Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ... Women's Decision-Making And Factors Affecting Their Choice Of ...

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uou .now, uou're carruimg a loab um, A VLO{ especLatiu if it Ls jour -first tLme, to uou. it Ls miraculous. Nozipho used the expression conveyor belt to put across that care was very impersonal and hurried at the clinic, without any consideration as to how she felt about her pregnancy. It was necessary to understand the phrase the way she meant it. Other women used the same expression in the same way. In another example, Mmaoshadi was asked to isolate what she thought were the main reasons why she preferred to have a home birth: Researcher: If you were to isolate just one or two a reasons for choosing home birth, what would they be? mmaoslicidi.: The-fa Vultlaritu, vt.ot having to Leave im, the middle of it cll. It was all much more relaxed, not havi-ng to pacIR, mu bags, and mu children as well. I had one sizlz child the Last ti.m.e, who on.0 mum, came to Loolz after and she wouldn't have anutlii-ng to do with. she was too ill, di.dn't want anubodu but vue and I would have worrLed about her, if I'd have been. LK, hospLtal even just for a clau. i would have worritd about her because I lenew that she wasn't getti.o.g..., she was throwLng strops ever u ti.me muii& tried to do a mutleliNto for her, evev. hku husband she wasn't particularlu Lnterested LA.. It was me She wct lilted, a AA I would have worrled a bout that 1 thi,n1R,. yes, so there's vto brea IR, in it for them., she wolee up tn the morning, she'd beeh, awaIze oluri-ng the night but she wo1ze up LK. the morning the babu was there. i hadn't had to go awau, there was no IR,Lnd of trau.ma for her either, but, dou feel LK control, uou feet. that d owre doi.K.0 it all at our pace. yes, that's probabiu the maLnIzi-nol of thi-ngs, 113

h4,u husbovzi would sou thnt lie feLt wtore L& comtrol, not hk.u.ch more 1.K.voLved 1,v. the whoLe thLiko beiNto here. Such questioning helped to check the participant's response against the information they had already provided. In the above example, Mmaoshadi had already given the same reasons without any prompting, therefore, the response to the question served as confirmation. Some words used by the participant serve as in vivo codes, i.e., codes constructed using elements from participant's own speech (Strauss and Corbin 1990). These are the underlined words in the quotation above. Immediately following the interview, when the researcher arrived home, and sometimes in the car, before going home, notes were made about the interview situation. The notes included anything noteworthy that was observed, or anything surprising or unexpected that the participant mentioned or seemed to concentrate on during the interview. The interview style was also reflected on to determine whether it could have been better, and how it could be made more effective in subsequent interviews. After Nnese's interview, the following notes were made: Nnese seems upset about her husband's lack ofsupport for a home birth, but determined to have her baby at home. It was a bit difficult to conduct the interview because Nnese's son was in the room and wanting attention from her, or making too much noise. However, despite this, Nnese put her point or view across clearly. Perhaps I did not give N nese adequate time to discuss all factors affecting her decision, or maybe I did not use the right prompts? 114

uou .now, uou're carruimg a loab um, A VLO{ especLatiu if it Ls jour -first tLme,<br />

to uou. it Ls miraculous.<br />

Nozipho used the expression conveyor belt to put across that care was very<br />

impersonal and hurried at the clinic, without any consideration as to how she felt<br />

about her pregnancy. It was necessary to understand the phrase the way she<br />

meant it. Other women used the same expression in the same way.<br />

In another example, Mmaoshadi was asked to isolate what she thought<br />

were the main reasons why she preferred to have a home birth:<br />

Researcher: If you were to isolate just one or two a reasons for<br />

choosing home birth, what would they be?<br />

mmaoslicidi.: The-fa Vultlaritu, vt.ot having to Leave im, the middle of it cll.<br />

It was all much more relaxed, not havi-ng to pacIR, mu bags, and mu children as<br />

well. I had one sizlz child the Last ti.m.e, who on.0 mum, came to Loolz after and<br />

she wouldn't have anutlii-ng to do with. she was too ill, di.dn't want anubodu<br />

but vue and I would have worrLed about her, if I'd have been. LK, hospLtal even just<br />

for a clau. i would have worritd about her because I lenew that she wasn't<br />

getti.o.g..., she was throwLng strops ever u ti.me muii& tried to do a mutleliNto for<br />

her, evev. hku husband she wasn't particularlu Lnterested LA.. It was me She<br />

wct lilted, a AA I would have worrled a bout that 1 thi,n1R,. yes, so there's vto brea IR, in<br />

it for them., she wolee up tn the morning, she'd beeh, awaIze oluri-ng the night but<br />

she wo1ze up LK. the morning the babu was there. i hadn't had to go awau, there<br />

was no IR,Lnd of trau.ma for her either, but, dou feel LK control, uou feet. that<br />

d owre doi.K.0 it all at our pace. yes, that's probabiu the maLnIzi-nol of thi-ngs,<br />


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