Martial Arts Of The World - Webs

Martial Arts Of The World - Webs

Martial Arts Of The World - Webs


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titioner’s overall strength such that he or she is able to withstand the force<br />

of transcendental consciousness.<br />

Pranayama is of particular importance. In yogic physiology, a person<br />

is said to be composed of a series of body-sheaths, which range across the<br />

spectrum from the gross anatomy of elemental metamorphosis at one extreme<br />

to the subtle, astral aura of the soul at the other. Pran (vital breath)<br />

is said to pervade all of these sheaths, and there is a close relationship, both<br />

metaphorical and metonymical, between air as breath and the vital, subtle<br />

breath of pran. Not only are they alike figuratively, but one has come to<br />

stand for the other. Pran, as cognate with and as related to shakti, is<br />

thought to be the very energy of life, and yogic breathing exercises are conceived<br />

of as the means by which one can purify, concentrate, and channel<br />

this energy. In this regard, a theory of pranic flow through the nadis (subtle<br />

channels or meridians of the body) explains how cosmic energy is microcosmically<br />

embodied within the individual body.<br />

Most closely associated with the esoteric, self-consciously mystical<br />

teachings of Tantrism, nadi physiology is integral to yoga in general. Although<br />

subtle and thereby imperceptible to the gross senses, nadis pervade<br />

the body in much the same way as do veins, arteries, and capillaries, on the<br />

one hand, and nerves on the other. <strong>Of</strong> the hundreds of thousands of nadis,<br />

three are of primary importance in yoga, the axial sushumna, which runs up<br />

the center of the trunk from anus to crown, and the ida and pingla, which<br />

both start from the anus and intersect the sushumna at key points as they<br />

crisscross from left to right and right to left respectively. <strong>The</strong>se key points<br />

are referred to as chakra centers, which, among many other things, reflect<br />

the energy of pran as the disarticulated pran flowing through all three conduits<br />

comes together. <strong>The</strong> ultimate goal of pranayama is to cleanse the channels,<br />

purify pran, and then channel it exclusively through the sushumna nadi<br />

such that it penetrates consciousness and yokes—or harnesses as yogic imagery<br />

would have it (even though yoke and yoga have a common etymology)—the<br />

individual soul to the cosmic spirit of the universe.<br />

In this regard asanas are, technically, “seats” rather than postures,<br />

and are designed to anchor, or root, the body in space, thus explicitly facilitating<br />

the practice of “yoking.” <strong>The</strong> classical padamasana (lotus seat) as<br />

well as similar cross-legged seated positions such as sukhasana and siddhasana<br />

are particularly important, insofar as they enable a person to sit<br />

motionless for many hours and also stabilize the subtle body. Thus, before<br />

a person engages in the four “higher” stages of yogic meditation, he or she<br />

must master these “empowering” ways of sitting. However, apart from<br />

these “seats-in-fact,” the relative importance to yoga as a whole of the<br />

more “vigorous” stretching, bending, and flexing asanas is unclear, since<br />

many of the classical, authoritative works on the subject, such as the Yoga<br />

Religion and Spiritual Development: India 469

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