Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ... Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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just so craypU that, and uo 'enow, that was with uour full hospital. bits and •Leces, that I thought quite honestlu it cavt't get a nu worse Lf uou do it at home. E,othepha: I got LIAto hospital. avtd there was this reallu awful viki-dwLfe and she 0[421 go and Ile down Nit, the bed and thee stualz me LK, this horri.bLe olarlz room. with mothi,v1.0 there A not c,I.A. are havi.vtg these covttracti.oKs. No Lotea whether I was jcms or icm di-Lofted. I had I/Lott/ILI/Ls to compare it to and she came LA. AKA gave me AK. bitten/Wt. IA& the 144.1.ctotLe of a contractLotA. avuol I remember the paLK. a IAA lit4St thought, well, uou lzvtow, Kever agai.n. Thirty percent of the hospital group recalled previous complications they had and wanted to be in hospital should any problems occur this time. The perception in this case was therefore that because there were problems last time, the same might occur this time and the hospital is best placed to deal with them. P>oithateLo: The child that I had Last ti.me was LK foetal. distress. The cord was rouiA.d his Keck?, so I had an emergewcu caesarean, so 1,f, because o-f the eotuLpmetAt o-f the hospital. thee were abLe to discover that the chLLot was obvtouslu Lvt. distress veru earLu ON., LA the earLu stages of Labour. PossiloLu Lf I was at home, there naght have beet& dawtage to the child because of the cord beg arouvtol hLs mole, so Lvt vu.0 experLevuces 1 feLt I would prefer to be somewhere where theu have as much ectuLpmetAt as possi.bLe. ALthough there is a chavIze theft a vvti.dwife wouLd have beet (Alt to pLcIR, u.p the balou WRS Lv6 olLstress at howte, I just feeL that, uou lzvt.ow, thee (eLt with it veru qui.clelu so ( could hcive Cwt. emergencu Caesarea IA.. 159

khuma. iviu first daughter was a caesarean birth a weelz be-Fore she was the because it was piclzed up she was I. a breech position so it was recommended that it would be a caesareavt birth and was quite liappu to go aLong with that because I tru_st the judgement of the medics and I dedn't recalu want to attempt the deliveru the wrong wau round. Even prior to that I didn't want ci honte berth would rather be around where the teclinologu Ls to assist with the difficulties and I still feel that wau even this time around. I've beev. told if the babu's the right wau rot,inot I could have a norntaL deLLveru but I would still. be vh.w.ch happier having it in hospital IR.nowing that if anuthing went wrong theu'd have all the equipment there necessoiru to help uolx. with a caesarean. deliveru i-F necessaru. Twenty percent of the hospital group had previous good experiences in hospital and did not want to change: montlen.uane: I've alreadu had one child at of hospital] and I thought I got exceptional care there so I saw no reason to change mu hospital. motlalepula: well, t hoot 1,1& fIrst one at [1.44 Me of hospital] who Ls now si.x. I thought thee were verb good, veru nice hospital., and I thou.ght one there, might as well have the second one there, uou lenow, everuthing went well, there were no problems... some people like home birth, and I said no, I would rather have ft LIA. hospital, because, anu complications or a nuthi.ng uou lenow, hospital is the best place to be. The study showed that 62% of women planning a home birth knew others who had had a home birth, and in many cases had discussed the experience with 160

khuma. iviu first daughter was a caesarean birth a weelz be-Fore she was<br />

the because it was piclzed up she was I. a breech position so it was<br />

recommended that it would be a caesareavt birth and was quite liappu to go<br />

aLong with that because I tru_st the judgement of the medics and I dedn't recalu<br />

want to attempt the deliveru the wrong wau round. Even prior to that I didn't<br />

want ci honte berth would rather be around where the teclinologu Ls to assist<br />

with the difficulties and I still feel that wau even this time around. I've beev.<br />

told if the babu's the right wau rot,inot I could have a norntaL deLLveru but I<br />

would still. be vh.w.ch happier having it in hospital IR.nowing that if anuthing<br />

went wrong theu'd have all the equipment there necessoiru to help uolx. with a<br />

caesarean. deliveru i-F necessaru.<br />

Twenty percent of the hospital group had previous good experiences in<br />

hospital and did not want to change:<br />

montlen.uane: I've alreadu had one child at of hospital] and I<br />

thought I got exceptional care there so I saw no reason to change mu hospital.<br />

motlalepula: well, t hoot 1,1& fIrst one at [1.44 Me of hospital] who Ls now<br />

si.x. I thought thee were verb good, veru nice hospital., and I thou.ght<br />

one there, might as well have the second one there, uou lenow, everuthing went<br />

well, there were no problems... some people like home birth, and I said no, I<br />

would rather have ft LIA. hospital, because, anu complications or a nuthi.ng uou<br />

lenow, hospital is the best place to be.<br />

The study showed that 62% of women planning a home birth knew others<br />

who had had a home birth, and in many cases had discussed the experience with<br />


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