Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ... Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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and one of the participants shows how the woman involved interpreted the question about where to have a baby: Mavnpenene: I wAs just asked where I wanted to have ntu babu And when I saeol F that was et, it wasn't taken anu fu.rther thee oledn't evevt explaen the difference between. the two hospitals, when ( saLd F that was et. Researcher: When you were asked where you wanted to have your baby, what did you understand the question to mean? makk.penekte: j u_st the Lae ra L wh A t,.. I wasn't as ked a bout wa LAti.vte a home berth or anuthens leke that. t wasn't asked ef I wanted a home berth. I just took it to mean whech hospital do I want to go to. Some women planning a hospital birth said they were not informed they could have a home birth, however, they were still happy to be planning a hospital birth: K.hurno: Well, I was onlu told about [names of two hospitals] thee dedn't suggest a home berth to be honest, and I wasik't Lookeng -for one and ( don't know what the setu.ateon would have been ef I reallu wanted one, so, ( mean I don't know Wilat the setu.ateon would have been ef I reallu wanted one, but I was ctetite hoppU to steck with [ncinte o-f hospital" found the care veru good there. Leungo:1 then at the bookeng veset I was asked whech hospetal t would be gang to, home berth wasn't menteoned. Now we are tallzeng about et. I thenk perhaps et should have been ntenteoned as a matter of course. "FAA I feel. personallu that t, uou know, that I'm entetlegent enough to decede whether I 145

wavut to ask about it, and theo.. Vol make a decisi,oin. that wau. i?..ut I suppose i,t wouldikt i im.stil a Lot of conf,dence 1,1vt peopLe f ft wasoit menti.onect at atl, and theu were there thiAnkIng, weLL, actualluF thi.ikk I Li-ke the i-deci of a home bixth. if uou then just ask wch hospitaL would uou Like to go to, I suppose it KkAiZes ft affizult to sau I'd rather love it at home. mampertem: 1-1-ome birth i.s 'tot somethi-Kg I would have wavtted A vt WAU, blAt i.t was yt.'t melAti.oneol. P,oithateLo: I meakk. uou otAlu ever know cis much cis Clikubodu ever teLLs uou or uoi.t bother to fi.nd out. I Avu. sure there's Lots ntore 1-nforntati-on 1,f t can be bothered to ft.o,d out cliA.d thi.ngs, uou know, t cart get avtd do. PAtt nteavt, uou on.Lu, personaLlu onl.0 asked AS much imforntati-on cis I partizularl.0 want to know cowl once I've got aLL the 1.14.forokati-on I parti.cuLarLu need them. rvt.t happu, so, uou kLA.ow, happu with the package that I've got. Pedzara: I had the &ace of two hospitaLs, so I WAS sort of toLol could use either Dm of the two hospi..taLs. t don't reallu rententber nvtubodu oke about the opti.on of honte, but 1know that I waiAted to have vuu babu hospitciL, so, evevt. the had vvt.einti.orLed i.t, it would probabLu have beevt, uou. know, mUOLX. CAM have jour bbu at home" I probabLu wouLd have sai.ol, vto thaikks, uou kiA.ow. so, F proba btu wouldn't have Let them go a vtu further. The situation was somehow different for women planning a home birth because, most of them (54%), although not offered information about the available options, still found it in other ways. The following quotations represent 146

wavut to ask about it, and theo.. Vol make a decisi,oin. that wau. i?..ut I suppose i,t<br />

wouldikt i im.stil a Lot of conf,dence 1,1vt peopLe f ft wasoit menti.onect at atl, and<br />

theu were there thiAnkIng, weLL, actualluF thi.ikk I Li-ke the i-deci of a home bixth.<br />

if uou then just ask wch hospitaL would uou Like to go to, I suppose it KkAiZes<br />

ft affizult to sau I'd rather love it at home.<br />

mampertem: 1-1-ome birth i.s 'tot somethi-Kg I would have wavtted<br />

A vt WAU, blAt i.t was yt.'t melAti.oneol.<br />

P,oithateLo: I meakk. uou otAlu ever know cis much cis Clikubodu ever teLLs<br />

uou or uoi.t bother to fi.nd out. I Avu. sure there's Lots ntore 1-nforntati-on 1,f t can<br />

be bothered to ft.o,d out cliA.d thi.ngs, uou know, t cart get avtd do. PAtt nteavt,<br />

uou on.Lu, personaLlu onl.0 asked AS much imforntati-on cis I partizularl.0<br />

want to know cowl once I've got aLL the 1.14.forokati-on I parti.cuLarLu need them. rvt.t<br />

happu, so, uou kLA.ow, happu with the package that I've got.<br />

Pedzara: I had the &ace of two hospitaLs, so I WAS sort of toLol could use<br />

either Dm of the two hospi..taLs. t don't reallu rententber nvtubodu oke<br />

about the opti.on of honte, but 1know that I waiAted to have vuu babu hospitciL,<br />

so, evevt. the had vvt.einti.orLed i.t, it would probabLu have beevt, uou. know, mUOLX.<br />

CAM have jour bbu at home" I probabLu wouLd have sai.ol, vto thaikks, uou<br />

kiA.ow. so, F proba btu wouldn't have Let them go a vtu further.<br />

The situation was somehow different for women planning a home birth<br />

because, most of them (54%), although not offered information about the<br />

available options, still found it in other ways. The following quotations represent<br />


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