Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ... Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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es the culture, et Ls wrong en a wau because uou should be geveiA. ALL the 1.1kforvikCiti.oin, anol Lt should be all of equal LKA.portonce. so this Ls all the enformateon on home berths, not promoteng et, but givens et on a par with everutheng else rather than sort of, oh ues uou. meght be able to have a home birth. One of the participants poignantly articulated the lack of information about available options when she said 'when someone plants a seed of thought Ln uour head, Leke perhaps home berth, and gives uou some enfor ywateon., uou mou consider Lt more, bit beacukse that seed was never planted, I dedn't even consider Le (aboelwe). Other women expressed similar sentiments about information-giving regarding home birth: senuana: I thi.niz womein, don't know about home berths. In genercil, et Ls not sometheng people thenk, about, but becou_se thee don't hear about et then thee never conseoler it. Perhaps 1.f thee heard about it more, the theu would conseder et. i know there Are some areas I. the countru where thee hove got reallu Vigil home berth rates just because the P vu.einti,ovted when thee were 6 weeks pregnant. The c P well sou "would uou lek,e to have a deleveru at home a vt4 that 1 thenk gives them. About 201 lionte berths. And I thenk, ef that was the cAse I tki.v012, hA.ore wovuevt. woulo( toke up oLA, it more. SoLthatelo: EVerdtki.K.0 Ls posetLontd to encourage uou to go to hospetal, I WORLa SA U. 1 thIMAR, WM WORid hove to be quite strong person to be A bLe to turv. et round and sou NO, this Ls not for me uou know, I want to hove Lt at home. 141

you have to be veru persuasive. herol somebodu eLse sauLng that thee wanted it at home and the vuldwi.fe trieol to convince her not to have it at home, but she had insisted. so I dill-K.1z to get it at home reollu have to fight. malpeLo: (thiniz when UOLX are 12 weelzs pregnant uoi . have a Lome time ahead 0-F uou, and that Ls the timitse to actuallu discuss the optLons avtd the fact that UDR could have the babu at home, coulol go ln avtd have a six hour dlscharge whatever. And, reaLLu, unLess uour midwife Ls goi-vtg to actuaiiu thint about that in advahze am) she Ls pro acti-ve and she is goi.AAg to taLIR, to uou. about the optlons, the lit• that Ls a missed opportunitu reaLid. thiniz a Lot o-f them Inkalu avt assuvv.pti.on and thLniz well, des, uou come knder [name of hospital.] or [another hospitalJ or whatever and sau, "uou wilL be goLvtg aLovvg there to have the babu, won't uour And, people, unless theu hove specl-ftcoLLu thought about it and are willing to state, 'well, actuaLLu, no, I won't," then thee will not get the opti-on at aLl. icebabonue: i would sau that the source of Lnformati-on abou.t ovailabLe optLons is not great within the NH-s. I thlnlz thee LlIze to evLcourage ntothers to have babies in. hospital.. tpresLcv.te theu perceLve that As being the safest option, but mu bet Ls that it is actuallu protectlng uour turf, because that is what happened in. New Zealand, it is aimost a covupLete rtplIcatlon of what happened there. As more women become, weLL start to Look at niternative options about where thee can have their bobLes, the turf protectlon that goes OA. Is absoLuteLu mcizimg, U0 14- 1Rnow. you will. get all sorts of propoisavtota avtd of covrse, me babu dies during a home detiveru, the inflated claims about what wevut wrong And what could have been done better. 142

you have to be veru persuasive. herol somebodu eLse sauLng that thee wanted<br />

it at home and the vuldwi.fe trieol to convince her not to have it at home, but she<br />

had insisted. so I dill-K.1z to get it at home reollu have to fight.<br />

malpeLo: (thiniz when UOLX are 12 weelzs pregnant uoi . have a Lome time<br />

ahead 0-F uou, and that Ls the timitse to actuallu discuss the optLons avtd the fact<br />

that UDR could have the babu at home, coulol go ln avtd have a six hour<br />

dlscharge whatever. <strong>And</strong>, reaLLu, unLess uour midwife Ls goi-vtg to actuaiiu<br />

thint about that in advahze am) she Ls pro acti-ve and she is goi.AAg to taLIR, to<br />

uou. about the optlons, the lit• that Ls a missed opportunitu reaLid. thiniz a Lot o-f<br />

them Inkalu avt assuvv.pti.on and thLniz well, des, uou come knder [name of<br />

hospital.] or [another hospitalJ or whatever and sau, "uou wilL be goLvtg aLovvg<br />

there to have the babu, won't uour <strong>And</strong>, people, unless theu hove specl-ftcoLLu<br />

thought about it and are willing to state, 'well, actuaLLu, no, I won't," then thee<br />

will not get the opti-on at aLl.<br />

icebabonue: i would sau that the source of Lnformati-on abou.t ovailabLe<br />

optLons is not great within the NH-s. I thlnlz thee LlIze to evLcourage ntothers to<br />

have babies in. hospital.. tpresLcv.te theu perceLve that As being the safest option,<br />

but mu bet Ls that it is actuallu protectlng uour turf, because that is what<br />

happened in. New Zealand, it is aimost a covupLete rtplIcatlon of what happened<br />

there. As more women become, weLL start to Look at niternative options about<br />

where thee can have their bobLes, the turf protectlon that goes OA. Is absoLuteLu<br />

mcizimg, U0 14- 1Rnow. you will. get all sorts of propoisavtota avtd of covrse, me<br />

babu dies during a home detiveru, the inflated claims about what wevut wrong<br />

<strong>And</strong> what could have been done better.<br />


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