Martial Arts Of The World - Webs

Martial Arts Of The World - Webs Martial Arts Of The World - Webs
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770 Written Texts: Japan Suzuki, Daisetz T. 1959. Zen and Japanese Culture. Rev. ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Takano Sasaburô. 1984. Kendô. 1915. Reprint, Tokyo: Shimazu Shobô. ———. 1993. Kendô kyôhan (Kendô Teaching Manual). 2 vols. 1930. Reprint, Tokyo: Shimazu Shobô. ———. 1920. Nihon kendô kyôhan (Japanese Kendô Teaching Manual). Tokyo: Asano Shoten. Varley, Paul. 1994. Warriors of Japan as Portrayed in the War Tales. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. Victoria, Brian. 1997. Zen at War. New York: John Weatherhill. Watanabe Ichirô, ed. 1979. Budô no meichô (Martial Art Classics). Tokyo: Tôkyô Kopii Shuppanbu. ———. 1971. Shiryô Meiji budôshi (Sources of Martial Art History during the Meiji Period). Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Ôraisha. Watanabe Ichirô et al., eds. 1972. Kinsei geidôron (Tokugawa-Period Performance Theory). Vol. 61 of Nihon Shisô Taikei (Japanese Thought Series). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten. Yamaga Soko. 1917. Yamaga heigaku zenshû (Complete Works of Yamaga Sôkô’s Military Science). 5 vols. Tokyo: Yamaga Heigaku Zenshû Kankôkai. Yokoyama Sakujirô and Ôshima Eisuke. 1915. Judo. Translated by Horiguchi Yamakichi. Tokyo: Nishôdô. Yoshikawa Eiji. 1981. Musashi. Translated by Charles S. Terry. Tokyo: Kodansha International. Zeigler, Earle F. 1979. History of Physical Education and Sport. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. List of Ideograms

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