environment, and using their own facilities. This was also<br />

thought to be an element of control, since when one is in one's own environment<br />

then one familiar with everything and may control how things are run:<br />

seipati: It has been reaLLu Aloe gettieng Lnto mu owvt bed afterwards as<br />

weLL. I thi.niz that Ls absoLute bLiss betng abLe to have a shower, with ntu owo,<br />

shower and thenikst getti.ng i.nto mu own be whi-ch is LoveLu.<br />

Nktese: I have got vvtu OWN, bath and mu own toilet aLL the thLngs that<br />

maize a difference to a Laolu<br />

mntaoshaoli.: it was LmmedLateLu after gettLng Lytto hku own bath, mu<br />

OWN, toilet, hku own food A vvd not havLng to worru about Leavi.ng the babu.<br />

gothepha: Also afterwards obvi-oksLu beg abLe to get 1-nto uotxr owLA,<br />

bed afro dri.nlz tea and have or ow yt mug. Not oht of those vendi-ng<br />

144SiCielLIAtS.<br />

mai.peLo: I have got mu own bath and own bathroom. and dont have to<br />

worru about the state of A LA.UtifilAA.0<br />


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