Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ... Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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tripped over the drip and pulLed it out of 1/14.0 111P14,0I, ovtot (Laughs), anol it was Li.lze a scene out of a contedu film. I remember Loolzi-vu3 thinIzing, weLL, hang oh, I've just been, cut, live got A drip sticlzing out of mu hand now, uow. IR,14.0W , I mean, it was just awful. it reallu was awful, uou know, and ( remember when she cut me dOWI,t beLow, the scissors were coLd, so, because liumped, and it 14.4.001e it cut more than it should have, oh, it was a reallu reallu, awful experience. yeah, but the midwife was such a, (pause) I can honestiu sou she was awfuL, and I mean totallu, she wasn't sumpathetic, she wasn't caring, a IAA, it WCISiu_St a case of, with her, uou lencw, uou're uoung, uou're stupid, uou're vot marrieol CMG( nil& 0014.144 144.01Ze UOv suffer and that's how I fat. yOlt iR, VI, 0 W anol after that, uou lenow i sau, six uears tilL s. come oLong. I was petrified. AbsoLutelu petrified, cLL I Izept thinizing was, I'LL never ever go through that experience agai.n. uott lenow, coz uou iR.now, I was so scared. sotkepha: I had the first ovte in hospital a vtd the secohA (At home and the first one was not a veru pLeasant experience and t felt veru much that being in hospital, bout IR,14.0W , made it worse. I feLt that I was interfered with quite a Lot. obviousl.u, it was a more difficuLt deLi.veru and it ended, I ended up having a few epidurals and alit, tpi-SIAt01114.0 and forceps and the babu was quite di-stressed for a few dous. tt didn't feed for a few dous and the whoLe thing was a bad experience. ( feLt as SODIA. As I got into hospitaL then- theu were °tang things to Wte RNA I 0( Latin.'t feeL in controL....I enow I'm a bit of a fervivti.st, butt I cawaus sau that if vvten had babies then it would be compLeteLu different. yOLC IR.VLOW, I 611.141R, uou get a Lot of male consultants, but ntu experience with consultants in, obstetrics is appaLling. Theu float in and give n verdict A in A then thee float out 157

agaLvt. when I had mu episiotomu the maLe doctor that sewed me up olidn't even introduce hi,h(seLf to me, uok Iznow, he was just sort of taLking to vi(e at that end, didn't even Loolz at hitu face and er, I think those sorts of things are appaLLing, treating WOVNeN Like objects basicallu alkol I think the higher up the hierarchu the vu.ore that happens. Ponkcina: I have aLrendu 14,q01 four children aLL vi hospital. and tendeol to have veru long, quite difficult Labours with cohkpLete 1-nterventi.on wherebu I have been, im.duceol, on.0 waters have beew brolzen at quite often thlngs didn't go to pLan... evtcottiAtereol a Lot of staff who were veru veru nice, but cante across sohke who it was just a job and there was vuo evu.pathu build up. And because uou. are N& a cov6ti-vutous conveuor belt of viteeting Lots of different people ivt the course of beivtg pregnant uou don't get a chavvce to buiLd up that empathu, the understanding, sohke forii& of friendship so that uou feel reLaxed in, having the babu and everthi.ns 1.1,192 that. I endeol up requesti-ng a hohke birth, and hopefulluft will be a shorter birth and I could cope with it on h,tu owvL. terms vu.0 OWN pLace better than if I was L. the hospital. Kebabonue: I based that decision o reaLLu probabLu the care C attention we had i-vt hospitcit. with vu. -First child. i-+e is nineteen this dear so, but his birth was, I think I received between 15 and 22 stitches to put mu bottook back together after he was born. fit di.dn't, when he was born, he didn.'t cru I thought as well, avtd as Lustau as other people's babes. fte was the shkaLLest 1-1/1. the unit avtd I was the ova -other who didn't svuokee avtd I fouvol that reallu distressing....1 think. I amswered u °kr question., vuu fixst birth was 158

tripped over the drip and pulLed it out of 1/14.0 111P14,0I, ovtot (Laughs), anol it was<br />

Li.lze a scene out of a contedu film. I remember Loolzi-vu3 thinIzing, weLL, hang oh,<br />

I've just been, cut, live got A drip sticlzing out of mu hand now, uow. IR,14.0W , I<br />

mean, it was just awful. it reallu was awful, uou know, and ( remember when<br />

she cut me dOWI,t beLow, the scissors were coLd, so, because liumped, and it 14.4.001e<br />

it cut more than it should have, oh, it was a reallu reallu, awful experience.<br />

yeah, but the midwife was such a, (pause) I can honestiu sou she was awfuL,<br />

and I mean totallu, she wasn't sumpathetic, she wasn't caring, a IAA, it WCISiu_St<br />

a case of, with her, uou lencw, uou're uoung, uou're stupid, uou're vot marrieol<br />

CMG( nil& 0014.144 144.01Ze UOv suffer and that's how I fat. yOlt iR, VI, 0 W anol after<br />

that, uou lenow i sau, six uears tilL s. come oLong. I was petrified. AbsoLutelu<br />

petrified, cLL I Izept thinizing was, I'LL never ever go through that experience<br />

agai.n. uott lenow, coz uou iR.now, I was so scared.<br />

sotkepha: I had the first ovte in hospital a vtd the secohA (At home and the<br />

first one was not a veru pLeasant experience and t felt veru much that being in<br />

hospital, bout IR,14.0W , made it worse. I feLt that I was interfered with quite a Lot.<br />

obviousl.u, it was a more difficuLt deLi.veru and it ended, I ended up having a<br />

few epidurals and alit, tpi-SIAt01114.0 and forceps and the babu was quite di-stressed<br />

for a few dous. tt didn't feed for a few dous and the whoLe thing was a bad<br />

experience. ( feLt as SODIA. As I got into hospitaL then- theu were °tang things to<br />

Wte RNA I 0( Latin.'t feeL in controL....I enow I'm a bit of a fervivti.st, butt I cawaus<br />

sau that if vvten had babies then it would be compLeteLu different. yOLC IR.VLOW, I<br />

611.141R, uou get a Lot of male consultants, but ntu experience with consultants in,<br />

obstetrics is appaLling. Theu float in and give n verdict A in A then thee float out<br />


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