Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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the people began to mmmnr still more, secling that t.liere ~vns<br />

no food, : LXI~ they wished tlint tlicy hacl re~nniiled and diod in<br />

Egypt, asking hloscs why he hncl brougl~t tIleill out into thc<br />

wilderness to clic. Inst.cnd of punidling them for thcir mr2nt<br />

or conficlcncc, Gocl, full of rnercy and goodness, pro~niscd to<br />

give thctn food in nhund:~nce.<br />

2. He sent tllem, nccorclingly, in the evening, quails in vast<br />

numbcrs, sl~ffloidnt for all thc chilclrcn or 1sr:t.d to en.t ; irnd<br />

in the morning n delicious ~vllite fc)orl fcll from hen.\-cn . \I'hcn<br />

tllc Tsrnolitos saw the bread, wllicll lookod likc honr-hosl;,<br />

thcy cxclnimed, " lianhu," ~~,hirh signifies, " JVhnt is this? "<br />

Moses inforlncd t.Iicin tli:~t it ~~-\.n.s thr! hrcnd ~~bich the Lord<br />

gave thcnl. IIc illell tolcl every ooc to gnt,her of it; iis mud1<br />

as llc 1lccdor1.<br />

3. They did so, nnrl founil it ylcnsa~~t to eat, tasting likc<br />

flaw mixctl with honcy. 011 tlio d:~y bcfore the Snbbnth they<br />

gntl~crccl n, cloublc clnantily, :M nonc fcll on Mle Snbbath.<br />

This nlnnnn was llicir food fin- fnrty years, until thi*y rc?at:llstl<br />

the co~lfines of Chnnrrnn. Samc tin~c after these events tlloy<br />

encainpc?d in znotli cr part of tlie clcst!rt, ~\rherc again t,h crc mna<br />

no mn.tcr.<br />

4. tbrc, also, tbey rnurn~urr:tl n.gninst BIoses, sncl bli~med<br />

hi111 for having brnugl.lt. them ant of Egypt. Then Moses<br />

reprovgcl tIl(~n for thrir want of ronfidcncc in God; :uld adtlr<br />

cssif~g thc -r,nl.d in prayer, Ile rtsl;c?d 1~11:it Be shoulcl clo.<br />

Thc Lord comnlnncleti him to strili~ R rock on thc side of<br />

Mount Roreb ivilh his rod. Mosos (lid so, nnd n etrcnm of<br />

yure watt?r burst frwth from thc rock, so that a11 the people<br />

and tl~c cattlc could cluench their tI~hst :tt will. At this tirne<br />

the Amalclritcsl ~~:lrcllc$ ngainsl tlie cllosc~l people. Moserr<br />

sent J(~suc! wit11 n number of pir:kc!tl ~nt?n against thcm. Ilnring<br />

thc hattla Rlascs prayed on tho top of thc hill. AS long<br />

as his linnds werc uplift.t:d, the 1sr:u:litc:s rcmninccl victorions ;<br />

but when, through f'a.tigic, hc Ict t.11cm sink, they lost. IIer~e<br />

Aaron ancI EIur n pllelcl his hands until the enemy was put to<br />

flight. I AMALEKITES (pr. Am'-a-lck-itos).

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