Metabolic diseases - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Metabolic diseases - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Metabolic diseases - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Anorexia GIT obstipation Gout + nephromegaly + CRF

Iguanas – renal disease Healthy iguanas Boyer et al. (1996) Knotek et al. (2002) Knotek et al. (1999) TP g/l 63,00 53,51 22,0 – 78,2 Gluco Uric acid Creat mmol /l μ mol/l μ mol/l 9,55 10,07 8,3 – 16,5 428,26 306,70 70,2 – 145,3 52,20 61,07 8,8 – 66,3 ALT μkat/l 3,52 0,74 0,1 – 1,2 AST μkat/l 3,11 5,02 0,1 – 1,6 K Ca P mmol /l mmol /l mmol /l 6,10 4,18 1,3 – 5,2 1,95 2,06 2,2 – 3,5 7,69 5,95 1,4 – 3,1

Anorexia<br />

GIT obstipation<br />

Gout + nephromegaly + CRF

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